منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7   الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7 Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 18:32

Unit 7
Business around the world
Chain سلسلة Representative ممثل / مندوب
Yield إنتاج Afford يتحمل نفقة شئ
Corporation شركة / هيئة Distribute يوزع
Economy اقتصاد Employ يوظف
Global عالمى Global economy اقتصاد عالمى
Technology تكنولوجيا Wages أجر (يومى / أسبوعى)
Import company شركة استيراد Conversation محادثة
Export company شركة تصدير Receptionist موظف استقبال
Sales manager مدير مبيعات Everyday lives الحياة اليومية
Reception desk مكتب استقبال Location موقع
Research scientist عالم أبحاث International عالمى
Region إقليم Economic ااقتصادى
Industry صناعة In turn بدوره
Harbour ميناء Details تفاصيل
Get fuel يحصل على وقود Economic situation موقف اقتصادى
Jewellery مجوهرات Northeast شمال شرقى
Environment بيئة Quantities كميات
Loads حمولات Perish يتلاشى
Perishable قابل للتلف Investment استثمار
Safety الأمان Opportunities فرص
Beyond India ما وراء الهند Positive إيجابى
National economy الاقتصاد القومى Pollution تلوث
Hire يستأجر Emerging country دولة ناشئة
Republic جمهورية Population السكان
Accountant محاسب Knowledge المعرفة
Expression تعبير Sea travel السفر نحرا
Tractor جرار زراعى Transporting نقل
Create يخلق Wealth ثروة
Language school مدرسة لغات Particular محدد
Feel relaxed يشعر بالراحة Barrel برميل
Ship ينقل بحرا Products منتجات
Shipment الشحن بحرا Minerals معادن
Dangers مخاطر Grapes عنب
Peaches خوخ Lemons ليمون
Pomegranates رمان Watermelons بطيخ
Green beans فول أخضر Onions بصل
Courgettes كوسة Garlic ثوم
Peppers فلفل Aubergines باذنجان
Chemicals مواد كيميائية Employee موظف
Access دخول Agriculture الزراعة

Idiomatic Expressions
Do a project on … يعمل مشروع عن
It is growing by +رقم يزداد بمقدار
To make + شخص feel at home يجعله يشعر وكأنه فى منزله
A win-win situation كل واحد يكسب
Have a problem with لديه مشكلة مع
More or less تقريبا
Make more profit يحقق ربحا أكثر
At the point of sale فى وقت البيع
Create more jobs يخلق فرص عمل
Make / have an appointment with لديه موعد مع

Come from يأتى من Refer to يشير إلى
Advantage of ميزة لـ Pay for يدفع ثمن
Related to مرتبط بـ Pass through يعبر من خلال
Work for يعمل لدى Proud of فخور بـ
Communicate with يتصل بـ Set up يشيد
Grow up ينمو Lead to يؤدى إلى
Arrange …with يرتب مع
We are living in a global economy
People describe today's world as a global economy. This means that a company in one country sells what it produces to other countries around the world. Of course countries have been trading in this way for thousands of years. What is different now is that computer technology has completely changed the way in which companies produce and distribute their goods and communicate with each other and their customers. Websites and e-mail have made it possible for companies of all size to sell their goods cheaply and quickly all over the world.
But global economy is more than this. It also means that companies do not need to stay in one country. Large international co operations, like Japanese car companies can set up almost any location, employ local workers to produce goods there and trade with other countries in the same region.
It also means that people can buy goods from countries where wages are lower. For example, many things that are sold in Europe and Africa are now made in China. Because these goods can be made more cheaply in China, more people can afford them.
The advantage of this economic system is the increase in international trade that it brings. This means that more people can buy more goods, which in turn means that more people all over the world have jobs. This is sometimes called a win-win situation, because everyone wins!
Port Said
Port Said is a big city in the northeast of Egypt. It has a number of industries, including fishing and chemicals. It is also an important harbor for the export of rice and cotton and as the place where ships passing through the Suez Canal can get fuel.


Chief رئيس / حاكم
Chef كبير الطهاة
Mr Ali is the chief of our company.
If the food is bad, blame the chef.

Petrol بنزين ( السيارات)
Oil البترول

Affect يؤثر على
Effect on تأثير
Smoking affects your health.
Smoking has a bad effect on your health.

Crop محصول (اسم المحصول الذى نزرعه)
Yield محصول (الناتج الذى نأخذه من المحصول
Cotton is very important crop.
The rice crop gave a big yield this year.

Wages راتب اسبوعى أو يومى
Salary راتب شهرى
Fee أتعاب (أتعاب الطبيب أو المحامى)

Hire يؤجر (لفترة قصير ة)
Rent يؤجر مكان (لفترة طويلة)
He hired a car to attend the wedding.
He rented a new flat.

Business Letter
**ينبغى على الطلاب:

1-قراءة موضوع الخطاب بدقة.
2-التفكير فى أسلوب الخطاب. كيف يصنعون افتتاحية ونهاية الخطاب وماذا يشتمل عليه مضمون الخطاب.
3-كتابة مسودة للخطاب.
4-لاحظ أننا لا نكتب مقدمة.

Business Letter

Polite greetings التحية بأدب
• Pleased to meet you.
• Welcome to ……
• Did you have a good flight?
• It is good to be here.
• Thank you for arranging the meeting.
• I'd like to discuss ….
• Can you offer ….?
• We will need to have …
• We can offer you ….

Respond to each of the following situations
1-You advise a friend not to throw rubbish in the street.
2-You describe your flat to your friend.
3-You express your feeling when you pass an exam.
4-You apologize to your friend for not waiting for him.
5-You meet a foreigner at the airport.
6-A person you don’t know arrives at your school. Ask if you can help him.
7-You meet a friend you haven’t seen him for ages.
8-In class, you see a friend who has been away fro weeks.
9-You are asked about the effect of global economy on international trade.
10-You express your opinion about what helps companies communicate with customers.
11-You meet the representative of an import company for the first time.
12-You want to ask your partner about his flight to France.
13-You express your happiness for arriving in Egypt.
Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are
A: How does this jumper fit?
B: It fits me well, but I need a cheaper one.
A: Ok, we have some over there.

A: Do you fresh fruits?
B: Yes, what would you like to buy?

A: Could you fasten your seat belt?
B: Excuse me, when shall we reach London airport?
A: By 6 o'clock.
A: What are you suffering from?
B: my eyes get tired quickly.
A: let me examine you.

A: What's wrong with you?
B: I have a nasty headache.
A: When did it happen?
B: two days.
A: Let me examine you.

A: Why are you late?
B: The metro has broken down.
A: But you are late for the first lesson.
B: I am sorry sir.

A: How can I help you?
B: I'd like to get a passport.
A: Ok, fill in this form.

A: What do you complain of?
B: I have great pain in my front tooth.
A: let me see.

Choose the correct answer
1-The teacher asked us to (hear / ignore / misunderstand / listen) to him carefully.
2-I will (give / make /do / form) an appointment to meet the manager.
3-Amani and Norhan are speaking quietly. They don’t want anyone to listen to their (serial / dialogue / conversation / convert)
4-Mr Wong has just arrived (on / in / by / at) Egypt.
5-You are very tired, please, (have / make / remove / destroy) a seat.
6-Let me (produce / criticize / transport / introduce) my friend Hind to you.
7-My Walid is the owner of a supermarket (string / rope / chin / chain) in Cairo.
8-To book a room, go to the (reception / manager / communication / foundation) desk.
9-The flight was (comfortable / tiring / uncomfortable / boring) I did enjoy it.
10-Goods are produced cheaply in China, many countries (export / ignore / refuse / import) them.
11-How many litres of (petroleum / benzene / petrol / oil) do you need for your car?
12-It was a difficult situation when we were (attacked / welcomed / praised / rewarded) suddenly by the enemy.
13-Don’t buy vegetables unless they are (rotten / immature / fresh / rot)
14-Mr Tom come (for / of / in / from) England.
15-I need to go to the post (office / desk / man /box) now to buy some stamps.
16-The world (economize / economic / economical / economy) system has changed so much nowadays.
17-Trade (decreases / increases / declines / stops) if goods are produced more cheaply because more people can afford them.
18-Companies can produce and (distribute / destroy / burn / hide) their goods easily by using the internet.
19-Workmen receive their (wages / salaries / bribes / fines) weekly.
20-Japanese corporations can set (down / in / out / up) in almost any location all over the world.
21-The internet has helped (local / global / neither of them / both of them) trade.
22-Most companies aim at selling their goods (cheap / cheaper / cheapest / cheaply) an quickly all over the world.
23-Using the e-mails has made it easy for all people to (fight / stay / communicate / fill) with each other.
24-A Japanese car company is an example (from / of / on / at) a large international corporation.
25-Port Said has a number of industries, (containing / consisting / excluding / including) fishing and chemicals.
26-Ships pass (through / on / over / under) the Suez Canal to save time and money.
27-The Japanese national (economic / economize / economical / economy) depends mainly on trade.
28-It is a good thing to make our guests (leave / feel / stay / forget) at home.
29-Our fruit (juice / taste / oil / yield) has increased since we started watering out plants more often.
30-We are proud (from / of / off / in) our great civilization.
31-(Founders / Guards / Representatives / Climbers) of countries which export oil are meeting to discuss the economic situation.
32-Pollution has a serious (effects / affects / effective / affect) on our environment.
33-New businesses will (export / import / employ / produce) hundreds of people in the city.
34-The global economy has increased (local / international / national / particular) trade.
35-China has a (population / production / promotion / profession) of 1.3 billion people.
36-Have you got enough money to pay (back / in / of / for) the bill.
37-Egypt (grows / exports / imports / produces) cotton to many countries.
38-We are going to (make / set / do / give) a project in Egypt.
39-I'd like to ask you some questions (for / about / from / at) our new business.
40-Beijing is the (region / country / capital / site) of China.
41-Using old badly-maintained vehicles (results / points / drives / leads) to pollution.
42-Selling oil to other countries will create (wealth / misery / suffering / poverty) for the country.
43-Ships are better (to / for / at / on) transporting very heavy cargo.
44-Clothes made of Egyptian cotton are very good (quantity / design / color / quality)
45-This company (owns / belongs / has / possesses) to an English businessman.
46-It is a real problem nowadays to (water / dry / harvest / cut) our plants more often due to the lack of water.
47-You are clever so you needn't worry (of / on / about / for) your exam result.
48-I could hardly recognize Noha, she has (spoken / grown / made / flown) up to much.
49-Population in Egypt is growing (for / out / by / at) one million every year.
50-Cheaply produced goods means that more people can (afford / affect / fear / promise) to buy them.
51-Mohamed works as a (represent / representation / representing / representative) for a Chinese import company.
52-He has just arrived (in / at / on / of) Egypt.
53-I am very (please / pleasing / pleased placed) to you again.
54-Hana (introduced / product / produced / deduced) her friend to mother.
55-Omar works as a (sell / sells / sales / seller) manager in a big company.
56-The verb "(disorder / decide / discuss / distribute) " means to supply goods to shops in a particular area.
57-(Cooperation / cooperative / Operate / Operation) is a large business organization.
58-(Echo / Common / Economy / Command) means the way money, businesses an products are organized in a country.
59-(Good / Goods / Goals . Gods) are things that are produced to be sold.
60-The global economy has increased (nation / international / nationality / national) trade)
61-The (economy / economical / economic / echo) situation in our country is improving.
62-New businesses will (employee / employment / employer / employ) hundreds of people in the city.
63-E-mail helps to improve the way companies (communicate / connect / connection / communication) with their customers.
64-China has a (population / pollution / pollute / populated) of 1.3 billion people.
65-The Egyptians are (interested / terrified / proud / satisfied) of Dr Ahmed Zewail.
66-A (generator / genetics / generation / government) ago, nobody had home computers.
67-Rana is interested (in / on / at / with) English.
68-We should do our best to (win / conquer / gain / earn) our living.
69-What was the reason (with / for / of / at) his absence?
70-Lina asked her brother to (borrow / spend / lend / spent) her some money.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly
1-It is a pleasure to produce my friend Hatem to you.
2-Hi! Welcome back in Egypt.
3-China population is growing up 15 million every year.
4-The global economy has increased the national trade.
5-The students are making a project on Egyptian export companies.
6-Workmen receive their salaries every week by their employer.
7-You can buy things cheap on the internet.
8-We can communicate easily for our friends.
9-Mr Wong has just arrived at Egypt.
10-You can be Mr Wang.
11-May I produce you to my uncle.
12-Would you like to take a site?
13-Tom is a search assistant.
14-She spends most of her day work.
15-The manager suggested put off the meeting.
1-Coins were first issued in the wet in the 18th century BC and since then their use has spread all over the world. Unlike other objects, they have always been highly prized by their owners.
2-Although computers are intelligent they can't think for themselves. They can don only what they have been programmed to do. Man has made computers and will continue to be their master.
3-When men become organized into very large groups, and civilization develops, it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat and many diseases, so that each person can lead a happier life than he could if he were living alone.
4-We can learn a lot by traveling. At school we learn Geography and it tells us about other countries. When we visit a foreign country, we see a different kind of life and listen to new ideas.
5-Nature is sometimes a friend to Man and sometimes his enemy. The water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun which gives us heat and light are all blessings from God.
6-Money is a double-edged weapon. We have to value money but we mustn’t be slaves to it. Money can change the character of some people if it controls them.
7-Our need for water in Egypt is expected to increase in the near future. This is because there will be more people who will need water for drinking, washing and irrigation. Therefore, if we don’t economize on water, we shall face a serious problem.
8-These days bog international companies, hotels and restaurants open new braches in many countries of the world. These chains are always the same in every country and they offer the same kinds of services.
9-Marketing has become an art. Export companies study consuming markets well. They collect information about people's buying habits, their needs and preferences. By this way they can ensure that they can sell their products well.

1-يعد الاستثمار المحلى والأجنبى و أفضل وسيلة للقضاء على البطالة فى بلدنا.
2-كلما انخفضت البضاعئ كلما أقبل الناس على الشراء.
3-لقد حضر عدد كبير من مندوبى الشركات لمناقشة بعض مشاكل التصدير.
4-لقد أثرت الأزمة الاقتصادية سلبا على معظم دول العالم.
5-يجب علينا ان نستغل أوقات فراغنا الاستغلال الأمثل لخدمة انفسنا ومجتمعنا.
6-تنفذ الحكومة مشروعات هامة لرعاية الشباب وحمايته من الانحراف وان شبابنا فى امس الحاجة لمثل هذه الرعاية.
7-تزود المكتبات المدرسية الطلاب بكثير من المعلومات فى كافة فروع المعرفة الإنسانية.
8-للتليفزيون تأثير عظيم على الطفل فهو ينمى شخصيته.
9-يقاس تقدم أى أمة بعدد النابغيين الذين نِشأوا بها.
10-إن زراعة الصحراء وبناء المدن الجديدة ينمى الاقتصاد القومى ويحل الكثير من المشاكل الاجتماعية.
11-لدى موعد مة مدير الشركة لمناقشة بعض الأعمال.
12-قام مدير المبيعات بالشركة بدراسة علم الاقتصاد فى الجامعة.
13-تقوم الشركات بتوظيف الناس عن طريق الاعلانات .

Letter writing

Write a business letter of about 100 words to Mr Yam, the sales manager of Sony Industries company in Shanghai, China to ask him about their new products of DVD, videos, digital cameras and tapes. Ask him about the price list, how and when to send them.
Your name is Emad.

Relative clause

 A clause: is a part of sentence.
 Relative clause: tells us which person or thing the speaker means.
(Relative clause) هو جزء من الجملة تعطينا معلومات عن الشخص أو الشىء الذى نتحدث عنه.
فهى تربط بين جملتين بسيطتين لتكون جملة واحدة .


تستخدم ( who ) للعاقل كفاعل للجملة، أى يأتى بعدها فعل وتكون بمعنى الذى أو التى أو اللذين .

The woman is friendly. She lives next door.
The woman who lives next door is friendly.

فجملة ( who lives next door ) تعطينا معلومات عن المرأة
The girl who spoke to you is my sister.
The boy who is cleaver succeeds every year.

تستخدم whom للمفعول العاقل:
He was the only American. I saw him at the conference.
He was the only American whom (who) I saw at the conference.


 تستخدم ( which ) لغير العاقل كفاعل للجملة، أى يأتى بعدها فعل .
They played tennis. Tennis is a famous game
They played tennis which a famous game.
Mohamed works for a company. It manufactures computers.
Mohamed works for a company which manufacture computers.
 يمكن استخدام ( that) بدلا من ( who, which )
Mohamed works for a company that manufactures computers.
The man that was shouting at me was my father.
لاحظ: يمكن أن تحل that محل who / which
This is the boy that I talked to you about.
This is the car which I bought.


تستخدم للملكية وتحل محل صفات الملكية مثل her , his, its /their / you أو ('s )
We met a lady. Her daughter got married.
We met a lady whose daughter got married.
The boy was sent to hospital. The boy's leg was broken.
The boy whose leg was broken was sent to hospital.

 تستخدم للمكان
I went back to the town where I was born.
This is the place where I found the ring.

 تستخدم للزمان
Summer is a good season when we play.
August is the month when we usually have holiday.

تستخدم للتأكيد
You are always late for the period. That annoys me.
What annoys me is that you are always late for the period.
We suffer from lack of money. That block our progress in space exploration.
What block our progress in space exploration is that we suffer from lack of money.

All that / the best that
I heard all that you said.
This is the best I can do.

It was + اسم الشخص + that / who + فعل + باقى الجملة
It was Ahmed who broke the window.
It was Dr Zewail who / that discovered the femto second.

***حذف ضمير الوصل***

1-يحذف ضمير الوصل إذا حل محل مفعول مباشر
This is the man who / whom you met yesterday.
This is the man you met yesterday.
I have two sons who / whom I am fond of.

2-يحذف ضمير الوصل إذا جاء بعده صيغة المبنى للمجهول
A thermometer is an instrument which is used to measure temperature.
A thermometer is an instrument used to measure temperature.
الربط هنا بالتصريف الثالث لفعل.
3-يحذف ضمير الوصل ويحل محله ing
Vegetables which contains a lot of water, don’t freeze well.
Vegetables containing a lot of water, don’t freeze well.
4-يحذف ضمي الوصل باستخدام الصفة
Students who are brilliant should be rewarded.
Brilliant students should be rewarded.

Choose the correct answer

1-This the man (who / which/ what / whom) I met him on Paris .
2-I wanted the painting (who / when / that / whose) you bought yesterday.

3-That’s the woman (what /when / which /who) I told you about.

4-There’s the lady (who /which/ where /whose) dog was killed.

5-He passed all the exams (whose/ who /when / which) surprised me.

6-The pilot showed us how to fly a plane (whom / who /whose / that) was very interesting.

7-They forgot about my birthday (when / who / which / whose) was very disappointing.

8-We visited the town (that / where / which / when) I was born.

9-I visited her last month (where / who / which / when) she came to our house.

10-Do you remember the time (which / who / when / where) our brother fell of the bike.
11-The cat sat on the wall (which / who / where / whom) she had a good view of the birds.
12-Have you got the money (who /which / when / that) I lent you yesterday?
13-She’s the journalist (which / who / whose / where) article was on the front page of The Time.
14-They sent a teacher (whose / which / who / whom) I really liked.
15-I am the person (where / which / whom/ what) you stay his flat.

16-That is the student (whose / who / whom / which) parents complained about the school.

17-She bought some clothes (which / who / where / when) were so beautiful.

18-I am the one (whom / which / whose / when) parents were killed in the car accident yesterday.
19-She is the woman ( which / who / when / whom) you saw last week.
20-This is the lion (that / where / when / whom) has been ill recently.
21-They’re the people (whose / whom / where / who) shop was burned down last week.
22-We all looked at the place (when/ where / who / which) the fire started.
23-Last year I spent my holidays in Paris (when / who / who / where) I met Tom.
24-I am talking about the time (who / which / where / when) they didn’t have a car.
25-I never liked the house (where / whom / which/whose) my husband was born.
26-He showed me the rocks (where / when / who / which) he had collected.
27-Hanan is one of the kindest people (that / which / whose / where) I know.
28-Mr Ali, (where / whose / who / which) secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.
29-The umbrella (where / that / who / whose) I bought in Paris needs repairing.
30-The man (who driving / driving / is driving / was driving) the bus, is my brother.
31-The book (was published / which publishing / which published / published) last week is his first novel.
32-The people, (are living / who living / were living / living) next door, are noisy.
33-The National Museum is (where / when / who / which) you can see the treasure of the pharaohs.
34-We live in a house (where / when / who / which) was built in 1900.
35-She is one of the few people (where / when / who / which) I look up.
36-Amr, (where / when / who / which) lives in Tanta, got his PhD last year
37-Waleed , (where / whose / who / which) wife is English, often travels to England.
38-They travel to Dubai (where / when / who / which) is the leading trade center in the Middle East.
39-The story, (where / when / who / which) we read in unit four, was a real one.
40-The Queen will visit the town in May (what / when / who / which) she will open a new hospital.
41-I will discuss it with you (however / whatever / whoever / whenever) you like.
42-There is somebody (where / when / who / which) wants you on the phone.
43-The boy (where / when / who / whose) leg was broken, was sent to hospital.
44-Modern businesses produce and services (where / when / who / which) are sold all over the world.
45-April is the month (where / when / who / which) they go to Sharm Al Sheikh.
46-Ahmed, (where / when / who / whose) son passed the exam, gave a big party.
47-This is our school (where / when / who / which) we are educated and taught.
48-Al Ahly is the club (where / when / who / that) has become the club of the century in Africa.
49-The watch, (you gave me / was given to me / that you gave it to me / which you gave it to me) is working perfectly.
50-The man (who waving / waved / waving / is waving) to me, is my cousin.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly
1-Do you know the name of the boy which broke his leg?
2-I feel sorry for our neighbor who flat was robbed.
3-The teacher punished the boy whose was naughty.
4-Small towns where were set up for trade, later became huge cities.
5-The businessman traveled to Japan when he did a lot of business.
6-Fresh vegetables contains a lot of vitamins who are useful to us.
7-These goods are made in China which workers get low wages.
8-The families who relatives have been killed in the car crash, are sad.
9-Friday is the day where we visit grandma.
10-Advertisement what we can see on TV, persuade people to buy things.
11-Spring is the time that we celebrate Sham El Nasem.
12-The man which car broke down, asked me for help.
13-My uncle which lives in Aswan, asked me to visit him.
14-The region in where our country lies, is dry all the year round.
15-The supermarket, which has just arrived in Egypt, is the chief buyer for our products.
16-The man which Ibrahim met at the airport was from England.
17-A good businessman is someone whom has a good relations.
18-When makes him a good doctor is that he cares about his patients.
19-This is the house who I bought.
20-This is best I can say.
21-It was she whose said the truth.
22-The garage is the place in where we put our cars.
23-Our neighbor, when is very pessimistic, said that there would be no apples this year.
24-That is the beach where I was telling you about.
25-I couldn’t find the man who case I'd taken by mistake.
26-Who was the one whose killed Mr Jones?
27-She is the one which I told you about.
28-I don’t like the people where they are staying with the Browns.
29-The boy who running after the chickens is your brother.
30-The car which bought yesterday, wasn’t good.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الثانى الثانوى رووووعه Unit 7
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Unit 5 الصف الثانى الثانوى شرح رووووعه
» مذكرة التربية الدينية للصف الثانى الثانوى رووووعه لا تفوتك
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» Unit 2 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز
» Unit 4 الثانى الثانوى شرح مميز

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