منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 انجليزى 6 ابتدائى مراجعة رائعة للترم الأول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
حسام احمد
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 44
نقاط : 122
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2009

انجليزى 6 ابتدائى مراجعة رائعة للترم الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: انجليزى 6 ابتدائى مراجعة رائعة للترم الأول   انجليزى 6 ابتدائى مراجعة رائعة للترم الأول Emptyالسبت 4 أغسطس 2012 - 13:34

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 1 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ where – when – holiday - went ]
Ahmed: Hi, Hesham. Where did you go on ………………..?
Hesham: I visited Alexandria.
Ahmed: What did you do there?
Hesham: I …………….. to the library.
Ahmed: ……………..did you go home?
Hesham: At ten o'clock.

2- [ did – go – sent - went ]
Bakeer: Where did you go on holiday?
Said: I ……………….. to Aswan.
Bakeer: What ……………… you do there?
Said: I saw the High Dam. I …………….. you a postcard.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : Where's Sara from ?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) She's in Tanta.
b) He's from Tanta.
c) She's from Tanta.

2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : I visited the Valley of the Kings.
a) What did you do in Alexandria?
b) When did you go to Luxor and Aswan?
c) What did you do in Luxor and Aswan.

3. Sohila : Did you go to Alexandria on holiday?
Tasneem : ………………………………………………….. .
a) Yes, he did b) Yes, I can.
c) Yes, I did.

4. Ahmed :Hello, this is my friend, Alaa.
Alaa :……………………………………….. .
a) Thank you. b) Hello.
c) Good morning.

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. Where did you
2. What did you
3. We saw the library
4. Where are you from?
5. I visited the temple a) at Karnak.
b) in Alexandria.
c) do on holidy?
d) go on holiday?
e) She's from Tanta.
f) I' m from Al Sharkia. ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
Yara and her family live in Alexandria. Her parents are from Al Fayoum. Last summer, she went to Al Fayoum for her holiday. She visited Wadi El Rayyan. Her father took lots of photographs. Yara bought three postcards for her friends.
1. Where are Yara's parents from?
2. What did Yara visit in Al Fayoum?
3. Yara ………………postcards for her friends.
a) bought b) sent c) took
4. ………………….took lots of photos.
a) Yara b) Yara's mother c) Yara's father

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. ( Where – When – What ) is she from?
2. The Alexandria ( Dam – Library – Pyramid ) is amazing.
3. Youmna ( bought – sent – made ) a postcard to Shrouk.
4. Did Mariam go to Luxor ( on – at – in ) holiday?
5. What did you ( buy – buys – bought ) yesterday?
6. I ( visit – visited – visiting ) the Alexandria Library yesterday.
7. ( Where – when – What ) is she from?
8. ( Where – when – What ) did you do?
9. ( Where – When – What ) did you go ?
10. The Alexandria Library is ( new – bad – amazing )
11. The crocodile ( bought – ate – sent ) a big fish.
12. He took this ( postcard – photo – holiday ) at Luxor.
13. The High [ Museum – Pyramid – Dam ) is in Aswan.
6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. I went to the Alexandria Library last week. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………. .
2. I visited the Pyramids yesterday. [ When ]
……………………………………………………………. .

3. I sent a postcard. [ What ]
……………………………………………………………. .
4. Ahmed took this photograph at the zoo. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………. .
5. My family saw the Valley of the kings. [ What ]
……………………………………………………………. .
6. I bought a postcard yesterday. [ When ]
……………………………………………………………. .
7. He's from Tanta. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………. .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. went – holiday – We – on – Alexandria – to.
……………………………………………………………. .
2. Hesham – is – friend, - This – new – my.
……………………………………………………………. .
3. the valley – Salma – of – lives – the kings – near.
……………………………………………………………. .
4. the – to – The – went – river – crocodile.
……………………………………………………………. .
5. two – did – do – the – What – girls?
……………………………………………………………. .
6. pen – under – My – is – table – the.
……………………………………………………………. .
7. zoo – in – I – a lion – the – saw.
……………………………………………………………. .
8. visited – She – Al Fayoum – Wadi – in – El Rayyan.
……………………………………………………………. .
9. Alexandria – What – in – do – did – Hany?
……………………………………………………………. .
10. visited – High – Aswan – He – in – Dam – the.
……………………………………………………………. .

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. the high dam is amazing
……………………………………………………………. .
2. menna visited the alexandria library
……………………………………………………………. .
3. what did hussam see at luxor
……………………………………………………………. .

10) Copy the following sentence:
Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 2 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ must – mustn't – late - sorry ]
Toka : Good morning, Mr Ahmed. I'm …………….. I'm late.
Mr Ahmed: Toka, you ……….………..get up early.
Toka : Yes, Mr Ahmed.
Mr Ahmed: You must come to school …………………… .
Toka : I'm sorry, Mr Ahmed.

2- [ red – green – cross - traffic ]
Abdul Rahman: What are these lights, Mom?
Mother : They are the ………………….…..lights.
Abdul Rahman: What do they mean?
Mother : The ………..……….. light means you must stop.
Abdul Rahman: And the green light ?
Mother : It means you can …….………………. .

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : When must cars stop?
Nahla : a) When the light is green. b) When the light is yellow.
c) When the light is red.

2. Ahmed : a) Where must I use a mobile phone?
b) What does this sign mean?
c) When must I use a mobile phone?
Ramy : It means you mustn't use a mobile phone.

3. A : What must you do when you cross the street?
B : a) I must look left then look right.
b) I must listen left then listen right.
c) I must run then look.
4. Ayman : a) Why do you get up?
b) Where do you get up?
c) When do you get up?
Sami : I get up at seven o'clock.
5. Salma : I sent you a postcard.
Esraa : a ) Hello, everyone. b) Fine, thank you.
c) Thank you.

B ) Reading comprehension.
3) Read and match.
1. You mustn't use your mobile phone
2. You must look left and right
3. I do my homework
4. You mustn't smoke
5. You must cross a) when the light is green,
b) before you cross the road.
c) when the light is red.
d) anywhere.
e) in a hospital.
f) at seven o'clock.
4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
Traffic lights are very important. They tell us when we must stop and when we can cross. The red light means we must stop and the green light means we must cross. When you cross a road, you must first look left and then look right. You must look and listen. You must walk, don't run.
1. What does the red green mean?
........................................................................................... .
2. What must you do when you cross a road?
........................................................................................... .
3. The red light means we mustn't.. ……………….
a) stop b) cross c) eat
4. When you cross a road, you must look……………….
a) left b) right c) left and right

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. You must ( went – going – go ) to school on time.
2. You ( mustn't – must – can ) forget your books.
3. You mustn't come to school ( early – Late –sorry )
4. I always go to school ( under – on – near ) time.
5. You must ( make – do – be ) your homework.
6. I write the things I do in a ( diary – door – day )
7. You ( must – mustn't to – mustn't ) throw litter in class.
8. You must wear a ( t-shirt – watch – helmet ) when you ride a bike.
9. Be ( quiet – amazing – tall ) when you are in a hospital.
10. The green light means you ( must – mustn't – mustn't to ) cross now.
11. It' cold. You mustn't forget your ( boat – coat – goat )
12. You mustn't smoke ( here – there – anywhere )
13. I wake ( in – on – up ) at seven o'clock.
14. You mustn't ( remember – forget – read ) you books.
15. You must help your mother at ( school – home – hospital )

6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. This sign means you must wear a helmet. [ What ]
........................................................................................... .
2. Sara must wake up at seven o'clock. [ When ]
........................................................................................... .
3. I helped my mother at home. [ Where ]
........................................................................................... .
4. It's my coat. [ What ]
........................................................................................... .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. time – come – You – on – to – must – school.
........................................................................................... .
2. be – to – Toka – late – mustn't – school.
........................................................................................... .
3. the – mustn't – in – You – classroom – shout.
........................................................................................... .
4. a girl – is – a boy – Who – or – late?
........................................................................................... .
5. here – must – a fire – there's – You – when – exit.
........................................................................................... .
6. means – mustn't – anywhere – It – smoke – you.
........................................................................................... .
7. wear – you – You – ride a bike – must – when – a helmet.
........................................................................................... .
8. mustn't – canal – You – a small – in – swim.
........................................................................................... .
9. be – in – must – a hospital – You – quiet.
........................................................................................... .
10. You – shout – a hospital – mustn't – In.
........................................................................................... .
11. in – throw – You – litter – mustn't – The Nile.
........................................................................................... .
12. right – left – You – look – and then – must.
D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. where s sohila
........................................................................................... .
2. i m sorry mena
........................................................................................... .
3. you mustn t smoke anywhere
........................................................................................... .
4. where mustn t i use a mobile phone
........................................................................................... .
5. in a hospital you mustn t shout
........................................................................................... .
10) Copy the following sentence:
A bird in the hand worth ten in the bush.
Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 3 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialogue with these words:
1- [ doing – What’s – How – How old ]
Sama : Are you a new student here?
Heba :Yes, I am.
Sama : …………….…………your name?
Heba :My name's Heba.
Sama : …………………are you?
Heba :Twelve.
Sama : What do you like ………………..………..?
Heba :I like reading books.
2- [ play – like – books – volleyball ]
Engy : What do you like doing?
Roaa : I like playing …………………. .
Engy : Do you play volleyball with your sister?
Roaa : No, I don't. My sister doesn't ……..………….playing volleyball.
Engy : What does she like doing?
Roaa :She likes reading …………………… .

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : Does your sister like riding bikes?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) Yes, she can. b) Yes, she is. c) Yes, she does.
2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : I like like playing football.
a) Where do you like playing?
b) What do you like eating?
c) What do you like playing?
3. A : Where did you go in June?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) I visited my uncle in July.
b) I went to Cairo.
c) I like eating bananas.
4. Mariam : ………………………………………………?
Nada : We saw donkey carts and traditional houses.
a) What did you see in Siwa?
b) Where did you see donkey carts?
c) When did you see donkey carts?

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. Siwa is a small town
2. Do you like reading books?
3. I'm tired now.
4. I don't like
5. We ate olives a) Yes, I do.
b) playing tennis.
c) and dates in Siwa.
d) Let's have a rest.
e) in the western desert.
f) Yes, I can.

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
1- My name's Hussam. We have our school holidays in the summr. My father took us to Siwa in July. We visited the Temple of Amun. It was great. My father took lots of photographs. I bought a postcard for my friend Hany. I sent an e-mail to Mustafa. We were very happy.
1. When did they go to Siwa?
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. Who took lots of photographs?
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. I bought a postcard for……………….. .
a) Hany b) Mustafa c) Ashraf
4. The Temple of Amun is in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
a) Giza b) Siwa c) Qena

2- Siwa is a small town in the western desert. It has pure water and sand. It's very green, with grass and palm trees. You can also see many mountains and hills there. Many tourists go to Siwa. They like visiting the Temple of Amun. Today, you can see donkey carts and traditional houses there.
1. Is Siwa a big town in the western desert?
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. Who likes visiting the Temple of Amun?
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. Siwa has ……………….water and sand.
a) pure b) poor c) green
4. You can see ………………..carts and traditional houses.
a) horse b) cow c) donkey

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. I like ( played – play – playing ) football with my friends.
2. Let's ( go – going – goes ) to the park.
3. Do you like ( playing – scoring – reading ) goals.
4. I'm ( happy – hungry – tired )now. Let's have a rest.
5. He is ( playing – practicing – sending ) the alphabetical order.
6. I can send ( postcards – e-mails – letters ) on the internet.
7. We went ( to – on – back ) to school in September.
8. Did you visit the ( Pyramid – Temple – town ) of Amun?
9. Siwa is famous ( to – of – for ) its traditional houses.
10. You can see donkey ( cars – carts – buses )
11. You can eat olives and ( water – sand – dates ) in Siwa.
12. We ( go – went – going ) to Alexandria last summer.
13. What did you ( buy – buying – bought ) yesterday?

6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. I'm twelve years old. [ How ]
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. My father is from Siwa. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. My name's Mustafa. [ What ]
……………………………………………………………………. .
4. Siwa is famous for its pure water. [ What ]
……………………………………………………………………. .
5. You can see lots of palm trees in Siwa. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………………. .
6. Tarek went to Cairo in June. [ When ]
……………………………………………………………………. .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. I'm – Let's – tired – a rest – have – because.
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. the – eating – What – boys – do – like?
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. ice – like – I – cream – don't – eating.
……………………………………………………………………. .
4. like – much – I – very – school – my.
……………………………………………………………………. .
5. go – holiday – did – on – Where – you?
……………………………………………………………………. .
6. of – the – We – Amun – temple – visited.
……………………………………………………………………. .
7. the – a beautiful – It's – in – town – desert.
……………………………………………………………………. .
8. like – the Temple – Amun – Tourists – of – visiting.
……………………………………………………………………. .
9. hills – You can – and – see – mountains – many.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. it s thursday
……………………………………………………………………. .
2. i m from cairo
……………………………………………………………………. .
3. mr ramadan is my new english teacher
……………………………………………………………………. .
4. tourists like visiting the temple of amun
……………………………………………………………………. .
10) Copy the following sentence:
Better a devil you know than a devil you don't know.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 4 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ How many – high – Where – How high ]
Nada ; ………………. is the Telecom Tower?
Teacher : It's 175 metres ……………...
Nada ;……………….. is it?
Teacher : It's in London.

2- [ How high – Where – Who – When ]
Rana : ………………….built the Pyramids?
Youmna : The pharaohs built them.
Rana :…………………….is the Great Pyramid?
Youmna : It's one hundred and thirty-seven metres high.
Rana :………………… is it?
Youmna : It's in Giza.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : What's one hundred plus two hundred?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) It's three hundred metres high.
b) It's three hundred.
c) It’s two hundred and fifty.

2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : The pharaohs built them.
a) Where are the Pyramids?
b) When did you visit the Pyramids?
c) Who built the Pyramids?
3. A : How high is the Eiffel Tower?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) It’s 67 metres long.
b) It’s 67 metres old.
c) It’s 67 metres high.
4. Alaa : Where is the Eiffel Tower?
Sara : ………………………………………. .
a) It's in London.
b) It's in Giza.
c) It's in Paris.

5. Mariam : Let's go to the Cairo Tower.
Nada : a) Sorry, I can't help you.
b) Sorry, I'm late to school.
c) Sorry, I can't. I'm very busy today.
B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. Where's the Milad Tower?
2. What are you doing?
3. A bear is
4. How high is the sphinx?
5. What's seventy plus forty? a) It's twenty metres high.
b) It's 110.
c) It's in Tehran.
d) I'm eating.
e) an animal.
f) a fruit.

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
The Ancient Egyptians were called the pharaohs. They built the Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza. They also built gardens and temples. The Great Pyramid is one hundred and thirty-seven metres high. The Sphinx is amazing. It has the face of a man and the body of a lion. It's twenty metres high.
1. Who built the Pyramids and the Sphinx?
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. How high is the Great Pyramid?
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. The Sphinx has got the body of a ……………… .
a) bear b) lion c) horse
4. The Pyramids are in ………………….. .
a) London b) Cairo c) Giza

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. ( What – How – When ) high is your school?
2. What's seventy ( by – also - plus ) seventy?
3. The ( Egyptians – Ancient – Pharoahs ) built the Pyramids.
4. ( How – How many – How high ) is the great pyramid?
5. We are learning about the pharaohs in ( science – geography – history )
6. Our house is nineteen metres ( much – high – great )
7. Big Ben is in ( London – Cairo – Paris )
8. ( Where – What – How ) is the CN Tower?
9. A ( bear – pear – paper ) is an animal.
10. You can write on (bear – pear – paper )

6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Our school is nineteen metres high. [ How high ]
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. The pharaohs built the pyramids. [ Who ]
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. The Galata Tower is in Istanbul. [ Where ]
…………………………………………………………………. .
4. Eighty plus twenty is one hundred. [ What ]
…………………………………………………………………. .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

10. Egyptians – We're – the – about – learning – Ancient.
…………………………………………………………………. .
11. high – pyramid – is – How – great – the?
…………………………………………………………………. .
12. built – and – The pharaohs – temples – gardens – also.
…………………………………………………………………. .
13. one – three – What's – plus – hundred – hundred?
…………………………………………………………………. .
14. father – a – My – eating – pear – is.
…………………………………………………………………. .
15. a fruit – an – Is – or – animal – a pear?

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. we are learning about ancient egyptians
…………………………………………………………………. .
2. big ben is in london
…………………………………………………………………. .
3. how high is the eiffel tower
…………………………………………………………………. .

10) Copy the following sentence
Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 5 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ When – Where – famous - amazing ]
Huda : Do you know a ……………..Egyptian writer?
Ashrakat : Yes, Naguib Mahfouz.
Huda :………………….was he born?
Ashrakat :He was born in Cairo.
Huda :……………….was he born?
Ashrakat : In nineteen twenty-seven.
2- [ Egyptian – history – was - were ]
Father : What have you got in ……………………today?
Son : We learned about Ahmed Orabi.
Father : Where …………….he born?
Son : In Sharkia.
Father : So, he is ………………………… .
Son :Yes, that's right.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : When was your mother born?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) She was Egyptian.
b) She was born in 1965.
c) She was born in Giza.
2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : Yes, that's right.
a) Was Naguib Mahfouz a famous singer?
b) Was Naguib Mahfouz a famous writer?
c) Was Naguib Mahfouz born in Sharkia?
3. A : Where was Umm Kulthum born?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) She was a famous Egyptian singer.
b) She was born in 1904.
c) She was born in Dakahlia.
4. Amira : ………………………………………………?
Hadeer : We learned about Ahmed Orabi.
a) What have you got in science today?
b) What have you got in history today?
c) What have you got in maths today?

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. When were
2. Abu Treika
3. Naguib Mahfouz was
4. Umm Kulthum
5. Was he a doctor? a) a famous writer.
b) was born in Dakahlia.
c) he born?
d) Yes, he was.
e) is a famous footballer.
f) you born? ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

There are many famous Egyptian people. They are footballers, writers, singers and swimmers. Examples of these are the footballers Abu Treika and Amr Zaki. Ahmed Orabi was a famous Egyptian officer. He was born in Sharkia in 1841. Umm Kulthum was a famous singer. She was born in Dakahlia in 1904.
1. When was Ahmed Orabi born?
……………………………………………………………………….. .
2. Where was Umm Kulthum born?
……………………………………………………………………….. .
3. Amr Zaki is a famous………………….. .
a) officer b) singer c) footballer
4. Abu Treika is ………………….. .
a) famous b) singer c) officer

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Naguib Mahfouz was a famous ( siger – teacher – writer )
2. My father ( is born – born – was born ) in Port Said.
3. ( When – Where – What ) were you born? In 1998.
4. Abu Treika is a famous ( swimmer – singer – footballer )
5. I was born ( in – on – at ) 1999.
6. Sara and Heba ( was born – is born – were born ) in Cairo.
7. ( Are you – You were – Were you ) born in Sharkia?
8. Rania Elwani is a famous ( swimmer – singer – footballer )
9. You can read books in the ( supermarket – library – zoo )
10. ( Who – When – Where ) was your sister born? In Giza.
11. ( Thank – Think – Teach ) before you answer.
12. ( Where – Were – Was ) you born in Cairo? No, I wasn't.

6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. Hussam and Ibrahim Hassan were born in 1966. [ When ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .
2. Ahmed Gamal's a famous Egyptian student. [ Who ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .
3. I was born born in Giza. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .
4. My father was born in Aswan. [ Where ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .
5. Yes, I am Egyptian. [ Are ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .
6. Sara was born in 2000. [ When ]
……………………………………………………………………….. .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. Cairo – born – Naguib – was – in – Mahfouz.
……………………………………………………………………….. .
2. nineteen – was – in – I – ninety-nine – born.
……………………………………………………………………….. .
3. in – in – was – Alexandria – 1929 – born – Abu Heif.
……………………………………………………………………….. .
4. a – was – Egyptian – Umm Kulthum – singer – famous.
……………………………………………………………………….. .
5. born – where – Rania Elwani – When – was – and?
……………………………………………………………………….. .
6. was – in – Ahmed – Sharkia – born – Orabi.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. when was naguib mahfouz born
……………………………………………………………………….. .
2. was rania elwani born in cairo
……………………………………………………………………….. .
3. ahmed orabi is egyptian
……………………………………………………………………….. .

10) Copy the following sentence:
Do as you would be done by.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 6 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ go – went – diving - trip ]
Hala : Where did you go on holiday?
Merna :I …………………to Hurghada.
Hala : How was your ………………….?
Merna : I had a good time swimming and ………………… .
2- [ How high – engineers – in - between ]
Amira : When did the ………………….build the High Dam?
Hadeer : They built it ………………1960 and 1971.
Amira :……………………..is the Dam?
Hadeer : It's 111 metres high.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : Where did Heba go on her last trip?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) She must go to Aswan.
b) She goes to Aswan.
c) She went to Aswan.
2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : No, it isn't.
a) Is Aswan hotter than Alexandria?
b) Is Alexandria colder than Aswan?
c) Is Aswan colder than Alexandria?
3. A : Where's Sinai?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) Sinai is in the east of Egypt.
b) Sinai is in the west of Egypt.
c) Sinai is in the south of Egypt.
4. Amira : ………………………………………………?
Hadeer : Mount Sinai is 2,285 metres high.
a) How is Mount Sinai?
b) How high is Mount Sinai?
c) Where's Mount Sinai?
5. A : How can I learn about Hurghada?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) You can go there.
b) You can read tourist information to learn about it.
c) You don't like swimming.

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. The opposite of east
2. Where's the High Dam?
3. Tiny means
4. The water in Sinai
5. Alexandria is a) very small.
b) colder than Cairo.
c) is very clear.
d) is west.
e) hotter than Cairo.
f) It's in Aswan. ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
I'm Amera Salem. I live with my family in Sharkia. I had an amazing holiday with my family last summer. We went to Sinai. Many tourists go to Sharm El Sheikh. They like swimming and diving in the clear water. Tourists also visit ST Catherine's and walk up Mount Sinai. It's 2,285 metres high.
1. When did Amera go to Sinai?
………………………………………………………………. .
2. How high is Mount Sinai?
………………………………………………………………. .
3. …………………. like diving in the Sharm El Sheikh.
a) Amera b) Amera's family c) Tourists
4. The ……………….is clear.
a) weather b)water c) walls

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Aswan is always hotter ( the – then – than ) Cairo.
2. My uncle is ( diving – walking – sleeping ) in the Red Sea.
3. It's 18 ( minutes – degrees – hours ) in Cairo today.
4. Is Cairo ( colder – colder than – than colder ) Aswan?
5. ( Tiny – Famous – Amazing ) means very small.
6. The Temple of Philae is on ( an island – a resort – a boat )
7. The High ( resort – Dam – Harbour ) is in Aswan.
8. Hurghada is a beautiful ( resort – Dam – island )
9. ( Sea – River – Lake ) Nasser is north of the High Dam.
10. Ships and boats stop at the ( island – harbour – lake ) of Sigala.
11. The water in Sinai is ( clear – dirty – dark )
12. Many tourists walk ( on – up – in ) Mount Sinai.
13. What did you ( walk – learn – visit ) about Sinai ?
14. The opposite of ( south – east – west ) is north.

6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. Yes, Cairo is always colder than Aswan. [ Is ]
………………………………………………………………. .
2. It was a very good trip. [ How ]
………………………………………………………………. .
3. My father went to Aswan last week. [ Who ]
………………………………………………………………. .
4. He's diving in the Red Sea. [ What ]
………………………………………………………………. .
5. Ahmed went to Hurghada. [ Where ]
………………………………………………………………. .
6. Hesham is in Aswan. [ Who ]
………………………………………………………………. .
7. We walked up Mount Sinai on Thursday morning. [ When ]
………………………………………………………………. .
8. I like swimming and diving in the Red Sea. [ What ]
………………………………………………………………. .
9. St Catherine's is in Sinai. [ Where ]

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. in – Sea – I'm – the – diving – Red.
………………………………………………………………. .
2. Cairo – than – always – Aswan – hotter – is.
………………………………………………………………. .
3. than – today – Is – Alexandria – Hurgada – colder.
………………………………………………………………. .
4. was – fishing – a – Hurghada – village – tiny.
………………………………………………………………. .
5. and – the – Enjoy – show – Light – Sound.
………………………………………………………………. .
6. in – and – water – Swim – the – dive – clear.
………………………………………………………………. .
7. on – Philae – an island – The Temple – is – of.
………………………………………………………………. .
8. the Red Sea – is – Hurghada – resort – a beautiful – beside.
………………………………………………………………. .
9. build – When – High – did – Dam – the – engineers?
………………………………………………………………. .

10. clear – diving – Tourists – the – in – water – like.
………………………………………………………………. .
11. is – of – the – Sinai – Egypt – east – in.
………………………………………………………………. .
12. are – beaches – There – in – beautiful – Sinai.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. is amr in hurghada
………………………………………………………………. .
2. is alexandria hotter than cairo
………………………………………………………………. .
3. the temple of philae is on an island
………………………………………………………………. .
4. is hurghada hotter than cairo in the summer
………………………………………………………………. .
5. let s visit Sinai
………………………………………………………………. .

10) Copy the following sentence:
Every why has a wherefore.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 7 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ want – speaking – Why – When ]
Toka : What do you ………………..to be?
Youmna: I want to be an English teacher.
Toka :………………………..?
Youmna: Because I like ……………… English .

2- [ Because – driver – diver – What ]
Nada : ……………………do you want to be, Shrouk?
Shady : I want to be a ……………………….
Nada : Why?
Shady :……………….……….. I like saving people's lives.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : What does Ahmed want to be?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) He is a footballer.
b) He wants to be a footballer.
c) He likes playing football.

2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : I like speaking English.
a) What do you like doing?
b) What do you want to be?
c) What does she want to be?

3. A : Why does he want to be an athlete?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) Because he likes growing vegetables.
b) Because he likes running.
c) Because he likes helping animals.

4. Amira : ………………………………………………?
Hadeer : Because he likes helping animals.
a) Why does she want to be a vet?
b) When does he want to be a vet?
c) Why does he want to be a vet?

5. Manar : Why does your sister want to be a nurse?
Nehal :……………………………………………… .
a) Because she likes speaking to sick people.
b) Because she likes helping sick people.
c) Because she likes visiting sick people.

6. Yosra : ………………………………………………?
Rana : He likes making furniture.
a) What does a farmer like doing?
b) What does a vet like doing?
c) What does a carpenter like doing?

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. He wants to be an athlete.
2. He wants to be a pilot.
3. He wants to be a diver.
4. She wants to be a vet.
5. She wants to be a housewife.
6. She wants to be a nurse. a) She likes helping sick people.
b) He likes running.
c) She likes helping children.
d) He likes saving people's lives.
e) He likes flying planes.
f) She likes helping animals.
g) She likes helping her family. ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Mr Ayman is an English teacher. He works in a big school. He likes helping children and he likes speaking English. His wife, Mrs Abeer, is a doctor. She likes helping sick people. They love their children Aya and Mona. On holiday, all the family go to Alexandria in the summer.
1. Where does Mrs Abeer work?
…………………………………………………………………….. .
2. What does Mr Ayman like doing?
…………………………………………………………………….. .
3. Mr Ayman teaches…………………….. .
a) Arabic b) English c) science
4. They go to the ………………….in Alexandria.
a) school b) farm c) beach

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. What does your sister want ( be – being – to be ) ?
2. I want to be a ( doctor – pilot – a footballer ) because I like flying planes.
3. Youmna ( want – wants – wanting ) to be a teacher.
4. He likes ( be – to being – being ) famous.
5. I want to be a ( doctor – pilot – a footballer ) because I like helping people.
6. What does Yussef ( want – wants – wanting ) to be ?
7. She wants to be a housewife ( because – but – why)she likes helping her family.
8. My uncle is a ( vet – carpenter – farmer ). He likes making furniture.
9. A farmer likes ( making – growing – helping ) vegetables.
10. A diver likes ( making – growing – saving ) people's lives.
11. He likes running. He wants to be ( a vet – an athlete – a diver )
12. A doctor works in a ( school – hospital – factory )
13. A ( doctor – farmer – vet ) likes helping animals.
14. A nurse likes helping ( animals – sick people – children )
6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. He likes playing football in the club. [ What ]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
2. The film is at 6 o'clock. [ What time ]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
3. She wants to be a nurse. [ What ]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
4. Mariam wants to be a teacher because she likes helping children. [ Why ]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
5. Hussam wants to be an engineer. [ Who ]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
6. A teacher works in a school. [ where]
…………………………………………………………………….. .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. Enas – pupils – helping – Mrs – her – likes.
…………………………………………………………………….. .
2. does – to – What – want – Toka – be?
…………………………………………………………………….. .
3. an – to – Abdel Rahman – English – be – teacher – wants.
…………………………………………………………………….. .
4. a vet – to – Why – want – be – you – do?
…………………………………………………………………….. .
5. always – her – A housewife – helping – family – likes.
…………………………………………………………………….. .
6. an – He – to – athlete – be – wants.
…………………………………………………………………….. .
7. jewellery – to – He – find – wants – amazing.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. what do you want to be hussam
…………………………………………………………………….. .
2. what do amera and hadeer want to be
…………………………………………………………………….. .
3. my fathers a vet in aswan
…………………………………………………………………….. .
4. what do you want to be why
…………………………………………………………………….. .
5. hesham wants to be a diver in the red sea
…………………………………………………………………….. .
10) Copy the following sentence:
Four eyes see better than two.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 8 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ fell off – bang – banged - careful ]
Father : What happened, Moaz?
Moaz : I …………….……..my bike.
Father : Oh dear! Did you …………..……..your head?
Moaz :Yes, I did.
Father : You must be more…………………… .

2- [ putting – banged – plaster – put ]
Father : What happened, Hazem?
Hazem : I fell off my bike. I ……………..my chin,
Father : ………………….some ice on it. Did you bang your head?
Hazem : No, but I hurt my arm and cut my finger.
Father : You must wash the cut and put a ……………….on it.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa :What is the part under your mouth called?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) It's my cheek.
b) It's my chin.
c) It's my knee.
2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : I banged my knee.
a) When happened?
b) Why happened?
c) What happened?

3. A : Who broke his leg?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) Mariam did.
b) Mariam does.
c) Mariam is.
4. Amira : ………………………………………………?
Hadeer : I put a plaster on it.
a) What happened?
b) What did you put on the cut?
c) What did you put on your car?

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. This sling because
2. What happened, Noura?
3. Who cut his finger?
4. I have ten fingers
5. First, put ice on your knee. a) Hussam did.
b) Sara did.
c) Then, put a bandage on it.
d) on my hands.
e) I broke my arm.
f) I cut my chin. ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last Friday, Sameh was going home from his grandmother's house. In a street, he saw a boy under a tree. The boy fell off his bike and banged his knee. He also cut his finger and hurt his arm. Sameh ran to a shop and brought some ice. He put ice on the boy's arm and knee. He washed the boy's finger and put a plaster on it.
He also brought a bandage for his knee and a sling for his arm.
1. Who helped the boy?
………………………………………………………………….. .
2. Where did Sameh bring some ice?
………………………………………………………………….. .
3. The boy fell off his………………… .
a) car b) horse c) bike
4. The sling is for the boy's ……………… .
a) finger b) arm c) knee

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Yara ( broke – breaks – breaking ) her leg.
2. He ( fall – fell – falling ) off his bike yesterday.
3. ( Washing – Washed – Wash ) your finger.
4. What ( happen – happened – happening ), Ahmed?
5. I didn't ( broke – break – breaking ) my arm.
6. You must put a ( postcard – poster – plaster ) on the cut.
7. " ( What – Where – Who ) broke his head?" " Yasser did."
8. He fell ( on – of – off ) his bike.
9. Wash Your ( teeth – cheeks – head ) before going to bed.
10. Threre are ten ( fingers – toes – ears ) on my feet.
11. The ( elbow – knee – stomach ) is between the wrist and the shoulder.
12. I have four fingers and a ( shoulder – thumb – chest ) in every hand.
13. ( One – Then – First), I put ice on it. Then, I put a bandage on it.

6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. I fell off and banged my leg. [ What ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
2. I've got a sling because I hurt my arm, [ Why ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
3. Alaa fell off his bike yesterday. [ when ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
4. My heart is black. [ What colour ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
5. I fell off my bike in the club yesterday. [ Where ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
6. Sohila broke her leg yesterday. [ When ]
………………………………………………………………….. .
7. Engi banged her chin. [ Who ]

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. a plaster – must – the – You – on – cut – put.
………………………………………………………………….. .
2. my – yesterday – I – off – bike – fell.
………………………………………………………………….. .
3. thumb – cut – The – yesterday – his – boy.
………………………………………………………………….. .
4. fell off – and – Hassan – bike – his knee – his – banged.
………………………………………………………………….. .
5. a plaster – her – Salma – chin – on – put.
………………………………………………………………….. .
6. did – your – you – How – knee – bang?

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. what happened mustafa
………………………………………………………………….. .
2. heba didn t puy a plaster on hala s cut
………………………………………………………………….. .
3. what colour is shad s hair
………………………………………………………………….. .

10) Copy the following sentence:
If you sing before breakfast, you will cry before dinner.

Primary 6 Revision Exercises ( Unit 9 )
A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:
1- [ test – past – to - must ]
Mena : What time is it?
Shrouk : It's half…………….. eleven.
Mena :Oh, I ……………go to bed now.
Shrouk : Why?
Mena : I have a …………………tomorrow.

2- [ go – walk – fit - because ]
Hussam : Why do you eat lots of fruit and vegetables?
Ahmed :……………………..fruit is good for me.
Hussam : And why do you ………………… to school?
Ahmed :Because I want to keep …………………………. .

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. Alaa : What time do you get up?
Basma :……………………………………………… .
a) It's twelve o'clock.
b) I go to bed at twelve o'clock.
c) I get up at seven o'clock.

2. Ahmed : ………………………………………………?
Ramy : Toka goes to school at eight o'clock.
a) Where does Toka go to school?
b) What time does Toka go to school?
c) What colour is Toka's new dress?
3. A : What do you do at eleven at night?
B :……………………………………………… .
a) I go to school
b) I do my homework.
c) I go to school.

4. Amira : ………………………………………………?
Hadeer : Sara goes to school at eight.
a) Where does Sara go to school?
b) What time does Sara go to school?
c) What time does Sara goes to bed?

5. Mena : Why do you walk to school?
Roaa :……………………………………………… .
a) Because I want to keep fit.
b) Because I want to keep late.
c) Because I want to go to school late.
6. Yosra : ………………………………………………?
Rana : Because I want to keep healthy.
a) Why do you walk to school?
b) Why do you eat lots of fruit?
c) Why do you brush your teeth?
B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.
1. Did you visit your uncle yesterday?
2. Brush your teeth
3. What time do you go to bed?
4. Sleep for
5. Fruit and vegetables a) eight hours a day.
b) are good for my health.
c) At eleven o'clock.
d) after meals everyday.
e) Yes, they did.
f) No, I didn't. ( )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
We visited Damietta last winter. It's a big port in the north of Egypt. We went there by bus from Cairo. We arrived at quarter past eight. Our hotel was near the beach In Ras El-Bar. One day, we visited Lake Manzala. We sailed in a small boat. Visitors can see lots of birds in Lake Manzala in the winter.
5. Where is Damietta?
………………………………………………………………… .
6. What did we do in Lake Manzala?
………………………………………………………………… .
7. We traveled to Damietta …………………..
a) by bus b) on foot c) by train
8. We live in …………………. .
a) Damietta b) Ras El-Bar c) Cairo

C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. What ( many – colour – time ) do you have dinner?
2. I have breakfast ( in – at – on ) seven o'clock.
3. In a test, you ( do – make – take ) your best.
4. I go to bed at half ( past – to – at ) ten.

5. I must get up ( late – early – tomorrow )
6. ( Doesn’t – Don't – Didn't ) worry about the test.
7. Huda ( have – has – had ) breakfast at seven o'clock.
8. What time ( do – does – did ) Heba get up everyday?
9. Yara ( get – got – gets ) up at seven o'clock.
10. Vegetables and fruit are ( good – bad – worry ) for me.
11. Eat good food to be ( health – healthier – healthy )
12. Brush your teeth after every ( hour – meat – meal )
13. Don't ( go – went – goes ) to school late.
14. ( sleeping – Sleep – Slept ) well, Sohila.
15. Always drink two ( metres – glasses – litres ) of water.
16. You need eight hours of ( walk – sleep – exercise ) every day.
17. Last summer, we ( go – went – goes ) to Damietta.
18. They travelled ( at – on – by ) car.
19. We ( travelled – sailed – visited ) in a small boat.
20. ( Lake – Port – Town ) Manzala is full of lots birds.
6) Write questions using words from brackets:
1. Hussam has breakfast at home. [ Where ]
………………………………………………………………… .
2. Ahmed goes to bed at ten o'clock. [ Who ]
………………………………………………………………… .
3. Toka gets up at seven o'clock. [ What time ]
………………………………………………………………… .
4. I brush my teeth after meals. [ When ]
………………………………………………………………… .
5. I eat lots of vegetables because they are good for me. [ Why ]
………………………………………………………………… .
6. Toka saw lots of birds in the lake. [ Where ]
………………………………………………………………… .
7. We travelled to Sinai by train. [ How ]
………………………………………………………………… .
8. Alaa visited Damietta in the summer. [ When ]
………………………………………………………………… .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
11. seven – quarter – breakfast – She – at – past – has.
………………………………………………………………… .
12. your – the – Do – test – best – in.
………………………………………………………………… .
13. time – up – does – get – What – Enas?

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
9) Punctuate the following sentence:
1. wake up muhammed.
………………………………………………………………… .
2. my sister nada goes to bed at ten o clock
………………………………………………………………… .
3. work hard but don t worry
………………………………………………………………… .
4. did nehal go to damietta in the winter
………………………………………………………………… .
5. i want to visit lake manzala in the winter
………………………………………………………………… .
10) Copy the following sentence:
Let bygones be bygones.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
انجليزى 6 ابتدائى مراجعة رائعة للترم الأول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» تحميل ملزمة انجليزى اولى ابتدائى الترم الاول رائعة بكل المقاييس
» مراجعة على انجليزى 5 ابتدائى
» مراجعة انجليزى خامسة ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» مراجعة سريعة على انجليزى رابعه ابتدائى ترم ثانى
» مراجعة نهائية جامدة جدا فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف السادس الابتدائى الترم الثانى - مراجعة انجليزى لسادسة ابتدائى الفصل الدراسى الثانى

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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