منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول   Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Emptyالثلاثاء 31 ديسمبر 2013 - 0:47

Chapter 3
protest – ed – ed يحتج / يعترض pay for يدفع ثمن شيئ
one pound change جنيه واحد باقي المبلغ go straight يذهب مباشرة
grab - grabbed يجذب بقوة / يقبض على good to عطوف على
escape يهرب hold on to يمسك بقوة / يتشبث بـ
stick عصا hitting ضرب
join ينضم إلى / يلتحق بـ gang عصابة
difficult (بالنسبة للأشخاص): شرس / عنيد / صعب الإرضاء Sadly = It is a cause for regret that للأسف
indeed بالفعل / حقا had no choice لم يكن لديه اختيار آخر
the countryside الريف it's no good بلا جدوى / لا فائدة
cloudy ملبد بالغيوم gun سلاح ناري / بندقية أو مسدس
eventually أخيرا / في النهاية brick wall جدار (سور) من الطوب
climb up تسلق لأعلى break into يقتحم مكان / يسطو على منزل
menacingly مهددا / متوعدا adult شخص بالغ
upstairs الطابق العلوي the front door الباب الأمامي (الرئيسي)
push – ed – ed يدفع للأمام space فتحة / فراغ
bang فرقعة / صوت طلق ناري shoot – shot – shot يطلق النار على
1. When Oliver woke up the next day, he found that the painting of the woman on the wall had gone.
"We took it down because it seemed to worry you," said Mrs Bedwin.
"But I liked it," protested Oliver.
"Get well, then, Oliver, and we can put it back."
• عندما استيقظ أوليفر في اليوم التالي, وجد أن لوحة المرأة التي على الحائط قد اختفت. قالت له مدام بيدوين, "نحن قمنا بإنزال الصورة لأنها تبدو أنها سببت لك قلقا." فقال أوليفر محتجا, "ولكنني كنت أحبها" فقالت له مدام بيدوين, "إذاً, تماثل للشفاء يا أوليفر ويمكننا حينئذ أن نعيدها مرة أخرى."
2. A few days later, when Oliver was almost completely better, Mr Brownlow bought him some new clothes. Then, one day, he sat down with Oliver and asked the boy about his life. Oliver started to tell Mr Brownlow about his time at the workhouse but suddenly there was a knock at the door. An old gentleman in a blue coat entered the room. "Oliver, this is my friend Mr Grimwig," said Mr Brownlow.
"Hello, is this the boy you told me about?" said the man when he saw Oliver. "Yes," said Mr Brownlow, and he began to tell Mr Grimwig all about Oliver.
• بعد بضعة أيام, عندما أصبح أوليفر تقريبا بصحة جيدة بشكل تام, قام السيد براونلو بشراء بعض الملابس الجديدة له. وفي أحد الأيام بعد ذلك, جلس مع أوليفر وسأل الولد عن حياته. بدأ أوليفر يحكي للسيد براونلو عن الفترة التي قضاها في الملجأ, ولكن فجأة كان هناك طرق على الباب. ودخل إلى الحجرة رجل نبيل كبير سنا يرتدي معطفا أزرق اللون. فقال السيد براونلو, "يا أوليفر, أقدم لك صديقي السيد جريمويج." قال الرجل عندما رأى أوليفر, "مرحبا, هل هذا هو الولد الذي أخبرتني عنه؟" فقال السيد براونلو, "نعم", ثم بدأ يحكي للسيد جريمويج كل شيئ عن أوليفر.
3. He had not quite finished describing Oliver's life when Mrs Bedwin came into the room with some books. "We need to pay for these new books, Mr Brownlow," she said.
"Send the boy to pay for them," said Mr Grimwig. "Yes, do let me help you, sir," said Oliver.
"Of course," said Mr Brownlow. "Here's five pounds. Take the money to the bookshop. I need one pound change. Some of the books need to go back, too."
Oliver was very pleased to help Mr Brownlow. He took the money, put the books under his arm and then left.
• لم يكن السيد براونلو قد انتهى تماما من وصف حياة أوليفر عندما دخلت مدام بيدوين إلى الحجرة ومعها بعض الكتب, ثم قالت, "علينا أن ندفع ثمن هذه الكتب الجديدة يا سيد براونلو." قال السيد جريمويج, "إرسل الصبي ليدفع ثمنهم." فقال أوليفر, "نعم, أرجو أن تسمح لي بأن أساعدك يا سيدي." فقال السيد براونلو, "ها هي خمسة جنيهات. خذ النقود واذهب إلى المكتبة. أنا أحتاج جنيها واحدا باقي المبلغ. يجب إعادة بعض الكتب أيضا."
كان أوليفر في غاية السعادة لمساعدة السيد براونلو. قام بأخذ النقود ووضع الكتب تحت إبطه ثم غادر.
4. "Do you really think he'll come back?" asked Mr Grimwig. "Of course," said Mr Brownlow. "Don't you?"
"He has new clothes, some books and five pounds. The boy will go straight to his friends the thieves and never come back."
"I'm sure he'll be back soon," said Mr Brownlow. But he looked worried.
• سأل السيد جريمويج, "هل تعتقد حقا أنه سيعود؟" فقال السيد براونلو, "بالطبع, ألا تعتقد ذلك؟" فقال السيد جريمويج, "إنه يمتلك ثيابا جديدة وبعض الكتب وخمسة جنيهات. سيذهب الصبي مباشرة إلى أصدقائه اللصوص ولن يعود أبدا." فقال السيد براونلو, "أنا متأكد أنه سيعود بسرعة." ولكنه بدا قلقا.
5. Oliver was enjoying his walk to the bookshop when suddenly, a strange woman grabbed him by the arm. "There you are!" she said. "I've found him!"
"What are you stopping me for?" asked Oliver in surprise. "Let go of me." Some people in the street began to look at them. "He's run away from home," the woman explained to them. "I'm taking him back to his mother and father." Then a man appeared who seemed to know the woman and said, "Come with me, Oliver, you bad boy."
Oliver was not strong enough to run away, and he was led away by the man, who was Mr Sikes, and the woman, who was Nancy.
• كان أوليفر مستمتعا بالتمشية إلى المكتبة عندما قامت امرأة غريبة بجذبه فجأة من ذراعه قائلة, "أخيرا وجدتك. لقد وجدته." فصاح أوليفر مندهشا, "لماذا توقفينني؟ اتركي قبضة يدي." بدأ بعض الناس في الشارع ينظرون إليهما, ففسرت المرأة لهم الأمر قائلة, "لقد هرب من المنزل. أنا أعيده إلى أمه وأبيه." ثم ظهر رجل بدا أنه يعرف المرأة وقال, تعال معي يا أوليفر, أيها الولد الشقي."
لم يكن أوليفر قويا بما يكفي لكي يستطيع الهرب, وتم اقتياده بعيدا بواسطة الرجل, الذي كان السيد سايكس, والمرأة التي كانت نانسي.
6. For half an hour Oliver was led like this through busy streets until they reached an old shop. Oliver was taken inside and there he saw Fagin, Charley and the Artful Dodger. When the boys saw him, they started laughing. "Look at his clothes and books! What a gentleman!" laughed Charley. "We must give you different clothes so those don't get dirty," said Fagin. "And I will have this five pound note for our troubles," said Mr Sikes, taking the money from Oliver's pocket. "You can have the books, Fagin."
"Please, take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow," said Oliver. "He has been so good to me. He'll think I stole them!"
"You're right, Oliver. He will think you stole them!" laughed Fagin.
• تم اقتياد أوليفر بهذه الطريقة لمدة نصف ساعة عبر شوارع مزدحمة حتى وصلوا إلى دكانا قديما. تم إدخال أوليفر إلى هناك حيث رأى فاجن وتشارلي والمراوغ البارع. عندما رأى الأولاد أوليفر بدأوا يضحكون. قال تشارلي ضاحكا, "أنظروا إلى ملابسه وكتبه, ياله من رجل نبيل." وقال فاجن, "يجب أن نعطيك ملابس مختلفة حتى لا تتسخ هذه الملابس." وقال السيد سايكس وهو يأخذ النقود من جيب أوليفر, "وأنا سآخذ هذه الورقة فئة الخمسة جنيهات نظير المتاعب التي تكبدناها. تستطيع أن تأخذ الكتب يا فاجن." فقال أوليفر, "أرجوكم, أعيدوا الكتب والنقود إلى السيد براونلو. لقد كان عطوفا عليّ جدا وهو سيعتقد أنني سرقتهم." فضحك فاجن قائلا, "معك حق, يا أوليفر, إنه سوف يعتقد أنك سرقتهم."
7. Oliver tried to escape, but Mr Sikes held on to him and began to beat him with a stick.
"Don't do that to the boy!" cried Nancy. "He's already a thief like me. You've got his money. Leave him alone or I 'll call the police!"
Mr Sikes looked surprised, but stopped hitting Oliver. "Take his clothes and lock him in a room," he said angrily.
Oliver was kept in the room until the middle of the next day, when Fagin let him out. He told Oliver how kind he had been to him when he arrived in London. He also told Oliver that, if he said anything to the police, things would not be so good for him.
• حاول أوليفر أن يهرب ولكن السيد سايكس أمسك به بقوة وبدأ يضربه بعصا, فصرخت فيه نانسي قائلة, "لا تفعل هذا في الولد, إنه بالفعل لص مثلي. أنت حصلت على النقود, اتركه بمفرده وإلا سأبلغ البوليس." بدا السيد سايكس مندهشا ولكنه توقف عن ضرب أوليفر, ثم قال بغضب, "خذوا ملابسه واحبسوه في إحدى الغرف."
تم احتجاز أوليفر في الغرفة حتى منتصف اليوم التالي عندما سمح له فاجن بالخروج. وذكّره فاجن كم كان عطوفا عليه عندما وصل إلى لندن. كما أخبره أنه إذا قال أي شيئ للبوليس فإن الأمور لن تكون على ما يرام بالنسبة له.
8. A few days after Oliver had been taken back to Fagin's, Mr Bumble was in London on the day that an advertisement came out in a newspaper. It asked for any information people had about a lost boy called Oliver Twist. Mr Bumble read this with interest, then asked people how to find Mr Brownlow's house. When he got there, he told him all he knew about the bad and difficult boy that he knew so well.
"I told you he was a bad one," said Mr Grimwig.
"Sadly, you were right," said Mr Brownlow. "I do not want to hear his name ever again."
• بعد عدة أيام من إعادة أوليفر إلى منزل فاجن, كان السيد بمبل في لندن في نفس اليوم الذي ظهر فيه إعلانا بإحدى الجرائد. طلب الإعلان أية معلومات يمكن أن تكون لدى الناس عن ولد مفقود يُدعى أوليفر تويست. قرأ السيد بمبل ذلك باهتمام, ثم سأل الناس عن كيفية الوصول إلى منزل السيد براونلو. عندما وصل إلى هناك, أخبره بكل ما يعرفه عن الولد السيئ والعنيد الذي يعرفه جيدا. فقال السيد جريمويج, "أنا قلت لك أنه ولد سيئ." فقال السيد براونلو, "للأسف, أنت كنت على حق. أنا لا أريد أن أسمع هذا الاسم مطلقا مرة أخرى."
9. One day at Fagin's, the Artful Dodger asked Oliver to clean his boots. Oliver did not like doing these things, but at least he had people to talk to.
"Why don't you join our gang?" the Artful Dodger asked Oliver. "Take things and you'll be rich. If you don't take people's watches, someone else will."
"I would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's," said Oliver.
"Fagin won't like that," said Charley. "He has plans for you."
• في أحد الأيام في منزل فاجن, طلب المراوغ البارع من أوليفر أن ينظف له حذائه. لم يكن أوليفر يحب القيام بهذه الأعمال, ولكنه على الأقل كان يجد أشخاصا ليتحدث إليهم. قال له المراوغ البارع, "لماذا لا تنضم إلى عصابتنا؟ خذ أشياءا وسوف تكون غنيا. لو لم تأخذ ساعات الأشخاص, فسوف يأخذها شخص آخر." فقال أوليفر, "أنا أفضل العودة إلى منزل السيد براونلو." فقال له تشارلي, "لن يعجب ذلك فاجن, فهو يرتب لك شيئا ما."
10. Indeed, at the same time in another house in London, Fagin was planning something for Oliver with Mr Sikes. And he was going to do more than take people's watches. "We need a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the countryside," said Mr Sikes.
"Then use Oliver," said Fagin. "He'll be just right for the job. Nancy can bring him to your house tonight."
Oliver did not expect to see Nancy when she arrived at Fagin's that evening. "You must come with me to Mr Sikes's house," she said. "What for?'' asked Oliver. "It is better that you don't ask," said Nancy. She looked at Oliver and could see that he was worried. "Look," she said, "I'm not happy about this either. I've tried to help you, but it's no good. I'll try and help you again, but this is not the time. Now, come with me." So, Oliver had no choice and he followed Nancy to Mr Sikes's house.
• وبالفعل, في نفس الوقت في منزل آخر في لندن, كان فاجن يخطط لشيئ ما مع السيد سايكس بخصوص أوليفر. وكان سيفعل أكثر من أخذ ساعات الناس. قال له السيد سايكس, "نحن نحتاج إلى ولد لكي يساعدنا في الدخول إلى منزل كبير في الريف." فقال فاجن, "إذن, استفد من أوليفر. فهو سيكون مناسب تماما لهذه المهمة. تستطيع نانسي أن تحضره إلى منزلك هذه الليلة."
لم يتوقع أوليفر أن يرى نانسي عندما وصلت إلى منزل فاجن ذلك المساء. قالت له نانسي, "يجب أن تأتي معي إلى منزل السيد سايكس." فسألها أوليفر, "لماذا؟" فقالت له, "من الأفضل ألا تسأل." وعندما نظرت إليه لاحظت أنه كان قلقا, فقالت له, "انتبه لما سأقوله, أنا أيضا لست سعيدة بذلك. لقد حاولت مساعدتك, ولكن دون جدوى. وسوف أحاول وأساعدك مرة أخرى, ولكن ليس الآن هو الوقت المناسب. تعال معي الآن." لذلك لم يكن لدى أوليفر خيارا آخر, وسار خلف نانسي حتى منزل السيد سايكس.
11. The next morning, after breakfast, Mr Sikes took Oliver by the hand and they set off into a cold, cloudy morning. They travelled all day, sometimes walking and sometimes going by coach. It was dark when they finally arrived at an old house somewhere in the country. Mr Sikes did not knock, but opened the door and they went inside.
"Mr Sikes!" said a voice. Oliver looked up and saw a man with long hair, who told him to sit by the fire. "Hello, Toby Crackit," said Mr Sikes. "This is the boy who can help us tonight."
"Good. Now let's rest by the fire," said Toby. The fire was warm and it had been a long day, so Oliver soon began to fall sleep.
• في الصباح التالي بعد تناول الإفطار, أخذ السيد سايكس أوليفر من يده, وبدأت رحلتهما في صباح بارد ملبد بالغيوم. سافرا طوال اليوم, أحيانا كانا يسيران على الأقدام وأحيانا يركبان عربة. كان قد حلّ الظلام عندما وصلا أخيرا إلى منزل قديم في مكان ما في الريف. لم يطرق السيد سايكس على الباب ولكنه فتحه ودخلا إلى المنزل. قال صوت أحد الأشخاص, "السيد سايكس" فرفع أوليفر بصره ورأى رجلا شعره طويل, والذي طلب منه أن يجلس بجوار المدفأة. قال السيد سايكس, "مرحبا يا توبي كراكيت. هذا هو الولد الذي يمكن أن يساعدنا هذه الليلة." فقال توبي, "حسنا, دعونا نستريح الآن بجوار المدفأة." كانت النار تبعث على الدفء, وكان يوما طويلا, لذلك بدأ أوليفر يغلبه النعاس.
12. At half past one in the morning, Mr Sikes woke Oliver up from a deep sleep. Oliver watched as Mr Sikes and Toby each picked up a gun, then they told him to go with them. They left the warm fireside and went outside into a dark night. They then walked for some time through the countryside. It was cold and Oliver did not know where they were. Eventually, they stopped by a high brick wall.
"Climb up!" ordered Toby, and Oliver followed him up onto the wall.
• في الواحدة والنصف صباحا, أيقظ السيد سايكس أوليفر من نوم عميق. شاهد أوليفر السيد سايكس وتوبي وهما يلتقطان بندقية لكل منهما, ثم طلبا منه أن يذهب معهما. غادروا المكان الدافئ بجوار المدفأة وخرجوا في ليلة مظلمة. ثم ساروا لبعض الوقت عبر الريف. كان الجو باردا ولم يكن أوليفر يعرف أين كانوا. أخيرا, توقفوا بجوار سور عالٍ من الطوب. قال توبي آمرا أوليفر, "تسلق." فتبعه أوليفر إلى أعلى على السور.
13. From the top of the wall, Oliver could see a large house in front of him and finally understood what they were going to do. They were going to break into the house. "Please, no! Don't ask me to do this!" Oliver cried. "Be quiet. Do as I tell you or there'll be trouble," said Sikes menacingly, and he pointed to his gun to make sure Oliver understood what the trouble would be. Oliver followed the two thieves across the gardens to a small window at the bottom of the house. It was too small for any adult to climb through, but it was not too small for a child. They easily broke it open and there was now a small space for Oliver to get into the house.
• من فوق السور, استطاع أوليفر أن يرى منزلا كبيرا أمامه, وفهم أخيرا ماذا كانوا ينوون عمله. إنهم كانوا ينوون السطو على المنزل. صاح أوليفر قائلا, "لا, أرجوكما. لا تطلبا مني أن أفعل ذلك." فقال سايكس مهددا, "اصمت. نفّذ ما آمرك به وإلا ستكون هناك مشاكل." وأشار إلى بندقيته ليتأكد أن أوليفر فهم ما هي المشاكل التي قد تحدث. سار أوليفر خلف اللصين وهما يعبران الحدائق إلى أن وصلوا إلى نافذة صغيرة في أسفل المنزل. كانت النافذة صغيرة جدا بالنسبة لشخص بالغ ليتسلق من خلالها, ولكنها لم تكن صغيرة جدا بالنسبة لطفل. قاما بكسر وفتح النافذة بسهولة وأصبح هناك الآن مكانا صغيرا لأوليفر ليدخل منه إلى داخل المنزل.
14. "Take this light and go upstairs, then you can open the front door for us," said Mr Sikes. They pushed Oliver through the space in the window and Oliver began to walk into the dark house. Suddenly, Oliver heard someone inside the house shout something. Then there was a loud bang. "Come back!" cried Mr Sikes, who took Oliver's arm and pulled him back through the space in the window. "What's happened?" Toby asked. "The boy's been shot!" said Sikes. "Quick, run!"
• قال السيد سايكس لأوليفر, "خذ هذا الكشاف واصعد للطابق العلوي, عندئذ يمكنك أن تفتح لنا الباب الرئيسي." وقاما بدفع أوليفر عبر الفتحة التي في النافذة, وبدأ أوليفر يمشي إلى داخل المنزل المظلم. فجأة سمع أوليفر شخص ما داخل المنزل يصيح بشيئ ما. ثم كان هناك صوت طلق ناري عالي الصوت. صاح السيد سايكس قائلا لأوليفر, "عُد مرة أخرى." وأخذ ذراع أوليفر وجذبه للخارج من خلال الفتحة التي في النافذة. سأل توبي, "ما الذي حدث؟" فقال سايكس, "تم اطلاق الرصاص على الولد. أسرع, اركض."
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول   Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Emptyالثلاثاء 31 ديسمبر 2013 - 0:49

Questions with Model Answers
1. What had happened to the painting of the woman when Oliver woke up the next morning?
 He found that the painting had gone.
2. How did Mrs Bedwin justify بررت taking down the painting of the woman?
 She said that they took it down because it seemed to worry Oliver.
3. Why did Oliver protest about اعترض على Mrs Bedwin's taking down the painting of the woman?
 Because he liked it.
4. What did Mrs Bedwin promise to do in case في حالة Oliver got well?
 She promised him to put the painting of the woman back in case he got well.
5. What did Mr Brownlow buy Oliver when he was better?
 He bought him some new clothes.
6. What did Oliver tell Mr Brownlow when he asked him about his life?
 He told him about his time at the workhouse.
7. Who was Mr Grimwig?
 He was Mr Brownlow's friend.
8. Why, do you think, did Mr Grimwig ask Mr Brownlow to send Oliver to pay for the books?
 I think Mr Grimwig wanted to test the boy's honesty أمانة.
9. Why did Mr Brownlow send Oliver to the bookshop?
 To pay for some books and to return ليعيد some others.
10. Why, do you think, did Oliver beg توسّل إلى Mr Brownlow to let him pay for the books?
 He wanted to help Mr Brownlow in return for ردا على being kind to him.
11. What did Mr Brownlow give Oliver when he sent him to the bookshop?
 He gave him five pounds and some books.
12. What did Mr Grimwig doubt شك في concerning Oliver?
 He doubted that Oliver would come back again to Mr Brownlow.
13. Why did Mr Grimwig doubt that Oliver would come back to Mr Brownlow?
 Because he had new clothes, some books and five pounds. He thought he would go to his friends, the thieves.
14. Why did Mr Brownlow look worried after sending Oliver to the bookshop?
 Because Mr Grimwig told him that the boy wouldn't be back.
15. What happened to Oliver while he was walking to the bookshop?
 Nancy and Mr Sikes kidnapped him اختطفوه and led him to Fagin's.
16. How did Nancy deceive the people in the street when she kidnapped Oliver?
 She told them that Oliver had run away from home and that she was taking him back to his mother and father.
17. Where did Nancy and Mr Sikes lead Oliver after kidnapping him?
 They led him to an old shop where there were Fagin, Charley and the Artful Dodger.
18. What did the boys do when they saw Oliver in his new clothes?
 They started laughing.
19. What did Fagin and Mr Sikes do with Oliver's new clothes, the money and the books? (How did they share the spoils? قسّموا الغنائم)
 Fagin took the new clothes and the books while Mr Sikes took the five pound note.
20. What did Oliver beg Fagin and Mr Sikes to do? Why?
 He begged them to take the books and money back to Mr brownlow because he had been so good to him and because he would think he stole them.
21. What did Mr Sikes do to Oliver when he tried to escape?
 He held on to him and began to beat him with a stick.
22. How did Nancy save Oliver from Mr Sikes's cruelty قسوة?
 She asked him to stop hitting Oliver and threatened هددت to call the police if he didn't stop.
23. Why Did Mr Sikes stop hitting Oliver?
 Because Nancy threatened to call the police if he didn't stop.
24. How did Fagin use the carrot and stick policy with Oliver?
كيف استخدم معه سياسة العصا والجزرة (الترغيب والترهيب)؟
 He told him how kind he had been to him when he arrived in London. He also told him that if he said anything to the police, things would not be so good for him.
25. What was the advertisement, which Mr Bumble saw in the newspaper, about?
 It asked for any information people had about a lost boy called Oliver Twist.
26. Why did Mr Bumble drop in on يزور بدون موعد سابق Mr Brownlow?
 To tell him about the bad and difficult boy that he knew so well.
27. Show that Mr Bumble hated Oliver from the bottom of his heart.
 He volunteered تطوع to defame يسيئ لسمعة Oliver by telling Mr Brownlow how bad and difficult the boy was.
28. What was the result of Mr Bumble's visit to Mr Brownlow?
 Mr Brownlow was sure that Oliver was bad and he didn't want to hear his name ever again.
29. Why did Oliver have to do things he didn't like doing such as cleaning the Artful Dodger's boots?
 Because at least he had people to talk to.
30. What did the Artful Dodger ask Oliver to join? How did he try to persuade him يقنعه?
 He asked him to join their gang. He said that he could be rich by taking people's things.
31. Oliver proved to be good by nature خيّر بطبيعته when the Artful Dodger asked him to join their gange. Discuss ناقش (هذه العبارة).
 Oliver refused to join the gang saying that he would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's.
32. What was Fagin planning with Mr Sikes for Oliver in the house in London?
 He was planning to use Oliver in breaking into a house in the countryside.
33. Prove that Nancy wasn't totally evil ليست شريرة تماما and that she had a tendency تميل إلى to do good.
 She sympathised with Oliver and asked Mr Sikes to stop hitting him.
 She told Oliver that she tried to help him and promised to help him again.
34. Where did Mr Sikes take Oliver by the hand when they set off into a cold, cloudy morning?
 He took him to an old house in the country where they met Toby Crackit.
35. Who was Toby Crackit?
 He was a thief in Fagin's gang.
36. Why did Mr Sikes wake Oliver up from a deep sleep at half past one?
Or: Why did Mr Sikes and Toby Crackit pick up a gun each?
 They were going to break into a house in the countryside.
37. What did Oliver see when he climbed up the wall in the countryside? What did he finally understand?
 He saw a large house. He understood that they were going to break into the house.
38. What did Oliver beg Mr Sikes and Toby Crackit not to ask him to do?
 He begged them not to ask him to take part in breaking into the house.
39. What did Mr Sikes want to make sure Oliver understood when he pointed to his gun? ما الذي أراد سايكس أن يتأكد بأن أوليفر فهمه بإشارته إلى بندقيته
 He wanted to make sure that Oliver understood that he would get into trouble if he didn't help them.
40. Why did Fagin tell Mr Sikes that Oliver would be just right for the job when they were planning to break into the house?
 Because the window was too small for any adult to climb through, but it was not too small for a child.
41. What happened when Mr Sikes and Toby Crackit pushed Oliver through the small window?
 Oliver began to walk into the dark house. Suddenly, he heard someone shout something. Then there was a loud bang. Oliver was shot.
42. How did breaking into the country house end in failure? انتهى بالفشل
 Oliver was shot and the thieves carried him and ran away.

Quotations with Model Answers

1- "We took it down because it seemed to worry you."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mrs Bedwin, to Oliver.
(B) What did they take down?
 The painting of the woman on the wall.
(C) Did that thing really worry the addressed person? Mention why.
 No, it didn't. Because he said that he liked it.

2- "Get well, then, Oliver, and we can put it back."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mrs Bedwin, to Oliver.
(B) What does the word "it" refer to?
 It refers to the painting of the woman on the wall.
(C) Why would they put that thing back?
 Because Oliver liked it.
3- "Hello, is this the boy you told me about?"
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Grimwig, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) Which boy was he referring to?
 Oliver Twist.
(C) What was the speaker's opinion of that boy?
 He thought that he was a bad boy and a thief.

4- "We need to pay for these new books."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mrs Bedwin, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) Who would they send for the purpose لهذا الغرض?
 Oliver.
(C) Who made the suggestion اقترح that this person would pay for them?
 Mr Grimwig.

5- "Yes, do let me help you, sir.".
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Oliver, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) What did the speaker want to do to help that person?
 He wanted to go to the bookshop to pay for the books.
(C) Why did the speaker beg the other person to give him that chance?
 Oliver wanted to repay يكافئ Mr Brownlow for all his kindness.

6- "I need one pound change. Some of the books need to go back, too.”
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Brownlow, to Oliver.
(B) How much did the speaker give the addressed person? Why did he give him that sum? المبلغ
 Five pounds. To pay for some books.
(C) Where would these books go back?
 To the bookshop.

7- "Do you really think he'll come back?”
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Grimwig, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) Who were they talking about? Where did he go?
 Oliver. He went to the bookshop to pay for some books.
(C) Why was the speaker doubtful about يشك في this person's coming back?
 Because he thought that he was a bad boy and a thief.

8- "He has new clothes, some books and five pounds."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Grimwig, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) Who had these things?
 Oliver.
(C) What were the speaker and the addressed person arguing about فيما يتجادلان?
 Mr Grimwig thought that Oliver would run away with the things he had, but Mr Brownlow was sure the boy would go back.

9- "I'm sure he'll go back soon."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Brownlow, to Mr Grimwig.
(B) Did the addressed person agree with this opinion? State why. اذكر السبب
 No. Because he thought that Oliver was a bad boy and a thief.
(C) Did the person they were talking about go back soon? Why / Why not?
 No. Because he was kidnapped by Nancy and Mr Sikes.

10- "There you are! I've found him!"
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Nancy, to Mr Sikes.
(B) Who did she find? What was he doing when she found him?
 Oliver. He was going to the bookshop to pay for some books.
(C) Why did they want to find that person?
 They were afraid he would tell the police about them.

11- "Let go of me."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Oliver, to Nancy.
(B) Why did the addressed person grab the speaker by the arm?
 She wanted to kidnap him so as not to tell the police about the gang.
(C) Why couldn't the speaker run away then?
 Because he wasn't strong enough to run away.

12- "He's run away from home."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Nancy, to some people in the street.
(B) Who was the speaker talking about?
 Oliver.
(C) Was the speaker telling the truth or telling a lie?
 She was telling a lie.

13- "Come with me, Oliver, you bad boy."
(A) Who was speaking?
 Mr Sikes.
(B) Where did he really want to take Oliver?
 He wanted to take him to Fagin's.
(C) What trick ما الحيلة did the speaker play فعلها to take Oliver there?
 He and Nancy pretended that they knew Oliver's mother and father and that they were taking the boy to them.

14- "Look at his clothes and books! What a gentleman."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Charley, to the Artful Dodger and Fagin.
(B) Who were they laughing at? Why did that person look like a gentleman?
 Oliver. He was wearing new clothes that Mr Brownlow bought him.
(C) How would that person lose these clothes and books?
 Fagin would take them from him.

15- "And I will have this five pound note for our troubles."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Fagin.
(B) Whose مِلك من five pound note was it?
 It was Mr Brownlow's.
(C) What troubles did the speaker reward himself for? ما المتاعب التي كافأ نفسه عليها
 The troubles of looking for Oliver and kidnapping him.
16- "Please, take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Oliver, to Fagin and Mr Sikes.
(B) Why did the speaker want the books and money to be taken back to Mr Brownlow?
 Because he might think that Oliver stole them.
(C) Did the addressed person(s) fulfil يحقق the speaker's wish? Why/Why not?
 No. Because they were thieves.

17- "Don't do that to the boy! He's already a thief like me."
(A) Who said said? To whom?
 Nancy, to Mr Sikes.
(B) Who was that boy? Was he really a thief?
 Oliver. No, he wasn't.
(C) What was the addressed person doing to the boy then? Why?
 He was beating him with a stick. Because he tried to escape.

18- "Take his clothes and lock him in a room," he said angrily.
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Fagin

(B) Why was the speaker angry?
 Because Nancy asked him to stop hitting Oliver and she threatened to call the police.
(C) Why would that person be locked in a room?
 Because he tried to escape.
19- "I told you he was a bad one."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Grimwig, to Mr Brownlow.
(B) Who did the speaker mean?
 Oliver.
(C) How did they make sure that this person was a bad one?
 Mr Bumble visited Mr Brownlow and told him that Oliver was a bad and difficult boy.

20- "Why don't you join our gang? Take things and you'll be rich."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 The Artful Dodger, to Oliver.
(B) Name اذكر أسماء some persons in this gang.
 Fagin, Mr Sikes, Charley, Nancy and Toby.
(C) How did the addressed person respond استجاب to this request الطلب?
 He refused, saying that he would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's.

21- "I would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
 Oliver, to the Artful Dodger.
(B) What did the other person ask the speaker to join?
 He asked him to join their gang.
(C) Why would the speaker prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's?
 Because Mr Brownlow was very kind to him.

22- "We need a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the countryside."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Fagin.
(B) Who did the other person suggest?
 Oliver.
(C) Why did they need a boy for that job المهمة?
 Because the window was too small for any adult to climb through, but it was not too small for a child.
23- "You must come with me to Mr Sikes's house. It's better that you don't ask."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Nancy, to Oliver.
(B) Why would this person go to Mr Sikes's house?
 They wanted him to help Mr Sikes and Toby break into a house.
(C) How was the speaker sympathetic متعاطفة with the addressed person?
 She told him that she would try to help him in time في الوقت المناسب.

24- "I'll try and help you again, but this is not the time."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Nancy, to Oliver.
(B) How did the speaker help the addressed person once before?
 She saved him from Mr Sikes when he was beating him with a stick.
(C) What does this show about the character of the speaker?
 It shows that Nancy wasn't totally bad.

25- "This is the boy who can help us tonight."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Toby Crackit.
(B) Who was that boy?
 Oliver.
(C) Why did they need a boy to help them?
 They wanted him to climb through a small window and then go inside the house and open the door for them.
26- "Climb up!"
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Toby, to Oliver.
(B) What did the speaker want the other person to climb?
 A high brick wall.
(C) What did the other person see when he climbed up? What did he finally understand?
 A large house. He understood that they were going to break into the house.

27- "Be quiet. Do as I tell you or there'll be trouble."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Oliver.
(B) Where were they when this conversation took place?
 They were on top of the wall of the house in the country.
(C) What did the speaker do to show the other person what the trouble would be?
 He pointed to his gun.

28- "Take this light and go upstairs, then you can open the front door for us."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Oliver.
(B) Where did this conversation take place?
 In the large house in the countryside.
(C) Did the other person go upstairs and open the door as planned? State why.
 No, he didn't. Because he was shot.

29- "The boy's been shot. Quick, run."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sikes, to Toby.
(B) What was the boy trying to do when he was shot?
 He was trying to go upstairs to open the door for Mr Sikes and Toby.
(C) Who shot the boy?
 A servant at Mrs Maylie called Mr Giles. (from chapter 4)
(A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Mrs Bedwin do to the painting on the wall? Why did she do so?
2- Why was Oliver not happy when he found that the painting had gone?
3- Give an example to show that Mr Brownlow was very kind to Oliver.
4- What did Oliver tell Mr Brownlow when he was asked about his life?
5- Who was Mr Grimwig? Why did he suggest sending Oliver to the bookshop?
6- Show that Oliver was grateful معترف بالجميل to Mr Brownlow.
7- Mr Brownlow and Mr Grimwig had different opinions about Oliver.Discuss.
8- What was Oliver pleased to do for the sake of من أجل Mr Brownlow?
9- Who kidnapped Oliver? Why?
10- How did Nancy and Mr Sikes convince يقنع people that they were not kidnappers خاطفين?
11- What did the boys laugh at when Oliver was led into an old shop?
12- How did Fagin and Mr Sikes share the spoils after kidnapping Oliver?
13- What did Oliver beseech ترجّى Fagin and Mr Sikes to do? Why?
14- What did Mr Sikes do to Oliver when he tried to escape?
15- Why did Mr Sikes stop his corporal جسدي punishment to Oliver?
16- What surprised Mr Sikes when Nancy protested against his beating Oliver?
17- How did Fagin use reward and punishment الثواب والعقاب policy with Oliver?
18- What did Mr Brownlow do to get information about the lost boy, Oliver?
19- What did Mr Bumble do to disgrace يفضح Oliver in front of Mr Brownlow?
20- How was Mr Brownlow affected by Mr Bumble's visit to him?
21- What did the Artful Dodger ask Oliver to join? What was Oliver's reply?
22- How did Nancy sympathise with Oliver?
23- Who was Toby Crackit?
24- What part الدور could Oliver play in breaking into the house in the country?
25- When did Oliver understand that Mr Sikes and Toby were going to break into the large house?
26- What did Oliver beseech Mr Sikes and Toby not to ask him to do?
27- Why couldn't any adult climb through the window at the bottom of the house?
28- What did Mr Sikes threaten Oliver with? هدده باستخدام ماذا
29- What did Oliver have to do under threat? تحت التهديد
30- What happened to Oliver as soon as he climbed through the small window?
31- What did Mr Sikes and Toby do after Oliver had been shot?
(B) Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1- "But I liked it."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) What did that person like?
(C) What happened to the thing that he liked?
2- "Send the boy to pay for them.”
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) What does the pronoun "them" refer to?
(C) What happened to that boy on his way to pay for those things?
3- " Here's five pounds. Take the money to the bookshop."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) Whose suggestion was it to send that person to the bookshop?
(C) How many pounds change did the speaker need?
4- "The boy will go straight to his friends the thieves and never come back."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) Why was the speaker pessimistic متشائم about the boy?
(C) What was the the addressed person's point of view? وجهة نظر / رأي
5- "What are you stopping me for?"
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) How did the addressed person deceive people in the street then?
(C) What was the real reason for stopping the speaker?
6- " I'm taking him to his mother and father."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) Who does the word "him" refer to?
(C) Is it true that the speaker was taking the other person to his mother and father?
7- "We must give you different clothes so those don't get dirty."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) How did the addressed person get these clothes?
(C) Why did the speaker really want to take these clothes?
8- "You can have the books, Fagin."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) Which books was the speaker referring to?
(C) What did the speaker take for himself?
9- "He has been so good to me. He'll think I stole them!"
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) Who was the speaker talking about? How was he kind to him?
(C) What does the word "them" refer to?
10- "You've got his money. Leave him alone or I'll call the police!"
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) What was the addressed person doing that didn't like the speaker?
(C) How did the addressed person feel on hearing this? What did he do then?
11- "Sadly, you were right. I don't want to hear his name ever again."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) Whose name didn't the speaker want to hear ever again? What did he know about that person?
(C) Who gave the speaker information about that person?
12- "If you don't take people's watches, someone else will."
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) What did the speaker want to encourage the other person to do?
(C) What was the other person's reply?
13- "Then use Oliver. He'll just be right for the job. Nancy can bring him to your house tonight."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) What "job" were they talking about?
(C) How was Oliver just right for that job?
14- "Look, I'm not happy about this either. I've tried to help you, but it's no good."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) What was the speaker not happy about?
(C) What did the speaker promise the other person to do?
15- "Please, no! Don't ask me to do this!"
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) What did the speaker not want to do?
(C) Did he do that in the end or not? Why / Why not?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 6816
نقاط : 6982
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2009

Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول   Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول Emptyالسبت 11 يناير 2014 - 20:58

الله يـع’ـــطــيك الع’ــاأإأفــيه ..
.. بنتظـأإأإأر ج’ـــديــــدك الممـــيز ..
.. تقــبل م’ـــروري ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Chapter 3 مع ترجمة الفصل الثالث وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Chapter 1 مع ترجمة الفصل وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول
» Chapter 2 مع ترجمة الفصل الثانى وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول
» Chapter 4 مع ترجمة الفصل الرابع وملخص له وتمارين مجابة الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول
» Oliver Twist مع مراجعة وتمارين مجابة للصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج 2014
» Chapter 3 الفصل الثالث من قصة الانجليزى الثالث الاعدادى الترم الاول شرح رووووووعه

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الأول الثانوى-
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