منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول   شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 22:59

Unit 3 Let's go for a walk

a computer game
لعبة كمبيوتر sailor
مفقود library
again مرة أخرى worried
suggest يقترح sunny
يقبل terrible
بشع / فظيع
يرفض calm
طريقة rock
بيتزا hope
somewhere else
مكان أخر diary مفكرة
nice fruit
فاكهة لطيفة each part
كل جزء
قرن the land اليابس
light winds رياح خفيفة country دولة
beach شاطئ job وظيفة
Opposites Prepositions
مريض well
بصحة جيدة stay in bed يبقى بالفراش
يفوز lose
يخسر be keen on
متحمس لـ
ممتع boring
ممل go for a walk
يذهب للتمشية
صحي unhealthy
غير صحي arrive in يصل الى (بلد)
ساخن / حار cold
بارد stay with يبقى مع
جائع full ممتلئ speak to يتحدث الى
غني poor فقير
يطفو sink يغوص
Irregular Verbs
يفوز won

يشعر felt

يخبر told

يعني / يقصد mean mean
يفكر / يعتقد thought

يأكل ate

يضرب / يصطدم hit

ينام slept

يغوص / يغرق sank

A) Choose the correct answer from a . b . c or d :
1. The doctor advised me to ......................in bed for a week.
a) wash b) walk c) stay d) run
2.I should ..........................a letter to some of our friends on World Pen-Friends Club.
a) read b) write c) carry d) buy
3. Nada likes playing.....................
a) cheese b) choice c) chase d) chess
4. I've been .................for two days, I'd rather see the doctor.
a) ill b) well c) healthy d) strong
B. Read and match :
1-I stayed in bed because a. this computer game.
2- The film is interesting, so b. to read it tonight.
3- Let's play c. I was ill.
4- I'm writing a letter d. I was angry .
5- I'd like to borrow this story e. to my pen-friend
f. I'm going to see it.
Making suggestions عمل الاقتراح Responding الرد
الرد بالموافقة الرد بالرفض
Let's ( المصدر ) ?
What / How about (v+ing)?
Why don't we ( المصدر )?
We could +( المصدر ). Ok! That's a good idea. Sorry! I'm not very keen.
I really don't feel like it.
- suggest + ( v-ing ) / - suggest +فاعل + (المصدر)
Ahmed suggested travelling by train .
Ahmed suggested Samy read a book .
Write what you would say in the following situations:
1-You suggest to your sister to play a computer game.
2-Mother says, "Let's visit your grandmother," and you agree.
3-Your friend says, "Let's go shopping." You don't agree.
4-Your friends suggests playing football and you like the idea.
5-Your teacher suggests going to the zoo.
6- Your brother suggested buying your mother a present and
you agreed.
A) Choose the correct answer from a . b. c or d :
1) Why ......................Salma go fora walk?
a) doesn't b) don't c) hadn't d) hasn't
2) What about .......................lunch in the garden?
a) had b) has c) have d) having
3) .............................we go to the shops together?
a) Will b) Would c) Shall d) Must
4) How ...........................visiting Nihad at hospital today?
a) on b) about c) over d) out
5) Let's ..................the TV on to watch the match.
a) turned b) turns c) turning d)turn
6) I don't feel like the cinema. What about somewhere............
a) else b) also c) other d) another
7) The children went for a walk in the.....................
a) cinema b) station c) park d) house
8) How .....................sending Osama an e-mail ?
a) for b)to c)from d) about
B) Rewrite the following sentences
1 - How about taking an umbrella with us? (Why)
2- Shall we go swimming next Monday? (Let's)
3- Amira suggested taking a day off. (What...)
4- We could watch the match tonight. (Shall....)

Write what you would say in the following situations:
1) You suggest visiting the museum .
2) You disagree to your brother's suggestion to go to the club.
3) You suggest visiting your uncle who is ill.
4) You suggest spending a week with your uncle in Toshka.
5) You don't agree to Rania's suggestion to eat Chinese food.
6) You suggest helping mother with the wash up.
B) Read and correct the underlined words
1 - What about watch the match on TV?
2- Why doesn't you wait for us?
3- Will we clean the flat?
4- Let's buying some sweets for Rasha.
A) Choose the correct answer from a , b . c or d :
1- Maged is keen ...................playing football.
a) at b) in c) on d) of
2- It's a ............ habit to wash your hands before eating.
a) strange b) bad c) wrong d) healthy
3- I'm ................I want to eat something
a) ill b) hungry c) angry d) poor
4- ....................don't you buy a new mobile?
a) What b)Why c) When d) Where
5- What about .....................the mid-year holiday in Luxor?
a) spending b) spent c) spend d) to spend
6- Shall we ..................a meal at Parada Restaurant?
a) have b) had c) has d) having
7- There is a very good film ....................TV now.
a) at b) on c) in d) for
8- The sailor has stayed .........................the fisherman .
a) on b) at c) with d) for

كتابة الخطاب

- العنوان address
أ- اسم الشارع ورقم المنزل 55 Orabi St ,
ب- اسم المدينة Nasr City,
جـ- اسم الدولة إذا كان الخطاب للخارج Egypt.
2- التاريخ 21st March, 2002
Dear اسم المرسل إليه ,
مقدمة الخطاب
I’m very happy to write you this letter ……………….
موضوع الخطاب
With my best wishes
اسم المرسل

1-العنوان أعلى الصفحة ناحية اليمين, ويأتى العنوان بعد عبارة.
You live at ……………
ويكتب العنوان تحت بعضه من الصغير الى الكبير .
Ex: you live at 20 Saad Street , Cairo, Egypt
2- التاريخ Date ويكتب تخت العنوان كالاتى
- أيام ( 1, 21, 31) تضيف بعدها ( St ) ثم اسم الشهر والسنة.
Ex: 1 st , 21 st . 31 st
- أيام ( 2 , 22 ) نضيف بعدها ( nd ) ثم اسم الشهر فالسنة .
2 nd , 22 nd
- أيام ( 3, 23) نضيف بعدها ( rd ) ثم اسم الشهر فالسنة.
3rd , 23 rd
- باقي الأيام نضيف th
4 th , 5 th , 20 th , 30 th
Ex : 24 , 3, 2002 24 th , March , 2002.
3- بداية الخطاب
- في حالة الصديق نكتب ( اسم الصديق Dear )
- في حالة الأقارب يكتب ( نوع القرابة + Dear ) ( Dear father)
- في حالة شخص لا تعرفه جيدا تكتب ( اسم الشخص ( Dear + Mr. 4- المقـــــدمــــــــــة
يمكن كتابة المقدمة التالية أول الخطاب .
1- How are you and your family? I hope you are all very well.
2- It gives me great pleasure to write you this letter.
2- انه لمن دواعي سروري أن اكتب لك هذا الخطاب
3- Greetings from Egypt تحياتي من مصر
في حالة أخبار سيئة: I was very sorry to know that …………….
في خالة أخبار سعيدة I was very pleased to know that ……..
4- الخاتمة.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. That's all for now.
ملحوظة هامة.
Your name is .اسم الراسل./Write a letter to….اسم المرسل إليه
*) Write a letter of six sentences to your American pen-friend, Andrew. Tell him about yourself, your family,

your school and your city. Your name is Wael Said and you live at 20, Trad El-Neel street, Beni-Swef.

20, Trad El-Neel st,
1 st, May, 2009
Dear Andrew,
How are you and your family? I'm writing to give you my latest news. I have been back to school since September. I've been at my prep school for about two years and this is my last year in it.
My family are all very well. My father has bought a new house in El-wasta. Now I live in El-Wasta city with my family. I go to El-Wasta prep school.
That's all for now, Andrew. Write soon and tell me your news.
Best wishes
Wael Said

1) Write a letter of six sentences to your pen friend John who lives in the U. S. A. telling him how you'll spend the mid year holiday, where you will go and what you will do. Tell him also about your school. Your name is Reda; you live at 12 El Ahram street, Cairo.

lots of كثيرا من envelope ظرف
company شركة classmate زميل الفصل
exhibition معرض pen-friend صديق المراسلة
date تاريخ address عنوان
conference مؤتمر work for a company يعمل لدى شركة
describe يصف have a cold يصاب بالبرد
activities أنشطة customers زبائن
a TV studio أستوديو تلفزيون diving غوص

يصدر import يستورد
fortunately لحسن الحظ unfortunately لسوء الحظ

Irregular Verbs
يقول said

يكسر broke

يصنع made

The present perfect tenseزمن المضارع التام

(I – You – الجمع) have
( He – She- it – المفرد ) has
يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن حدث لم ينته بعد أو حدث وقع في الماضي وله تأثير في الوقت الحاضر مع الكلمات التالية:
O just توا - already بالفعل وتوضع بين شقي الزمن O
. I have just finished my homework.
. She has already cooked the food.
O ever في وقت ما تستخدم في السؤال
O never أبد وتأتي في الإجابة بالنفي
. Have you ever been to London?
. No, I've never been to London.
O Yet بعد تأتي في نهاية الجملة المنفية والسؤال O
. Have you finished your work yet?
. No, I haven't finished my work yet.
O since منذ مع الفترات المفتوحة O for لمدة مع الفترات المحددة

2 o'clock 1997 2 hours five years
Monday last week 3 days a week
12th may I was young six months along time
. I have been studying English for five years.
. I have been living in El Wasta since 1980.
مضارع تام Since ماضي بسيط
O I haven't met her since she was in the party.
I'm still doing my homework.= I haven't finished doing it yet.
I have just met Adel.= I met Adel a short time/a moment ago.
It's my first time to see this film.= I have never seen this film before.
I have painted my flat before.= I have already painted my flat.
Choose 1. I have been learning English (for – since – to –
from) five years now.
2. My sister has never (be – is – are – been) to Sinai.
3. Hassan fell (into – out – of – off) his bike and broke his arm.
4. They have lived in Giza (for – since – ago – in) 1988.
5. She hasn't finished her homework (yet – for – ago – since)
6. Have you (never – just – ever – already) seen a lion?
7. We have not found our lost car( already– yet – ever- never)
8.(Has- Is- Have- Having) Hind finished her magazine?
9. Have you (never- yet- just- ever) been to the Pyramids?
10.I have just (find-finding- found- finds) a job with a rich man
11. ( Do – Had – Did – Have ) you ever met Ahmed Zewail?
12. I've never (swim– swims– swam– swum) in the canal in our village.
13. I haven't eaten fish (since– for– just– already) five months.

B) Read and correct the underlined words:
1) I know I'm late, but I haven't cleaned my room already.
2) Have you never been to Aswan?
3) Nader has staving with us for a week.
4) The rich man have given me a job as a librarian.
B) Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1-I'm still doing my homework . (yet)
2- Ramzy is still washing his car. (not finished)
3-I cleaned the office a short time ago . (just)
4- It's my first time to ride a horse . ( never)
Read and match
1 - Please, tell me Heba's address a. I have a cold .
2- This is a good supermarket b. to buy an envelope
3- I've been in bed for 2 days, c. to send her a letter.
4- We'll go to Sharm d. to make a programme
5-I visited a TV studio e. it is full of customers
f. to have a holiday diving.
B) Read and correct the underlined words :
1 - Where has Radi be on holiday?
2- Have you never flown a helicopter?
3- Nora has not left her bed already.
4- My uncle is just changed his job.
. Write a paragraph of six sentences on " The school library " : Using the information provided:
Our school– a library– a big room– floor– read – borrow– a week– different kinds– tables– reading– the librarian–increase.
" The school library "
Our school has a library. It is a big room on the second floor. There, we can read or borrow any book and keep it for a week. There are different kinds of books in our school library. There are many tables in the middle where we can sit to enjoy reading. The librarian helps us to choose the books we need to read to increase our information.
Test 3 Unit 3
1. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1-You suggest going to the cinema.
2-Your friend suggests playing football and you like the idea.
3-Your friend says," Let's have a party." You don't agree.
4-Your friend suggests having a meal at a restaurant.
5 - You suggest switching the TV on to listen to the news.
6- You accept your sister's suggestion to order Shawarma.
2. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between a father and his son Amin, who was writing a letter to his pen-friend Tom:
Father : What are you doing, Amin?
Amin : ………………………. (1) …………….. .
Father : ……………………… (2) …………… ?
Amin : I received his letter two weeks ago.
Father : ……………………….. (3) ………………. ?
Amin : No, thank you. I'll do it on my own.
3- Read and match
1 - You write your friend's address a. on the envelope.
2- You put the letter b. about yourself and your family.
3- You should thank your friend c. to write again soon.
4- You tell him some news d. inside the envelope.
5- You should ask him e. to leave early.
f. for writing to you .
A) Choose the correct answer from a ,b , c or d :
1- I visited a TV studio to help .........................a programme.
a) give b) take c) make d) send
2-My pen-friend has sent me a letter to tell me his ….. news
a) latest b) late c) lately d) later
3- An ................of children's books is held in Cairo every year.
a) example b) exhibition c) interesting d) interest
4 - Have you .....................been to Sharm ?
a) never b) ever c) yet d) just
5- My sister is learning ................a prep school in Tanta.
a) for b) on c) at d)in
6- The boys haven't finished playing ....................
a) already b) just c) yet d) ever
7- I .....................my room . Look ! It's all right now.
a) have cleaned b) will clean c) clean d) had cleaned
8- Muneer is in hospital because he ...............his arm.
a) can break b) will break c) breaks d) has broken
9- Have you ......................been to Sharm?
a) never b) yet c) just d) ever
10- Hassan now works for an import and ................company .
a) export b) science c) buying d) selling
11- We'll watch the match .................................TV.
a) at b) for c) on d) in

5. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. I have lived in Cairo for three years. (since)
2. My father has been working in this factory since 1995. (for)
3. I started learning English in 1999. (since)
4. I have been learning English since 1996. (for)
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
My uncle went to England on business last year. His flight home left at 9 o'clock in the morning. So on the last night, he went to bed early and set his alarm clock for 6 o'clock. Unfortunately, the battery was old and the clock stopped in the middle of the night. He didn't wake up until 7 o'clock and he didn't have time for breakfast. Because he was so late, he decided not to go to the airport by bus. He called a taxi, but because he was in a hurry, he left his passport on the desk at the hotel reception. On the way to the airport, he realized that he didn't have his passport. He asked the taxi driver to go back to the hotel. When he picked up his passport, the traffic was heavy and he reached the airport too late. His flight had already left.
A) Answer the following questions :
1 - Why did the alarm clock stop in the middle of the night?
2- Why didn't the man have his breakfast?
3- Where did the man leave his passport?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- The man knew he didn't have his passport in the ................
a) airport b) hotel c) taxi d) plane
5- The man was late because .............................
a. he went to the airport by bus b. he went there by taxi
c. he had to go back to the hotel d. he lost his passport
6-The underlined word " unfortunately" means ....................
a) unhappy b) unusually c) unluckily d) unwisely
5- Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning
1. How about telling Nadia the bad news? (Let's)
2. It's my first time to visit Luxor. (never)
3. Sara finished drawing the picture a short time ago. (just)
4. Why don't we play a game of chess? (Could)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:
1. Shall we went to the doctor tonight?
2. Maher have been in bed for a week.
3. Nawal hasn't prepared her bag already.
4. Why about having a meal here?

8- write a letter to your English pen-friend Jones
using the information provided to tell him about:
- Your nationality - Birth place - Your school - Hobbies
Your name is Murad and you live at 12 Shatby street, Alex.
*) Write a paragraph of six sentences on :
" My school day "
Using the information provided:
get up early – morning / wash – prepare – books / go – by – bus / study – different subjects / read – books – school library / return home – afternoon.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول   شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Emptyالسبت 16 أغسطس 2014 - 10:15

موضوع أكثر من رائع جزاك الله خيراً
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أ عصام زكريا
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 134
نقاط : 155
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/10/2013
العمر : 43

شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول   شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول Emptyالإثنين 15 سبتمبر 2014 - 7:55

شوك على المجهود الكبير
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع للوحدة السابعة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة التاسعة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الأولى لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثانية لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الإعدادى الترم الأول

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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