منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه   مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Emptyالسبت 13 أكتوبر 2012 - 0:02

1-مراجعة الوحدات 1-6 من خلال سؤال التصحيح للصف الثانى الاعدادى

Correct the following sentences.
1-Yara born in Mahallet Bisher.(…………..)2-Ahmed like eat meat(………….)
3-Mohamed not meets her friends(…..-……….-…………)
4-Yara is fifteen year age(……..)5-Where did Ahmed arrive? At one o'clock (…..)
6-How many is this mobile?(……..)7-How much did Yara stay in Alex?(……….)
8-My address is 20 Ghobashy Street.(…………)9-I am a letter(…………)
10-Ahmed enjoy play football.(……..-………..)11-A doctor look for sick people
12-why don’t you come with we?(………..)13-Yara would like watching T.V.(….
14-Has Yara got computer? (…….._..........)15-What boy is your brother?(…….)
16-The film was very interested(………….)17-Has Ahmed got some CD?(………)
18-Yara is making her homework(…….)19-Mr.Khaled advice you to Study(…..)
20-We should get up our grandmother.(……………………)
21-Yara waited to her friend Sara.(………………………….)
22-I advice you. You must study hard.(……………………..)
23-Ahmed is read a story now.(………………………….…..)
24-Ahmed always cut has fingers .(………………………..)
25-What s the better thing to do?(……………….)
26-They are at holiday.(………….)27-It 's hot in winter.(……………….)
28-Noone is injuring(…………….)29-The police catches the thief.(…………….)
30-We have got a few milk.(…………..)31-I've got a little apples.(……………)
32-It, 's cold in summer.(……-……….)33-Cold air rises up(…………………..)
34-The better thing to do when you are late is to looking at the map(………….)
35-If water is boil , you get ice.(………_.........)36-The rise in the west(…………)
37-Rain fall from cold cloud(…………..)38-It rains when it is cold(…………….0
39-Some drops freeze and changes into snow.(………………)
40-Clouds are white, brown or black.(…………….)41-She his a book(………..)-
42-Snow falls from hot clouds.(…………….)43-I study because I answer(…….)
44-Clothes wet in the sun.(…………..)45-We boil water to get ice (……………..)
46-Water vapour evaporates when it rises into the sky.(………………..)
47-Ahmed is the boy whose plays football good(………….._...............)
48-This is the village when Ahmed live(…………._..................)
49-The institute is the place which we learn in.(………………….)
50-Ahmed answer the questions where Mr.Khaled asked.(………….)
51-A knife is used to make holes(……….)52 We use nails to sew clothes.(…….)
53-scissors is used to cut wood.(………..)54-we use a knife to cutting meat.(….)
56-A saw is a machine (………….)57-Ahmed doesn't has many money.(……….)
58-We fixed the pieces of wood by needles.(………………..)
59-A floor is at the top of the house.(………………………..)
60-We cut wood with needle(………..)61-can I lend your book.(………..……..)
62-This work is very tired.(…………)63-The horse pushed the cart.(………..….)
64-In football ,we hold the ball.(…..)65-I lent a book from Ahmed.(…………..)

66-Yara wasn't watch T.V yesterday.(………)67-We should help each one.(……)
68-a mechanic works in a clinic.(………….)69-I can saw it .(……………………)
70-There are three men drink tea.(…….….)71-I enjoy seeing cartoons.(………)
72-Sara is washing the film on T.V.(………)73-water the plant. It is wet.(……..)
74-The cat is chasing the mouth.(…………)75-The house is in fire.(……………)
76-What is the address of this story.(……..)77-They were with their way to us.
78-I succeeded the exam.(………….)79-I passed to the exam.(…………………….)
80-you should to phone bus station because the hose was by fire.(…………….)
81-Ahmed shouted loud.(…………….)82-Hear to my question.(………………..)
83-ahmed tell me yesterday.(………..)84-Yara was worrying .(………………...)
85-He made a voyage by air.(…….….)86-It was an exited match.(…………….)
87-Iwas play all yesterday.(…………..)88-Thank you to your help.(……………)
89-Are you help me?(…………………)90-Yara doesn’t do her work yet.(………..)
91-Ahmed is two happy.(…………….)92-can we able to buy it?(……………….)
93-Can people will live on the moon.(…………………………………..)
94-computers are useful tools.(…………)95-It is very cheap. I cant buy it.(……
96-You have to look at work.(…………..)97-Mother look for her children.(……)
98-We can be able to travel their(. …………..) 99-He was as tired to work(
100-Fifty years age , he was thin.(……………)101-He is the driver of the plane.
102-I will go .I am not sure.(…………………..)103-He look after his keys (…….
104-I have a book, haven’t I?(………..)105- I go to school by foot. (--------)
106-The last time I go to a farm was about three months ago
107 -To get meat we grow goats. 108- go to the cinema for see the film-
109-Computers never remember information. (--------)
110-They are flexible, quickly and accurate. (--------)
11-They control robots on factories. (--------)
112-Doctors use them to examines patients(--------)
113-Will you opening the door for me? (--------)
114-I don't think she will be able to cooked well(--------)
.115-I think robots will probable help us in our hoes. (--------)
116-No, I don't think saw. (--------) 117-- Ali arrive , hasn't he? (--------)
118- Mona has left, has she? (--------)119- That's not your pen, is it? (--------)
120-Ali and Ahmed played football,did they? (--------)
121-I goes to school everyday,doesn't I?(-----)122-They help the poor,do they? (-
123- The farmer and his wife buy some hens yesterday. (--------)
124- The farmer found a gold egg. (--------)
125- A kind man wants more and more. (--------)
126- Farmers grow goats to get milk and meat. (--------)
127- We grow wheat to got flour. (------)128- He plays football, don't he?-------)
129- He is a farmer, is he? (--------)

Answer the following questions:
1) Have you ever used a hammer?. .............................................
2) Have you ever been to a farm? ..............................................
3) Have you harvested farm crops? ..........................................
4) Have you ever grown wheat? ...............................................
5) Have you ever kept chickens? ..............................................
Answer the following questions:
1) Why do farmers keep chickens?..............................................
2) Why do farmers keep sheep? ................................................
3) Why do farmers keep goats? ................................................
4) Why do farmers grow cotton? ...............................................
5) Why do farmers grow wheat? ...............................................
6) Why do farmers grow sugar cane? ........................................
Read the following and complete.
1-We use ………….. to sew with.
2-We use ………….. to hold or cut metal.
3-We use…….... .….to fix pieces of wood together.
4-We use ……......... to cut paper and cloth with.
5-We use …………. to hit nails .
6-We use………….. to make holes into wood or metals.
7- We use ………… to cut wood.
8-We use ……….… to cut food.
-Rearrange the following words to make a correct sentence:
1-computer-yesterday-family-a new-Yara’s-bought.
3-control-are-in-Computers-robots-factories-used to.
5-are-What-the best-is-thing-when-to do-you-lost?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه   مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Emptyالسبت 16 أغسطس 2014 - 2:54

شوكً على الموضوع الرائع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أ عصام زكريا
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 134
نقاط : 155
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/10/2013
العمر : 43

مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه   مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه Emptyالإثنين 15 سبتمبر 2014 - 7:27

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراجعة على الوحدات من 1-6 لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول روووعه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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