عدد المساهمات : 487 نقاط : 1524 تاريخ التسجيل : 14/12/2009
موضوع: تخلص من الالم عن طريق القراءه (اللغه الانجليزيه) الخميس 31 ديسمبر 2009 - 11:19
Today Kaz and Somaya are talking about bibliotherapy.
Normally when you are feeling sick you take medicine, but how about reading a book as a way of getting better?
A bibliotherapist is someone who reads books to patients, or recommends books which they believe will help a patient recover.
Reading novels, poems and short stories can all form part of the therapy.
Although it is perhaps difficult to prove the
benefits of this kind of therapy, both patients and bibliotherapists say it has positive effects. One major way in which it is seen to work is by helping people get in touch with their problems. Identifying with a character in a book can help a patient address issues that they may have been feeling or experiencing themselves.
القراءة للمرضى لمساعدتهم علي الشفاء - العلاج بالقراءة
الشخص الذي يقرأ الكتب و ماشابه للمرضى
patients المرضى
recover عملية الشفاء من المرض و إسترداد العافية
therapy علاج
difficult to prove من الصعب إثباته
positive effects أثار إيجابية
get in touch with their problems مواجهة المشاكل
identifying with a character الشعور بوجود سمات مشتركة مع أحد الشخصيات في الكتاب
address issues التعامل مع الأمور - محاولة حل المشاكل منقول