منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 الوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13: Wise Words

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

الوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13: Wise Words Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13: Wise Words   الوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13: Wise Words Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 17:21

Unit 13: Wise Words

Key Vocabulary

ambition الطموح silence صمت
ambitious طموح announce يعلن
include يشمل announcement اعلان
inclusion تضمين / ضم chat يدردش / يتحدث
meaningless بلا معنى / بلا مغزى conductor كمسارى
meaningful له معنى / ذو مغزى inform يخبر
pour يصب / يسكب paramedic مسعف
silent صامت regret يندم / ندم


wise حكيم ambulance سيارة اسعاف
wisdom حكمة contact يتصل بـ
achieve يحقق / ينجز call مكالمة
liquid سائل call يتصل تليفونيا بـ
flow ينساب / يتدفق busy life حياة صاخبة
golf ball كرة الجولف station محطة
space فراغ / الفضاء official رسمى
professor استاذ جامعى statement بيان
prove يثبت / يبرهن collect يجمع
proof برهان / دليل accountant محاسب
time management ادارة الوقت payment أجر
experiment تجربة / يجرب formally رسميا
tank خزان emergency حالة طوارىء
shake يهز arrival time وقت الوصول
adults البالغين (الكبار) departure time وقت الرحيل
edge حافة frequent معتاد / متكرر
importance أهمية moral درس / مغزى
tea leaves أوراق الشاى isolate يعزل
customer زبون rush يندفع
newsreader قارئ الأخبار eventually فى النهاية
national team الفريق القومى proverb مثل (حكمة)
block يسد wise saying قول مأثور
traffic jam ازدحام حركة المرور experience خبرة / يختبر
melt يذوب well-known معروف
passengers ركاب civil engineer مهندس مدنى
seat مقعد excitedly بانفعال
politician رجل سياسة bottles زجاجات
operation عملية unfortunately لسوء الحظ
save ينقذ result نتيجة
traditional تقليدى lonely يشعر بالوحدة
arrange يرتب injured مصاب
realize يدرك truly حقا

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

on a school day فى يوم دراسى filled with مملوء بـ
take out يخرج have an accident تحدث له حادثة
shake his head يهز رأسه (بالرفض) on the beach على البلاج
inform of / about يخبر بـ become friends with يصبح صديقا لـ
arrange for + n. يرتب لـ instead of بدلا من
have an operation تجرى له عملية revise for exams يراجع من أجل الامتحانات
ask for يطلب break down يتعطل
ask about يسأل عن give importance to يعطى أهمية لـ
call for يستدعى phone on the mobile يتصل على المحمول
call to ينادى على (شخص) nod his head يومىء برأسه (موافق)
have difficulties يواجه صعوبات thank for + v. + ing يشكر على
cut himself off
from others يعزل نفسه عن الآخرين half an hour from على بعد نصف ساعة من
full of ملىء بـ take to يعتاد على

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word Antonym
wise حكيم unwise غير حكيم
meaningless ذو معنى meaningful ليس له معنى
fill يملأ empty يفرغ
busy مشغول free غير مشغول
fast سريع slow بطىء
sleeping نائم awake مستيقظ
ill مريض well بصحة جيدة
include يشمل exclude يستبعد
success النجاح failure الفشل
silent صامت audible مسموع
useful مفيد useless غير مفيد

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb Noun Adjective
include يشمل inclusion ضم / اشتمال
silence يسكت silence سكوت / صمت silent ساكت / صامت
mean يعنى meaning معنى meaningful له معنى
meaningless ليس له معنى
inform يخبر information معلومات informed مطلع
موثوق فى معلوماته
regret يندم regret ندم regrettable مؤسف
announce يذيع / يعلن announcement اعلان
ambition الطموح ambitious طموح

Confusable Words

 fill / feel / fall:
 fill (filled / filled): يملأ
- I filled the cup with water.
 feel (felt / felt): يشعر / يحس بـ
- He's still feeling a bit weak after his operation
 fall (fell / fallen): يقع / يسقط
- He fell badly and broke his leg.

 life / a life / the life:
 life: و لا تجمع )a / the الحياة بصفة عامة ( لا يسبقها
- Life is full of problems.
 a life: حياة ( يقصد بها نوع معين من الحياة و تجمع)
- He leads a life of happiness.
- Many lives were lost in the train accident.
 the life: قصة حياة شخص أو شعب
- I read a book about the life of Alexander the Great.

 include / including / enclose:
 include: يشتمل على
- The meal includes meat and rice.
 including: بما فى ذلك (حرف جر)
- Ten people including three children were injured in the accident.
 enclose: يرفق بــ / يحيط بـ
- The cheque was enclosed in the same envelope. مظروف
- Our school is enclosed by a high fence. سور

 remember / remind:
 remember: يتذكر/ يبلغ تحيات
- Did you remember to switch off the light?
- Remember me to your father.
 remind + مفعول + to + مصدر: يذكر
- Please remind me to bring my camera.
 remind + مفعول + of + اسم : يذكر
- He reminded me of my appointment with the dentist.
 remind + مفعول + that + جملة: يذكر
- He reminded me that I had an appointment with the dentist.

Language Notes

 else: آخر
تستخدم كلمة else بعد هذه الكلمات
someone / somebody / something / no one / nobody / nothing / anyone / anybody / anything / everyone / everybody / everything
كما تستخدم بعد بعض أدوات الاستفهام مثل How / What / Where / Who
- Would you like anything else?
- How else can we go to Aswan?
- What else will you buy?
- No one else can help you?

 include + v. + ing: يشمل
- Her new job includes meeting a lot of people.

 regret + to + مصدر: يأسف لأته مضطر لعمل شيء
- We regret to tell you that you won't get the job.

 regret + v. + ing: يندم على شيء عمله من قبل
- He regretted making the same mistake over and over again.

 look forward to + ingفعل ينتهى بـ : يتطلع إلى
- She was looking forward to seeing the grandchildren again.

 be supposed to + مصدر: should من المفترض أن
- You are supposed to revise for your exams.
= You should revise for your exams.

 keep + v. + ing: يستمر فى
- I hate people who keep me waiting.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- My (hero-idea-ambition-announcement) is to become a surgeon.
2- The footballer (regretted-reminded-insisted-informed) his mistake when the other team scored a goal.
3- We (suggest-regret-announce-refuse) to tell you that the journey will be delayed.
4- She is very (cheerful-ambition-ambitious-ambiguous) and wants to be a newsreader on TV.
5- It's a traditional song, but its message is very modern. Its words are still (meaningless-meaningful-meaning-mean) today.
6- The children (chatted-cheated-informed-exchanged) excitedly when they heard the good news.
7- They called a (policeman-psychologist-paramedic-painter) when they saw that one of the passengers was ill.
8- The book is full of very useful (announcement-declaration-advertisement-information).
9- A (dentist-patient-passenger-paramedic) is someone who is trained to help people who are ill or injured but is not a doctor or nurse.
10- I rang Jill and (remember-recall-mind-remind) her that the conference had been cancelled.
11- She's looking forward to (see-seeing-being seen-saw) the Pyramids.
12- British Airways regret (announce-announcing-announced-to announce) the flight BA205 to Madrid has been cancelled.
13- Your responsibilities will include (making-to make-make-made) appointments on my behalf.
14- He is being considered for (inclusion-interferrence-intrruption-intention) in the Egyptian national team.
15- He (poured-packed-flowed-floated) the honey into the bowl and mixed it thoroughly with the other ingredients.
16- The Prime Minister has (told-advertised-spoke-announced) that public spending will be increased next year.
17- Do they have any (proof-advertisement-announcement-regret) that it was Ali who stole the goods?
18- Loud crash of thunder broke the (talk-chat-silence-noise) of the night.
19- The empty house was completely (noisy-silent-speaking-talking).
20- The soldiers listened in (noise-talk-regret-silence) as their captain gave the orders.
21- I (informed-talked-said-spoke) my boss that I was going to be away next week.
22- The river (flows-follows-floats-flies) through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.
23- They suspected that she had killed him but they could never actually (improve-prove-include-advertise) that it was her.
24- I filled the bucket (by-of-in-with) water.
25- A fallen tree is (blocking-booking-locking-closing) the road.
26- Scientists are doing (experiences-experts-experiments-expressions) to test the effectiveness of the new drug.
27- I was stuck in a traffic (dam-jam-cheese-butter) for an hour yesterday.
28- I asked Tim if he'd seen Jackie lately but he (nodded-shook-moved-pulled) his head.
29- When his wife died, he cut himself (of-off-with-at) from other people.
30- When she looked at him her eyes were (fall-feel-fill-full) of tears.
31- I have always regretted not (studying-studied-study-to study) harder at school.
32- The price of the holiday (includes-consists-contains-regrets) the flight, the hotel and care-hire.
33- Could you please remind me (to-with-by-of) your birthday?
34- He telephoned the police to inform them (of-with-at-on) the accident.
35- (A conductor-An inspector-An instructor-A paramedic) is a person who collects money from passengers on a bus or a train.
36- The man thanked the woman (on-for-upon-with) saving his life.
37- Time (punishment-management-advertisement-announcement) is important for a successful career.
38- He was taken to hospital to have (operation-experiment-experience-announcement).
39- Students usually revise their lessons (review-revise-reverse-reserve) for exams.
40- The man was very sick, so they sent for (an ambulance-an airplane-a bus-a train).

 Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- I'm not a scientist, so these numbers are meaningful. I don't understand them.
2- The driver said the accident was very regretful.
3- The politician said she had an important announce.
4- The passengers were cheating, reading or listening to music.
5- A dentist is a person who is trained to do medical work, especially in an emergency, but who is not a doctor or nurse.
6- The teacher talked the class of the exam results.
7- I love the noise of the desert.
8- He has already achieved his main hero in life - to become wealthy.
9- She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience.
10- The government has announced an ambition programme to modernize the railway network.
11- The conclusion of all that violence in the film was not necessary.

Conditionals الجمل الشرطية

The Zero Conditional الحالة الصفرية

 نستخدم الحالة الصفرية لوصف أحداث تكون عادة حقيقية. و فى هذه الجمل نلاحظ أن
if = when

If + present simple مضارع بسيط present simple مضارع بسيط

- If water is heated to 100° c, it boils.
- If water freezes, it turns into ice.
- If I feel thirsty, I drink water.
- If I have time, I usually walk to school.
- If I feel tired, I go to bed.

The first conditional الحالة الأولى

If + present simpleمضارع بسيط will / shall + inf.

 تعبر الحالة الأولى عن أحداث محتملة فى المستقبل.
- If I earn some money, I’ll go abroad.
If we have enough time, we’ll visit Ahmed.
 كما تعبر الحالة الأولى عن احتمال حقيقى فى المضارع.
- If you’re hot, I’ll buy you a cool drink.
 يمكن استخدام can / may / must بدلا من will
- If we have enough time, we can visit Ahmed.
 يمكن أن يكون جواب الشرط أمر أو طلب.
- If you see Asmaa, give him a message for me, please.
 لاحظ صيغة السؤال مع if
- What will you do if you win a lot of money?
 ملاحظات:
 نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة وجود جملتين فى المستقبل أو وجود كلمات تدل على الاحتمال مثل perhaps / may / I think أو أداة الربط If so.
1- Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. If so, we’ll stay at home. (If…)
If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.
 نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود كلمات تدل على الضرورة مثل must / necessary أو وجود أداة الربط or أو otherwise
2- She must practise well or she won’t play the piano. (If……)
If she doesn’t practise well, she won’t play the piano.
 نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود جملة فى المستقبل و الأخرى أمر أو طلب.
3- Take this medicine and you may get better. (If)
If you take this medicine, you may get better.
4- Take this medicine or you won’t get better. (If)
If you don’t take this medicine you won’t get better.
 ننفى جملة الأمر فى حالة وجود أداة الربط or / otherwise كما فى المثالين 2 & 4
 يمكن أن نستخدم should بدلا من if و يليها فاعل ثم مصدر
- If he has enough money, he will buy a car. (Should)
Should he have enough money, he will buy a car.

The second conditional الحالة الثانية

If + past simple ماضى بسيط would/could/might/should +inf.

 تعبر الحالة الثانية عن حدث من غير المحتمل أن يحدث فى الحاضر أو المستقبل
- If I had a lot of money, I’d travel round the world.
- If I didn’t feel so tired, I’d come out with you.
- If he really liked you, he wouldn’t be so horrible to you.
 كما تعبر عن افتراض مخالف للواقع
- If I was/were rich, I’d buy my parents a house with a garden.
 لاحظ استخدام were مع المفرد للدلالة على الاستحالة
 تستخدم الحالة الثانية If I were you للنصيحة
- You should look for another job. (If)
If I were you, I’d look for another job.
 يمكن استخدام were بدلا من if مع ملاحظة أن were هى فعل الجملة الأساسى
- If I were younger, I’d play football with you. (Were)
Were I younger, I’d play football with you.
 إذا كان فعل الجملة فعل آخر غير were نستخدم were ثم الفاعل ثم to + inf.
- If he it rained, the match would be postponed. (Were)
Were it to rain, the match would be postponed.
 يمكن أن نستخدم had بدلا من if
- If he had enough time, he would go to the club. (Had)
Had he enough time, he would go to the club.
 لاحظ صيغة الاستفهام مع if
- What would you do if you won a lot of money?
يمكن استخدام should بدلا من if و يليها فاعل ثم مصدر
- If he played well, he would win. (Should)
Should he play well, he would win.
 نستخدم الحالة الثانية فى حالة وجود جملتين فى زمن المضارع مع تحويل النفى إلى إثبات و الإثبات إلى نفى
1- He isn’t a lawyer. So he can’t help you. (If)
If he were a lawyer, he could help you.
2- He doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t buy a car. (If)
If he had enough money, he could buy a car.
3- I can’t eat this food because it is bad. (If)
If this food weren’t bad, I could eat it.
4-He can’t join the basketball team, as he is short. (If)
If he weren’t short, he could join the basketball team.
 نضع الجملة التى تسبق so / therefore / that’s why بعد if كما فى المثالين 1,2
 نضع الجملة التى تلى because / as بعد if كما فى المثالين 3,4

The third conditional الحالة الثالثة

If + past perfect ماضى تام would/could/might/should +have +p.p.

 تعبر الحالة الثالثة عن مواقف مستحيلة الحدوث أو التغيير فى الماضى.
- If the sky had been clear yesterday, I would have seen the eclipse.
- If you hadn’t missed the bus, you wouldn’t have been late for the match.
 يمكن استخدام could / might بدلا من would .
- If you had taken the exam, you might have passed it.
- If I had had protective glasses, I could have watched the eclipse.
 لاحظ صيغة الاستفهام مع if
- What would you have done if you had won a lot of money?
 يمكن أن نستخدم had بدلا من if و يليها فاعل ثم تصريف ثالث
- If he had played well, he would have won. (Had)
Had he played well, he would have won.
 فى حالة جملتين فى الماضى نستخدم الحالة الثالثة و نحول النفى إلى إثبات و العكس
1- He got up late, so he missed the train. (If)
If he hadn’t got up late, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
2- He didn’t have a map, therefore he was lost. (If)
If he had had a map, he wouldn’t have been lost.
3- He failed because he was lazy. (If)
If he hadn’t been lazy, he wouldn’t have failed.
4- He failed, as he didn’t work hard. (If)
If he had worked hard last year, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.
 نضع الجملة التى تسبق so / therefore / that’s why بعد if كما فى المثالين 1,2
 نضع الجملة التى تلى because / as بعد if كما فى المثالين 3,4

 ملاحظات:
 تنطبق حالات if الثلاثة على unless و يأتى بعدها جملة مثبتة
- If Peter doesn’t improve, he will fail the exam. (Unless)
Unless Peter improves, he will fail the exam.
- He is lazy. That’s why he fails the exams. (Unless)
Unless he were lazy, he wouldn’t fail the exam.
- He worked hard, so he succeeded. (Unless)
Unless he had worked hard, he wouldn’t have succeeded.

 لاحظ الفرق بين in case / in case of فى الاستخدام:

In case لربما + جملة
In case of فى حالة + v. + ing / noun اسم

- If he has enough money, he will buy a car. (In case of)
In case of having enough money, he will buy a car.
- Perhaps you’ll need this money, so take it. (in case)
Take this money in case you need it.

 لاحظ التعبيرات التالية.
But for/ Without+ v. + ing/ noun would + inf. / would have +pp
If it weren’t for + v. + ing / noun would + inf.
If it hadn’t been for + v. + ing / noun would have + pp

- But for the Nile, Egypt would be a desert. (If it …………)
If it weren’t for the Nile, Egypt would be a desert.
- Without his hard work, he wouldn’t have succeeded. (If it ………)
If it hadn’t been for his hard work, he wouldn’t have succeeded.

 أدوات شرط أخرى:
as long as طالما/ on condition that بشرط أن/ provided that بشرط أن:
- You can stay with us as long as you share the rent.
- I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within 6 months.
- She will pass her exams provided that she studies hard.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- I wouldn’t have reached this stage unless she (helped-had helped-was helping-would help) me.
2- If we don't go now, we (won't-wouldn't-didn't-couldn't) catch the bus.
3- If it (were-was-is-had been) cloudy, we may not see the eclipse.
4- Keep your receipt (in case of-unless-without-in case) you want to change the goods.
5- I wouldn’t say it unless it (is-does-did-were) true.
6- If Sam loses his job, he (will-would-had to-have to) look for work in the city.
7- What (will you do-may you do-can you do-would you do) if it rained next June?
8- (In case-But for-If- In case of) fire, leave the building as quickly as possible.
9- (In case-But for-Unless-If) blood banks, many people would die.
10- I’ll give you the day off (unless-in case of-otherwise-on condition that) you work on Saturday morning.
11- I would put on protective glasses if I (were-will be-has been-am) you.
12- If she hadn’t learned how to type, she (would have written-will write-wouldn’t have written-would write) so many books.
13- If water freezes, it (will turn-turns-would turn-turned) into ice.
14- If we leave now, we (catch-will catch-would catch-might have caught) the train.
15- If I (passed-have passed-had passed-pass) the exam, I'll be very happy.
16- If you worked harder, you (will get-will have got-would get-can get) higher marks.
17- If people lived on the moon, they (will be-may be-would have been-would be) tired and bored.
18- If I (were-am-have been-are) ten years younger, I'd go mountaineering.
19- If he (left-have left-would leave-had left) on time, he wouldn't have missed the bus.
20- Provided you look after it, you (can-could-might-would) borrow this DVD.
21- If you had got the job, you (would live-would have lived-will have lived-will live) in Luxor.
22- You can borrow my car (unless-provides-as long as-in case of) you drive carefully.
23- I'll come this evening (if-unless-on provided-as long as) I have to work late.
24- If I (have-had-had had-would have) more time, I would visit my friends in Dubai.
25- If you (work-worked-has worked-had worked) harder, you would have passed the test.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- If I found any money at school, I'll take it to one of the teachers.
2- If you haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
3- If you heated ice, it melts.
4- If someone will ring the doorbell, don’t let them in.
5- If she have enough time, she will visit us.
6- If you took an aspirin, your headache may get better.
7- If he is a doctor, he could help you.
8- Without my advice, he will have lost all his money.
9- He can buy that expensive car if he had enough money.
10- I would write to him if I know his address.
11- They would have won the match if they had played badly.
12- She won't have lost her tennis match if she had had enough practice.
13- If he had worked hard, he may not have failed.
14- If it weren't for my father’s help, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.
15- Unless he has been careful, he wouldn't have avoided a terrible accident.
16- He would succeed provided that he studies hard.
17- If you heat water, it changed into steam.

Wise Sayings

The road to success is not straight. ان الطريق الى النجاح ليس سهلا
 Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
من الصعب أن تجد أصدقاء جيدين و من الأصعب أن تتركهم و من المستحيل أن تنساهم
 Some people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
بعض الناس يشعرون بالعزلة لأنهم يبنون الحواجز بدلا من الجسور
 Life is not a race. It's a journey. ان الحياة ليست سباقا بل هى رحلة
 It's not what you do that you should regret, it's what you don't do.
لا تندم على ما فعلته بل اندم على مافاتك
 If you do good things in your life, you will be remembered for these things.
ان الانسان يذكر بمحاسنه
 If you don't succeed, try, try and try again.
ان النجاح لا يأتى من أول مرة بل بعد محاولات عديدة
Language Functions

Seeking information
طلب معلومات

Question Answer
What is the story really about?
عن أى شئ تكون هذه القصة بالفعل؟ It's really about helping people
انها حقيقة عن مساعدة الناس
What do you think the moral is?
ماهو الدرس الأخلاقى فى رأيك؟ I think it is that people should help each other.
اعتقد أنه هو أن الناس يجب أن يساعدوا بعضهم البعض
What do you think this story shows?
ماذا تبين هذه القصة فى رأيك؟ I'd say it shows that your help can save people's lives.
اٌقول أنها تبين أن مساعدتك يمكن أن تنقذ حياة الآخرين
I think the moral of this story is …. .
Do you agree?
أعتقد أن الدرس الأخلاقى لهذه القصة هو
هل توافق؟ Yes, I do.
Not really. I think that it is that man can't live alone.
نعم أوافق
حقيقة لا. أعتقد أنه أن الانسان لا يمكن أن يعيش بمفرده

 Respond to each of the following situations:
1- You have just finished reading a book. Your friend asks you what it is about. What do you say?
2- Your friend saw a film yesterday. You ask him what it really shows. What do you say?
3- You ask your friend about the moral of the story he has just read. What do you say?
4- Your friend tells you the moral of the story he has just read is that life is not race but a journey. You agree. What do you say?

Test 13 (Unit 13 + Chapter 6)

A) Language Functions

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1- You have just read a magazine story. You understand the story, but you are not sure what its real subject is. What do you say?
2- Your class has read a short story. You are not sure what it shows. What do you ask your teacher?
3- Your friend asks what the film you have just seen together is really about. You think it's about helping people. What do you say?
4- You have to phone a friend's mother and tell her that her child is ill. What do you say?

2- Say where each of the following two mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: Your tickets, please, sir. Place:
B: Here you are. What time do we arrive Speaker A:
at Banha? Speaker B:
A: In half an hour or so.
B: Will we stop at Tanta?
A: No, we are going straight to Alexandria after that.

2- A: Thank you for rescuing me. Place:
I could have died. Speaker A:
B: You're going to be Ok. This oxygen mask Speaker B:
will help you breathe.
A: Where are we going?
B: We're on our way to Kasr Al Aini Hospital.
The doctors will take care of you there.

B) Vocabulary & Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- We ……………….. to inform passengers traveling to Cairo that their train will be 20 minutes late.
a) suggest b) announce c) refuse d) regret
2- My …………….. is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
a) ambition b) hero c) idea d) announcement
3- To make tea, you have to ………………… hot water onto tea leaves.
a) pull b) pour c) heat d) drink
4- Her job ………………… answering the telephone and writing to new customers.
a) encloses b) consists c) includes d) contains
5- When he heard the news, he was …………………. . He said nothing.
a) silent b) talkative c) noisy d) blind
6- I didn't understand the film on TV last night. It was completely ………… to me.
a) meaningful b) meaningless c) careless d) exciting
7- He's quite a good player, but his …………….. in the national team is a surprise.
a) interference b) interruption c) inclusion d) intention
8- The head teacher makes an ……………….. when there is something important to know about in the school.
a) announcement b) commercial c) advertisement d) proverb
9- If it was cold in the evening, you …………….. warm clothes.
a) will need b) needed c) would need d)would have needed
10- If you heat ice, it ………………….. .
a) melts b) would melt c) could melt d) might melt
11- If I find his telephone number, I …………………. Him.
a) would phone b) will phone c) could phone d) will have phoned
12- If she ……………… about the accident, she would have stayed at home.
a) knew b) has known c) had known d) knows
13- ……………… your call, the man might have died.
a) If b) Unless c) In case d) Without
14- If he hadn't got to hospital so quickly, he ……………… .
a) might die b) would die c) will die d) might have died
15- If there …………… an accident, there will be a traffic jam.
a) is b) are b) was d) were
16- If I had time, I …………… a book.
a) will write b) would write b) may write d) can write

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- The train's pilot asked for my train ticket.
2- Two farmers ran out of the ambulance and carried my sick friend into the hospital.
3- The book is full of very useful inform.
4- If the film hadn't been funny, I wouldn't laugh.
5- If I felt tired, I usually go to bed early.
6- I'll tell you if I saw anything unusual.

C) Reading

5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
What inspires someone to make a new invention? Most inventors are inspired by need. Louis Braille, who was born in 1809, lost his sight when he was a child. However, his parents helped him to continue his education. His teachers helped him a lot and he reached the top of his class. At the age of ten, he was given money to study at the Royal Institution for Blind Youth, where he started to use a simple raised-print system for reading.
Louis Braille invented a better system based on raised dots. The dots are put into patterns in a rectangle which has six positions for dots. The different
arrangements of the dots represent the letters of the alphabet or other characters. There are symbols for punctuation marks and for math and music. A blind person reads by feeling the dots with their finger tips.
Braille writing was not well known until sixteen years after its inventor’s death in 1852. Today, it is used in almost every country in the world and is considered the standard form of reading and writing for the blind.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- What need inspired Louis Braille to invent a better system of reading for the blind?
2- How can a blind person read with the Braille system?
3- In what year did the Braille system become well known?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- The underlined relative pronoun "where" refers to ………………….
a) the money to study
b) b) the Royal Institution for Blind Youth
c) his home
d) d) simple raised-print system for reading
5- Louis Braille began attending the Royal Institution for Blind Youth when he was …………………… .
a) born b) three years old
c) seven years old d) ten years old

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Samy and Safwat have been chosen to travel to Paris on a business trip to learn to use some new machines. It's rare to let young people in their company travel abroad. Usually older people are chosen. However, their manager has chosen them because of their hard work. They have arranged everything: they’ve booked the tickets and packed their bags. They are going to stay for a fortnight; they will spend twelve days at the company and then they will have two days to tour round the city before they return to Egypt. It will be a busy trip; they will have little free time. They are enthusiastic to see another community that speaks a different language and has different interests. Samy and Safwat are going to stay in a hotel where they will have two meals, breakfast and dinner. Two days ago, they had a long telephone conversation with the French instructor who will teach them how to use the new machines. He recommended them to take light clothes because the climate is hot and humid in summer. He will be waiting for them in the airport. Samy and Safwat think that he is very friendly and they are sure that they will enjoy this experience.

A) Find short answers to the following questions:
1- Why will Samy and Safwat travel to Paris?
2- What arrangements have they made for their trip?
3- How will they have to take light clothes?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Samy and Safwat will spend ………………… in Paris.
a) two weeks b) twelve days
c) two days d) two months
5- The underlined word "He" refers to ………………….. .
a) Samy b) Safwat
c) the French instructor d) the manager

7) The reader (The Spiders)
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the police prevent cars from entering or leaving the town?
2- How did the police officers try to kill the large female spider?

B) Complete the following:
1- When its leg was caught, the female spider …………………………………………
2- The echinacea negra medicine was delayed because ……………………………

C) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Your suit's torn! Get out! Get out!"
1- What happened to Ayman when his suit was torn?
2- What was the only hope for Ayman to recover?

D) Writing

8) Write a paragraph about 100 words about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

9) Translation
A) Translate into Arabic:
The internet is the fastest communication system in human history. It provides information on millions of different subjects. It also allows people to send messages and e-mails to any person all over the world in seconds.

B) Translate into English:
1- هل تعتقد أن الأنشطة المدرسية مضيعة للوقت؟
2- بعض الناس يشعرون بالعزلة لأنهم يبنون الحواجز بدلا من الجسور
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13: Wise Words
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» الوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 15: Off the beaten track
» الوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 16: Tourism Today
» Unit 6: That's amazing الوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
» Unit 8: The Necklace الثانى الثانوى لغة انجليزية الوحدة الثامنة
» الوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 11: Moby Dick

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