منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة   ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 20:57

Unit 11
Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Aeroplane طائرة Wings أجنحة
How ….? كيف Glue يلصق
Make يصنع Body جسم
First أولا The plane’s body جسم الطائرة
Cut يقطع Then ثم
Paper الورق- ورقة Fly يطير
Next بعد ذلك That’s great! ذلك عظيم
Fold يطوي Help يساعد
Edge حافة Desk مقعد
Edges حواف Box صندوق
Sides جوانب Make a box يصنع صندوقا
Chair كرسي Table منضدة
Pear كمثرى Bike عجلة
Ruler مسطرة Lorry شاحنة كبيرة

Grammar القواعد
The present simple المضارع البسيط

يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادة -
She V. + s / es مع الاسم المفرد (es) أو (s) يضاف للفعل
- She cuts the paper.
- He goes to school.

We V. يبقى الفعل كما هو مع الاسم الجمع

للسؤال في المضارع البسيط

أداة استفهام + Do + فاعل +فعل في المصدر …..?

How do you go to school ?

The past simple الماضي البسيط

يستخدم زمن الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن فعل حدث في الماضي وانتهى .
في زمن الماضي البسيط نستخدم التصريف الثاني للفعل .

أفعال غير منتظمة أفعال منتظمة
( (ed) أو (d) يضاف للفعل) تحفظ كما هي

الأفعال المنتظمة
مضارع ماضي
Fold يطوي Folded طوى
Trace يرسم خطوطا أو أشكالا بالقلم Traced رسم
Glue يلصق Glued لصق
Cover يغطي covered غطى

الأفعال الشاذة ( الغير منتظمة)

مضارع ماضي
Put يضع Put وضع
Write يكتب Wrote كتب
Cut يقطع Cut قطع
Stick يلصق Stuck لصق
Make يصنع made صنع

She folded the edges of the paper .
She made a box .

للسؤال عن الماضي البسيط

أداة استفهام + Did + فاعل +فعل في المصدر …..?

What did Yasmeen do?

لاحظ الكلمات التالية

First أولا
Next بعد ذلك
Then ثم

تستخدم هذه الكلمات لتبين تسلسل الأحداث
How do yo make an aero plane ?
First , I cut the paper .
Next , I fold the wings and glue them on the plane’s body.
Then , I fly it .

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :
1- cut – I – First, - the paper .
2- do- it – make – How – you ?
3- Next, - fold – I – the wings .
4- Fly – I – it .
5- Make – I – great! – can – That’s – one ?
6- The – I – First, - cut – paper.
Read and circle the odd one out : اقرأ ثم ضع دائرة حول الكلمة الغريبة
1-chair – table – bed – apple .
2- next – pencil – pen – book .
3- lorry – bus – body – aeroplane .
4- orange – fold – watermelon – pear.
5- first – next – then- plane .
7- box – make – cut – glue .

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( aeroplane – How – that – glue – help – great )
Hi, Tamer . What’s ………..? It’s an ……….. . ………… do you make it ? . first , I cut the paper . Next, I fold the wings and ……….. them on the plane’s body . Then , I fly it . look ! That’s ……….. ! can you help me make one ?

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( edges – make – did – made – paper )
1- cut some ………..
2- How do you ………..a box ?
3- She folded the ………… of the paper .
4- What ………. Yasmeen do ?

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Clock ساعة حائط Numbers أرقام
Trace يرسم خطوطا أو أشكالا بالقلم Cut out يقطع
The hands of the clock عقارب الساعة Circle دائرة
Stick يلصق Plate طبق
Face وجه Use يستخدم
A compass برجل لرسم الدائرة Cake
A model نموذج Helicopter طائرة مروحية
Train قطار Wall chart لوحة حائط
Narrator الراوي ( لقصة) Sandwich سندوتش

Grammar القواعد

- راجع زمن الماضي البسيط من الدرس الأول


1- Read and circle the odd one out :
1- write – folded – traced – glued .
2- cut – stick – read – box .
3- clock – plate – first – ruler .
4- face – fly – body – toes .
5- train – cake – plane – bus .
6- made – folded – glued – make .
7- train – bike – plate – plane .
8- first – circle – then – next .
9- cake – write – fold – trace .
10- apple – circle – orange – pear.

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :
1- made – she – cake – a .
2- traced – circle – a – They .
3- first, - What – do – they – did ?
4- They – numbers – the wrote .
5- You – an –How – aeroplane – make – do ?
6- A – you – help – to – use – plate .

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( circle – hands – How – paper – next )
1- ……….. did they make a clock ?
2- First, they cut the ………….
3- ……….., they folded the sides .
4- then, they cut out the …………. Of the clock

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( First – made – wings – did )
1- I ………. Amodel plane .
2- What ……….. yasmeen do yesterday ?
3- I folded the ……………..

Match the questions with the answers :

1- How do you make an aeroplane ?
2 -Who made the box ?
3- How did Tamer make a clock ? a) a clock
b) he traced a circle
c) I fold the wings
d) Tamer

Lesson 3

Words الكلمات

Cover يجلد- يغلف Put يضع
Have يملك High مرتفعة
The sky السماء

القواعد Grammar

لاحظ أنه في زمن الماضي البسيط إذا استخدمنا الفعل المساعد Did فإن الفعل يأتي في المصدر .
انظر إلى الجملتين التاليين :
Tamer made a box .
Did Tamer make a box ?


Finish the sentences with words ( make – made )
1- Did Tamer ……….a helicopter yesterday ?
2- Yesterday , miss Manal ………. A cake .
3- Yesterday, Ahmed ………… a model train .
4-Did you ……….. a model train yesterday .
Match the questions with the answers:
1- Did he make a plane ?
2- What did you make?
3- Can a plane fly?
4- How did you trace a circle ? A) I made a model clock .
B) Yes, she did.
C) Yes , he did.
D) I used a plate to help me.
E)Yes, it can .

Match the questions with the answers:

1- what did she do yesterday ?
2- Did Manal put her name
3- Can it fly ? a) yes, it can
b) They can do it
c) She made a cake
d) No, she didn’t

Read and circle the odd one :
a)cut – folded – made – name .
b)book – paper – Heba – box .
c) first – they – next – then.
d)Edges – cover – glue – put .
e)Fly – sky – wings – plane.
f) How – what – cut – when.
g)He – Dina – she – It .
h)Apple – bed – desk – chair .
m)Bike – bus – lorry – pencil.
n)Folded- glued – edges – made .
o)Next – paper – first – Then .
i)Plane – helicopter – train – wings.
j) Flag – table – chair – desk .
k) Bus – book – paper – pen .
r)Cut – make – sky – put .

Rearrange the following Words to make meaningful sentences:
a) Heba- Yesterday, - a cake – made .
b) Glued – I – edges – the .
c) High – in – It’s – the sky .
d) Have – wings – it – Did ?
e) Glued – the – He – edges .
f) Mother – a – made – My – cake – yesterday .
g) Has – aeroplane – wings – long – The .
h) You – a- How – do – make – box .
i) Flag – red, - and – The – is – black – white .
………………………………………………………………Match the question with the answers :

1- what did you make ?
2- Did Tamer make a clock yesterday ?
3- How do you write ?
4- Can a helicopter fly ? a) yes , it can .
b) she eats apples.
c) I made an aeroplane
d) yes, he did.
e) I write with a pen .

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( high – wall chart – make – can – made )
1- Did tamer ………. A helicopter yesterday ?
2- she made a …………
3- can a plane fly ? Yes , it ………….
4- It ’S ………. In the sky .
Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( hands – body – write – glued – face )
1- He …………. The wings on the plane ’s ………
2- Tamer stuck the ………… to the ………… of the clock .

Match the question with the answers :

1- when did you make the cake ?
2- can you fold these sides?
3- Why did you cut the paper?
4- Did he fly the plane? A) They have it
b) to make a plane .
c) last month.
d) No , I can’t .
e) yes, he did .
Punctuate the following sentences:
a) first I cut the paper / ………………………………………………….
b)then hala sing the song / ……………………………………………….
c)next I fold the wings/ ………………………………………………….
d) yes sandy did / ……………………………………………………

Unit 11
Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Goodbye إلى اللقاء Drive me to school يوصلني بسيارته إلى المدرسة
Dad أب Never أبدا
See you later أراك فيما بعد Walk يمشي
Always أبدا Come يأتي
With مع Friends أصدقاء
On foot سيرا على الأقدام Bus أتوبيس
Car سيارة Bike عجلة
Work hard أعمل بجد By بواسطة
Grammar القواعد

المضارع البسيط مع ( always / never )
Always دائما

Never أبدا

تستخدم( Always) في الجملة المثبتة
تستخدم never) ) في الجملة المنفية

I always go to school by bus . أنا أذهب إلى المدرسة بالأتوبيس
I never walk to school أنا لا أمشي أبدا إلى المدرسة

تستخدم ( always – never ) قبل الفعل الأساسي مثل : ( come – walk )
ِ A donkey always walks .
It never flies.

تستخدم ( always – never ) بعد ( verb to be ) مثل :
Ice is always cold.
It ’s never hot .
am – is – are

حرف الجر ( by )
يستخدم حرف الجر by مع وسائل المواصلات :

By bus
By car
By bike

لكن تقول : on foot

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- school – bus – bike – car .
2- go – walk – come – always .
Rearrange the following Words to make meaningful sentences
1- come to – school – do – How – you .
2- never – I – walk – school – to .
3- samer – How – go to – does – school .
4- comes – bus – he – by – always .

Match the question with the answers :
1- How does Dina come to school?
2- Does Maged come to school by bus? a) yes, he does
b) no , she doesn’t
c) By bike

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Donkey حمار Cold بارد
Fly يطير Hot حار
Hippo سيد قشطة Elephant فيل
Swim يعوم Fat سمين
Dance يرقص Thin رفيع
Ice ثلج In water في الماء
Turtle سلحفاة On land على اليابسة على الأرض
Slow بطئ White أبيض
Fast سريع Tennis لعبة التنس
Live يعيش Red أحمر
Homework الواجب المنزلي Farm مزرعة


Adjectives الصفات

تستخدم الصفات لوصف الأسماء .
تأتي الصفة قبل الإسم أو بعد V. to be

He is a good boy .
The boy is good .

لاحظ ما يلي :

.?........ فعل في المصدر + الفاعل + do + أداة استفهام

.?........ فعل في المصدر + الفاعل + does + أداة استفهام

How does samer go to school ?

لاحظ الجملة التالية وحرف الجر ( at ) :

Eman always does her homework at 5 o ’clock

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :
1- swims – Ahippo – always .
2- thin – never – An elephant – is.
3- Cold – always – is – Ice .
4- Never – flies – An elephant .
Read and circle the odd one out :
1- swim – fat – cold – thin
2- elephant – donkey – ice – hippo
3- fish – turtle – donkey – ice
4- live – fat – swim – dance
5- fast – slow – land – tall
6- never – white – red – green

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( Do – walks – does – thin )
1- An elephant is always fat . It ’s never ………….
2- Tarek always ………….. his homework at 5 o ’clock
3- A donkey always ……………. It never flies
Punctuate the following sentences :
1- noha and marwa arent there/ …………………………….
2- no nadianever plays tennis/………………………………………….

lesson 3
words الكلمات
Egret أبو قردان Grass عشب
Meat لحم Help يساعد
Get up يستيقظ Early باكرا
Late متأخرا After بعد
Argue يجادل Orange برتقالي
Giraffe زرافة Tall طويل
Rain مطر Name اسم
Word wheel عجلة الكلمات Ride يركب
Wave يلوح بيده Plane طائرة
Eat يأكل Short قصير
Train قطار grey رمادي ( اللون )
Computer games العاب كمبيوتر

لاحظ الصفات التالية وعكسها :
Cold بارد Hot ساخن
Fat سمين Thin رفيع
Slow بطئ Fast سريع
Tall طويل short قصير


Read and circle the odd one out :
1- get up – go – do – after
2- mother – late – father – sister
3- eight – five – school – six
4- water – fish – egret – donkey
5- book – table – pen – pencil
6- train – plane – grey – car

Rearrange the following words to make meangingful sentences:
1- helicopters – father – aeroplanes – and- My – flies
2- always – up – eight – I- get – at – early
3- after – do –what - you – school – do ?
4- to – do – school – you – How – come
5- turtle – slow – always – is – A
6- late – never- I- go – school – to

Match the questions with the answers:
1- What is a hippo’s color ?
2- What does a goat always eat ?
3- Is an elephant always fat ? It always eats grass
No, they don’t
Yes , it is

Punctuate the following sentences :

1- what do hani and mervet always do/ ………………………………………………………………
2- salwa and I always go to school at 7 oclock /
Unit 12
Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Weather الطقس Windy كثير الرياح
Picture صورة Look انظر
Sunny مشمس Outside بالخارج
Raining تمطر Too ايضا
That’s great ذلك صحيح Very hard بشدة
May مايو Cairo القاهرة
November نوفمبر Snowing تسقط ثلجا
January يناير Cloudy مغيم ( كثير السحاب )
London لندن Stormy عاصف

Adjectives الصفات
- للتعبير عن حالة الجو / الطقس نستخدم التركيب التالي :
It’s + adjective صفة
It’s windy الجو عاصف
It’s sunny الجو مشمس
يمكن استخدام التركيب التالي :
It’s + فعل في المصدر + ing
It’s raining السماء تمطر
It’s snowing السماء تمطر ثلجا

للسؤال عن حالة الجو
Is it + صفة / مصدر + ing ………? هل الجو ..........؟

Is it sunny ?
Yes, it is
No, it isn’s

للسؤال عن حالة الجو في فترة ما في مكان ما

What’s the weather like in London in November ?
It’s + صفة/ مصدر + ing
It’s rainy صفة
It’s snowing ) ing )

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( yes,- outside – is – No – right )
1- ………… it sunny in picture B?
2- That’s………..
3- It’s raining ………….
4- ……………, it isn’t . it’s windy .
Rearrange the following words to make meangingful sentences :
1- in- the – like – weather –may – what’s ?
2- too – raining – It – outside, - is !

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- picture – sunny – raining – windy
2- look – like – hard – is

Match the questions with the answers :

What’s the weather like in may ?
Is it sunny ? No, it is
Yes, it is

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Tomorrow غدا Paris باريس
Hot حار Cold بارد
Japan اليابان Will be سوف يكون
Degrees Celsius درجات مئوية Degree درجة
Forecast تنبؤ Celsius مئوي
Tokyo توكيو warm دافئ


يستخدم التعبير It will be للتكلم ( التنبؤ ) عن حالة الطقس المتوقعة .
It will be hot this evening . سيكون الجو حارا هذا المساء

يستخدم التعبير Will it be للسؤال عن حالة الطقس المتوقعة .
Will it be cold this evening ? هل سيكون الجو باردا هذه المساء
Yes, it will
No , it won’t

لاحظ نفي will :
Will won’t

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1- won’t – No, - it
2- sunny – will – be – It
3- will – it – Yes,
4- it – tomorrow – Will – be – raining
5- in – will – paris – Tomorrow – be – it – cold
6- cold – evening – it – Will – be – this ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- may – January – Monday – November
2- hot – London – Cairo – Japan
3- hot – cold – windy – will
4- Paris – tomorrow – Cairo – London
5- cloudy – windy – Japan – snowing
6- right – eight – two – five

Match the questions with the answers :
1- Will it be cold in Cairo tomorrow ?
2- What is the weather like in Paris ? Yes , it won’t
No ,it won’t

Punctuate the following sentences:

it wont be cloudy in cairo/

lesson 3

Words الكلمات
Interesting شيق Pyramid هرم
There are يوجد Set تغرب الشمس
Waterwheels سواقي The sun الشمس
Lake بحيرة Palm tree نخلة
There هناك Narrator الراوي
Boat قارب Visited زار
Watch يشاهد Cousin ابن العم
Beautiful جميل Fish سمك – سمكة
City مدينة Fished اصطاد سمكا
South of cairo جنوب القاهرة Lake Qarun بحيرة قارون
Famous for مشهور ب Caught fish اصطاد سمكا
Waterfalls شلالات The west الغرب
Wady El rayyan وادي الريان Wonderful بديع - مدهش
holiday عطلة – أجازة

لاحظ الجهات الاصلية :

1- Eastشرق
2- North شمال
3- Westy غرب
4- Southجنوب


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( can – watched – are – visited – is )
1- we ………. The sun set
2- There ………..a lake
3- I ……….. see a palm tree
4- There ……….. waterwheels there

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( Al Fayoum – sets – Giza )
1- The sun ……….. in the west
2- Lake Qarun is in ………..

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- north – waterfall- waterwheel – pyramid
2- west – water- south – east
3- windy – snowing – raining – lake
4- London – hot – cairo – japan
5- Wonderful – beautiful – palm tree – interesting
6- Also – visited – watched – caught

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :

1- is – for – waterwheels- it’s – famous – Al Fayoum.
2- Lake – in – fish – We- Qarun – five – caught .
3- Famous – it ’s – Giza – pyramids – for – is

Punctuate the following sentences:

i fished in lake qarun /

Revision D

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Bird طائر Have got يملك
Fly يطير Trunk خرطوم الفيل
Fan مروحة Wings أجنحة
Horse حصان Has got لديه
Watermelon بطيخة Thin نحيف
Purple أرجواني اللون Short قصير
Crocodile تمساح ears أذنان
Walk يمشي Tail ذيل
Back ظهر Long طويل
On foot سيرا على الأقدام

- راجع زمن المضارع البسيط من الوحدة ( 10 )
- راجع Always - never

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :
1- ships – many – the – are – port – How – there – in ?
2- make – is – we – flower – This – how – a
3- never – A bird – with – flies – a fan
4- long ears – has – a donkey – got
5- is – purple – never – A watermelon
6- school – walks – never – she – to

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- always – never – no – not
2- fold – how – make – fly

lesson 2

the present continuous المضارع المستمر

يستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن شئ يحدث الآن .

Is v. + ing

I am writing now.
She is reading now.
They are playing football now.

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :
1- They – volleyball – are – playing
2- Cairo – going to – is – Ali
3- Boat – there’s – one – the picture – in
4- Sunny – in – it ’s – Al Fayoum
5- No – in – trees – Alexandria – are – palm – there
6- Boats – Al Fayoum – see – I – in – there – can

Match the questions with the answers :

1- Is Alexandria north of Cairo ?
2- Where is the famous waterfall? In Al Fayoum
No, it won’t
Yes, it is

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( lake – visit – goes – pyramids – visited )
1- yesterday , I ……….. Alexandria .
2- I fished in the ………..
3- Ahmed never ………… to school by bus .
4- We visit the …………. In summer .

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- sunny – Sunday – Saturday – August – Friday
2- cold – cool – warm – tall

lesson 3

Words الكلمات
Bake يخبز Get up يستيقظ
Cover يغطي Early مبكرا
Walk يمشي cycle يركب دراجة

Read and circle the odd one out
1- get – school - go – cycle
2- hot – windy – argue – stormy

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( Qarun – Nasser – walks)
1- He never ……….. to school.
2- Lake ………. Is in Al Fayoum .
Unit 13

Lesson 1
Words الكلمات

Good morning صباح الخير What size ….? ما مقاس ......؟
Try on يقيس ( ملابس أو حذاء) Pink وردي اللون
Great عظيم Shoes حذاء
How much….? كم ثمن Please من فضلك
Pink shoes حذاء وردي Here you are تفضل ما طلبت
Blue أزرق Brown بني اللون
Grey رمادي Pound جنيه
Red أحمر Football كرة قدم
T-shirt تي شيرت socks جورب


طلب شئ بطريقة مهذبة

Can I + فعل في المصدر ……..? هل يمكنني أن ...............؟

تستخدم عند طلب شئ ما :
Can I try on these pink shoes, please ?
هل يمكنني أن أقيس الحذاء الوردي من فضلك ؟

How much is + اسم شئ مفرد ? ما ثمن .....................؟

تستخدم للسئوال عن ثمن شئ مفرد .

How much is the dress , please ? ما ثمن الفستان من فضلك ؟
It’s 25 pounds

How much are + اسم شئ جمع ? ما ثمن ..................؟

تستخدم للسؤال عن ثمن شئ جمع .

How much are the socks , please? ما ثمن الجوارب ؟
They are 13 pounds

What size is + اسم شئ مفرد ? ما مقاس ...............؟

تستخدم للسؤال عن ثمن شئ جمع .

What size is the T-shirt , please ?
It’s 32 pounds .

What size are + اسم شئ جمع ? ما مقاس ...........؟

تستخدم للسؤال عن مقاس شئ جمع .

What size are the shoes ?
They’re 36 pounds.

What size are you ?
ما مقاسك ؟


Match the questions with thw answers :

1- What size are you ?
2- How much are these shoes? Fifty pounds
Thirty – four

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :

1- you – Yes, -can
2- you – are – here
3- have – can I – them – Mum – please ?
4- are – How much – socks –the ?
5- these – on – shoes – I – Can – pink – please – try ?
6- please – much – T-shirt – How – the is ?

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( have – great – much – on – many – size )
- Can I try ……….these pink shoes , please ?
- Yes, what ……… are you ?
- Thirty –four
- Here you are
- They’re ……….. Can I ………. Them , please , Mum ?
- Yes, you can , Yasmeen .How…………are they ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- red –sunny –grey –pink

2- have – try – brown – look

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Piastres قروش Pound جنيه
Skirt جيبة Bag of crisps كيس مقر مشات
Blouse بلوزة Juice عصير
Water ماء Packet of Biscuits باكو بسكويت
Bottle of Milk زجاجة لبن Shirt قميص
Hat قبعة Half a pound نصف جنيه
Watermelon بطيخ Woman امرأة
Dress فستان Man رجل

لاحظ ما يلي :

Piastres = pt اختصار قروش

Pound = LE اختصار جنيه

لاحظ أن الأشياء التالية في حالة الجمع دائما :

Shoes حذاء
Glasses نظارة
Shorts بنطلون شورت
Trousers بنطلون
Socks جورب
sunglasses نظارة شمسية


Read and circle the odd one out

1- crisps – skirt – milk – water
2- blouse – t-shirt – Juice – shoes
3- twenty – fifty – eight – they
4- pink – bottle – bag – glass

Finish the sentences with words from list :
( fifteen – fifty – piastres)

1- Ten pounds and five pounds make ……….. pounds
2- One pound = 100 ………

Match the questions with the answers :

1- How much are the trousers ?
2- Is the shirt twenty pounds ? Yes, they are
LE 52.85
Yes, it is

Rearrange the following sentences:
1- one – is – piastres – It – fifty – pound – and
2- I- and – four – have – pen – pencils – can – a ?

lesson 3

Words الكلمات
Cabbage كيس حلويات Bread خبز
Shelf رف Butcher جزار
Shopping bag حقيبة تسوق Butcher’s جزارة
Buy يشتري To إلى
Baker خباز Baker’s مخبز
Clothes ملابس Shop محل
Meat لحم Market سوق
fruit فاكهة


Read and circle the odd one out :

1- pound – shoes – piasters – LE
2- shoes – blouse – size – dress
3- butcher’s – baker ’s – market – buy
4- boy – man – for – woman
5- pink – try – grey – blue

Rearrange the following sentences :
1- early – gets – always – up – Yasmeen
2- blue – these – Can – I – try – please – shoes , on ?
3- these – shoes – at – pink – Look – beautiful

Finish the sentences with words from list :
( go – try on – How much – what size – going )
1- ………… is a cabbage ? It’s five pounds
2-Can I ……… these shoes, please .
3- ……… are the shoes? They’re thirty-four
4-We’re ………. To the shop.

Punctuate the following sentences :

Theyre great mum/

Unit 14

Words الكلمات

Seasons فصول السنة Very good جيد جدا
Spring الربيع Cold بارد
Summer الصيف Cool بارد قليلا
Autumn الخريف Weather الطقس
Winter الشتاء Favourite مفضل
Warm دافئ Raining تمطر
Windy به رياح Snowing/snowy تسقط السماء ثلجا
Hot ساخن Sunny مشمس
Birthday عيد ميلاد There are يوجد
Start يبدأ School start بداية المدرسة


Do + فاعل + فعل في المصدر ……..?

Do you like winter , Hesham ?

Does + فاعل + فعل في المصدر ………..?

Does school start in summer ?

لاحظ التعبير التالي :

What’s your favourite seasons?
ما فضل السنة المفضل لديك ؟

كم العدد
How many + اسم جمع يعد …………?
تستخدم للسؤال عن اسم شئ جمع يعد .

How many seasons are there ?

Is + اسم شئ مفرد ……….?

Is هل
تستخدم للسؤال بمعنى هل عن اسم شئ مفرد

Is it windy in Egypt in summer ?


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( cold – Do – say – weather – does )
1- ………… you like spring , Heba ?
2- It’s always ………… in winter .
3- ……… school end in summer ?
4- I like cool …………

Match the questions with the answers :

Is it hot in winter ?
What is the weather like in August ? Hot
No, it isn’t

Rearrange the following sentences:
1- and – warm – spring – windy – In – it’s
2- season – Hossam’s – favourite – What ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- winter – sunny – summer – autumn
2- cool – cold – warm – year

Lesson 2

Month شهر Year سنة
January يناير August أغسطس
February فبراير September سبتمبر
March مارس October أكتوبر
April أبريل November نوفمبر
May مايو December ديسمبر
June يونيو
July يوليو

Where ………………..? أين .........................؟

تستخدم للسؤال عن المكان .

Where is it ?


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( twelve – four – hot )

It is …….. and sunny . It ’s Cairo .
The seasons are ………..

Match the questions with the answers :

1- How many months are there in a season ?
2- Is your birthday in March? Yes, I am
Yes , It is

Rearrange the following words :
1- your – subject – is – What – favourite ?
2- cool – autumn – It – windy – and – in – is

Punctuate the following sentence :

my brother didnt play tennis on friday/

lesson 3

Words الكلمات

Finger أصبع يد Listen to استمع إلى
Sing يغني Birds طيور
Flowers زهور The wind الريح
Leaves أوراق الشجر


Read and circle the odd one out ;

1- spring – winter – autumn – flowers
2- listen – wind – sing – look
3- birds – years – months – seasons
4- four – five – finger – six
5- spring – trousers – summer – autumn
6- July – September – October – November .

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( flowers – Is – Are )

1- …………august in summer ?
2- look at the …………

Rearrange the following sentences :

1- of – the – song – sing – a- seasons
2- weather – autumn- the –Is –cool – in ?

Match the questions with the answers :

1- Do you like winter ?
2- How many seasons are there ?
3- Is it hot or cold?
4- What’s your favourite season? Spring
It’s hot
Yes, I do
Four seasons
Yes, he does

Punctuate the following sentence:

hes playing football on friday/
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة   ملخص دروس الانجليزى صف خامس ترم تانى رووعة Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 20:59

Unit 15

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات

Where…….? أين Too أيضا
Holiday أجازة How far ….? ما المسافة
Went ذهب From من
With مع About حوالي
Parents الوالدان Kilometers كيلومترات
What……? ما/ ماذا Boat مركب
There هناك The Nile نهر النيل
Saw رأى On the Nile على النيل
Temple معبد Car سيارة
Visited زار Hi ! 52


The past simple الماضي البسيط

هو التصريف الثاني للفعل يضاف إليه ( ed – d )

أفعال منتظمة أفعال غير منتظمة ( شاذة )
( d- ed)
أفعال غير منتظمة ( شاذة )

عام swam يعوم swim
رأى saw يرى see
ركب rode يركب ride
ذهب went يذهب go
في حالة النفي

Did not = didn’t

فاعل + didn’t + فعل في المصدر

we didn’t go by car .

لاحظ أنه عند استخدام did الفعل معه يأتي في المصدر .

في حالة السؤال

Did + فاعل + فعل في المصدر ………..?

Did you go by car ?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t

أداة استفهام + did + فاعل + فعل في المصدر ………..?

Where did you go on holiday ?

How far ............? ما المسافة

تستخدم للسؤال عن المسافة

How far is it from Luxor to Qena ?


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( sixty – Nile – How far – temple – Where )

1- We saw the ………… at Karnak .
2- ……….. did you go on the holidays?
3- I went to Luxor by boat on the ………….
4-………… is it from Cairo to Aswan ?

Rearrange the following sentences:
1- from – sixty – is – Qena – kilometers – Luxor – about
2- did – the – for – you – Where – summer – go ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- go – went – saw – did
2-boat – train – car – bird

punctuate the following sentences :

fadi doesnt live in aswan/

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Measuring قياس Distances مسافات
Measuring distances قياس المسافات About حوالي
Circle ضع دائرة حول Good جيد
Now الآن Well done أحسنت

لاحظ ما يلي جيدا :
Km = Kilometre
M= metre
1 kilometre = 1000 metres

للسؤال عن المسافة بين مكانين نستخدم :
How far is it from ……… to ……..?
ما المسافة من .............. إلى ..................؟

It’s ……..kilometres from …….. to ……..

لاحظ عند ذكر المسافة نضع كلمة ( about ) قبل الإسم

It’s about 30 kilometres.


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( metres – metre – about )

1- It’s ……….. 525 kilometres
2- M = ……….

Match the questions with the answers :

1- How far is Al Fayoum from port said ?
2- Is Aswan far from Alexandria? No, it is
It’s 352 km
Yes, it is

Rearrange the following sentences :

1- from – kilometres – 524 – Assiut – Aswan – is
2- port said – to – from – How – far – is – El-Mahalla – it ?

Lesson 3

Words الكلمات

When عندما The sphinx أبو الهول
Kebash Road طريق الكباش Many كثير
Statues تماثيل Look like يشبه
Amazing مدهش Learned تعلم / علم
A lot الكثير The valley of the kings وادي الملوك
The sound and light show عرض الصوت والضوء Enjoyed استمتع
In the evening في المساء Hours ساعات
photographs التقطت صورا


Read and circle the odd one out :
1- boat – temple – the sphinx – Kebash Road
2- mother – father – parents – teacher
3- Were – is – went – visited
4- Luxor – Qena – twenty – Al Fayoum
5- Number – boat – ship – car
6- Km- metre – grey – Kilometre

Read and choose a , b or c
My name is Ahmed . I visited my uncle at Luxor . When I went to Luxor , I saw a boat on the Nile . I went to the Valley of the kings. I was at the Valley of the kings for three hours . I went to Kebash Road . There are many statues there . It was a wonderful holiday .

1- Ahmed visited his………at luxor.
a) uncle b) aunt c) grandfather
2- Ahmed saw a ………. On the Nile
a)car b) bus c)boat
3- Ahmed was at the Valley of the kings for ……… hours .
a)6 b)3 c)4
4- It ………. A wonderful holiday .
a)was b) is c) were

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( light – the sphinx – Valley )

1- We saw the sound and ………. Show
2- We were at the ……….. of the kings .

Rearrange the following sentences:

1- saw – the- We – Nile – boat – a – on
2- from – is – El-Menya – far – How – to – it – Aswan
3- It’s – sixty-five – Sohag – about – from – Kilometres

Punctuate the following sentence:
The statues of kebash look like the sphinx/
Revision E مراجعة

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات

Today اليوم Temperature درجة الحرارة
Cost يتكلف Display شاشة عرض
Degrees درجات Price ثمن
Size مقاس Burger سندوتش
Sell يبيع Bag of crisps كيس مقرمشات
trousers بنطلون

لاحظ ما يلي :

How many + اسم جمع يعد ………..?
كم عدد...............؟

How many T-shirt can you see in the shop ?

How much …………..?
ما ثمن .................؟

How much are the red shoes?

How far ……………..?
كم المسافة ..................؟

How far is it to Luxor ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- luxor – Safaga – Qena – temple
2- How many – How much – make – How far
Rearrange the following words :

1- Is – It – sunny
2- 35 – degrees – It’s
3- red shoes – 36 – size – The – are
4- is selling – the – shoes –The – girl
5- T-shirt – see – the – shop –How –in – you – can – many ?
6- Safaga –What – the – like – is – in – weather ?

lesson 2

Words الكلمات

Peaches خوخ Strawberries فراولة
Cucumbers خيار Guavas جوافة
Bananas موز Apricots مشمش
Aubergines باذنجان Watermelon بطيخة
cabbage كرنبة

لاحظ ما يلي :

2 pounds a kilo = ثمن الكيلو جنيهان


Read and circle the odd one out :
1- peaches – watermelon – August- cabbage
2- forty – twenty – thirty – tall

Match the question with the answers :
1- Is Alexandria 220 km from Cairo ?
2- How much is the cabbage ? It’s 2 pounds
No, they aren’t
Yes, it is

Rearrange the following words :
1- make – and – thirty – fifty – twenty
2- much – ix – watermelon – How – the ?

lesson 3


Read and circle the odd one out :
1- pound – say –go – cycle
2- Alexandria – Karnak – Qena- stormy

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( number – saw – walks )

1- yesterday , we ………. The temple at Karnak .
2- say the next …………

Unit 16

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Cake كيك Look in the cupboard أبحث في الدولاب
Need يحتاج Buy يشتري
Some بعض Butter زبده
Eggs بيض Flour دقيق
What else? ماذا أيضا Half نصف
A kilo كيلو Half a kilo of …? نصف كيلو من ....
Milk لبن Come on أسرع
Shopping تسوق Let’s go shopping هيا بنا نذهب إلى التسوق
Shopping list قائمة مشتريات Sweets حلوى
Flowers زهور Tea شاي
Toothpaste معجون أسنان Carrots جزر
Bag كيس Chicken دجاجة
Juice عصير Meat لحم
Fish سمك – سمكة Biscuits بسكويت
Eggs بيض Bunch باقة
Tube أنبوبة Packet علبة / باكو


Need يحتاج

To +المصدر

We need to buy some flour.
We need half a kilo of milk .

لاحظ عند السؤال

What do we need to + فعل في المصدر ?
ماذا نحن نحتاج أن ......................؟

What do we need to buy ?
ماذا نحن نحتاج أن نشتري ؟

لاحظ التعبيرات التالية

A kilo of sugar كيلو سكر
A bag of sweets كيس حلوى
A packet of tea باكو شاي
A bunch of flowers باقة زهور
A tube of toothpaste أنبوبة معجون أسنان
A bottle of water زجاجة ماء


Rearrange the following words:

1- We – flour – a kilo – need – of
2- Shopping – go – let’s
3- We – Can – make – a cake ?
4- De – we – What – need to – buy ?
5- Packet – biscuits – need – a – of – we
6- We – a- make – Can – cake ?

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- kilo – milk – sugar – flour
2- on – of – butter – to

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( let’s – kilo of – can – need – what )

1- We ……….. some eggs .
2- We need half a ………. Milk .
3- ………. Do we need to buy ?
4- ………. We make a cake ?

Punctuate the following sentences:
come on lets go shopping/

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات
Honey عسل نحل Tomatoes طماطم
Soap صابون Olives زيتون
Green peppers فلفل أخضر Cheese جبنه
Pizza يبتزا Jar برطمان
Tin علبة Bar قطعة مستطيلة من شيكولاته / صابون
carton طبق كرتون

لاحظ ما يلي

Kg = kilogramme كيلو جرام

Kg = 1000 grammes
الواحد كيلو جرام = 1000 جرام

لاحظ ما يلي

Jar of honey برطمان عسل نحل
Bar of soap قطعة من الصابون
Carton of eggs كرتونه بيض
Tin of olives علبة ( صحيفة ) زيتون
Kilo of meat كيلو لحم


Finish the sentence with words from the list ;
( metre – kilogramme – bunch)

1- A ………… of flowers
2- Kg = ………..

Match the questions with the answers

1- Can I have some cakes, please?
2- What do you need to buy ? A kilo of meat
It’s 354 km
Yes , you can

Rearrange the following words :

1- half – kilo- flour –We – a – of -need
2- buy – of – need – we – Do – a – to – carton – eggs ?

lesson 3

Words الكلمات

Aubergines باذنجان Apricots مشمش
Peaches خوخ Guavas جوافة
Hour ساعة Put يضع
Plate طبق Big كبير
Small صغير In half an hour في خلال نصف ساعة
Healthy صحي Healthy food طعام صحي

What do you need to …………?
ماذا تحتاج أن ................؟

What do you need to buy ?
ما تحتاج أن تشتري ؟


Rearrange the following words :

1- are - they – How much ?
2- is – ten – It – pounds
3- need – bananas – I- a kilo of
4- do – What – you – you –buy – need to ?
5- cake – half – I- hour – a – in – make – an
6- strawberries – of – kilo- bought – a – Lamya – half

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- eggs – milk – make – flour
2- house – car – tree -kilo
3- butter- eggs – went – meat
4- bar – Qena – jar – carton
5- kilogramme – tomatoes – gramme – half a kilo
6- cupboard – buy – look – need

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( peaches – big – bought )

1- ………some healthy food
2- They need a kilo of ……….

Punctuate the following sentence:
Come on lets go shopping/

Match the questions with the answers :

1- How much are the cucumbers ?
2- Can you make a cake ? Yes , we can
They’re two pounds
No, they can’t

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( kilo – buy – half – eggs )

1- I make them in ………… an hour
2- I need some ………….
3- It ’s two pounds a ……….
4- What do you need to ……….?

Unit 17

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Guess يخمن Fruit فاكهة
Bigger than أكبر من A date بلحة واحدة
A guava جوافة واحدة Easy سهل
That’s easy ذلك سهل Question سؤال
That’s right ذلك صحيح Now الآن
Turn دور It’s my turn إنه دوري
Green أخضر A cucumber خيارة واحدة
A cabbage كرنبة واحدة An aubergine باذنجانة واحدة
A watermelon بطيخة واحدة An apricot مشمشة واحدة
Corn ذرة An ear of corn كوز ذرة
Smaller than أصغر من A strawberry فراولة واحدة
An apple تفاحة واحدة A grape عنبة واحدة
A peach خوخة واحدة Fruit فاكهة
Orange برتقالة Love يحب
fig تينة واحدة


الصفات هي كلمات تصف الأسماء والأشياء .
عندما نفضل بين اثنين في صفة نضيف ( er) للصفة وبعدها than

الصفة + er + than

A watermelon is bigger than a guava .

لوصف لون شئ مفرد نستخدم :
It’s + لون

It’s yellow
It’s green


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( now – big – guess – that – bigger )

1- ……… the fruit , Yasmeen .
2- This fruit is ……….. than a guava.
3- ……….. it’s my turn .
4- ………’s easy

Rearrange the following words :

1- aubergine – than – an – apricot – is – bigger – an
2- than – fruit – This – guava – a – is – smaller .

Read and circle the odd one out :

1- corn – apricot – guava – question
2- corn – yellow – red – green

Punctuate the following sentence :
guess the fruit yasmeen/

Lesson 2
Words الكلمات

Tall طويل Taller than أطول من
Small صغير Smaller than أصغر من
Short قصير Shorter than أقصر من
Mouse فأر Cow بقرة
Goat عنزة Cat قطة
Dog كلب elephant فيل


عند التفضيل بين اثنين في صفة نضيف ( er) للصفة ونضع بعدها كلمة ( than )

الصفة + er + than

لاحظ ما يلي

أطول من Taller than طويل Tall
أقصر من Shorter than قصير Short
أصغر من Smaller than صغير small
أبرد من Colder than بارد cold

لاحظ إذا كانت الصفة منتهية بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك نكرر الحرف الساكن عندما نضيف ( er )

أكبر من Bigger than كبير Big


Rearrange the following words :

1- taller – I’m – Omar – than
2- than – shorter – Hany – shady – is
3- is- bigger – a – date – An apple – than
4- a banana – than – A peach – smaller – is
5- aubergine – is –smaller – an – fruit – than – Which?

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( big –bigger – than )

1- A cat is smaller than ………… dog .
2- A donkey is ………. Than a mouse.

Match the questions with the answers :

1- Who is taller than me ?
2- Is Omar shorter than Handy? Yes, I am
No, he isn’t

Punctuate the following sentence:
dont play with dina/

Lesson 3

Words الكلمات

Vegetable خضرة Vegetables خضروات
Fruit فاكهة Glasses نظارة
Basket سلة Lots of كثير من
Sweet حلوى Tasty لذيذ الطعم
It’s good for me إنه مفيد لي I like it very much أنا أحبها كثيرا
Here’s a watermelon ها هي البطيخة grapefruit ثمرة الجريب فروت


Rearrange the following words :

1- like – very – I – it – much
2- sweet – tasty – and – It’s
3- It’s – for – me – good
4- Lots of – fruit – ’ve – I- got
5- It –very – I – much – like
6- Sweet – is – tasty – and – It

Read and circle the odd one out :

1- apple – banana – make – cabbage
2- look – car – like – have
3- fruit – guess – vegetable- cabbage
4- big – small – jar – small
5- cupboard – like – look – have
6- what – tomatoes – where- when

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( easy – than – easier – tasty – very )

1- English is ………. Than Arabic
2- It’s sweet and ………….
3- It’s bigger ………….. a peach
4- I like it ……….. much .

Punctuate the following sentence:

why didnt we meet on wednesday/

Unit 18

Lesson 1

Words الكلمات

Hello 52 Some بعض
Everyone كل واحد Water ماء
Welcome مرحبا Pencil قلم رصاص
Museum متحف Notebook كراسة
The Egyptian museum المتحف المصري Need يحتاج
Bring يحضر School مدرسة
Camera كاميرا Bag حقيبة
Sorry آسف School bag حقيبة مدرسية
Take pictures يلتقط صور Leave يترك
Buy يشتري Leave it there اتركيها هناك
Postcards بطاقات بريدية Here هنا
Cloak room غرفة حفظ الملابس Coat بالطو


Do I need …………………….?
هل أنا أحتاج ..................................؟

Do ( I – you – we – they )

Does ( she – he – it )

Does + فاعل مفرد + need …………………….?
هل يحتاج .................................؟

Does Dina need her school bag ?

Can I ………………………?
هل يمكنني أن ............................؟

Can I bring my camera ?
Yes , I can .
No , I can’t


Rearrange the following words :

1- there – it – leave
2- some – You – water – need
3- Welcome – Egyptian – to – museum – the
4- Can’t – pictures – take – you
5- Can – postcards – You – here – but
6- Bring – camera – I- my- can ?

Read and circle the odd one out :

1- can’t – don’t – didn’t – bring
2- here – need – leave – buy

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( everyone –here – postcards – can – Do )

1- ……….. I bring my camera ?
2- you can buy ……….. here .
3- ………. I need my school bag ? - No , you don’t
4- Leave it ……..

Punctuate the following sentence:

wlcome to the eyptian museum/

Lesson 2

Words الكلمات

Souvenir هدية تذكارية Postcard بطاقة بريدية
Mug كوب بيد خزفي أو معدني Key ring حلقة / ميدالية مفاتيح
Calendar نتيجة / تقويم Papyrus ورق البردي
Gift shop دكان لبيع الهدايا Purse كيس نقود حريمي
What…..? ما / ماذا ...... Statue تمثال
Buy يشتري bought اشترى


The past tense الماضي البسيط

هو التصريف الثاني للفعل مضافا إليه (d) أو (ed ) إذا كان فعلا منتظما ويحفظ كما هو إذا كان غير منتظم.

She bought a statue and a mug .

النفي في زمن الماضي البسيط

نضع Didn’t قبل فعل الجملة .
فعل الجملة يكون في المصدر عندما نضع قبله didn’t .
My mother didn’t buy two kilos of sugar yesterday

للسؤال بأداة استفهام في زمن الماضي البسيط نستخدم :

أداة استفهام + did + فاعل + فعل في المصدر ……….?

What did Omar buy?
He bought a mug and papyrus
Who bought ………………….?
من اشترى ...................؟

بمعنى من .................؟ Who………? تستخدم
للسؤال عن فاعل عاقل ويأتي بعدها الفعل مباشرة

Who bought a mug and a key ring ? - Walid
Who bought a purse and papyrus? - Amina


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( souvenirs – bought – buy )

1- Noura ……… a mug two days ago .
2- Sameh visited the Egyptian Museum and bought some …….

Match the questions with the answers :

1- When did Walid buy – the key – ring ?
2- Did Sawsan buy papyrus ? Yes , she did
Yes , she didn’t
Last month

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences :

1- calendar – and – key – bought- a – Munira – ring – a.
2- I – need- school – Do – bag – my ?

Lesson 3

Words الكلمات
Class فصل Also أيضا
Went ذهب Mask قناع
Saw رأى The mask of Tutankhamun قناع توت عنخ آمون
Lots of كثير من Gift هدية
Gold ذهب At the gift shop في محل بيع الهدايا
Necklace عقد When عندما
Furniture أثاث ( منزلي ) Left غادر / ترك
Like مثل Look like يشبه
Table منضدة The sphinx أبو الهول
Chair كرسي Post office مكتب بريد
Souvenir هدية تذكارية


Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( who – bring – some – leave – what )

1- ………. Did Walid buy ?
2- Can I ………. My bag ?
3- ……….. bought a mug ? - Noura
4- ……….. it there

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- table –gold – chair – bed
2- bookshop – gift shop – museum – saw
3- go – saw – bought – went
4- to –of – from – shop
5- water – mug – buy – key ring
6- school – like – museum - shop

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( gift – mask – gold )

1- I saw lots of …………. Necklaces.
2- She bought a key ring at the ……………. Shop .

Rearrange the following words :

1- mask – the – saw – Tutankhamun – of – We
2- class – to – my – the – museum – went – Yesterday – Egyptian.
3- You – do – yesterday – did- What?
4- A – and – papyrus – Who – purse – bought ?
5- At – bought – the – shop – We – souvenirs – gift.
6- Dina – at – did- the baker’s – What – buy ?

Punctuate the following sentence:

mgda went to the egyptian museum/

Match the questions with the answers :

1- Where did you go yesterday ?
2- Did Magda a key ring ? No , she didn’t
Yes , she is
The Egyptian Museum

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( souvenir – buy – visit – can’t – amazing )

1- let’s …….. the Egyptian Museum.
2- There are lots of …………. In the gift shop.
3- Sorry , you ………….take pictures.
4- We saw lots of ………… gold necklaces.

Punctuate the following sentence:

hssan and fadi cant take pictures/
Revision F مراجعة
Lesson 1

Words الكلمات
Learn about يتعلم من There are….. يوجد
Pyramids أهرامات Poster ملصق ( إعلان )
Temples معابد Bookshop مكتبة
Bigger than أكبر من Open مفتوح
Museum shop محل المتحف There is…… يوجد
Jewellery مجوهرات Children أطفال
Furniture أثاث Close يغلق
How many …? ما عدد .....؟ Pear كمثرى
Boat قارب Smaller أصغر من
Café مقهى Bicycle دراجة
library مكتبة


للسؤال عن العدد نستخدم :

How many + اسم يعد ( جمع ) …………..?

How many children can you see ?
كم عدد الأطفال الذي تستطيع أن تراه؟

للسؤال عن الوقت نستخدم :

What time ………………..?
What time does the museum shop close ?
كم الساعة التي يغلق فيها محل المتحف؟
At 5 o’clock

What time is it ? كم الساعة ؟
It is half past twelve .


Read and circle the odd one out :
1- learn – here – see – open
2- museum- bookshop – museum shop – girl
3- karnak – mugs – Key rings – camera
4- about – eleven – from – to

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( bought – What time – museum- How many –buy )

1- …………. Children can you see?
2- Can you ………. Key rings in the museum shop?
3- ……….. does the museum shop close ?
4- Is there a bookshop in the ………..? - No , there isn’t

Read and circle the odd one out :

1-boat – children – bicycle – bus
2- close – buy – need – some
3-mugs – key rings – shop – postcards
4- ask- twelve-seventeen – sixty
5- café – school – library - watermelon
6- bicycle – elephant – cat – goat

Rearrange the following words :

1- in – a – museum – Is – the – bookshop – there?
2- Three – in – museum – are – the – children – There .
Lesson 2

Words الكلمات

Postcards بطاقات بريدية Where….? أين....؟
Gift shop محل بيع هدايا تذكارية Room غرفة
Week أسبوع Last week الأسبوع الماضي
A kilo of كيلو من Flour دقيق
Cat قطة Bring يحضر
camera كاميرا


Can you buy ……………..?

هل تستطيع أن تشتري .........................؟

Can you buy postcards in the museum gift shop?
Yes, I can

Can you buy key rings in the museum shop ?
Yes, I can

Can you see…………………?
هل تستطيع أن ترى ................. ................؟

Can you see jewellery in room 3 ?

What can you see ……………..?
ماذا تستطيع أن ترى ........................؟

What can you see in room 27 ?


Match the questions with the answers :

1- What can you see in room 4?
2- Can you see jewellery in Room 3?
3- What time is it?
4- Where can you buy key rings? I can buy them at the gift shop.
I can see jewellery.
No, I can’t
It’s 5 o’clock
Yes, there is

Read and circle the odd one out :
1- mugs- postcards –CD- key rings
2- what – bought – where – who

Rearrange the following words :

1- Room –in –can- Jewellery – see –you – 3?
2- Rings – Where – key – buy – you – can ?

Match the questions with the answers:

1- Who bought a purse and a mug ?
2- Did you go to the museum yesterday ? Yes, we did
Hassan did
No, they didn’t

Lesson 3


Read and circle the odd one out :

1- donkey – duck – banana- lion
2- Alexandria – aubergine –cabbage- strawberry

Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( city – fruit – bigger )
1- A horse is ………… than a dog .
2- Port said is a ……………. . It’s not an animal .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
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