قاموس الكلمات للغة الانجليزية احفظ معنا مفرادات اللغة الانجليزية
2 مشترك
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مستر خالد منصور عضو برونزى
عدد المساهمات : 151 نقاط : 445 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009
موضوع: قاموس الكلمات للغة الانجليزية احفظ معنا مفرادات اللغة الانجليزية الأربعاء 9 مايو 2012 - 19:10
قاموس الكلمات للغة الانجليزية احفظ معنا مفرادات اللغة الانجليزية
Refined مهذب / ذو ذوق رفيع Forest غابة Prey فريسة / يفترس Luminous منير / ساطع Stale قديم / بائت Merry شخص مرح أو فرحان Weep يبكي Seedling شتلة / نبتة صغيرة Sword سيف Partner رفيق / شريك / زميل Paralysis شلل Mat حصيرة Pyjamas بيجاما (تلبس عند النوم ) Horror great fear and dislike شيء مرعب / فظيع Trade تجارة / يتاجر
Sprinkle يرش / يذر Local محلي Multitude جمهور / عدد غفير Regards تحيات Hall قاعة/بهو/دهليز
Haircut حلاقة / قصة شعر Broth مرق / حساء Foolish like a fool : silly احمق / ابله Surgeon a doctor who cuts into the **** or who repairs bones طبيب جراح Corpe a dead **** جثة Belt a band worn round the waist حزام Recipe directions for preparing a certain kind of food وصفة طهي Wilds wild country . not settled by man منطقة مقفرة
Poster noun a public notice in large letters إعلان كبير Agile adj able to move ones **** quickly to easily رشيق/ نشيط / خفيف الحركة
Handshake shaking someone hand in greeting مصافحة Dew drops of water that form on cool surfaces during the night ندى Squint a squinting look حَوَل العينين مثال He wears glasses to correct his squint
Murderer noun who murders قاتل..مرتكب جريمة قتل Colt noun a young male horse مُهر(صغير الحصان ) Meagre adj too small in quantity ضئيل أو قليل جداً مثال a meagre supply of food Intention purpose نية / قصد Sowrd noun a soldiers weapon with a long blade سيف
Sturdy Adj strong قوي Mouthful noun An amount that will fill ones mouth لُقمة Knee noun The middle of the leg رُكبة Tit noun a very small songbird عصفور صغير
Midnight The middle of the night 12 :00 pm منتصف الليل Cherry noun a small round fruit with a stone in the middle كرز
Tide The regular rise and fall of the sea which is caused by the moon حركة المد والجزر
Waiter A man who brings food or drink to guests in a resturant نادل Ladle noun a kind of large spoon for serving liquid food مِغرفة Transparent adj which one can see through مثال: Glass is transparent شفاف Mower noun a machine that mows الة قص العشب Ginger noun a plant whose hot-tasting root is used in ****ing نبات الزنجبيل
Relish enjoyment..pleasure إستمتاع..تلذذ Journalist noun Who writes or arranges the *******s of newspapers . story papers.etc صحفي Pistol noun a small gun مسدس Fend verb to look after yourself يُعيل نفسه
Matt adj not shiny غير لامع Tuft noun a small bunch of hair grass خصلة
Taxing adj difficult needing a lot of effort شاق . مرهق Squat adj short and fat or thick قصير وسمين
Extinction noun مثال The panda is in danger of extinction إنقراض Author noun a person who writes a book . play.etc مثال a well-known author of detective novels مؤلف
Reform verb To change something in order to make it better يصلح . يعدل Midget
noun A very smal person قزم
Eclipse noun an occasion when the moon passes between the earth and sun or the earth,s shadow falls on the moon cutting off all or some of the light كسوف / خسوف Adopt verb to take a child into your family and treat him/her as your own child by law يتبنى Knot
noun A place where two ends or pieces of rope .string etc عُقدة مثال this knot is very light . i cant undo it
Shovel noun A tool like a spade used for moving earth .snow .sand مِجرفة Phoney adj not real , false مزيف , كاذب
Noun a short piece of writing on one subject مقال / موضوع (أدبي )
مستر خالد منصور عضو برونزى
عدد المساهمات : 151 نقاط : 445 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009
موضوع: رد: قاموس الكلمات للغة الانجليزية احفظ معنا مفرادات اللغة الانجليزية الأربعاء 9 مايو 2012 - 19:11
Towel noun a piece of cloth or paper that you use for drying something فوطة / منديل
noun the waste matter from animals that is put on the ground in order to make plants grow better
سماد حيواني
Supper noun
the last meal of the day
Wretch noun
a poor unhappy person تعيس Rod noun a thin straight piece of wood or ****l عصا . عود
Usher noun a person who shows people to their seats in a cinema ...ect مُرشد
Timid adj easily frightened..shy خجول Goo noun a sticky wet substance مادة رطبة. لزجة
\All along from the beginning
منذ البداية Glint noun the glint of ****l in the grass لمعان
Bluish adj slightly blue
مائل للزُرقة Visual adj connected with seeing بصري . مرئي
Silk Noun The soft smooth cloth that is made from threads produced by an insect حرير Misery Noun Great unhappiness or lack of comfort تعاسة شقاء
pulse Noun The regular beating in your **** as blood is pumped through it by your wrist
النبض Tent Noun A ****ter made of nylon or canvas that is held up by poles and ropes خيمة
Strut Verb To walk in a proud way يتبختر في مشيته Lifeless Adj Dead ميت Motorist Noun Aperson who drives a car سائق Magician ساحر , مشعوذ A person who performs magic tricks to entertain people Intermarriage Noun زواج مختلط Marriage between people of different races
Perishable Adj Used about food < that will go bad quickly تالف
Considerable Adj Great in amount or size
عظيم الحجم
Blot Noun Aspot or stain especially one made by ink on paper لطخة بقعة
Bliss Noun Perfect happiness سعادة Perill ( noun ) Great danger بمعنى :خطر عظيم , تهلكة
Rind ( noun ) The thick hard skin on the outside of some types of cheese بمعنى قشرة Scorpion (noun) A creature which looks like a large insect and live in warm climates بمعنى : عقرب مثال : A scorpion has a long tail with a poisonous sting in it
Firewood (noun) Wood used for burning on fires بمعنى :حطب widow (noun) a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again بمعنى : أرملة
synopsis (noun) a summary of a book. play بمعنى : موجز أو ملخص مثال: a brief synopsis of the plot turkey (noun) a large bird that is kept on farms ديك رومي مثال: we have a few turkey on the farm
frequently (adverb ) happening often بمعنى : غالباً أو كثيرا ً مثال: He frequently has a shower in summer calm (noun) Not worried or angry بمعنى هادىء/ساكن مثال: she spoke in a calm voice kick (verb ) To hit or move somethin or some**** with you foot يضرب أو يرفس مثال: He got angry and kicked the chair spree noun-إسم a time when you go out and enjoy yourself بمعنى وقت للمرح والمتعة
Icy Very cold بارد- قارس (2) Covered with ice مغطى بالجليد
Institute noun 'an academic society or organization معهد Myth Noun A very old story اسطورة catchy adj easy to remember سهل التذكر . يعلق في الذهن Peacetime Noun Aperiod when a country is not at war فترة سلام Mutiny Noun An act that involves a group of people especially sailors or soldiers عصيان او تمرد
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