منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس    اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس  Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 23:10

Read and circle the odd one out:

[1] Made – folded –stuck – wrote.
[2] Train – plane – model – helicopter.
[3] How – What – Where – side.
[4] Bus – paper – box – number.
[5] Twelve – hands – eleven – nine.
[6] Face – clock – hands – aero plane.
[7] Egret – parrot – hippo – bird.
[7] Walk – fly – hop – black.
[8] Come – travel – go – late.
[9] Bike – bus – father – train.
[11] Grey – pink – dance – black.
[12] Fast – slow – thin – run.
[13] Drive – ride – walk – foot.
[14] Cold – hot – ice – cool.
[15] City – town – village – visit.
[16] North – south – lake – east.
[17] Cairo – Luxor – Tokyo – Tanta.
[18] Trees – Plants – Flowers – waterfalls.
[19] Catch – fish – watch – sunset.
[20] Raining – snowing – summer – windy.
[21] Summer – winter – cold – spring.
[22] Finger – spring – hand – arm.
[23] See – sea – lake – river.
[24] Today – tomorrow – yesterday – weather.
[25] Carrots – cabbages – seasons – cucumbers.
[26] Palm tree – April – March – June.
[27] March – April – holiday – August.
[28] Sunny – sun – cloudy – stormy.
[29] Bottle – packet – plate – plant.
[30] Visit – shoes – travel – come.
[31] Trousers – scissors – socks – shoes.
[32] Late – early – clean – grey.
[33] School – shop – hat – farm.
[34] Twenty – thirty – size – forty.
[35] Notebook – shopping bag – pencil box – dictionary.
[35] Sides – edges – cut – hands.
[36] Lion – crocodile – horse – pound.
[37] Grapes – bananas – juice – apricots.
[38] Star – sun – moon – jar.
[39] Uncle – aunt – park – cousin.
[40] Bunch – box – book – jar.

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

[1] you – this – did – do – How – model?

[2] My – a – made – yesterday – cake – mother.

[3] the – wrote – I – from – one – twelve – numbers – to.

[4] I – First, - folded – edges – the.
[5] it – always – fat, - is – A – never – is – hippo – thin.

[6] drives – always – My – to – father – me – school.

[7] weather – in – like – What – summer – is – the?

[8] in – It's – summer – hot.
[9] tomorrow – Will – be – in – it – hot – Cairo?

[10] Is – in – raining – it – Paris?
[11] a bird – Does – always – fly?
[12] can – its – with – fly – wings – Birds.

[13] are – these – How much – shoes – black?

[14] on – I – Can – try – dress, - please – this?

[15] size – your – is – What – shirt?
[16] your – What – season – is – favourite?

[17] I – with – never – argue – parents – my.

[18] is – pink – My – colour – favourite.

[19] saw – We – sunset – the – in west – the.

[20] for – is – Giza – pyramids – famous – its.

Match the questions with the answers:

(B) (A)
a- Yes, it is.
b- Yes, I did.
c- Yes, I do.
d- on foot.
e- It's sunny. 1- Did you make a cake yesterday?
2- Is it cold in winter?
3- What's the weather like in Luxor?
4- How do you always come to school?

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Match the questions with the answers:

(B) (A)
a- Yes, it is.
b- is always cold.
c- is always hot.
d- They're 60 pounds.
e- It's in the south of Egypt.
1- How much are these pink shoes?
2- Is your birthday in summer?
3- Where is Luxor?
4- An ice

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Match the questions with the answers:

(B) (A)
a- Are seasons.
b- Yes, it will.
c- work hard at school.
d- come to school late.
e- in the lake. 1- I always
2- Winter, spring, summer and autumn
3- Will it be hot tomorrow?
4- We fished

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Match the questions with the answers:

(B) (A)
a- Colour.
b- Season.
c- It's never thin.
d- twenty-nine.
e- West. 1- What size is your shirt?
2- The opposite of "east" is
3- Pink is my favourite
4- An elephant is always fat

1- ( ) 2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- ( )

Finish the sentences with words from the list:

(is – are – like – wings – always)
[1] How much …………. these sunglasses, please?
[2] Birds fly with its …………………..
[3] What's the weather ……………… in winter?
[4] A hippo ……………….. swims.

Finish the sentences with words from the list:

(on – in – at – by – with)
[1] Is it hot ……….. winter?
[2] I always come to school ……….. bus.
[3] Can I try ………….. this blue blouse, please?
[4] I always go to school …………… seven o'clock.

Finish the sentences with words from the list:

(season –pounds – piasters – an - never)
[1] How did you make that ………. aero plane?
[2] These socks are seven ……………..
[3] Winter is my favourite ……………….
[4] An egret is ………….. red.

Finish the sentences with words from the list:

(glass – grass – visited – caught – raining)
[1] Look, it's ………………… outside.
[2] We ……………… Tanta last week.
[3] A donkey always eats …………………
[4] We ……………… five fish.

Finish the sentences with words from the list:

(summer – winter – later – birthday – bottle)

[1] This is a ………………. of water.
[2] My …………………. is in May.
[3] It never rain s in Egypt in ……………………
[4] See you ……………………
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس    اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس  Emptyالأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 1:11

دائماً مميز فى موضوعاتك المفيدة لأبنائنا الطلاب
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اسئلة هامة واجابة نموذجية فى انجليزى الصف الخامس
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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