منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:06

New words
earoplane طائرة wings أجنحة body جسم
First, أولا paper ورق help يساعد
Next, ثم How? كيف؟ fold يثنى
Then, بعد ذلك cut out يقطع make يصنع
That's great هذا رائع hands أيدى glue يلصق
trace a circle يرسم دائرة face وجه fly يطير
use a plate يستخدم طبق flour دقيق high مرتفع
cover a book يجلد كتاب flower وردة number رقم
in the sky فى السماء edge حافة wall chart

Learn the following:
The present simple tense
زمن المضارع البسيط
يستخدم زمن المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن أشياء متكررة أو حقائق ثابتة. ☻
► This is how we make a clock.
ويتكون من: ◄
[ I / We / You / They ] مع[ make / cut / fold ] 1- مصدر الفعل ، مثل :
أوأسم مفرد ( He / She / It ) اذا كان الفاعل( -es ) أو ( -s )2- مصدر الفعل مضاف له
[ makes / cuts / folds ] غائب ( مثل اسم أى شخص).
لتكوين السؤال فى هذا الزمن بأداة استفهام نستخدم التكوين التالى :
أداة أستفهام ☻ + do / does + فاعل + فعل فى المصدر + باقى الكلام ?
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
► How do [ you / they ] cover a book?
► How does [ he/ she / it] make a box?
The past simple tense
زمن الماضى البسيط
نستخدم الماضى البسيط للحديث عن شىء بدأ وأنتهى تماما فى الماضى. ☻
► Yesterday, Miss Sara made a clock.
( -ed )( -d ) و يتكون من: 1- الفعل مضاف اليه

► fold → folded / glue → glued.
2- التصريف الثانى للافعال غير المنتظمة:
► put → put / make → made.
regular verbs
أفعال منتظمة irregular verbs
أفعال غير منتظمة
present → past present → Past
fold → folded write → wrote
trace → traced cut → cut
glue → glued stick → stuck
cover → covered make → made
للسؤال بكلمة أستفهام فى زمن الماضى البسيط نستخدم:
☻ كلمة الأستفهام + did + الفاعل + الفعل فى المصدر ………?
► How did they/ he cover a book ?
Sequencing words : First, Next, and Then.
كلمات ترتيب الاحداث
☻ عند وصف عمل شىء نستخدم كلمات معينة لترتيب الاحداث أو ( الخطوات ):
[ First, أولا → Next, التالى → Then, و بعد ذلك ]
☻ How do you make a box?
► First, I cut the paper.
► Next, I fold the wings and glue them.
► Then, I fly it.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :

1. pear – watermelon – fold – orange.
2. aeroplane – body – bus – lorry.
3. book – pen – pencil – next.
4. chair – table – bed – apple.
5. covered – fold – glued – traced.
6. face – fly – body – toes.
7. write – folded – traced – glued.
8. train – bike – plane – plate.
9. first – circle – then – next.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. They – numbers – the – wrote.
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. first – What – do – they – did?
……………………………………….………………………. .

3. cut – I – First, - paper – the.
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. do – it – make – How – you?
……………………………………….………………………. .
5. Next, - fold – I – wings – the.
……………………………………….………………………. .
6. made – a – train – Yesterday, – model – she.
……………………………………….………………………. .
7. the edges – folded – He – the paper – of.
……………………………………….………………………. .

3. Match the questions with the answers :
1. How do you make a box?
2. What did you do yesterday?
3. Did Ahmed trace a circle?
4. What did Sara do yesterday?
5. How does she trace a circle? a) She made a box.
b) Yes, he did.
c) She uses a plate
d) I made a model train.
e) No, she didn't.
f) First, I cut the paper. ( )

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ made – folded – did – make – paper – how - stuck ]
1. I cut some……………………. .
2. ……………………did they make a clock?
3. What………………..Noha do?
4. He……………………..a box.
5. Then, they …………………the hands of the clock.
6. She ………………………the edges of the paper.

5. Punctuate the following sentences :
tamer and ramy can t make a clock
……………………………………………………………… .
next sara glued the sides
……………………………………………………………… .
yesterday magdy made a clock
……………………………………………………………… .

6. Copy the following sentence:
A cock crows on his own dunghill. أسد بالبيت وبالخرج نعامه))
 ………………………………………………………………. .

1) Read and circle the odd one out :
1. wings – train – helicopter – plane.
2. put – sky – make – cut.
3. desk – chair – table – flag.
4. pen – paper – book – bus.
5. trace – wrote – stuck – made.
6. flower – flour – milk – sugar.
7. kite – plane – helicopter – train.

2) Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. mother – cake – a – My – made.
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. did – they – do – What – first?
……………………………………….………………………. .
3. sides – glued – the – She.
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. make – How – you – do – a box?
……………………………………….………………………. .
5. have – wings – it – Did?
……………………………………….………………………. .
6. high – in – It's – sky – the.
……………………………………….………………………. .

3) Read and choose the correct answer:
A ) Yesterday, Tamer went to Ali at his house. They made a lot of things of paper. First, Tamer cut the paper. Then, Ali folded the sides. Next, Ali's father stuck them. We flew it and it was high in the sky. We were very happy.
1. Tamer went to Ali yesterday.
2. Ali's father glued the sides.
3. They made a kite.
4. Tamer folded the sides.
5. Ali was at school yesterday.
6. Tamer was very happy. ( )

B ) Mona is a good girl in primary five. She likes art. Yesterday, she made a clock. First, she traced a circle. Next, she wrote the numbers form 1 to 12. Then, she cut out the hands of the clock and stuck them to the face of the clock.

1. She wrote the numbers from one to twelve.
2. She made a box.
3. She traced a circle.
4. Mona isn't a bad girl.
5. Mona was in primary four last year.
6. The clock has hands. ( )

4) Finish the sentences with words from the list:

[ paper – did – numbers – make – sides - made ]
1. What …………………..… Sara do yesterday?
2. She folded the ……………………………of the paper.
3. How did you ……………………….. a box yesterday?
4. First, I cut the ……………..…………… .
5. Write the …………………….……….from one to twelve.

5) Punctuate the following sentences :
first noureen cut the paper

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. first – and – then – next .
2. chair – table – desk – orange .
3. book – lorry – pencil – ruler .
4. watermelon – bed – orange – pear .
5. train – kite – aeroplane – helicopter .
6. wallchart – notebook – pencil – book .
7. folded – glue – stuck – traced .
8. tree – flour – plant – flower .

2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Did you make a train?
2. Did it have wings?
3. Can it fly?
4. What did Mr Ahmed make? a) Yes, it can.
b) He made a model train.
c) No, she can't fly.
d) No, I didn't.
e) Yes, it had wings. ( )

1. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences:
1. help – a plane – Can – me – you – make ?
……………………………………………………………. .
2. paper – I – First, – the – cut .
……………………………………………………………. .
3. do – a box – you – How – make ?
 ……………………………………………………………. .
4. wings – I – the – fold – Next, .
……………………………………………………………. .
5. did – do – What – Mona ?
……………………………………………………………. .
6. plane – got – wings – The – has – two .
……………………………………………………………. .
7. the – she – sides – Next, – glued .
……………………………………………………………. .
8. she – edges – Then, - the – folded .
……………………………………………………………. .
9. make – is – we – This – a clock – how .
……………………………………………………………. .
10. help – Use – you – to – a plate .
……………………………………………………………. .
11. did – a clock – How – make – they ?
……………………………………………………………. .
12. we – the – Next, - numbers – write .
……………………………………………………………. .
13. cover – do – a book – How – you ?
……………………………………………………………. .
14. the plane – the – Look, - in – sky – high – is .
……………………………………………………………. .
15. put – name – Then , - my – I .
……………………………………………………………. .

16. Nada – a helicopter – Did – yesterday – make ?
……………………………………………………………. .
17. plane – made - Yesterday , - a model – Manar .
……………………………………………………………. .
2. Read and choose the correct answer:
This is how we make a clock . First , we trace a circle . Use a plate to help you . Next , we write the numbers from one to twelve . Then , we cut out the hands of the clock . Then , we stick the hands to the face of the clock .
1. We use a plate to trace a circle .
2. This is how we make a cake .
3. We write the numbers from one to eleven .
4. We cut out the heads of the clock.
5. We glue the hands to the face of the clock .
6. We cut the hands after we stick them .

3. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
1- [ high – made – make –model – cover - wallchart ]
1. What did you …………..…….yesterday ?
2. She made a ……………..……..plane .
3. The plane is …………..……..in the sky .
4. I made an English ……………….and put it in his classroom.
5. How did they ………………….the book?
2- [ wings – hands – traced – did – Then ]
1. The plane has got two ………………… .
2. First they ………..………..a circle .
3. How ………….…….they make a clock ?
4. ……………………,I fold the sides .
5. Next , I glued the ………………..to the face of the clock .
4. Punctuate the following sentence :
1. hi tamer
 …………………………………………………………………. .
2. first i cut the paper
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. then i fly it
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. what did amal and ahmed do
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. yesterday hoda made a clock

New words
goodbye وداعا Dad والد never أبدا
see you later الى لقاء walk يمشى always دائما
drive me to school يوصل بالسيارة work hard يغمل بجد with مع
ice ثلج come يأتى donkey حمار
cold بارد fly يطير hippo سيد قشطة
hot حار swim يسبح elephant فيل
fat سمين dance يرقص turtle سلحفاة
thin نحيف eat يأكل egret أبوقردان
tall طويل grass حشائش giraffe زرافة
short قصير meat لحم goat معزة
on foot سيرا by car بالسيارة by bike بالدراجة
by bus بالأوتوبيس homework واجب by train بالقطار
in the morning فى الصباح late متأخر rain مطر
go to school يذهب للمدرسة early مبكر ride يركب
computer games ألعاب كمبيوتر grey رمادى on land على الأرض
get up ينهض argue يجادل in water فى الماء

Learn the following:
The Present Simple with " always" and " never"
زمن المضارع البسيط يستخدم للتعبير عن أشياء متكررة أو حقائق ثابتة. تذكرأن☻
► I come to school by car.
► Magdy comes to school by bus.
و غالبا ما نشتخدم مع زمن المضارع البسيط كلمات ،مثل:☻
always usually often sometimes Never
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
وهذه الكلمات تعبر عن تكرار حدوث الفعل،وتعتبر أيضا كلمات دالة على زمن المضارع البسيط ، وتوضع قبل ☻
.( be ( ما عدا الفعل الفعل
►He always drives me to school.
►I never walk to school.
► A giraffe is always tall.

How do you go to school?
☻ وهذا السؤال يستخدم عندما نريد معرفة وسيلة المواصلات التى يذهب بها شخص ما الى مكان ما،و تكون الاجابة كما يلى:
► on footسيرا على الأقدام ► by busبواسطةالأوتوبيس
► by carبواسطة السيارة ► by bikeبواسطةالدراجة
مع وسائل المواصلات. by ☻ ولاحظ استخدام حرف الجر

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. Heba – Yasmeen – Tarek – Dina.
2. sister – friends – see – dad.
3. come – walk – on – go.
4. seven – bike – plane – bus.
5. fast – elephant – hippo – donkey.
6. tall – land – slow – fast.
7. dance – swim – land – live.
8. ice – donkey – turtle – fish,
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. How do you go to school?
2. Do you watch T V in the morning?
3. Does a donkey always fly?
4. When do you always get up? a) Yes, he does.
b) No, a donkey never flies.
c) I always get up at six o'clock.
d) I always go to school by car.
e) No, I don't. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. you – later – See.
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. goes to – school – Noha – foot – on.
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. come to – they – How – school – do?
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. school – Dalia – walks – always – to.
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. always – fish – swims – A.
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. is – slow – always – A turtle.
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. never – is – An elephant – thin.
…………………………………………………………………. .

8. plays – at five – Heba – never – tennis – o'clock.
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ walk – later – walks – water - never ]
1. A banana is ………………..……..red.
2. A fish always lives in …………………………. .
3. Goodbye, Dad. See you ……..…………… .
4. Mostafa always ……………………..to school.
5. Punctuate the following sentences :
goodbye salma
………………………………………………………………... .
6. Copy the following sentence :
A man can not serve two masters. (صاحب بالين كذاب)

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. you – they – I – never.
2. six – school –five – eight.
3. sister – father – late – mother.
4. after – do – go – get up.
5. early – do – help – argue.
6. teacher – board – father – school.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1- father – flies – My – planes.
…………………………………………………………………. .
2- Alaa – Her – is – name.
…………………………………………………………………. .
3- school – never – fly – I – to.
…………………………………………………………………. .
4- help – I – mother – always – my.
…………………………………………………………………. .
5- fast – never – is – turtle – A.
…………………………………………………………………. .
6- get – I – always – one o'clock – up – at.
…………………………………………………………………. .
7- plays – tennis – Suzy – with – Heba.
…………………………………………………………………. .

8- does – How – Ramy – school – to – come?
…………………………………………………………………. .

3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name's Ayman. I'm eleven. I live in Minia. My father always drives me to school at eight o'clock in the morning. My sister comes with me. I like my school because the teachers are very good.
1- Ayman is 11 years old.
2- He lives in Minia.
3- Ayman's mother always drives him to school.
4- The teachers aren't very good.
5- There are five people in Ayman's family.
4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ do – late – always – never – by - does ]

1- A fish …………………..……..lives on land,
2- An egret is …………………….white,
3- Tarek never ……………………..his homework at six o'clock.
4- Tamer goes to school …………………….bus.
5- On Fridays, I always get up ……………………. .

5. Punctuate the following sentences :
miss enas never goes to school on friday

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. hot – slow – turtle – fast .
2. walks – swims – live – flies .
3. read – white – blue – grey .
4. donkey – hippo – giraffe – egret .
5. swim – dance – walk – cold .
6. orange – white – tomato – potato .
7. egret – seagull – turtle – parrot .
8. car – foot – train – bus .

1. How do you go to school?
2. Do you walk to school?
3. Is a turtle fast?
4. Does a fish live on land
5. How does Heba go to school ? a) No, it doesn't.
b) By bus.
c) Yes, I do.
d) Yes, it does.
e) I go to school on foot.
f) No, it isn't. ( )

2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. always – school – me – He – to – drives .
………………………………………………………………... .
2. does – to – Manar – school – How – go ?
………………………………………………………………... .
3. turtle – slow – always – A – is .
………………………………………………………………... .
4. to – Sara – school – walks – never .
………………………………………………………………... .
5. on – to – He – foot – school – goes .
………………………………………………………………... .
6. do – school – to – How – come – they ?
………………………………………………………………... .
7. by – goes – Ahmed – bike – always – to school .
………………………………………………………………... .
8. never – tennis – o’clock – Emad – at – plays – five .
………………………………………………………………... .
9. on – lives – A fish – land – never .
………………………………………………………………... .
10. always – homework – Nada – her – does .
………………………………………………………………... .
11. do – does – a hippo – What – always ?
………………………………………………………………... .
12. get – early – up – always – I .
………………………………………………………………... .
13. An – never – egret – is – orange .
………………………………………………………………... .
14. school – never – to – I – late – go .
………………………………………………………………... .
15. in – always – water – fish – lives – A .
………………………………………………………………... .

3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name's Hatem. I always get up early. I go to school by bus. I always wave goodbye to my mother. My father flies planes. He watches T V in the evening. I like computer games.
1. Hatem never gets up late.
2. Hatem flies planes.
3. Hatem's father likes computer games.
4. Hatem never walks to school.
5. Hatem's father is a pilot.
6. Hatem goes to school with his sister.

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Tarek is my friend . He always works hard . His father always drives him to school . He always gets up early in the morning. He never gets to school late . He always does his homework and helps his mother . He never argues with his father .
1. Tarek never goes to school on foot.
2. Tarek always goes to school late.
3. Tarek never argues with his father.
4. Tarek never does his homework.
5. Tarek's mother drives him to school.
6. He goes to school by car.

5. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
1- [ see – how – where – on – by ]

1. Goodbye , Dad. …………….…….…..you later.
2. She never goes to school ……………..…….. foot .
3. ………………….. do you go to school ? In Cairo.
4. I go to school ……………..……..bus .

2- [ eats – fast – land– up – never – always ]
1. A fish never lives on …………..…..…….. .
2. A goat never ……………………. meat .
3. An elephant is ……………………. fat .
4. A turtle is never …..…………………… .
5. I never get …………….…..late .

6. Punctuate the following sentence :
1. goodbye tarek
………………………………………………………………... .
2. what does mariam always do at six o clock
………………………………………………………………... .
3. does eman play tennis at nine o clock
………………………………………………………………... .
4. what do heba and adel do in the morning
………………………………………………………………... .
5. how does miss hoda go to school
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:11

New Words
weather الطقس ,too. = also أيضا picture صوره
very hard بشده outside بالخارج tomorrow غدا
palm tree نخلة celsius مئوية will سوف
Let's هيا بنا fish سمك - يصطاد catch fish سمك - يصطاد
visit يزور – زيارة interesting شيق set تغرب
cousin ابن عم famous for مشهور ب sunset الغروب
wonderful رائع waterwheel ساقيه waterfall شلال
holiday أجازة Lake Qarun بحيرة قارون wind الرياح
The weather الطقس
sunny مشمس snowing مثلج windy عاصف
cloudy غائم stormy عاصف raining ممطر
cool بارد قليلا warm دافىء rainy ممطر
cold بارد hot ساخن
Directions الاتجاهات
الشمال south
الجنوب east الشرق west الغرب

Will سوف
وبعدها فعل في المصدر:( will ) عند الحديث عن أشياءسوف تحدث في المستقبل نستخدم☺
will + مصدر
► Tomorrow, it will be hot and sunny.
وفي السؤال نقول:☺
Will + فاعل + مصدر الفعل + بقية الكلام ?
Will it be cold in Cairo tomorrow?
و للاجابة نقول :
Yes, it will. أو No, it won't.

Talking about the weather التحدث عن الطقس
☺ عندما نسأل عن حالة الطقس نقول:
► What's the weather like in May?
► It's sunny. / It's windy. / It’s cold.
☺ و يمكن أن نسأل كما يلي:
► Is it sunny? بمعني هل الجو مشمس؟
Yes, it is. أو No, it isn't.

The past simple tense زمن الماضي البسيط
تذكر أننا نستخدم الماضى البسيط للحديث عن شىء بدأ وأنتهى تماما فى الماضى. ☺
► last week, I visited my uncle in Al Fayoum.
► I caught five fish.
وتذكر أن الماضى البسيط يتكون من: ◄
1- الفعل فى المصدر + ed → visited .
2- ( التصريف الثانى للافعال غير المنتظمة)→ saw.
regular verbs
أفعال منتظمة irregular verbs
أفعال غير منتظمة
يزور visit → visited يرى see → saw
يصطاد سمك fish → fished يصطاد catch → caught
يشاهد watch → watched تغرب الشمش set → set

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. listen – like – look – too.
2. Giza – tomorrow – London – Cairo.
3. sunny – windy – stormy – picture.
4. Cairo – March – February – May.
5. write – degrees – read – listen.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Will it be raining in Cairo?
2. What's the weather like in November?
3. Is it cold today?
4. Where did you go yesterday? a) Yesterday, I visited my uncle.
b) Yes, it is .
c) It's raining .
d) No, it won't.
e) I like ice cream.

6. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. snowing – It's – London – in.
……………………………………………………………….. .
2. weather – in – May – the – What's – like?
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
3. windy – Is – today – it?
……………………………………………………………….. .
4. will be – raining – hot – It – and.
……………………………………………………………….. .
5. it – tomorrow – Will – be – cloudy?
 ……………………………………………………………….. .

6. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ it will – will it – is – weather – hard – sunny ]
1. What's the ……………….like in January?
2. It's raining very ………………… .
3. ……………be hot in Cairo tomorrow?
4. It will be very hot and ……………..
5. Is it sunny in Cairo? Yes, it ………………. .

7. Punctuate the following sentences :
it s cold in cairo
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
8. Copy the following sentence :
All is well that ends well. جيد كل شىء جيد اذا انتهى بشكل

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. sunday – east – north – west.
2. interesting – beautiful – wonderful – palm tree.
3. Tokyo – Al Fayoum – week – Paris.
4. lake – sea – holiday – zoo.
5. also – visited – watched – caught.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. Al Fayoum – very – interesting – is.
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
2. my – I – visited – cousin – Last week,.
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
3. is – a – city – It – beautiful.
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
4. caught – fish – I – five.
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
5. watched – the sun set – We – the west – in.
……………………………………………………………….. .
6. hard – raining – It – very – is.
 ……………………………………………………………….. .

7. Read and choose the correct answer :
Last week, I visited my grandfather in Al Fayoum. It is a beautiful city south of Cairo. It is famous for its waterwheels. I saw palm trees and I watched the sun set in the west. It was a wonderful holiday.
1- Al Fayoum is a beautiful city ( south – north – east ) of Cairo.
2- Al Fayoum is famous for its ( rivers – waterwheels – boats )
3- I ( caught – fished – watched ) the sun set in the west.
4- It ( is – were – was ) a wonderful holiody.

8. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ be – waterfalls – tomorrow – is - was ]
1- Is it windy today? Yes, it …………….. .
2- The weather will ………….cold and raining.
3- There are famous ………………in Al Fayoum.
4- Will it be hot and sunny in Paris ………………….?
9. Punctuate the following sentences :
will it be sunny in giza on Sunday

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. sunny – windy – May – cloudy .
2. November – stormy – January – February .
3. London – Weather – Cairo – Aswan .
4. snowing – raining – stormy – Samy .
5. cought – worked – fished – flew .
6. lived – ate – watched – lived .
7. Mouth – south – east – west .
8. ice – water – sea – snake .
9. pyramid – waterfall – waterwheels – lake .
10. My – January – February – December .
11. rain – windy – sunny – cloudy .
12. behind – outside – bag - between .

2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Will it be cold tomorrow?
2. Is cairo notrth of Al Fayoum?
3. What's the weather like in Cairo?
4. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
5. Where did you go last week? a) It will be hot.
b) It is hot.
c) Yes, it is
d) No, it won't.
e) I visted my grandfather in Al Fayoum.
f) I watched the sun set. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :-
1. cloudy – be – Tokyo – Tomorrow, - will – it – in .
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. fished – Qarun – We – Lake – in .
 …………………………………………………………………. .
3. of – is – Cairo – Al Fayoum – south .
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. visited – of – the – We – Meidum – Pyramid .
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. set – watched – the – I – sun .
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. cousin – Aswan – I – in – my – visited .
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. pyramid – famous – is – This – very .
…………………………………………………………………. .
8. for – is – waterwheels – Al Fayoum – its – famous .
…………………………………………………………………. .
9. November – the – like – What's – in – weather ?
 …………………………………………………………………. .
10. sun – West – The – in – sets – the .
…………………………………………………………………. .
11. Nasser – Aswan – is – Lake – in .
…………………………………………………………………. .
12. will – sunny – hot – It – be – and .
…………………………………………………………………. .
13. Cairo – be – Will – in – cold – it ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
14. will – snowing – Yes , - be – it .
…………………………………………………………………. .
15. in – the – What's – November – like – weather ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
16. sunny – London – It's – in .
…………………………………………………………………. .
17. May – it – in – Is – windy ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
18. raining – Look, – is – outside – it .
…………………………………………………………………. .

1. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Last week, we had a school trip to Al Fayoum .We went there by bus. It's a beautiful city south of Cairo. It’s famous for its waterwheels. We saw them. We visited the Pyramid of Meidum, too .We fished in Lake Qarun .It was a wonderful day.
1. Cairo is north of Al Fayoum. ( )
2. Qarun is a sea. ( )
3. Cairo is famous for its waterwheels. ( )
4. We went there by train. ( )
5. We went to Al Fayoum yesterday. ( )
6. The waterwheels are very famous. ( )
7. We caught fish in Lake Qarun. ( )

2. Finish :
[ will – won't – tomorrow – snowing – sunny – weather]
1. It will be raining in Paris ……………………. .
2. It’s …………………..in Cairo.
3. No, it …………….….be cold in Luxor.
4. What's the ………………….like in London?
5. Will it be sunny tomorrow? Yes, it …………….. .
[fished – watched – famous – south - north ]
6. We ……………..…….the sunset in the west.
7. They …………..……in Lake Qarun.
8. Al Fayoum is ………..……….for its waterwheels.
9. Alexandria is ………..……… of cairo .

3. Punctuate:
1. cairo is north of al fayoum
 ……………………………………………………………….. .
2. it s snowing in london
……………………………………………………………….. .
3. it won t be cold in cairo tomorrow
……………………………………………………………….. .
4. no it won t
……………………………………………………………….. .
5. lake qarun is in al fayoum
……………………………………………………………….. .
6. menna visited the pyramid of meidum

New words
crocodile تمساح back ظهر
trunk زلومه الفيل horse حصان
bake يعجن \ يخبز cover يغطى \ يجلد
cycle يركب عجله tail ذيل

Learn the following:
• A bird always flies with its wings. It never flies with a fan.
• A crocodile never walks on its back.
• Elephants are always fat and they have got long trunks.
• A donkey has got long ears and its ears are never short.
• Ahmed never goes to school by bus.
• He always walks to school.
1) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

2) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

B) Reading Comprehension:
3) Read and circle the odd one out :
1. Match – January – May – November.
2. ear – tail – bus – trunk.
3. North – East – West – Mouth.
4. goes – flies – horse – walks.
5. elephant – hippo – flour – crocodile.
6. Eman – London – Paris – Japan.
7. purple – lake – black – red.
8. plane – can – bus – train.
9. sunny – cloudy – window – rainy.
10. Friday – April – Tuesday – Sunday.
11. foot – long – short – thin.
12. cake – chair – table – box.
13. snowing – raining – playing – stormy.
4) Match the questions with the answers :
1. What did they do at first?
2. Do you fly to school?
3. Will it be hot and sunny in Paris tomorrow?
4. What's that? a) No, it won't.
b) Yes, it is a plane.
c) It's an aeroplane.
d) No, I don't.
e) They traced a circle. ( )

1. How does Ahmed go to school?
2. Will it be cold and cloudy in Cairo tomorrow?
3. What did Toka do?
4. Is it hot in August a) She never gets up early.
b) Yes, it is .
c) She made a box.
d) He goes to school by car.
e) No, it won't. ( )

C)Writing :
5) Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Last week, I visited my cousin in Tanta. It is a beautiful city south of Alexandria. Tanta is famous for its factories. We visited some factories in Tanta. We saw some farms there. We fished in the River Nile. I caught four fish. The weather was cool and cloudy.
1- The factories in Tanta are famous. ( )
2- We fished in the lake. ( )
3- It was cold and raining in Alexandria. ( )
4- Alexandria is north of Tanta. ( )
5- I saw some farms in Tanta. ( )
6- I fished four fish. ( )

6) Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Every year, I always go to Giza zoo with my family. MY father drives us to the zoo. We like to see animals. I see a hippo and a giraffe. A hippo always swims. It never flies. A giraffe is always tall. It's never short. We are very happy.
1- We aren't very sad. ( )
2- We go to the zoo by car. ( )
3- A hippo always swims. ( )
4- I see a hippo and an elephant. ( )
5- We like to see animals. ( )
6- My family never goes to Giza zoo. ( )

7) Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ always – south – trunks – tails – like – foot ]
1- Elephants have got long …………………… .
2- What's the weather ………………in December?
3- I ……………….get up early.
4- He goes to school on ……………… .
5- Cairo is ……………….of Alexandria.
8) Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ made – cover – never – always – famous – do ]
1- Ice is ……………….hot .
2- Al Fayoum is………………for its waterwheels.
3- Yesterday, Ahmed ……………a model train.
4- I always ……………..my homework.
5- How do you …………….. a book?
9) Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1- never – has – A horse – tail – a short.
2- see – can – ship – I – a big.
3- wings – two – plane – A – has.
4- like – August – What’s – in – weather – the?
5- Qena – of – is – Luxor – south.
6- was – wonderful – It – holiday – a.
7- going to – The girl – by car – is – Giza.
8- sunny – It's – London – in.
9- are – There – Al Fayoum – waterwheels – at.
10- do – make – How – a helicopter – you?
11- is – we – a flower – This – make – how.
12- raining – hard – It's – outside – very.
13- sunny – will – Tomorrow, – be – it.
14- in – A fish – water – lives – always.
15- elephant – An – never – is – thin.
16- cousin – Yara – Yesterday – her – visited.

10) Punctuate the following sentences :
1- it s zero degrees in london
2- it s sunny in alexandria
3- how do sohila and tasneem make trouble
4- does ahmed go to school on saturday
11) Copy the following sentence :
Barking dogs seldom bite. الكلاب النباحه نادراً ما تعض
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:15

اختبارات التقويم الأول 1

A ) listening:
1. Listen to the words and circle the right picture :( / 3 )
a)a bike b)a hippo c) raining

2. Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture : ( / 3 )
a) I like apples. b) This is my dress. c) a It's sunny in Aswan.

B) Reading Comprehension:
3. Read and circle the odd one out : ( / 2 )
1. first – and – then – next .
2. chair – table – desk – orange .
3. hot – slow – turtle – fast .
4. read – white – blue – grey .
4. Match the questions with the answers : ( / 4 )
1. Does a donkey always fly?
2. What time do you get up?
3. What did Omar make?
4. Did you make a train? a) At ten o'clock.
b) No, I didn't.
c) He made a box.
d) No, it doesn't.
e) At school. ( )

C)Writing :
5. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) : ( / 4 )
Tarek is my friend. He always works hard. His father always drives him to school. He always gets up early in the morning. He never gets to school late . He always does his homework and helps his mother . He never argues with his father.
1. Tarek always goes to school late.
2. Tarek never argues with his father.
3. Tarek never does his homework.
4. Tarek goes to school by car.

6. Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( / 2 )
[ wings – slow – up – fast – Then ]
1. The plane has got two ………………… .
2. ……………………,I fold the sides .
3. A turtle is never …..…………………… .
4. I never get …………….…..late .

7. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences : ( / 4 )
1. cover – do – a book – How – you ?
 ……………………………………………………………. .
2. paper – I – First, – the – cut .
……………………………………………………………. .
3. to – Sara – school – walks – never .
………………………………………………………………... .
4. An – never – egret – is – orange .
………………………………………………………………... .

8. Punctuate the following sentence : ( / 2 )
how does miss huda go to school
…………………………………………………………………… .
9. Copy the following sentence : ( / 1 )
Let's play football at five o'clock.

اختبارات التقويم الأول2

A ) listening:
1. Listen to the words and circle the right picture :( / 3 )
a)a plane b)a fish c) sunny

2. Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture : ( / 3 )
a) I like apples. b) This is my blouse. c) a It's raining in London.
B) Reading Comprehension:
3. Read and circle the odd one out : ( / 2 )
1. swim – dance – walk – cold .
2. car – foot – train – bus .
3. train – kite – aeroplane – helicopter .
4. book – lorry – pencil – ruler .
4. Match the questions with the answers : ( / 4 )
1. When do you get up?
2. Do you watch T V in the morning?
3. Did it have wings?
4. How do you go to school? a) Yes, it did.
b) By bus.
c) At ten o'clock.
d) Yes, I do.
e) He made a box. ( )

C)Writing :
5. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) : ( / 4 )
This is how we make a clock . First , we trace a circle . Use a plate to help you. Next, we write the numbers from one to twelve. Then, we cut out the hands of the clock. Then, we stick the hands to the face of the clock .
1. We use a plate to trace a circle.
2. This is how we make a clock.
3. We write the numbers from one to eleven.
4. We cut out the heads of the clock.

6. Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( / 2 )
[ did – traced – land– never – always ]
1. A fish never lives on …………..…..…….. .
2. An elephant is ……………………. fat.
3. First, they ………..………..a circle .
4. How ………….…….they make a clock?
7. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences : ( / 4 )

1. turtle – slow – always – A – is .
 ………………………………………………………………... .
2. get – early – up – always – I .
………………………………………………………………... .
3. did – a clock – How – make – they ?
……………………………………………………………. .
4. wings – I – the – fold – Next, .
………………………………………………………………... .

8. Punctuate the following sentence : ( / 2 )
what do heba and adel do in the morning

9. Copy the following sentence : ( / 1 )
Let's play football at five o'clock.

New words
Good morning صباح الخير try on يقيس
What size..? ما المقاس؟ pink وردى \ بمبى
How much..? كم ثمن؟ great رائع
shoes حذاء Here you are. تفضل
please من فضلك watermelon بطيخه
skirt جيبه blouse بلوزه
shorts شورت ( جمع ) packet of باكو من
biscuits بسكوت bottle of زجاحه من
juice عصير bag of crisps كيس من المقرمشات
woman سيده man رجل
half a pound نصف جنيه shopping bag حقيبه تسوق
bread خبز baker's مخبز
meat لحم butcher's جزاره
buy يشترى Off we go ها نحن قد ذهبنا
shelf رف piaster = P T قرش
cabbage كرنبه a pound = L E جنيه

☻ Learn the following ☻
Can I …………..? هل يمكنني ....... ؟
☺ تستخدم هذه الصيغةعند الطلب بطريقة مهذبة، و يأتى بعدها فعل في صيغة المصدر :
►Can I try on these shoes, please? هل يمكنني أن أقيس هذه الأحذية ؟
► Can I have them? هل يمكنني أن أحصل عليهم؟
Yes, you can. أو No, you can't. و الاجابة تكون :

☺ What size are you? ما مقاسك ....؟
►Thirty five.
☺ How much is / are………..?
☺ نسأل بها عن ثمن شىء ، لاحظ أستخدامها مع المفرد و الجمع :
☺ How much is the book?
► It's ten pounds.

☺ How much are the black shoes?
► They're fifty pounds.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. fifty – read – look – listen.
2. red – blue – football – brown.
3. socks – t-shirt – dress – size.
4. seventy – please – forty – twenty.
5. crisps – skirt – milk – water.
6. glass – bag – bottle – pink.
7. shoes – juice – skirt – blouse.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What colour are the socks?
2. What size are the shoes?
3. Can I have this pink shoes, please?
4. How much is the red hat? a. By car.
b. Yes, you can.
c. It's forty two pounds.
d. They are black.
e. Thirty four. ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. crisps – This – bag of – a – is.
………………………………………………………………………… .
2. you – are – Here.
………………………………………………………………………… .
3. pounds – is – It – eight.
………………………………………………………………………… .
4. the – is – bottle of – How much – water?
………………………………………………………………………… .
5. are – socks – How much - ,please – the?
………………………………………………………………………… .
6. sixty – nine – They're – pounds.
………………………………………………………………………… .
7. at – blue – the – shoes – Look.
………………………………………………………………………… .
8. size – What – they – are?
………………………………………………………………………… .
4. Punctuate the following sentences :
can i have that shirt please
 ………………………………………………………. .

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. table – train – chair – shelf.
2. watermelon – sweets – pounds – cabbage.
3. blouse – dress – shoes – paper.
4. skirt – pen – book – pencil.
5. packet – bottle – bag – man.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. shirt – is – My – blue.
………………………………………………………………………… .
2. much – shorts – are – the – How?
………………………………………………………………………… .
3. I – book - ,please – Can – that – have?
………………………………………………………………………… .
4. are – The – pounds – sunglasses.
………………………………………………………………………… .
5. much – the – juice – How – orange – is?
………………………………………………………………………… .
3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name's Walaa. I went to the market with my mother last Friday. We bought a cabbage. It was LE 5 . Then, we bought meat from the butcher's and biscuits from the baker's. I was very happy because my mother bought a new dress for me.
1. We went to the market on Sunday. ( )
2. The cabbage was 5 piastres. ( )
3. We bought meat form the butcher's. ( )
4. I went to the market with my brother. ( )
5. Walaa is a boy. ( )
6. The market was on Friday. ( )

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ are – fruit – they're – have – meat –It's ]
1- Can I ………………….. the book, please?
2- I go to the market to buy some………………….. .
3- How much ……………..the shoes?
4- He goes to the butcher's to buy some……………. .
5- How much is the bag? ………………..twenty pounds
5. Punctuate the following sentences :
heba s mother went to the shops last friday

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. book – pen – sheep – pencil .
2. shorts – skirt – shelf – shirt .
3. juice – market – baker's – butcher's .
4. pink – yellow – glue – brown .
5. short – trousers – shoes – blouse .
6. pen – book – pencil – shelf .
7. cloudy –rainy – always – sunny .
8. aeroplane – paper – ship – train .
9. juice – water – milk – crisps .
10. crisps – potatoes – biscuits – juice .
11. red – blue – back – brown .
12. eighty – ninety – early –thirty .
13. watermelon – purple – apple – orange .

2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. How much is the ball?
2. What's the weather like?
3. How much are the shoes?
4. What size are you?
5. Can I have this bag? a. No, you can't.
b. It's twenty pounds.
c. It's very cold.
d. They are thirty pounds.
e. Thirty four. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. shoes – much – these – How – are ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. have, - Mum – Can – them – I – please ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. are – size – you – What ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. I – these – please – try on – Can – shoes ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. are – Here – you .
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. colour – the – What – shoes – are – brown ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. are – fifty – pounds – They .
…………………………………………………………………. .
8. pounds – are – The – twenty seven – shoes .
…………………………………………………………………. .
9. is – the – much – juice – How ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
10. shops – going – They're – the – to .
…………………………………………………………………. .
11. fruit – the – We – from – market – buy .
…………………………………………………………………. .
12. have – pencil – Can – that – I ?
…………………………………………………………………. .
15. milk – the bottle – How – is – of – much ?
…………………………………………………………………. .

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Tomorrow, I'm going to the Friday market. I'm going with my mother to buy some fruit . We are also going to the baker's to buy bread and the butcher's to buy some meat .I always help my mother carry the shopping bag .
1. We buy bread from the butcher's . ( )
2. I always help my father . ( )
3. We are going to the butcher's to buy meat . ( )
4. Tomorrow, I'm ging to the market . ( )
5. I'm going to buy vegetables from the market . ( )
6. I'm going to the market with my grandmother. ( )
7. I always help my mother carry the school bag . ( )

5. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ I can – Can I –pounds –size – much – shelf ]
1. The brown shoes are fifty seven …………
2. How ……………..are these shoes ?
3. What …………….are you ?
4. Put the books on the …………… .
5. …………… try on these shoes, please ?

[ bag – bottle – bread – meat – are – is]
6. This …………..of juice is fifteen pounds .
7. How much …………….the skirt ?
8. We buy some ……………from the butcher's .
9. This …………… of crisps is sixty pounds .

6. Punctuate:
13. what size are you menna
…………………………………………………………………. .
14. how much is the t-shirt please
…………………………………………………………………. .
15. can i have a book please
…………………………………………………………………. .
16. we re going to the shops on sunday
…………………………………………………………………. .
17. shrouk s going to the baker s
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:18

New words
seasons فصول spring الربيع summer الصيف
autumn الخريف winter الشتاء Very cold بارد جدا
cool بارد قليلا weather الجو \ الطقس favourite مفضل
warm دافىء windy عاصف raining ممطر
snowy تمطر ثلجا 20∙ C 20 درجه There are يوجد للجمع
start يبدأ finger اصبع اليد leaves اوراق شجر
listen to يستمع الى the wind الرياح

☻ Learn the following ☻
☺How many months are there in a year?
►There are twelve months in a year.
☺How many seasons are there in a year?
►There are four seasons in a year.
☺How many months are there in a season?
►There are three months in a season.

Months الشهور Seasons الفصول What's the weather like in it?
January } Winter It's cold and raining.
March }
April Spring It's warm and windy.
June }
July Summer It's hot and sunny.
September }
October Autumn It's warm and windy.
December winter

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1- Hesham – Ashraf – Dina – Hossam.
2- ten – year – twelve – four.
3- school – windy – cold – hot.
4- favourite – spring – summer – winter.
5- March – June – December – cold.
6- London – Luxor – April – Paris.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Does school start in summer?
2. How many seasons are there?
3. Is your birthday in winter?
4. What's your favourie season? a. Yes, it is.
b. It's winter.
c. Twelve months.
d. Four seasons.
e. No, it doesn't. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. season – What's – Dina's – favourite?
 …………………………………………………….. .
2. don't – weather – I – hot – like.
 ………………………………………………….. .
3. there – seasons – How – are – many?
 ………………………………………………….. .
4. it's – raining – In autumn, - and – cool.
 ………………………………………………….. .
5. four – are – There – seasons.
 ………………………………………………….. .
6. always – It's – winter – cold – in.
 ………………………………………………….. .
7. don't – school – Friday – go to – I – on.
 ………………………………………………….. .
4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ three – spring – seasons – months – hot – summer - winter ]
1. There are four ………………..in a year.
2. June, July and August are………………..months.
3. In summer, it's ………………..and sunny.
4. It's cold and raining in ……………….. .
5. There are ……………………months in a seasons.
6. In ………………., it's warm and windy.
5. Punctuate the following sentences :
it s summer in cairo

1. Read and circle the odd one out :

1. seasons – months – years – birds.
2. listen – wind – autumn – flowers.
3. warm – play – cool – sunny.
4. December – June – March – Friday.
5. wind – look – read – listen.

2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. cold – winter – It's – in – always.
 ……………………………………………………………. .
2. school – summer – Does – start – in?
 ……………………………………………………………. .
3. season – favourite – MY – spring – is.
 ……………………………………………………………. .
4. seasons – of – Sing – the – a song.
 ……………………………………………………………. .
5. spring – Is – in – March?
 ……………………………………………………………. .
6. the – leaves – at – Look.
 ……………………………………………………………. .

3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Spring is my favourite season. We always go the gardens. We see flowers and listen to the birds. We always go to the zoo. We see lots of animals and birds there. People are very happy in spring.

1- We always go to the zoo in spring. ( )
2- People are very sad in spring. ( )
3- We listen to the birds in spring. ( )
4- We never go to the gardens in spring. ( )
5- We see birds in the zoo. ( )
6- My favourite season is spring. ( )

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ Friday – summer – like – is – raining - likes ]
1. It's winter in London. It's cold and ……………. .
2. Is Tasneem's birthday in spring? Yes, it ………….. .
3. I don't go to school on …………… .
4. Do you …………………winter?
5. It's hot and sunny. It's ………………. .
Punctuate the following sentences :
is nehal s birthday in spring

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. summer – autumn – winter – cloudy.
2. November- December – My – July.
3. spring – cool – warm – snowy .
4. Tokyo – Paris – Pyramids – London .
5. sing – spring – wing – man .
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What’s your favourite season?
2. How many seasons are there in a year?
3. How many months are there in a year?
4. Is your birthday in May?
5. Is December in summer? a. No, it isn't.
b. Twelve.
c. Yes, it is.
d. Three.
e. Four.
f. It's spring. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. hot – summer –It's – in – always.
……………………………………………………………… .
2. is – season –your – What – favourite?
……………………………………………………………… .
3. the – Can – seasons – say – you ?
……………………………………………………………… .
4. don't – weather – I – hot – like .
……………………………………………………………… .
5. birthday – summer – My – in – is .
……………………………………………………………… .
6. many – there – seasons – How – are ?
……………………………………………………………… .

7. and – it's – cool – autumn, – raining – In .
……………………………………………………………… .
8. are – in – three – There – a season – months .
……………………………………………………………… .
9. cold – London – raining – in –It's – and .
……………………………………………………………… .
10. Cairo – Is – in – hot – it ?
……………………………………………………………… .
11. spring – Sing – of – summer – and – a song .
……………………………………………………………… .
12. October – autumn – Is – in ?
……………………………………………………………… .
13. birthday –winter – My – in – is .
……………………………………………………………… .
14. school – in – Does – summer – start ?
……………………………………………………………… .

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
There are four seasons and twelve months in a year. The seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter .Cairo is always hot in summer .Paris is cold in winter. In summer, we go to Alexandria to swim in the sea .In winter, we go to Luxor and Aswan.
1. There are four months in a year . ( )
2. In winter we go to Aswan . ( )
3. Cairo is never cold in summer . ( )
4. We go to Alexandra to sleep . ( )
5. We swim in the sea in winter . ( )
6. Summer is a season . ( )
7. There are four seasons in a week . ( )
5. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ spring – tree– seasons – month – always – never ]
1. There are four ……………..…..in a year .
2. My favourite …………….…..is September .
3. In …………....…..It's warm and windy .
4. It's ………….……… cold in winter .
5. A …………..…………has lots of leaves .

[ is – don't – hot – winter – March ]
6. ………………….August in summer ?
7. December, January , February are ………….…months .
8. In summer , it’s ………..…and sunny .
9. Do you like winter ? No. I …….………… .

6. Punctuate the following sentence :
1. it s always cold in december
……………………………………………………………… .
2. in spring is it windy in egypt
……………………………………………………………… .
3. it s cold in tokyo
……………………………………………………………… .
4. are march and april in winter
……………………………………………………………… .
5. is dina s birthday in spring

New words
How far? كم تبعد too ايضا on holiday فى اجازه
Where? اين؟ went ذهب \ راح from من
When? متى؟ with مع about حوالى
How ? كيف؟ parents الابوين kilometres كيلو متر
What? ما \ ماذا؟ boat مركب there هناك
saw رأى temple معبد On the Nile على النيل
visited زار Hi! اهلا circle دائره
now الأن next ثم That's right هذا صحيح
learn يتعلم good جيد Well done! أحسنت
The sphinx ابو الهول amazing رائع Kebash Road طريق الكباش
statue تمثال enjoy يستمتع ب visit يزور
an hour ساعه
The Valley of the Kings وادى الملوك - take photographs يصور

Learn the following;

تذكر أن الاسئلة فى زمن الماضى البسيط تتكون من: ☺
أداة استفهام + بقية الكلام + فعل الجملة + فاعل + فعل مساعد?
►Where did you go for the holiday?
► What did you see there?
ونحول فعل الجملة الى الماضى:( did ) ☺ و فى الاجابة نحذف ( أداةو الاستفهام ) و نحذف
► We went to Luxor for the holiday.
► We saw the temple at Karnak.
How far …….? كم بعد المسافة ....؟
☺How far is it from Luxor to Qena?
►It's about sixty kilometers.
► ninety 90 ► a ( one ) hundred 100
►two hundred 200 ► two hundred and twenty five 225
► three hundred and forty 340

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. listen – ask – visit – temple.
2. what – where – holiday – when.
3. summer – parents – spring – winter.
4. friend – seventy – eighty – ninety.
5. Zagazig – Cairo – spring – Assuit.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. When did you go to Alexandria?
2. How far is it from Luxor to Qena?
3. Did you go by boat on the Nile?
4. Where did you go on holiday? a. Yes, he does.
b. I went to Luxor.
c. In summer.
d. It's about sixty kilometers.
e. No, we didn't. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. went – car – by – We.
……………………………………………………………… .
2. saw – They – the temple – Karnak – at.
……………………………………………………………………… .
3. go – you – train – Did – by?
……………………………………………………………… .
4. live – Asmaa – doesn’t – Luxor – in.
……………………………………………………………… .
5. is – Banha – How far – Cairo – from?
……………………………………………………………… .
6. 132 kilometres – from – is – El Menya – Assuit.
……………………………………………………………… .
4. Punctuate the following sentences :
i didn t visit tanta

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. morning – evening – three – afternoon.
2. write – visit – light – read.
3. Cairo – Aswan – Luxor – father.
4. holiday – parents – mother – father.
5. car – circle – bike – train.

2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. saw – They – Karnak – at – the temple.
…………………………………………………………………… .
2. did – she – there – What – do?
…………………………………………………………………… .
3. about – kilometres – eighty – It's.
…………………………………………………………………… .
4. went to – with – Heba – her friends – Cairo.
…………………………………………………………………… .
5. enjoyed – We – holiday – our.
…………………………………………………………………… .
6. did – go – where – you – yesterday?
…………………………………………………………………… .

3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name's youmna. My family went on holiday to Luxor. We visited the temples at Luxor and Karnak. They were amazing. We enjoyed the sound and light at nine o'clock. We liked our holiday.
1- Youmna's family enjoyed the holiday. ( )
2- Youmna's family went to Luxor. ( )
3- They enjoyed the show in the evening. ( )
4- The temples were amazing. ( )
5- Youmna went to Luxor with her friends. ( )
6- They visited the temples at Aswan. ( )

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ far – Sound – go – with – went – much ]
1- Yara went to luxor ……………….her parents.
2- Where did you ………………yesterday?
3- How …………….is it from Cairo to Tanta?
4- We ……………….on holiday to lUxor and Aswan.
5- My parents enjoyed the ……………..and Light Show.

5. Punctuate the following sentences :
this is the valley of the kings

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. train – plate – car – bus .
2. forty – thirty – spring – sixty .
3. Samar – autumn – winter – spring .
4. Luxor – Qena – Assiut – karnak .
5. seventy – eighty – kilometers – fifty .
6. visit – swam –went – saw .
7. have – where – When – What .
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What's ten and thirty?
2. How much are the beaches?
3. How far is it from your home to school?
4. How much is the cabbage? a. 1 km.
b. It's hot.
c. It's LE 3.50.
d. They're LE 2.
e. It's 40. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. went – with – parents – Youmna – Luxor – her – to .
……………………………………………………………………… .
2. saw – in – I – a boat – the Nile .
……………………………………………………………………… .
3. to – it – How far – Luxor – Qena – is – from ?
……………………………………………………………………… .
4. a lot – Luxor – We – about – learned .
……………………………………………………………………… .
5. karnak – visited – at – We – temple – the .
……………………………………………………………………… .
6. show – enjoyed – My – the – parents .
……………………………………………………………………… .
7. on – to – We – luxor – holiday – went .
……………………………………………………………………… .
8. there – did – do – you – What ?
……………………………………………………………………… .
9. many – There – there – statues – are .
……………………………………………………………………… .
10. lots – took – photographs – I – of .
……………………………………………………………………… .

11. the – like – They – Sphinx – look .
……………………………………………………………………… .
12. the – a boat – I – in – saw – Nile .
……………………………………………………………………… .
13. Helwan – Cairo – from – 30 kilometers – is .
……………………………………………………………………… .
14. is – from – Aswan – How far – it – Assiut – to ?
……………………………………………………………………… .
15. went – with – I – parents – to – my – Aswan .
……………………………………………………………………… .
16. in – doesn't – Luxor – Dina – live .
……………………………………………………………………… .
17. train – Qena – went – They – by – to .
……………………………………………………………………… .
18. is – sixty – from – Qena – Luxor – kilometers .
……………………………………………………………………… .
19. at – the – They – temple – saw – Karnak .
……………………………………………………………………… .
20. did – the spring – you – Where – for – go ?
……………………………………………………………………… .
21. saw – at – the temple – We – Karnak .
……………………………………………………………………… .

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ What – Where – When – much – go – how ]
1. …………..did you go to Alexandria?
2. ……………did you go for the summer?
3. How …………….is it from Qena to Luxor?
4. …………….did you do there?
5. Where did you ………… last summer?

[ take – Valley –temple – parents – took – sound ]
6. I went to Luxor with my …………………. .
7. We visited the ………………of the kings.
8. Magdi ……………..lots of photographs.
9. My parents enjoyed the …………….and light show.
10. We saw the …………….. at Karnak.

5. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name is Salma . We went on holiday to Luxor .We visited the temple at Karnak .It was amazing .We were at the Valley of the kings for three hours . I took lots of photographs . My parents enjoyed the Sound and Light Show in the evening . It was amazing .
1. Salma went on holiday to Luxor. ( )
2. She took lots of temples. ( )
3. They visited the pyramid of Karnak. ( )
4. The sound and light show was amazing. ( )
5. Salma went with her father and mother. ( )
6. Salma's mother took lots of photographs. ( )
7. The Sound and Light Show is every day. ( )

Tasneem is 12 years old. She lives in Sharkia. When she was 10 years old, she lived with her family in Cairo. It's about seventy km from Sharkia. The family went to live in Sharkia because Tasneem's father is now the manager of a factory in 10th of Ramadan. It's a small city in Sharkia. Tasneem's friends are in Cairo but she is happy to live in Sharkia.
1. Tasneem is twelve years old. ( )
2. Cairo is 17 km from Sharkia. ( )
3. Tasneem isn't happy to live in Shakia. ( )
4. Tasneem has got lots of friends in Sharkia. ( )
5. Tasneem doesn't live in Cairo now. ( )
6. Tasneem lives with her parents. ( )
7. Cairo is a small city in Sharkia. ( )
6. Punctuate the following sentence :
1. manal doesn t live in assiut
……………………………………………………………………… .
2. how far is it from qena to cairo
……………………………………………………………………… .
3. this is the valley of the kings
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:22

New words
clothes shop محل ملابس cost يكلف
shoe shop محل احذيه degree درجه
size مقاس sandals صندل
How much? كم ثمن What time..? كم الساعه؟
peaches خوخ guavas جوافه
apricots برقوق aubergines باذنجان
today اليوم sell يبيع
pounds جنيهات price سعر

☻ Learn the following ☻
• It's sunny in Qena today.
• The red t-shirt costs LE 20.
• It's 25 degrees.
• The red shoes are size 36.
• The girl is selling the shoes.
• The blue trousers cost LE 30.
1) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

2) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

B) Reading Comprehension:
3) Read and circle the odd one out :
1. trousers – weather – shorts – shoes.
2. spring – winter – July – summer.
3. shop – biscuits – crisps – burger.
4. December – October – Match – January.
5. peaches – apricots – cucumbers – strawberries.
6. sunny – ninety – seventy – sixty.
7. aubergines – guavas – cabbages – cucumbers.
8. teas – milk – water – crisps.
9. raining – sandals – sunny – cloudy.
10. dress – t-shirt – juice – shorts.
11. there – four – five – six.
12. Paris – Warm – London – Tokyo.
4) Match the questions with the answers :
1. What is the weather like in Safaga?
2. what time is it?
3. Does it rain in witer?
4. where did you go for the summer? a) Yes, it does.
b) I went to Alexandria.
c) No, you can't.
d) It's hot and sunny.
e) It's half past ten. ( )

1. Where did you go on holiday?
2. What's your favourite season?
3. Is your birthday in spring?
4. How much is the blue shirt? a) It's fifty pounds.
b) They're forty pounds.
c) Yes, it is.
d) Summer.
e) I went to Aswan. ( )

C)Writing :
5) Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Sama went to the shops in the morning yesterday. She went with her parents. She bought a green dress. It was sixty-three pounds. She bought black shoes for her father. They were thirty-six pounds. Then, they had lunch. They went home at five o'clock.
1- The black shoes were LE 36. ( )
2- They went home at 3 o'clock. ( )
3- Sama bought a green jacket. ( )
4- Sama went to the shops yesterday morning. ( )
5- Sama went with her father and mother. ( )
6- Sama bougt shoes for her father. ( )

6) Read and choose the correct answer :
Spring is my favourite season. We see flowers in the gardens and play football in the parks. We go out to enjoy the beautiful weather. We always go to the fields in spring. We see lots of animals and birds there. People are very happy in spring.
1- We ( see animals – play football – see flowers ) in parks.
2- We see animals in ( gardens – parks – fields )
3- People ( eat – enjoy – don't like ) spring.
4- The weather is ( bad – hot – good ) in spring.
5- Spring is my favourite ( year – season – month )
6- People aren't ( happy – sad – tall ) in spring.

7) Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ much – visited – make – takes – parents - took ]
1. Thirty and thirty ………………sixty.
2. How ……………. are the dresses ?
3. Sohila went to Luxor with her ……………….. .
4. I ……………….lots of photographs of the temple
5. We ……………..the valley of the kings.
8) Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ like – bottle – are – a – is – how far ]
1- How much ……………….the cabbage, please?
2- What's the weather ……………..today?
3- Cucumbers are 90 piastres ……………….. kilo.
4- ……………………is it from your home to school?
5- A ………………….of orange juice costs LE 5.
9) Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. go – did – Where – they?
………………………………………………………………………… .
2. saw – She – at – the temple – Karnak.
………………………………………………………………………… .
3. shorts – LE 60 – The – are.
………………………………………………………………………… .
4. went – Qena – by train – They – to.
………………………………………………………………………… .
5. school – summer – Does – in – start?
………………………………………………………………………… .
6. is – season – What – Tamer's – favourite?
………………………………………………………………………… .
7. are – bananas – How – the – much?
………………………………………………………………………… .
8. far – to – is – How – Safaga – it?
………………………………………………………………………… .
9. birthday – in – Youmna's – winter – is.
………………………………………………………………………… .
10. like – Qena – the – What's – in – weather?
………………………………………………………………………… .
11. see – shorts – I – four – can.
………………………………………………………………………… .
12. shirt – the – much – red – How – is?
………………………………………………………………………… .
13. thirty – ninety – Sixty – make – and.
………………………………………………………………………… .
14. pounds – peaches – two – a kilo – are – The.
………………………………………………………………………… .
15. red – LE20 – The – cost – shoes.
………………………………………………………………………… .

10) Punctuate the following sentences :
1. it s sunny in qena today
………………………………………………………………………… .
2. it s hot in august
………………………………………………………………………… .
3. how far is it form luxor to qena
………………………………………………………………………… .
4. what s the weather like in aswan
………………………………………………………………………… .

11) Copy the following sentence :
Charity begins at home. (الأقربون أولى بالمعروف)
اختبارات الوحدات 4،5،6

-Listen and circle: ( / 3 )
a) windy b) walk c) a cabbage

-Listen and circle: ( / 3 )
a) We go to the beach in summer. b) ten and twenty is thirty. c) It's raining in winter

- Circle the odd one out: ( / 2 )
1. juice - water - milk - crisps .
2. blue - blouse - green - brown .
3. seventy - eighty - kilometers - fifty.
4. train - potatoes - bus - car .

 -Match the questions with the answers: ( / 4 )
1- When did you visit the pyramids? a) No, I can't.
2- What's the weather like? b) Yes, it is.
3- How far is it from Aswan to Qena? c) Last week.
4- Is it hot in summer? d) It is 373 km.
e) It's raining.

 Read and put: a  or a  : ( / 4 )
Al Fayoum is a famous city in Egypt. It's south of Cairo. You can see the wonderful waterwheels. You can watch the interesting sun set and the waterfalls of Wady El Rayyan. You can fish in Lake Qarun.

1. Al Fayoum is in Egypt. ( )
2. Cairo is north of Al Fayoum. ( )
3. You can watch the waterfalls. ( )
4. There is fish in Lake Qarun. ( )

-Finish the following sentences: ( / 2 )
kilo – make – a – far – much
1. Bananas are five pounds ….…………….….. kilo.
2. We need a ………………..……….of tomatoes
3. Thirty and thirty ………………..sixty.
4. How………………………..…..is the juice?

 -Rearrange the following words: ( / 4 )
1. can – two – We – see – dresses.
2. the Temple – saw – at – Karnak – We .
3. like – What's – Qena – the – in - weather?
4. hot – Aswan – It – in – is .

-Punctuate the following sentence: ( / 2 )
it s always cold in december

-Copy the following sentence: ( / 1 )

Easy come easy go. ما يأتى بالسهل يضيع بالسهل

اختبارات الوحدات 4،5،6

-Listen and circle: ( / 3 )
a) raining b) drive c) an apricot
-Listen and circle: ( / 3 )
a) It's a palm tree . b) Forty and twenty is sixty. c) It's windy in spring.
- Circle the odd one out: ( / 2 )
1. grapes – cucumber – aubergines – cabbage.
2. smaller – short – taller – bigger .
3. blue - read - green - brown .
4. Luxor – Aswan – Alexandria – papyrus .

-Match the questions with the answers: ( / 4 )
1. How does Ali go to school? a) No, he doesn't.
2. What do you need? b) By bus .
3. Does Walid like meat? c) In water.
4. Where does a fish live? d) It is L.E 5.
e) A kilo of flour.

 Read and put: a  or a  : ( / 4 )
Alexandria is a famous city in Egypt. It's north of Cairo. You can see the wonderful Alexandria Library. You can go to the beach and watch the interesting sun set on the sea. You can fish in the sea with a net.

1. The library is in Alexandria. ( )
2. Alexandria is north of Cairo. ( )
3. You can watch the waterfalls. ( )
4. There isn't fish in the sea. ( )

-Finish the following sentences: ( / 2 )
month – cold – did – seasons – paper
1. Where …………………... you go last summer?
2. First, I cut the ………….………….….
3. What's your favourite …………..………….
4. London is ……………...….…. ,but Aswan is hot.

-Rearrange the following words: ( / 4 )
1. is – the bag – How much – crisps – of ?
 ………………………………….……………………
2. always – We – school – to – walk.
3. don’t – I – weather – like – hot.
4. did – the spring – you – Where – for – go ?

-Punctuate the following sentence: ( / 2 )
yes mohamed has a car
-Copy the following sentence: ( / 1 )

Even Homer sometimes nods.حتى هومر (ملك عظيم) يخطىء أحيانا ً

New words
cake كيك need - ed يحتاج buy يشتري
some بعض butter زبدة eggs بيض
flour دقيق What else? وماذا أيضاُ half نصف
a kilo of كيلو من half a kilo of… نصف كيلو من milk لبن
come on أسرع go shopping يذهب للتسوق tea شاى
sweets حلويات shopping list قائمة مشتروات carrots جزر
flowers ورود toothpaste معجون أسنان chicken دجاج
juice عصير biscuits بسكوت pizza بيتزا
peaches خوخ green peppers فلفل أخضر apricots مش مش
guavas جوافة aubergines باذنجان shout يصرخ
It's late الوقت متأخر in half an hour في نصف ساعة cloud سحابة
put - put يضع healthy food طعام صحى thing شىء
Containers co
a bar of soap قطعة صابون a tin of olives علبة زيتون
a jar of honey برطمان عسل a bag of sweets كيس حلوي
a carton of eggs كرتونة بيض a kilo of tomatoes كيلو طماطم
a bottle of juice زجاحة عصير half a kilo of….. نصف كيلو من
a bunch of flowers باقة زهور

Learn the following:
☺ need + ( يحتاج ) اسم / need to + ( يحتاج أن )مصدر الفعل
تستخدم للتعبير عن الاحتياج لفعل شىء ما أو لشىء ما. ☺
What do you need to + فعل فى المصدر ……………….?
ماذا تحتاج ان .........................؟ ☺
What do you need to buy?
We need some butter and some eggs.
We need to buy some flour.
☺How much …………………? كم ثمن .................؟ ☺
تستخدم للسؤال عن شىء ما. ☺

►How much is a cabbage?
►It's four pounds.
►How much are the cucumbers?
►They're two pounds a kilo.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. make – need – flour – buy.
2. one – milk – two – three.
3. a kilo – a bottle – a tube – sweets.
4. bag – chicken – meat – fish.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Do you need to buy some eggs?
2. What do you need to make a pizza?
3. Can I have some biscuits, please?
4. How much is the cabbage? a) Yes, we need some eggs.
b) It's five pounds.
c) They're fifty pounds.
d) We need a kilo of flour.
e) Yes, you can. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. do – we – What – need to – buy?
……………………………………………………………. .
2. we – Can – make – a cake?
……………………………………………………………. .
3. We – flour – a kilo – need – of.
……………………………………………………………. .
4. bread – need – We – fish – and.
……………………………………………………………. .
5. want – flowers – of – a bunch – I.
……………………………………………………………. .
6. look – cupboard – Let's – in – the.
……………………………………………………………. .
7. a tin – is – This – of – olives.
……………………………………………………………. .
8. need – half – milk – a kilo of – We.
……………………………………………………………. .
Punctuate the following sentences :
can heba and mona make a cake

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. two – three – half – food.
2. house – listen – sing – say.
3. packet – jar – juice – bottle.
4. chicken – tin – fish – meat.
5. cake – strawberries – biscuits – chocolate.
2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. put – We – a plate – on – them.
……………………………………………………………. .
2. bought – food – healthy – some – I.
……………………………………………………………. .
3. makes – Mother – big – them.
……………………………………………………………. .
4. I – a bar – need – soap – of.
……………………………………………………………. .
5. does – Sohila – buy – What – to – need?
……………………………………………………………. .
3. Read and choose from a, b or c:
MY name's Hanaa. My sister's name is Shereen. Today is her birthday. I make a cake for her. I need some eggs, milk and flour. I make the cake in half an hour. I put it on a plate.i like my sister.
1. I need some eggs, milk and flour for a pizza. ( )
2. MY sister's name is Magda. ( )
3. I put a cake on a plane. ( )
4. I like my sister. ( )
5. Today is Hanaa's birthday. ( )
6. Hanaa makes the cake in half an hour. ( )
4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ bar – peppers – jar – I can – Can I - bought ]
1. I need to buy a ……………..of honey.
2. She……………. some healthy food.
3. It's a ……………..of soap.
4. ……………….. have some eggs, please?
5. We need half a kilo of green ……………… .
5. Punctuate the following sentences :
yes let s go shopping

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. tomatoes – peppers – cucumbers – cheese.
2. jar – butter – tube – tin.
3. red – green – yellow – night.
4. pizza – soap – sandwich – honey.
5. carrots – cucumbers – grapes – aubergines.
6. strawberries – grapes – apricots – cabbage.
7. jam – toothpaste – crisps – carton.
8. tin – jam – bottle – packet .
9. butter – bananas – peaches – apricots.
10. cake – pizza – eggs – kilo .
11. aubergines – cucumbers – grapes – peppers.

2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What do we need to buy ?
2. How much is a cabbage?
3. What did Ahmed buy?
4. Can we make a cake?
5. Does Heba like meat? a) Yes, you can.
b) He bought a bar of soap.
c) No, she doesn't.
d) A tin of olives.
e) Yes, he does.
f) It's about five pounds. ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. need – of – We – milk – a kilo – half.
……………………………………………………………. .
2. bought – food – I – healthy – some.
……………………………………………………………. .
3. much – apricots – How – the – are ?
……………………………………………………………. .
4. chocolate – I – of – Can – a bar – have ?
……………………………………………………………. .
5. do – need – buy – What – to – you ?
……………………………………………………………. .
6. pounds – The – five – is – cabbage.
……………………………………………………………. .
7. half – I – a cake – an hour – make – in .
……………………………………………………………. .
8. late – a cake – I – when – eat – it's.
……………………………………………………………. .
9. need – olives – tin – We – of – a .
……………………………………………………………. .
10. chocolate – This – of – bar – is – a.
……………………………………………………………. .
11. I – a jar – jam – Can – have – of ?
……………………………………………………………. .
12. on – shopping - ,let's – Come – go.
……………………………………………………………. .
13. need – tea – We – of – a packet.
……………………………………………………………. .
14. biscuits – I - ,please – have – Can – some?

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Yesterday was my sister's birthday. My mother went to the market to buy some things. First, she looked in the cupboard to see what she needed to buy. She bought some flour, a carton of eggs and 2 kilos of sugar. She didn't buy any butter. Then she bought some apples. She baked the cake in an hour.
1. There was flour in the cupboard. ( )
2. There was butter in the cupboard. ( )
3. We needed to buy eggs. ( )
4. The cake was ready after half an hour. ( )
5. My sister's birthday was yesterday. ( )
6. My mother bought 3 things. ( )

5. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ healthy – need – bar – tin – a –shopping ]
1. Can I have a ……………. of soap, please?
2. Come on. Let's go ………………… .
3. What do we ……………….to buy?
4. The apricots are four pounds ……………kilo.
5. Cucumbers and bananas are ………………..food.

[carton – is –olives – are – kilo ]
6. She bought a …………………of strawberries.
7. How much ……………..the apricots?
8. We need to buy a tin of …………………. .
9. We have a ……………….of eggs.

6. Punctuatec the following sentence :
1. we don t eat cakes when it s late
……………………………………………………………. .
2. i didn t go to the market with sohila
……………………………………………………………. .
3. does rana go shopping on Thursday
……………………………………………………………. .
4. yes i need some eggs
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:25

New words
guess يخمن fruit فاكهة good مفيد
a date بلحة bigger than أكبر من question سؤال
a guava جوافة smaller than أصغر من now الأن
a cucumber خيارة That's right! هذا صحيح easy سهل
a cabbage كرنبة It's my turn ٌإنه دورى an apricot مشمشة
a pear كمثري A watermelon بطيخة a grape عنبة
corn ذرة an ear of corn كوز ذرة tasty لذيذ
a fig تين I love fruit أحب الفاكهة sweet حلو المذاق
vegetables خضروات basket سلة lots of كثير من
glasses نظارة an aubergine باذنجانة bear دب

☻Learn the following ☻
• It's good for me.
• Here's a watermelon.
• I like it very much.
Comparative المقارنة بين إثنين
عندما نقارن بين شيئين أو شخصين فى صفة ( قصيرة )نضيف للصفة ثم نضع بعدها كلمة بمعنى من فى المقارنة فقط :
بمعنى من فى المقارنة فقط : Than ثم نضع بعدها كلمة Er عندما نقارن بين شيئين أو شخصين فى صفة ( قصيرة )نضيف للصفة
Ahmed is taller than Ali. بمعنى : أحمد أطول من على ☺️
A guava is smaller than a watermelon.بمعنى : ثمرة الجوافة أصغر من البطيخة ☺️
A watermelon is bigger than a guava.
Remember تذكر
tall ►►►► taller
short ►►►► shorter
big ►►►► bigger
small ►►►► smaller
An elephant is bigger than a mouse.
An orange is smaller than a peach.
لوصف لون شىء نستخدم :
It's + colour.
- It's yellow. - It's green.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. taller – small – bigger – shorter.
2. cow – goat – dog – cabbage.
3. watermelon – short – big – small.
4. peach – yellow – fig – apple.
5. bigger – smaller – water – taller.
2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What is the opposite of tall?
2. Do you like figs?
3. What is bigger than a guava?
4. Is it a vegetable? a. Yes, I do.
b. A watermelon.
c. Yes, it is.
d. It's an elephant.
e. Short. ( )

3. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ bigger – that – than – now – smaller – fruit ]
1. I'm taller ……………………my brother.
2. An elephant isn't ………………….than a goat.
3. …………………..'s easy.
4. Guess the ……………….., Dina.
5. ………………..,it's my turn.,

4. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. my – Now, - turn – it's.
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. a date – is – it – Yes,.
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. is – bigger – a guava – What – than?
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. bigger – a grape – A peach – than – is.
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. taller – I'm – Omar – than.
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. is – bigger – a – date – An apple – than.
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. Punctuate the following sentences :
i m taller than hany

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. bananas – watermelons – good – grapes.
2. like – look – write – basket.
3. strawberry – red – yellow – green.
4. tall – short – fruit – small.
5. cat – dog – cow – orange.

2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. like – much – very – it – Do you?
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. good – It's – you – for.
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. is – than – This fruit – a guava – smaller.
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. a cucumber – is – bigger – A watermelon – than.
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. got – lots – I've – fruit – of.
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. It's – and – tasty – sweet.
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. smaller – A duck – a horse – than – is.
…………………………………………………………………. .

3. Read and choose from a, b or c:
My name is Rana. I'm in class five. I've got two sisters. Heba and Walaa. Heba is in class four and Walaa is in class three. Heba is older than Walaa. Walaa is taller than Heba. I like my sisters very much.

1. Rana is in class five. ( )
2. Walaa is in class two. ( )
3. Heba is shorter than Walaa. ( )
4. Rana likes her sisters very much. ( )
5. Rana is older than Walaa and Heba. ( )
6. There are 5 people in Rana's family. ( )

4. Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ is – guava – shorter – than – mouse - aubergine ]
1. Magdy is ……………….than Omar.
2. An elephant is bigger than a……………….. .
3. Is it a vegetable? Yes, it is an………………. .
4. An ear of corn is smaller ……………….a cabbage.
5. It's yellow. It's a …………………. .
5. Punctuate the following sentences :

1. Circle the odd one out :
1. cabbage – aubergines – apricots – cucumbers.
2. easy – yellow – red – green.
3. bigger – smaller – fat – taller.
4. oranges – bananas – guavas – corn.
5. small – shorter – tall – big.
6. apricots – bears – peaches – aubergines.
7. cat – goat – dog – corn.

2. Match the questions with the answers :
1. Is a cabbage smaller than a guava?
2. Are you taller than Omar?
3. Is an elephant bigger than a goat?
4. Is Hany shorter than shady?
5. Who is shorter Basma or Mona? a. Yes, he is.
b. Mona is shorter.
c. Yes, it is.
d. Apples.
e. Yes, I am.
f. No, it isn't ( )

3. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. Omar – Magdi – than – shorter – is.
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. is – and –fruit – tasty – sweet - This.
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. smaller – A cabbage – a watermelon – than – is.
…………………………………………………………………. .

4. a goat – than – a donkey – bigger – Is?
…………………………………………………………………. .
5. very – like – I – much – it.
…………………………………………………………………. .
6. of – got – I've – fruit – lots.
…………………………………………………………………. .
7. an – of – is – ear – This – corn.
…………………………………………………………………. .
8. it's – turn – Now, - my.
…………………………………………………………………. .
9. is – This - a guava – than – fruit – smaller.
…………………………………………………………………. .
10. guess – Can – the – you – fruit?

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name is Ahmed .I have one sister. Her name is Sohila. I'm taller than Sohila. We like fruit very much. Fruit is sweet and tasty. My favourite fruit is oranges. They're bigger than peaches. They're smaller than watermelons. She likes peaches.
1. Ahmed's favourite fruit is ( peaches – oranges – melons )
2. Sohila is ( shorter – taller – bigger ) than Ahmed.
3. We like fruit because it's ( big – small – sweet ) and tasty.
4. Peaches are ( smaller – bigger – shorter ) than oranges.
5. ( Ahmed – Sohila – Sohila's mother ) likes peaches.
6. Ahmed is Sohila's ( sister – father – brother )

5. Finish :
[ corn –smaller – bigger – yellow – than – am ]
1. Magdi is shorter …………………Omar.
2. A cucumber is ……………. than a watermelon.
3. This is an ear of ………………….. .
4. Are you taller than Mona? Yes, I …………… .
5. It's ………………. . It's a guava.

[ mouse – than – Is –– tasty – elephant ]
6. A cat is bigger than a ……………. .
7. This fruit is sweet and …………………. .
8. A guava is ………………….than a date.
9. ……………..Omar shorter than Sara ? No, he isn't.
6. Punctuate:
1. yes that s right
…………………………………………………………………………. .
2. is omar taller than shady
…………………………………………………………………………. .
3. i m shorter than mona
…………………………………………………………………………. .
4. yes that s right
…………………………………………………………………………. .
5. is omar taller than shady
…………………………………………………………………………. .
6. i m shorter than mona
New words
Hello! 52 everyone كل واحد Welcome to 52ً
museum متحف Egyptian مصرى need يحتاج
school مدرسة bag شنطة leave يغادر
some بعض water ماء pencil قلم رصاص
bring يحضر camera كاميرا notebook كراسة
sorry أسف Buy postcards بطاقة بريدية
souvenirs هدايا تذكارية Gift shop محل هدايا mug كوب بيد
calendar تقويم Key ring سلسلة مفاتيح papyrus ورق بردي
purse حقيبة سيدات statue تمثال What? ما أو ماذا؟
lots of كثير من class فصل Who? من؟
gold ذهب necklace عقد furniture أثاث
also ايضاُ mask قناع gift هديه
when عندما Look like يشبه The sphinx أبو الهول
Post office مكتب بريد
take pictures يلتقط صور Cloack room غرفة حفظ الملابس

☻Learn the following☻
Do I need…..? & Does she need……?
كأفعال مساعده عندما نسأل فى زمن المضارع البسيط ( Do)أو ( Does)تذكر أننا نستخدم
 Do I need my school bag?
 Yes, you do. No, you don't.
 Does Dina need her school bag?
 Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
لطلب الأذن أو أعطائه :Can تذكر أننا نستخدم
 Can I bring my camera?
 Yes, you can. No, you can't
 You can buy postcards here.
نستخدم الماضى البسيط للحديث عن شىء بدأ وأنتهى تماما فى الماضى. ☻
► Yesterday, We went to the Egyptian Museum.

( -ed )( -d ) و يتكون من: 1- الفعل مضاف اليه
► visit → visited
2- التصريف الثانى للافعال غير المنتظمة:
► buy → bought
للسؤال بكلمة أستفهام فى زمن الماضى البسيط نستخدم:
☻ كلمة الأستفهام + did + الفاعل + الفعل فى المصدر ………?
► What did you buy?
 I bought a pencil and a notebook.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. take – coat – need – bring.
2. sorry – picture – postcard – camera.
3. buy – pen – pencil – notebook.
4. shop – water – museum – school.
5. museum – temple – park – Pyramids.

2. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :

1. Dalia – does – need – What?
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. Can – my – bring – camera – I ?
……………………………………….………………………. .
3. can't – They – here – pictures- take.
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. need – a pencil – We – and – a notebook.
……………………………………….………………………. .
5. bought – and – a postcard – Who – a mug?
……………………………………….………………………. .
6. ring – Mona – key – bought – a.
……………………………………….………………………. .
7. What – buy – yesterday – Noreen – did?
……………………………………….………………………. .
8. souvenirs – are – at – the – There – gift shop.

3. Match the questions with the answers :
1. What do you need for English?
2. Can I bring my camera?
3. What can he buy at the museum?
4. Does Ali need a coat a) No, they can't.
b) He can buy a postcard.
c) No, he doesn't.
d) No, you can't take pictures here.
e) I need a pen. ( )

4. Punctuate the following sentences :
1. welcome to the egyptian museum
……………………………………………………………… .
2. what did shady and adel buy at the museum
……………………………………………………………… .
3. Copy the following sentence:
Man proposes and god disposes. أنت تريد وأنا أريد والله يفعل ما يريد

1) Read and circle the odd one out :
1. room – statue – shop – class.
2. pictures – chairs – tables – doors.
3. museum – postcard – papyrus – mask.
4. bought – gift – left – saw.
5. visit – was - went – bought.
6. where – who – leave – what.
7. gift shop – museum – water – school.
8. buy – need – purse – bring .
2) Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence :
1. name – Magda – is – My.
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. the gift – souvenirs – bought – shop – We – at.
……………………………………….………………………. .
3. necklace – saw – lots of – amazing – Ahmed – gold.
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. Egyptian – visit – the – Let's – Museum.
……………………………………….………………………. .
5. lots – saw – Arwa – of – furniture.
……………………………………….………………………. .

6. looks – This – the Sphinx – statue – like.
……………………………………….………………………. .
7. see – there – statues – They – can.
……………………………………….………………………. .
8. can't – bring – We – Cameras – the museum – to.
……………………………………….………………………. .
3) Read and choose the correct answer:
My name is Walid. Yesterday, my family went to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. We Saw the mask of Tutankhamun and lots of gold necklaces. We bought souvenirs at the gift shop. I bought a mug and a key ring. My sister bought a purse.
1. Walid bought a mug and a ( key ring - purse – necklace )
2. Walid's family bought ( animals – fruit – souvenirs )
3. Walid's family saw the ( mug – mask – necklace ) of Tutankamun.
4. He went to the museum with his ( family – class – uncle )
4) Finish the sentences with words from the list:
[ went – saw – mask – see – chairs - take ]
1. What did you ………………..at the gift shop?
2. We saw the ………………….of Tutankhamun.
3. You can't ……………………pictures here.
4. Samy …………….to the Egyptian Museum yesterday.
5. He saw lots of …………………….and tables at the museum.
5) Punctuate the following sentences :
i didn't see see the mask of tutankhamun
……………………………………….………………………. .
can sami and sally buy furniture at the gift shop

1. Circle :
1. postcard – papyrus – coat – key ring.
2. statue – necklace – mask – water.
3. museum – mask – school – hospital.
4. chair – table – statue – bed.
5. bought – saw – need – went.
6. notebook – pencil – furniture –bag.
7. Who – where – Did – When.
8. post office – gift shop – necklace – museum.

2. Match:
1. Do I need my school bag?
2. Who bought a purse and papyrus?
3. Where did yoy see statues?
4. Can I bing my camera?
5. Where did you buy souvenirs? a) Yes, you can.
b) No, you don't.
c) He bought a mug.
d) At the gift shop.
e) Amira.
f) At the Egyptian Museum. ( )

3. Rearrange :
1. I – camera – Can – my – bag ?
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. shop – souvenirs – We – gift – bought – at – the.
……………………………………….………………………. .
3. a statue – papyrus – Who – and – bought?
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. doesn't – her – Rania – coat – need.
……………………………………….………………………. .
5. Egyptian – the – We – to – went – Museum.
……………………………………….………………………. .
6. saw – gold – We – lots of – statues.
……………………………………….………………………. .
7. and – I – a postcard – a mug – bought.
……………………………………….………………………. .
8. saw – of – We – the – Tutankhamun – mask.
……………………………………….………………………. .
9. school – need – Do – my – bag – I?
……………………………………….………………………. .

10. postcards – here – buy – You – can.
……………………………………….………………………. .
11. a pencil – a notebook – You – and – need.
……………………………………….………………………. .

4. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Last week, our class went on a trip to the Egyptian Museum. It's a wonderful place in Cairo. We went by bus. We saw lots of gold necklaces and furniture. We also saw the mask of Tutankhamun. We bought souvenirs at the gift shop. I bought papyrus and a mug.

1. We went on a trip to the ( Cairo – museum – Tutankhamun )
2. I went with my ( parents – friends – sister ) to the museum.
3. We saw the ( mask – museum – souvenirs ) of Tutankhamun )
4. I saw lots of gold ( souvenirs – tables – masks ) .
5. I bought ( papyrus – necklace – mask ) and a mug .
6. You can buy souvenirs at the ( museum – furniture – gift shop )

Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
My name is Ahmed. Yesterday, my class went to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. We saw lots of amazing gold necklaces and furniture. We also the mask of Tutankhamun. We bought souvenirs at the gift shop. I bought a key ring and a postcard.

1. Ahmed went to the Egyptian Museum with his class. ( )
2. Ahmed bought souvenirs from the bookshop. ( )
3. Ahmed bought the mask of Tutankhamun. ( )
4. Ahmed saw lots of gold chairs and tables. ( )
5. Ahmed went to the Egyptian Museum yesterday. ( )
6. The Egyptian Museum is in Qena. ( )

5. Finish :
[ buy – bought – need – mask – ring ]
1. Does Sohila ……………her school bag?
2. What did Mariam ……………………yesterday?
3. We saw the …………………..of Tutankhamun.
4. I bought a mug and a key ………………. .

[ notebook - purse – go –Can – gift ]
6. She bought souvenirs at the …………………..shop.
7. Put the money in the ………………. .
8. Let's write in the ……………….. .
9. ……………….. I bring my coat?
10. Yesterday, my class …………..to the museum.

11. Punctuate:
1. no you don t
……………………………………….………………………. .
2. is omar taller than ziad
……………………………………….………………………. .
3. what did heba and mona buy
……………………………………….………………………. .
4. welcome to the egyptian museum
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:27

New words
Learn about يتعلم عن temples معابد
jewellery مجوهرات open يفتح \ مفتوح
Museum shop محل بالمتحف close يغلق
room غرفه find يجد

☻ Learn the following ☻
• You can learn about pyramids and temples here.
• You can see the mask of Tutankhamun in the museum.
• The mugs are bigger than the key rings in the museum shop.
• There is a poster of the Karnak in the bookshop.
• The museum shop is open from 11 to 5.
• You can see jewellery in the museum.
• The girl has got a camera.

A ) listening
1) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

2) Listen to the sentences and circle the right picture :

B) Reading Comprehension:
3) Read and circle the odd one out :
1. smaller – bigger – than – taller.
2. Aswan – Tamer – Luxor – Cairo.
3. flower – milk – butter – cheese.
4. posters – postcards – mugs – potatoes - purse.
5. statue – bookshop – museum – library.
6. bed – statue – table – chair.
7. figs – apricots – corn – apples.
8. cucumbers – apples – aubergines – cabbage.
9. zebra – pear – lion – tiger.
10. find – learn- jewellery – look.
11. boat – bicycle – key ring – bus.

4) Match the questions with the answers :
1- Who bought a postcard and a mug?
2- Is an elephant bigger than a mouse?
3- What time does the museum shop close?
4- Can you buy furniture at the museum shop? a) Yes, it is.
b) At 5 o'clock.
c) No, I can't.
d) Yes, she does.
e) Hagar bought a postcard and a mug. ( )

1- How many pupils are there?
2- Does Dina need her school bag?
3- What do you need to buy?
4- Is it a vegetable? a) It's half past ten.
b) I need a kilo of meat.
c) Yes, it is .
d) There are forty pupils.
e) No, she doesn't. ( )

C)Writing :
5) Read and choose the corret answer :
My name's Ramy. I live with my family in Tanta. I have got one brother, Hatem and one sister, Noha. I'm taller than Noha. Hatem is taller than me. Yesterday, we went to the shops. We bought some vegetables and some fruit. My bag was smaller than my Hatem's bag. Hatem ate an ear o corn. I don't like it very much.
1. Hatem ( likes – doesn't like – didn't like ) corn.
2. They bought fruit at the ( museum – shops – school )
3. Noha is ( taller – bigger – shorter ) than Ramy.
4. Hatem's bag was ( smaller – bigger – taller ) than Ramy's bag.
5. Noha is Hatem's ( sister - brother – friend )
6. There are ( three – four – five ) people in Ramy's family.

6) Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Yara walked to the shops yesterday in the morning. She went with her two brothers, Ahmed and Ali. Dina bought a green dress. Ahmed bought a brown jacket. Ali got a black mug and a blue purse for his mother. They went home at seven o'clock.
1. Yara bought a black mug and a blue purse.
2. Yara, Ahmed and Ali went home in the evening.
3. One sister and three brothers went to the shops.
4. Yara went to the shops on foot.
5. Ali got a blue purse for his father.
6. Ahmed bought a brown jacket.

7) Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ bigger – big – necklaces – bring – bought ]
1. Can I ………………………..my camera?
2. Noha …………………..a notebook.
3. We saw lots of gold ……………………at the museum.
4. A watermelon is ……………………….than an apple.

12. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ shorter – need – purse – jar – packet ]
1. My mother bought a ……………………at the museum shop.
2. I bought a ……………………. Of jam.
3. Omar is ………………..than Shady.
4. We …………………some eggs, milk and flour.
5. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences :
1. taller – Magdy – Omar – than – is.
………………………………………………………………… .
2. visited – the – we – week – Last – museum.
………………………………………………………………… .
3. of – to – Eman – a tin – buy – olives – needs.
………………………………………………………………… .
4. bring – I – my – Can – camera?
………………………………………………………………… .
5. a poster – Karnak – is – of – There – the.
………………………………………………………………… .
6. kilo – need – of – a – We – flour.

7. a – smaller – cucumber – It's – than.
………………………………………………………………… .
8. bear – is – cat – A – bigger – a – than.
………………………………………………………………… .
9. can – in – What – you – Room 27 – see – the?
………………………………………………………………… .
10. see - you – furniture – Room 10- In – can.
………………………………………………………………… .
11. need – bag – I – school – Do – my?
………………………………………………………………… .
12. can – the museum – in – You – jewellery – see.
………………………………………………………………… .
13. has – a camera – The – got – girl.
………………………………………………………………… .
14. time – shop – What – the museum – does – open?
………………………………………………………………… .
6. Punctuate the following sentences :
1. no you can t take pictures
………………………………………………………………… .
2. I didn t see the mask of tutankhamun
………………………………………………………………… .
7. Copy the following sentence :
No news is good news.

1. Read and circle the odd one out :
1. pen – bike – earoplane – bus – helicopter .
2. watermelon – orange – desk – pear – apricots .
3. book – pencil – ruler – shelf – notebook .
4. furniture – table – apple – desk – bed .
5. Cairo – south – Fayoum – Aswan – Qena .
6. fold – cut – box – glue – stick .
7. read – white – blue – black – purple .
8. north – mouth – east – west – south .
9. pyramid – waterfall – waterwheel – lake – sea .
10. thin – fly – fat – slow – tall .

11. donkey – hippo – elephant – banana – turtle .
12. shirt – blouse – biscuits – skirt – shoes .
13. November – Stormy – January – March .
14. jam – bottle – bar – tin – packet .
15. visited – fished – watched – caught .
16. juice – water – milk – crisps .
17. cloudy – raining –stormy – samy – windy .
18. spring – autumn – water – summer .
19. grapes – cucumbers – aubergines – cabbage .
20. statue – necklace – museum – jewellery – mask .

21. smaller – shorter – flower – bigger – taller .
22. forty – thirty – city – sixty – a hundred .
23. apricots – dates – grapes – beaches – pears .
24. museum – mask – hospital – gift shop – school .
25. aubergines – cucumbers – peppers – grapes – carrots .
26. post card – coat – key ring – papyrus – mug .
27. jam – soap – tin – juice – olives .
28. volleyball – basket – tennis – football .
29. cold – warm – hot – spring.
30. carton – tin – bottle – calendar.
31. bookshop – bank – ticket – museum.
32. taller – small – bigger – shorter.
33. elephant – hippo – cabbage – mug.
34. tasty – famous – healthy – key.

2. Read and choose the correct answer :
There are four seasons in the year . They are summer, spring, autumn and winter. Cairo is hot in summer. Paris is cold in winter. In summer, we go to Alexandria to swim in the sea. In winter, we go to Luxor and Aswan .
1. There are four ……..( months – seasons – cities ) in a year .
2. In winter, we go to ………( Alexandria – Aswan – Paris )
3. We go to Alexandria to ………..( sleep – swim – eat )
4. Cairo is …………( hot – cold – warm ) in summer .
5. ( Cairo – Paris – Luxor ) ……………is cold in winter .
6. Winter is ……………..( a month – hot – a season )

3. Read and put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :
Tarek is my friend . He always works hard . His father never drives him to school . He always walks to school .He always gets up early in the morning. He never gets to school late . He always does his homework and helps his mother . He never argues with his father .
1. Tarek never goes to school on foot. ( )
2. Tarek always goes to school late. ( )
3. Tarek never argues with his father. ( )
4. Tarek never does his homework. ( )
5. Tarek's mother drives him to school. ( )
6. He goes to school by car. ( )
Read and choose the correct answer :
My name is Hany . I have one brother . His name is Shady . I'm taller than Shady. We like fruit very much. Fruit is sweet and tasty. My favourite fruit is oranges. They're bigger than peaches. They're smaller than watermelons. Shady likes oranges , too .
1. Hany's favourite fruit is ……( peaches – oranges – watermelons )
2. Shady is ……….(shorter – taller – bigger ) than Hany .
3. We like fruit because it's …..( big – small – sweet ) and tasty .
4. Peaches are …….( smaller – bigger – shorter ) than oranges .
5. Shady is Hany's ( sister – friend – brother ) –

My name is Ahmed. I, my parents and my brother went on holiday to Luxor yesterday. We visited temples at Luxor and Karnak. In the evening, we went to the gift shop. My parents enjoyed the Sound and Light Show. I didn't take photographs. My brother took photographs of the temples. We enjoyed our holiday.

1. We enjoyed our holiday. ( )
2. The family went to the gift shop in the morning. ( )
3. Four people went on holiday. ( )
4. Ahmed's brother took photographs of the pyramids. ( )
5. We enjoyed the Sound and Light Show in the evening. ( )
4. Match the questions with the answers : 
1. What did Omar buy ?
2. How far is it from Cairo to Aswan ?
3. Will it be sunny in London ?
4. How many seasons are there ? a) Four .
b) Twelve.
c) It's about 800 kilometers..
d) A mug and a postcard .
e) Yes, it will.

1. What size are you ?
2. How do you go to school ?
3. Did you make a model train ?
4. What did Ali make? a) I go to school by bus .
b) A model train.
c) No, I didn't .
d) Yes, she did .
e) Thirty four .
1) How much is the blouse ?
2) Is it cold in winter ?
3) What did you see at the museum ?
4) What is the weather like in December? a) No, it isn't.
b) Yes, it is .
c) Very cold.
d) It's twenty five pounds .
e) A lot of statues .
1) Can we make a cake ?
2) Where did you go on holiday ?
3) Who bought a mug ?
4) How do you make a box? a) Noreen did .
b) First, I cut the paper .
c) A lot of statues .
d) Yes, you can .
e) I went to Aswan .

5. Finish the sentences with words from the list :
[ always – never – bring – bigger - smaller]
1. A watermelon is …………….…….than an apple .
2. Can I …………….………my camera ?
3. I …………….…….go to school on Friday .
4. Goodbye, . ………………..….you later.
[ need – bought – west – do – never ]
1. Do we ……………..……..to buy eggs ?
2. What did Shady …………….…….yesterday ? He bought a mug .
3. A fish ………….……..lives in water .
4. The sun sets in the ………….……………. .

[ gift – a – shopping – month – season ]
1. Come on. Let's go ……………………… .
2. It's seven pounds …………………….kilo .
3. My favourite ………………………is summer .
4. We buy souvenirs at the ……………………shop .
[ holiday – can – statues – parents– meat]
1. I bought ……………..……..at the butcher's .
2. I saw …………………..at the Egyptian museum .
3. ……………………….. I have an apple ?
4. Dina went to Luxor with her ……………………… .

[ Where – What – Who – south – light ]
1. Al Fayoum is …………….…… of Cairo .
2. I enjoyed the sound and …………….…….. show .
3. ……………..………..did you do there ?
4. ………………….……did you go for the summer ?
[ Who – did – will – tomorrow – make ]
1. ………………… bought a mug and a key ring ?
2. …………………you visit the museum? No, I won't .
3. ………………., it will be cloudy .
4. Forty and thirty ………….………….seventy .

[ weather – hot – snowing – a – seven ]
1. The bag is twenty ……………………. pounds.
2. It's ………………in London in winter .
3. What's the ………………… like in Paris ?
4. It will be …………………and sunny .
[ are – is – bar – tin – honey ]
1. How much ………………….. the brown shoes ?
2. This is a jar of …………….………. .
3. I need a ………………..…….of soap .
4. This …………….……of olives is 5 pounds .

[ much – bike – far – foot – what ]
1. ……………………. time is it now ?
2. How ………………....is it to Tanta ?
3. How ………….………..are these shoes?
4. I go to school on ……………..………. .

[ key ring–wings – visit – than – visited ]
5. A plane has got two …………………… .
6. A cabbage is bigger ……………..…….. an aubergine .
7. I bought a …………..…… at the gift shop .
8. We ……………………. Aswan last year .

6. Rearrange the following sentence to make meaningful sentences : 
1. elephant – An –never – thin – is.
………………………………………………………………… .
2. to – went – Menna – yesterday – Luxor.
………………………………………………………………… .
3. hands – two –clock – A – has .
………………………………………………………………… .
4. raining – hard – very – It's – outside.
………………………………………………………………… .
5. buy – here - You – postcards – can .
………………………………………………………………… .
6. bigger – Aubergines – than – apricots – are .
………………………………………………………………… .
7. your – season – What – favourite – is ?.
………………………………………………………………… .
8. egret – An – always – white – is.
………………………………………………………………… .
9. shorter – Mariam – is – Norhan – than .
………………………………………………………………… .
10. always – We – school – to – go – bus – by .
………………………………………………………………… .
11. is - Al Fayoum – south – Cairo – of .
………………………………………………………………… .
12. lies – pupil – good – A – never .
………………………………………………………………… .
13. hot – summer – It – in – is .
………………………………………………………………… .
14. visited – the – we – Last – museum – week ,
………………………………………………………………… .
15. We – kilo – need – a – flour – of .
………………………………………………………………… .

16. bear – is – bigger – cat – A – than – a .
………………………………………………………………… .
17. bring – my – camera – I – Can ?.
………………………………………………………………… .
18. in – A fish – water – lives – always.
………………………………………………………………… .
19. sunny – London – will – Tomorrow, - be – it – in .
………………………………………………………………… .
20. red – much – dress – How – the – is ?
………………………………………………………………… .
21. of – to – We – a tin – buy – olives – need
………………………………………………………………… .
22. a poster – Karnak – is – of – There – the .
………………………………………………………………… .
23. May –it – in – Is – windy ?
………………………………………………………………… .
24. did –do – What – yesterday – Hossam ?.
………………………………………………………………… .
25. pounds – The cabbage – thirty – five – and – is.
………………………………………………………………… .
26. set – watched – the – I – sun .
………………………………………………………………… .
27. are - ,Hadeer – size – What – you ?
………………………………………………………………… .
28. does – to – How – go – Ahmed – school ?
………………………………………………………………… .
29. a bar – is – much – soap – How – of ?
………………………………………………………………… .
30. on – Can – this – shirt – try – ,please – I ?
………………………………………………………………… .
31. do – a box – you – How – make ?
………………………………………………………………… .
32. fruit – the – We – from – market – buy
………………………………………………………………… .
33. went – with – I – parents – to – my – Aswan
………………………………………………………………… .

34. saw –We – at – the temple – Karnak.
………………………………………………………………… .
35. many – seasons – there – How – are ?
………………………………………………………………… .
36. is – seventy – from – Aswan – Luxor – kilometre
………………………………………………………………… .
37. always – drives – me – He – to – school
………………………………………………………………… .
38. make – is – we – This – a clock – how .
………………………………………………………………… .
39. Museum – the – Welcome – Egyptian – to
………………………………………………………………… .
40. is – from – Aswan – How far – it – Qena – to ?
………………………………………………………………… .
41. is – season – your – What – favourite ?
………………………………………………………………… .
42. turn – Now, - my – It's .
………………………………………………………………… .
7. Punctuate the following sentence :
1. it s always cold in january
………………………………………………………………… .
2. whats the weather like in London
………………………………………………………………… .
3. lets go shopping on Friday
………………………………………………………………… .
4. welcome to the egyptian museum
………………………………………………………………… .
5. yes thats right
………………………………………………………………… .
6. when did mona go to qena
………………………………………………………………… .
7. goodbye tarek
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:30

u-Listen and circle:
a) a palm tree b) a tractor c) a cabbage

v-Listen and circle:
a) It can fly. b)forty plus fifty is ninety.
c) It's raining today.

w- Circle the odd one out:
1- year - month - week - windy .
2- north - south - eat - west .
3- jacket - shoes - spring - blouse.
4- Monday - thirty - forty - fifty .

x-Match the questions with the answers:
1- How many seasons are there? a) No, it isn’t.
2- Is it sunny in winter? b) No, it doesn't.
3- How much is the ball? c) Yes, it will.
4- Does school start is summer? d) It is L.E 5.
e) There're four.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
My name is Amany. Last summer we went to Alexandria. It's a beautiful city north of Cairo. The weather in Alexandria is cool and nice. I saw the sea in the morning. I went to cinema in the evening.
1. Amany never goes to Alexandria. ( )
2. Alexandria is south of Cairo. ( )
3. Amany was happy in Alexandria. ( )
4. The weather there is cloudy. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
spring – always – much – winter – west
1. How -------------------are the red shoes?
2. In-------------------.it's cold and raining.
3. The sun sets in the-------------------
4. Fish -------------------live in the water.

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. favourite – is – season – What – your ?
2. elephant – never – An – thin – is.
3. worm – is – It – in – the – windy – and – spring.
4. size – you – are – What ?

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
i m from cairo

}-Copy the following sentence:
The weather is cool and cloudy in autumn.

u-Listen and circle:
a) a plane b) grapes c) a sandwich.

v-Listen and circle:
a) First, I cutthe paper. b) It's fifty-four pounds.
c) I visited Giza and saw the Sphinx.

w- Circle the odd one out:
2- glue - green - stick - trace.
3- raining - cloudy - stormy - walk .
4- Shaymaa - Sameh - Hisham - Mohamed.
4- first – next - then - windy .
x-Match the questions with the answers:

1- How do you go to school? a)-Very cold.
2- What's the weather like? b)-Yes, I can.
3- Did you make a model train? c)-No, it isn't.
4- Can you make a clock? d)-Yes, I did.
e)-On foot.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
My name's Ali. I'm in primary five. I get up at six
o'clock. My father drives me to school at 8 o'clock.
My friend Walid always walks to school. He hasn’t
got a car.
1- Walid always goes to school by car. ( )
2- Ali never goes to school on foot. ( )
3- Walid has got a big car. ( )
4- Ali is in primary six. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
always – by – How – on - never
1. The egret is…………………… white.
2. …………….….do you go to school?
3. He goes to school……….……..foot.
4. The hippo……………..……. dances.

{-Rearrange the following words:
5. did – What - Marim – do ?
6. the – Next - sides - she - glued.
7. the – in – What's – like - May – weather ?
8. make – did – What – Miss Dalia ? ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
first sameh cut the paper

}-Copy the following sentence:
The weather is cold in London.

u-Listen and circle:
a) a camel b) flour c) a train

v-Listen and circle:
a) It's windy in spring. b)I like strawberries very much.
c) An elephant is never thin.

w- Circle the odd one out:
5- ear – west – north – south.
6- sunny – stormy – Sunday – snowing .
7- pink – fold – stick – trace.
4- Japan – Paris – London – degree .

x-Match the questions with the answers:

1- Will it be windy tomorrow? a) Thirty - four.
2- What's size are you? b) Yes, I can.
3- How much is that green dress? c) In winter.
4- Can you make a model plane? d) It is L.E 45.
e) Yes, it will.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
Last week we visited AL Fayoum. It is a beautiful city south of Cairo. AL Fayoum is famous for its water falls and water wheels. We also saw Lake Qarun. We were happy there and had a wonderful day.
1. We visited Cairo last week. ( )
2. We saw Lake Nasser in AL Fayoum. ( )
3. There are water wheels in Alexandria. ( )
4. We were happy in Al Fayoum. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
weather – size – How – on - always
1. What …………………are you?
2. I……………..….go to school on foot.
3. ………………..…much are these shoes?
4. What's the ……………….like in London?

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. try on – Can - dress – I - this ?
2. tomorrow – will - be - It - sunny.
3. has – wings – An – two - aero plane.
4. she – the – Next,– sides – glued. ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
we saw the pyramid of meidum

}- Copy the following sentence:
Can I have the pink jacket, mum?

u-Listen and circle:
a) statues b) a blouse c) spring

v-Listen and circle:
a) It's seven pounds a kilo. b)We need some honey.
c)First, I cut the paper.

w- Circle the odd one out:
1- watermelon – waterfall – tomatoes – guavas.
2- skirt – blouse – juice – dress .
3- windy – seventy – eighty – ninety.
4- cloudy – hot – summer – snowing .

x-Match the questions with the answers:
1- Where does a fish live? a)I went to Aswan
2- Is it sunny in winter? b) In water.
3- Where did you go in holiday? c) It's 200 km.
4- How far is it from Luxor to Qena? d) It is L.E 44.
e) Yes, it is.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
There are four seasons in a year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. School starts in autumn. I like summer a lot because it is the holiday and I go to Alexandria with my parents.
1. I went to Alexandria with my sister. ( )
2. School starts in autumn. ( )
3. My favourite season is winter. ( )
4. The weather is cool in autumn. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
parents – do – far – ships – temple
1. How ………………is it from Cairo to Alex?
2. We can see…………..……….in the port.
3. How………………..you go to school?
4. I visited the ………..………at Karnak.
{-Rearrange the following words:
1. went – Luxor – Shymaa – yesterday – to.
2. egret – always – An – white – is.
3. hot – is – It – summer – in.
4. Cairo – Al Fyoum – north – is – of .

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
what s the weather like in paris

}-Copy the following sentence:
We like our English teacher Mr. Walid.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر حسان الدمياطى
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 81
نقاط : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالسبت 9 فبراير 2013 - 19:34

u-Listen and circle:
a) guavas b) cloudy c) a shelf

v-Listen and circle:
a) He does his homework. b) Cairo is 66 km from Sharkia. c) We need a kilo of cheese.

w- Circle the odd one out:
1- temple - finger - head - hand .
2- holiday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday .
3- shoes - skirt - meter - shirt.
4- folded - swam - played - visited .

x-Match the questions with the answers:

1- How many months are there? a)It's about 55 km.
2- Is it windy in summer? b)No, he didn't.
3- How far is it from her to Alex? c)Yes, it is.
4- Did you go to Aswan in holiday? d)No, it isn’t.
e)There're twelve.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
My name is Mariam. Every week I go shopping with my mother. Last week we bought a carton of eggs, a packet of milk and a kilo of flour. We also bought two kilos of sugar. We will make a cake.
1. Marim goes shopping every month. ( )
2. She bought a tin of olives. ( )
3. They will make a cake. ( )
4. Marim bought a bar of soap. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
from – autumn – spring – months – for
1. It's cool and cloudy in……….………..…
2. Al Fayoum is famous …………its waterwheels.
3. There're twelve…………….……in a year.
4. It's about 300km ………………Banha to Cairo.

{-Rearrange following words:
1. to – I – my – went – parents – with – Aswan.
2. to – never – Shymaa – school – walks.
3. from – Zagazeg – It's – 250 km – to – Mahalla.
4. the – did – you – in – holiday – Where – go ? ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentences:
how far is it from qena to asuit

}- Copy the following sentence:
The cabbage is five pounds.

u-Listen and circle:
a) peaches b) 50 piastres c) a key ring

v-Listen and circle:
a)She is in the kitchen. b)eighty and twenty is one hundred. c)Then, I fold the sides.
w- Circle the odd one out:
1- tin – jar – car – bar .
2- Soha – Aswan – Assiut – Qena .
3- parents – sister – teacher – brother.
4- hundred – temple – fourteen – fifteen .

x-Match the questions with the answers:
1- How much is the skirt? a) I helped mum.
2- What did you do in the holiday? b) No, it isn't.
3- Is April in summer? c) I always walk.
4- How do you go t school? d) They are 40 pounds.
e) It is 40 pounds

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
I live in Aswan. It's a beautiful city north of Luxor. The weather here is very nice. You can go to Aswan by boat or train. It's 260 km from Aswan to Qena. I Like my city very much.
1. I live in Qena. ( )
2. Aswan is north of Cairo. ( )
3. It's 60 km from Aswan to Qena. ( )
4. The weather in Aswan is nice ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
up – need – winter – peaches – kilometers
1. Banha is 48 ………….....…from Cairo.
2. It's cold and raining in…….………….
3. What do you ………………..…….?
4. My favourite fruit is………….………...

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. do – to – need – buy – What – you ?
2. need – I – a – honey – of – jar .
3. the – at – We – Karnak – saw – temple .
4. far – from – to – How – is – Alex – Cairo – it ? ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
i m from cairo and amira from qena

}- Copy the following sentence:
Can I have six eggs, please?

u-Listen and circle:
a) a car b) meat c) Paris
v-Listen and circle:
a) Then, I glue the sides. b) It's a tube of toothpaste. c) Al Fayoum is famous for its watewrwhwwls.

w- Circle the odd one out:
8- enjoy - trip - visit - take .
2- strawberries - grapes - cabbage - guavas .
3- small - plate - big - short.
4- kilo - packet - tin - chocolate.
x-Match the questions with the answers:
1- Is a pear smaller than melon? a) It's half past six.
2- Did you make the model? b) No, we aren’t.
3- What time do you get up? c) At half past six.
4- Do we need some sugar? d) Yes, we did.
e) Yes, it is.

y-Read and choose a, b or c:
Last holiday we went to Luxor. We visited the temple at Karnak. We were at the Valley of Kings for two hours. I took lots of photos. My parents enjoyed the Sounds and Light Show in the evening.
1. I went on holiday to…………………
a)Aswan b) Luxor c)Giza
2. I took lots of………………………..
a) temples b) statues c) photos
3. They were at the Valley of the……..…for 2 hours.
a) Karnak b) Kings c) Temple
4. They visited the………………..at Karnak.
a) Valley b) Sound c) Temple

z-Finish the following sentences:
mugs – visited – mug – at – smaller
1. Last week I ……………… my uncle n Sohag.
2. He bought two ………………..
3. A duck is ………………… than a horse.
4. We have lunch ……………. three o'clock.

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. taller – is – Sameha – Myada – than.
2. need – We – of – a tin – buy – olives – to.
3. raining – hard – It's – outside – very.
4. bring – I – my – Can – camera?

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
we visited al fayoum

}- Copy the following sentence:
A duck is smaller then the horse.

u-Listen and circle:
a) milk b) pepper c) butcher's
v-Listen and circle:
a)We need some corn. b) I saw the mask of Tutankhamun. c) A watermelon is bigger than a guava.

w- Circle the odd one out:
9- Samy – Stormy – Cloudy – Raining .
2- water – spring – summer – autumn .
3- pen – book – shelf – pencil.
4- statue – necklace – mask – water .

x-Match the questions with the answers:
1- Where did you buy meat? a) Yes, you can.
2- Can I have a bar of soap? b) Yes, he is.
3- How much is the mug? c) No, she isn’t.
4- Is your father taller than you? D) At the butcher's.
e) It's 10 pounds.

y-Read and put a (P ) or a (O ):
I go to school five days a week. I like going to school on foot. I always walk with my friend Tarek. My friend Noha goes to school by
her bike. I like my school and my teachers.
1. I go to school six days a week. ( )
2. Tarek walks to school. ( )
3. Noha goes to school on foot. ( )
4. I don’t like my school. ( )

z-Finish the following sentences:
farm – never – Will – making – Always
1. ………………. it be cold in Japan tomorrow?
2. I'm ……………….... a wall chart.
3. Last week, we visited my uncle's ………….
4. A goat …….…………. eats meat.

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. its – famous – is – Al Fayoum – for – waterwheels.
2. the – size – shoes – blue – are – What ?
3. forty – make – Forty – and – eighty.
4. season – is – your – favourite – What ? ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
my uncle s farm is in aswan
}- Copy the following sentence:
We enjoyed the Sound and Light Show.

u-Listen and circle:
a) a plant b) Arabic c) a mug

v-Listen and circle:
a) The guavas are 5 pounds a kilo. b) I went to the museum. c) It's hot in the summer.

w- Circle the odd one out:
1- grapes – cucumber – aubergines – cabbage.
2- smaller – short – taller – bigger .
3- carton – eggs – pizza – cake.
4- post card – papyrus – coat – key ring .

x-Match the questions with the answers:

1- How does Ali go to school? a) No, he doesn't.
2- What do you need? b) She always walks.
3- Does Walid like meat? c) In water.
4- Where does a fish live? d) It is L.E 5.
e) A kilo of flour.

y-Read and choose a, b or c:
I have three friends. Hani, Omar and Ali. Hani is ten years old. Omar and Ali are nine. Omar is taller than Hani and Ali. Ali is fatter than Omar and Hani.
1. I have ………………… friends
a)two b) three c)four
2. Omar and Ali are …………… years old.
a) seven b) eight c) nine
3. Omar is …………………. than Hani and Ali.
a) taller b) thinner c) shorter
4. Ali is ……………….. than Omar and Hani.
a) shorter b) taller c) fatter

z-Finish the following sentences:
month – colder – did – seasons – paper
1. Where …………..…... you go last summer?
2. First, I cut the ……………….….
3. What's your favourite ………..………….
4. London is ………….….…. than Tokyo.

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. Sound –Show–and–The – Light – amazing – was
2. always – We – school – to – walk.
3. don’t – I – weather – like – hot.
4. Sameha – Amira – shorter – than – is . ………………………………………………………..

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
yes mohamed has a car

}- Copy the following sentence:
We must eat the healthy food.

u-Listen and circle:
a) raining b) apples c) a pyramid

v-Listen and circle:
a)A fish always lives in water. b) My father drives me to school. c) How much is a cabbage?

w- Circle the odd one out:
1- juice - water - milk - crisps .
2- blue - blouse - green - brown .
3- seventy - eighty - kilometers - fifty.
4- train - plate - bus - car .

x-Match the questions with the answers:

1- When did you visit the pyramids? a) No, it isn’t.
2- What's the weather like? b) Yes, it is.
3- How far is it from Aswan to Qena? c) Last week.
4- Is it hot in summer? d) It is 373 km.
e) It's raining.

y-Read and choose a, b or c:
Dina walked to the shops in the morning yesterday. She went with her two sisters, Soha and Maha. Dina bought a green dress. Soha bought a white skirt. Maha got a brown purse for her mother. Then they had ice cream and sweets. They went home at three o’clock.
1-Dina went to the shops………….……………
a- by car b- on foot c- by taxi
2-……………….…sisters went to the shops yesterday.
a-Two b-Four c- Three
3-Maha bought a……………….………..for her mother.
a- purse b- dress c- skirt
4-The sisters went home in the………..………..
a-morning b-evening c-afternoon.

z-Finish the following sentences:
kilo – than – a – far – much
1. Bananas are five pounds ….….….. kilo.
2. we need a ………………….of tomatoes
3. Hisham is fatter………….……Sameh.
4. How…………..…..is the juice?

{-Rearrange the following words:
1. museum – the – Welcome – Egyptian – to.
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. Temple – saw – at – Karnak – We – The .
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. you – How – a helicopter – make – do?
……………………………………………………………………. .
4. Nasser – Aswan – Lake – in – is .

|-Punctuate the following sentence:
it s always cold in december

}- Copy the following sentence:
I need a carton of eggs, please?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى   شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى Emptyالأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 1:48

شوكً لك أخى على المجهود الرائع
جزاك الله خيراً وجعله فى ميزان حسناتك
لك خالص ودى وتقديرى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح انجليزى خامسه ابتدائى كاملا مع القواعد والتدريبات ترم ثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» تدريبات انجليزى خامسة ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» أسئلة للمتفوقين فقط انجليزى 6 ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» حمل شرح وامتحانات انجليزى الخامس ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» مراجعة انجليزى خامسة ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» مراجعة سريعة على انجليزى رابعه ابتدائى ترم ثانى

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