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الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى   تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى Emptyالثلاثاء 12 فبراير 2013 - 19:28

تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
[Could – photo – when – What – couldn't]
Sara: Is this your ….. (1) …..?
Sally: Yes, it's my photo ….. (2) ….. I was two.
Sara: ….. (3) ….. could you do?
Sally: I could walk, but I ….. (4) ….. talk.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:

[Can – wrote – know – blind – could]
Teacher: Do you ….. (1) ….. Taha Hussein?
Tamer: Yes, I know him, he was ….. (2) ……
Teacher: What ….. (3) ….. he do?
Tamer: He could read and write and he ….. (4) ….. many stories.

Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

Ali: Could you count when you were three?
Tamer: ……………………………………………………..
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I can. c) Yes, I could.

Sara: ………………………………………………………….?
Sally: I could ride a bike.
a) Could you ride a bike? b) What could you do?
c) How do you come to school?

Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

Teacher: Could a baby ride a bike?
Mona: ………………………
a) Yes, he can. b) No, he couldn't. C) No, he can't.

Ali: …………………………………………………?
Tamer: Taha Hussein was born in Minia.
a) Where was Taha Hussein born? b) Could Taha Hussein see? c) Do you know Taha Hussein?

Read and match:

(B) (A)
a- can't see.
b- a famous writer.
c- climb a tree.
d- when I was five.
e- say one or two words. 1- When I was two I could
2- A deaf person
3- Taha Hussein was
4- That is my photo

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Read and match:

(B) (A)
a- in a week.
b- one to twenty.
c- Yes, I could.
d- in an hour.
e- I could spell my name. 1- I could count from
2- There are sixty minutes
3- There are seven days
4- Could you fly a kite?

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Read and match:

(B) (A)
a- in a year.
b- a primary school.
c- he could read.
d- Upper Egypt.
e- in a month. 1- He was blind, but
2- He was born in
3- There are 365 days
4- I am a pupil in

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Read the following then answer the questions:

My name is Sara Ahmed. I am twelve years old. I go to Giza primary school. When I was five I could do some things, but I couldn't do other things. I could read, write and ride a bike, but I couldn't climb trees, swim and read English.

[1] What school does Sara go to?
[2] What could Sara do when she was five?
[3] Sara Ahmed is a …………..
a) Teacher. b) pupil. c) nurse.
[4] Sara couldn't ………….. trees.
a) climbed. b) climbs. c) climb.

Read the following then answer the questions:

Taha Hussein was a famous Egyptian writer. He was born in Minia. He was blind, but he could read and write. Taha Hussein wrote many books and stories. Many people know Taha Hussein and like reading his stories. He was a good writer.

[1] Where was Taha Hussein born?
[2] Could Taha Hussein see?
[3] Taha Hussein was a famous ………….
a) player. b) singer. c) writer.
[4] He was blind, ………….. he could read and write.
a) and. b) or. c) but.

Choose the correct answer:

[1] What could you ………. When you were two?
a) do. b) did. c) does.
[2] A deaf ……… see.
a) can. b) can't. c) could.
[3] When I was seven I could …….. a tree.
a) count. b) climb. c) fly.
[4] There are seven days in a ……..
a) week. b) month. c) year.
[5] There are ……… months in a year.
a) seven. b) twelve. c) day.
[6] When she was five, she could ………….
a) sing. b) sings. c) singing.
[7] This is my photo when I ……… three.
a) is. b) was. c) am.
[8] Could Ali talk when he was two? Yes, he ……….
a) can. b) couldn't. c) could.
[9] When I was six I could ……… a kite.
a) fly. b) flies. c) flying.
[10] We can see ……….. in the sky.
a) cows. b) clouds. d) could.
[11] There …….. 365 days in a year.
a) was. b) are. c) is.
[12] When I was four, I could ………. My name.
a) spell. b) drive. c) ride.
[13] How ………… months are there in a year?
a) many. b) high. c) much.
[14] When I was five, I could ……….. to hundred.
a) climb. b) count. c) cut.
[15] I couldn't read ……… write.
a) and. b) but. c) or.
[16] Umm Kulthum was a famous ………….
a) swimmer. b) singer. C) writer.

Write questions using the words in brackets:

1- Mona could walk when she was two. (When)
2- Ali was born in Tanta. (Where)
3- He wrote many stories. (What)
4- He can't see because he is blind. (Why)
5- I could climb a tree when I was seven. (What)
6- There are seven days in a week. (How many)
7- Yes, I could ride a bike when I was nine. (Could)
8- Ahmed could climb a tree when he was ten. (Who)
9- There are twelve months in a year. (How many)

Rearrange the following to make sentences:

1- She – but – walk, - talk – could – couldn't - she.
2- when – What – were – three – could – do – you – you?
3- of – This –the – me – is – photograph – me.
4- could – She – and – read – write.
5- seconds – minute – There're – in – sixty – a.

Punctuate the following sentences:

1- she could talk, but she couldnt walk
2- what could ali do when he was four
3- mona was born in cairo
4- yes he was blind
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى   تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى Emptyالأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 2:55

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تدريبات على الوحدة الـ11 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى
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