منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى   شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Emptyالسبت 14 أبريل 2012 - 9:43

the natural world
a sporting event
lose their lives
oxygen cylinders
national pride
fulfil an ambition
honour his country
look like
reach the summit
peace-loving فوق
يقهر/يتغلب علي /يغزو
متسلق الجبال
طفل يحبو
وضع / وظيفة / مكانة
العالم الطبيعي
حدث رياضي
يفقدون حياتهم
اسطوانات أكسجين
العزة الوطنية
بعد ذلك
من الواضح
يحقق طموح
ذيوع / شهرة / دعاية
يكرم وطنه
يتغلب علي
رفقة / صحبة
فعلا / في الواقع
يصل للقمة
محب للسلام amazing
sea level
lifelong (adj.)
make notes
an area of land
climb (n./v.)
ambition = aspiration
reach their goals
without the use of
tourist attractions
do a magazine quiz مدهش
مستوي سطح البحر
مدي الحياة
قليلا /بدرجة طفيفة
يدون ملاحظات
مقياس / مستوي
مساحة من الأرض
يتسلق / تسلق
يصلوا إلي هدفهم
بدون استخدام
ركوب الدراجات
الحافز /الدافع
مناطق الجذب السياحي
وحيد من نوعه / متفرد
راعي (برنامج مثلا)
الدعاية والإعلان
قطعا / بالتأكيد
يحل مسابقة في مجلة

• Prepositions:
- exposure to
- fall to his death
- on the walls
- at the summit of
- go away
- do something for money
- go up
- phone up for the - - answers التعرض لـ
يلقي حتفه
علي الجدران
عند قمة
يسافر / يرحل
يفعل شيء من أجل المال
يرتفع / يصعد
يتصل للحصول علي الإجابة - fall off a mountain
- excited about
- dream of / about
- nervous of
- worried about
- from the top to the bottom
- go down
- in danger of
- familiar with يسقط من علي الجبل
يشعر بالإثارة بشأن
يحلم بـ
قلق وخائف من
قلق بشأن
من القمة إلي القاع

ينخفض / يهبط
في خطر ..
علي دراية بـ

• Derivatives:
Verb Noun Adjective
amaze يدهش amazement دهشة amazing مدهش
amazed مندهش
conquer يغزو / يقهر conquest غزو
conqueror غازى / قاهر
inspire يلهم / يوحى inspiration الهام / وحى inspired ملهم / موحى به
motivate يحث / يحفز motivation دافعية / حافز motivationalدافعى / محفز
accident حادث accidental عرضى
deepen يعمق depth عمق deep عميق
challenge يتحدى challenge التحدى challenging بثير التحدى

• Important vocabulary for translation and composition:
phenomenon ظاهرة
phenomena ظواهـر
humanity = mankind البشرية
environmental pollution التلوث البيئي
form and content الشكل و المحتوي
creativity الخلق و الابتكار exert great efforts يبذل جهودا عظيمة
crisis أزمـة
deviation الانحـراف
modern age العصر الحديث
be greatly interested in يهتم اهتماما كبيرا بـ
channels قنوات
witness a great shift يشهد تحولا كبيرا

 room حجرة / مكان أو فراغ
1- My flat has two bedrooms.
2- There is no room for you in the car.
 elder – older الأكبر
elder (في محيط العائلة) than لا يأتي بعدها elder sister / elder brother
* She is my elder sister.
eldest (في محيط العائلة) eldest sister / eldest brother
* He is the eldest member of the family.
older (than) تستخدم في المقارنة عموما(للعاقل وغير العاقل)
* She is five years older than me.
oldestتستخدم في التفضيل عموما (للعاقل وغير العاقل)
* He is the oldest student in our class.
 takeيأخذ
take part in = share in = participate in يشـارك
* Did you take part in the poetry competition?
take place = happen = occur يحـدث
* When did the accident take place?
take the place of = replace يحـل محـل
* He resigned and I took his place.
take up much of يستنـزف كثيـر مـن
* He took much of his money.
take off يخلـع – تقلـع
1- When I returned home, I took off my coat.
2- The plane took off at ten.
take over يتـولى مهمـة
* After his father's death he took over his work.
take after يشبـه
* She took her mother completely.
 sea level مستوى سطح البحر
above sea level فوق مستوي سطح البحر
They live about 3,000 metres above sea level.
below sea level تحت مستوي سطح البحر
They can swim 100 metres below sea level.
 slightly different مختلف الى حد ما
* You should ask a slightly different question.

 special – private
special خاص بفئة أو طبقة
* Doctors and nurses wear special clothes.
private خاص بشخص أو ملك شخص
* We have a private car.
 child – toddler – teenager – adolescent - youth
child ( baby ) ( an infant ) طفـل صغيـر
* He is still a child. He cries all the time.
toddler ( الطفـل الذي تعلم المشي ( السن 1 ـ 2 سنه
* A child who has just learned to walk is a toddler.
teenager = adolescen مـراهق (السن 13 الي 19سنه )
* Children aged 13 to 19 are teenager.
youth = young people شـاب
* The police arrested several youth who were fighting.
 professional – amateur
professional محترف (يلعب من اجل المال )
* He plays for money, he is a professional.
amateur هاوي
* He is an amateur, he doesn't take money.
 by himself – for himself
by himself = alone = on his own بنفسة
* He wrote the story by himself.
for himself لنفسة
* He climbed the mountain not only for himself but for Egypt.
 the same – as ……. as – similar to
the same + اسم نفس الشئ
* Ahmed and Ali are the same age.
as + صفة + as نفس الشئ
* Ali is as old as Ramy.
similar to مشابة لـ
* Your car is similar to my car.
 Do a quiz يحل مسابقة
* Would you like to do this quiz with me?
 الفاعل + is / was + the first + to + مصدر أول من
* Ahmed was the first Egyptian to climb Everest.

 think of = think about يفكر في / عند السؤال عن الرأي
1- I'm thinking of / about buying a new car.
2- What do you think of / about this shirt?
think of يتذكر / يفكر في الآخرين
1- I can't think of her name now.
2- You should think of other people.
quit (quit/quit) يترك / يغادر / يتوقف عن شيء
1- He quit smoking a year ago.
2- She quit school when she was 15.
quiet هادئ = calm
* Be quiet! I’ve got a headache صداع.
quiteتماما / إلى حد ما = fairly / completely
* Although they are brothers, they are quite different.
•لاحظ صيغة الأسئلة الآتية:
•What do you like most about..?
•What do you like least about..?
* What do you like most about your school?
•keep your cool = to stay calm and not get upset or nervous يحافظ علي هدوء أعصابه
* I was in a dangerous situation but I kept my cool.
•a close call = something bad nearly happened. شيء سيء على وشك الحدوث
* That was a close call.
•in a tight corner = in a difficult situation في مأزق
* We were in a very tight corner, we couldn't escape.
•made my day = made me happy أسعدني
* Getting the prize made my day.
•out of the blue = suddenly and unexpectedly فجأة
* Something dangerous can happen out of the blue.
•raise money = collect money يجمع مالا لغرض معين
* Charities raise money for poor people.
The boy is clever. A clever boy
•الصفة اما ان تسبق الاسم او تلى بعض الأفعال مثلTo Be ولكن الصفات التالية لا تستخدم قبل الاسم ابدا و لكن تستخدم بعد be وأفعال مثل seem / look / feel
afraid / awake / asleep / alone / alight / absent/alive
1- The boy was afraid.
2- She is still awake.
•الصفات المنتهية بـ ed تستخدم للعاقل و الصفات المنتهية بـ ing تستخدم لغير العاقل

fascinating مبهر fascinated منبهر exciting مثير excited يشعر بالإثارة
amazing مدهش amazedمندهش terrifyingمرعب terrifiedمرعوب
embarrassing محرج embarrassed
يشعر بالإحراج boring ممل bored يشعر بالملل
مزعج / مكدر annoyed متضايق confusingمربك confusedمرتبك
depressingكئيب depressed مكتئب frighteningمخيف frightenedخائف
مخيب للأمل disappointed
خاب أمله
1- Jane is bored because her job is boring.
2- Tom is interested in the job.
3- Tom finds the job interesting.
•أحيانا تستخدم الصفة المنتهية بـ ing مع العاقل:
1- He is a boring person. انه شخص ممــل
2- She is bored. إنها تشعر بالملل
Exception: استثناء
impressed متأثر impressive مبهر
delighted سعيد delightful مبهج
1- She was delighted with the news.
2- Thank you for a delightful evening.
يمكن استخدام صفتي مقارنة للدلالة علي التغير المستمر في شيء •
ولاحظ أن الصفة بعد and تأخذ نفس شكل الصفة قبلها.
1- It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job.
2- It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job.
3- These days more and more people are learning English.
4- The weather is getting colder and colder.
•يمكن استخدام to + inf. بعد الصفات التالية
happy / pleased/ disappointedخاب أمله /amazed/afraid/glad / delighted /surprised / sad / relieved يشعر براحة astonishedمندهش
1- I am sorry to hear that your brother is ill.
2- Tom was surprised to see me.
3- She was delighted to get your letter.
•لاحظ استخدام الصفة في هذا التركيب:

(nice / kind / stupid / silly / clever / polite / careless)
1- It is kind of you to help me.
2- It was careless of Jack to leave the door unlocked.
3- It was very generous of Ann to lend us the money.
♦لاحظ أنه إذا كانت الجملة منفية نستخدم not to:
* The boy didn’t study his lessons well. (It was careless)
- It was careless of the boy not to study his lessons well.

•تستخدم الصفات عادة مع فعل to be وأفعال أخري مثل look / seem / appear / taste / feel / sound / smell:
• It was cold. • She looks ill. • The food smells bad.
•نضيف er في حالة الصفات القصيرة:
cheap cheaper large larger quiet quieter
narrow narrower simple simpler clever cleverer
clever cleverer rich richer stupid stupider
•نضيف er في حالة الصفات القصيرة التي تنتهي ب y بعد تغيير y إلي i :
lucky luckier funny funnier happy happier
easy easier pretty prettier heavy heavier
wealthy wealthier healthy healthier
•إذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف متحرك يليه ساكن نضاعف الحرف الأخير
big bigger hot hotter fat fatter
•اذا كانت الصفة القصيرة تنتهي بـ e نضيف في المقارنة r فقط وفي التفضيل st
wide wider widest nice nicer nicest
•في حالة الصفات الطويلة نستخدم:
more / less expensive than more / less terrifying than

•في حالة التساوي في الصفة نستخدم:

* John is as tall as Peter
•في حالة النفي نستخدم:
1- Hassan isn’t as old as Peter. (older/younger)
- Peter is older than Hassan.
- Hassan is younger than Peter.
2- I don’t know as many people as you do. (more/fewer)
- You know more people than I do.
- I know fewer people than you do.
3- Frank isn’t as rich as Joe. (richer)
- Joe is richer than Frank.
4- The test was not as difficult as I thought. (easier)
- The test was easier than I thought.
5- I didn’t expect her to be so smart. (smarter)
- She was smarter than I expected.

•يمكن استخدام /slightly / even / a bit / much /a lot / a little / far قبل صفات المقارنة:
1- Going by bus is a lot cheaper than going by plane.
2- Going by plane is much more expensive.
3- You have to move a bit faster.
 ☺لاحظ أن صيغة المقارنة من ill هي worse والمقارنة من well هي better
1- She feels much better today.
2- He was so ill yesterday.
3- He's even worse today.

•فى حالة الصفات القصيرة تتكون صيغة التفضيل من:

deep the deepest old the oldest
high the highest short the shortest
clever the cleverest rich the richest
stupid the stupidest
•فى حالة الصفات الطويلة تتكون صيغة التفضيل من:

interesting the most / the least interesting
expensive the most / the least expensive
♦Irregular adjectives:صفات شاذة
good better best bad worse worst
far farther/further farthest / furthest
little less least
♦further = more
* Are there any further questions?
♦most + adj. (without the) = very
* The article I’ve just read was most interesting. = very interesting
☺لاحظ استخدام التفضيل من الصفة مع الكلمات first / second / third,..etc
* Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt.

♦لا تستخدم the قبل صفة التفضيل في حالة وجود ضمير ملكية قبل الصفة:
* It was his biggest achievement in Chemistry.
♦يمكن استخدام less فبل الصفات القصيرة
* He is less tall than his friend. = He is not as tall as his friend
= His friend is taller than him.
= He is not the same height as his friend.
☺لاحظ الاسم من الصفات الآتية:
long Length expensive price
wide width big size
old age far distance
deep depth high height

1- Your house is as high as mine. (height)
- Your house is the same height as mine.
2- The red shirt is as expensive as the white shirt. (price)
- The red shirt is the same price as the white shirt.

♦Adjectives ending in –ly: الصفات المنتهية بـ
friendly friendlier friendliest
lovely lovelier loveliest
silly sillier silliest
•لاحظ استخدام صفات المقارنة في هذا التركيب

• ويدل هذا التركيب علي أن شيء يعتمد علي آخر

the less the less
the more the more
the + adj.-er the + adj.-er

1- The harder you study, the higher marks you get.
2- You eat a lot. You become fat. (The more…)
- The more you eat the fatter you become.
3- If we leave early, we’ll arrive soon. (The earlier…)
- The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive.
4- You use much electricity. Your bill will be high. (The more..)
- The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.
• لاحظ استخدام in مع الأماكن بعد صفة التفضيل
1- The longest river in the world (Not: of the world)
2- The best student in the class.
3- The best player in the team
لاحظ استخدام المضارع التام بعد صفة التفضيل •
• 1- This is the loveliest card I’ve ever received.
• 2- It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

•لاحظ شكل الضمير بعد than (يستخدم ضمير فاعل إذا كان بعده فعل و ضمير مفعول في حالة عدم وجود فعل):
1- He is taller than me/him/her.
But: He is taller than I am / he is/ she is.
2- They earn more money than us.
But: They earn more money than we do

• Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
1- Choose the correct answer:
1- This stain remover really works - it's (amazing – achieving – acting – doing)!
2- Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest (changes -challenges – chains – shapes) faced by scientists today.
3- The (bottom – inside – outside – summit) of this mountain is covered with snow for most of the year.
4- I couldn't believe how beautiful the island was. It was absolutely (amazing – apologizing – capitalizing – criticizing).
5- The side of the swimming pool is too (sweep – weep – deep – creep) to stand up in.
6- There are 14 mountains which are more than 8000 metres above sea (level - devil – civil – foil).
7- Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to (walk – take – run – climb) Everest.
8- Mountaineers are incredibly (cowardly – impatient - brave – greedy) people.
9- It's too hard to stop smoking when it's been a (lifelong – prolong – lifeboat – lifestyle) habit.
10- He has finally (covered – collapsed – collected – conquered) his fear of spiders.
11- I'm (brightly – brilliantly - slightly – confidently) upset that she forgot my birthday.
12- I have so much (work – career – job – profession) to do.
13- He was in a (sight – light – right – tight) corner when his money was stolen.
14- We didn't actually hit the other call, but it was a close (call - ball – fall – mall).
15- His resignation came out of the (clue – due – blue – threw). He never said a word about it.
16- Would you like to ( have - do – send – apply ) this quiz with me?
17- Some people wear ( public – private – special – publicity ) uniforms as nurses.
18- Winning the cup of Africa was the most important sporting ( event – accident – incident – circle ) of 2008.
19 - ( Annapurna – Mount Fuji – The Matterhorn – Everest ) is the highest mountain in the world.
20- The (River Nile – Amazon – Forat – Degla ) is the longest river in the world.

تمارين موقع الوزارة على الكلمات والملحوظات اللغوية
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1. The White Desert in Egpyt is very low, in fact it is below _____.
a. ground b. water c. sea level d. cities
2. Amin was only _____ late -- he should have arrived at 5 pm but he was delayed by ten minutes.
a. very b. some c. little d. slightly
3. The tree was old, and its _____ grew deep into the earth.
a. leaves b. branches c. roots d. bottom
4. I would like to go _____sea diving n the Red Sea.
a. far b. deep c. low d. scuba
5. This English exercise is very difficult. It is really a _____ for me!
a. challenge b. trouble c. difficulty d. question
6. Hany’s _____ is to become a successful photographer.
a. want b. ambition c. career d. life
7. The top of the mountain towered thousands of metres _____ us.
a. above b. below c. away d. from
8. To stay safe as an explorer, you need to take with you the correct safety _____ .
a. machinery b. things c. clothes d. equipment

2. Complete the gaps with words from the box below.
flag mountaineer lifelong summit root
oxygen toddler conquer sea level amazing

I come from a family of explorers. My father was a _______________. From the time he was a little boy, it was his _______________ ambition to climb Mount Everest. When he finally climbed Mount Everest, I was still a _______________. He told me about his adventure when I was older. He told me that to get to the top, he had to use _______________ cylinders to be able to breathe. He said that when he reached the _______________ of the mountain the view was _______________. Unfortunately, I myself am afraid of being in high places, but I hope one day to _______________ my fears and to climb a mountain, just like my father did.

3. Match the idioms with their meanings.

1. Suddenly and unexpectedly a. to lose sleep
2. Something bad nearly happened b. in a tight corner
3. To be in a difficult situation with not many choices c. a close call
4. To stay calm and not get nervous or upset d. out of the blue
5. Make me very happy e. make my day
f. to keep your cool

4. Write an antonym for each word. Follow the example.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
Example: last – first
1. deep - ______________________________
2. formal - _____________________________
3. boring - _____________________________
4. popular - ____________________________
5. famous - ____________________________

5. Read this group of words. Place each into the right column, then complete the word families. Finally, write a sentence with each word.
amazing – conquer – inspire – motivation – accident
Noun Verb Adjective

• Exercise on grammar:
1- Choose the correct answer:
1- Yesterday I heard a (fright – frightened- frightening – frighten) noise outside.
2- He often tells me (amused – amusing – amusement – entertainment) stories about
his family.
3- This is the (hard- harder – less hard- hardest) test I’ve ever taken.
4- It was wrong (with – for – of – to) him to neglect his study.
5- He was not (cooperative – as cooperative – more cooperative – less cooperative)
as his colleagues.
6- He is not (so – more – less – lessen) reliable as his friend.
7- My flat is (more big – less big – bigger – the biggest) than yours.
8- You didn't do as (more – less – least – much) work as I did.
9- Her friend is (wealthy – wealthiest – wealthier – wealthiest) than her.
10- My car is (less – more – least – most ) small than yours.

تمارين موقع الوزارة على القواعد
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1. The _____ experience in my life was when I saw a big bear in the wild.
a. frighteningest b. least frightening c. more frightening d. most frightening
2. You should buy the green trousers. They are the _____ in the shop.
a. least expensivest b. less expensive c. less expensiver d. least expensive
3. Abeer and Omar are the same height. They are _____ each other.
a. as tall as b. taller than c. as tall than d. more tall than
4. Mrs Hegaty is the _____ teacher I’ve ever had. Her classes are always so interesting and I always look forward to them.
a. inspiringest b. most inspiring c. biggest inspiring d. more inspiring
5. Tamer is a much calmer person than Omar, so before their exams Omar was much _____ Tamer.
a. more nervous than b. nervouser than c. more nervous as d. more nervous
6. The _____ animal which I have seen in Egypt is a camel.
a. most big b. biggest c. more big d. bigger
7. Video cassettes are _____ DVDs.
a. not moderner than b. not so modern as c. not modern like d. not as modern as
8. This English exercise is the _____ exercise in the book!
a. more challenging than b. more challenging c. most challenging
d. biggest challenging

2. Rewrite using the words in brackets to give the same meaning.

1. Everyone in my family is younger than my grandfather. (oldest)

2. Mahmoud is not as tall as Ali. (taller)

3. All the other books in the library are more interesting than the book I am reading. (least interesting)

4. The apple tree and the pear tree are both the same height. (as high as)

5. Omar can run more quickly than all the other boys in his class. (faster)

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
I live in a big town in England. In my town there is a town hall, a church, and a big museum. The town hall and the church are both 100 metres high and they are taller as the museum, which is only 90 metres high at its highest point. There are lots of things to do in my town. The interestingest thing is to visit the museum where there is a very old clock, which still tells the time. This clock is the most old in England. However it is not as old than a very old clock which is in Prague, the Czech Republic. Another thing to do is to visit the shopping mall, which is very modern. And finally what I think is the least beautiful place in my town is the central park, where there are several lakes and many birds. I think that my town is the most good place to visit!

_4. Match the phrases, then rewrite each sentence below.

1. Marie and Jane are a. not as expensive as Dubai.
2. The Red Sea is b. as diving.
3. Horse riding is as exciting c. an ocean.
4. Climbing mountains is more dangerous d. one of the most beautiful seas.
5. Crete is e. than swimming.
f. as old as each other.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى   شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 3:30

شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى 13253385113
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح رائع ومميز للوحدة السادسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع للوحدة 14 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
» شرح رائع للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
» شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
» شرح رائع للوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13
» شرح رائع للوحدة السابعة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الثانى الثانوى-
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