منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز   Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 18:12

Unit 2
Gulliver's travels
Politician شخص سياسى Explanation شرح
Imaginative خيالى Diplomat دبلوماسى
Publish ينشر Represent يمثل / ينوب عن
Ridiculous سخيف Steal يسرق
Tie يربط Voyage رحلة بحرية
Plough يحرث Ring خاتم
Female أنثى Author مؤلف
Churchman راعى الكنسية Secretary سكرتيرة
Science fiction خيال علمى Realize يدرك
Description وصف University جامعة
International عالمى War حرب
Archaeologist عالم آثار Port ميناء
Funny مضحك Presenter مقدم
Guest ضيف Silly سخيف
Finally فى النهاية Discuss relations يناقش العلاقات
Employ يوظف Meaning معنى
Contact يتصل بـ Diary مفكرة
Vindictive حقود Race بق
Giant عملاق Promise يعد
Island جزيرة Islanders سكان الجزيرة
Escape يهرب European شخص أوروبى
String خيط Sink يغوص
Get upset ينزعج Oil company شركة بترول
Beat يهزم Argument مناقشة
Proposal عرض / اقتراح Article مقالة
Remember يتذكر Date تاريخ
Carefully بحرص Shipwrecked تحطمت السفينة
Frighten يخوف Neighboring مجاور
Ground أرض Punish يعاقب
Foreigner أجنبى Rope حبل
Iceberg جبل جليدى عائم Flat مستو
Adventure مغامرة Enemy عدو
Nationality جنسية Modest متواضع
Draft مسودة Capture يأسر
Strom عاصفة Awake يقظ
Release يطلق سراح Failure فشل

Belong to ينتمى إلى Comment on يعلق على
Different from مختلف عن Fall off يسقط من
Fall over يتمايل Find out يجد
Match …with يتوافق مع Opinion of / about رأى فى
Think of يفكر فى Tie to يربط فى
Write about يكتب عن Cruel to قاسى مع
Fight against يحارب ضد Attach with يربط مع
Speak for يتحدث نيابة عن Argue about يجادل بشأن
Argue with يتجادل مع شخص Argue for يدافع عن
Escape from يهرب من Talk about يتحدث عن
Agree to + مصدر / اسم يوافق على Agree with + شخص يتفق مع

Idiomatic expressions
*It was a great / huge success to … لقد كان نجاحا عظيما
*of the same size as … بنفس الحجم مثل
*to become a favorite of شخص يصبح مفضلا لدى شخص ما
*convey a message … ينقل رسالة ما
*earn money / his living يكسب مال / يكسب قوته
*fall asleep ينام
Find the answers to … يجد إجابات
*find work as + وظيفة يجد عمل كـ
*give +شخص a ring يتصل بشخص
*have a shower يأخذ حمام
*to make +شئ + available يجعل شئ متاح
*to tie him to the ground يطرحه أرضا

Gulliver's voyage to Lilliput
After a storm at sea, Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's doctor, is shipwrecked on the island of Lilliput. The people of Lilliput are only 15cm tall so they think Gulliver is a giant snet by their enemies from the neighboring island of Belfusco. They are frightened, so they capture him and tie him to the ground to stop him from escaping.
Gulliver tells the people his story and promises to help them in their fight against Belfusco. He soon becomes a favorite of the King. Gulliver then helps them to beat their enemies by stealing all their ships, but he does not agree with the idea of punishing people of the island. This makes the king angry and he decides that Gulliver must die. Luckily, a friend helps Gulliver to escape to Belfusco and sails home.
In the story of Gulliver in Lilliput, Jonathan Swift is making fun of European politics. The war between the islands represents the war between old enemies within Europe. Swift also makes fun of the ridiculous things politicians argue about. He shows this by giving the people of Lilliput small minds as well as small bodies. In the story, they can't agree about whether you should break a boiled egg at the big end or the small end.
On his second voyage, Gulliver sails to Brodbingnag, where the people are 18 meters tall. He has more exciting adventures. Only this time, Gulliver feels very small.
* Find يجد
I didn’t find my wallet.
Found (ed) يؤسس
My father founded a big company.
* Asleep نائم
You can’t talk to him now he is asleep.
Sleepy يشعر بالنعاس
I usually feel sleepy after lunch. أشعر بالنعاس بعد الغداء
* Miss لا يلحق وسيلة مواصلات / يفتقد شخص
I missed my father.
I missed the school bus yesterday.
* Lose يفقد
I lost all my money in the bus.
* Imaginary خيالى (غير واقعى)
Many children have imaginary friends.
* Imaginative واسع الأفق
Shakespeare was an imaginative writer.
* Political سياسى (صفة)
* Politician شخص سياسى
* Lend سقرض
* Borrow يستلف
* Owe يدين لـ ...بـ...
She lent me her ring.
I borrowed my brother's camera.
I owed you 40 pounds. أنا أدين لك بـ جنيها40
* Angry with شخص
* Angry at / about + شئ
Father was angry with Ali.
I was angry at the way he was speaking.
* Steal + شئ (يسرق)
* Rob + شخص of + شئ (يسرق)
* Rob + مكان (يسطو على مكان)
Someone stole my bag.
He robbed me of my bag.
Three men robbed the United Bank yesterday.
* Earn يكسب مالا
* Gain يكسب أشياء معنوية
My brother earns a lot of money from trading.
He gained much experience in his work.
He gained our respect.
*It took + فاعل + فترة + to + مصدر
It took the driver an hour to reach to the airport.

Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are
A: Is anybody looking after you?
B: No, I am after a size 4, V-neck pullover in black.
A: The best I can do is a 36.
B: Can you order me one?

A: You shouldn’t have parked here.
B: I am sorry, but I didn’t find any parking area.

A: Here's the menu, sir.
B: Please, give me some chicken, a green
salad and some rice.

A: Welcome home, sir.
B: Thank you. Please, carry my luggage to the car
A: Did you have a good flight?

A: could you tell my the way to the General Hotel?
B: Go along this street then turn left.
A: Thank you.

A: Good morning, sir. I'd like some information
about trains please.
B: Where do you want to go?
A: To Aswan. What time does the train leave?
B: At 3.

A: Could you please arrange for us a trip to this place
on the map?
B: Sure! By train?
A: Yes.

A: Can I have a room for one night?
B: Sure, sir. Single or double?
A: Single.

Respond to each of the following situations
1-Your friend asks you about your opinion of Gulliver's Travels.
2-You are a shop assistant and you are about to serve a customer.
3-You are against staying up late studying.
4-You tell your friend about your hobbies and interests.
5-You want to borrow some money from your father.
6-You are asked about a film you watched yesterday.
7-You are in a restaurant and the waiter asks what your order is.
8-You wish good luck to your sister.
9-You are asked why you like your job as a doctor.
10-You ask about the way to the nearest hotel.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly
1-Swift started to write while he was working such as a secretary.
2-I am interested on finding out more information about Swift.
3-Hany will look for another job to gain more money.
4-Don’t make noise while the baby is sleep.
5-I don’t agree on the idea of punishing pupils physically at school.
6-Gulliver helped the people of Lilliput to lose their enemy.
7-Adel was very angry, someone robbed his wallet.
8-The people of Lilliput are only 15cm high.
9-The king of Lilliput rewarded Gulliver for helping him to lose his war.
10-Swift was making funny of European politics.
11-Your friend bought a new CD, you want to know if he had watched it.
12-You want to know your friend's opinion of the match.
13-You want to know if you can watch the DVD whey your friend has watched it.
14-It is too hot, you ask you friend to open the window.
15-Your friend thinks that watching too much TV is a waste of time.
Choose the correct answer
1-What do you think (of / off / in / at ) Gulliver's Travels.
2-Please, (make / take / give / send) me a ring when you finish your work.
3-Jonathan Swift is the (reader / author / programmer / director) of Gulliver's Travels. He wrote it in 1726.
4-This old car (related / owned / possessed / belonged) to my grandfather.
5-Jonathan Swift found work in England (such as / as / such / like) a secretary.
6-You can do this job (late / lately / latter / later)
7-Some people see Gulliver's Travels as the first (scientist / scientific / science / scientifically) fiction novel.
8-I have a (team / party / list / circle) of web pages for you to look at.
9-For some people, Gulliver's Travels was a clever commentary )of / in / on / from) the politics of the day.
10-Swift wrote other books, but none (was / is / were / are) as successful as Gulliver's Travels.
11-A (sportsman / reformer / diplomat / spokesman) is someone who represents his own country in another country.
12-Can you tell me the reasons (for / of / why / what) you've sold your old car?
13-(Imagine / Imaginative / Imagination / Imaginary) people are able to think of new and interesting ideas.
14-You can have a look a any of these web pages if you are interested (in / on / at / from) knowing more about the author of Gulliver's Travels.
15-To (publish / write / sell / buy) a book is to print and make it available for the public.
16-What's your opinion (for / on / of / from) my new DVD?
17-Could I (lend / borrow / loan / invest) your DVD when you have finished?
18-If you need to remember a date, write it in your (diary / dairy / dial / drill)
19-He fell (over / on / off / away) his bicycle and broke his leg.
20-Although my friend works hard, he doesn’t (gain / earn / lose / form) much money.
21-I tried hard to (contract / contain / construct / contact) my mother last night but she didn’t answer my phone.
22-My uncle (represents / presents / shows / attends) at a lot of conference.
23-Scientists are sure that they won't lose their fight (for / without / from / against) bird flu.
24-The murderer was (honored / rewarded / captured / appointed) as soon as he reached the airport.
25-What a (valuable / ridiculous / worthy / trust-worth) suggestion! It doesn’t appeal to me at all.
26-Don’t forget to (leak / lay / lie / tie) this label to your suitcase.
27-The captain (drove / sailed / flew / cycled) this ship safely past the rocks.
28-We all should be aware of the aggressive attitudes of our (friends companions / aliens / enemies)
29-I can't find my driving licence anywhere. I think someone must have (stolen / saved / protected / robbed) it.
30-Egypt and Libya are (distant / isolated / neighboring / remote) counties. They are next to each other.
31-THe strong wind was the cause of that tree to fall (away / through / on / over)
32-It is a bad thing to (take / make / give / show) fun of poor people.
33-The Titanic sank on its first (trip / voyage / walk / fight) after it hit an iceberg.
34-THe teacher (forgave / tortured / hurt / reproached) Maher because he thought he had enough punishment.
35-Swift is from Iceland. His (religion / fame / nationality / belief) is Irish.
36-Getting into the class without permission made the teacher (anger / angered / angrily / angry)
37-Gulliver felt scared when he arrived (at / by / on / in) Brobdingag.
38-Some young men managed to tie the thief to the (sky / ground / roof / cloud)
39-An / A (village / country / town / island) is a land which is surrounded by water from all directions.
40-A (commentary / scenario / file / serial) is written opinions and descriptions of a subject.
41-I am working hard because I want to get high (make / mark / sign / marker) in the final test.
42-I ran fast, however I (caught / missed / found / got on) the train.
43-To find (in / on / at / out) about the author of this novel, just read this book.
44-in the past, people believed that the earth was flat. What (an exciting / a ridiculous / an excited / a wonderful) idea!
45-How (tall / long / high / deep) were the people of Brobdingag?
46-"Gulliver's Travel" is a science fiction (letter / novelty / novel dream)
47-You can find the information you want (down / in / on / out) the internet.
48-It is a good thing to reward our friends for helping us to (lose / win / defeat / beat) our war.
49-The prisoner managed to (arrest / capture / detain / escape) to Turkey and he sailed home.
50-Am Mousa is a great (policy / politics / politician / political)
51-How (much / many / often / long) do you know about the author?
52-When our book was published, it became a great (success / successful / succeed / succeeding)
53-My father works (like / as / just as / similar) a doctor at Ain Shams.
54-After 4 years of hard work, he returned (to / in / for / at) Egypt.
55-Once Ireland belonged (to / in / too / with) England.
56-He wrote a nice (commit / comet / combat / commentary) on the essay he read.
57-The story will be (public / published / publishing / come out) in the daily newspaper.
58-(Diplomats / Diplomas / Diagrams / Dialogues) are meeting to discuss relations between out two countries.
Read the passage then answer the questions:
The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their spare time. Later often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spent a lot of spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only few years, but during that, the best one can earn a lot of money.
A professional footballer in Egypt, for example, earns more that 100000 a year. The stars earns a lot. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn much money as that. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen is that some of them can earn more money from advertising than from sport. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply say, “Buy our goods”. It says Buy the shoes and the shirts as…” famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names photos and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people’s spare time.
1-What is the difference between sport in the past and today?
2-Why is sport no longer something for people’s spare time?
3-What part does advertisement play in sport today?
4-A professional sportsman is a person who:
a-earns a lot of money.
b-Play sport for a number of years.
c-Doesn’t practise sport much.
d-Earns a lot of money by playing a sport.
5-Advertising companies sell their goods by making use of famous sportsmen
a-shirts and shoes c- what and food
b-names and photos d- sports equipment
1-There is a place for ambition and hard work. Relentless effort has a price, however, and the price is too high if work destroys one's health and relationships. For fast-driven people, "slow down" is usually a good advice.
2-Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin, Ireland, when that country belonged to England. Although he spent his early years in England, he returned to Ireland to go to school and university.
3-To some people, "Gulliver's Travels" was an imaginative children's story, to others it was a clever commentary on the politics of the day. Some people see it as the first science fiction novel.
4-Egypt has a strong cultural history. Some of the greatest Arab writers, musicians and craftsmen are Egyptians. In the last century, Taha Hussien and Naguib Mahfouze was the best known writers in Arab literature.
5-The site of the Pyramids of Egypt on the west bank of the Nile has a meaning. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The rising sun is like the beginning of life and its setting is like the end of life.

1-ليست كل المعرفة نجدها بالكتب فبعضها نكتسبه عن طريق الخبرة.
2-يعتبر تخاطب الأفراد مع بعضهم وجها لوجه أفضل من التخاطب عن طريق الهاتف.
3-إن العمل الأدبى هو محاولة جادة من الكاتب للوصول إلى واقعنا.
4-أحب الذهاب إلى الأوبرا للاستماع إلى الموسيقى الراقية.
5-إن الخيال العلمى عادة ما يكون محاولة جادة من الكاتب عن شكل الحياة فى المستقبل.
6-للمدرسة والمنزل دور كبير فى تطوير شخصية الطفل.
7-لمدينة القاهرة مكانة فريدة، فهى تجمع بين الماضى والحاضر فى وقت واحد.
8-هل سمعت عن السرقة التى حدثت فى البنك الأسبوع الماضى؟

Addition Links روابط الإضافة

1) And, besides, in addition, as well as, not only…but also, …as well.

In addition = and = moreover = not only ….but also + جملة كاملة
Noha cooked for twenty people and did all the washing up.
Noha not only cooked for twenty people but also she did all the washing up.
Yesterday, I not only washed the dishes, but also I cleaned my room.
Yesterday, I not only washed the dishes, but I cleaned the room as well.
Noha cooked for twenty people, in addition she did all the washing up.
As well as = besides = in addition to + ing / اسم
Besides / As well as cooking for twenty people, Noha did all the washing up.
In addition to washing the dishes, she cleaned the rooms.

*إذا جاءت (not only) فى بداية الجملة يوضع الفعل بعدها فى صيغة الاستفهام.
- Not only did I wash the dishes, but also I cleaned my room.
* ملحوظة: إذا ربط (as well) فاعلين فإن الفعل يتبع الفاعل الأول.
- He as well as his friend is clever.
- He as well as his brothers likes fish.
* أما إذا ربطت (not only …but also) فاعلان فغن الفعل يتبع الفاعل الأول.
- Not only my brothers but also my sister knows French.
Cause Links روابط السبب
2) because, since, for, as + جملة كاملة
- He succeeded. He was clever.
- He succeeded because he was clever.
- She stayed in bed. She was ill.
- She stayed in bed as she was ill.
- Everyone likes him. He is very polite.
- Everyone likes him as (for) he is polite.

3) because of, due to, owing to
+ ing / اسم
on account of, thanks to
- He stayed in bed because he was ill.
- He stayed in bed because of his illness.
*لاحظ إذا لم تعرف أن تأتى بالاسم من الصفة فيمكن أن تضع كلمة (being) قبل الصفة حتى تصبح اسم ومثال على ذلك:
Clever being clever
ill being ill
-He lost the keys because it was dark.
- He lost his keys owing to being dark.
- He lost the keys owing to the darkness.
- He lost the keys due to the darkness.
- He is very jealous thanks to her beauty.
- He is very jealous on account of being beautiful.
Results linksروابط النتيجة

4) so that, in order that + فاعل + can + المصدر (إذا كانت الجملة فى المضارع)
- He works hard so that he can get high marks.
 so that, in order that + فاعل + could + المصدر (إذا كانت الجملة فى الماضى)
- He worked hard so that he could get high marks.
- He travelled to London in order that could find work.
5) so as to, in order to + المصدر (لكى)
- He works hard so as to get high marks.
- He works hard in order to get high marks.
- He works hard so as not to fail.
- He slept early in order not to be late.
6) soلكى ,therefore لهذا , consequently نتيجة لذلك , that’s why لهذا + جملة كاملة
- He got up late, so he missed the train.
- He got up late; therefore he missed the train.
- He was working all day; consequently he was very tired.
- He got up late, that why he missed the train.
Contrast Links روابط التناقض
7) but, although, though, even if, however,
+ جملة كاملة
yet, but, although, though, even if
 هذه الروابط للتعبير عن التناقض.
- Although he was poor, he was happy.
- Though he was poor, he was happy.
- I’m going to travel even if it costs me a lot.
- He was hungry, however, he refuse to eat. ( , ) فى وسط الجملة نضع قبلها
-She was laughing, yet she has no money.
إذا جاءت(However) فى أول الجملة نتبع الآتى:

However + adjective/ adverb + subject + verb

- However clever he is, he is very lazy.
- However quickly he ran, he couldn’t win the race.
صفة + as + فاعل + verb

- Strong as he was, he couldn’t work.

despite, in spite of + ing / اسم
يمكن أن نستخدم صيغة( صفة +being )
*Although he is careful, he made mistakes
- Despite his carefulness, he made mistakes.
-Despite being careful, he made mistakes.
- In spite of his carefulness, he made mistakes.
*Although he got up early, he couldn’t catch the bus.
- In spite of (despite) getting up early, he couldn’t catch the train.
- Despite (in spite of) the rain, he went out .
regardless of + ing / اسم
- He made mistakes regardless of his carefulness.
- he made mistakes regardless of being careful.
Whatever+ ing / اسم
Whatever beauty she has, no one admired her.
جملة منفية + so + فعل مساعد + فاعل
جملة منفية + neither + فعل مساعد + فاعل
- He is a student. So am I.
- He plays well. So do I.
- He doesn’t play well. Neither do I.
- They haven’t finished. Neither has he.
8) as long as / provided that / (only) if
You can’t travel abroad as long as / provided that / only if you have a passport.
You can come with me as long as / if you are not busy.
As long as / If you have a ticket you can come in.
You can only come in if you have a ticket.
Conditional Links روابط الشرط
9)If + مضارع + will + مصدر
If + ماضى بسيط + would + مصدر
If + ماضى تام + would have + p.p.

*Unless = if not = except if
You can’t travel abroad unless / except if you pay for the ticket.
You can’t travel if you don’t pay for the ticket.
In case / as long as / provided that / providing that / in the event that =if
If you come, I will give you a nice present.
In case you come, I will give you a nice present.
I will give you a nice present provided that you come.

تستخدم هذه الكلمات بمعنى (if)
In case of / With / By + ing / اسم
In case of coming, I will give you a present.
تستخدم الصيغتان الآتيتان بمعنى (بدون)
Without / but for + ing / اسم
If she didn’t help me, I would have failed.
Without helping me, I would have failed.
If he wasn’t patient, I wouldn’t have understood him.
But for his patience, I wouldn’t have understood him.
يمكن أن نستخدم (صفة +being )
But for being patient, I wouldn’t have understood.
Choose the correct answer
1-I heard of Jonathan Swift. (Although / However / Because / So), I didn’t know he wrote Gulliver's Travels.
2-(As well as / Because / Although / if) working as a politician, Swift was a churchman.
3-They captured Gulliver (so / when / but / and) tied him to the ground.
4-While reading the newspaper, I (had fallen / have fallen / was falling / fell) asleep.
5-Fady doesn’t look happy (because / because of / although / despite) I am sure he passed the exam.
6-I won't go to the cinema (provided / as long as / if / in case of) not going with me.
7-The match went ahead (but / in spite of / although / yet) the bad weather.
8-The company had to change the plans (because / as / owing to / since) some unexpected problems.
9-The bus won't stop (if / unless / though / so) you wave to it.
10-(Whatever / However / Although / Despite)the café was crowded, we found a table.
11-I'd like you to do exercise A (in addition to / in addition / as well / but) the composition.
12-If he gets up early, he (would catch / will catch / would have caught / might catch) the morning train.
13-(If / In case / As long as / Unless) you drive well, you won't get a licence.
14-Soha can't come in (due to / because / though / because of) the door is locked.
15-(Though / However / Despite / Although) his cleverness, he failed the exam.
16-If you answer well, you (would get / wouldn’t get / will get / won't get) a reward.
17-A number of people have come to the party (beside / in addition / so / besides) Amr and Alaa.
18-Wael, as well as all his friends, (are / is / were / am) clever.
19-Take this medicine (if / unless / in case of / without) you feel tired.
20-I was cautious, (although / in spite of / however / though) I was taken in by his tricks.
21-(In spite of / Although / Though / But) her qualifications, she wasn’t accepted for the job.
22-Don’t leave the building (but for / unless / in case of / without) I tell you.
23-I went to live in the town (in order to / because / to / so that) I could get a job.
24-(Though / But / However / Whatever) poor he was, he was always neatly dressed.
25-THe baby won’t sleep unless you (told / tells / tell / telling) him a story.
26-We couldn’t see last night's lunar eclipse (owing to / because / as / but) the heavy clouds.
27-Hamdy (wouldn’t join / will join / won't join / may join) the university unless he gets high marks.
28-(Even though / However / Because / As) Heba was frightened, she went out alone.
29-Intellignet, (however / but / as / so) he is, he finds it difficult to express his ideas in writing.
30-If you (doesn’t want / won't want / don’t want / didn’t want) to fail, study hard.
31-I was feeling frightened (although / so / but / because) I had to feed the lion.
32-The teacher may punish you (if / in case of / in case / unless) arriving at school late.
33-(However / As / Although / Despite) quickly he runs, he can't catch the train.
34-(Unless / If / Without / In case of) not having a ticket, you won't be admitted.
35-You (will make / would make / won't make / wouldn’t make) mistakes if you are careful.
36-I need to learn English (but / while / because / although) I want to work for an international company.
37-(Although / But / Because / If) my brother works very hard, he doesn’t earn much money.
38-The phone rang (we / but / because e/ if) I was having a shower.
39-(But / Although / So / While) he ran fast as he could, he was only third in the race
40-(Although / Because / While / If) they were having breakfast, the phone rang five times.
41- (Although / Because / While / If) you want to be an archaeologist you should visit Egypt.
42-I'd like to see the new film (although / because / if / but) none of my friends want to go with me.
43-I fell off my bike (but / however / because / while) I was going round the corner.
44-Ali and his family have visited many countries (but / since / because / if) they have never been to Europe.
45-(But While / If / As) you don’t like hot weather, don’t come to Egypt in July.
46-(But /Although / If / As) I have seen that film twice already. I'd love to see it again and again.
47-I am working hard (as / so / however / though) I want to get promoted quickly.
48-(Because / Although / If / While) he was working as a secretary, Swift started to write.
49-In my opinion, the book succeeds (because / while / if / but) it has different meanings.
50-(However / Though / As / Although) skillful he is, he usually makes the same mistake.
51-He looks a bit overweight (although / despite / and / in addition) he is quite fit.
52-(And / In addition / As well as / As well) working as a policeman, Swif worked as a churchman.
53-(Although / However / Despite / In spite)the difficult question, he could answer it easily.
54-he got the tape recorder (so that / in order to /because / in order that) record music.

55-He sent his son to England (to for/in order that/ to/ so as to ) he could learn English.

56-(Despite / In spite / Although / However) bad the road was, we crossed it easily.

57-He came late (although / but / despite / whatever) he got in.
58-They risked their lives (so that / because / so as to / in order that) save their country.
59-He didn’t earn much money last year (although / as / despite / in spite) he worked hard.
60-I missed the train (because of / because / as / although) getting up late.

61-He didn’t go to school (because / because of / as / being) his illness.

62-She went into the town (so as to / in order that / so that / because) she wanted to do some shopping.
63-(Because / Because of / On account / Being) very tired, I went to bed early last night.
64-She couldn’t walk (because of / because / owing to / due to) her leg was broken.
65-He behaved well. (Neither do I. / Neither did I. / So do I. / So did I.)
66-He has gone to the sea (because / because of / to / in order that) smell fresh air.
67-(Because /Owing to / Being /Despite ) their courage, they could beat their enemy.
68-He enjoyed the party, (however / so that / owing to / because) he had to leave early.
69-It was dark (in order that / despite / but / because) I could see.
70-(Although / However / Because / Despite) brave he was, he escaped.
71-They were (on account of / because / although / however) dismissed their bad manners.
72-He takes drugs (so as to /so that /because /because of) calm their nerves.
73-We like him (owing to /as/because of /so that) he is kind.
74-He came late (however / but / as / despite) he got in.
75-He was caution, (because / so that / however / despite) he fell into trouble.

76-I went to the airport (to /in order that / because / despite) I could see my brother off.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly
1-Lazy however he is, he get full marks.
2-I wouldn’t go on holiday if I don’t have money.
3-Because of they are farmers, they have to get up early.
4-It was midday although I turned on the light.
5-If you are leaving now, you'd be able to attend the first lecture.
6-Despite he was tired, the noise kept him awake all night.
7-Your English will get better in case you have some courses in English.
8-As the film was interesting, I didn’t enjoy it.
9-You can’t get a room in the hotel unless you have a reservation.
10-I felt unwell therefore I stayed up late last night.
11-Unless taking the medicine properly, your cough will get worse.
12-It was cold, because I turned the heating on.
13-You can’t drive a car because you've got a licence.
14-However he is weak, he can carry this heavy bag.
15-Unless you were patient, you won't be an efficient teacher.
16-Though familiar his face looked, I couldn’t remembering meeting him.
17-He ran out of money, but he had to look for a job.
18-You could see me easily due to I was wearing a red jumper.
19-This man didn’t have any talent although he became a popular TV personality.
20-Don’t leave the computer on for a so long if you are using it.
21-Unless he spent his first years in England, Swift went to school to Ireland.
22-He won't go to sleep because tell him a story.
23-He won't come with you if you pay him first.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز
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» UNIT 3 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز جدا
» Unit 4 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز
» الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز لـ Unit 9
» UNIT 1 شرح مميز ورائع الثانى الثانوى
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