منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10   شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10 Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 18:38

Unit 10
Where today's food comes from
Fertile خصب Genetically modified معدل وراثيا
Organic عضوى Pesticide مبد الآفات
Spray يرش Gene جين
Ripen ينضج Ingredients مكونات
Rot تفسد Carbohydrate كربوهيدرات
Fats دهون Protein بروتين
Starvation مجاعة Seeds بذور
Scientists علماء Modify يعدل
Hunter صياد Describe يصف
Living things الكائنات الحية Roots جذور
Wild plants نباتات برية Collect يجمع
Hunt يصيد Poisonous سام
Flood يفيض / فيضان Contain يحتوى على
Laboratory معمل Cheerful سعيد
Agriculture الزراعة Attack يهجم على
Hungry جائع Damage يتلف
Fear يخشى / خوف Continuously باستمرار
Quickly بسرعة Fertilizers أسمدة
Genetics علم الوراثة Remove يزيل
Regularly بانتظام Favourite مفضل
Labels بطاقات Reference books مراجع
Make sure يتأكد من Drops نقاط
Take place حدث Guarantee يضمن / ضمان
Restrictions قيود Equipment معدات
Long-term changes تغيرات طويلة المدى Protect يحمى
Insects حشرات Destroy يدمر
Unnatural غير طبيعى Bring يحضر
Fields حقول / مجالات Feeding التغذية
Healthy صحى Cooked foods أطعمة مطبوخة
Diet نظام غذائى Strom عاصفة
Sow / seeds ينثر البذور Movement حركة
Clear answer إجابة واضحة Questionnaire استبيان
Potentials قدرات كامنة Draft مسودة
Genetic engineering هندسة وراثية Nuts مكسرات1

Idiomatic expressions
Do/ cause damage to يسبب أذى
Do / cause harm to يسبب أذى لـ
Make the fruit rot = go rotten يفسد
Improve the quality of the crops يحسن جودة المحاصيل
Make money / earn money from … يكسب مال من
What do you think about …? مت رأيك فى ...؟
The same as مثل
There is no choice لا يوجد اختيار
To provide + شخص with high yield crops يزود شخص بمحصول عالى الجودة
Die of starvation يموت جوعا
Example of مثال لـ Disadvantage of عيب
Worried about قلق بشأن Harmful to ضار لـ
Form of نمط من Die of يموت من
Write down يدون Method of طريقة لـ
Protect + شخص form يحمى من Spray with يرش بـ
Come out of يخرج من Resistant to مقاوم لـ
Find out يكتشف Plenty of كثير من
End with ينتهى بـ
Should scientists modify our food?
Thousands of years ago, most people were hunters whose food came from the animals and fish they had killed and from nuts, roots and fruit they had collected. Later, these hunters lived in one place and became farmers whose method of getting food was to grow crops from the seeds of wild plants. Over time, they noticed that some plants were better than others. They saves the seeds from these plants and so the yields and quality of their crops improved.
Like plants, all other living things contain genes which control what they will be like. Modern scientists can put genes into plants and animals in the their laboratories, and this means they can modify their genes in order to change what they are like. This is called genetic engineering.
A type of tomato is an example of this. When normal tomatoes ripen, one of their genes produces a chemical that makes the fruit rot. Scientists can modify this gene so that the tomatoes don’t rot so quickly. This is one way on which genetically modified (GM) crops can improve agriculture. Scientists know that this technology can also protect people from starvation in countries where insects or diseases destroy crops. For example, fruit and vegetables have been modified so that they aren’t damages by the diseases that kill "normal" plants.
However, many people believe that modified food is unnatural and fear that genetic engineering may bring new diseases in the future. So should we eat genetically modified food or not? Surprisingly, biscuits, cakes and many other foods that we have been eating for years already contain genetically modified ingredients. Have they done us any damage?

Hunt يصطاد حيوانات
Catch يصطاد سمك
Modify يغير بدرجة طفيفة
Change تختلف تماما
We will have to modify the plan.
There was a complete change in the patient's condition overnight.
Healthy سليم البدن
Sane سليم العقل
You should do a sport to keep healthy.
Are you still sane after bringing up six children?
Save يوفر
Reserve يحجز
I have saved some money to buy her a present.
We have reserved a room.
A number of عدد من ( يأتى بعده فعل فى صيغة الجمع)
The number of عدد من ( يأتى بعده فعل فى صيغة المفرد)
A number of girls are absent today.
The number of volunteers has greatly decreased.
Ingredients مكونات
Recipe وصفة / طريقة تحضير طبق
Flour, water and eggs are the most important ingredients.
She gave me the recipe of the cake.
Communications and Functions
Giving Advice
• Eat meat regularly, it has lots of proteins.
• I think you should, ought to, 'd better …
• Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables.
• You mustn’t eat too much sweets.
• If I were you, I would …
• I advise you to …
• Why don’t you + مصدر
• Take my advise and …
Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are
A: Have you anything to declare?
B: No.
A: very well, you can go through.

A: how much is a kilo of oranges?
B: It is one pound.
B: So give me 5 kilos.

A: Can I find silk ties, please?
B: Yes, we have nice French collection.
A: What about their prices?
B: they are not expensive.

A: I'd like you to examine my dog.
B: Ok, let me see.

A: May I see the menu, please?
B: Of course, here you are, sir.
A: I'd like to have some steak and a cola.

A: stop here, please. That's where I want to get off.
B: Seven pounds, sir.
A: ok, here you are.

A: Can I cash this cheque?
B: Ok. Please wait a minute.

A: Why didn’t you do the homework?
B: I am sorry, sir. May father was ill and I had to take
take him to hospital.

A: What are you watching, son?
B: a football match.
A: Have you finished all your homework?
B: Yes.

Respond to each of the following situations
1-You think that private cars should be banned in city center.
2-You friend think that food prices are sky high. You have the same opinion.
3-A friend thinks that mobile phones are useless, you disagree giving a reason.
4-You see that farmers have a very hard life.
5-Your friend says "too much fat is not good for health." You agree.
6-You are for eating less and doing more exercise.
7-You want to know who the red car belongs to.
8-cYou see that markets are the places to buy food.
9-You are asked about your opinion of watching educational TV programs.
10-Your friend sees that life in the country is different from life in the city. You agree.
11-Someone asks your opinion of GM food.
12-Ali says "Pesticides can be poisonous." You agree.
13-Express you agreement that organic food is better for us. Use the word seems.
14-One of your friend eats food with too much fat in it.
15-A friend who has been ill asks for advice about food. Suggest fruit.
16-A friend asks what you think of fast food. What do you say?
17-A friend thinks that biscuits and cakes are healthy. You disagree with him.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly
1-GM food technology protect people from thirst.
2-Scientists can modification genes of both animals and plants.
3-There is no evidence that GM food has made us any damage.
4-Engineers get their food from the animals they had killed.
5-You can find information on the paper of some food.
6-Many people believed that modified food is natural.
7-You can ripe the tomatoes on a sunny window sill.
8-Sugary canned drinks rotten your teeth
9-Eat meat regular, it has lots of proteins.
10-I have saved to seats in the cinema.
11-In the past, the Nile flooded and left fertilizers soil on the fields.
12-In my opinion, we should improved the quality of the soil.
13-Chemical fertilizers are more expensive than user organic farming.
14-I'd saying that modern farming makes more money than organic farming.
15-Organic farms don’t product the same qualities are modern farms.
16-Agriculture is the work of growing crops and eating animals.
Choose the correct answer
1-Long ago, (farmers / hunters / engineers / pilots) got their food from animals and fish they killed.
2-The existing plan is a failure, so we have to (identify / falsify / classify / modify) it.
3-genetically modified crops can improve (industry / commerce / agriculture / tourism)
4-Some people worry about eating GM food as it is (unnatural / natural / canned / salty)
5-(Genes / Fungi / Bacteria /Germs) are parts of cells of living things that control our development.
6-Being unnatural, GM food may (bring / treat / overcome / uproot) new diseases in the future.
7-The storm (did / made / went / played) a lot of damaged to the passing ships.
8-One advantage of the technology of GM food crops is that it can protect people from (floods / fires / storms / starvation)
9-When the hunters live in one place, they became (doctors / farmers / swimmers / amateurs)
10-Corn (ripens / rinse / rings / rides) quickly in the summer sun. It becomes ready to eat.
11-The (club school / lab / library) is the place where scientists can modify genes.
12-Pesticides are (safe / poisonous / harmless / cheap) so they must be avoided.
13-The crops are regularly (covered / mixes / coated sprayed) with insecticides to protect them from diseases.
14-This soil is (infertile / fertile / weak / poor) we can grow crops in it.
15-In the past, the Nile used to (fade / flood / feed / food / drown) and enrich the soil.
16-Modern farming (makes / does / goes / borrows) more money than organic farming.
17-It seems to me that organic food is (better / harmful / dangerous / bad) for you than inorganic.
18-Flour, water and eggs are the most important (ingredients / factors / vegetable / chemicals) of this food.
19-Once people ate animals which they had (fed / feed / raised / hunted / made)
20-Early farmers used the (nuts / roots / seeds / branches) collected from the best plants.
21-How can we stop the (rot / favour / good / route) in our society?
22-Becuas of genetic engineering, some people are (happy / pleased / afraid / glad)that there will be new diseases.
23-Scientists have modified the genes of some tomatoes so that they grow more (quickly / slowly / accurately / precisely)
24-Grass (seeds / nuts / beans roots) should be sown in the spring.
25-There isn’t enough food, so people my die of (starvation fires / wars / floods)
26-Crops are destroyed by (insects / diseases both of them / neither of them )
27-Look at the planes, they are (harvesting / growing / irrigating / spraying) fields.
28-People have been eating biscuits and cakes for a long time although they contain (genetic / genetically / gender / genetics) modified ingredients.
29-Farmers earn their money from (agriculture / trade / tourism / industry)
30-It is believed that spraying plants with pesticides is (safe / dangerous / healthy / useful)
31-Farmers use chemical (pesticides / weapons / bactericide / homicide) to kill insects attacking their crops.
32-It seems to me that food (quantities / qualities / products / prices) are going up. So people can't buy enough for it.
33-tomato is an example (of / off / in / at) GM food.
34-Using chemical is very harmful (on / for / to / at) the environment.
35-These plants grow in natural conditions. They are (wild / tame / fierce / heated)
36-Fruit is ready to be eaten when it has been (picked / ripened / rotted / heated) by the sun.
37-Scientists can (grow / gather / modify / harvest) crops by adding / or removing certain genes.
38-The science of studying the development and form of living things is called (physics / chemistry / geology / genetics)
39-If you want to grow crops, you have to put (seeds / flowers / branches / roots) in the ground.
40-I'd say that modern farming is more (healthy / interesting / exciting / profitable) than organic farming.
41-Many people were very hungry after the storm. Some ever began to (cry / weep starve / shout)
42-Plough the filed, then sow the (branches / seeds / leaves / roots), next water it.
43-countries should try to (export / produce / induce / import) all their food to have self-sufficiency.
44-This food has been changed in an artificial way. It has been (economically / physically / genetic / genetically) modified.
45-Although he was ill, he gave me a (sad / sadness / cheerful / ugly) smile.
46-The disease is connected with genes. It is caused by a (genuine / genetic / geometric / gentle) defect.
47-Farmers add natural organic fertilizers to (destroy / damage / improve / decrease) the quality of the soil.
48-Food which (contains / consists of / includes / belongs) too much fat is not good for us.
49-The best thing is to provide farmers with modern (instruments / appliances / apparatuses / equipment)
50-This soil is too poor to grow crops in. it is not (weak / fertile infertile / dirty)
51-(Genetically / Genes / Genetics / Genetic)are the part of the cells which control what a living thing will be like.
52-(An insecticide / A herbicide / A pesticide / A distinct) is a chemical used to kill pests.
53-(An insecticide / A herbicide / A pesticide / A distinct) is used to kill insects.
54-The crops that are genetically (modified / altered / damaged / modification) offer opportunities to improve agriculture.
55-(Cultural culture / Agriculture / Crop) is the work of growing crops and feeding animals.
56-The verb " (spray / soil / publish / sparkle) means to make liquid come out in a steam of very small drops.
57-A (farm / fertile / fertilizers / farming) is a thing that farmers put on the soil to produce better crops.
58-I get my brown hair and eyes from my parents. They are in my (genes / jeans / genius / generation)
59-The main (engineer genetic / gene / ingredient) of the meal I am cooking is cheese.
60-Scientists can (liquid / modernize / modify / model) crops by adding or moving certain crops.
61-(Bad / Ripened / Well Rotten) fruit usually taste sweet.
62-Many people were very hungry after the storm, some even began to (strive/ starve / stable / staff)
63-(Signing / Processing / labeling / Predicting) the goods can help the consumers to decide to buy them or not.
64-(Nature / Natural / Chemical / Chemistry) fertilizers are organic.
65-Have a look at the washing instructions on the (labour / label / ticket / plaster)
Read the passage then answer the questions
Our earth is one; but no be no means the largest, of the nine major planets which go round the sun. These planets are cold, dark bodies, shining by reflected light. They travel round the sun in their own paths. Two of them, Venus and Mars, have an atmosphere similar to that of the earth and it is possible that there is vegetable and animal life on these two planets but none at all the other six.
Long ago, the earth was turning about four times more quickly than it is today, a piece of it according to some scientists, was broken off and flung into space. This piece cooled and formed the body we know as the moon. On the moon there are many mountains. There is no air and therefore no sound, not a drop of water nor any sign of life.
The sun id an enormous mass of fiery gases. Through the telescope it appears as a round, white object with small black marks. These marks are called "Sun spots" and scientists think that the sun id torn by storms which are probably cause by cooler gases rushing in from higher levels towards the center.
1-In what ways are Mars and Venus different from the other planets?
2-How fast did the earth trun in the past?
3-Is life possible on the moon? Give a reason.
4-The earth is
a- the largest of the planets which go round the sun.
b- the only planet which go round the sun.
c- not the largest planet which go round the sun.
d- the coldest of all the planets going round the sun.
5-Some scientists believed that
a- the moon was part of the sun.
b- the air on the moon is always cold.
c-the earth is turning more quickly today.
d- there is some sort of life on the moon.

1-Many people think that interfering with nature may have bad consequences we aren’t aware of at the moment. For them modifying genes should never been done. On the other hand, scientists see that the solution to many of the food problems lies in genetic modification.
2- don’t like the idea of eating fruit and vegetable that have been sprayed with pesticides. The main reason for this is that pesticides can be poisonous. Therefore, I buy organic food however expensive it is.
3-Our ancestors used to be food gatherers. They hunted animals and caught fish for food. They collected nuts, roots and fruits as well.
4-Homesickness is quite common for people who always go abroad for their holidays or business. When one reaches a country, he feels happy for seeing the new places, a short time after his stay, he wants to go back home.
5-A health and safety officer in a big company is giving new employees some important instructions about using computers safely. The computer can injure you eyes, back, and neck if you don’t use it correctly.
6-One of the environmental problems is the slight rise in the temperature of the earth. As the world becomes hotter, there could e serious changes in weather and widespread flooding as water level in seas and oceans rises.
7-Egypt is very rich in its human resources. The only thing Egyptian workers should learn is how to respect discipline and beauty. Negligence has become a main feature in our life.

1-هل من الأفضل أن يقوم العلماء بتغيير الجينات الوراثية فى المحاصيل؟
2-بدأ الإنسان فى الاستقرار عندما عرف الزراعة.
3-علم الهندسة الوراثية من الموضوعات التى تثير جدلا كبيرا بين الناس.
4-يموت الكثير من الناس فى أفريقيا والدول الفقيرة بسبب المجاعات.
5-يعتقد بعض الناس أن الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا غير طبيعية وضارة.
6-هل نثق فى الطعام الذى نتناوله بعد أن نعرف أنه معدل وراثيا؟
7-يجب أن نحافظ على نوعية التربة بإضافة الأسمدة العضوية والمحافظة عليها من التآكل.
8-يجب على الدول استخدام الطاقة النووية فى الأغراض السلمية.
9-تنادى كل الأديان السماوية بالسلام والمحبة ورفض العف والإرهاب.
10-يتعرض الأنسان فى العصر الحديث لكثير من الضغوط التى تؤثر على أدائه وسلوكه الشخصى والاجتماعى.
11-لقد أجري عدة أبحاث عن الآثار الضارة للتدخين على صحة الإنسان.

Write a paragraph of about 100 on
What types of food that keep you healthy."


Questions tag

السؤال المذيل هو سؤال نضعه فى نهاية الجملة ومعناه أليس كذلك .
She is alive, isn’t she?
They aren’t watching us, are they?
 إذا كانت الجمل الأولى مثبتة فإن الأخرى تكون منفية .
 إذا كانت الجمل الأولى منفية تكون الثانية مثبتة .
* إذا كانت فى الجملة احد الأفعال المساعدة :
is / are / was / were / can / could / shall / should / will / would / have / has / had / must / may / might
فإننا نستخدم نفس الفعل المساعد .
They will set off, won't they?
* ذا لم يكن فى الجملة فعل مساعد فإننا نستخدم (does / do) إذا كانت الجملة فى المضارع.
ونستخدم (did) إذا كانت الجملة فى الماضى .
They caught the thief, didn’t they?
She works as an actress, doesn’t she?
You speak English, don’t you?
They didn’t wake him up, did they?
الكلمات الآتية تفيد النفى والسؤال المذيل يأتى بعدها مثبت:
Seldom نادرا Hardly بالكاد
Scarcely نادرا Never لا
Rarely نادرا Barely نادرا
He can hardly speak, can he?
They seldom come here, do they?
He never asks my advice, does he?
**لاحظ الآتى
1-Let's (اقتراح) shall we?
Let us (إذن) will you?
2-verb to do.
*إذا كان فعل have فعل أساسى فى الجملة فإننا نستخدم verb to do
She has a car, doesn’t she?
I have a bog flat, don’t I?
3-imerative الأمر
Open the door, won't you?
Don’t open the door, will you?
4-This/ that (it) تستبدل بـ
5-These/ Those (they) تستبدل بـ

6-needn't / daren’t تعامل معاملة الفعل الناقص
We needn't take a taxi, need we?
They daren’t come here, dare they?
تعامل (need / dare) فى الإثبات كفعل أساسى
She needs to see a doctor, doesn’t she?
ادرس الأمثلة الآتية :
1-I am coming with you, aren’t I?
2-Let's leave, shall we?
3-I'd rather stay, wouldn’t I ?
4-Let us leave, won't you/ will you?
5-You'd better stay, hadn’t you?
6-Don’t speak loudly, will you?
7-Somebody took my camera, didn’t they?
8-No one helped her, didn’t they?
9-Everything is wrong, isn’t it?
10-Nothing is right, is it?
11-Neither of them plays chess, do they?
12-This is a monkey, isn’t it?
13-I suggested we play games, didn’t we?
Choose the correct answer
1-She didn’t arrive on time, (hasn’t she / doesn’t she / isn’t she / wasn’t she)?
2-He's found my ring, (has / hasn’t / is / isn’t) he?
3-They no longer believe his stories, (do they / don’t I / didn’t they / don’t they)?
4-She has a flat in Giza, (doesn’t / hasn’t / don’t / isn’t) she?
5-Ali drives very fast, is / does / isn’t / doesn’t) he?
6-They had a big company, (don’t / didn’t / hadn’t / did) they?
7-She wrote the poem herself, (didn’t / wasn’t / did / was) she?
8-You didn’t like him, (don’t / do / didn’t / did) you?
9-They'd better go to the theatre, (hadn’t / had / did / didn’t) they?
10-I am in favor of women's right, (don’t / wouldn’t / aren’t / am) I?
11-She had to complain to the manager, (hadn’t / didn’t / wasn’t / was) she?
12-No one phoned me, (did you / did she / didn’t she / did they / did he)?
13-Everything is well done, (do they / does it / isn’t is / is it)?
14-He rarely provokes me, (does / did / doesn’t / isn’t) he?
15-H'sd leave soon, (would / wouldn’t / will / hadn’t) he?
16-Take care of the baby (don’t you / will you / do you / can't you)?
17-This car is very expensive,(isn't it/isn't this car/doesn't it/is it)?
18-I'd rather have some coffee,(hadn't i/hadn't you/wouldn't you /wouldn't I) ?
19-He plays the guitar well,(doesn't he/isn't he/does he/is he)?
20-I had a bath,(hadn’t I / hadn’t you / didn’t you / didn’t I)?
21-He never gets up early, (doesn't he / does he / did he / didn’t he)?
22-You should stop making noise, (shouldn’t you / won't you / don’t you / aren’t you)?
23-It has stopped raining, (has it / did it / have they / hasn’t it)?
24-I am playing with the piano, (don’t I / are I / am I / aren’t I / isn’t it)?
25-No one came early, (did they , didn’t he / didn’t they / don’t they)?
26-She has a nice blouse, (hasn’t she / doesn’t she / does she ./ do she)?
27-He must stick to rules, (must he / should he / mustn’t he / needn't he)?
28-Nothing is lost, (isn’t it / isn’t they / are they / is it)?
29-They rarely talk to their neighbors, (do / did / don’t / aren’t) they?
30-This is the most impressive scene I have ever seen, (is it /isn’t it / are they / aren’t they)?
31-Everyone is coming tonight, (isn’t she / aren’t you/ aren’t they / aren’t we)?
32-Nobody saw you, (did he / did they / will they / do they)?
33-Sara and Ahmed are coming round for dinner tonight, (is he / did they / aren’t they / are they)
34-Why not? Good idea. There's nothing much on at the local cinema though, (are they / aren’t there / isn’t there / is there)?
35-I don’t want to stay in all day. Let's go and see a film, (shall we / will you / do you / can you)?
36-It has been a wonderful day, (haven’t it/ hasn’t it / it hasn’t / didn’t it)?
37-Don’t be ridiculous. Look at the price, we can't afford it. (can we / can't we / do we / are we)?
38-You'd better tell him the whole story, (do you / don’t you / had you / hadn’t you)?
39-Neither of the two men speak Arabic, (do they / didn’t they / don’t they / they don’t)?
40-He rarely talks to strangers, (does he / doesn’t he / did he / didn’t he)?
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly
1-Everthing is ready for the party, aren’t it?
2-She always helps her mother, doesn’t he?
3-Amir is a famous doctor, is he?
4-I repaired the bike, don’t I?
5-Let's go for a swim, do we?
6-No one got into the lab, did he?
7-He's wait for us, hadn’t he?
8-She rarely gets up early, hasn’t she?
9-I have an old car, haven’t I?
10-He's supposed to join us, hasn’t he?
11-Don’t touch the paint, do you?
12-I didn’t find the key,
13-She'd finished washing, wouldn’t she?
14-I am not interested in films, are I?
15-She a mobile, hadn’t she?
16-They can hear us, can they?
17-Ali and Sara love each other, don’t he?
18-Let us leave, won't you?
19-We needn't write in red, don’t we?
20-I am not an artist, aren’t I?
21-Everyone thanked him, didn’t he?
22-Nothing remains the same, does they?
23-You'd send him a message, hadn’t you?
24-Wait for me, don’t you?
25-Don’t open that bottle, won't you?
26-There are a lot of books here, don’t there?
27-You have never tasted it, did you?
28-Neither of you come on time, don’t you?
29-I suggested we read, do we?
30-I'd rather have some coffee, won't I?
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10   شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10 Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 3:48

شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10 13254515442
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 10
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح مميز للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الصف الاول الابتدائى الترم الثانى
» شرح مميز للوحدة 11 الثانى الثانوى لغة انجليزية
» شرح رائع للوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى Unit 13
» شرح مميز للوحدة الرابعة لغة انجليزية الثانى الثانوى
» شرح كامل وشامل للوحدة العاشرة لغة انجليزية الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى

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