منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  UNIT 11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

   UNIT    11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNIT 11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز      UNIT    11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Emptyالأربعاء 18 أبريل 2012 - 19:50


finance (n / v) تمويل / موارد مالية (جمع) / يمول historical ذو قيمة تاريخية أو مرتبط بالتاريخ
lecturer مُحاضر object to (v) يعترض علي
assistant مساعد imprisonment الحبس / السجن
playwright كاتب مسرحي accuse of يتهم بـ
envious حسود fiancé خطيب
fiancée خطيبة recognize يتعرف علي
revenge الثأر / الانتقام / ينتقم treason الخيانة
victim ضحية historical story قصة تاريخية
historical novel رواية تاريخية poems قصائد
poetry الشعر poet شاعر
adventure stories قصص المغامرات newspaper article مقالة صحفية
employ يوظف contemporary معاصر
politician سياسي (الشخص) truth الحقيقة
novelist روائي captain قبطان
financial problems مشكلات مالية financial crisis أزمة مالية
count كونت (لقب أوروبي) countess كونتيسة
take revenge يثأر / ينتقم encounter يواجه
musketeer فارس guest ضيف
host مُضيف immediate success نجاح فوري
accurate دقيق accuracy دقة
unfortunately للأسف / لسوء الحظ channel قناة
technical problem مشكلة فنية nation أمة / دولة
nationality جنسية mathematician عالم رياضيات
diamond ماس cautious حَذِر
gestures إيماءات criticize ينقد
interrupt يقاطع (الحديث) orphan يتيم
niece بنت الأخ أو الأخت nephew ابن الأخ أو الأخت
father-in-law والد الزوج أو الزوجة mother-in-law والدة الزوج أو الزوجة
step father زوج الأم step mother زوجة الأب
widow أرملة widower أرمل
bride عروس bridegroom عريس
dowry مهر divorce طلاق
enthusiastic متحمس obedient مطيع
marine life الحياة البحرية ecology علم دراسة البيئة
multimedia الوسائط المتعددة preventive measures إجراءات وقائية
desertification التصحـر hazards مخاطر / أخطار
imminent danger خطر وشيك soil pollution تلوث التربة
deforestation إزالة الغابات convict يُدين / مُدان

Words and their antonyms:

obedient مطيع disobedient غير مطيع
employed (adj.) عامل unemployed عاطل
object يعترض approve/accept يوافق / يقبل
recognize يتعرف علي forget ينسي
treason الخيانة loyalty ولاء / إخلاص
bearable يمكن احتماله unbearable لا يمكن احتماله / لا يطاق
find يجد / يعثر علي lose يضيع
marry يتزوج divorce يطلق
happy سعيد gloomy حزين
sane عاقل insane مجنون
delay يؤخر advance يُقدم
single أعزب married متزوج
accuse يتهم acquit يبرئ
reward يكافأ punish يعاقب

Words and their synonyms:

treason الخيانة betrayal enemy عدو foe
object يعترض oppose accuse of يتهم بـ charge with
adolescent مراهق teenager revenge ينتقم avenge
beauty الجمال prettiness finally في النهاية ultimately
bear يحتمل endure behaviour سلوك conduct
amazing مدهش astounding successful ناجح prosperous
valuable قيم precious prison سجن jail
mad insane escape يهرب get away / run away
happy joyful victory نصر / انتصار triumph
recognize يتعرف علي identify cunning ماكر sly
worried nervy tax ضريبة levy

Prepositions and Expressions:

near to قريب من on the cover of the book علي غلاف الكتاب
work for someone يعمل لدي شخص a secretary to someone سكرتير
be jealous of غيور من be envious of حسود لـ
at the beginning of في بداية .. at the end of في نهاية
be sent to prison for life يُحكم عليه بالسجن المؤبد on his wedding day في يوم زفافه
escape from prison يهرب من السجن in recognition of اعترافا بـ / تقديرا لـ
in revenge for انتقاماَ لـ in different ways بطرق مختلفة
guilty of مذنب بـ innocent of بريء من
value friends يُقدر الأصدقاء get married to يتزوج من
rescue from ينقذ من share ideas with يتشارك في الأفكار مع
look up يبحث عن (معلومة) a lonely childhood طفولة وحيدة
inform of/about يخبر بـ / يبلغ بـ catch up with يساير / يواكب
objection to/against اعتراض علي get engaged to يخطب (فتاة)

Irregular Verbs:

learn/learnt/learnt يتعلم lose/lost/lost يفقد/ يضيع
lend/lent/lent يسلف make/made/made يصنع/ يجعل
let/let/let يدع/ يسمح mean/meant/meant يعني
lie/lay/lain يرقد/ ينام meet/met/met يقابل
light/lighted/lighted يضيء/ يشعل mislead/misled/misled يضلل


Verb Noun Adjective
finance يمول finance التمويل / مورد مالي financial مالي
recognize يتعرف علي recognition تعرف / اعتراف / تقدير recognizable يمكن التعرف عليه
object يعترض objection اعتراض objectionable محل اعتراض
accuse يتهم accusation اتهام the accused المتهم accusatory متضمن اتهام
escape يهرب escape هروب escaped هارب
bury يدفن burial دفن buried مدفون
sadden يُحزِن sadness حزن sad حزين
marry يتزوج marriage الزواج married متزوج
marital زواجي
fatten يسبب السمنة fatness السمنة fat سمين
envy يحسد envy الحسد envious حسود
enviable يُحسَد عليه

Words that go together

disturb the balance of nature يُحث خلل في توازن الطبيعة friendly countries الدول الصديقة
get the credit ينال التقدير والمديح international finance تمويل دولي
historical turning point نقطة تحول تاريخية give a lecture يُلقي محاضرة
on the ground that علي أساس أن be widely recognized معترف به علي نطاق واسع
a desire for revenge رغبة في الانتقام high treason الخيانة العظمي
innocent victims ضحايا أبرياء civilian victims ضحايا مدنيين
disaster victims ضحايا الكارثة financial reward مكافأة مالية
intimate friendship صداقة حميمة the spirit of friendship روح الصداقة
accuse unjustly يتهم ظلما comparatively cheap رخيص نسبيا
a reliable witness شاهد موثوق فيه severe punishment عقاب صارم
financial assistance مساعدة مالية be easy prey for يكون فريسة سهلة لـ

Read the following passage carefully:

At the beginning of the story, Edmond Dantes, the 19-year-old hero of The Count of Monte Cristo, is a happy, successful young man. He is a ship's captain and he is soon going to be married to his fiancée, Mercedes. However, some of Edmond's friends are envious of him and they write a letter accusing him of treason. Edmond is arrested on his wedding day and is sent to prison for life.

After Edmond has been in prison for a number of years, Mercedes marries another man. In prison, Edmond meets an old man called Faria, who teaches him about History and Science. He also tells Edmond that he can have the valuable treasure he has hidden on the island of Monte Cristo.
When Faria dies, Edmond escapes from prison, goes to Monte Cristo and finds the treasure. Now a wealthy man, he decides to use his new money to reward the people who have helped him and to punish his enemies.
He finds one of these enemies, Caderousse, who gives him the names of the others. Caderousse now regrets what he did and because of this, Edmond gives him a diamond. Then he finds Morrel, the ship-owner he had worked for, and helps him with his financial problems.
Ten years later, Edmond, who now calls himself the "Count of Monte Cristo", arrives in Paris. His old friends do not recognise him, but Edmond knows the people who were envious of him and begins his revenge. In different ways, Edmond punishes all the men who accused him of treason.
Finally, Edmond helps Maximillian Morrel, the son of the ship-owner, by rescuing his fiancée, Valentine from her cruel family. Edmond, too, finally finds happiness when he marries Haydee, the daughter of another Victim of his old enemies.


finances (n) the money that a person, company, etc., has
events, people, etc. that happened or existed in the past; based on events in the past; relating to the past
someone who teaches a group of people about a subject, especially at a university or college
object (v) to say that you do not like or approve of something
assistant someone who helps someone else to do their work by doing the less important jobs
imprisonment the fact of being put or kept in prison
playwright someone who writes plays
accuse to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal
envious wishing that you had something that someone else has, or that you could do something they do
fiancée the woman you have said officially that you are going to marry
recognise to know someone or something because you have seen them before
revenge something you do in order to punish someone who has harmed you
treason the crime of doing something that could cause great harm to your country or government, especially by helping its enemies
victim someone who has been hurt or killed by someone or something

Language Notes

۩ Be careful with + n.
۩ Be careful about (of) + what / how / when
۩ Be careful to+inf.
●Be careful with the glasses.
●Be careful of / about what you say to him.
●Be careful to look both ways when you cross the road.

۩ Be friendly with + someone صديق لـ
۩ Be friendly to/towards + someone يكون ودودا تجاه
●Are you friendly with Ahmed? = Are you his friend?
●Our neighbours have always been very friendly to us.

• لاحظ استخدام ضمائر الملكية his / hers / mine / ours / theirs / your بعد a friend of:
●Peter is a friend of mine.

۩ object to + n.
●He objected to his friends' accusations.
۩ object to + ing.
●He objected to having to rewrite the article.

•تستخدم so (بمعنى و كذلك) في الجمل المثبتة لتجنب التكرار وفي هذه الحالة يأتي بعدها الفعل المساعد حسب زمن الجملة ثم الفاعل:
•So + فعل مساعد + فاعل
• Ali plays tennis. • Ahmed plays tennis.
Ali plays tennis and so does Ahmed.
• She knew the answer. •They knew the answer.
She knew the answer and so did they.
• Peter can swim. • John can swim.
Peter can swim and so can John.
•وفي حالة الجمل المنفية تستخدم neither (بمعنى ولا) بنفس الطريقة:
•Neither + فعل مساعد + فاعل
• I didn't know the truth. She didn't know the truth.
I didn't know the truth and neither did she.
• He couldn't climb the mountain. They couldn't climb it.
He couldn't climb the mountain and neither could they.

۩ mention يذكر شيء (شفاهةَ أو كتابةَ) باختصار ۩ inform يخبر / يبلغ(عادة بطريقة رسمية)
●I mentioned the idea to John and he seemed to like it.
●We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.

۩ retire يتقاعد ۩ resign يستقيل
●Most people in Egypt retire at the age of 60.
●He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.

۩ custom عادة عامة ۩ habit عادة شخصية
●In Japan, the custom is to take off your shoes before you enter a house.
●I always buy the same brand of toothpaste just out of habit.

۩ alone بمفرده
۩ lonely لديه شعور بالوحدة لكونه بعيدا عن الآخرين ۩ only فقط / دون غيره
●She decided to climb the mountain alone.
●She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
● She was the only person to complain.

Suffixes: -ant / -ment مقاطع تضاف لنهاية الكلمات لتكوين الاسم

serve servant assist assistant attend attendant
account accountant complain complainant contest contestant
imprison imprisonment argue argument punish punishment
agree agreement move movement invest investment

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1. Famous artists sometimes had (participants - assistants – applicants – descendants) to help them.
2. Shakespeare is one of the world's most famous (playwrights – scenarists – adventurers – footballers)
3. My uncle works, as a maths (laborer – admirer – torturer – lecturer) at the university in Alexandria.
4. I really (refuse – disapprove – hate – object) to people using mobile phones in the library.
5. After five years' (imprisonment – investment – instrument – involvement), the criminal wanted to live as an honest man.
6. I'm very interested in the past. That's why I like (geographical - historical – archaeological – physical) novels.
7. Accountants help people with their (fiancées – fireplaces – fences – finances).
8. Some of Edmond's friends (blamed – charged – accused – counted) him of something he had not done.
9. They were (ambitious – anxious – infectious – envious) of him because he was happy and successful.
10. Edmond was planning to get married to his (fancies – fiancée – nominee – guarantee).
11. After he was arrested, Edmond was sent to prison (with – in - for – of) life.
12. Edmond escaped (at – into – about – from) prison and found Faria's hidden treasure.
13. Edmond objected (in - to – with – from) his friends' accusations.
14. Edmond (blamed – appointed – rescued – asked) Valentine from her cruel family.
15. I studied modern European (history – historian – historic – historical) at college.
16. He works as a (beneficial – superficial - financial - artificial) adviser to the prime minister.
17. She travelled widely in North America, (picturing – assuring – measuring – lecturing) on women's rights.
18. The army arrived to (assist – resist – insist – protest) in the search.
19. Her (injection – function - objection – instruction) to the plan is based on incorrect facts.
20. The children had a/an (argument – arrangement – armament - management) about who had won the race.
21. Staying late at school was his (reward – award – punishment - astonishment) for talking in class.
22. The politicians could not reach an/a (abandonment – agreement – achievement - attainment) on what to do next.
23. The (accumulation – accommodation – allocation – accusation) against Edmond was false.
24. The crime of being disloyal to your country is called (reason – treason – raisin – purpose).
25. To (cause – accomplish – accuse – account) means to say someone had done something wrong or illegal.
26. Something you do to punish someone who has harmed you is called (change – exchange – challenge – revenge).
27. To (recognize – memorize – authorize - theorize) means to know someone because you have seen them before.
28. Someone who has been hurt by someone or something is a/an (accused – judge – victim - prey).
29. Wishing you had something that someone else has means that you are (previous – impervious – envious - oblivious).
30. You shouldn't leave a child (only - alone – lonely – loneliness) in the house.
31. She (signed – designed - resigned – tired) from the government last week and she's going to set up her own business.
32. She's got an enormous amount of work to do and so (do – have – did – can) I.
33. Ahmed left just after midnight and (so did – neither did – so has – neither has) Peter.
34. She didn't know the answer and (so did I – neither didn't I – neither did I – so have I).
35. He was being very careful (of – at – in – with) the coffee so as not to spill it.
36. He strongly (objected – rejected – injected – joined) to the terms of the contract.
37. If she is guilty, she will be (imagined – imitated – improved – imprisoned) for at least six years.
38. I really (navy – envy – wavy - heavy ) you. You have so much money.
39. The man managed to escape (of – in – from – with) prison.
40. He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely (wealthy – filthy – sympathy – healthy) man.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- She refused to answer questions about her personal fences.
2- He has just finished reading a historian novel.
3- My uncle is a torturer in French literature at Cairo University.
4- The committee strongly injected to the report's recommendations.
5- They caused him without any proof.
6- Ahmed was infectious of Ali's success.
7- She is my divorcee. We are going to get married in October.
8- It was swine flu, but Dr. Peter hadn't economized the symptoms.
9- He took range on his employers by setting fire to the factory.
10- He was convicted of high season and sentenced to death.
11- Heart attack victors stand a better chance if they are treated immediately.
12- She helped me with my facial problems. She lent me a lot of money.
13- She stared at him without recession for a few seconds. Then she remembered him.
14- You've made a lot of accumulations but you haven't come up with any evidence to support them.
15- He has an excusable reputation as a heart surgeon. All his colleagues envy him.


The Past Perfect Tense

:had + PP يتكون من : •
1- يستخدم الماضي التام ليصف حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر في الماضي:
•When I got home, my mother had finished cooking.
= First my mother finished cooking. Then I arrived home.
Notice the difference between this pair of sentence:
•When I arrived at the station, the train left..
= I arrived, then the train left.
•When I arrived at the station, the train had left.
= The train left before I arrived.
2- يستخدم الماضي التام غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
after / before / when / as soon as / no sooner / till / until

After ماضي تام ماضي بسيط
As soon as

● As soon as I had seen her, I knew there was something wrong.
●After he had read the report, he went to bed.
•لاحظ أنه يمكن أيضا استخدام الماضي البسيط بدلا من الماضي التام بعد after/as soon as :
•As soon as I saw the robber, I tried to catch him.

•لاحظ أن after / before / when / as soon as يمكن أن تأتي في وسط الجملة أو بدايتها:

•Before he saw the film, he tidied/had tidied the room.
•He tidied / had tidied the room before he saw the film.
•لاحظ استخدام comma بين الجملتين إذا بدأت الجملة بالروابط السابقة:

After + فاعل + ماضي تام = Having + PP
After he had done = Having done

● He worked in a restaurant after he had left school.
Having left school, he worked in a restaurant.
● As soon as they had arrived, we phoned them.
Having arrived, we phoned them.
•في حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد after / before / when نستخدم v.+ing:

Before + v.+ing
•يمكن استخدام اسم بعد after / before:
● After his father's death, he left the country.
= After his father had died, he left the country.
• لاحظ استخدام by the time في الماضي:
By the time + ماضي بسيط ماضي تام

● The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.

•بصفة عامة عندما يكون الفعلان مع when في الماضي البسيط فان الفعل الذي يليها هو الذي حدث أولا:
● When the play ended, the audience went home.
● When he opened the window, the bird flew out.

•أحيانا تستخدم on بدلا من when ويأتي بعدها الفعل مضافا له : ing
● When she saw the snake, she screamed.
On seeing the snake, she screamed.

Before + ماضي بسيط ماضي تام

● First he passed the test. Then he got the licence.
Before he got the licence, he had passed the test.

•ماضي بسيط منفى + till / until ماضي تام

•تأتي till/ until في وسط الجملة و قبلها الماضي البسيط (غالبا منفي) و بعدها الماضي التام:

•Before he left, I had given him permission.
He didn’t leave until I had given him permission.
•After she had typed the letter, she posted it.
She didn’t post the letter until she had typed it.

•لا يكون الماضي البسيط قبل till/until دائما منفي بل قد تكون الجملة أحيانا مثبتة :
•He stayed in bed until half past nine.

• أحيانا يستخدم الماضي التام بعد because بشرط أن تكون الجملة في الماضي والحدث بعد because هو الذي حدث أولا:

•Because he had been in prison, employers were unwilling to offer him a job.
• He looked tired yesterday because he had slept badly the night before.
• Leila was late for school because the bus had broken down.
•He was angry because she had insulted him.

•يستخدم الماضي التام مع الكلمات الدالة علي المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضي بسيط:
for / ever / never / already / yet / just
 The film has already started. (present perfect)
•في الجملة السابقة استخدمنا المضارع التام لوجود فعل واحد مع already:

 The film had already started when I arrived. (past perfect)
• ولاحظ الفرق أيضا بين الجملتين الآتيتين:
The man sitting next to me on the plane is nervous. He has never flown before.
The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous. He had never flown before.

More Examples:
 When I met him, he hadn't finished his homework yet.
 When I arrived home, my father had just left.
 It was the best novel I had ever read.
 The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it yet.
•ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا في غير المباشر:
•She said she had seen the film the night before.

•وهذه الجملة كانت أصلا ماضي بسيط في المباشر وحولناه إلي الماضي التام في غير المباشر:
•She said, "I saw the film last night."
•لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام بعد By then ومعناها قبل ذلك الوقت:
•He arrived home at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, the rain had stopped.

•ويستخدم الماضي التام بعد wish للتعبير عن التمني في الماضي:
•I wish I had worked harder last year.
•ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا بعد if في الحالة الثالثة:
•If she hadn't called, I wouldn't have known.
•لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع التعبيرات الآتية:

It was only when + ماضي تام that + ماضي بسيط

•As soon as he had paid his debts, he left the town.
It was only when he had paid his debts that he left the town.

It wasn't until + ماضي تام that + ماضي بسيط

•She didn't leave until she had got permission
It wasn't until she had got permission that she left.
•لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام مع:

no sooner than
فاعل + had + hardly + PP when + ماضي بسيط
Scarcely when

 She left the house. She was run over by a car.
She had no sooner left the house than she was run over by a car.
 He entered the office. His boss shouted at him.
He had hardly entered the office when his boss shouted at him.
 إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى الكلمات السابقة ، تكون الجملة علي شكل سؤال:
She left the house. She was run over by a car.
No sooner had she left the house than she was run over by a car.
•وفي حالة المبني للمجهول نستخدم:
Had been + PP

•He said that he had cleaned the room.
He said that the room had been cleaned.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

•ويتكون من:
Had been + v+ing

•ويستخدم الماضي التام المستمر ليعبر عن حدث استمر لفترة في الماضي قبل وقوع حدث آخر ويستخدم عادة مع when/since / for/ all day / all weekend :

•ويأتي عادة مع أفعال يمكن أن تستغرق فترة طويلة مثل wait / do / study / live / work / stay / play / watch / sleep / paint / read / write / talk / run / walk / travel, ..etc:
I had been studying my lessons when suddenly I heard a loud noise.
He had been painting the wall when suddenly he fell off the ladder.
When I met him, he had been working for two hours.
They had been waiting for an hour before the train arrived.
What had he been doing when the accident happened?
He was tired because he had been working since dawn.
He was covered in paint. He had been painting the room since we left.
Our game of tennis was interrupted. We had been playing for an hour when it started to rain.

•لاحظ أن هناك أفعال لا تستخدم في الأزمنة المستمرة عموما ومنها الماضي التام المستمر (راجع الوحدة الأولي):
We were good friends. We had known each other for 10 years.
•ومن الخطأ استخدام الماضي التام المستمر في الجملة السابقة.
•كما لا يستخدم الماضي التام المستمر مع الأفعال التي لا تستغرق عادة فترة طويلة في حدوثها مثل break down / stop / close / open/ end / finish وفي هذه الحالة نستخدم الماضي التام:
She was late for the meeting because her car had broken down.
•إذا ذكرنا مرات حدوث الفعل لا يستخدم الماضي التام المستمر بل نستخدم الماضي التام:
When I met Ahmed, he had finished typing 3 reports.

Choose the correct answer:
1. There were floods because it (had been raining – has been raining – was raining – rains) for three days.
2. By the time he was 12, my brother (learnt – had learnt – has learnt – learns) 3 languages.
3. When I went to my friend's flat, she (already left – has already left – had already left) for school.
4. Last year, I spent a month in France. I (dream – had dreamt – has dreamt – was dreaming) of going there since I was a child.
5. Leila and her husband (move – have moved –moved – had been moving) into their own flat last weekend. Before that they had lived with Leila's parents.
6. My father retired last week. He (worked – has worked – has been working – had worked) for the same company all his life.
7. Karim fell asleep during the football match because he (had gone – has gone – was going – is going) to bed late the night before.
8. Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he (wasn't having – had not had – doesn't have – won't have) enough time to eat before it started.
9. Hassan (borrows – has borrowed – borrowed – was borrowing) money from Ali because he had left his money at home.
10. Adel asked which team was red because he (doesn't see – hasn't seen – can't see – had not seen) these teams before.
11. Jack knew Steve was at the match because Steve (had phoned – phones – was phoning – would phone) him before he went.
12. Paul (has looked – was looking - had been looking – looks) for work for over a year before he got a job.
13. By the time she (finishes - finished – has finished – was finishing) writing her report, she had drunk six cups of tea.
14. The little children's clothes (are – have been – were being – were) dirty because they had been playing in the park all day.
15. He (had been driving – was driving – drives – to drive) for only 3 weeks, so it is not surprising that he failed his driving test.
16. I went to the doctor's yesterday evening because I (have been feeling – was feeling - had been feeling – feel) ill for nearly a week.
17. When I got home, I was very tired. I (have been working – work – had been working – have worked) all day.
18. The town was flooded. It (has rained – had been raining – has been raining – rains) for 3 days.
19. After I (finish – have finished – had been finishing – had finished) my homework, I watched my favourite TV programme.
20. Before (wrote – writing – had written – has written) this novel, he had become famous as a playwright.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. After his father had died, the mother doesn't send her son to school.
2. By the time Ahmed was 20, his father has spent all his money.
3. He finds works as a secretary to someone who had been a friend of his father's.
4. They discovered that Dumas has been employing other people to write for him.
5. Before he wrote his novels, he has written plays.
6. His father probably died young because he has spent time in prison.
7. The man Dumas works for in Paris had known his father.
8. He was a successful writer when people realized that his books had written by other people.
9. Dumas checked what his assistants have written.
10. When he dies in 1870, his son had been looking after his finances for a few years.
11. When I saw him, he hasn't finished his work yet.
12. He didn't know the truth until he reads the newspaper.
13. No sooner he had left the building than it collapsed.
14. I was terribly afraid because I have never flown before.
15. The child was so exhausted because he has been playing all day.
Language Functions:

Offering Help Replies to Offers
Is there anything I can do to help? That's very kind of you.
Would you like me to…? Would you mind?
If you like, I could … for you. Thanks very much
Shall I …for you? That's great.
Let me … I'd really appreciate that. Thanks.

Test on Unit 11

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Your friend doesn't want to go to the station alone. You offer to go with him.
2- Your friend offers to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late. You appreciate that.
3- Your friend needs to carry some things to the car. You offer to help him.
4- An old lady can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?

2- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Next time I'll send you off.
B: Why?
A: For your deliberate fouls.

2- A: What's wrong with your dog?
B: It doesn't eat well and it rarely moves.
A: Well, let me examine it.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- The scientist said she needed a/an (assistant – contestant – descendant – ancestor) to help her with her experiment.
2- His (amazement – arrangement - imprisonment - disappointment) was on an island in the middle of a river.
3- When his grandfather was a boy, he worked as a (arrogant – brilliant – giant - servant) for a rich man.
4- After the earthquake, the village was not (recognizable – advisable – achievable – countable).
5- Some of his (adventurers – admirers - accusers – astronomers) were his best friends. That's why he was so disappointed.
6- My little brother looked with (scurvy – envy – nervy – levy) at my new computer game.
7- She is so clever that she is in the (bearable – believable – curable – enviable) situation of being able to choose her university.
8- He looked at the old man with no sign of (addition – adoption – recognition – ambition).
9- By the time they arrived, all the preparations (had made – had been made – have been made – have made).
10- After doing the shopping, they (had started – start – started – have started) to prepare the meal.
11- I (had no sooner got – have got no sooner – have no sooner got – no sooner got) to work than the phone rang.
12- His hands were dirty because he (have been working – works – was working - had been working) in the garden all day.
13- Last winter, they (were going – went – have gone – have been) skiing every weekend.
14- He (works – has worked – had been working - was working) there for 2 years when he moved offices.
15- The old house (hasn't been painted - hasn't been painting – hadn't painted – was painting) for years.
16- He (was talking – has been talking – is talking - had been talking) to his friend for several minutes when his brother arrived.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- The family had finished eating before we had arrived.
2- We were working for 3 hours when the storm began.
3- He was sad because his grandfather leaves him nothing in his will.
4- He is a playmate. He writes plays.
5- He faces life investment for his role in the murder.
6- They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine fictions.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions: (June, 2004)
Psychologists have been coming up with lots of theories about motivation. They have been busy answering questions on what it is, where it comes from and why some people suffer from a lack of it while others have far too much of it.
The most obvious place one needs to be motivated is the workplace. Most of us are motivated to succeed at work. Professor Cooper found that a large percentage of successful people had lost a parent, been left by a parent or suffered other tragic loss before the age of eighteen. Cooper claimed that their reason for seeking success is not to achieve power over others, but to gain control over what is happening in their lives.
Here are some tips to help boost your motivation. Firstly, eat well and exercise. A fat stomach is not going to make you very energetic. Secondly, it is useful to define your goals by writing them down. Thirdly, hang around positive people. If the people you spend your free time with are constantly complaining about life, maybe it’s better you looked for new companions. Sleep well and take breaks and holidays. By putting these ideas into practice, you will enjoy higher levels of motivation and a better quality of life.

A. Answer the following questions:
1-Do people, according to psychologists, have similar levels of motivation for success? Explain.
2-According to the text, where do people most likely want to achieve success?
3-Why do people who suffered in their childhood seek success?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-According to research by Professor Cooper, a huge number of successful people -------------.
a) had good parents. b) had suffered the loss of a loved one in childhood.
c) were orphans. d) wanted to have power over other people.
5-What helps people determine what they would like to achieve?
a) eating well and exercising. b) spending time with positive people.
c) sleeping well. d) making a note of it.

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated هاجرت to New York city when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught at school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea.
Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did Elizabeth Blackwell earn money for her tuition?
2- Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?
3- What are the “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Elizabeth Blackwell emigrated to New York City in ……………………. .
a) 1821 b) 1831 c)1849 d)1857
5- The main obstacle that almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming a doctor was that ……………. .
a) she was a woman b) she wrote too many letter
c) she couldn’t graduate from medical school d) she couldn’t establish her hospital.

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (June, 2004)
"The continuous rise in prices has become a national problem for most Egyptian families"
Write about: the reasons for the increase in prices and the role the government plays in controlling the market.

9- A)Translate into Arabic: (June, 2004)
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being, he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.

B) Translate into English:

1- يجب أن نستخدم التكنولوجيا الحديثة في جميع مجالات الحياة وخاصة الإنتاج.
2- إن مستقبل الحياة علي الأرض يتوقف علي نجاح الجهود التي نبذلها للتخلص من التلوث البيئي.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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UNIT 11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
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»  UNIT 2 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 18 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 3 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 4 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 6 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

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