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الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول    WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 3:12

Mohammed : What's your memory like ?
Hassan : it's quite good
Mohammed : Are you good at remembering numbers ?
Hassan : yes , I'm .
Mohammed : Can you remember people's names easily ?
Hassan : yes , I can.
Mohammed : Are you any good at maths ?
yes ,I am very good at maths Hassan :

1- my brother …………… a lot of money from his job as a pilot
a- pays b- earns c- costs d- gives
2- before his shows starts , the man ………….himself to everyone who comes in
a- says b- introduces c- names d- remembers
3- if I ……………..a camera , I would take a photo of the family party
a- had b- have c- has d- would have
4- if you………… very fast , you will catch your train
a- ran b- running c- runs d- run
5- my brother ………………a goal in a school football match yesterday
a- played b-scored c- won d- received
6- if I felt tired , I'd go to bed
a- early b- today c- later d- before
7- someone who studies soil and rocks is called an ……………..
a- biologist b- astronaut c- geologist d- pilot
8- someone who writes for a newspaper is called a ………………..
a- journalist b- novelist c- teacher d-biologist
9- Neil Armstrong ……………on the moon in 1968 .
a- walk b- walks c- walked d- walking
10- while he ……….as a journalist , Charles Dickens was writing magazine stories
a- works b- working c- is working d- was working

I 'd like to tell you about my best friend Jonathan
I've know him all my life , we used to play together known
When we was very young , we went to the same school were
and spending most of our free time together , if I have spent
a problem of any kind , he always help me helps

Everyone knows Hossam Hassan .He is one of the best Egyptian football players of all time. He has scored more goals than any other Egyptian footballer . Hossam was born in Cairo in 1966. He started playing for Al-Ahly , but he has played for other famous teams He has played in Switzerland and other countries Hossam's brother also played over 100 matches for the Egyptian national team , but is now retired .

1- Why did Oliver Twist run away to London ?
when he asked for more food , he was punished
2- Who did Oliver work with in London ?
he worked with a gang of thieves
or bad person ? Give a reason . 3-Do you think Fagin is a good
he is very bad as he thought them to be thieves
4- How did Mr Brownlow help Oliver ?
he told the police not to arrest him and took him to his house
5- How do you think Oliver felt when he discovered that Monks was his half brother ? Give a reason .
very disappointed as brothers are supposed to help each other
6- Do you think the rest of Oliver's life was happy or not ? Give a reason .
I thin it was happy as he joined a new happy family

One day last week, a small plane landed in a field near Tarek's house in Al-Minya . As soon as he saw it , Tarek phoned his friend Gamal and told him what had happened .Gamal was very interested and immediately went to Tarek's house .When he arrived , the boys went to the field to look at the plane
Two men were climbing out of it and when they saw the two boys , they shouted "Come over here" One of the men asked the boys where they were , because they had no idea where their plane had landed . Tarek and Gamal told them that they had landed near Al-Minya . The two men asked the boys if they could use their telephone to get help .
After the boys had helped the men , Tarek took them back to his house , when they had told Tarek's father what had happened , one of the men phoned the plane rescue company . After a short time , a large lorry arrived , picked up the men and their plane and drove away , Suddenly the field looked very empty .
1- how did Gamal feel when Tarek told him about the plane ?
2- when did the boys go to the field ?
after Gamal arrived at Tarek's
3- who did the boys tell about the plane ?
Tarek's father
4- when did this story happen ?
one day last week
5- what does " it " refer to ?
the plane
6- why did the men from the red plane ask the boys where they were ?
they didn't know where they had landed
7- How do you think Tarek and Gamal felt at the end of the story ? why ?
They were happy as they could help the men

7—Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about one of your good friends :
My friend's name is Youssef . He lives in Luxor . He is at secondary school . He is interested in playing music . His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher .
He has two sisters and one brother. He lives happily with his family
8— Translate into Arabic :
1- Mr. brownlow was a kind-hearted man . كان السيد براونلو رجلا طيب القلب
2- Dr Taha Hussein was a professor at Cairo University
كان الدكتور طه حسين استاذا بجامعة القاهرة
3- The Ancient Egyptians were clever engineers كان القدماء المصريين مهندسين بارعين
4- Nabaweya Musa was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school
كانت نبوية موسى اول امرأة مصرية تلتحق بالمدرسة الثانوية
9— Translate into English :
1- الدكتور زاهى حواس عالم اثار مشهور
Dr Zahi Hawwas is a famous archeologist
2- اننى مستعد لمساعدتك تماما
I'm always ready to help you
3- يعمل ابى مهندسا فى مصنع للسيارات
My father is an engineer in a car factory
4- نحن اقوياء وأغنياء
We are rich and powerful

Ola : Oh, No, we haven't got any bread
Ashraf : I'll buy some for you on my way home
Ola : Thanks , Could you also buy some potatoes ?
Ashraf : We have already got some
Ola : Oh, Yes, I didn’t see those .Have you got enough money for the bread ?
Ashraf : yes, thanks
Ola : Which shop are you going to go to ?
Ashraf : The baker's

1- The sky has suddenly gone dark , Someone asks you what you think about the weather in the near future . what do you say ?
I think it is going to rain
2- someone asks your opinion about a book you have read
it's very interesting
3- a friend asks about your holiday plans for next summer ,your plan is to spend a month in Turkey
I'm going to spend a month in Turkey
4- someone asks about your age on your next birthday
I will be seventeen
5- someone asks you what famous Egyptian you admire
I admire Dr Zewail

1- My uncle lived in Australia ……………….three years
a- since b- ago c- for d- during
2- I ……………never travelled outside my country
a- has b- have c- am d- was
3- A professional …………….helped Abu-Heif to become a famous swimmer
a- trainer b- train c- training d- trains
4- I couldn't run any farther because I was completely ……………………….
a- tired b- exhausting c- tiring d- exhausted
5- The Old Man and the sea is shorter ………………A farewell to Arms
a- than b- as c- that d- to
6- To many people , The old man and the sea is Hemingway's …………….novel
a- good b- best c- better d- well
7- some people think that Dickens is the ………………..important English novelist
a- most b- more c- very d- much
8- Mr and Mrs Mohammed are …………………….and wife
a- son b- father c- brother d- husband
9- Our ………………fill with air when we breathe
a- ears b- eyes c- lungs d- hands
10 – it took the taxi two hours to reach the station because of the ………jam
a- car b- traffic c- vehicle d- accident
1- I finished my homework and then I watched a DVD ( After )
After I had finished my homework , I watched a DVD
2- I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours ( exhausted )
I was so exhausted that I slept for twelve hours
3- Leila can't find her school bag ( lost )
Leila lost her school bag
4- there isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile ( longest )
The Nile is the longest river in the world

5- Fill in the spaces :
One day, there will be no oil left , Every one knows that, but more and more people
Are travelling by plane. This is because air travel is cheaper than ever before .
It is sometimes cheaper to fly to another country than to travel a hundred kilometers on a train . As well as using fuel , plane produce air pollution .We can't stop air travel , but we should think carefully before we decide to fly .

For homework , Youssef's class had to study traffic , Their teacher told them
to stand outside their houses for one hour that evening and count the vehicles they saw. Youssef's friends lived in the town , but youssef's father was a farmer , so he lived in the country . For one hour , Youssef stood outside his house,but very few vehicle went past, after fifteen minutes , he saw a bicycle , After another thirty minutes a car drove past , Finally , Youssef saw his neighbour driving a tractor .
The next day , the teacher asked the students what they had seen ,Ahmed – who lived in the town – had seen a hundred cars , six buses and twenty lorries , the other students had seen about the same , When the teacher asked Youssef , he didn't want to answer ,then he said " I saw one tractor , one car , and a bicycle " All the other students laughed , but the teacher smiled and said " you live in the best place , Youssef .Think of all the pollution the other students breathe every day ,Think how nice it is to live in a place with clean air "

1- Where did the students have to stand to count the vehicles they saw ?
outside their houses
2- how long had Youssef been waiting when he saw the car ?
45 minutes
3- why didn't Youssef want to answer the teacher's question ?
he didn't see as many cars as his friends

4- who or what does the underlined word them refer to ?
the students

5- where do most of youssef's friends live ?
a- in the country b- near Youssef c- in the town d- near the school
6-Why does Youssef live in the country ?
a- because he likes to breathe clean air
b- because most of his friends live in the town
c- because of his father's job
d- because he doesn't like traffic

7- why did the other student laugh ?
a- because they were very happy
b- because youssef had seen only three vehicles
c- because youssef lived in the country
d- because the teacher told them a joke

1- What was the old man's job in " The old man and the sea "
He was a fisherman
2- why couldn't the old man pull the fish to the boat ?
he was old and weak
3- why couldn't the old man sell the fish he had caught ?
the sharks ate it
4- Do you think it was a good idea for the old man to go fishing alone ? why ?why not ?
No . because he was very old
5- why do you think Manolin was worried about the old man after he returned from the sea ?
he thought the old man was in a very bad condition
6- How do you think the old man and Manolin felt at the end of the story ?
they felt they can't be apart
8— Translate into Arabic :
1- Ernest Hemingway was a talented American writer
كان ارنست هيمنجوى كاتبا امريكيا موهوبا
2- Santiago couldn't catch a fish for a long time
لم يستطع سانتياجو صيد سمكة لوقت طويل
3- The Arabs had a great civilization in the past
لقد كان العرب أصحاب حضارة عريقة فى الماضي
4- Engineers designed electric cars
قام المهندسون بتصميم عربات كهربائية

9— Translate into English :
1- عبر ابو هيف القنال الانجليزى
Abu Heif crossed the English Channel
2- نحن نذهب الى المدرسة سيرا على الاقدام
We walk to school
3- لقد قابلت بعض الاصدقاء بالامس
I met some friends yesterday
4- لقد حققنا الكثير من التقدم فى بعض المجالات
We have made a lot of progress in some areas

Jane : I feel really tired , What do you suggest ?
Sarah : Why don't you go to bed early ?
Jane : if I do that I wake up early .
Sarah : Well, you should take a warm bath
Jane : I've tried that and I can't .Once I'm awake , I can't sleep again
Sarah :What about doing you homework when you get up early
Jane : but I always do my homework when I get back from school
Sarah : What about listening to music ?
Jane : Ok, I'll try your suggestion

1- You are going to have lunch with your young brother , He has been playing outside , You look at his hands , What do you say to him?
You should wash your hands before you have lunch
2- your uncle is going on holiday in Britain , you want to remind him which side of the road to drive on while he is there , what do you say ?
you must rive on the left side of the road
3- you hear some people criticizing a friend's homework , you think the homework is quite good what do you say ?
please , don't criticize so much , I think the homework is quite good
4- you have just told your friend something that is untrue , Now you feel ashamed ,What do you say to him or her ?
I'm sorry , I shouldn't have told you that , it's not sure

1- if my watch …………..been right , I wouldn't have been late .
a- has b- had c- hasn't d- hadn't
2- you have an important test at school next week , you should…………… revising now
a- start b- starting c- started d- to start
3- my grandfather has promised …………..smoking next week
a- stop b- stopping c- stopped d- to stop
4- Can I ………………..a suggestion ? why don't we go shopping tomorrow ?
a- make b- get c- do d- play
5- Have you heard ? there's a new …………….of bird flu in China
a- breakout b- infection c- outbreak d- disease
6- if we hadn't gone to Spain for our holiday , we ………..have met Jorge and his family
a- wouldn't b- didn't c- haven't d- can't
7- ……………………. Is very important in a hospital
a- clean b- cleanliness c- cleaned d- cleans
8- This is an easy question ! the answer is …………….
a- done b- made c- public d- obvious
9- My brother ……………an infection while he was on holiday
a- caught b- did c- found d- picked
10- if you eat too many sweets , you 'll……………..weight
a- put b- put on c- put away d- put down

1- My alarm clock hadn't stopped , so I didn't wake up at six O'clock ( if )
If my alarm clock hadn't stopped , I would have woken up at 6 O'clock
2- France lost to Italy in the final of the football competition ( beat )
Italy beat France in the final of the football competition
3- Buses and trains cause less pollution than cars , so governments prefer them (because )
Governments prefer buses and trains because they cause less pollution than cars
4- We've met before , but I can't remember your name ( Although )
Although we've met before , I can't remember your name

5- Fill in the spaces :
if you need to make water safe to drink , this is what to do , Start by filling a kettle with water from the cold tap , Next heat the water in the kettle until it boils , it should boil for four minutes .After that , leave the water to cool , then put it into a jug in the fridge to get it really cold , Finally , you can drink the water .

Waleed's class have been learning about the environment in their science lessons. They have been studying the effects of pollution from vehicles and they have been reading about how poisons from factories can pollute rivers and the sea. They all agree that everyone should do more to help the environment ,Their teacher ,Mr Helmi , asked them to think of thing that they could do .The students made lots of suggestions .
Radwan said that people should walk more and use their cars less .This would keep the cities cleaner and people would be healthier .Khaled said they should build car parks outside the city centre ,where people could leave their cars .They could then walk the rest of the way into the city ,Waleed suggested having a bottle bin in the school . where students could put their empty plastic bottles .These could be collected and used again or made into something different .Leila suggested a bin for drink cans ,Mr Helmi thought these were very good ideas and said he would pass them on to the head teacher .
1- Where have the students been learning about the environment ?
In their science lessons
2- How would it help if people walked more and used their cars less ?
the air would be cleaner and less polluted
3- Who suggested having a bin for plastic bottles at school ?
4- Who or what does the underlined word these refer to ?
the empty bottles
5- Why are Waleed and his friends interested in the environment ?
a- they have been studying it at school
6- what was Khalid's suggestion ?
there should be car parks outside the city
7- Who was Mr Helmi going to tell about the students' ideas ?
the head teacher

7—Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about what people can do in your town to help the environment :
people in my town can easily keep the environment clean, they must be very careful about public cleanliness , they can stop throwing rubbish in streets, they can put litter bins in front of their houses . they can look after trees and plants in streets , they can reduce using their own cars and use public vehicles, they must teach children the rules of public cleanliness.

8— Translate into Arabic :
1- Did you watch the new film last night
هل شاهدت الفيلم الجديد ليلة امس
2- Has she got a car
هل لدسها سيارة
3- Does your father work in a hospital ?
هل يعمل والدك فى مستشفى ؟
Were you at home yesterday ?
هل كنت بالمنزل بالامس
9— Translate into English :
1- هل تأكل طعاما صحيا كل يوم
Do you eat healthy food every day ?
2- هل سبق لك زيارة لندن
Have you ever visited London ?
3--- هل تستطيع قيادة سيارة
Can you drive a car ?
4- هل انت مشغول الان ؟
Are you busy now ?

Write a letter to you cousin :
( P 1 )
Your cousin Wessam has asked you for advice on how to study English vocabulary .write your reply to your cousin , your name is Reda and you live at 111, Dokki , Giza ,
111 Hussein Wassef Street ,
Dokki ,
1st May, 2008
Dear Wessam ,
How are you ? I hope you are well and enjoying your life , I’m writing you this letter to tell you how to study English vocabulary , firstly you must say it many times until you keep it in mind , then write it on paper , and revise it later , the most important thing is to use them in real situations .
With love ,
Yours , Reda
( P 2 )
Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about :
A person's fight against nature
In the past, nature fought man by it's natural powers like hurricanes , floods , earthquakes , and thunder . Man defended himself with all possible means . Now man found new ways to defend himself . we can say that he found ways to attack nature . . he is doing many things that benefit him . but does he know that these acts can destroy the natural balance of the environment. man is destroying trees and forests , he is using insecticides , he is polluting the air and water and all this is against his existence .
( P 3 )
Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about :
What people should do to prevent illness
To prevent illness ,people should always wash their hands before a meal. They should bathe more often in hot weather , They should also be very careful about the food and water they have They mustn't allow flies to land on their food. They should always boil tap water before drinking it. They must never eat food that smells bad because it may be poisonous. They must not eat food from a tin if the tin is damaged

1- Someone you admire ]
A famous Egyptian
I admire Dr Ahmed Zewail, He was born in 1946 in Egypt. He went to Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States.. he discovered the femto second, Dr Zewail got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Dr Zewail now lives in California and has four children. His wife, is a doctor. He now helps scientists to make new medicines.

2- The human brain
The brain weighs a kilo, it is in your head . it controls everything you do . With it you can see ,smell ,, remember , feel and hear. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages . It can store past memories . is more complex than the most powerful computer

3- Tomorrow's world
Tomorrow’s world will be completely different from what is now , computers will change our ways of living , they may solve most problems that threatens man’s life , robots will do the dirty work at homes , they can also do very complicated operations in hospitals , our life will be more comfortable , all impossible things today will be possible tomorrow.
4- Avian influenza (Birds flu )
Birds flu is an infection that occurs among birds , it makes them very sick , it leads them to death , it can convey the infection to man and cause him to die , the infection has spread rapidly . Birds flu has affected one of the most important sources of food and business for man . Great efforts must be done to face that danger , the authorities must offer correct antivirus ,the mass media must spread the awareness of how to Treat with the infected cases .

5- Bio fuel ( vegetable fuel )

Scientists have discovered that cars can run on vegetable oil, So
farmers will be able to grow fuel in their fields. This kind of fuel is cheap , it will never pollute the environment , Unlike oil , it is considered a renewable source of energy , it will last for ever . it will terminate the problem of none renewable energy .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو vip
عضو vip

عدد المساهمات : 6816
نقاط : 6982
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2009

WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول    WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Emptyالسبت 11 يناير 2014 - 21:13

الله يـع’ـــطــيك الع’ــاأإأفــيه ..
.. بنتظـأإأإأر ج’ـــديــــدك الممـــيز ..
.. تقــبل م’ـــروري ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو جديد

عدد المساهمات : 6
نقاط : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/08/2014
العمر : 48

WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول    WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول  Emptyالأحد 17 أغسطس 2014 - 19:01

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
WORK BOOK أولى ثانوى ترم أول
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