منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 امتحان انجليزى رقم8 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر محمد شهاب
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 58
نقاط : 164
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

امتحان انجليزى رقم8 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: امتحان انجليزى رقم8 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول   امتحان انجليزى رقم8 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول Emptyالسبت 28 يوليو 2012 - 9:57

Revision B
Practice Test 2

A. Language Functions
1. Finish the following dialogue with these words.
high - and - pyramid - where

Fatin:    __________ is the Great Pyramid?
Sara:    It’s in Giza.
Fatin:    How __________ is it?
Sara:    It’s one hundred __________ thirty-seven meters high.
2. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.
1  A: Is Aswan always hotter than Cairo?
  B: ___________________________.
         a. Yes, it is colder.
         b. No, it is.
         c. Yes, it is.
2  A: __________________________?
   B: He is a famous footballer.
         a. Who is Ibrahim Hassan?
         b. Where was he born?
         c. Who was born in 1970?
B.  Reading Comprehension
3. Read and match.
1. The tower is a. is an Egyptian swimmer.
2. Rania Elwani b. in 1904?
3. Who was born c. It’s one hundred and fifty-five.
4. What’s sixty-five and ninety? d. 67 meters high.
e. it is the Eiffel Tower.
4. Read the following then answer the questions.
Do you like maths and history? Marwa likes them. How high is the Cairo Tower? Who built it? Marwa knows. She can say dates and big numbers. She knows the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. She likes reading maps when she is learning history. Where was ancient Thebes? Marwa knows.  
1. What does Marwa like?
2. Who knows the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt?

3. What does "them" refer to?
         a) towers and dates
         b) maps
         c) maths and history
4. When does Marwa read maps?
         a) When she travels.
         b) When she learns history.
         c) When she learns maths.
C.  Usage and Writing
5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.  
1. My favourite fruit is the ____________.
         a) bear                  b) kitten               c) pear
2. ____________ is the library?
         a) When                b) How many c) Where
3. Two hundred and one hundred is ____________.
         a) three                b) three hundred   c) hundred
4. ____________ Siwa hotter than Cairo today?
         a) Are                  b) Were             c) Is
5. They went to Sharm-El- Sheikh on holiday. They were in ____________.
         a) an island b) a harbour         c) a resort
6. The CN Tower is 553 meters ____________.
         a) high                  b) big           c) long
6. Write questions using the words in brackets.
1.  ____________ (How)
   Big Ben is 96 meters high.
2. _________ (When)
  I visited Uncle Fahmy last Thursday.
3. ___________ (Where)
  He was born in Beni Suef.      
7. Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence about each.

D.  Punctuation and Handwriting
8. Punctuate the following sentence.
salma was born in nineteen ninety two in cairo

9. Copy the following sentence.
We like making pictures of famous people.

Revision B
Practice Test 2
A. Language Functions
Fatin:    Where is the Great Pyramid?
Sara:    It’s in Giza.
Fatin:    How high is it?
Sara:    It’s one hundred and thirty-seven meters high.
1  B: c  Yes, it is.
2  A: a  Who is Ibrahim Hassan?
B.  Reading Comprehension
1 - d. The tower is 67 meters high.
2 - a. Rania Elwani is an Egyptian swimmer.
3 - b. Who was born in 1904?
4 - c. What’s sixty-five and ninety? It’s one hundred and fifty-five.
1  Marwa likes maths and history. OR Marwa likes reading maps.
2  Marwa knows the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.
3 - c maths and history
4 - b When she learns history.
C.  Usage and Writing
1. My favourite fruit is the c) pear.
2. c) Where is the library?
3. Two hundred and one hundred is b) three hundred.
4. c) Is Siwa hotter that Cairo today?  
5. They went to Sharm-El- Sheikh on holiday. They were in a c) resort
6. The CN Tower is 553 meters a) high.
1. How high is Big Ben?
2. When did you visit Uncle Fahmy?
3. Where was he born?
Answers may vary. Sample answers:
a. We have history today. OR We are learning history today. OR He is an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh.
b. The Eiffel Tower is three hundred twenty-four metres high.
c. Luxor is hotter than Alexandria. OR Alexandria is colder than Luxor.
D  Punctuation and Handwriting
Salma was born in nineteen ninety-two in Cairo.
We like making pictures of famous people.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
امتحان انجليزى رقم8 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» امتحان انجليزى رقم20 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
» امتحان انجليزى رقم21 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
» امتحان انجليزى رقم11 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
» امتحان انجليزى رقم19 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
» امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول

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