منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد   Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 18:11

Unit 1
The World of Work
Air conditioning نظام تكييف الهواء Civil engineer مهندس مدنى
Delegation وفد Grandchild حفيد
Research بحث Uniform زى رسمى
Operation عملية (جراحية) Surgeon جراح
Qualify يدرب /يؤهل Transplant ينقل عضو/ يزرع عضو
Improve يحسن Count يعد
Immediately فى الحال Around حول
Efficient كفء Bridge كوبرى
Smart حسن المظهر Headline عنوان فى صحيفة
Dam سد Sign يوقع
Report تقرير Magic سحر
International عالمى Helicopter طائرة مروحية
Fireman رجل إطفاء Treatment علاج
Mention يذكر Qualifications مؤهلات
Special qualities مؤهلات خاصة Part time جزء من الوقت
Junior صغير فى السن Personal details تفاصيل شخصية
Hobbies هوايات Particularly بالتحديد
Health problems مشاكل صحية Title لقب
Repeated action حدث متكرر Accounting experience خبرة فى الحسابات
Almost تقريبا National قومى
News reporter مراسل صحفى Charitable محب للخير
Human cells خلايا بشرية Medicine الطب
Retire يتقاعد Retirement age سن التقاعد
Healthy heart قلب سليم Heart surgeon جراح قلب
Design يصمم Architect مهندس معمارى
Application form طلب التحاق بعمل Surname لقب العائلة
Full name الاسم بالكامل Address عنوان
Carefully بحرص Date يحدد تاريخ
Married متزوج Single أعزب
Situations مواقف Programmer مبرمج
Arrive in يصل إلى Refer to يشير إلى
Come from يأتى من Work at يعمل فى مكان
Die of يموت بسبب Benefit from يستفيد من
Experience in خبرة فى Work on يعمل فى (شئ محدد)
Good at جيد فى Work with يعمل مع (شخص)
Good for مفيد لـ Work for يعمل لدى
Interested in مهتم بـ Reason for سبب لـ
Keen in محب لـ Adapt to يتكيف مع
Kind of نوع من Report on يعد تقرير عن
Return to يعود إلى Write down يكتب / يسجل
Continue يستمر Discontinue
Experienced خبير Inexperienced
Friendly ودود Unfriendly
Healthy صحى Unhealthy
Known معروف Unknown
Professor Magdi Yacoub
Professor Magdi Yacoub is a world famous heart surgeon. He was born in Egypt in the village of Belbis in 1935, the son of a surgeon who worked in different places around the country. The family had to move every few years, so Yacoub learnt to adapt to different situations and enjoyed meeting different people.
When his aunt died because of a heart problem, Yacoub decided to become a heart surgeon. He studied medicine at Cairo University and qualified as a doctor in 1957. In the 1960s, he taught at Chicago University in the United States and worked with many of the world's best heart surgeons.
Now Yacoub had the qualifications and experience to so great things. In 1973, he became a heart surgeon at Harefield Hospital in England. Under his leadership, Harefield became the most important transplant center in the country.
In the early 1980s, he was part of the team which did the first British heart transplant operation. At this time, Yacoub traveled thousands of kilometers in small planes and helicopters to find healthy hearts for transplant.
Yacoub became Professor of Heart Surgery at London University in 1986. although he retired as a surgeon in 2001, Yacoub continued to research new treatments. Recently he was part of team which made new heart parts from human cells.
If you ask why he continues to work in his 70s, he will say that he believes he can make a difference to people's lives. For this reason, he works for a charity in Africa which helps children with heart problems.




* للتعبير عن السبب لتفضيل الشئ نقول:
The reason I like this job is that + السبب
The best thing about working here is …………….
I like working here because …………….
The main reason ………….+ السبب
The reason I like this job is that I meet all kinds of people.
The best thing about working here is the friendly people.
Reason why / reason for
Reason for + اسم(ing)
Reason why + جملة كاملة
I don’t know the reason for his laziness.
I don’t know the reason why you are lazy.
reason for تفسير لـ / تبرير لـ
cause of سبب لحدوث الشئ
What was the reason for the noise? ما التبرير لهذه الضوضاء
What was the cause of the noise? ما هو سبب الضوضاء
install يركب جهاز
Companies spend lots of money installing security cameras.
Fix يصلح
Do you where can I fix my washing machine?

Idiomatic expressions
(be) head of يكون رئيس لـ
For this reason لهذا السبب
To apply in writing to … يتقدم كتابة لـ
Great things يقوم بأشياء عظيمة
Help + شخص with heart problems يساعد شخص يعانى من أمراض فى القلب
Help to make شخص richer يساعد فى جعل شخص أكثر ثراء
Make a difference يحدث تغيير
Perform / do / carry out an operation يجرى عملية جراحية
Play a role يلعب دور
Under the leadership of تحت قيادة
We need them more than ever (before) نحتاجهم أكثر من ذى قبل

Application Form
* عند استكمال طلب التحاق بوظيفة، ينبغى أن تستكمل البيانات الآتية:
Surname اسم العائلة
First name الاسم الأول
Home address عنوان المنزل
Telephone number رقم الهاتف
Date of birth تاريخ الميلاد
Place of birth محل الميلاد
Nationality الجنسية
Marital status الحالة الاجتماعية
Education التعليم
Qualifications المؤهلات
* الأفعال الآتية توضح درجة حب أو عدم حب الشخص للشئ
Adore يهيم بـ Dislike يكره
Love / be crazy about
Be mad about
Be a great fan of معجب بـ Hate يكره
Like / be fond of / be keen on مولع بـ Can't stand
Can't bear
Loath لا يطيق
Don’t mind لا يمانع Don’t like
Don’t think much of
Not very keen on

-The Egyptians adore the Pyramids.
-I am a great fan of football.
-I am crazy about action films.
-I can't stand talking to him.
Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are
A: Can I borrow a book about pollution, please?
B: With pleasure. Fill in this form, please.
A: Thank you.

A: I'd like to book a holiday in London, please.
B: Look at this leaflet and decide.
A: Ok, can I find a flight next week?

A: Good morning, what's wrong with you?
B: My tooth aches.
A: Oh! Yes, we should pulled it out.
A: Stop here, please. That is where I want to get off.
How much is it?
B: three pounds.
A: Ok, here you are.

A: What is your complaint?
B: My eyes get tired quickly, and I can't read well.
A: let me examine you.

A: Look at the letters on this chart.
Can you see "W" and "X"?
B: No, I can't.
A: I think you need glasses for reading only.

A: Nice to see you on the first day of school.
Did you have a good summer holiday?
B: Yes, I did. I went to Sharm Al Sheikh.
A: You told me you would go to Alex.
B: I changed my mind.
Respond to each of the following situations
1-You tell your teacher the reason why you want to study medicine.
2-A friend asks you why you want to go to the stadium.
3-Your uncle wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school.
4-A friend wants to know the best thing about practising sports.
5-Your school headmaster wants to know the reason for your absence yesterday.
6-Your teachers wants to know why you didn’t bring your book.
7-A friend wants to know why you like Abu Terika.
8-Your mother would like to know why you won't go to school tomorrow.
9-Someone asks you about the importance of charities.
10-You express your opinion about a film you saw.
11-You ask someone's opinion about Dr Yaccoub.
12-You ask your brother about the person he admires.
13-A friend asks your opinion about your teacher of English. You admire him.
14-A friend asks you how your father has influenced you.
15-Your schoolmate asks you why you like your mother.
16-Your teacher asks you why you like English.
Choose the correct answer
1-All the members of our company wear a smart (headdress / uniform / belt / hat)
2-(Much / More / The most / Most) of the tourists who come to Egypt don’t speak Arabic, so a tourist guide should master English.
3-A successful receptionist should be friendly and (efficient / inefficient / impatient / vulgar)
4-Fresh food is good (at / to / for / with) all of us.
5-There are several (tunnels / bridges / over / rails) built over the Nile so that people and vehicles can cross.
6-The industrial and agricultural projects carried out in Egypt aim at (making / taking / forming / giving) it richer.
7-Mona was sent to (concentrate / work / sit / report) on the floods in the Sudan.
8-Professor Hamed is busy (answering / making / giving / doing) a research on cancer nowadays.
9-What kind (from / off / in / of) work would you like to do in the future?
10-The new bank building is really clean, quiet and (uncomfortable / exhausting / boring / comfortable)
11-We all should do you utmost to (destroy/improve / demolish /defame) our country.
12-An Egyptian (staff / government / delegation / party) will be sent to the peace talk in London.
13-The reason I like this book is (these / that /those/then) it is written in an easy style.
14-There are a lot of (historic / modern / transplant / wooden) buildings in Egypt such as the pyramids.
15-My British pen-friend James arrive (in / on / at / with) Cairo last week.
16-(Grandmothers / grandchildren / Grandchildren / Grandfathers) are the sons of our children.
17-The job of a (policeman / surgeon / cameraman / fireman) is to put out fires.
18-If the new flat is too hot, we can install (air / gas / steam / water) conditioning.
19-My brother works (such / such as / like / as) a civil engineer.
20-A successful person should learn to (adopt / admit / adapt / adhere) to different situations.
21-Magdi Yaccoub is a world-famous heart (analyst / surgeon / physician / physicist)
22-In the USA, Magdy Yaccoub worked (for / on / with / at) many of the world's best heart surgeons.
23-There is one of the most important kidney (growing / transplant / forming / making) center in Mansoura.
24-Governemt employees usually (restore / return / retard / retire) at the age of 60.
25-Some (charity / research / changeable / fanatical) organization help children with heart problems.
26-In 1980, surgeons (made / formed / did / gave) the first heart transplant operation in Britain.
27-Harefiled became the most important transplant center in Britain (beneath / under / below / int) Yaccoub leadership.
28-To be a doctor, you must study (medicine / medical / medically / middle)
29- Magdy Yaccoub was (head / brain / skull / skin) of a transplant program at a hospital in London.
30-Hearts needed for transplants must be (sickly / healthy / unhealthy / deadly)
31-The famous scientist is doing a research (on / of / for / from) new treatments.
32- Magdy Yaccoub was part of team which made new hearts parts from (animals / plant / human / solar) cells.
33-A tour guide can meet people from all (from / on / in / over) the world.
34-The normal (revolution / retirement / remarkable / respected) age for people in Egypt is 60.
35-(Aristocratic / Democratic / Marital / Social) status means whether a person is married or single.
36-Our society can (protect / suffer / differ / benefit) from people who work in their 70s or 80s. They had a lot of experience.
37-The teacher warned us not to (make / don / give / have) such a mistake again.
38-You should be confident of yourself during an (interviewee / interviewing / interviewer / interview)
39-A/An (surgeon / civil engineer / driver / architect) designs roads and bridges.
40-More than 10 people applied (on / of / in / from / for) the job of an accountant.
41-You should have a suitable (qualification / qualified / qualify / qualifies).
42-Your (first name / full name / surname / pen name) means your family name.
43-"Sir" was the (name / fame / nickname / title) given to Magdy Yaccoub.
44-I asked the receptionist to help me fill (out / in / on / at) the application.
45-I'd like to know whether you are married or (alone / lonely / single / signal)
46-James is from England. His (nationality / address / qualification / title) in English.
47-All the applicants should apply (for / of / in / on) writing.
48-There are a lot of charity organizations all over the world which are interested in children (from / with / at / about) heart problems.
49-Which country do you come (at / from / up / out) ?
50-Is the part (played / done / made / given( be charities around the world today effective?
51-I see you are lazy, you should (make / do / have / see) a sport.
52-Would you (make / do / have / see) me a favour?
53-It doesn’t (make / do / have / see) any sense.
54-He works day and night to make / do / have / see) more money.
55-The two dresses are so beautiful, but you should (make / do / have / write) a choice.
56-A uniform helps to (identify / identity / realize / personify) you.
57-Your grandchildren are the children of your (father / sister / brother / son)
58-A tour guide must be friendly and (efficient / sufficient / proficient / inefficient)
59-TV reporter reports (for / on / with / at) exciting stories.
60-My report was (headline / underline / broad line / off line) in our paper this weekend.
61-The (cause / reason / season / session) I like this job is that it is different everyday.
62-Scientists do a lot of (search / research / discovery / request) to find a cure for fatal diseases.
63-(A civil engineer / A architect / A producer / A receptionist) designs buildings.
64-You must keep good relations with your (negative / relating / relatives / related)
65-Mother dies (because of / since / because / as) heart problems.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1-Magdy Yaccoub is an example of a successfully person.
2-Yaccoub qualified like a doctor in 1957.
3- Yaccoub made the first heart transplant operation in 1980.
4- Yaccoub continues to work as he believes he can do a difference to people's life.
5- Yaccoub learnt to adopt to different situations in his childhood.
6- Yaccoub was borne in Belbis on 1935.
7-Our family will have a new washing machine fixed next week.
8- Yaccoub performed the first heart plant in British.
9-I think our teacher of English is friend and efficient.
10-Imrovng our life conditions in Egypt is good to children.
11-Sports play a great rule in building up good character.
12-I am fond in watching action movies.
13-Would make me a favor?
14-I did go out yesterday as I had to make some repairs.
15-Our teacher punishes us if we do any small mistake.
16-The two dresses are so fashionable but you have to do your choice.
17-You can't adopt to living in the countryside.
1-Decisions made quickly are not always wrong, but decisions made after careful thought are usually better. A quick decision doesn’t allow enough time to consider all important factors in a situation.
2-A good neighbour means being attentive to other, but not inquisitive. He should respect the other's privacy. When he has disagreement with a neighbour, he should try to settle the matter calmly and politely.
3-No one can deny that Professor Yaccoub is a world famous heart surgeon. He was the first Egyptian doctor to do heart transplant operations.
4-Dr Yaccoub learnt to adapt to different situations and enjoyed meeting different people all over the world. He travels across the world to help people with heart problems.
5-Because of his great achievements in the field of heart transplant, Dr Magdi Yaccoub was awarded the title of Sir from the queen of Britain.
6-Although Dr Magdi Yaccoub retired as a surgeon in 2001, he continued to research new treatments. His hope is to end people's suffering and pains.
7-Dr Magdi Yaccoub continues to work in his 70s as he believes that he can make a difference to people's lives. As a result he works for a charity in Africa which helps children with heart problems.
1-ينبغى أن نشجع الطلاب على التعليم وأن نجد أفضل طريقة لقياس أدائهم.
2-هل تعرف السمات التى يجب أن يتحلى بها الشخص ليكون قائدا؟
3-لقد استمتعنا بمباراة كرة قدم مثيرة أمس وفاز بها الفريق القومى بعد أن أحرز هدفا.
4-تعد القراءة غذاء الروح ، فهى هامة للجسم مثلها مثل الطعام.
5-يقوم كبار السن والمؤسسات الخيرية بإسهامات إيجابية لجعل المجتمع أكثر تعاونا.
6-تفخر مصر بالدكتور مجدى يعقوب أشهر جراحى القلب فى العالم.
7-كان لمجدى يعقوب دور كبير فى تطوير عمليات زراعة القلب فى العالم.
8-يجب أن يتخذ الشباب من الدكتور مجدى يعقوب مثل اعلى لهم.
Read the passage then answer the questions:
Language is the best means of communication that man has ever had. You can use signs to express yourself sometimes: you cannot express a complex thought without using a language. Language develops and grows as man’s ideas become more complicated. For every new idea people need a new word, so they either invent one or borrow one from another language. As new words are added to a language, others become less frequently needed every year until they die out and are forgotten. Such words normally refer to concepts that are no longer accepted or objects that are no longer in use.
You should be able to use your native language properly to communicate with your fellow citizens and to be aware of your national heritage. Learning a foreign is very important because it helps you to understand the world you live in.
1-How can we give information without using language?
2-Mention two of the proper use of one’s native language.
3-Which words die out and forgotten?
4-Find words in the passage which means:
a) method b) create something not existing before
5-The more complicated the ideas, the (worse / stranger / poorer / richer) the language becomes.
Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
"the qualities that you consider most important to making a person a successful in life"
The Present Simple Tense
المضارع البسيط
1- التكوين
يتكون من مصدر الفعل بدون to ويضاف للفعل ( s ) مع he, she, it
I, you, they, we Play
He, she, it Plays
* الأفعال التى تنتهى بـ (o, ss, ch, sh, x) نضيف (es) مع he, she, it
Go Goes
Cross Crosses
Watch Watches
Wash Washes
* الأفعال التى تنتهى بـ ( y ) يسبقها حرف ساكن تقلب إلى ( ies )

Carry Carries
Reply Replies
2- الاستخدام
* للتعبير عن العادة
- I get up at 7 o’clock.
* للتعبير عن حقيقة
- Water evaporates at 100 degrees.
- The earth goes round the sun.
*للتعبير عن أنشطة ومواقف ثابتة لفترة طويلة
- He lives in Paris.
- Doctors help ill people.
Key markers الكلمات الدالة عليه
Always دائما Frequently باستمرار
Generally غالبا Often غالبا
Usually عادة Occasionally من آن لآخر
Still مازال Sometimes أحيانا
Never أبدا Rarely نادرا
Scarcely قلما Seldom نادرا
Hardly بالكاد Ever أبدا
◊يأتى المضارع البسيط مع الروابط الآتية بشرط أن يكون الفعل الآخر فى المستقبل
(After / as soon as / at the moment / till / until / when + مستقبل)
After he comes I will leave.
They will go out as soon as they ask their father.
They won’t see you until I let them go.
لاحظ أن : هذه الكلمات تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى وبعد to be

- She always, sometimes, often visits her daughter on Monday.
- She is always / usually / often visits her daughter on Monday.
أما ( every, at night, in the morning, ) فتأتى فى نهاية الجملة أو فى بدايتها .
- She visits her daughter every week.
- Every week, she visits her daughter.
Negation النفى
he, she, it + doesn’t
I, we, you, they + don’t
She doesn’t play on Fridays.
We don’t play on Friday.
Question السؤال
Does he, she, it
Do we, they, you, I
Does he usually come on time? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.
Do they usually come on time? Yes, they do / No, they don’t.
What do they want?
What does he want?
*** المبنى للمجهول فى المضارع البسيط
+مفعولIs / are + p.p
We watch a wonderful film.
A wonderful film is watched.

The Present Continuous Tense
المضارع المستمر
1- التكوين
Is + verb + ing
- I’m reading.
- He is reading.
- We are reading.
2- الاستخدام
أ) يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث مستمر فى الوقت الحاضر ويستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية :
(look / listen / at the moment / at present / now / these days)
- She is reading now.
- Look, they are running.
- They are sleeping at the moment.
Negation النفى
- They are not playing now. I am not reading now.
Question السؤال
- Are they playing now?
- Is he playing at the moment?
- What is he doing?
- Where are they living?
ب) يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث يقع وليس بالضرورة أثناء الكلام :
I am studying English at Cairo University.
He is reading a book about Taha Hussein.
***المبنى للمجهول فى المضارع المستمر
مفعول + am / is / are + being + p.p.
She is preparing the dinner.
The dinner is being prepared.
The past simple tense
الماضى البسيط
 التكوين :
* يتكون من التصريف الثانى للفعل بإضافة
- He worked hard yesterday.
- They finished their work two hours ago.
* هناك بعض الأفعال الشاذة عند تحويلها للماضى:
- He went to school.
- He sent me a letter yesterday.
الاستخدام :
* للتعبير عن حدث وقع وانتهى فى الماضى
- The thief escaped with a lot of money yesterday.
- They met her last week.
* للتعبير عن عادة فى الماضى
- When he was young he used to play in the street.
* يستخدم مع
yesterday, last, ago, once, in the past, in ancient times
يأتى مع الصيغ الآتية
It is + وقت + since + ماضى
مضارع تام + since + ماضى بسيط
It is four years since I played with him.
I haven’t come here since I was a child.


عندما ينتهى الفعل بـ ( y ) يسبقها حرف ساكن، نحذف الـ ( y ) و نضع) ied ).
- He carried the heavy box alone.
 النفى
(didn’t + infinitive المصدر).
- He telephoned her yesterday. He didn’t telephone her yesterday.
- She had her a car. She didn’t have a car.
- I went to Giza last summer. I didn’t go to Giza last summer.
 الاستفهام
( did + الفاعل + المصدر )
- He worked hard. Did he work hard?
- They attacked him. Did they attack him?
- He ate an ice cream. What did he eat?
- They traveled by car. How did they travel?
***المبنى للمجهول فى الماضى
مفعول + was / were + p.p.
I made three cakes.
Three cakes were made.
The past continuous tense
الماضى المستمر
was, were + verb + ing
 الاستخدام
يستخدم للتعبير عن فعل كان مستمر فى الماضى لبعض الوقت :

- I was working. You were working
- He was working She was working
- It was working. They were working
- We were working.

يستخدم الماضى المستمر مع :
while(as) +ماضى مستمر + ماضى بسيط
just as + ماضى مستمر + ماضى بسيط
when +ماضى بسيط + ماضى مستمر
- As I was coming to school this morning, I saw an accident.
- The telephone rang while we were having breakfast.
- I was driving my car, when the police stopped me.
 لاحظ أن :
while + ماضى مستمر + ماضى مستمر
while + verb + ing + ماضى بسيط
- While I was watching TV, my mother was cooking.
- I dropped some apples fell while carrying them.
 النفى
- I was playing. I was not playing.
- They were working. They were not working.

- They were working hard. Were they working hard?
- He was running. Was he running?
- They were eating some sandwiches. What were they eating?
***المبنى للمجهول فى زمن الماضى المستمر
Was / were + being + pp
She was preparing the dinner.
The dinner was being prepared.
The Present Perfect Tense
المضارع التام

Has + pp
* يستخدم للتعبير عن :
1- حدث استمر فى الماضى وانتهى ولكن مازا تأثيره مستمراً فى الوقت الحاضر .
He has had an accident.
I have washed the car. It looks lovely.
2- يعبر عن حدث وقع فى الماضى ومازال مستمر .
I have lived in this house for seven years. (I am still living in this house.)
3- يعبر عن حدث وقع فى الماضى لم يُحَدد زمنه .
I have read the instructions التعليمات but I don’t understand them.

الكلمات المستخدمة معه :
( since / for / just / already / ever / never / yet / lately / recently /
so far / up till now / this (week, month)
Since :
* يأتى بعد since سنة محددة ، شهر محدد ، يوم محدد …
He has left school since 1999.
He has worked here since January / last year
He has not come since last week / Friday.
I haven’t seen him since he was a child.
 For :
* يأتى بعد for عدد سنين ، أيام ، شهور ، ساعات …
He has left school for three years / five months.
He has left for three hours.
I haven’t seen him for a long time.
 لاحظ أيضاً:
* إذا جاء مع since فعل واحد يوضع فى المضارع التام :
I have seen him since 1998.
* أما إذا جاء معها فعلين :
مضارع تام + since + ماضى بسيط
I haven’t seen him since he was a child.
I haven’t met my friends since I left school.
Just حالاً / already
He has just (already) left home.
Ever فى السؤال والإثبات
Have you ever been to London?
This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
 Never فى النفى
I have never read such a wonderful book.
 Yet فى النفى والسؤال
Have they bought the car yet?
They haven’t bought the car yet.
 Recently تأتى فى الإثبات والسؤال
Have you met him recently?
I have met him recently.
 Lately تأتى فى النفى والسؤال
Have you seen him lately?
I haven’t met him lately.
* ادرس الأمثلة التالية :
 I last ate fish when I was in Alex.
 I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Alex.
 The last time he visited us was in January.
 He hasn’t visited us since January.
 He last visited us in January.
 I haven’t driven a car for a long time.
 It’s a long time since I drove a car. لاحظ الفعل فى الماضى
* لاحظ أيضاً :
Have / has been to …ذهب إلى مكان ما ثم عاد

They have been to Paris. ذهبوا إلى باريس ثم عادوا

Have / has gone to …ذهب إلى مكان ما ولم يعد
He has gone to Alex. ذهب إلى الإسكندرية ولم يعد
***المبنى للمجهول فى المضارع التام
مفعول + have / has + been + p.p.
They have written all the reports.
All the reports have been written
They have eaten all the food.
All the food has been eaten.
Choose the correct answer
1-Doctors (help / is helping / has helped / helps) ill people.
2-I can't see you now. I (revise / revised / am revising / have revised) for the test.
3-She (cooks / cooked / cooking / is cooking) lunch everyday.
4-While the teacher was talking, everyone (took / was taking / take / have taken) notes.
5-I usually (walks / walking / am walking / have walked) to school with my friends.
6-She (travels / traveled / is traveling / travel) to London next spring.
7-When the teacher asked the question, all the pupils (answered /answer / would answer / have answered)
8-My sister (is studying / studies / study / studying) English at university.
9-When he arrived, I (watched / watch / watches / was watching) TV.
10-I (reads / have read / wad read / were reading / has read)
11-They (play / was playing / were playing / were played) for an hour yesterday.
12-When the door bell rang, she (washed / was washing / washes / was washed) the dishes.
13-The policeman (leaves / has left / left / was leaving) an hour ago.
14-Just as he (crosses / crossed / was crossed / was crossing) the road, a car hit him.
15-When I was eight, I (was seeing / saw / have seen / see) a program about a famous Egyptian doctor on TV.
16-We are making a card about my brother. (Do you want / Are you wanting / Were you wanting / Are you wanted) to help?
17-We (were having / had / have had / have) a meeting at work this morning when suddenly all the lights went out.
18-My sister (has always enjoyed / was always enjoying / have always enjoyed / enjoy always) working with children.
19-At the moment, Huda (trains / was training / is training / trained) to be a primary school teacher.
20-Since I (started / have started / was starting / start) the job 2 years ago, I've met important people from all over the world.
21-Yesterday, I (interview / have interviewed / interviewing / was interviewing) business leaders in Cairo.
22-I work for a well-known company that (is writing / writes / write / wrote) computer programs.
23-At the moment, I (have done / did / am doing / was doing) research on a computer program.
24-How long (are you / do you / were you / have you been) abroad?
25-Now, the government (builds/is building /building / was building) a lot of schools.
26-The girls haven’t tidied this room (since / for / ago / from) a week.
27-The train (leave / leaves / left / has left) at 9 every morning.
28-Osama (writing / is writing / wrote / was written) a letter when his mother came home.
29-It is a month (since / when / ago / for) I went to the club.
30-I haven’t seen my father (since / for / yet / when) the summer.
31-While I (is coming / was coming / am coming / comes) to school this morning, I met my teacher.
32-I (had / have / have had / had had) several jobs since I left school.
33-My mother (cooks / is cooked / is cooking / has cooked) the dinner now.
34-Look! Our team (play / plays / is playing / played) well, I think they will win.
35-Your younger brother Samy (was / has been / had been / will be) very quiet recently. Is he ok?
36-Scientists (wants / wanted / want / had wanted) to find more sources of energy.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then correct them
1-He works there for 15 years.
2-I only bought a new camera last week, but I am already taking 300 photos with it.
3-My company has had an important meeting last night.
4-A delegation is visiting our company a week ago.
5-I was so tired that I filled asleep while watching the film.
6-At the moment we have done a history project at school.
7-It has usually hot and sunny, so we need air conditioner.
8-Have you ever wear a school uniform?
9-What did you do since the weekend?
10-The cause I like this job is that I am well paid.
11-Dr Magdy Yaccoub was one of the first surgeons to make heart transplant operations.
12-He believes his work can do a difference to people's lives.
13-He works to a charity in Africa which helps children with heart problems.
14-On my opinion, charitable organization do an excellent job.
15-He has gone to Italy for a month. He is now in Cairo.
16-While we speak, the mobile rang.
17-Ahmed Shawki writes some beautiful poetry.
18-Just as they had lunch, a boy broke the window.
19-While I am traveling, my car broke down.
20-She used to working here.
21-While the boys played, our neighbor shouted.
22-I have visited my aunt since a year.
23-The sun given us heat and light.
24-It was a week since I met him.
25-We occasionally traveled by train.
26-Did you finish yet?
27-I used to smoking a lot.
28-After I am cleaning my house, I will do the washing.
29-She hasn’t gone swimming for we were in Alex.
30-It is three years for I saw Mona.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد   Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 3:52

Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد 13254515442
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Unit 1 الثانى الثانوى بشكل جديد
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» UNIT 3 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز جدا
» الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7
» الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز لـ Unit 9
» Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز
» Unit 4 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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