منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  UNIT 12 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

   UNIT    12 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNIT 12 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز      UNIT    12 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز Emptyالأربعاء 18 أبريل 2012 - 19:51



celebrate يحتفل drum طبلة
folk (adj. / n) شعبي / الموسيقي والأغاني الشعبية landmark مًعلًم هام / حدث أو اكتشاف مؤثر
mark (v/n) يُمثل / يحتفل بـ / يكون إيذانا ببدء .. position وضع / مكان / مكانة / منزلة / وظيفة / مركز
procession موكب distinctive مُمًيًز وواضح
event حدث (هام) evolve يتطور
fireworks ألعاب نارية responsibility مسئولية
vary يتنوع / يختلف harvest الحصاد / يحصد
drummer طبال variety تنوع / مجموعة منوعة
evolution التطور benefits فوائد
distinction تميز / اختلاف festival مهرجان
folk music الموسيقي الشعبية traditional تقليدي
a particular style أسلوب معين local community مجتمع محلي
individual فرد / فردي entertainment الترفيه
a special purpose غرض خاص Upper Egypt صعيد مصر
region منطقة regional اقليمي
a common instrument آلة (موسيقية) شائعة a line of people طابور من الناس
stick عصا objects أشياء
the Eiffel Tower برج إيفل palace قصر
royal ملكي relatives أقارب
drumstick عصا النقر علي الطبلة clap/clapped يصفق
traditional music موسيقي تقليدية commemorate يحيي ذكري
feel bored يشعر بالملل distinctively بشكل مميز وواضح
distinguish يُميِز distinguished متميز / بارز
sculptures تماثيل منحوتة enormous model نموذج هائل
well-known معروف / مشهور oral tradition تقليد شفهي
local materials مواد محلية child's development نمو الطفل
increasingly بصورة متزايدة health conditions الظروف الصحية
mental عقلي a fan مُعجب
a professional musician موسيقي أو عازف محترف can't stand لا يطيق
the oud العود a sports centre مركز رياضي
relax يسترخي / يستجم keep fit يحافظ علي اللياقة البدنية
gym صالة الألعاب driving test اختبار القيادة
driving licence رخصة القيادة efficiently بكفاءة
sound like يبدو مثل a modern process عملية حديثة
floating gardens حدائق طافية nutrients مواد مغذية
submarine غواصة astronaut رائد فضاء
agriculture الزراعة growing crops زراعة المحاصيل
salt water مياه مالحة growers الزراع
plough محراث weaving النسج
shadouf الشادوف papyrus ورق البردي
collect يجمع clay pots أواني فخارية
a well بئر potter صانع الفخار
evaporate يتبخر loom نول (لصناعة النسيج)

Words and their antonyms:

loyal مخلص / وفي disloyal غير مخلص
mental عقلي physical بدني / جسمي
promote يُرقي demote ينُزل من درجته
hope for يأمل في despair of ييأس من
last (v) يستمر stop / end يتوقف
distinctive مُمًيز common عادي / شائع
distribute يوزع collect يجمع
evaporate يتبخر condense يتكاثف
respect (n) احترام contempt احتقار
lifeless ميت / بلا حياة alive حي
scarce نادر plentiful وفير
generous كريم miserly بخيل

Words and their synonyms:

agreement موافقة consent loyal مخلص faithful
mental ذهني / عقلي intellectual physical جسمي bodily
distribute يوزع give out lifeless ميت dead
likely محتمل probable vary يختلف differ
scarce نادر rare infuriate يُغضِب بشدة enrage
gigantic هائل titanic entertainment ترفيه amusement
evolve يتطور develop responsibility مسئولية duty
liberate يحرر emancipate mean بخيل miserly
distinction فرق / اختلاف difference facilitate يسهل make easy

Prepositions and Expressions:

last for يستمر لمدة in the same way بنفس الطريقة
be influenced by يتأثر بـ make up songs يؤلف أغاني
get through their work ينجزون عملهم sing babies to sleep يغني للأطفال لكي يناموا
write down music يُدون الموسيقي vary from place to place يختلف من مكان إلي مكان
evolve into يتطور إلي listen to music يستمع للموسيقي
with this in mind واضعا ذلك في الاعتبار it is our responsibility to إنها مسئوليتنا أن
use music for a purpose يستخدم الموسيقي لغرض the main benefits of الفوائد الرئيسية لـ
look with envy at ينظر بحسد إلي in relation to بالنسبة إلي
distinct from متميز عن give out يوزع
be carved out of يكون منحوتا من access to الحق في دخول أو استخدام أو الحصول علي شيء
throughout the world في أنحاء العالم pass from … to ينتقل من..إلي..
cheer up يبتهج walk past يمر من أمام..
train for the race يتدرب من أجل السباق at lunchtime في وقت الغداء
come up to the surface يصعد الي السطح take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن
be made up of يتكون من occupy a volume of يشغل حجما قدره

Irregular Verbs:

withstand/withstood/ withstood يتحمل repay/repaid/repaid يسدد
pay/paid/paid يدفع rewrite/rewrote/ rewritten يعيد كتابة
put/put/put يضع ride/rode/ridden يركب
read/read/read يقرأ ring/rang/rung يرن
rebuild/rebuilt/rebuilt يعيد بناء say/said/said يقول


Verb Noun Adjective
celebrate يحتفل celebration احتفال a celebrity شخص مشهور celebrated مشهور

prefer يفضل preference تفضيل preferable مُفضل
vary يتنوع variety تنوع / مجموعة منوعة various متنوع / مختلف
use يستخدم use استخدام used مستخدم / مستعمل
explode ينفجر explosion انفجار explosive متفجر
evolve يتطور evolution التطور evolutionary تطوري
continue يستمر continuity استمرار continuous مستمر
describe يصف description وصف descriptive وصفي
hope يأمل hope الأمل hopeful مُفعم بالأمل
hopeless يائس / ميئوس منه
enjoy يستمتع enjoyment متعة enjoyable ممتع
practise يمارس / يُطبق عمليا practice ممارسة / مزاولة practical عملي

Words that go together

score a goal يسجل هدف achieve a goal يحقق هدف (في الحياة)
make a loud noise يحُدث ضوضاء عالية get together يتقابل / يجتمع
irresponsible behaviour سلوك غير مسئول a distinctive style أسلوب متميز
a historical play مسرحية تاريخية mark the beginning of يُمثل بداية ..
music therapy العلاج بالموسيقي play an instrument يعزف علي آلة (موسيقية)
fall asleep يغلبه النوم develop new techniques يُطور أساليب جديدة
a regular supply إمداد منتظم make time يوفر وقت (لعمل شيء)
information technology تكنولوجيا المعلومات) high yield crops محاصيل ذات إنتاجية عالية
decreasing amount كمية متناقصة usable land أرض صالحة للاستخدام
air transport النقل الجوي marine transport النقل البحري
river bed قاع النهر mental age العمر العقلي
birth rate معدل المواليد death rate معدل الوفيات
family planning تنظيم الأسرة population explosion الانفجار السكاني
at the appointed time في الوقت المحدد at the present time في الوقت الحالي

Read the following passage carefully:

Folk music
In the same way that cultures have their own festivals, they also have their own traditional folk music: a particular style of music that uses different instruments.
Unlike other kinds of music, folk music usually develops in local communities. Even in one country, different areas, cities and villages often have their own distinctive styles. For example, the traditional music of Cairo is different from the music of other parts of Egypt. Distinctive styles developed because, in the past, most people were born and lived their lives in one village or one small area. Music was individual, not influenced by music from other areas.
Today, most modern music is written as entertainment. Most folk music, however, has a special purpose. Folk songs, for example, were made up to describe important historical events, to help people get through their day's work, or to sing babies to sleep. Until recent times, folk music was not written down. Children learnt it from their families, friends or neighbours.
The musical instruments used in folk also vary from place to place. The people of Upper Egypt, for example, often play the rababah, an instrument like a violin; the simsimiyya is the instrument of the Suez area. The oud is common in the folk music of Cairo. Once, it was taken to Europe, where it evolved into a number of modern Instruments.
Today, travel and modern technology have made it possible for anyone to listen to music not just from other areas, but from other cultures around the world. Because of this, distinctive folk music could disappear in future. With this in mind, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to protect the traditional music of our countries, our regions and our communities.


celebrate to do something special because it is a special occasion, or because something good has happened
drum (n) a round musical instrument which you play by hitting it with your hand or a stick
fireworks small objects that explode or bum with a coloured light, used for celebrating special events
landmark something that helps you recognise where you are, such as a famous building
mark (v) to show that something is happening, especially an important event or change
position (n) the place where someone or something is in relation to other things
procession a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony
distinctive showing a person or thing to be different from others
event something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual•
evolve to develop or make something develop gradually
folk traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area
responsibility if something is your responsibility, it is your duty to make sure that it is done
vary if things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other

Language Notes

• قبل أسماء الفصول يمكن استخدام أو عدم استخدام the:
●It usually snows here in (the) winter.
۩ Snow الثلج (قطرات الماء المتجمدة التي تسقط من السماء)
۩ Ice الثلج أو الجليد (الماء عندما يتجمد ويصبح ثلجا)
● Outside the snow began to fall.
● Would you like ice in your juice?

• except (for) فيما عدا / باستثناء
• Everyone went to the show except for Scott . (Scott was..)
Scott was the only one who didn’t go to the show.
•ملاحظات علي استخدام except / except for :
1- نستخدم except فقط قبل حروف الجر وأدوات الربط:
• It's the same everywhere except in Scotland.
• He's good-looking except when he smiles.

2- يستخدم الاسم أو ضمير المفعول بعد except / except for :
• Everybody understands except me.
• We are all ready except for her.
3- لاحظ أن except that يأتي بعدها جملة:
I know nothing about him except that he lives in Cairo.

•Accept + n يقبل accept an invitation / an apology اعتذار / a present / a bribe رشوة
•Expect to + inf. يتوقع
•Expect … will
• He accepted my invitation to the party.
• She expects to find a good job soon.
• I expect that she will pass the test.
۩ differ (from) يختلف ۩ differ about / on / over يختلف بشأن
۩ differentiate between … and … يميز الفرق / يبين الاختلاف
۩ differentiate … from … يميز الفرق / يبين الاختلاف
•People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
•The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.
•It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.
•Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.

۩ musician عازف ۩ composer مُلحن
•He is a talented young musician
•My favourite composer is Beethoven.
۩ تُستخدم even للدلالة علي شيء غير متوقع:
•Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large companies.
•It was quite difficult to see, even with the light on.
۩ تُستخدم even مع الصفات في حالة المقارنة:
•This will make our job even more difficult.

۩ queue طابور من الناس (بغرض الحصول علي شيء)
۩ line )queue) صف (من الناس أو الأشياء ويمكن أيضا أن تستخدم بنفس معني
۩ row صف من الناس أو الأشياء
•There was a queue of people waiting for the bus.
•There was a long queue to get into the cinema.
•I looked in despair at the long line in front of the ticket office.
•There was a line of trees on either side of the road.
•The kids were standing in line waiting for their teacher.
•The children were asked to stand in a row.

۩ Have something (nothing / a lot) to do with له أو ليس له علاقة بـ
•His job has nothing to do with telephones.
•I don't know what he does exactly, but I know it has something to do with computers
۩ It + be something (nothing) to do with له أو ليس له علاقة بـ
•My job is/has nothing to do with teaching.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1. (Fieldwork – Framework – Teamwork – Fireworks) can be very dangerous, so they shouldn't be given to young children.
2. We scored a goal because the other team's goalkeeper was in the wrong (position – perfection – prevention – promotion).
3. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the world's most famous (landmines – landmarks – landslides – landlords).
4. Forty members of our family got together to (accelerate – collaborate - celebrate – concentrate) my grandfather's birthday.
5. If you hit them hard, (drums – violins – pianos – guitars) make a very loud noise.
6. A (succession – recession – procession – commission) of about twenty thousand people moved slowly towards the king's palace.
7. New Year (communications - celebrations – confessions – depressions) in Scotland go on for three days.
8. Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most (calculated – cancelled - celebrated – captured) artist, died in poverty.
9. He became a sporting (celebrity – ability – activity – capability) after winning the gold medal.
10. A (dreamer – hammer – mourner - drummer) is someone who plays drums.
11. The object you hit a drum with is called a (drumbeat – drum machine – drum set – drumstick).
12. A (position – composition – preposition – supposition) is the place where someone or something is in relation to other things.
13. (Steelworks – Masterworks – Networks - Fireworks) are small objects that explode or bum with a coloured light, used for celebrating special events.
14. A (line – row - procession – queue) is a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony.
15. To (donate – celebrate – volunteer - develop) means to do something special because it is a special occasion, or because something good has happened.
16. A/an (drum – accordion – piano - guitar) is a round musical instrument which you play by hitting it with your hand or a stick.
17. A (landmark – landfill – landlady - landscape) is something that helps you recognise where you are, such as a famous building.
18. To (start – make – mark - bring) is to show that something is happening, especially an important event or change.
19. If things of the same type (agree – vary – meet – demand), they are all different from each other
20. A/An (accident – condition – circumstance - event) is something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual.
21. If something is your (responsibility – rapidity – reliability – relativity), it is your duty to make sure that it is done.
22. (Yolk – Folk – Walk - Chalk) means traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area.
23. To (revolve – involve – revolt - evolve) means to develop or make something develop gradually.
24. Young people are (adaptable – responsible – adjustable - admirable) for protecting their country's folk music.
25. I don't understand the (deduction – direction – distinction - dissection) between who and which.
26. You can buy this shirt in (various – venomous – victorious – suspicious) colours.
27. The (evolution – pollution – resolution - distribution) of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years.
28. Our local university offers a (velocity – variety – viscosity – vicinity) of language courses.
29. It is (advisable – desirable – admirable - irresponsible) to drive dangerously especially in towns or cities.
30. The concert was a charitable (accident – condition - event – revenge) to collect money for the poor.
31. The guitar is a musical (machine – device – instrument – technique).
32. Whatever you think of Eliot's poetry, it's certainly (distinctive – addictive – additive – attentive).
33. His opinion was supported by (historian – hysterical – historical – historic) facts.
34. It was highly (irresistible – irritable – repairable – irresponsible) of him to leave the children on their own in the pool.
35. The Chinese New Year (festival – capital – classical – funeral) takes place between the 21st of January and the 19th of February.
36. Nearly all cultures celebrate a good (contest – harvest – forest - first) because it means that they will have food for the next year.
37. Sham El-Nessim is a festival that (makes – merges – marks – parks) the beginning of spring.
38. Folk music usually develops in (international – global – coastal – local) communities.
39. Folk music is a particular (style – function – bunch – quantity) of music that uses different instruments.
40. If you want to be a poet, you must (dissolve – revolve – solve – evolve) your own style of writing.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Different areas have distorted styles of folk music.
2- In the past, most people born and lived their lives in one small area.
3- In the past, music was indivisible, not influenced by music from other areas.
4- Today, most modern music is written as enrolment.
5- Folk music uses different musical installments.
6- Most folk music has a special propose.
7- Composers are skilled in playing music, usually as a job.
8- Today, we can listen to music from other captures around the world.
9- It is our immobility to do everything we can to protect the traditional music of our country.
10- Mothers sometimes use folk songs to sing their fathers to sleep.
11- With this aim in brain, the school uses modern technology to facilitate learning.
12- Children teach folk music from their families, friends or neighbours.
13- His views different considerably from those of his parents.
14- I accept he will get the job. I know he is very clever.
15- How do you usually cellophane New Year?


Verbs + ing

۩ الأفعال الآتية يأتي بعدها فعل مضاف له ing:
admit يعترف resist يقاوم
avoid يتجنب resume يستأنف
dislike يكره put off يؤجل
enjoy يستمتع delay يؤخر
finish ينهي postpone يؤجل
practise يمارس necessitate يُحتِم / يستلزم
suggest يقترح can't help لا يستطيع أن يمنع نفسه من
spend (time) يقضي fancy يتخيل
risk يخاطر imagine يتخيل
include يشمل complete يُكمل
miss يفتقد deny ينكر
appreciate يُقدِر involve يتضمن
consider يفكر في understand يفهم
celebrate يحتفل endure يتحمل
۩ الأفعال الآتية يأتي بعدها to + inf.:
agree يوافق threaten يهدد
arrange يرتب swear يُقسم
decide يقرر refuse يرفض
expect يتوقع volunteer يتطوع
hope يأمل prepare يستعد
learn يتعلم decide يقرر
offer يعرض pretend يتظاهر
plan يخطط fail يفشل
promise يعد choose يختار
seek يسعي إلي manage يتمكن
want يريد seem يبدو
deserve يستحق tend يميل
request يطلب wish يرغب
guarantee يضمن determine يصمم
hesitate يتردد hurry يسرع
prove يثبت / يبرهن

۩ الأفعال الآتية يأتي بعدها to + inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing بدون اختلاف في المعني:
hate يكره like يحب
love يحب prefer يفضل

۩ ولكن لاحظ أنه إذا استخدمنا would قبل الأفعال السابقة فانه يأتي بعدها to + inf.
I'd like to finish my work early today.
I'd prefer to drink coffee.
۩ الأفعال و الظروف الآتية يأتي بعدها inf. فقط بدون to:
had better ينبغي would rather يفضل
let يسمح make يرغم
She would rather stay at home.
Let me have a look at that letter.

۩ الأفعال الآتية يمكن أن يأتي بعدها to + inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing مع وجود اختلاف في المعني:
stop يتوقف forget ينسى
remember يتذكر regret يأسف

•Remember to + infinitive يتذكر أن يقوم بعمل شيء

•He remembered to close the gate. تذكر أن يغلق البوابة.

•Remember + gerund يقوم بعمل شيء ثم يتذكر أنه فعله

•He remembered seeing the man. = He saw the man and later remembered.

•Forget to + infinitive ينسي أن يفعل شيئا (لم يفعله)

• Nadia forgot to meet the customer. = She didn't meet the customer.

•Forget + gerund يفعل شيئا ثم ينسي أنه فعله

•Nadia forgot meeting the customer.
= She met the customer but then couldn't remember the occasion.

•Regret to + infinitive يشعر بالأسف لأن يقول أو يخبر شخص شيئا ما

• He regretted to say that my brother had an accident.
= He was sorry that it was necessary to say it.

•Regret + gerund يشعر بالندم علي شيء حدث

• He regretted saying that my brother had an accident.
= He was sorry that he had said it.

•Try to + infinitive يحاول عمل شيء (وغالبا لا ينجح)

• Try to open the door. = See if you can open the door.
•The prisoner tried to escape, but he was caught.

•Try + gerund يقوم بعمل شيء ليري نتيجته / يُجرب عمل شيء))

A: I have a bad headache.
B: Try taking an aspirin. = Take an aspirin and see the result.

•Stop to + infinitive يتوقف لكي يفعل شيئا

•He stopped to read his newspaper.
= He stopped what he was doing to read the paper.

•Stop + gerund يتوقف عن عمل شيء

• He stopped reading his newspaper. = He had read what he wanted to read.
ينفي الفعل المضاف له ING باستخدام not:
 Thank you for not coming late.
 I apologize for not posting your letter.

Prefer +V-ing+ to + ING

 I prefer using the internet to watching TV.

لاحظ استخدام v + ing بعد to فى التعبيرات الآتية:

take toيعتاد علي object toيعترض
be used toمعتاد look forward to يتطلع إلي
be accustomed to معتاد get round to يجد الوقت لـ
get used to يعتاد علي in addition to بالإضافة إلى
own up to يعترف بـ contribute to يسهم في
lead to يؤدي إلى be opposed to معارض لـ
due to بسبب thanks to بفضل
owing to بسبب

 يستخدم فعل مضاف له ING بعد التعبيرات الآتية:

be busy مشغول Be worth يستحق
have difficulty (in) يجد صعوبة في It’s a waste of money مضيعة للمال
It’s no good = It’s no use لا فائدة من It’s a waste of time مضيعة للوقت
There is no point in لا فائدة من Feel like يود/ يريد
Can’t stand لا يحتمل How about
What about Don't mind

•She has difficulty (in) breathing.
•It's a waste of money buying that house.
•I feel like having a cold drink.

Exercises on Grammar:

Choose the correct answer:
1. I like (do – done – does – doing) exercise every day.
2. I hate (to get – gets – got – to getting) water in my eyes.
3. They are going home as soon as they have finished (to work – works – working – worked).
4. They hope (to get – getting – of getting – get) a job they enjoy doing.
5. I learnt (swim - to swim – swam – to swimming) when I was three years old.
6. He dislikes (sleeps – slept – to sleeping – sleeping) during the day.
7. The children enjoyed (to play – with playing - playing – played) in the sea.
8. He admitted (to borrow – borrow – borrowed – borrowing) my pen without asking me.
9. The driver of the car (avoided – planned – offered – hoped) hitting the motorbike.
10. I've tried (read – with reading - to read – reads) that book, but I don't understand it.
11. Do you want (coming – came – comes - to come) to my party.
12. What do you (avoid - plan – finish – practise) to do in the summer?
13. She offered (helping – help - to help – helped) her mother prepare lunch.
14. Ali has decided (studying – studied – of studying - to study) science at university.
15. The boys have arranged (to play – playing – play – plays)football after school.
16. Leila stopped (to listen - listening – listened – to listening) to the radio when she had heard a loud knock on the door.
17. I'll ever forget (found – to find - finding – founded) that rare old coin in the garden. I was only 12 then.
18. She was doing exercise, then she stopped (listening - to listen – listened – listen) to the radio.
19. I remember (phoning – to phone – phoned – phones) my cousin in America a month ago. He told me a lot about his stay there.
20. Did you remember (posted – post - to post – posting) my letter? – Oh, I completely forgot.
21. I have always regretted (not having – not to have – have – not have) studied harder at school.
22. British Airways regret (announce – announced - to announce – announces) the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
23. When the children stopped (singing – to sing – sung – sang), everyone clapped. They liked the song very much.
24. They expect thousands of people (visiting – visited - to visit – visits) Sapporo for the Snow Festival next year.
25. My brother is learning (playing – play – plays - to play) the oud.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. I remember switch off the lights when I went on holiday a week ago.
2. Remember switched off the lights when you go out, please.
3. We are looking forward to go out at the weekend.
4. I tried running after the dog, but I was too slow.
5. He'll never forget to spend so much money on his first computer. The one he has now is much cheaper.
6. My friend is always busy does his job.
7. She managed solved the problem.
8. She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
9. Everyone agreed of meeting at the airport.
10. He prefers to flying to Europe.
11. My friend suggested went for a picnic on the beach.
12. Leila promised phoned her mother as soon as she got to school.
13. She loves cook for her family.
14. Do you expect finish your work early today?
15. Musicians practise play their instruments for many hours a day.

Language Functions:

Expressing likes Expressing dislikes
I'm a big fan of … I'm not keen on …
I prefer … I don't enjoy …
I quite like … I dislike …
I love … I can't stand …
I'm mad / crazy about … I hate / detest …

Test on Unit 12

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you say?
2- A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy.
3- You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
4- A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like.

2- Say Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
A: Look there, that is an African elephant.
B: It's the largest land animal today.
A: I see, and what does it feed on?
B: Leaves, branches and other vegetation.

1- A: Can you tell our viewers how you have achieved
all this success?
B: Through hard work and sleepless nights.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- If I were you, I'd avoid (travels – to travel - travelling – of travelling) into the city during the festival.
2- My parents suggested (go - going – to go – gone) to the theatre.
3- I really want (going – gone – goes - to go) to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
4- Before you go to London, you should practise (speak – speaking – to speaking – speaks) English.
5- He hopes (to win – winning – wins – won) a prize for his schoolwork.
6- I regret (to go – goes - going – gone) to the cinema. It was not a very good film.
7- She offered (taking to taking – to take – taken) me to the station in her car.
8- We've just finished (watching – to watch – watches – watched) a TV programme about Egyptian history.
9- She was so weak after the illness that she couldn't (even – until – too – either) walk without help.
10- (Accept – Expect - Except – However) for one old lady, the bus was empty.
11- Some (celebrations – celebrated - celebrities – celebrates) were interviewed on TV last night.
12- The discovery of penicillin was a (landmark – landowner – landlord – landlady) in the history of medicine.
13- The castle occupies a strategic (post – portion – position – petition), overlooking the valley.
14- They (dried – believed – served - evolved) a new system for running the factory.
15- He still felt (responsible – restored – stored – satisfied) for her death.
16- Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to (bark – dark – shark – mark) the occasion.
4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- When did you decide studied biology at university?
2- We've arranged picking my brother up from the airport.
3- Ali is planning spent all weekend revising for next week's math test.
4- As medical knowledge revolves, beliefs change.
5- The prices here ferry according to the season.
6- He has a very instinctive way of walking.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions: (August, 2004)
Sleep is a powerful influence on our lives. The traditional theory about sleep is that our brain needs to rest for several hours to refresh itself and to ‘file’ in our memory everything that happened to us during the day. If we are not allowed to sleep, we eventually die.
However, Ray Meddis, a scientist at University, has a fascinating new theory. He suggests that we don’t really have to sleep at all. We sleep only because our brain is ‘programmed’ to make us do so. According to Dr Meddis, the ‘tiredness’ we feel at the end of the day is produced by a chemical mechanism in the brain which makes us sleep. We are ‘programmed’ to feel ‘sleepy’ at midnight, even if we have spent the day relaxing or doing nothing. He believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer when we don’t sleep enough are not because we have not rested, but because we have disobeyed our brain’s programming. But he believes that if scientists could “turn off” the sleep mechanism in our brain, we could live completely normal lives without sleeping.
So is sleeping a waste of time? Even Dr Meddis does not deny the great psychological value of sleep, and he asks us, “if scientists invented a pill which keeps you awake for ever, would you take it?”

A. Answer the following questions:
1- What happens if people don’t sleep?
2- According to Dr Meddis, could we live without sleeping? Why?
3- What is Dr Meddis’ theory about the reason for tiredness?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-The traditional view is that we sleep because -------------.
a) we are programmed to do so b) the brain needs to rest
c) the body needs to rest d) the memory needs to rest
5-According to the passage, we suffer from unpleasant symptoms when we don’t sleep enough because ------------- .
a) we have not rested. b) we feel sick.
c) our brain is turned off d) we did not follow our normal routine fixed by our mind.

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Everyone's personality is as different and unique as everyone's fingerprints. We can usually see people's personality in the clothes they wear, or how they look after their things, or how they behave with other people. When we say that we know someone well, what we really mean is that we can make accurate guesses about what that person will do or think. We know the different features of their personality. These features are called "personality traits".
Psychologists think that we have "central personality traits". These affect how we behave, and how we react to people and situations. Examples of central personality traits are friendliness, neatness, competitiveness, shyness and optimism. Some psychologists think that we inherit these central traits from our family and that they usually stay with us all our life.
Psychologists say that we also have "secondary traits", connected with the things we prefer, such as our favourite food, music, films or colours. These can change as we get older, but very often many of them stay the same all our lives.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How are people different from each other?
2- Mention three adjectives from the passage that describe positive aspects of people's personalities.
3- What are the different types of traits mentioned in the passage.

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Many psychologists think that we get our central traits from ……………… .
a) school b) books c) our family d) our friends
5- According to the passage, if we know people well, we get to know ……… .
a) their families b) ourselves
c) their neighbours d) their personality traits

8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (August 2004)
"Choose a job that you would like to do after you graduate". Write about your reasons, advantage of working in this career, and the skills and training required for it?"

9- A)Translate into Arabic: (August, 2004)
The 20th century will be remembered for its scientific revolution. Our age is the age of the atom, space and revolutionary medical achievements. Therefore, conferences are organised to apply and make use of these achievements.

B) Translate into English:

1- إن الجهود التي تُبذل من أجل تحسين الصحة لا يمكن أن تتم بنجاح إلا بتعاون الأفراد مع الحكومة.
2- لابد أن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لجذب المزيد و المزيد من السياح حتى يمكننا أن نزيد دخلنا القومي.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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UNIT 12 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
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 مواضيع مماثلة
»  UNIT 9 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 10 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 11 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 13 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز
»  UNIT 14 الصف الثالث الثانوى لغة انجليزية شرح مميز

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