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الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Novel : Oliver Twist

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Novel : Oliver Twist  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Novel : Oliver Twist    Novel : Oliver Twist  Emptyالأربعاء 1 يناير 2014 - 2:02

Chapter One
A- Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the managers of the workhouse tell Oliver he was very lucky?لماذاقال مديرو الملجأ لاليفر انه كان محظوظ
 Because they would give him food and a bed for nothing.لأنهم سوف يعطوه طعام وسرير دون مقابل
2. Why was Oliver's life in the workhouse not easy? لماذا كانت حياة اوليفر فى الملجأ ليست سهله
 He worked hard at the workhouse.كان يعمل بجد فى الملجأ
 His bed was very uncomfortableلم يكن سريره مريحا
 The food was never enough.الطعام لم يكن كافيا
Why were Oliver and the other boys in the workhouse close to starving? لماذا كان اوليفر والاولاد الاخرين على وشك الموت جوعا
Because the food was never enough..لان الطعام لم يكن كافيا
3. Why was the master furious with Oliver at the workhouse?لماذا غضب المعلم من اوليفر فى الملجأ
 Because he asked for more food. لانه طلب المزيد من الطعام
4. How was Oliver punished for asking for more food?كيف عوقب اوليفر على طلبه للمزيد من الطعام
 He was locked in a cold, dark room.حبس فى حجرةمظلمه
 He was beaten by Mr Bumble every day.كان يضرب امام التلاميذ كل يوم بواسطة السيد بامبل
5. What did the managers of the workhouse do to get rid of ليتخلصوا من Oliver? ماذا فعل مديرو الملجأ ليتخلصو من اوليفر
-They put a message on the door of the workhouse. It offered five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.وضعو لافته على باب الملجأتعرض خمس جنيهات لاى واحد يستطيع ان يخلصهم من اوليفر
6. Why was Oliver crying when he was walking with Mr Bumble to Mr Sowerberry's house? لماذا كان اوليفر يصرخ عندما كان يسير مع السيد بامبل الى منزل السيد سور بري
 Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse. لانه ليس له اصدقاء بعد ان ترك الملجأ
7. Why did Oliver start to hit Noah hard? لماذا بدأ اوليفر يضرب نوا بقوة
 He said that his mother died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything.قال ان امه ماتت فى الملجأ لانها لم تكن تصلح لاي شىء
8. What advice did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?ما النصيحة التى اعطاها السيد بامبل لمدام ساوربري
He advised her to leave Oliver in the cellar without food and to feed him only soup.نصحها ان تتركه فى المخزن بدون طعام وان تطعمه شوربه فقط
9. Why did Oliver run away from Mr Sowerberry's house?لماذا هرب اولفر من منزل السيد سوربري
 He could not stay in that place .لم يستطع ان يبقى فى هذا المكان
 His life was unbearable.كانت حياته لاتطاق
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-"Poor woman. She was so beautiful.مسكينه هذه المراه كانت جميله We'll never know who she wasلن نعرف من هى."
(A) Who said these words? Where? من قال ذالك واين
(B) The nurse. At the workhouse.الممرضه فى الملجا
(C) What happened to that woman? ماذا حدث لهذهى المرأه
(D) She died.ماتت
(E) Why wouldn't they be able to know who that woman was?لماذا لم يعرفو من هى
 Because they even didn't know her name.لانهم لا يعرفو اسمها
2- "He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse .”
هو كبير بدرجه كافيه ليعمل لدينا فى الملجأ I
(A) Who said this? To whom? من قال ذلك ولمن
(B) Mr Bumble said this to Mrs Mann.السيد بامبل لمدام مان
(C) Who were they talking about?عن من كانو يتحدثون
(D) Oliver Twist.
(E) How old was he at that time?كم كان عمره
(F) He was nine years old. 9سنوات
2- "If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave.لو لم يكن سعيدابكرم ضيافتنايجب ان يغادر"لو لو
(A) Who said these words? To whom? من قال هذه الكلمات ولمن
 The managers of the workhouse To the master who gave the boys their food.مديرو الملجأ للسيد الذى كان يعطى الاولاد الطعام
(B) Who were they talking about? عن من كانو يتحدثون Oliver Twist.
(C) Were they really generous كرماء? Why / Why not? هل كانو كرماء لما\ولما لا No, . The food they gave to the boys was never enough.لاالطعام الذى اعطوهو للاولاد لم يكن كافيا
4- I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything.سمعت انها ماتت فى الملجا لانها لن تكن تصلح لاى شىء’’
(A) Who said these words? To whom? من قال ذلك ولمن
 Noah Claypole to Oliver.
(B) How did the addressed person feel on hearing this? كيف شعر المخاطب عندسماعه ذلك
 He felt both ashamed and angry. , شعر بالخزى والغضب
(C) How did he react to this insult إهانة?كيف رد على هذه الاهانه
 He started to hit Noah hard.بدأيضرب نوا بقوه
c- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1- Oliver was locked in a dark kitchen for hitting Noah Claypole.
- Oliver was locked in a dark cellar for hitting Noah Claypole.
2- The workhouse offered fifty pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
- The workhouse offered five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
3- Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very big.
- Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very small.
4- Mr. Bumble frightened Oliver When he was locked in Mr. Sowerberry’s cellar - Mr. Bumble didn't frighten Oliver When he was locked in Mr. Sowerberry’s cellar
5- Oliver was born in the orphanage.
- Oliver was born in the workhouse workhouse.
Chapter Two
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why was Oliver careful to hide after running away from Mr Sowerberry's?
لماذا كان اوليفر حريصا على التخفى بعد ان هرب من منزل السيد سوربري
- He thought that people would take him back to Mr Sowerberry.شعر ان الناس سوف يعيدوه الى السيد سور بري
2- How did Oliver go to London? كيف ذهب اوليفر الى لندن
- He went to London on foot. ذهب الي لندن سيزا علي الأقدام
- He followed the signs علامات to London for seven days,تتبع الافتات الي لندن لمدة سبع أيام
3- How did Jack Dawkins seem يبدو to be kind عطوف to Oliver when they first met?كيف بدا جاك دوكنر عطوفا علي أوليفر عندما تقابلا لأول مرة
- He bought Oliver a meal اشترى لةوجبة
He show him the way الطريق to London.عرفة الطريق الى لندن
4- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser بخيل لماذا اعتقد أوليفر أن فاجن?
- Because he had so much jewellery and so many watches, however مع ذلك he lived in such an old place.
5- What did Oliver think about the way طريقة Fagin used all his money?ماذا اعتقدأوليفر قى الطريقة التى استخدم بها فاجن نقودة
- He thought that Fagin used his money to look after the boys.اعتقد أنة استخدم نقودة ليعتنى بالأولاد
6- Oliver agreed that the notebooks كراسات were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny مضحك?أوليفر وافق علي أن الكراسات حبدة الصنع لمادا وجد فاجن والأولاد دلك مضحكا
- Because Oliver was an innocent برئ child.لأن أوليفر طفل برىء
- He didn't know that they were stolen.فهو لا يعرف أنها مسروقة
7- Why didn't the magistrate القاضى send Oliver to prison?لماذا لم يرسل القاضى اوليفرالى السجن
- Because the owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys.لان صاحب محل الكتب قال ان اوليفر لم يكن اللص وانما ولدان اخران
8- Why did Fagin want to find Oliver? لماذا يريد فاجن أن يجد اوليفر
- Because he was afraid that Oliver would tell Mr Brownlow who would call the police.
- لانه كان يخشى ان اوليفر سيخبر السيد براونلو الذى سيبلغ الشرطة
9- Why did Mr Sikes suggest sending Nancy to the police station?لماذا اقترح سايكس ارسال نانسى الى قسم الشرطة
- Because the police didn't know her.لانن الشرطة لاتعرفها
- She could know what had happened to Oliver.تسطتيع ان تعرف ما حدث لاوليفر
10- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?عندما اخذت الشرطة اوليفر ماذا فعل اتشارلى و المراوغ البارع
- They ran quickly back to the old house. عادو مسرعين الى المنزل القديم
11- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?ما اللعبة التىكان يلعبها فاجن مع الاولاد ا
- It was how to steal يسرق watches, notebooks and handkerchiefs مناديل from people.هى سرقة الساعات والكراسات والمناديل من الناس
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1- Have you got a room there? Or any money?" هل لديك حجرة او اى نقود "
1- Who said this to whom? من قال ذلك ولمن قالها
- Jack, the Artful Dodger, said this to Oliver.المراوغ البارع لاوليفر
2- What was the addressed person's answer? مارد الشخص المخاطب
- He said that he had almost تقريبا nothing. قال انه ليس لديه اي شىء
3- How did the speaker help the other person?كيف ساعد المتحدث الشخص الاخر
4- He said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing قال انه يعرف رجل سيعطيه عمل و حجرة بلا مقابل
2-"Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."حسنا اعرف رجلا سوف يعطيك عملا وحجرة بلا مقابل
1- Who said this?من قال ذلك - Jack Dawkins said this.جاك دوكنز
2- To whom was it said? لمن قاله - It was said to Oliver.لاوليفر
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man?ما نوع العمل الذى سيؤديه اوليفر لهذاالرجل
- He will steal يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs مناديل حرير
3- Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute." لاتتوقف حتى تجده ولو لدقيقة
1-Who said this to whom? من قال ذلك ولمن
- Fagin said this to Nancy and the Artful Dodger.فاجن قال ذلك لنانسى والمراوغ البارع
2- Who did they want to find?من يريدو ان يجدوه
- They wanted to find Oliver.ارادو ان يجدو اوليفر
3- Why did they want to find that person?لماذا ارادو ان يجدو هذا الشخص
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.لانهم يخافو ان يبلغ الشرطة عنهم
1- I hope you've been at work this morning, boys." اتمنى انتكونوا فىالعمل هذا الصباح يا اولاد Who said this to whom?من قال ذلك و لمن
- Fagin said this to Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins.فاجن قال ذلك لشارلى بيتس وجاك دوكنز
1- What kind of work were they doing?ما نوع العمل الذى كانو يعملوه - They were stealing كانو يسرقون
2- What did Oliver think they had done?ماذا كان يعتقد اوليفر انهم كانو يعملون He thought they had made the things.اعتقد انهم كانو يصنعون الاشياء
c- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Skillful Dodger'.
- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Artful Dodger'.
2- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to Paris.
- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to London.
3- Bill sikes was sent to look for Oliver .and bring him back .
- Nancy was sent to look for Oliver .and bring him back .
4- Mrs Nancy was an old lady who looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
- Mrs Bedwin was an old lady who looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
5- Oliver saw Fagin looking carefully at a gold watch and some expensive rings.
- Oliver saw Fagin looking carefully at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery .
Chapter Three
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What did Mr Brownlow do when Oliver got better يتحسن?ماذافعل السيد براونلو عندما تحسن اوليفر
- He bought him some new clothes.اشترى له ملابس جديدة
2- What did Oliver tell Mr Brownlow when he asked him about his life?
ماذا اخبر اوليفر السيد براونلو عندما سأله عن حياته-
3- He told him about his time at the workhouse .اخبره عن حياته فى الاصلاحية
4- Why did Mr Brownlow Oliver to the send bookshop المكتبة?
لماذا ارسل السيد براونلو اوليفر الى محل الكتب
- To pay for يدفع ثمن some books and to return ليعيد some others.
- ليدفع ثمن بعض الكتب ويعيد البعض الاخر
5- What did Mr Brownlow give Oliver when he sent him to the bookshop?
ماذااعطى السيد براونلو لاوليفر عندما ارسله الى محل الكتب
- He gave him five pounds and some books.اعطاه خمس جنيهات وبعض الكتب
6- What happened to Oliver while he was walking to the bookshop?
ماذا حدث عندما كان اولفر يسيرالى محل الكتب
- Nancy and Mr Sikes kidnapped him اختطفوه and led him قادوه to Fagin's old shop.نانسىو السيدسايكس اختطفوه وقادوه الىمحل فاجن القديم
7- What did Nancy tell the people who saw her grab Oliver?
ماذا اخبرت نانسى الناس الذين رؤها تجذب اوليفر
- She told them that Oliver had run away from هرب home and she was returning him to his parents أخبرتهم أن أليفر هرب من المنزل وأنها سنرجعة لوالديه
7-What did Fagin and Mr Sikes do with Oliver's new clothes, the money and the books? ماذا فعل فاجنوالسيد سايكس بملابس اوليفر الجديدة ونقودهوالكتب
- Fagin took the new clothes and the books while Mr Sikes took the money.اخذفاجن الملابس الجديدة والكتب بينما اخذ السيد سايكس النقود
8- What did Mr Sikes do to Oliver when he tried to escape?
ماذا فعل السيدسايكس مع اوليفر عندما حاول الهرروب
- He beat يضرب him with a stick عصا.صربه بعصا
9- Show that Nancy was kind to Oliver.وضح كيف كانت نانسى عطوفة على اوليفر
- She asked Mr Sikes to stop hitting ضرب Oliver and threatened هددت to call تستدعى the police .طلبت من السيد سايكس ان يتوقف عن ضرب اوليفر والا ستبلغ الشرطة

10- Why did Mr Sikes stop hitting Oliver? لماذا توقف سايكس عن ضرب اوليفر
- Because Nancy threatened هددت to call the police if he didn't stop.
لان نانسى هددت انها ستبلغ الشرطة اذلم يتوقف عن ضربه
11- Where was the house that Sikes and Crackit want to rob?اين كان المنزل الذى اراد سايكس وكراكيت ان يسرقوه
- It was in the countryside.كان فى الريف
12- Why did Sikes and Crackit need Oliver to help the gang to break into the house?لماذا احتاج سايكس وكراكيت لمساعدة العصابه فى اقتحام المنزل
- Because he was small enough to get through the window
- لانه كان صغيرا بدرجة كافية لان يدخل من الشباك
13- What happened when Oliver went inside the house?ماذا حدث عندما دخل اوليفر المنزل
- There was a loud bang كان يوجد صوت إطلاق النار.
- Oliver was shot.واطلق الرصاص على اوليفر
14- Did Oliver want to help the gang to rob the house? Explain.هل كان اوليفر يريد ان يساعد العصابه على سرقة المنزل ؟ فسر ذلك! - No, he didn't. He cried but Sikes threatened him هدده with his gun مسدس. لا لم يريد ذلك وصرخ لكن سايكس هدده بمسدسه
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1- He's run away from home. I'm taking him back to his mother and fatherلقد هرب من المنزل سأعيده الى امه وابيه
1- Who said this? من قال ذلك
2- - Nancy
3- To whom was it said?لمن قال ذلك –
4- To some people in the street.لبعض الناس فى الشارع
5- Where was the speaker really taking 'him'to?الى اين كان المتحدث فى الحقيقة سيأخذه؟
- She was taking him to Fagin's old house. كانت ستأخذة الى منزل فاجن القديم
2- And I will have this five pound note for our troubles."وسوف احصل على خمس جنيهات مقابل متاعبنا
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Whose مِلك من five pound note was it? - It was Mr Brownlow's.
3- What troubles did the speaker reward يكافئ himself for?
- The troubles of looking for Oliver and kidnapping him.

3- Don't do that to the boy! He's already a thief like me."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Nancy said this to Mr Sikes.
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- She was talking about Oliver.
3- What was the listener doing to the boy then? Why?
- He was beating يضرب him with a stick because he tried to escape.
4- Sadly, you were right. I do not want to hear his name ever again. "
1- Who said these words and to whom?
- Mr Brownlow said these words to Mr Grimwig.
2- Why did he say "You were right"?
- He said “You were right” because Mr Grimwig had said that Oliver would return to the thieves.
3- Whose name does he not want to hear again and why? What did he learn about the person?
- He doesn’t want to hear Oliver’s name because he learned (from Mr Bumble) that Oliver was bad.
c- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1- Mr Grimwig was Mr Brownlow's servant.
 Mr Grimwig was Mr Brownlow's friend.
2-  Oliver was taking money and books to the market.
 Oliver was taking money and books to the bookshop.
3- Nancy said that she was taking Oliver back to Mr Brownlow.
 Nancy said that she was taking Oliver back to his mother and father.
4-  Nancy and Charley took Oliver back to Fagin.
 Nancy and Bill Sikes took Oliver back to Fagin.
5-  Oliver tried to escape, but Mr Sikes beat him with a gun.
 Oliver tried to escape, but Mr Sikes beat him with a stick.
Chapter Four
A- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Toby tell Fagin that made him not at all happy?ماذا اخبر توبى فاجن مما جعله غير سعيد
 He told him that the robbery had not been successful.اخبره ان السرقة لم تكن ناجحه
2. What did Toby and Mr Sikes do with Oliver after he had been shot?ماذا فعل توبى وسايكس باوليفر عندما اطلق عليه رصاص
 They carried him through some fields, but people were chasing them, so they left him in a field.حملوه فى الحقول ولكن الناس كانو يطاردنهم لذا تركوه فى احد الحقول
3. Why was Monks worried when he knew that Oliver had been shot? لماذا كان مونكس قلق عندما عرف ان اوليفر قد اصيب بالرصاص
 Because if Oliver was dead, the police would look for them.لانه اذا مات اوليفر فسوف تبحث الشرطة عنهم
 4. Why was the doctor against the idea of telling the police Oliver's story? –
 لماذا كان الطبيب ضد فكرة ابلاغ الشرطة بقصة اوليفر
 Because Oliver would go to prison as he had run away from the place where he worked and he joined a gang of thieves لان اوليفر كان سيذهب للسجن لانه قد هرب من المكان الذى كان يعمل فيه وانضم الى عصابه من اللصوص
 5. How did Oliver try to show how thankful he was to Mrs Maylie and Rose?
 كيف كان اولفر يحاول ان يظهرشكره للسيدة مايلى وروز ؟
 - He offered to -work for them and water their flowers
 عرض عليهم ان يعمل لديهم ويروى لهم الزهور
6. What did Mr Brownlow's neighbour tell Dr Losberne about Mr Brownlow?
ماذا اخبر جار السيد براونلو الدكتور لوزبورن عن السيد براونلو
- He told him that Mr Brownlow had travelled the West Indies six weeks before. اخبره ان السيد براونلو قد سافر الى جزر الهند الغربية منذ سته اسابيع
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1- "This was not well planned."هذا لم يكن مخطط له جيدا
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
(B) Monks, to Fagin.
(C) What did he mean by "this"?
 He meant the robbery attempt at the country house.
(D) Why did the speaker say that it was not well planned?
 Because the robbery was not successful and Oliver was shot.
2- "How can such a young boy be a criminal?"
(A) Who said this? To whom?
(B) Rose, to Dr Losberne and Mrs Maylie.
(C) What reply did the speaker get to this question?
 Dr Losberne told her that evil can live in anybody.
(D) Was that boy really a criminal? State why.
 No, he wasn't. Because he was forced مُجبر to break into the house against his will. ضد إرادته
4- I stole from her before she died."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Nurse Sally, to Mrs Corney.
(A) Who does the word "her" refer to?
(B) Oliver's mother.
(C) What did the speaker steal?
(D) A gold locket.
c- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1- Mr Brittles and Mr Giles, told the driver about the robbery . cook
2- Rose, a pretty girl of nineteen who lived with Mrs Maylie. seventeen
3- Oliver was shot in his leg. arm
4- Dr Losberne agreed to tell the detectives Oliver’s story . refused
5-Mr Brownlow has moved to the West Indies two weeks ago. six
6-Nurse Sally gave Oliver’s mother money before she died . stole
7-Oliver’s mother a gold necklace . locklet

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عدد المساهمات : 6816
نقاط : 6982
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2009

Novel : Oliver Twist  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Novel : Oliver Twist    Novel : Oliver Twist  Emptyالسبت 11 يناير 2014 - 20:50

الله يـع’ـــطــيك الع’ــاأإأفــيه ..
.. بنتظـأإأإأر ج’ـــديــــدك الممـــيز ..
.. تقــبل م’ـــروري ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Novel : Oliver Twist
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Oliver Twist
» Quotations with Model Answers لقصة Oliver Twist
» مراجعة اكسلانت قصة Oliver Twist
» مراجعة الممتاز لقصة Oliver Twist
» Revision of the 1st term Part 3 Novel Oliver Twist

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الأول الثانوى-
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