منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول   شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 23:19

Unit 8  Great Grand father's button  2                
continue يستمر nation امة
hurt يؤلم / يؤذي penalty
ضربة جزاء
dead ميت referee حكم
hide يخفي stadium إستاد
wait ينتظر watch يشاهد
enemy soldiers عدو the African Nations Cup

bullet رصاصة fit
ملائم / لائق
brave شجاع a ticket
rocks صخور trip
feel safe يشعر بالأمان miss
يفقد / يفوته
حارس المرمى fantastic رائع

Opposites                                    Prepositions
in front of
أمام behind خلف lie to
يكذب على
خطير safe امن knock ....over
يطيح بـ
carelessly بإهمال carefully بحرص look after
يعتني بـ
friend صديق enemy عدو look for
يبحث عن
يفوز beat
يهزم pass an exam يجتاز امتحان
important هام unimportant
غير مهم (do) exam
يؤدي امتحان
pleased سعيد sad حزين (do) Maths
يحل رياضة
stay يبقى leave
يغادر (do) cooking
يقوم بالطهي

Irregular Verbs
give يعطي gave
hit يضرب / يصطدم hit hit
shoot يطلق النار shot shot
stand يقف stood stood
think يفكر / يعتقد thought thought
يقع / يسقط fell
fly يطير flew
يفوز won

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b . c or d :
1) He is not alive. He is ....................
a) die             b) dead          c) death                d) deadly
2) Who .................. ....that fantastic goal?
a) won   b) scored        c) played              d) gained
3) My grandfather didn't fear the enemy. He was ...................
a) lazy   b) polite          c) brave                d) cowardly
4) Don't ............................your gun at me.
a) fear   b) fire             c) break                d) stand
5) When the enemy soldier fired his gun, the ......hit his friend.
a) rocket   b) bullet         c) stone                 d) stick
6) The bullet knocked Salah.......................... He fell down.
a) at            b) over          c) out                     d) down
7) When Salah moved, the enemy .....................him again.
a) put            b) shot          c) knocked              d) moved
8) Parents should look ...........................their kids.
a) at            b) after         c) for                     d) over
9) We should be aware of our...............................
a) friends       b) enemies    c) parents              d) teachers
10) Essam Al Hadary is a ............................for AL-Ahly team.
a) teacher       b) doctor      c) goalkeeper         d) referee
11) The .............................gave a penalty to Ahmed Hassan.
a) nurse    b) lawyer      c) coach                d) referee
12) If AL-Ahly ......................the match, we would be happy .
a) beat     b) lost         c) won                   d) missed
13) My uncle travelled to London on a business..................... .
a) voyage         b) trip         c) flight                d) company
14) I'd like to see tomorrow's match at the ..........................
a) opera      b) stadium   c) market              d) pharmacy
15) AI-Hadary stopped two .................................
a) players          b) tickets     c) penalties       d) trainers
16) The ........................should be fair with the two teams.
a) coach      b) referee    c) trainer              d) goalkeeper
17) I was ....................when we won the African Nations Cup.
a) sad               b) pleased   c) sorry               d) bored
B) Read and match:
                 A                                              B
1- My uncle gave me a present.        a) a goalkeeper
2- If you went to bed earlier,            b) Maths and science.
3- Al Hadary is                                c) He is very kind.
4- Don't be nervous.                        d) He is very tired
5- I was first in                               e) You'd feel better.
                                                    f) Be calm.
C) Write a letter to.............
your English pen-friend Tom telling him about your family, your school, your city, your hobbies and your best friends. Invite him to come and spend a week with you in Alexandria. Your name is Hazim Emam and you live at 47 EI-Bahr street. Al Mandra.

The third conditional  حالة الشرط الثالثة

If + ماضي تام (had + P.P)                 would have + P.P
تستخدم حالة if الثالثة للتعبير عن أحداث في الماضي (أحداث لا يمكن وقوعها لان وقتها انتهى)
If I'd seen you, I'd have said hello.
Choose the correct answer:
1. What would have happened if I (drive – had driven – drove – driving) too fast?
2. If she bought a dress, she (will go – would go – would have gone – had gone) to the party.
3. If she had gone to Cairo, she (would visit – would have visited – will visit – will be visited) Cairo tower.
4.If she takes medicine, she (got– 'd get– 'd got– 'll get) better
5. If he (trains – had trained – trained – will train) well, he would have won the medal. 6. I (buy –'ll buy – bought –'d bought) the bike if my father gave me the money.
7. If he had worked harder, he (will pass – would pass – pass – would have passed) the exam.

A) Choose the correct answer from a . b . c or d :
1) If he ..........earlier, he would have sent her a birthday card.
a) remembered                       b) remember
c) had remembered                 d) remembers
2) If I had .....................my homework, my teacher wouldn't have shouted at me.
a) did             b) does           c) done                   d) do
3) You ............have passed the test if you had studied more.
a) will             b) can            c) can                     d) would
4) If Aly had.....more careful, he wouldn't have broken his arm.
a) be             b) being         c) been                   d) had
5)...he have avoided the accident if he had been more careful?
a) Will    b) Shall          c) Could                  d) May
6) She would have ............her keys if I hadn't picked them up.
a) lost    b) loss          c) lose                     d) losing
7) If the bullet .......not hit the button, it would have killed him.
a) did            b) does         c) was                     d)had
8) What would have happened if you ...............married her?
a) have   b) had           c) were                   d) did
9) If Egypt hadn't ....................the match , Egyptian people wouldn't have been pleased .
a) win            b) wins         c) won                   d) wins
10) If the players........been fit, they wouldn't have played well.
a) hadn't         b) had         c) weren't      d) haven't
11) If Mohammed Barakat hadn't fallen near the goal, the referee....................have given a penalty.
a) will            b) would       c) wouldn't           d) won't
12) If Amr Zaki hadn't missed this penalty, most people in the stadium wouldn't have .............................sad.
a) be            b) been         c) to be                d) being
13) If Adel hadn't fallen off his bicycle, he wouldn't have ………….... his arm.
a) break    b) breaking   c) broken             d) broke
14) If I hadn't .....my exams, I wouldn't have become a doctor.
a) pass    b) to pass     c) passing            d) passed
B) Read and correct the underlined words:
1) If I hadn't miss the bus, I wouldn't have been late for work.
2) If he has visited me, I would have told him everything.
3) If he hadn't been ill, he will have gone to the party.
4) I would have bought a car if I had save a lot of money.
5) Maria is sitting in front from me.
6) If I had had a ticket, I would have saw the match.
7) If Samy hadn't move his bag , I would have fallen on it.
8) If I had run more quick. I would have come in first place.
9) If you haven't thrown the ball so high , you wouldn't have broken the lamp.
10) If I had saw someone steal something, I would have reported the police.
11) If Nagwa hadn't dropped the iron, she will have burned her hand.
C) Read and match :
              A                                          B
1) The bullet made me                a) carelessly.
2) I saw Yasser waiting                b) I feel safe.
3) To escape from the enemy,      c) knock over.
4) If I had been rich,                   d) patiently.
5) When I'm at home,                  e) I hid behind rocks.
                                                 f) I would have built
                                                    a hospital for the poor.
D) Write what you would say in each of the following situations
1) You want to apologize to your teacher for coming late.
2) You ask your friend to open the door.
3) You want to have a cup of coffee at a restaurant.
4)  You want to apologize for breaking your friend's camera.
5)  You ask your friend to lend you some money.
6) You meet your friend in the evening and greet him.
7) It's too cold, you suggest having a hot drink .
8) A friend of yours greets you by saying Hello! How are you?
9) You'd like to use your friend's dictionary.

واثق pump يضخ
يضع enough كاف
a present هدية finally أخيرا
look inside ينظر داخل university
promise يوعد a hole حفرة / ثقب
work hard يعمل بجد sitting room غرفة جلوس
يسرع bedroom غرفة نوم
smile يبتسم vegetables خضروات
يضيف knife سكينة
succeed ينجح the onions البصل
حجر spoon
يراجع instructions تعليمات
suddenly فجأة check يفحص
cupboard دولاب finger

Opposites                                    Prepositions
هادئ nervous
عصبي excited about مثار بـ
succeed ينجح fail يفشل pleased with سعيد بـ
here هنا there هناك look in ينظر في
صبور impatient
غير صبور look after يعتني بـ
easy سهل difficult صعب look up يبحث عن معنى
sharp حاد blunt غير حاد put ..into

يضع في
well جيدا badly
بسوء agree with يتفق مع

                    Irregular Verbs                   Adjectives
say يقول said
يغادر / يترك left
يجري ran
يجد found
excited مثار / منفعل
يخبر told
يذهب went
يفعل did

A) Choose the correct answer from a ,b . c or d :
1) If you work ............................. you'll pass your exam .
a) slow b) slowly              c) hard        d) hardly
2} Before the exam,..........................your lessons carefully .
a) write b) revise               c) pass        d) fail
3) I ..........my father to work hard from the first day of school.
a) put         b) promised          c) added      d) remembered
4) I love my little daughter....................................
a) weeping    b) shouting c) crying       d) smiling
5) My grandfather is very old, so he can't ..............anything.
a) remind      b) remember        c) work        d) promise
6) Bassam's great grandfather is not nervous. He is ............
a) confident    b) lazy          c) calm         d) active
7) Mothers must look ........................their children carefully.
a) at         b) over                  c) after       d) up
8) To ...........................your exam, you must work hard.
a) fail         b) pass                  c) write       d) do
9) When my brother passed the exam, I said to him,..............
a) never mind     b) well done       c) sorry      d) no problem
10) Nader did very.........in his school exams, so he was happy.
a) badly b) well                   c) bad         d) good
11) During the exam, you should be......................of yourself.
a) calm b) nervous             c) fond         d) confident
12) Who ..................the cooking in your family?
a) makes      b) does           c) puts          d) sits
13) I .......................in Cairo.
a) born b) am born             c) was born  d) bear
14) I couldn't go to the party because I was ......school exams.
a) making     b) doing            c) setting      d) writing
15) Be careful! This knife is very ................................. .
a) blunt b) old                    c) sharp        d) broken
16) If he hadn't....to bed very late, he would have got up early
a) go          b) gone                c) went           d) going
17) If I had not left the door open, the puppy ....have escaped.
a) will          b) wouldn't           c) would         d) won't
18) If you ........................looked both ways before crossing the street, you wouldn't have been knocked down.
a) have     b) had             c) hadn't               d) has
19) Adel passed his exam, so he was ............................
a) excited         b) lazy          c) angry               d) hungry
20) You ..............................ask for directions if you get lost.
a) are able to    b) mustn't c) should              d) shouldn't
21) If you are ill, you must be .............................
a) lazy      b) impatient     c) patient             d) happy
22) If Sara had finished her homework, she could have…...out.
a) went      b) going           c) gone               d) go
23) Cut these onions with this sharp ........................
a) nail               b) knife            c) fork                d) gun
24) My father has a big company . He is a......................
a) teacher        b) businessman    c) leader     d) doctor
35) If you.......more careful, you wouldn't have lost your purse.
a) were     b) have been       c) are         d) had been
26) The bullet knocked Yasser......... .He stayed on the ground.
a) off              b) at                   c) over       d) on
Read and match:
         A                                                             B
1) Be calm,                                          a) he was lazy.
2) When Bassam passed his exams,       b) maths and science.
3) I was first in                                    c) say "Well done".
4) If you work hard,                             d) don't be nervous.
5) When you congratulate someone       e) he was excited.
                                                    f) you'll pass your exams.
                  A                                         B
1- My father is not nervous   a) knocked Salah over.
2- Aly is a tour guide,          b) a teacher.
3- The bullet                      c) he is quiet.
4- Essam EL-Hadari is         d) he travels a lot round the world.
5- Ahmed Hassan missed    e) a goal keeper.
   the penalty, so               f) most people in the stadium were
B) Read and correct the underlined words :
1) If I had brought the map, we wouldn't have lose our way.
2) If I have listened to my parents' advice, I would have got better marks.
3) If you have been careful, you wouldn't have cut yourself.
4) If I am you, I'd get better marks.
5) If I had parked in the right place, I won't have paid a fine.
6) If I am you , I'd study for the exam .
7) We will paint the house if we had the time .
8) My son will sleep well if I told him a story.
9)The goalkeeper could stop the ball if he lumps high enough.
10) Ahmed will score a goal if he ran faster.
11) If Hind hadn't been ill, she will have been able to come.
12) If he listen carefully, he could understand the lesson.
B) Finish in the following dialogue between Hamdy and Samir:
Hamdy: Hello, Samir. Your computer is very good. Is it new?
Samir     : Yes, it is .
Hamdy:  ..................(!)................?
Samir     : I bought it last month
Hamdy:  ..................(2)..............?
Samir     : Three thousand pounds. It isn't expensive,...(3)....?
Hamdy : No, it isn't expensive . I'll buy one next June.
A) Finish the following dialogue between a butcher and Mona:
Butcher: Good morning. Can I help you?
Mona    : Yes, please,.....................(1)..........
Butcher: What sort of meat ?
Mona    : Cow meat.
Butcher: Here you are ................(2)........?
Mona    : A kilo of liver.
Butcher: Here you are, the whole cost would be 52.
Mona    :........................................(3)................. .

Test 12                                                                    Unit 9
A) language Functions  (7 M)
1) Finish the following dialogue between Salwa and Hind :                                                                        (3M)
Salwa: Where're you going on holiday?
Hind  : ……………………. (1) …………….
Salwa: Why?
Hind  : Because Ras El-Bar is beautiful.
Salwa: ...........(2).............................?
Hind  : We're leaving on Friday.
Salwa: ...............(3).................................?
Hind  : By train, of course.
2) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:                                                                (4M)
1) You meet a pen- friend at the airport.
2) You see a friend off at the airport.
3) You ask about a plane arrival.
4) You want to know some information about tours.
B) Reading Comprehension (10 M)
3) Read and match:                                              (2.5 M)
                A                                                    B
1) Ahmed is confident                    a) you'll pass your exams.
2) I was born                                b) in the sitting room.
3) If you work hard,                       c) you should be careful.
4) We receive guests                     d) in Malaysia.
5) This knife is very sharp, so         e) in the kitchen.
                                                  f)  of himself .
4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
                                                                            (7.5 M)
  Karim moved to a new flat after he had lived for over twenty years in the same place. He surprised the owner by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy more chocolate. It all began a year ago when Karim returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his door. He was very fond of animals. So he gave it a piece of chocolate that was in his pocket. The next day, then the dog was there again . Karim brought another piece of chocolate to the dog as a present. It appeared every afternoon and it was very clear that it preferred chocolate to bones. If Karim forgot chocolate, the dog wouldn't let him open the door. So he spent such a large part of his money on the dog. In the end, he had to move to another place.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- Where did Karim find the dog when he returned home one evening?
2- What would the dog do if it didn't take any chocolate?
3- What did Karim do to get rid of يتخلص من the dog?
B) Choose the correct answer from a ,b c or d :
4- Karim was fond of ..................
a) insects             b) birds         c) animals     d) plants
5- It was very clear that the dog preferred chocolate to .........
a) bones             b) bread        c) beans       d) juice
6- The underlined word ]t refers to ..............
a) the chocolate        b) the dog     c) the door   d) the flat
C) Usage & Writing (17 M)
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :(4 M)
1) If he hadn't ........the car, he would have had an accident.
a) stop    b) stopped            c) stopping          d) stops
2) If we hadn't........... late, we wouldn't have missed the bus.
a) be             b) been                c) to be               d) being
3) If I had got a ticket, I would have………....the match at the stadium.
a) seen     b) saw                c) seeing               d) see
4) The Egyptian players should be ...........................
a) lazy    b) fit                   c) unhealthy          d) sick
5) Barakat fell near the goal, the .................gave a penalty.
a) teacher        b) lawyer           c) goalkeeper         d) referee
6) Once a player scores a goal, fans will be ........................
a) sad             b) happy            c) angry                d) lazy
7) If he hadn't ...........the car, he would have had an accident.
a) stop   b) stopping          c) stops              d) stopped
8) We feel............................when we are at home.
a) angry   b) unhappy          c) unsafe            d) safe
6) Rewrite the following using the word (s) in brackets to give the same meaning : (4 M)
1) I'm poor, so I can't buy a car.                               (If)
2) Hind was ill, so she didn't attend the party.             (If)
3) You should be very careful.                                        (If)
4) You should make a study plan.                         (better)
7) Read and correct the underlined words :           (4 M)
1) If I ate all the cakes, mother will be angry.
2) I need some help for the vegetables.
3) If he has had a different job, I would have seen him more.
4) Last Friday, Ayman watches a football match on TV.
8) Write a letter to................                                  (5 M)
Your friend Khaled Omar inviting him to your sister's wedding party on 14th December. You are Mostafa Hamad. You live at 77 Gamal EI-Deen street, AlBagour. Tell him what time the party will start, who will come and what you will do.
D) The Reader: (6 M)
9- A) Answer the following questions:                    (4 M)
1) Why did the three men have to wait for three days?
2) On which chimney did the shadow of Scartaris fall?
3) Why did Hans cry out in pain when the jet of water hit him?
4) Why did they leave the hole of water open?
B)Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
                                                                               (2 M)
5) The rocks which the professor saw in the chimney proved that..................
6) Axel felt pain in his ears due to................................... .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول   شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Emptyالسبت 16 أغسطس 2014 - 10:13

موضوع أكثر من رائع جزاك الله خيراً
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع للوحدة الأولى لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثانية لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الرابعة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الثالث الإعدادى-
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