منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر مصطفى
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 54
نقاط : 152
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2009

شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى   شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى Emptyالثلاثاء 23 أبريل 2013 - 8:27

How long? ما طول المدة / المسافة
arrive d/d يصل
leave left/left يرحل / يغادر
passport جواز سفر
stay ed/ed يقيم / يبقى
study ied/ied يذاكر
temple معبد
map خريطة
Red Sea البحر الأحمر
enjoy ed/ed يستمتع
hope d/d يتمنى
date of birth تاريخ الميلاد
place of birth مكان الميلاد
camel ride ركوب الجمل
boat trip رحلة بالمركب
compass بوصلة / الإتجاهات الأصلية Africa افريقيا
Europe اوروبا
Asia أسيا
Australia استراليا
mosque مسجد
Olympic Games الألعاب الأولمبية
is called يدعى / يسمى
the same name نفس الإسم
on the floor على الأرض
double d/dيضاعف / مضاعف
too .. to..جداً لدرجة أن لا
east الشرق
west الغرب
north الشمال
south الجنوب
North Coast الساحل الشمالى busy for مشغول بـ
make a cake يعمل كيكة
later بعد ذلك
have been to = visited زارَ
paint ed/edيلون / يدهن / الدهان
oh dear ياالهى ( للدهشة )
drop ped/ped يُسقط / يوقع
that's nice يالة من شىء جميل
country بلد / دولة
Arab Countries الدول العربية
language لغة
nationality الجنسية
city مدينة كبيرة
town مدينة صغيرة
famous for مشهور بـ
زمن المضارغ التام

1. He has drawn a picture. draw . drew . drawn
2. They have made a cake. make . made . made
1- التكوين يتكون زمن المضارع التام من :

 ( He . She . It . Soha اسم مفرد )  has = ( ’s )
 ( I . We . They . You . My friends اسم جمع )  have = ( ’ve )
التصريف الأول
Present simple التصريف الثانى
Past simple التصريف الثالث
Past participle
Go يذهب
( am . is . are )يكون
( have. . has )يمتلك
( do . does )يفعل
Makeيصنع went
( was . were )
made gone / been
تنقسم الأفعال الشاذة عند تصريفها إلى أربع مجموعات وهى:
لا تغيير الثاني والثالث متشابه الثاني فقط مختلف الثلاثة مختلفون
let sleep – slept
send – sent
build – built
buy – bought come – came – come
run – ran – run
become – became - become speak – spoke – spoken
write – wrote - written

1. Magdy……………………………..…… football today. ( play )
2. They …………………………………… a glass. ( drop )
3. He ……………………………..…..…… a cake. ( make )
4. She ……………………………..……… a good day. ( have )

1. Mr Jones ( has – have – is ) been to France.
2. He ( has – have – are ) painted a picture.
3. We ( hasn’t – haven’t- has ) washed the dishes.
4. Has Mr White ( be – went - been ) to Egypt?
5. Have you ( has – have – had ) a good day, Ahmed?
6. Ahmed has ( wash – washed – washing ) the dishes.
7. Salma and Hala have ( clean – cleans – cleaned ) the floor.

1. A: Where's Egypt?
B :
2. A: What's the capital of Egypt?
B :
3. A: What's the nationality of the people from Egypt?
B :
4. A: What language do people speak in Egypt?
B :
5. A : …… ?
B : Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
6. A : …?
B : The people of Syria speak Arabic .
7. A : ………?
B : I am from Italy
هناك أربع اتجاهات أصلية و أخرى فرعية:

لاحظ / عند وصف موقع مدينة داخل الدولة نستخدم ……..is in the …….of ..….
Alexandria is in the north of Egypt.
…….is …….of ………. عند وصف موقع مدينة من مدينة أخرى نستخدم
Alexandria is north of Benha.

1. Sohag is ( east – west – south ) of Cairo.
2. Fayoum is ( east – north – southwest ) of Cairo.
3. Suez is ( east – west – northeast ) of Cairo.
4. Alexandria is ( south – north – southwest ) of Cairo.
5. Port Said is ( west – northeast – southeast) of Cairo.
6. If Alexandria is north of Cairo, then Cairo is ( south – east – west ) of Alexandria.

البلاد و الجنسيات
 لاحظ البيانات التالية عن كل دولة توضح اسم الدولة العاصمة و الجنسية و اللغة:
Country البلد Capital العاصمة Nationality الجنسية Language اللغة
Egypt مصر Cairo القاهرة Egyptian مصرى Arabic اللغة العربية
Sudan السودان Sudanese سودانى Khartoum الخرطوم Arabic اللغة العربية
Syria سوريا Damascusدمشق Syrian سورى Arabic اللغة العربية
Saudi Arabia السعودية Riyadh الرياض Saudi Arabian سعودى Arabic اللغة العربية
Turkey تركيا Ankara انقرة Turkish تركي Turkish اللغة التركية
Italy ايطاليا Rome روما Italian ايطالى Italian اللغةالأيطالية
Greece اليونان Athens اثينا Greek يونانى Greek اللغةاليونانية
Britain / England بريطانيا / انجلترا London لندن British / English
بريطانيى / انجليزى English اللغةالانجليزية
America = USA أمريكا Washingtonواشنطن American أمريكى English اللغةالانجليزية

1. The capital of Egypt is Cairo .
2. The people of Egypt speak Arabic .
3. The people of Egypt are Egyptian.

1. Aswan is north of Cairo. ( ………………..……… )
2. The nationality of the people of Turkey is English. ( ……………….…….…… )
3. What nationality do they speak in Syria? ( …….………….….…… )

4. This question is too difficult to me to answer it. ( …….………….….…… )
5. The sandwich is too salt for her to eat it. ( ….…… )

1- We have got a lot of work. We have been very (busy - free - lazy).
2- I have been to the park and I have (changed - visited - painted) a picture of trees.
3- My pen-friend is Turkish. He is from (China - Turkey - Greece).
4- ( Rome - Damascus - Riyadh) is the capital of Syria.
5- My father has been to (Sydney - Paris - London) in Australia.
6- I have been to Tripoli and (Athens - Khartoum - Riyadh) in Africa.
7- Sarah Jones was born in London. She is ( Italian - French - British).
8- The nationality of people from Sudan is (Sudanese - Chinese - Libyan).
9- People from Saudi Arabia speak (Turkish - Arabic - English).
10- We spend the summer holiday in (Alexandria – Siwa - Aswan) which is north of Cairo and next to the sea.
11- The ( nation - nationality – national ) of people from France is French.
12- Cairo is the ( town - city – capital ) of Egypt
13- El-Arish is in the (northeast - northwest - southeast) of Cairo.
14- Siwa is a (village - desert town - valley city) in Egypt.
15- I shall meet him sometime (later - latter - late).
16- The people of Egypt (are - is - has) Egyptian.
17- Aswan is south (at - of - in) Cairo.
18- Cairo is south (at - in - of) Alexandria.
19- When (are - were - was) she born?
20- Has she (is - been - be) to Aswan?
21- (When - What - Where) was she born? In Cairo.
22- (Where - Whose - When) passport is this? It's Soha's.
23- When did she (go - went" goes) there?
24- Alexandria is (at - on - in) Egypt.
25- Has Mr. Wahid been (to - at - on) Turkey?
26- He (has gone to - has been to - is in) London. He came back to Egypt last week.
27- He (has gone to - has been to - was going to) to Alexandria. He enjoys the fine weather there.
28- Has he ( answer - answers – answered ) the exercise?
29- He (was - has been - had been) busy up till now.
30- Aswan is south (of - in - to) Cairo.

I) This city is on Africa. ....................
2) Cairo is south to Alexandria. ....................
3) We have finishing our homework. ....................
4) People speak Arab in Egypt. ....................
5) We haven't clean the room. ....................
1- I have travelled to [ ]
2- Ahmed and Soha have visited [ ]
3- My friend Amr has had [ ]
4- The City Sydney [ ]
5- Rome has a famous old [ ]

a- is in Australia.
b- a great holiday in Aswan.
c- building called Coliseum.
d- different places in Egypt.
e- a temple in Fayoum.
f- called the pyramids.
I The people of Saudi Arabia a. Arabic.
2. The capital of Saudi Arabia b. of Egypt.
3. Egyptian people speak c. of Greece.
4. Sudan is south d. are Saudi Arabians.
5. Italy is northwest e. is Riyadh.
f. Italian.
4) Read and correct the underlined words
I. The people of Turkey are Greek
2. The capital of Greece is Rome.
3. Has Ahmed be to Turkey
5) Write questions using the words in brackets
I. He went to the USA on 10th of May 2002. (When)
2. She stayed there for live days. (How long)
3. Yes, she has been to Turkey. (Has)

see - Which - Have - saw - most
Sara : ............ (1)...... you ever seen giant animals?
Noha :Yes, I have.
Sara :.............(2).... animals did you see?
Noha : I ........(3)......... the killer whales, octopuses and sharks.
Sara : Where did you see them?
Noha : In the Animal World programme on TV.
Sara : Which is the .........(4)........... dangerous animal?
Noha :The killer whale.

Mona : What is the nationality of people in England?
Hala : ………………………………………………………
Sally : ………………………………………………....
Fady : Damascus is its capital.

1- The little boy jumped { }
2- He used to drink { }
3- Stones don't float, { }
4- He is too busy, he has { }
5- We go south { }
a- when we travel to Aswan.
b- no time to go to the club.
c- into the canal.
d- coffee in a cafe.
e- they sink in the water.
f- when the dog came in.

We like the summer holidays, because we don't have to get up early. My mother gets up early to look after the house. My father also gets up early in the morning. He washes, prays and eats breakfast with my mother then, he reads the newspaper.
We like to spend the summer holiday at the seaside with our parents. We swim in the sea and play on the sand. Our parents sit on the beach. We usually go to the cinema or watch TV in the evening. We return home after two weeks.

1. Why do we like the summer holidays?
2. What does the father do after breakfast?

1. Mother has breakfast (with me - with father - by herself).
2. Father has breakfast (before - after - since) reading the newspapers.
3. The journey to the seaside starts and ends in (twenty-four - fourteen - ten) days.

1- The nationality of people from Libya is (Libyan – Italian - Saudi Arabian).
2- People from China speak (Indian - Turkish - Chinese).
3- (London - Athens - Rome) is the capital of Greece.
4- I have (visited - been - stayed) to the zoo with my family.
5- Sohag is south (of - in - at) Cairo.
6- He has (paint - painted - paints) a picture.
7 - Athens is (of - at - in) Greece.
8- We (haven't - hasn't - didn't) washed the dishes yet.

1) Mr John was born in London. (Where)
2) Greece is north of Libya. (Where)
3) The nationality of people from Greece is Greek (What)

1) Cairo is the capital of Greece. ………………
2) Libya is east of Egypt. ………………
3) They have write the letters.
Arabic - a beautiful mosque - Asia
- Damascus is the capital of Syria.

has mr waleed been to turkey this year
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى   شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى Emptyالجمعة 26 أبريل 2013 - 19:40

جزاك الله خيراً يا مستر مصطفى وجعله فى ميزان حسناتك
لك خالص تقديرى واحترامى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح ومراجعة للوحدة 17 انجليزى الصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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