منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  UNIT 9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

   UNIT    9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNIT 9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز      UNIT    9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Emptyالأربعاء 18 أبريل 2012 - 19:39



geyser نبع ماء حار / سخان مياه volcano بركان
wave موجة electrical storm عاصفة كهربائية
absorb يمتص absorption امتصاص
eclipse كسوف/خسوف harmful ضار
sight البصر ultraviolet rays الأشعة فوق البنفسجية
cause يسبب / سبب drought الجفاف
lightning البرق northern شمالي
occur يحدث / يوجد phenomenon ظاهرة
rainfall سقوط الأمطار southern جنوبي
wavy متموج solar eclipse كسوف الشمس
lunar eclipse خسوف القمر distance مسافة / بعد
temperature درجة الحرارة safely بأمان
sunglasses نظارة شمسية powers of nature قوي الطبيعة
weather forecast النشرة الجوية occurrence حدوث
giant ضخم / عملاق weather experts خبراء الطقس
little ice age العصر الجليدي الأصغر windy عاصف / مليء بالرياح
sunny مشمس rainy ممطر
stormy عاصف Antarctica منطقة القطب الجنوبي
extreme weather طقس متطرف storm chaser مطارد الرياح
definitely بالتأكيد clear night ليلة صافية
star نجم planet كوكب
galaxy مجرة meteorite نيزك / شهاب
comet مُذَنَب astronomy علم الفلك
blow تهُب / ينفخ atmosphere الغلاف الجوي
atmospheric pressure الضغط الجوي erupt يثور
scientific data معلومات علمية scientific evidence دليل علمي
collect data يجمع معلومات predictable يمكن التنبؤ به
evidence دليل head for يتجه الي
barrier حاجز the Cairo Tower برج القاهرة
observatory مرصد meteorology علم الأرصاد الجوية
meteorologist عالم أرصاد جوية radiation الإشعاع
arid جاف human beings البشر
degree centigrade درجة مئوية drown يغرق
surfing التزلج علي الماء snow storm عاصفة ثلجية
tornado زوبعة sandstorm عاصفة رملية
heat wave موجة حارة hurricane إعصار (مصحوب ببرق ورعد ومطر)
phenomenal غير عادي / استثنائي phenomenally بشكل غير عادي
phenomena ظواهر (جمع ظاهرة) ball lightning برق علي شكل كرة
average wind speed متوسط سرعة الرياح around حوالي
benefit يُفيد / يستفيد agricultural land أرض زراعية
farm land أرض زراعية fertile land أرض خصبة
crossing places أماكن عبور thick mud طمي سميك
annual flooding الفيضان السنوي artificial fertilizers أسمدة صناعية
population السكان irrigate يروي
irrigation الري available for متاح أو متوافر لـ
tide المد والجزر various = different مُختَلَف
wind chaser مطارد الرياح

Words and their antonyms:

extreme متطرف mild / moderate معتدل
strange غريب ordinary / familiar عادي / مألوف
specific محدد general عام
accept يقبل reject يرفض
afraid خائف unafraid / brave غير خائف / شجاع
incredible لا يُصدَق believable يمكن تصديقه
rare نادر common شائع
strong قوي weak ضعيف
forbid يمنع allow يسمح
failure الفشل success النجاح
proud متكبر humble / modest متواضع
puzzling مُحَير clear واضح
precise دقيق imprecise غير دقيق
productive منتج unproductive غير منتج
Words and their synonyms:

cause result in / lead to / bring about safe secure
effect influence / impact definite certain
predict forecast / foresee surprise startle / astonish
strange odd/weird/bizarre giant huge/massive/gigantic/immense
terrible awful/horrible important significant
disappear vanish flood overflow
age era occur come about / happen

Prepositions and Expressions:

at the sight of عند رؤية come into sight يظهر
catch sight of يلمح life on earth الحياة علي الأرض
disappear beneath the sea يختفي تحت البحر a clap of thunder قصف الرعد
put their lives in danger تضع حياتهم في خطر there's nothing wrong with ليست هناك مشكلة في
take in liquid يمتص السائل look straight at ينظر مباشرة إلي
have problems with لديه مشاكل في get too near to يقترب أكثر من اللازم من
fall on the earth يسقط علي كوكب الأرض stay on the surface يظل علي السطح
block out/off the light يحجب الضوء ask for trouble يُعرض نفسه للمتاعب
definitely not بالتأكيد لا be out for لديه النية لعمل شيء
from time to time أحيانا / من حين لآخر open to the public مفتوح للجمهور
have a temperature حرارته مرتفعة take the temperature يقيس درجة الحرارة
active volcano بركان نشِط dormant volcano بركان ساكن أو متقطع الثوران
extinct volcano بركان خامد a flash of lightning وميض البرق
in a southerly direction في اتجاه الجنوب in a northerly direction في اتجاه الشمال
in a westerly direction في اتجاه الغرب in an easterly direction في اتجاه الشرق
with lightning speed بسرعة البرق lift people off their feet ترفع الناس من علي الأرض (نتيجة الرياح الشديدة)
export to يُصدر إلي import from يستورد من
swim against the tide يسير عكس التيار a talented person شخص موهوب

Irregular Verbs:

get/got/got يحصل علي hang/hanged/hanged يشنق
give/gave/given يعطي have/had/had يمتلك
go/went/gone يذهب hear/heard/heard يسمع
grind/ground/ground يطحن hide/hid/hidden يختبئ
hang/hung/hung يعلق hit/hit/hit يضرب


Verb Noun Adj.
harm يضر harm ضرر harmful ضار
absorb يمتص absorption امتصاص absorbent ماص
enable يُمَكِن ability قدرة / استطاعة able قادر
economize يقتصد economy الاقتصاد economic اقتصادي
economical موفر
volcano بركان volcanic بركاني
see يري sight البصر
develop يُطور / ينمي development تطور / تنمية developed متطور / متقدم
reduce يقلل reduction تخفيض / تقليل reduced مُخَفَض
forecast يتنبأ بـ forecast تنبؤ

Words that go together

celestial body جُرم سماوي planetary motion حركة الكواكب
social problems مشكلات اجتماعية a source of relief مصدر ارتياح
family budget ميزانية الأسرة scientific progress التقدم العلمي
hard currency العملة الصعبة weapons of mass destruction أسلحة الدمار الشامل
scientific revolution ثورة علمية elderly people كبار السن
have priority over له الأولوية علي cost of living تكلفة المعيشة
harmful emissions انبعاثات ضارة withstand drought يتحمل الجفاف
widespread phenomenon ظاهرة منتشرة natural aptitude استعداد طبيعي
natural phenomenon ظاهرة طبيعية detrimental effect أثر ضار
enormous damage أضرار هائلة cause addiction يسبب الإدمان
heavy rain مطر غزير vitamin deficiency نقص الفيتامينات
high waves أمواج عالية strong wind رياح عاتية
violent storm عاصفة عنيفة rough sea بحر هائج
social phenomenon ظاهرة اجتماعية historical phenomenon ظاهرة تاريخية

Read the following passage carefully:

Unusual weather
For most people, the word weather means the sun, rain, wind or snow. If you live in southern Europe or Africa, you know that temperatures are higher and there is less rain than if you live in northern Europe or Canada. It is unusual for a weather forecast to surprise us.

However, strange weather can occur all over the world. For example, people have seen giant pieces of ice falling from the sky. And what would you think if you saw a ball of light as big as a football on a plane, or floating through your home? Weather experts call these balls ball lightning.

Some storms are very unusual and may cause terrible damage. The English town of Dunwich was once an important port, but in the fourteenth century, high waves and violent storms hit the area and most of the town disappeared beneath the sea. The worst storm in Britain killed more than 8000 people in 1703. The worst flood in history was in 1887 in China when the Yellow River flooded and killed around a million people.

Unusual weather is becoming more common, with very high or low temperatures and very heavy rainfall all over the world. This causes serious droughts in some places and floods in others. However, this is not a modern phenomenon: in Europe in the eighteenth century, there was a Little Ice Age when rivers like the River Thames in England froze.

What will happen to our weather in the future? No one really knows, but one day ‘unusual’ weather may not be unusual anymore.


absorb if something absorbs liquid, heat, etc., it takes in the liquid, heat, etc., through its surface
eclipse (n) when the sun or the moon seems to disappear, because one of them is passing between the other one and the Earth
harmful causing harm
geyser a hole in the earth from which hot water and steam can suddenly rise
sight (n) the ability to see
ultraviolet rays light which can make people's skin become darker
cause (v) to make something happen
drought a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water
lightning (n) a bright flash of electrical light in the sky during a storm
northern in or from the north part of a country or area
occur to happen, especially without being planned first
phenomenon something that happens or exists, especially something that is unusual or difficult to understand
rainfall the amount of rain that falls on an area in a particular period of time
southern in or from the south part of a country or area

Language Notes

۩Sight البصر ● He lost his sight when he was 5 years old.
۩Sight (v) يتمكن من رؤية شيء من بعيد ● After two months at sea, the sailors sighted land.
۩Sights المعالم الهامة التي تستحق الزيارة ● If you come to London, I'll show you the sights.

•wearيلبس / يكون مرتديا .. ( + مفعول . )
• تستخدم wearلوصف عادة أو مظهر الشخص:
• He was wearing his best suit at the party.
• Policemen usually wear a uniform.
• We wear light clothes in summer.
• put onيقوم بارتداء .. ( + مفعول . )
• Put on your coat – it’s cold.
• She put on her uniform and went to school.
• Hurry up. Put on your shoes. We are late for school.
• dress يلبس (I) = get dressed (بدون مفعول )
• She always dresses fashionably.
•لاحظ انه في حالة وجود مفعول بعد dress يختلف المعني:
• Can you dress the kids for me? يساعد شخص علي ارتداء ملابسه
•be dressed in يكون مرتديا (بعدها مفعول) = be wearing
• He was dressed in a black suit. = He was wearing a black suit.

۩ The reason why + جملة
۩ The reason for + n. / V+ ing
•The reason why he came late was that he missed the bus.
•The reason for his absence was that he was ill.
۩ cause + n يسبب ۩ cause + to +inf يسبب
•The fire caused a lot of damage.
•What caused you to change your mind?
۩ cause of + n سبب
•The cause of the fire is still unknown.

۩ Appear + Adj. يبدو ۩ Appear + Adv. يظهر
•The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.
•A man appeared suddenly from behind a tree.

۩ listen / see / watch / hear + inf. / V+ing
•Giant pieces of ice have been seen falling from the sky.
•I watched him go, then went home.

۩ Go + Adj. = become + Adj. •go dark/mad/blind/deaf/dumb
•The idea of going grey doesn't bother تزعج / تضايقme, but I'd hate to go bald. أصلع
•If anything goes wrong, just call me.

•لاحظ استخدام الفعل المساعد do قبل فعل الجملة للتأكيد علي حدوث الفعل ويستخدم في المضارع البسيط والماضي البسيط فقط:
•We do have a lot of information about the sun.
•He did ask me for money.
•لاحظ استخدام on earth بعد بعض أدوات الاستفهام لتعبر عادة عن الدهشة أو الغضب:

•What on earth did you do that for?
•How on earth can the moon block out the sun's light?
•Why on earth didn't you tell me before?

•تستخدم الكلمات northern / southern / eastern / western قبل اسم الدولة أو المنطقة:
•This city is located in northern Spain. = in the north of
•He lived for a few years in southern France. = in the south of

•تستخدم الكلمات westerly / southerly / northerly / easterly قبل كلمة direction أو لتدل علي اتجاه الرياح :
•A westerly wind comes from the west.
•They walked in a southerly direction.

•لاحظ شكل الصفات التالية في المقارنة و التفضيل:
Windy / windier / windiest stormy / stormier / stormiest
Sunny / sunnier / sunniest rainy / rainier / rainiest

Words often confused:

۩ drought الجفاف ۩ draught. (= draft) تيار هواء بارد
•This year, a severe drought has ruined the crops.
•Can you close the door? There's an awful draught in here.

۩ Lighting الإضاءة ۩ Lightning البرق
•Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.
•That tree was struck by lightning.

۩ economic اقتصادي ۩ economical موفر
•Economic growth in Egypt is slow.
•A small car is more economical than a big one.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1. The best thing about our holiday to Iceland was our visit to see the (geyser - gear – grease – goose)
2. If it rains so hard that the soil cannot (include – consist – absorb - develop) water quickly enough, there are floods.
3. When there is a/an (tips – eclipse – lips - drips), of the sun, everything goes dark and the birds stop singing.
4. You cannot see ultraviolet (pays – trays - rays – lays), but they can still damage your skin.
5. She does not need to wear glasses. There is nothing wrong with her (sight – hearing – feeling - head).
6. Scientists are not sure what causes volcanoes to (adapt – adopt – erupt - corrupt).
7. Greece and Spain are in (south – southern – southerly – the south) Europe.
8. An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural (phenomenon – photocopy – photocell - phobia).
9. Storms can (behave – favour – disturb - occur) at any time and in any place.
10. It has not rained here for five months. It is the longest (doubt – draught – drought - drift) anyone can remember.
11. When I was a child, I used to be afraid of storms. I covered my eyes so that I could not see the (tightening – sighting – lighting - lightning).
12. Alexandria is in the (north – northern – northerly - westerly) of Egypt.
13. Electrical storms are a common (assurance – clearance – occurrence - disappearance) in our part of the country.
14. These trees have grown (centrally – phenomenally – classically - critically) tall in the last two years.
15. Where we live, the wind usually blows in a (southerly – south – west - east) direction.
16. Very (wide – broad - high – big) temperatures can make people ill.
17. The city was destroyed by high waves and (cruel – violent – unkind – aggressive) storms.
18. Storms can cause (curious - serious – strong - high) damage.
19. (Important – Strong – Heavy - Rich) rain and strong winds destroyed buildings all over the country.
20. Denmark is in (north – northern – northerly) Europe.
21. To (cause – reason – occur – take place) means to make something happen.
22. A (fright – bright – delight - drought) is a long period of no rain.
23. (Lighting – Lightning – Shining - Beaming) is the light you see during an electrical storm.
24. A (phrase – phase – phenomenon - praise) is something unusual that happens.
25. (Northern – Southern – Western - Eastern) means in or from the north part of a country or area.
26. (Fight – Night – Light - Sight) is the ability to see.
27. A (geyser – pond – lake - ocean) is a hole in the earth from which hot water can rise.
28. (Ultrasonic - Ultraviolet – extra violet – violet)rays means light which can make people's skin go darker.
29. A/An(storm – drought – darkness - Eclipse) occurs when the sun or moon seems to disappear, because one of them is passing between the other and the Earth.
30. The earthquake (resulted – caused – prevented - avoided) millions of people to abandon their homes.
31. Sugar (occurs – happens – takes place – finds) naturally in fruit.
32. Why on (the earth – the ground – floor – earth) are you shouting at me?
33. They drove their car in an easterly (direction – deduction – production – connection).
34. The ultraviolet rays cause the skin to (bring – come – go - lose) darker.
35. The two boys have been seen (heading – headed – to head - heads) for the beach.
36. He began to lose his (sight – sights – nights – fights) six years ago.
37. I (put on – wear - dress – put off) the kids before I go to work.
38. Central Africa is suffering one of the worst (droughts – days – weeks – months) of the century. There is almost no rain there.
39. The very cold weather caused the river (frozen – freezing - to freeze - freezes)
40. I (do – am doing – have done – had done) believe in hard work as the only road to success.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Droughts and heavy rainfall are not a modern phenomena
2- The river floated and killed thousands of people.
3- Strange weather can occurrence all over the world.
4- The city disappeared above the sea.
5- The most windy place in the world is Port Martin in Antarctica.
6- The wind was so strong that it lifted people on their feet.
7- Storm eaters are people who find and follow storms.
8- Extremely weather conditions affect people badly.
9- Why on land did you leave the gate open?
10- Some African countries are suffering from starvation and draught.
11- His illness caused him missing the meeting.
12- When there is heavy rain, the earth cannot disturb all the water.
13- If your site is poor, you should not drive a car.
14- On Wednesday, there will be a partial clips of the sun.
15- The play had excellent lightning effects.

Conditional If

1) First & Zero Conditionals:
(See unit 6)

2) Second Conditional

If + Past simple would/could/might + inf.

• تعبر الحالة الثانية عن موقف غير محتمل حدوثه أو شيء مناقض للواقع و تستخدم في حالة وجود مضارع بسيط :
• If I knew his e-mail address, I’d send him an e-mail.

• I stay up late. I can’t get up early in the morning.
= If I didn't stay up late, I'd get up early in the morning.

• He lives near me. . We see each other so often.
= If he didn't live near me, we wouldn't see each other so often.
• يمكن أن تعبر الحالة الثانية أحيانا عن شيء مستحيل أو شيء مناقض للواقع:
• If I were ten years younger, I'd go mountaineering.
• If I were a bird, I'd fly.
• لاحظ عكس الجملة في الإثبات و النفي:
• He doesn’t work harder, so he doesn't earn enough money.
= He would earn enough money if he worked harder.
•لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام was/were مع I/he/she/it مع ملاحظة أن were هي الأكثر استخداما ومع كل الضمائر الجمع والمفرد:
• If I was/were offered a ticket, I’d take it.

• She isn’t a scientist. She can’t do experiments.
= If she was/were a scientist, she could do experiments.

• في حالة استخدام so أو because بدلا من if تعود الجملة إلي ما كانت عليه قبل استخدام if:
• If he didn't eat so much, he wouldn't often get sick.
He eats too much, so he often gets sick.
He often gets sick because he eats too much.
• عندما تبدأ الجملة بـ were يأتي بعدها : to+inf.
• If he knew the address, he would give it to me.
= Were he to know the address, he would give it to me.
• وإذا كانت were موجودة أصلا في الجملة تأتي مكان if:
• If I were rich, I would help poor people.
= Were I rich, I would help poor people.
• بدلا من If ..not في الحالة الثانية نستخدم:

But for + n. / v+ing would + inf.
If it weren’t for

• Without his encouragement, I would fail.
= If it weren’t for his encouragement, I would fail.
•لاحظ صيغة السؤال
• What would you do if you saw someone robbing your house?
• تستخدم هذه الحالة للتعبير عن النصيحة:
• You should expand your business.
If I were you, I’d expand my business.
•لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام التركيب التالي في الحالة الأولى و الثانية بدلا من If :

Should + فاعل + inf.

• If he takes more exercise, he may feel better.
Should he take more exercise, he may feel better.

3) Third Conditional

If + Past perfect (had + PP.) (would/could/might) have + PP.

•تستخدم الحالة الثالثة في حالة وجود جملتين في الماضي البسيط ، مع عكس الجملة في الإثبات والنفي
• I didn't know you were in hospital. I didn't go to see you.
= If I had known you were in hospital, I'd have gone to see you.

• لاحظ استخدام might في حالة وجود perhaps
• He had no friends. Perhaps that’s why he felt lonely.
If he had had friends, he might not have felt lonely.
• الحالة الثالثة تعبر عن مواقف مستحيلة لأنها لم تحدث
• He didn't see me. He didn't say hello.
If he had seen me, he would have said hello.
• يمكن أن تأتي Had بدلا من if :
• If he had followed the instructions, the machine wouldn't have stopped.
Had he followed the instructions, the machine wouldn't have stopped.
• يمكن أن تأتي if في منتصف الجملة في جميع الحالات:
• He didn’t travel to New York, so he didn’t see the Statue of Liberty.
He would have seen the Statue of Liberty if he had travelled to New York.
• عند استخدام so أو because تعود جملة if إلى أصلها:
• If he had been honest, he wouldn't have lied to her.
= He lied to her because he wasn’t honest. = He wasn't honest, so he lied to her.
•بدلا من If في الحالة الثالثة نستخدم:

But for + n. / v+ing would have + PP.
If it hadn’t been for

•Without his assistance, I would have lost my job. (If it…)
If it hadn’t been for his assistance, I would have lost my job.
•لاحظ استخدام in case of بدلا من if
In case of + n. / (V+ing)

• If he arrives tomorrow, we’ll meet him.
In case of his arrival tomorrow, we’ll meet him.
In case of his arriving tomorrow, we’ll meet him.

•لاحظ أن unless تنطبق عليها نفس حالات if
Unless = If…not

• This food tastes bad. There is too much salt in it.
If there wasn't / weren't too much salt in this food, it wouldn't taste bad.
Unless there was / were too much salt in this food, it wouldn't taste bad.
• He was careful. He didn't have an accident.
= If he hadn't been careful, he would have had an accident.
= Unless he had been careful, he would have had an accident.

Choose the correct answer:
1. (Unless – If – Without – But for) I had gone to England, I would have met my pen friend.
2. (If – Unless – In case of – Without) we didn't get heat and light from the sun, there would be no life on Earth.
3. If you (take – took – had taken – takes) the temperature at the sun's centre, you'd find it was 15 million degrees.
4. If you look at the sun, you (would – will – would have – might have) damage your sight.
5. (Would it be – Could it be – Is it – Was it) OK if you look at the sun wearing sunglasses?
6. If he hadn't looked at the sun, he (won't have – will have – wouldn't have – would have) damaged his sight.
7. If it hadn't rained so heavily, we (would have – have – have had – wouldn't have had) floods.
8. I would go to the moon if I (am asked – were asked – have been asked – had been asked).
9. If it (is – were – had been – was) very hot tomorrow, we will not go to the beach.
10. People who live near volcanoes leave home if they (erupted – had erupted – would erupt – erupt).
11. If I were you, I (shall – would – can – may) listen to the weather forecast before deciding where to go tomorrow.
12. If the storm had reached the city, houses and shops (would have destroyed – would be destroyed – would have been destroyed – will be destroyed).
13. What (happens – would happen – would have happened – will happen) if a huge storm hit the coast of Egypt?
14. If there (had been – were – are – have been) clouds in the sky tonight, you will not be able to see the moon.
15. If it had been an eclipse, the sky (would have gone – will go – might go – should go) dark.
16. If I (had discovered – discovered – discover – have discovered) a planet, I would give it my aunt's name.
17. (Unless – Without – If – In case of) there was an eclipse of the sun in my country, I would definitely watch it.
18. (Were – If – In case of – Unless) you watch the sky on a clear night, you can see stars and planets.
19. If you wear a hat, your face (won't get – wouldn't get – wouldn't have got – should have got) burnt.
20. It is better for your eyes (without – in case of – were – if) you wear glasses.
21. (If – Unless – Should – Had) you hadn't spent so long in the sun, you wouldn't have got burnt.
22. If it's warm and sunny tomorrow, I (go – might go – would have gone – will go) swimming.
23. What (will happen – would happen – might have happened – happened) if the volcano erupted?
24. What would have happened if there (was – were – have been – had been) a flood here?
25. If the storm (reach – reached – had reached – reaches) our area, trees will be blown down and houses will be damaged.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- If the volcano erupted yesterday, most people would have left their homes.
2- In case of the flood had been here, houses would have been damaged.
3- If I haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
4- I'll call you if I needed any help.
5- If there hadn't been a doctor on the train yesterday, the man would die.
6- If his father hadn't help him, his business will fail.
7- Unless she had been absent from school last week, she will understand the lesson.
8- If she were honest, she will do her job well.
9- If he were a lawyer, he helps me.
10- Had he seen the signal, he wouldn't make that accident.
11- If you heat ice, it would turn to water.
12- If you didn't like this shirt, I'll bring you another.
13- Unless I had had a quiet room, I won't be able to do any work.
14- In case of I find your passport, I'll telephone you at once.
15- If I realize it was such a long way, I would have taken a taxi.

Language Functions:

Asking for an explanation Giving an explanation
Can you explain why…? Let me explain.
Do you know how…? I'll try and explain.
I'd like to know how…? Here's what happens.
How on earth…? What happens is that..
Could you tell me how/why…? I'll explain that to you.

Study the following:
A: How on earth do floods occur so quickly?
B: Here's what happens. If a lot of rain falls in a short time, the soil can't absorb it all and the water
stays on the surface of the land.

A: Can you explain why cities sometimes flood?
B: I'll try and explain. It's usually when there's a river in or near the city. Water runs off the land
into the river and the river becomes too full. The water then runs into the city.

Test on Unit 9

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Someone says that reading books is a waste of time. Disagree, giving a reason.
2- A friend asks you what you think about the last football World Cup matches.
3- Someone asks you where your friend Ali is. You are almost certain he is on holiday.
4- A friend suggests that you go on a picnic together. Suggest something else.

2- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: How often should I water this plant?
B: This is a house plant. It should be watered every 2 weeks.
A: How much is it?
B: Twenty pounds.

2- A: Drop me off here, please. How much do you want?
B: It's seven pounds on the meter.
A: Here you are.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- If you (walk – are walking – walked – had walked) all the way, it would take about 3 hours.
2- I would go to the beach if it (is – had been – is being – were) summer.
3- I (watch – would watch – would have watched – watched) the football match if they showed it on TV.
4- If I (were – had been – am – were being) you, I'd listen to the weather forecast before going for a picnic.
5- If you had not phoned, I (won't know – wouldn't know – wouldn't have known) you were back from your holiday.
6- If I (don't go – hadn't gone – didn't go – hasn't gone) to that school, I wouldn't have met you.
7- If it had continued raining, the town (would have flooded – would flood – will flood – might flood).
8- If he (is – were – had been – was) taller, he would have been a basketball player.
9- It should be snowing now according to the (climate – weather – air – atmosphere) forecast.
10- Some storms are very unusual and may (result – reason – cause – find) terrible damage.
11- The report (forecasts – casts – coasts – costs) that prices will rise by 3% next month.
12- A violent storm (fit – hit – met – set) the area and destroyed some houses.
13- There has been below average (rainbow – raincoat – rainforest – rainfall) this month.
14- The sea flooded and killed (round – above – around – beneath) 2000 people.
15- Unusual weather is becoming more common with very (high – wide – strong – big) or low temperatures.
16- The worst flood in (geography – history – chemistry – biology) occurred in China in 1887.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- If she had listened to my directions last night, she wouldn't turn down the wrong street.
2- In case of I had a degree, I could get a job easily.
3- If she is late, we are going without her.
4- When exactly did the accident concur?
5- If the draught continues, there is going to be a famine.
6- There was a violent storm with thunder and lighting.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions: (June, 2005)
Today, many people use natural ways to cure illnesses that don’t cause side effects. “Acupuncture” and “biofeedback” are two popular methods. Doctors have been using acupuncture in China for over two thousand years. It involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that they were connected to different organs and could cure diseases.
Today, “acupuncture” is used in many countries, and studies show that it works especially for headaches, backaches and smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain. Scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called “endorphin” that helps to reduce the feeling of pain.
Another natural way to cure illnesses is “biofeedback”. It uses technology to help people control their internal organs. For example, if a person has problems with sleeping, he/she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then is asked to do some mental exercises to relax. When the brain activity falls and the person is relaxed, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercises can help him/her to reduce the activity of the brain.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why do many people prefer acupuncture and biofeedback to cure diseases?
2- How do doctors use acupuncture in operations?
3- Biofeedback uses technology to help people control their internal organs. Explain.

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-Endorphin------------------the feeling of pain.
a) increases b) grows c) decreases d) expands
5-A person who has problems with sleeping is connected to a special computer to------------.
a) do written exercises b) show the activity of the brain
c) try to relax d) do mental exercises

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically and mentally, so reducing stress is something that we should all try to do. While many people feel that the best way to get rid of stress is some form of exercise, there are other ways which are just as effective.
The benefits of physical exercise are obvious. First of all, keeping fit helps your body stay strong and healthy. Therefore you are less likely to get sick or suffer from stress – related health problems such as heart attacks and cancer. Furthermore, exercise is a good way to get rid of frustration and anger, because after exercise the brain produce hormones called endorphins which make us feel good.
On the other hand, if you are out of shape, exercise can be quite painful. You may pull a muscle or injure yourself. Furthermore, exercising may even cause more stress since it will add to your already hectic schedule.
In conclusion, the best way to combat stress in our lives is to live a healthy life. As James Freeman Clark says, "Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well".
A. Answer the following questions:
1- How can we avoid stress-related health problems?
2- Find words in the passage which mean: a) clear b) very busy
3- What does the underlined word it refer to?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4- According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true:
a) Endorphins are produced after exercise.
b) Exercise has mental and physical benefits.
c) People who are under stress need exercise.
d) Taking exercise makes you wealthy.
5- Endorphins can make you feel (lazy – very tired – energetic – unhappy).

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (June, 2005)
"Computers in society?"
Write about the different areas in which we use computers.

9- A)Translate into Arabic: (June, 2000)
Some scientists have found that people are more likely to catch a cold when they are unhappy or under stress. This is because the immune system is less efficient when we are worried. Doctors have also found out that people with mild colds get better if the doctor is kind.

B) Translate into English:

1- تُنشأ المكتبات العامة في كل مكان لتشجيع أفراد الأسرة علي القراءة.
2- يقاس تقدم الأمم بمدي اهتمامها بقضايا البيئة علي مختلف أنواعها.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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UNIT 9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
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 مواضيع مماثلة
»  UNIT 1 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الثانوى شرح مميز
»  UNIT 17 الصف الثالث الثانوى لفة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 2 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 18 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 3 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

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