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 Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:49

* get worse (v) :يصبح أسوأ
* clearly (adv) :بوضوح
* ( attack (v) – ed – ed ) :
* queue (n) :
صف ( خلف بعضه )
* row (n) :
صف ( بجانب بعضه )
* marsupials :
حيوانات ذات جراب
* cuddly (adj) :مدلل
* webbed (adj) :
مكفف ( أقدام الأوز )
* ( last (v) – ed – ed ) :
* builder (n) :عامل البناء
* wedding dress (n) :
فستان زفاف
* close-up :
صورة تلتقط عن قرب * make changes :يغير
* changes (n) :تغييرات
* medical (adj) :طبى
* director (n) :مدير
* pouch (n) :جراب – كيس
*koala :حيوان الكوالا
* eucalyptus :
الأوكالبتوس ( شجرة طبية )
* coarse-haired (adj) :
خشن الشعر
* pig (n) :خنزير
* ( breed (v) – bred – bred ) :يتكاثر – يتناسل
* nut tree : شجرة جوز الهند
* owner (n) :مالك
* cage (n) :قفص
* garden wall (n) :
سور الحديقة
* hunter (n) :صياد
* inspector (n) :مفتش * area (n) :منطقة
* particular (adj) :خاصة
* treatment (n) :علاج
* daily (adj) :يومى
* long periods (n) :
فترات طويلة
* joeys (n) :
صغار حيوان الكنجارو
* furry (adj) :مكسو بالفراء
* platypus (n) :خلد الماء
* burrow (n) :جحر
* swallow (v) :يبلع
* ( bite (v)– bit – bitten ):
يلدغ – يعض
* further :إضافى
* nearby :مجاور
* certain :محدد
* photographer (n) :
مصور فوتوغرافى
* long periods :فترات طويلة

Note The Following
* look up at :ينظر لأعلى إلى
* look down on :ينظر لأسفل على
* sorry for :أسف على
* on TV :فى التليفزيون
* wait in a queue :ينتظر فى طابور
* work at a zoo :يعمل فى حديقة حيوان
* stop …. From :يمنع .... من ....
* wrong with :ألم بــ
* put …. into : يضع داخل
* grow ( in / inside ) : يكبر – ينمو داخل
* rest out of :يستريح بعيدا عن * famous for :مشهور بـــ
* grow up to :ينمو حتى يصل إلى
* work with animals :يتعامل مع الحيوانات
* at the back of :فى مؤخرة
* play for :يلعب لـــ
* wake up (v) :يستيقظ
* run up and down :يجرى لأعلى ولأسفل
* go past :يمر على – أمام
* a particular kind of :نوع خاص من
* for real :فى الحقيقة
* close up :متراصة – مصطفة

 Reading Material
The Kangaroo ( a different kind of animal )

Kangaroos are wild animals which are found only in Australia. They are marsupials, which means that their babies grow in a pouch - a kind of bag - at the front of their mother's body. There are seventeen different kinds of kangaroos. The largest, the red kangaroo, can grow up to 1.8 metres in height.

Red kangaroos live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia. They do not need to drink for long periods of time because they can find moisture in the grass and other plants that they eat. During the day, when it is hot, they sleep or rest out of the sun. They start moving around in the evening, at night or early in the morning.

Kangaroos are famous for the way they move. They do not walk or run like most other animals, but jump using their powerful back legs and large feet. They can move six metres in one jump. They use their huge tails like another leg to stop themselves from falling, especially when they are moving slowly. Scientists have discovered that these strange jumping animals use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.

"Joeys", which is what Australian people call baby kangaroos, are born into their mother's pouch, where they can drink her milk. At first, they are only as big as a small nut, but they grow slowly in the pouch until they are big enough to leave their mothers.

The Lion and the Mouse
While a lion was sleeping, a small mouse began running up and down his leg. Soon the angry lion woke up, put his huge foot on the mouse and opened his enormous mouth to swallow him. "I'm sorry," cried the little mouse, "Don't eat me. If you let me go, I'll never forget it. One day I will help you." The lion thought that this was such a funny idea that he lifted his foot and let the mouse go.
The next year, the lion was caught by hunters who wanted to take him to their king. They put ropes round him so that he could not escape, then went to find more men to help carry him. At that moment, the mouse went past and saw the lion in ropes. He remembered his promise, so he went up to the lion and bit through the ropes. As soon as the lion was free, the two friends escaped together.

The best moral for the story is:
Little friends can be great friends

Questions & Answers
1-How and where do red kangaroos live?
 They live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia.
2-What are kangaroos famous for?
 They are famous for the way they move as they don't walk or run but jump using their powerful back legs.
3-What have scientists discovered about the way they move?
 Scientists have discovered kangaroos use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.
4-Why don't kangaroos need to drink for long periods of time?
 Because they get moisture from the grass and the plants they eat.
5-"Kangaroos are marsupials" What does this mean?
 This means that their babies grow in a pouch.
6-What does a pouch mean?
 It is a kind of bag at the front of kangaroo’s mothers' body.
7-What are the joeys?
 They are baby kangaroos.
8-What do joeys feed on?
 On their mothers' milk.
9-Kangaroos are mammals not reptiles animals. Explain
 They are mammals because they give birth to a baby and feed it on milk.
10-How do kangaroos stop themselves from falling?
 Using their huge tails.
11-What is strange about the kangaroo’s legs?
 The front legs are short but the back legs are powerful, long and large.
12-Why did the hunters put ropes round the lion?
 So that the lion couldn't escape.
13-Who set the lion free? How?
 The mouse. The mouse bit the ropes.
14-What does this story teach us?
 Little friends can be great friends.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 5:11

Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Sunna.362ffac404

Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 91990
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
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