Review B
move ينتقل (إلى منزل جديد أو شقة) relax يسترخى
park منتزه / حديقة عامة relaxation استرخاء
neighbours جيران exhausted متعب
friendly ودود exhaustion تعب / إعياء
nice لطيف traffic jam اختناق المرور
called يسمى main رئيسى / أساسى
bread خبز tractor جرار
potatoes بطاطس laugh يضحك
shop متجر / محل smile يبتسم
baker's مخبز university جامعة
supermarket سوبر ماركت Chinese اللغة الصينية
admire يعجب بـ mistake خطأ
suddenly فجأة plans خطط
plenty كثير / وفير part-time job عمل لبعض الوقت
speller متهجى worry يقلق
spell يتهجى birthday عيد ميلاد
bookshop مكتبة (لبيع الكتب) airport مطار
sell / sold / sold يبيع careful حريص
soldiers جنود carefully بعناية / بحرص
badly wounded مصاب إصابات بالغة farewell وداع
recover يشفى arms أسلحة
escape يهرب heroic بطولى
marry يتزوج brave شجاع
live happily يعيش سعيدا weather الطقس
crowded مزدحم trainer مدرب
port ميناء بحرى breathe يتنفس
opposite مقابل produce ينتج
behind خلف professional محترف
successful ناجح novelist كاتب روائى
mountain village قرية جبلية lungs الرئتين
blood الدم respect يحترم / احترام
special qualities صفات خاصة civilization حضارة
patience الصبر progress تقدم
determination تصميم / عزيمة fields حقول / مجالات
city centre وسط البلد electric cars سيارات تعمل بالكهرباء
skill مهارة clean air هواء نقى
hard work عمل جاد pollution التلوث
ability قدرة air travel السفر جوا
strength قوة airplane طائرة
Idioms & Expressions
in front of أمام care for يعتنى بـ / يرعى
in the middle فى الوسط in danger فى خطر
on the left of على يسار frightened of خائف من
on the right على اليمين at all على الإطلاق
next to بجوار at once فى الحال
on the other side of على الجانب الآخر من go dark يحل الظلام
by the park بجوار المنتزه go well تسير جيدا
at the edge of على حافة go past يمر
on the corner على الناصية tell a joke يقول نكتة
look after يعتنى بـ make progress يحرز تقدم
Reading & Critical Thinking
A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemingway
@ Many people think that A Farewell to Arms, which Ernest Hemingway wrote in 1929, is his best novel. It was very successful – in the first four months in the bookshops, 80,000 books were sold.
@ It is the story of a young American called Frederic Henry who goes to Europe to help the Italian soldiers during the First World War, like Hemingway himself did. While he is there, he is badly wounded in the legs and is sent to a special hospital in the city of Milan to recover. An English nurse, Catherine Barkley, looks after Frederic there, and the two become very friendly. When Frederic is better again, he goes back to help the soldiers, but this time things don't go well and Frederic is in danger. He returns to Milan and he and Catherine escape to another country, where they marry. Catherine and Frederic live very happily together in a small mountain village. They spend all their time together, walking, reading and talking. They are very happy, until Catherine dies.
Questions & answers
1- Who wrote "A Farewell to Arms"? When was it written?
- Ernest Hemingway wrote it in 1929.
2- How do you know that "A Farewell to Arms" was successful?
- 80,000 books were sold in four months.
3- How many books did "A Farewell to Arms" sell in the first four months?
- 80,000 books.
4- What was the nationality of Frederic Henry?
- He was American.
5- Why did Frederic Henry go to Europe?
- To help the Italian soldiers during the First World War.
6- Did Frederic have to help the Italian soldiers?
- No, he didn't have to but he wanted to.
7- What happened to Frederic Henry during the First World War?
- He was badly injured.
8- How is Frederic Henry's life in "A Farewell to Arms" like Ernest Hemingway's life?
- They both left their country to fight in a war and were badly wounded.
9- Why did Frederic have to go to a special hospital in Milan?
- Because he was badly wounded in the legs.
10- Who looked after Frederic Henry in the hospital?
- Catherine Barkley.
11- Where was Catherine Barkley from?
- England
12- What was Catherine?
- She was an English nurse.
13- Frederic was badly wounded in the war. Did this stop him helping the Italian soldiers again?
- No, it doesn't.
14- What did Frederic do when he recovered from his wounds?
- He went back to help the Italian soldiers.
15- Why did Frederic have to return to Milan again?
- Because things didn't go well and he was in danger.
16- Why did Frederic and Catherine escape to another country?
- Because Frederic was in danger.
17- How did Frederic and Catherine spend their time together?
- They spent all their time together, walking, talking and reading.
18- What happened to Catherine in the end?
- She died.
19- What special qualities do nurses like Catherine need?
- Patience, strength, the ability to care for people, not to be frightened of blood, etc.
20- What qualities could you bring to an important job?
- Patience, taking decisions, determination, skill and hard work.
Choose the correct answer:
1- If you look (at-for-up-after) your clothes they last a lot longer.
2- She can't go out to work because she has to stay at home to care (of-for-at-over) her elderly mother.
3- Some people are frightened (of-about-for-at) spiders.
4- Road works have caused (car-traffic-vehicle-accident) jams throughout the city centre.
5- If I want to (relaxation-relaxed-relax-relaxing), I read a book or listen to music.
6- The soldier didn't sleep for four nights. That's why he was so (exhaustion-exhausted-exhaust-exhausting).
7- My elder brother is good at (making-saying-speaking-telling) jokes.
8- While he was in Italy, Frederic was (badly-bad-worse-worst) wounded.
9- He drove so fast that I really felt my life was (at-of-with-)in danger.
10- She had the (able-ability-capable-can) to explain things clearly and concisely.
11- He went to the (butcher's-dressmaker's-baker's-florist's) to get some bread.
12- It took her a long while to (recover-cover-health-healthy) after her heart operation.
13- Try not to (carry-worry-lorry-sorry). There's nothing you can do to change the situation.
14- Ashraf's new house is (next-near-nearby-nearly) to the park.
15- Mr Moussa lives in the house (at-in-of-on) the right.
16- They've bought a new house, but it will need a lot of work before they can (return-leave-move-go) into it.
17- You (cousin-friend-sister-neighbour) is someone who lives very near to you.
18- She's got to go into (hospital-hospitality-prison-workhouse) for three weeks to have an operation.
19- Our neighbours behave in a pleasant, kind way towards people. They have always been very (friendly-friend-friendship-friendliness) towards us.
20- He's a good teacher, but he doesn't have much (patient-patients-pain-patience) with the slower pupils.
Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Many people think that A Farewell to Arms, which Ernest Hemingway wrote in 1929, is his best novel. It was very successful – in the first four months in the bookshops, 80,000 books were (1)………………. . It is the story of a young American (2)………………… Frederic Henry who goes to Europe to help the Italian soldiers during the First World War. He is badly (3)…………………. in the legs and is sent to a special (4)………………….to recover. An English nurse, Catherine Barkley, looks (5)…………………. him, and the two become very friendly. When Frederic is better again, they (6)…………………. And live very happily together in a small mountain village.
Grammar Review
Present perfect tense
زمن المضارع التام
يتكون المضارع التام من has / have + p.p.
- I have seen that film.
- He has sent me an e-mail this morning.
يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث بدأت فى الماضى و مازالت مستمرا.
- I've lived in Cairo since 1999 / for 10 years. (I'm still living there.)
يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث تمت حديثا.
- I've just finished my first year at university.
يعبر عن حدث تم فى الماضى دون تحديد وقت حدوثه. و فى حالة تحديد وقت حدوثه نستخدم الماضى البسيط.
- She has polished her shoes.
- She polished her shoes yesterday.
يستخدم المضارع التام مع الكلمات الآتية:
already / just / ever / never / yet / since / for / so far / lately / recently
- He has typed five letters so far.
يأتى بعد since زمن يحدد بداية الحدث أما for يأتى بعدها مدة هذا الحدث.
إذا جاء مع since فعل واحد يكون فى زمن المضارع التام أما إذا جاء مع sinceفعلين
فالفعل الذى يلى since يكون ماضي بسيط و الآخر مضارع تام.
- I haven’t seen him since last week.
- I haven’t seen him since he left for Cairo.
The present perfect continuous tense
زمن المضارع التام المستمر
يتكون المضارع التام المستمر من has / have + been + v. + ing
- He has been learning English for five years.
يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر لنقول أن شخصا مازال فى منتصف العمل أو أن الحدث لم ينتهى.
- Ali’s clothes are covered in paint. He has been painting the ceiling.
يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع ( ظرف زمنى since / for / all +)
- He has been working there since he passed his exams.
- He has been working there for a long time.
- He has been playing football all day.
و غالبا ما تكون هناك كلمة تؤكد على استمرارية الحدث مثل still / now / yet.
- It has been raining for three hours now.
- He has been painting his flat and he hasn’t finished yet.
- He has been painting his flat and he’s still painting it.
Comparative & Superlative adjectives
صفات المقارنة و صفات التفضيل
تستخدم صفات المقارنة مع than للمقارنة بين شخصين أو شيئين.
- I'm taller than my brother.
تستخدم صفات التفضيل مع the للمقارنة بين أكثر شخصين أو شيئين.
- I'm the tallest student in the class.
Short adjectives (One syllable): الصفات القصيرة (ذات مقطع واحد)
الصفة التى تنتهى بحرفين ساكنين نضيف لها er عند المقارنة بين اثنين و نضع بعدها than و نضيف لها est عند المقارنة بين أكثر من اثنين و نضع قبلها the
Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
tall طويل (للإنسان)
short قصير taller than
shorter the tallest
the shortest
Longer adjectives (Two or more syllables):
صفات طويلة (ذات مقطعين أو أكثر)
الصفة ذات المقطعين و تنتهى بحرف y نحول الـ y الى i نضيف لها er / est
Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
heavy ثقيل
busy مشغول heavier than
busiest than the heaviest
the busiest
بعض الصفات ذات مقطعين أو أكثر نستخدم (الصفة (more / most +
Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
expensive غالى
successful ناجح more expensive than
more successful than the most expensive
the most successful
- Hani is more honest than Ali.
- Hani is the most honest student in class.
Irregular adjectives: صفات شاذة
Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
good جيد
bad سئ
many / much كثير
far بعيد
little قليل better than
worse than
more than
farther (further) than
less than the best
the worst
the most
the farthest (furthest)
the least
- Mark is a good student.
- Mark is better than Ali.
- Mark is the best student in the class.
لا حظ أن less / least عكس more / the most
- My car is less comfortable than yours, but Ali's is the least.
نستخدم + as) صفة (as + عندما يتساوى الطرفان فى الصفة.
- Ali is as tall as Peter.
= They are the same height.
نستخدم + as) صفة (not as (so) + عندما لا يتساوى الطرفان فى الصفة.
- Ali isn’t as old as Peter.
= Peter is the older of the two.
2) Adverbs الظروف
الظروف هى كلمات تستخدم لوصف فعل أو صفة أو ظرف
يتم تكوين الظرف باضافة ly للصفة
Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
careful حريص
slow بطئ carefully بحرص
slowly ببطء
بعض الكلمات تستخدم كصفات و ظروف مثل fast / hard / late
- He took a fast train. (adj. صفة )
- The train runs fast. (adv. ظرف )
Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
good جيد Well جيدا
عند تحويل الصفة الى ظرف نحول الاسم الى فعل.
- He's a very careful writer. (carefully)
He writes very slowly.
- I'm a bad speller. (badly)
I spell badly.
- They're very hard workers. (work)
They work very hard.
- I'm a slow reader. (slowly)
I read slowly.
The future المستقبل
هناك طرق مختلفة للتعبير عن المستقبل:
1) will + inf. مصدر) ) سوف
Use will + مصدر + for: will استخدامات
predictions: لعمل تنبؤات فى المستقبل
- I expect Lucy and Paul will stay for dinner.
future facts: للتعبير عن حقائق مستقبلية
- It's my birthday next Tuesday. I'll be seventeen.
quick decisions: لاتخاذ قرارات سريعة
- Oh, that's the doorbell. I'll get it.
offers: عند عرض المساعدة
- I'll make dinner tonight.
requests: للطلب
- Will you open the door for me, please?
threats: للتهديد
- I'll resign يستقيل if I don't get a pay rise.
promises: للوعود
- I'll buy you a mobile phone if you succeed.
2) going to + infinitive (مصدر) سوف
Use going to + مصدر + for: going to استخدامات
future plans, intentions and decisions: للخطط و النوايا و القرارات المستقبلية
- Next month I'm going to buy a new car.
- "Why are you turning on the TV?” I’m going to watch the news."
- I’m going to study medicine.
future predictions with evidence: تنبؤات فى المستقبل قائمة على دليل
- There are clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.
- It's really dark. I think it's going to rain.
- "You look very happy. Have you had some good news?"
"Yes, my sister is going to have a baby."
3) Present continuous المضارع المستمر
Use present continuous for: استخدامات المضارع المستمر
arrangements and completed plans: للرتيبات المستقبلية و الخطط التى تمت
- The school inspector is coming on Thursday. He's arriving at 10 o'clock.
Choose the correct answer:
1- A Farewell to Arms was Hemingway's most (succeed-success-succeeded-successful) novel.
2- Frederic and Catherine lived (happy-happily-happen-happiest) in a small town.
3- I have studied English (since-for-ago-in) five years.
4- "Has your brother left university?" "Yes, he (left-has left-had left-is leaving) two years ago."
5- (Have-Has-Is-Had) you ever been to Australia?
6- He has studied Chinese (in-ago-for-since) 2006.
7- "What are your plans for the summer?" "I (will look-am going to look-am looking-look) for a part-time job."
8- "Are you doing anything this afternoon?" "No, I (won't do-don't do-am not doing-didn't do) anything."
9- Ali (had worked-is working-has worked-would work) in Cairo for six months.
10- "When is your birthday?" "Next Monday. I (will be-am being-am going to be-am) 16."
11- "Have you seen the new James Bond film?" "No, but I (will see-am going to see-have seen-see) it this afternoon with Jane."
12- "We haven't got any coffee." "Don't worry, I (will get-am going to get-is getting-am getting) some."
13- Shanghai is more polluted (to-as-from-than) Cairo.
14- She (learned-was learning-would learn-has been learning) English since she was four.
15- Mumbai is a (big-bigger-biggest-more big) city than Alexandria.
16- Shanghai is one of (most-more-less-the most) polluted cities in the world.
17- Mumbai is one of the (biggest-bigger-biggest-most big) cities in the world.
18- Tokyo is a (the most-most-more-least) crowded city than Paris.
19- Tokyo is one of (the most-most-more-less) crowded cities in the world.
20- He writes very (careful-carefully-care-careless).
Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The Congo isn't as long as Mississippi. (longer)
2- London airport is busier than Paris airport. (London airport is one.....)
3- Shanghai is a larger port than Alexandria. (largest)
4- Rania and Dalia are of the same age. (as ………as)
5- The Nile is the longest river in the world. (There isn't)
6- My uncle began working as an engineer 5 years ago. (has been)
7- Cairo is polluted but Shanghai is more polluted. (as ………
8- We have planned to spend the weekend in Alexandria. (going to)
9- They have lived in Cairo for ten years. (since)
10- Hani isn't as tall as Sami. (taller)
11- I promise to buy you a new mobile if you get high marks. (will)
12- I've got my plane ticket to leave for London tomorrow. (leaving)
13- He intends to travel to America next month. (going)
14- It began raining an hour ago. (for)
15- I'd like you to help me with my homework. (Will…………?)
Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph:
Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo in 1911. He was youngest child in his family. He said he has a happy childhood. He was greatly interested with reading the works of great authors. His writings reveal the social conditions in Egypt who he lived and died. 1- ……………………..
2- ………………………
3- ……………………..
4- ……………………..
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Ola : Oh no, we haven't got any bread.
Ashraf: …………………………………………………………………. .
Ola : Thanks. Could you also buy some potatoes?
Ashraf: ………………………………………………………………….
Ola : Oh yes, I didn't see those. Have you got enough money for the bread?
Ashraf: ………………………………………………………………….
Ola : Which shop are you going to go to?
Ashraf: …………………………………………………………………………… .
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- The sky has suddenly gone very dark. Someone asks you what you think about the weather in the near future. What do you say?
2- Someone asks your opinion about a book you have read. What do you say?
3- A friend asks about your holiday plans for next summer. Your plan is to spend a month in Turkey. What do you say to your friend.
4- Someone asks you what famous Egyptian you admire. What do you say?
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- My uncle lived in Australia ………………….. three years.
a) since b) ago c) for d) during
2- I ………………… never traveled outside my country.
a) has b) have c) am d) was
3- A professional ………………… helped Abu-Heif to become a famous swimmer.
a) trainer b) train c) training d) trains
4- I couldn't run any farther because I was completely …………………….
a) tired b) exhausting c) tiring d) exhausted
5- The Old Man and the Sea is shorter ………………….. A Farewell to Arms.
a) than b) as c) that d) to
6- To many people, The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway's ………… novel.
a) good b) best c) better d) well
7- Some people think that Dickens is the ………….. important English novelist.
a) most b) more c) very d) much
8- Mr and Mrs Mohamed are ……………….. and wife.
a) son b) father c) brother d) husband
9- Our …………… fill with air when we breathe.
a) walk b) walks c) walked d) walking
10- It took the taxi two hours to reach the station because of the …………. jam.
a) car b) traffic c) vehicle d) accident
4- Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- If finished my homework and then I watched a DVD. (After)
2- I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours. (exhausted)
3- Leila can't find her school bag. (lost)
4- There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile. (longest)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
One day, there will be no oil left. Everyone (1)……………… that, but more and more (2)……………… are traveling by plane. This is because (3)…………….. travel is cheaper than ever before. It is sometimes cheaper to (4)…………… to another country than to travel a hundred kilometres on a train. As well as using fuel, planes produce air (5)………………….. . We can't stop air travel, but we should (6)………………… carefully before we decide to fly.
C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
For homework, Youssef's class had to study traffic. Their teacher told them to stand outside their houses for one hour that evening and count the vehicles they saw.
Youssef's friends lived in the town, but Youssef's father was a farmer, so he lived in the country. For one hour, Youssef stood outside his house, but very few vehicles went past. After fifteen minutes, he saw a bicycle. After another thirty minutes, a car drove past. Finally Youssef saw his neighbour driving a tractor.
The next day, the teacher asked the students what they had seen. Ahmed – who lived in the town – had seen a hundred cars, six buses and twenty lorries. The other students had seen about the same. When the teacher asked Youssef, he didn't want to answer. Then he said, "I saw a tractor, one car and a bicycle." All the other students laughed, but the teacher smiled and said, "You live in the best place, Youssef. Think of all the pollution the other students breathe every day. Think how nice it is to live in a place with clean air."
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did the students have to stand to count the vehicles they saw?
2- How long had Youssef been waiting when he saw the car?
3- Why didn't Youssef want to answer the teacher's question?
4- Who or what does the underlined word them refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
5- Where do most of Youssef's friends live?
a) in the country
b) near Youssef
c) in the town
d) near the school
6- Why does Youssef live in the country?
a) because he likes to breathe clean air
b) because most of his friends live in the town
c) because of his father's job
d) because he doesn't like traffic
7- Why did the other students laugh?
a) because they were very happy
b) because Youssef had seen only three vehicles
c) because Youssef lived in the country
d) because the teacher told them a joke
7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What was the old man's job in The Old Man and the Sea?
2- Why couldn't the old man pull the fish to the boat?
3- Why couldn't the old man sell the fish he had caught?
4- Do you think it was a good idea for the old man to go fishing alone? Why? Why not?
5- Why do you think Manolin was worried about the old man after he returned from the sea?
6- How do you think the old man and Manolin felt at the end of the story?
D) The Novel
8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What harm did the man do before leaving the car?
(I Never Forget a Face)
2- Why did the writer think that the stranger didn't own a car?
(I Never Forget a Face)
3- What did Augustus decide to do after giving up the struggle?
(An Artist's Story)
4- What did the stranger want when he said "but"? (An Artist's Story)
B)Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Listen. There isn't a bus for a quarter of an hour. I've got my car in the station-yard."
1- What did the speaker offer?
2- How was the weather at that time?
3- What did the stranger steal?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph seven (7) sentences about :
A person's fight against nature
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- The Arabs had a great civilization in the past.
2- Engineers designed electric cars.
B) Translate into English:
لقد حققنا الكثير من التقدم فى بعض المجالات.