| UNI T 10 اولى ثانوى | |
| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
مستر ايهاب عضو vip
عدد المساهمات : 2220 نقاط : 3148 تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009
| موضوع: UNI T 10 اولى ثانوى الأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:20 | |
| UNI T 10 Definitions
* Backbone : العمود الفقرى - the bone down the middle of your back.
* scales : الحراشيف - small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover the bodies of fish, snakes.
* fins : الزعانف - parts of a fish's body shaped like a small wing that help it to swim.
* Fur : الفرو - the thick, soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals such as dogs and cats.
* feathers : الريش - light, soft things that cover a bird's body.
* adapt : يتكيف - to change to fit a new situation, need or purpose.
* extreme : أقصى - (adjective) very great.
* Glacier : نهر جليدى - a large mass of ice.
* moisture : الرطوبة - small amounts of water in the air, on a surface, etc.
* prey : الفريسة - an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal.
* wildlife : الحياة البرية - animals and plants that live in natural conditions.
* Domestic animal : الحيوانات الأليفة - an animal that is not wild.
Vocabulary :
* live on :تعيش على * live in :تعيش فى
* ice :ثلج * snow :جليد
* among : بين ( أكثر من اثنين ) * between : بين اثنين فقط Exs: • My house is hidden among the trees. • Divide this apple between the two children.
* skin : جلد ( إنسان – حيوان ) * leather :جلد صناعى ( مدبوغ ) Exs: • She has a delicate skin. • Leather is used for making shoes.
* desert :صحراء * dessert :حلوى ما بعد الأكل Exs: • I don’t like to live in the desert. • He will eat a banana as a dessert.
* smell (v) :يشم * breathe (v) :يستنشق Exs: • Can you smell this perfume ? • He became ill after breathing coal dust.
* quiet (adj) :هادئ * quite (adv) :إلى حد ما – تماما * quit (v) :يتخلى عن – يترك وظيفة
Exs: • Life in the country is quiet. • I’m not quite sure. • I have quit my job.
Tape script
eading Material * (guess(v)–ed – ed) :يخمن * ( swim (v) – swam – swum ) :يعوم * fast (adv) :بسرعة ≠ slowly (adv) :ببطئ * fast (adj) :سريع ≠ slow (adj) :بطئ * ( fly(v) – flew – flown ) : يطير * shark (n) :سمكة قرش * tooth (n) : سن * teeth (n) ( plural ) :أسنان * sharp (adj) :حاد ≠ blunt (adj) : غير حاد * carrots (n) :جزر * ( adapt (v) – ed – ed ) :يتأقلم * burning (adj) :حارقة * ( burn (v) – burned – burnt ) :يحرق * rainforests : الغابات الممطرة - الغابات الاستوائية * incredibly :بشكل لا يصدق * environment :البيئة * Polar Bear :دب قطبى * spend (v) : ينفق مالا – يقضى وقتا * rarely (adv) :نادرا * peacock (n) :طاووس * quiz master (n) : الشخص الذى يلقى الأسئلة فى مسابقة * contestant (n) :متسابق * lizard (n) :سحلية * bat (n) :وطواط – خفاش * antelope (n) :ظبى * anteater (n) :أكل النمل * goat (n) :معزة * bee (n) :نحلة * spider (n) :عنكبوت * dolphin (n) :دولفين * neck (n) :رقبة * ( feed (v) – fed – fed ) :يطعم * ( fly (v) – flew – flown ) :يطير * wild (adj) :متوحش ≠ domestic (adj) :أليف – منزلى * lazy (adj) :كسلان – كسول ≠ active (adj) :نشيط * nest (n) :عش * branches (n) :فروع * fruits (n) :فواكه * insects (n) :حشرات * rest (v) :يستريح * rest (n) :راحة * around :حول * round (adj) :مستدير * weigh under (v) :يزن أقل من * weight (n) :وزن * ( weigh (v) – ed – ed ) : يزن * through :من خلال - عبر * smell (n) :الشم * smell (v) :يشم * wet :رطب – مبتل * forest = jungle :غابة * orangutan : انسان الغابة ( نوع من القردة ) * survive (v) :يبقى على قيد الحياة * survival (n) :البقاء على قيد الحياة * conditions (n) :ظروف – شروط * seal (n) :عجل البحر * covered (adj) :مغطى ≠ uncovered : غير مغطى * penguin (n) :البطريق * humidity (n) :الرطوبة * gorilla (n) :حيوان الغوريلا * type = kind = sort :نوع * protect (v) :يحمى * protection (n) :حماية * protective (adj) :واقى * store (v) :يخزن * store (n) :مخزن * teapot (n) :براد الشاى * snake (n) :ثعبان * include (v) :يتضمن – يشمل * grasslands (n) :المراعى – الأراضى العشبية * branch (n) :فرع * rest (v) :يستريح * strangely (adv) :بغرابة * encyclopedia (n) : موسوعة * sample (n) :عينة * The Arctic : المنطقة القطبية الشمالية * The Antarctic :المنطقة القطبية الجنوبية * amount (n) :كمية * shallow (adj) :ضحل ≠ deep(adj) : عميق * hibernation (n) :البيات الشتوى * surface (n) :سطح * wing (n) :جناح * group / family :مجموعة / عائلة ≠ individual :فرد * North Pole (n) :القطب الشمالى * South Pole (n) :القطب الجنوبى What is the difference between ….. ? * ( adapt (v) – ed – ed ) :يتكيف مع – يتأقلم مع * ( adopt (v) – ed – ed ) : يتبنى طفل أو فكرة Exs: • Animals adapt to extreme cold and heat. • Ali adopted an orphan child.
* among : بين ( أكثر من اثنين ) * between : بين اثنين فقط Exs: • My house is hidden among the trees. • Divide this apple between the two children.
* skin : جلد ( إنسان – حيوان ) * leather :جلد صناعى ( مدبوغ ) Exs: • She has a delicate skin. • Leather is used for making shoes.
* quiet (adj) :هادئ * quite (adv) :إلى حد ما – تماما * quit (v) :يتخلى عن – يترك وظيفة
Exs: • Life in the country is quiet. • I’m not quite sure. • I have quit my job.
* mouse : فأر ( صغير ) ( Plural ) mice : فئران صغيرة * rat : فأر ( كبير ) ( Plural ) rats : فئران كبيرة
* live on + ( مكان ) :تعيش فوق ( مكان ) * live on + ( طعام ) :تعيش على ( نوع من الطعام ) * live in + ( مكان ) : تعيش فى ( مكان ) * live off + ( شخص ) : يعيش على نفقة شخص Exs: • Polar bears live on the ice. • Polar bears live on fish. • We live in Alex. • Ahmed lives off his elder brother. * desert :صحراء * dessert :حلوى ما بعد الأكل Exs: • I don’t like to live in the desert. • He will eat a banana as a dessert. * smell (v) :يشم * breathe (v) :يستنشق Exs: • Can you smell this perfume? • He became ill after breathing coal dust.
* ( hunt (v) – ed – ed ) : يصطاد ( مع الحيوانات ) * ( catch (v) – caught – caught ) : يصطاد ( مع الأسماك ) * ( catch (v) – caught – caught ) : يلحق بوسيلة مواصلات Exs: • Ali hunted a rabbit to eat in the desert. • Haneen caught the bus and reached work on time. • Menna caught a fish to eat.
* rather + adj ( صفة سلبية ) : إلى حد ما - The orangutan is rather lazy animal. * quite + adj ( صفة إيجابية ) : إلى حد ما - Menna is quite intelligent girl.
* look after : يعتنى بــ - Mahmoud looks after his children. * look for = search for :يبحث عن - I’ll look for the lost book. * look up : يبحث عن كلمة فى قاموس أو معلومة فى مرجع - She looked up this word. * look on the internet :يشاهد شئ على الانترنت - Ali looked on the internet to search for some information. * look in + ( كتاب ) :يتصفح كتاب - She looked in the new book. * look ( in / on ) + ( شخص ) : يزور شخص لفترة قصيرة * look like :يشبه - She looked like my sister. * look at :ينظر إلى
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| | | مستر ايهاب عضو vip
عدد المساهمات : 2220 نقاط : 3148 تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009
| موضوع: رد: UNI T 10 اولى ثانوى الأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:29 | |
| * fins (n) : زعانف - Fins help fish to swim. * fans (n) : مراوح - Fans make air move , so we become less hot. * fans (n) : مشجعين - El-Ahly fans are full of enthusiasm. ------------------------------------------ * ( lie (v) – d – d ) :يكذب * ( lay (v) – laid – laid ) : تضع البيض – يجهز ( يُعد ) – يلقى اللوم على * ( lie (v) – lay – lain ) :يضجع – يرقد Exs: • She lied to her father. • Her hen laid an egg yesterday. • His parents really laid into him for wasting so much money. • My mother laid the table for dinner. • He lies in bed because of his sickness. ------------------------------------------ * made of:مصنوع من ( المادة الخام لم تتغير ) * made from : مصنوع من ( المادة الخام تتغير ) * made in :مصنوع فى ( مكان ) Exs: • My desk is made of wood. • Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. ------------------------------------------ * decide to (v) :يقرر أن * decide on (v) = choose :يختار Exs: • He decided to play the match. • Ali decided on his favourite animal to write a paragraph about. ------------------------------------------ * mountain (n) :جبل * ice :ثلج * hill (n) :تل * snow :جليد ------------------------------------------ * prey : فريسة * storm : عاصفة * pray :يصلى * wind :رياح * bray :ينهق ( صوت الحمار ) ------------------------------------------ * jungle (n) :غابة كثيفة الأشجار * hot (adj) :حار * forest (n) :غابة * warm (adj) :دافئ
Prepositions * walk on :تسير على * drink up to :يشرب حتى * belong to :ينتمى لــ - يخص * run at :يجرى بسرعة * adapt to :يتأقلم على * covered ( in / with ) :مغطى بــ * name for :اسم لــ * ready to :جاهز لــ * types of :أنماط من / أنواع من * try to :يحاول أن * feed on :يتغذى على * designed for :صمم لــ * protect from :يحمى من * come out :يخرج * find out = discover :يكتشف * think of :يفكر فى * need to :يحتاج إلى * home to:موطن لــ * feed …. with …. : يغذى ... على .... * in groups :فى مجموعات ------------------------------------------ Expressions * well-suited to + ( v + ing ) : مناسب تماما لــ * (be) proud of = take pride in :يفتخر بــ * By + ( v + ing ) :بــ - من خلال – بواسطة * burning deserts :صحارى حارقة – شديدة الحرارة * hold leaves over their heads : يرفعوا الأوراق فوق رؤوسهم * on the edge of :على حافة * live high up in trees : يعيش فوق الأشجار * sense of smell :حاسة الشم * as far as : على بٌعد * 50 kilometer ( an / per ) hour :50 كيلو فى الساعة * live on the water :تعيش فوق الماء * keep warm :يبفى دافئا * drink up to …. liters of water : يشرب حتى ..... لتر من الماء * at the other extreme :على الطرف الأخر – على النقيض * at one time :فى مرة * the home of : موطن لــ * stay out of heat : يبقى بعيدا عن الحرارة * make nests :يكون أعشاش ------------------------------------------
* A duck : ( It has a backbone and feathers. It eats plants. It can swim and fly ) * A shark : ( It has backbone. It has a big mouth and sharp teeth, scales and fins. It hasn't got fur. It eats animals, fish and people, It can swim ) * An elephant : ( It has backbone. it hasn’t got fur or feathers. It eats plants, It has a big nose. It is very big ) * A rabbit : (It has backbone, fur, sharp teeth, and a small mouth. it hasn't got scales or fins It eats carrots, It can run fast )
A world of extremes Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold. Think of the extremes in Egypt. There are burning deserts and there are the high mountains of Sinai, which are sometimes covered with snow. Now think of the North Pole with its enormous glaciers and freezing water. Think of the rainforests of South America and Asia, with their heavy rain. Incredibly, these environments are home to many types of wildlife.
One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's sand cat. It is not much bigger than city cats, but it is designed for desert life, with thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat. Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night. Like many other desert animals, they do not have to find water, as they get all the moisture they need from their prey, which includes rats and mice. At the other extreme, polar bears live on the ice around the North Pole. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 metres long and more than 450 kilograms in weight. Their white fur and thick skin protect them from the extreme cold. They live on fish, which they catch through holes in the ice. They have an incredible sense of smell and can smell their prey as far as 16 kilometres away. They can run faster than 50 kilometres an hour.
The rainforests of Borneo, where it is very hot and wet, are the home of the orangutan. Although their name means 'wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy animals. They spend most of their lives high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches. In the morning, they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before eating again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like water, so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads. ------------------------------------------------------------ My favourite animal : the lion A description of lions Lions are very large animals which belong to the cat family. They are covered in thick fur which may be white, yellow or orange in colour. Lions can be between 1.4 and 2.5 metres long and 120-250 kilograms in weight. Today lions live in only two parts of the world. Most live in eastern and southern Africa and a small number live in northern India. They live on the edge of desert areas or in forests. Lions live in groups and can run at 80 km an hour. Their prey is other large animals or smaller animals like birds and rabbits. ------------------------------------------------------------ The writer’s opinions Lions are my favourite wild animal because they are proud animals which look after their families. I have seen lions in a zoo, but I think they look more beautiful in their own environment. ------------------------------------------------------------ Camels The camel is the largest animal in the desert. Its thick fur protects it from the hot sun and the cold nights, and its big feet help it walk on the sand of the desert. It is 180-200 cm tall and weighs between 450 and 690 kg. Camels can drink up to 57 litres of water at one time and can travel many kilometres without water. Their bodies can store food so they can go for a long time without eating. ------------------------------------------------------------
Questions & Answers 1- What is the climate like at the North Pole? It is very cold and the ice never melts. 2- How many different environments are mentioned in the passage and what are they? They are four : 1. The deserts. 2. The rain forests. 3. The North Pole. 4. The mountains. 3- What is special about all the animals in the article? They have adapted to extreme environments. 4- Why is it difficult for animals to live in the desert? It is too hot, and nothing much grows there. 5- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts? The mountains are sometimes covered in snow; the desert is very hot. 6- Why don't sand cats need to find water? They get moisture from their prey. 7- Why do you think sand cats sleep underground during the day? It is too hot for them to be above ground. 8- How do polar bears keep warm? Their thick skin and fur keeps them warm. 9- How do polar bears catch their prey? They catch it through holes in the ice. 10- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat and extreme cold are mentioned in the article? Sand cats have adapted to the heat in Egypt. Polar bears have adapted to the extreme cold of the North Polar area. 11-How do you think these animals have adapted to their conditions? They have developed lifestyles to help with extreme conditions. For example, the sand cats live underground during the day and can live without water; polar bears have thick skin and fur.
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| | | مستر ايهاب عضو vip
عدد المساهمات : 2220 نقاط : 3148 تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009
| موضوع: رد: UNI T 10 اولى ثانوى الأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:32 | |
| 12- Will animals have to adapt to new extreme conditions in the future? Why?/Why not? Some animals will have to adapt because climates are becoming warmer and deserts are growing. 13- What kind of environment do lions live in? Lions live in African grassland (in hot dry conditions). 14- How have lions adapted to these environments? Lions use the open space to catch their prey. They are large, have sharp teeth and are very fast. 15- What kind of environment do crocodiles live in? Crocodiles live in rainforests / jungles and rivers (in hot, wet conditions). 16- How have Crocodiles adapted to these environments? Crocodiles use the shallow water to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth to bit their prey. 17- What kind of environment do mountain goats live in? Mountain goats live in the mountains. (often in cold conditions). 18- How have mountain goats adapted to these environments? Mountain goats have thick fur to keep them warm and strong legs to walk on steep slopes. 19- How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment? It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the trees to make nests. 20- Where do orangutans live? In the rain forest of Borneo. 21- When and where do orangutans sleep? They sleep all night in nests in the trees. 22- Why do orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads? To protect themselves from ( water / rain ).
23- Do you think 'the wild man of the forest' is a good name for orangutan? Why?/ Why not? No, it’s a bad name, because they are quiet animals.
24- Why do you think orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees? Because they feed on fruits 25- Why do you think orangutans rest during the middle of the day? Because they get tired as they are lazy. 26- Why do you think sand cats sleep underground during the day? It is too hot for them to be above the ground. 27- Where do orangutans come from and what are they like? They come from Borneo and are gentle, rather lazy animals. 28- Are orangutans dangerous? No, they are gentle creatures. 29- What do orangutans do when it rains? They hold leaves over their heads. 30- What is the largest animal in the desert? The camel is the largest animal in the desert. 31- What is the use of the camel's thick fur? It protects the camel from the hot sun and the cold nights. 32- Why can a camel travel many kilometres without water? A camel can drink up to 75 litres at a time. 33- Why can a camel go for long periods without eating and drinking ? It can save food and water in its hump which contains fats.
Grammar Yes, No question
• سؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد و يسمى (Yes & No question) و تكون الإجابة عليه بنعم أو لا. • قد يكون الفعل المساعد أمام عينيك وما عليك إلا أن تقدمه على الفاعل. • ملحوظة : نأتى بالفعل المساعد والفاعل والفعل من الإجابة كما فى الأسئلة الأتية: Exs: - Can you drive a car? * Yes, I can . Driving a car is so easy. - Have you been to the theatre? * Yes, I have been to theatre. - Did you watch the match? * No, I didn’t watch the match. • الأفعال المساعدة التى تجدها فى الجملة: am / is / are /was / were/ do / does / did / have / has / had / will / would can / could / may / might / shall / should
• قد لا تجد فعل مساعد وفى هذة الحالة إستخدم (do,does,did) - إذا كان الفعل مضارع بدون s نستخدم Do * Do you speak English ? - Yes, I speak English. - إذا كان الفعل مضارع وبه s نستخدم Does ويجب حذف الs * Does he like maths ? - Yes, he likes maths. - إذا كان الفعل ماضى نستخدم Did ويعود الفعل للمصدر. * Did you study social studies ? - Yes, I studied social studies . Questions and short answers َQuestions Short Answers Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Is he Spanish? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Have you read this book? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Has she read the magazine? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. Do you live in Cairo? Yes, I do. No, I don't. Does he work at the university? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Can you come to my party? Yes, I can. No, I can't. Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't. Common errorsأخطاء شائعة Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. Yes , I'm Use full verbs in affirmative short answers. Don't shorten them. إستخدم الفعل بصيغته الكاملة فى الإثبات و لا تختصر .
Common errors : أخطاء شائعة * Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. Yes , I'm
* Use full verbs in affirmative short answers. Don't shorten them. إستخدم الفعل بصيغته الكاملة فى الإثبات و لا تختصر
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Short Answers Affirmative Negative * I think so. أظن ذلك * I guess so. أظن ذلك * I suppose so. أظن ذلك * I don’t think so. لا أظن ذلك * I hope not. لا أظن ذلك * I guess not. لا أظن ذلك Exs: * Is it going to rain ? - I think so. * Is he Egyptian ? - I don’t think so.
Compound Nouns • Compound nouns are two words or more joined together to give one meaning or word. الكلمات المركبة هى كلمتين او اكثر ترتبط معا ليكونوا كلمة واحدة ذات معنى
• There are many types of Compound Nouns : هناك العديد من أنواع الأسماء المركبة
1- One Word : ( motorway – wildlife – sandstorm – blackboard – classroom – shopkeeper – housemaid - postcard - secondhand) 2- Two Words : ( bus driver – sand cat – bus stop – killer whale - police station - Film star ) 3- Two Words joined by a hyphen : ( motor-racing & roller-blading & horse – riding & house-builder ) 4- Words joined by hyphens : ( mother - in – law & up - to – date & master-at-arms ضابط النظام فى سفينة ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Nouns Type Examples Noun + Noun pen friend / tea cup / Classroom football / Film star / shoe box bus stop / police man / station master Gerund + noun Walking stick / Drinking water / swimming pool / running water Adjective + noun Black bread / mad man / old age / white hair Noun + Gerund Sun bathing / sight seeing / horse – riding Distance learning noun + verb rainfall / toothache / heartbeat / headache ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note The Following 1- إذا كانت الكلمة المركبة تنتهى باسم يعد تضاف "s" للاسم الذى يعد. Film star film stars police station police stations Classroom classrooms notebook notebooks 2- اما لو كان الاسم المركب منتهي باسم لايعد فاننا نجمع الاسم الاول بوضع s فى نهايته . A brother - in - law brothers - in - law.
Exercise * Write a paragraph of seven sentences on : “The wild animal you like best and the environment in which it lives” * Use the following : 1- The name of the animal. 2- Describe it. 3- Its weight, length. 4- Its environment. 5- Its abilities. 6- Its food. 7- The reasons why you like it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Translate into Arabic : 1- The Arabs had a great civilization in the past. 2- Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon. 3- Man does his best to achieve his dreams of prosperity and a good standard of living. 4- Children should enjoy their rights as other grown-ups do. 5- Reading helps us to increase our information to be aware of many things in life. 6- Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. 7- Mrs. Suzan Mubark has led a campaign to set up projects for the sake of the Egyptian child. 8- If you don’t use your memory for sometimes, it’ll become weak. ١- هل يمكنك التعامل مع التكنولوجيا الحديثة ؟ ٢- لقد أنهيت عملى بالأمس قبل السفر إلى الخارج . ٣- كنت ضمن المشاركين فى المؤتمر الاسبوع الماضى . ٤- على الناس أن يمشوا كثيرا ويقللوا من استخدام سياراتهم ليصبحوا أصحاء . ٥- يقدم التلفاز برامج تعليمية ناجحة بالإضافة إلى المباريات والمسلسلات . ٦- لا يمكن بالمال شراء السعادة أو الصحة أو الحب . ٧- يٌعد السفر أحد الوسائل الهامة للمعرفة . ٨- يجب أن نرشد استهلاك الكهرباء والمياه حتى نوفر قدرا من المال المدفوع فى الفواتير .
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| موضوع: رد: UNI T 10 اولى ثانوى الخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 5:13 | |
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