منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر خالد منصور
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 151
نقاط : 445
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009

شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى   شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى Emptyالسبت 5 مايو 2012 - 10:22

الوحدة 12
feel - felt يشعر annoyed متضايق maybe ربما
try to يحاول أن angry about غاضب من sure أكيد
book - ed يحجز disappointed خائب الامل find out يكتشف
tickets تذاكر upset متضايق picnic نزهة
all day طوال النهار school life حياة المدرسة country دولة
office مكتب bake a cake يخبز كيكة another آخر
at the end of فى نهاية Never mind ولا يهمك although بالرغم من

article مقال hobbies هوايات space فراغ
port ميناء free time وقت الفراغ busy with مشغول بـ
in the east فى الشرق make يصنع furniture آثاث
relatives أقارب countable يُعد spend يقضى / يصرف
sports club نادى رياضى uncountable لا يُعد clothes ملابس
cupboard دولاب little ×much كثير× قليل designer مصمم
sitting room حجرة الجلوس few ×many كثير× قليل leave يغادر

- have a good time يقضى وقت جيد
- book a ticket يحجز تذكرة
- do well in the exam يؤدى جيداً فى الامتحان
- get + صفة يصبح
- feel + صفة يشعر
- be ( am/is/are/was/were) + صفة يكون
get upset / angry / annoyed
- miss the bus يفوته الاتوبيس
- angry with غاضب من شخص
- angry about / at غاضب من شئ
- annoyed with متضايق من شخص
- annoyed about / at متضايق من شئ
- disappointed in خائب الامل فىشخص
- disappointed about / at خائب الامل فىشئ
- upset about متضايق من شئ
- in a few years خلال سنوات قليلة
- busy with مشغول بـ
- with his friends مع أصدقائه
- from a big family من عائلة كبيرة
- in the east of China فى شرق الصبن
- Just + حالا / توا A short time ago منذ فترة قصيرة
She has just arrived . = She arrived a short time ago
- Spend money ينفق مال spend + time + V + ing يقضى وقتا
countable and uncountable nouns
1- A countable noun has a singular and a plural form.
الاسم الذى يعد لة مفرد ولة جمع (مثال ذلك ):
Boy →boys - Class → classes
2- An uncountable noun is always singular. It has no plural.
الاسم الذى لا يعد مفرد دائما وليس لة جمع ( مثال ذلك ) :
Water – football – English – traffic – tea , coffee – salt
3- أسماء تستخدم كأسماء معدودة وغير معدودة بمعان مختلفة ( مثال ذلك )
Uncountable أسماء لا تعد
- glass الزجاج
- paper الورق
- iron الحديد
- wood الخشب Countable أسماء تعد
- a glass كوب
- a paper ورقة – جريدة
- an iron مكواة (لكى الملابس)
- a wood = a small forest غابة صغيرة
- clothes ملابس (جمع) - clothing الملبس (مفرد) - the police الشرطة (جمع)
- information معلومات (مفرد)- people ناس (جمع) - news خبر – أخبار (مفرد)
Expressions of quantity
Countable nouns
(friend / friends …..) ما عدد......
How many ….?
A lot of – lots of
Many × a few
More × fewer
The most × the fewest
One of
No – any
enough Uncountable nouns
( money – water ….)
How much …..? ما الكمية / ما ثمن
A lot – lots of
Much – a little
More × less
The most × the least
A piece of
No - any
1 some: بعض
تستخدم في الجمل المثبتة مع الأسماء التي تعد و التي لا تعد.
- There are some apples on the table. - There is some sugar in my tea.
2 any: أي
تستخدم في السؤال و النفي مع الأسماء التي تعد و التي لا تعد.
- There aren't any oranges in the fridge. - Is there any tea left in the pot?
الكثير من 3 a lot of:
تستخدم في الجمل المثبتة مع الأسماء التي تعد و التي لا تعد.
- He has got a lot of books. - I have got a lot of money.
4 many: كثير من
تستخدم في السؤال و النفي مع الأسماء التي تعد.
- I haven't got many friends. - Has Mona got many English stories?
5 much: كثير من
تستخدم في السؤال و النفي مع الأسماء التي لا تعد.
- He hasn't got much money. - Has he got much money?
6 a few: قليل من
تستخدم مع الأسماء التي تعد ( عدد قليل من.... ).
- She has written a few sentences.
7 a little: قليل من
تستخدم مع الأسماء التي لا تعد ( كمية قليلة من.... ).
- He has got a little money
too many عدد(أكثر من اللازم ) من
too few عدد ( أقل من اللازم ) من
- I couldn't find a seat in the office. There were too many people there.
- They won't buy any new clothes. They have got too little money.

a- Soha : Did you have a good day, Dad?
Hesham : Not so good. I have some tourists who want to go to Aswan. I was trying to
book them their tickets all day. But there were too many people in the office
and I had too little time. I was annoyed at the end of the day because I
hadn’t booked the tickets.
Soha : Can’t you book them tomorrow?
Hesham : Maybe …
b-Ahmed: Did you have a good day, Soha?
Soha : Not really. I’m angry about the test at
school today.
Ahmed : Angry? You don’t usually get angry.
Soha : I know. But there were too many difficult questions and there were too few
easy questions in the test. I didn’t finish all the questions and I don’t think I did
very well.
Ahmed : Oh, I’m sure you have done well.
c-Soha : What about you? How was your day, Ahmed?
Ahmed : School was OK. We didn’t have any tests, but I’m disappointed.
Soha : Disappointed? Why?
Ahmed : Well, Samy’s going to the cinema tonight. He phoned to invite me but I can’t go.
Soha : Why not?
Ahmed : Because I’ve got too little money and too much homework. Our teacher
wants us to find out about school life in another country.
Soha : So you’ll be busy tonight.
d- Hesham : And did you have a good day, Salma?
Salma : Not really. I was upset.
Hesham : Oh, why?
Nadia : Mum wasn’t here. It’s late and now there’s too little time to bake a cake for
the picnic!”
Hesham : Oh dear! Well, never mind.

Li Shuang is fifteen years old. She comes from Shanghai, a big port in
the east of China. Shuang isn’t from a big family and hasn’t got many
relatives: just an aunt, an uncle and two cousins. However, she has
a lot of friends, and she spends a lot of time with them at the school
sports club and the computer club. Shuang’s room isn’t very big so
she hasn’t got much furniture: just a chair, a bed and a small cupboard. Because there isn’t much space, she only has a few books, although there are a lot of books in the sitting room. In the evening, Shuang is busy with homework. She can’t do many hobbies because she only has a little free time. However, she likes making clothes and she wants to be a clothes designer when she leaves school in a few years.

Team work
Choose the correct answer :
1. "I don't have to do (many – much – little – few) housework," "Sally said".
2. I ran to the bus stop because there was (too much – too many – too few – too little) time to walk.
3. Don't be angry (from – at – about – with) me; I won't do that again.
4. There are a lot of (spices – furniture – silence – pollution) in Kom Ombo because of the smoke from the sugar factory.
5. Salma hasn't got (more – many – much – few) water. Give her some more.
6. I have (little – less – few – fewer) information than my father.
7. We usually store clothes and plates in a (desk – cupboard – bed – tower).
8. Some people like the (disappointment – silence – invitation – anger) of the country,
others really dislike quiet life.
9. A clothes (seller – maker – designer – buyer) decides the shape and appearance of
10. Some places aren't very interesting to visit, so (many – much – a few– a little) tourists
visit them.
11. In big cities, there is too (many – much – few – fewer) pollution.
12. There are (too much – too few – too little – too many) people on this bus. I'm going
to wait for the next one.

Finish the following dialogue :
Samir : Do you enjoy going to the cinema ?
Maher : No , (1) ………………
Samir : (2) ………………?
Mahir : I prefer watching a video film at home .
Samir : (3) ……………………..……... ?
Maher : I like watching it on holidays .
Read and correct the underlined words:
1- There are too much boys in our school. ……………….
2- You must buy goods for more money than you sell them for. ……………….
3- All the news are good two days ago. ……………….
4- Hala thought the film was very good, but Samy disagree. ……………….
5- He couldn't answer the question because it was easy. ……………….
6- There are much books in the drawer. ……………….
7- There were too little people in the street because it was raining. ……………….
8- Egypt is a city in Africa. ……………….
9- There was many water in the street because of the rain. ……………….
10- You need a few oil to clean it. ……………….
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- Too much sugar is bad for your health. (too little)
2- We can't eat this meat ; there's a large amount of fat in it . (too much)
3- You should do your homework before going out ('d better)
4- The shopkeeper didn't make much money because he had a very small number of
customers (too few)
5- There weren't many cars in the street late at night ( too )
6- She has such a lot of housework that she has no time to help her children.(too many)
7- Although he was ill, he went to school (however)
Choose the correct answer :
1- Mezo was (proud – happy – clever – upset) as he had no time to play handball.
2- Have you (booked – sold – watched – written) your plane ticket to Damascus yet?
3- Sally doesn't have to do (many – much – a few – few) housework.
4- The player (filled – failed – fell – felt) happy when he got the gold medal.
5- I was (interested – disappointed – happy – pleased) because I got bad marks last
6- Farid and Samir ran to the bus stop because there was ( too much – too little – too
few – too many) time to walk.
7- I don't have many friends, only (many – a few – a little – much) good friends.
8- Cairo is a big city with too (many – much – a lot – most) noise.
9- Egypt will be more developed (at – from – with – in) a few years.
10- Sorry, I can't give you a lift as there are too (little – few – many – much) people in
the car.
city مدينة traffic jam ازدحام المرور cleaner air هواء أنقى
better shops محلات أفضل opinion رأى breathe يتنفس
pollution تلوث I'd rather أفضل silence سكون - صمت
noise ضوضاء I agree اتفق roads طرق
petrol station محطة بنزين I disagree لا اوافق crowded مزدحم
traffic مرور I think so اعتقد ذلك cry يصرخ
the country الريف I don’t think so لا اعتقد ذلك stressful مضغوط
nearby قريب life ×death الحياة × الموت smoke دخان

School life حياة المدرسة prepare for يجهز لـ serve lunch يقدم الغذاء
title عنوان revise يراجع tidy يرتب
primary إبتدائى notes مذكرات composition تعبير - إنشاء
middle school المدرسة المتوسطة alphabet الأبجدية The holidays الأجازات
secondary الثانوية popular شعبى at the age of فى عمر
winter break عطلة الشتاء practise يمارس last for يستمر لـ
each day كل يوم full sentence جملة كاملة

- traffic حركة المرور (اسم مفرد لا يعد) - traffic jam أزمة مرور (اسم مفرد يعد )
There is much traffic in Cairo. There are many traffic jams in Cairo.
- used to + V مصدر الفعل اعتاد أن ( تدل على شئ كان يحدث فى الماضى ولكنة لا يحدث الآن ) My father used to smoke , but he doesn't (smoke) now.
- would rather يفضل أن 1- would rather ('d rather) + V مصدر الفعل = would prefer to + V مصدر الفعل يفضل أن
2-would rather + V مصدر الفعل + than + V مصدر الفعل
We'd rather work in a city than (work) in a town.
- At the end of + noun اسم فى نهاية (كذا.....)
We visited the museum at the end of the holiday.
- In the end (بدون اسم بعدها ) = finally أخيرا / فى النهاية
She was able to find a good job in the end.
- between بين (اثنين) - among بين (أكثر من اثنين)
Maha is sitting between Suzy and Hala .
We walked for a long among the people in the market.
- a day = each day كل يوم
How many lessons do you have a day ? كم درس تدرسه كل يوم ؟
- take turns يتناوب (كل يأخذ دورة)
Teams take turns to serve يقدم lunch to their classmates.

Language Functions
Expressing Opinion:
- What do you think of?ما رأيك فى؟ - I think ……………………..
- What is your opinion of? ما رأيك فى؟ - In my opinion ……………

AGREEING الموافقة DISAGREEING عدم الموافقة

 I agree with you اننى أوافقك
 That's right ذلك صواب
 That's what I think ذلك ما أعتقدة
 Absolutely . قطعا
 Exactly . بالضبط
 I couldn't agree more.
اننى لا أقر بأكثر من ذلك  I don't agree with you . لا أوافقك
 I don't think so . لا أعتقد ذلك
 No , I disagree with you.كلا لا أوافقك
 Really , I can't agree with you .
حقا لا أستطيع أن أوافق .

a- Japanese children start school when they are six. Primary school
lasts six years. Middle school lasts for three years. Students can leave
school at sixteen, but only a few do leave. Most students go to
secondary school for three years.
b- The Japanese school year starts in April and there are three
terms. The summer holiday is between the first and second
terms and usually lasts for six weeks until the end of August.
There is also a winter break at the end of the year.
c- Lessons last about 45 or 50 minutes in middle school. In the first
three years of school, young children only have four classes in the morning but older children have five classes each day in the last three years. Middle school students have six classes.
d- Japanese students have to do work around the school. For example, teams of students clean the classrooms and playgrounds. In many schools, the students eat their lunch in their classrooms. Teams take turns to serve lunch to their classmates and tidy the classes for afternoon lessons.
e- Lots of students in Japan go to school clubs after school, where they can have special training in sports or other subjects. Football clubs are very popular with boys, and judo and volleyball clubs are popular with boys and girls. In the evening, students do homework. There are lots of letters in the Japanese alphabet so primary school pupils get a lot of writing for homework. There are a lot of compositions for middle school.
f- School tests are very important. Summer is very busy, as students prepare for their tests in February. A lot of children go to lessons after school to revise and practise.

Team work
Write would you say in the following situations :
1- Your friend asks you to go for a walk and you agree.
2- His opinion is to live in the country but you disagree.
3- Your friend thinks that there good shops in the country but you disagree.
4- You prefer to live in the country.
5- Your friend thinks the play is boring. You agree.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Japanese children start school when they are six. (age)
2- Hassan went to the library so that he could borrow a book. (to)
3- Almost all students go to secondary school for three years. (most)
4- Football clubs are liked by a lot of boys (popular)

Choose the correct answer :
1- There was heavy (train – traffic – ship – boat) on the road this morning.
2- Is there any more (time – road – parking – space) for Ramy's car?
3- There is too much (traffic – noise – silence – pollution) in the River Nile.
4- I'd rather live in a city than in (a country – the country – country – house) .
5- If you do too little exercise, you put on (weight – seat – feet – boot).
6- The shop didn't (do – work – make – put) much money so it was closed.
7- There was a long (silence – anger – invitation – disappointment) before he answered.
8- He puts on weight because he dose (a lot – a few – a little – many) exercise.
9- There is too (many – few – much – a lot) pollution min cities.
10- I (prefer –'d rather – agree – want) live in the country.

Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Mother asked her children to be quite. ……………….
2- Your room isn't clean, Mona. It is quite tidy. ……………….
3- A village is larger than a town. ……………….
4- How much pupils are there in your class? ……………….
5- Mona was very happy when she lost her expensive mobile phone. ……………….
6- My meal consists from a sandwich and a cup of tea. ……………….
7- My grandpa using to play football, but he doesn't now. ……………….
8- Everyone was very quite when the film started. ……………….
9- This is my special garden, so no one can enter it. ……………….
10- He is my older brother. ……………….
11- It is cold in summer. ……………….
12- She was pleased because she lost her money. ……………….
Choose the correct answer :
1. Too much smoke from the factories causes (solution – pollution – invitation – furniture).
2. We are running out of petrol. We have to go to the nearest petrol (factory – office – station - stop) to get some.
3. You are getting too fat, Sultan. You should (make – do – keep – put) regular exercise every day.
4. The tourists (set off – took off – searched for – put on) to the airport at 6 o'clock in the morning.
5. They lost the match. This means that they didn't (get – earn – play – win) the match.
6. Japanese children (go – start – take – come) school when they are six.
7. I ran to the bus stop because there was (too much – too many – too few – too little) time to walk.
8. Middle school (lasts – starts – begins – finishes) for three years in Japan.
9. Salma was (stressful – upset – clever – crowded) and cried because she had lost one of her toys.
10. Teams (clean – work – take – make) turns to serve lunch to their classmates.
11. There are lots of (e-mail – letters – compositions – paragraphs) in the Japanese alphabet.
12. My house is (between – inside – at – in) the garden and the school.
Write a letter to your pen friend Tom who lives in England. Tell him:
When do people start school? - How many terms are there?
What lessons you have and you like? - You live at 30 Ahmed Maher Street, Dokki, Egypt.

Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend thinks that maths is a difficult subject. You don't agree .
2- your big brother says that in his opinion, Egypt has mad a lot of progress. You agree. 3- One of your friends says. "I'd rather live in a city than in a village. " Give your opinion. 4- Your sister tells you that girls are cleverer than boys. What do you think of this?

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I think there are too many cars in our town. ( opinion )
2- England has a good football team. Hazem has the same opinion. ( agree )
3- Eman thinks this juice is nice, but Samir has a different opinion . ( disagree )
4- I'd prefer to relax now. ( rather )
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Sara has got the results of her exam.
Esraa : You look happy today Sara. What happened?
Sara : (1)

Esraa : Congratulations. That’s wonderful (2) ………………………………
Sara : Thanks. I can’t believe it myself!
Esraa : (3) ……………………………….. ?
Sara : Yes, the exams were not easy, but I always studies hard.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend thinks that maths is very difficult. You have a different opinion.
2- You tell your friend that life in the city is very interesting.
3- You tell your friend your opinion about the Egyptian Museum.
4- Your friend says that the film was boring. You have the same opinion.

B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- How much money did you did you spend?
2- What do you think of the news?
3- How many people attended the meeting?
4- Why is Noha healthy?
5- different people have a- She eats lots of fruit and vegetables
b- different lives.
c- It’s noisy.
d- It’s untrue
e- Too many people.
f – fifty pounds.

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hala lived with her father and her younger brother . Her mother was dead. Her father worked on his farm nearby . One summer evening , while she was cooking some food in the kitchen , a big wolf jumped through the open window into the room and began to eat the food . To keep her brother safe , Hala quickly put her brother into a room and shut the door . Then , she picked a stick and tried to drive the wolf away . But it was too big for her . She hurried outside the house and shouted for help . Many people came and killed the wolf . The lesson here is clear . If you have a problem , we must face it ourselves , then ask for help .
a- Answer the following questions:
1- Who did Hala live with ? .........
2- How did Hala keep her brother safe ?

3- What is the lesson of the story ?

b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Hala’s father was a -----------------------------.
a- farmer b- teacher c- doctor d- nurse
5- ---------------------- came and killed the wolf.
a- Mothers b- Doctors c- Fathers d- People
6- The underlined word “it” refers to ----------------------.
a- lion b- dog c- wolf d- fox
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The plane ……… at 4,00.
a) turned off b) took off c) set off d) put off
2. Tom ……… his questions to Ahmed on the computer.
a) e-mail b) e-mailed c) wished d) wrote
3. Ahmed asked Heba if she ………. to England.
a) travel b) travelled c) will travel d) has travelled
4. I think this juice is tasty but my friend................
a) agrees b) disagrees c) likes d) disagree
5. Cairo is a big city with too ............... people.
a) few b) a few c) many d) much
6- Mona left school …………. the age of eighteen.
a) on b) at c) for d) since
7- The flight …………… of four student pilots and their leader.
a) contains b) covers c) consists d) brings
8- How many lessons do you have …………… day?
a) a b) an c) the d) some

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- How many kilos of sugar did you buy? (much)
2- The lady standing beside the tables is my sister (who)
3- Where is Ebrahim sitting ? (Noura asked)
4- I was walking to school when i met my friend . (while)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- They are poor and have a few furniture. ( ………………. )
2- All the news are good two days ago. ( ………………. )
3- Hala thought the film was very good, but Samy disagree. ( ………………. )
4- There was many water in the street because of the rain. ( ………………. )

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
favourite sport how often you practise it why where you practise it when you practise it
basketball five days a week make body strong at school – club after school –
on holidays
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was strange about the fish Hans caught?
2- How did Hans try fishing in Lidenbrock Sea?
3- How did the Professor find out the depth of the Sea?
4- What did the two monsters do?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The fountain of water was ……………………………………………
2- The dark shape they saw was …………………………….…………
أسئلة من الأعوام السابقة
- Read and correct:
1- There are too much boys in our school.
2- You must buy goods for more money than you sell them for.
3- All the news are good two days ago.
4- Hala thought the film was very good, but Samy agreed.
5-There is many pollution in our country.
6- She’d rather found a job in Cairo than in Alex.
7- Would you rather drinking tea or coffee.
8- My meal consists from a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9- Everyone was very quite when the film started.

- Situations:
1- Your sister thinks that the film is boring but you disagree.
2- You refuse politely to go to Hoda’s birthday party next Tuesday.
3- Your friend invites you to play a computer game and you like the idea.
4- Your friend thinks that maths is easy and you agree.
5- You invite your friend to your sister’s wedding party.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Samy thinks Egypt has a good football team. Ahmed ………….. with him
a) agrees b) refuses c) wishes d) disappears
2- He was ………….. because he didn’t score a goal in the match.
a) happy b) upset c) pleased d) glad
3- The story was ……………… it didn’t really happen.
a) true b) untrue c) unhealthy d) usual
4- Ali suddenly ……………… and no one could find him.
a) disagreed b) disappeared c) discovered d) disappointed
5- I ran to the bus stop because there was ………….. time to walk.
a) too much b) too many c) too few d) too little
6- Salma was ……………. And cried because she had lost one of her toys.
a) stressful b) upset c) clever d) crowded
7- Teams ……………. Turns to serve lunch to their classmates.
a) take b) clean c) work d) make
8- My house is ………………. the garden and the school.
a) between b) inside c) at d) in
9- Too much smoke from the factories causes ……………….
a) pollution b) solution c) invitation d) furniture
10- The tourists ………….. to the airport at 6 o’clock in the morning.
a) set off b) took off c) searched for d) put on
11- Cairo is a big city with too …………….. noise.
a) many b) much c) a lot d) most
12- In big cities, there is too………………….. pollution.
a) many b) much c) few d) fewer
13- There are ……………. people on this bus. I am going to wait for the next one.
a) too much b) too few c) too little d) too many.
14- Egypt will be more developed ………….. a few years.
a) at b) from c) with d) in
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى Empty
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شرح رائع للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
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» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 17لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى

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