منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر خالد منصور
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 151
نقاط : 445
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009

شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول   شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول Emptyالسبت 5 مايو 2012 - 2:22

يعرف عن know about يرد علي reply to
يأتي مع come with يأتي إلي come to
يتحدث عن talk about يتحدث إلي talk to
معلومات عن information about ينتظر من أجل wait for
يساعد في help with يدعو إلي invite to
مختلف عن different from يشكر علي thank for
يودع see off ينصح بـ advise to

يغير اتجاهه change direction مكان تاريخي historic place
يعمل ضوضاء make noise يرد علي خطاب write back
يرتكب خطأ make a mistake يبدو غريبا look strange
تذكارات سياحية tourist souvenirs أدوات المطبخ kitchen equipment
يذهب إلي البيت go home منطقة التسوق shopping area
يبدو لطيف sound nice يتحرك إلي الوراء move back

(history) معناها تاريخ النهارده (1 أبريل 2009 مثلا) أما كلمة (date)1- خد بالك إن كلمة
معناها حدث تاريخي (تاريخ مصر القديم مثلا)
معناها طقس النهارده بس فيه كلمه تانيه(weather) 2- عندنا في المنهج كلمة اسمها
معناها مناخ بس دي للمناخ بوجه عام (يعني الجو عامل ايه الموسم ده)(climate) اسمها
علطول من (at home) أبدا بتيجي لوحدها يعني اقول (the) مش بتاخد (home)3- كلمة
(the) غير
(s) بتيجي مفرد يعني مش بتاخد (kitchen equipment) في (equipment)4- كلمة

1. What does your father do? (job)
- What is your father's job?
2. Have you been in Egypt long? (for along time)
- Have you stayed in Egypt for a long time?
3. What time and day is the party?
)ساعة ) at ( يوم - The party is on (
4. look forward to + ing
Ex. I want to meet Ali. (look forward to)
- I'm looking forward to meeting Ali.
= canمصدر5. am / is / are able to +
= couldمصدر was / were able to +
مصدر will be able to +
6. during + ing
Ex. We were happy during the trip.
{Ex. I wish your success.}مفعول7. wish +
{Ex. I wish to leave now.}مصدر wish to +
{Ex. I wish I could buy a new car.}مصدر I wish I could +
مصدر8. Would you like to +
Ex. Would you like to come to the meeting?
- Yes, I wish I could (come). But I have to go to the hospital to see my uncle.
** اسمع بقي بنستخدم {I wish I could} عشان نتمني حاجة تحصل في المستقبل ومعناها (أتمني لو استطعت)
9. It's (It has) been great talking to you.
10. Have you ever been to England?
= Have you ever visited England?
11. Khan el Khalili is the best place to shop in Cairo.
12. King Snefru chose "Dahshur" as the place for his tomb.
13. about ………… from ………
Ex. King Snefru's Pyramid is about two kilometres from the first.
{Ex. I'd love to come to the party.}مصدر14. would love to +

المرحلة التانيه وهي تقديم الدعوه................
- عشان تقدم دعوة قدامك اختيار من الاختيارات اللي جاية دي:
1- I’d like to invite you to ……… 3- How about +ing ….?
2- Would you like to come to ….? 4- What about + ing ……?
- وعشان ترد علي دعوة قدامك اختيارين ياتقبل الدعوه يا ترفضها فلو قبلتها تقول:-
- I’d love to. / That’s a good idea. / Great idea.
- طيب ولو رفضتها تقول إية:-
(أنا مشغول "حجه والسلام"I wish I could, but I’m busy. (
(كنت عايز أجي بس للأسف لازم"قول أي حجه")I’d love to, but I have to…….
(مش جاي يا عم "دي طبعا لو إنت مخنوق منه ههههههههه" )No, I’m sorry.

Write what you would say in each of the following situations :
1. You invite your uncle to come to your birthday party.
2. You agree with your friend to watch a football match on TV.
3. Your friend invites you to visit him on his farm, but you
refuse the invitation. say why.
4. Your brother wants you to play a computer game with him, but you are busy.
5. You invite your sister to go to the cinema.
6. You refuse your friend’s invitation to her birthday party.
7. You accept your friend’s invitation to her wedding party.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. King Snefru chose Dahshure as the place for his …………..
a) wedding b) tomb c) lab d) meeting
2. He had a bad tooth, so he went to the …………..
a) chemist's b) dentist's c) grocer's d) baker's
3. We have a fantastic ……….. covering the floor of the sitting room.
a) curtain b) cloth c) carpet d) dress
4. Khan el Khalili is the best place to ……………. in Cairo.
a) cook b) drink c) shop d) wear
5. My mother adds …………… to food to season it.
a) paint b) spices c) equipment d) souvenirs
6. Aswan is ………………. of Cairo.
a) north b) west c) east d) south
7. We can get a lot of ……………. from the internet.
a) information b) spices c) food d) gold
8. They went to the …………. to take the train to Alex.
a) airport b) stop c) station d) port
9. I have been waiting …………… my friend since two o'clock.
a) in b) at c) for d) to

تعرف حاجه عن الكلام المباشر والكلام الغير مباشر؟؟
سمعت عنه طيب؟؟ تعرف يعني إيه كلام مباشر ويعني إيه كلام غير مباشر؟؟
- الكلام المباشر يعني كلام واصل مني ليك علطول (بقلك مثلا أنا مسافر بكره)
لكن الكلام الغير مباشر هو كلام شخص بينقله من شخص تاني (علي قال انه مسافر بكره)
- طبعا احنا عندنا تلت أنواع من الجمل:-
1- جمله خبريه 2- جمله أمريه 3- جمله استفهاميه

عشان نحول الجملة الخبرية من المباشر لغير المباشر احفظ الخطوات دي:-
1- أول حاجه هتلاقي كلمة (say) في الجمله شيلها وحط (tell)
2- هتلاقي قوسين احذفهم وحط مكانهم (that)
3- غير الضمائر اللي جوه القوسين حسب اللي بيتكلم واللي بيتكلم معاه.
4- غير زمن الجمله من مضارع لماضي ولو كانت ماضي بسيط سيبها زي ما هي
يا إما تخليها ماضي تام ولو ماضي تام سيبها زي ما هي.
5- لو لقيت ظروف زمنيه غيرها (ولو مش فاهم النقطة دي سيب الظرف الزمني
زي ما هو ماتغيرهوش مافيهاش مشكلة بس الأفضل طبعا تغيره)
Reported Speech Direct Speech
o then • now
o that day • today
o that night • tonight
o the following day/ the day after • tomorrow
o the previous day/ the day before • yesterday
o the following week/ the week after • next week
o the previous week/the week before • last week
o that • this
o those • these

- تيجي نشوف أمثلة كده عشان تفهم أكتر:-
1- “I live in Cairo.”
He said that he lived in Cairo.
2- “We are happy”
They said that they were happy.
3- She said: "I have not been in the school library recently”.
She said that she had not been to the school library recently.
4- He said to me: "I shall see you tomorrow”.
He told me that he would see me the next day.
5- Ali said to Hani ," you can come to study with me "
Ali told Hani that he could come to study with him.
6- The son said to his mother, "I ate all my food".
The son told his mother that he had eaten all his food.

1. Karim said to me, "I need some help."
2. Mona said to her friends, "My family will spend the
holiday in Alex."
3. Maher said "I can lend you some money."
4. Dad said that he'd buy a new car.
5. Hala said " I will go to school with my friend shrouk by bus."
6. Hayam said to Fatma "I have played this game since 2003."
7. Mariam said to Ali " your book isn't on my bag."
8. the pilot said " I can't find my compass."
9. Ahmed said to me " I'm traveling to luxor."

فهمت الجملة الخبرية؟؟؟ لو فهمتها يبقي أنت فهمت المباشر والغير مباشر...... نكمل
عشان نحول الجملة الأمريه هنمشي علي نفس خطوات الجملة الخبرية مع تغيير بسيط وهو نشيل القوسين ونربط بـ (to) مع الجملة المثبتة و (not to) مع الجملة المنفية

- ندخل في الأمثلة علطول:-
1. He said to the servant: “bring me a glass of water”.
He ordered the servant to bring him a glass of water.
2. The son said to his father: “please, give me some money”.
The son begged his father to give him some money.
3. The doctor said to me: “Drink a lot of water”.
The doctor advised me to drink a lot of water.
4. He said to me: “Do not go to the market tonight”.
He told me not to go to the market that night.
5. Amira said to Sara, “Don’t make a noise.”
Amira told Sara not to make a noise .
6. Manal said to Ahmad, “ Don’t smoke, please.“
Manal advised Ahmad not to smoke.
- خد الحتة دي زودها عندك:-
أما إذا بدأت الجملة بطلب ( would you / can you ) فإنهما يحذفان
- Naglaa asked Ali, “ Would you open the door, please ?”
Naglaa asked Ali to open the door.

1-“Please, take a seat“ said the manager to the gentleman.
2- The lady said to the man, “Don’t smoke, please“
3-Soha said to Amal, “Could you lend me your book?“
4-Mother said to Noha, ”Don’t waste your time.”
5- " could you tell me the time ,please?"
6- Shymaa said to Nada," would mind lending me your mobile?"
7- the mother said to her son " Don't play with matches."
8- The teacher said to us " Never come to school late."

نفس الخطوات التي بنعملها في التحويل بس هنغير الربط هنا ...... إزاي؟؟؟؟
- السؤال عندنا أصلا متكون من نوعين إما بادئ بفعل مساعد وهنا هنربط بـ (if)
- وإما بادئ بأداة استفهام وهنا هنربط بنفس الأداة.
- ندخل في الأمثلة عدل:-
1- Shrief said," Will you come to school tomorrow Mohammad."
Shreif asked Mohammad if he would come to school tomorrow.
2-Fatma said to Sahar, “ Do you speak French?”
Fatma asked Sahar if she spoke French.
3-Eslam said to Mustafa, ”Did you watch the last match?
Eslam asked Mustafa if he had watched the last match.
4-Amira said to Radwa, ”Have you ever been to Aswan?”
Amira asked Radwa if she had ever been to Aswan.
5-Asmaa said to Ola, “ Will you travel to Tanta tomorrow?“
Asmaa asked Ola if she would travel to Tanta the day after.

1- Mona said "Are you studying , Doaa?"
2- Ahmed said to me " can you come with me "
3-“Can you play chess, Sara?”, Mai said.
4-Amr said,” Do you play football in school, Ahmad ? “
5-Lamiaa said to Youmna, ”Are you going to visit your uncle
- بالنسبة لأدوات الاستفهام:-
1- Heba said to Maha , “Where do you live?”
Heba asked Maha where she lived.
2-Sarah said to Sally, ”What’s your telephone number “?
Sarah asked Sally what her telephone number was
3-“ Why have you visited Rahma, Amani?” Dina said.
Dina asked Amani why she had visited Rahma.
4- The teacher said " How old are you?"
The teacher wanted to know How old I was.

1- Shrief said to Adel 'Where did you go last week?
2- Aya said "where's my book ?"
3-Dahab said to Noura, ”Why don’t you wash?”
4- Asmaa said to Aisha, ”What do you eat everyday?”
5- Eman said to Esraa, ”When will you play with your

1."I'm preparing the trip," Said Ramy.
2. "It is raining outside."
3. "I don't know how to get to the police station," Said Ali.
4. "I have never seen a lion," Said Samy.
5. "I travelled to Luxor by train," Ali said to me.
6. " We will visit the pyramids,"
7. "I was absent from school because I was late."
8. "I don't like coffee."
9. " I didn't invite my cousin to my birthday party."
10. "We will help you."
11. "We can't answer the test."
12. "I went to the zoo last Friday," Said Ahmed.
13. "I think that the radio has stopped working."
14. "I'm hungry."
15. He said, "We heard the song on the radio, so we are going to buy the cassette."

ينجح في succeed in ينطلق – يبدأ set off
يطير فوق fly over يرسل إلي send to
يستمر go on يعود إلي return to
يتصل بـ get in touch with يبحث عن search for
يصطدم بـ crash into يغير اتجاهه turn off
قريب من close to يعتني بـ take care of
يحاول أن try to يحطم break into
يغسل wash up يتصل بـ communicate with

مراقب جوي airport controller يصل إلي البيت get home
يعمل العمل المنزلي do the housework يصل إلي هناك get there
رسالة باللاسلكي radio message يحتاج مساعده need help
يرسم صوره draw a picture يحكي قصه tell a story
الطائرة المفقودة the lost plane قائد سرب flight leader

1. Ahmed is doing his homework at Samy's house.
- Ahmed is doing his homework at samy's.
مكان = get to + مكان = arrive in / at + مكان2. reach +
- When he reached Rome, a lot of friends met him.
- They arrived in Cairo on Friday.
- She always gets to school on time.
مكان صغير / arrive at + مكان كبير3. arrive in +
- They arrived in Cairo on Friday.
- We arrived at the village early.
4. There isn't anyone in the room.
- There is no one in the room.
5. There is something wrong with the ship.
- There is a problem with the ship.
6. We will probably never know the answer to the mystery of the ship.
{Ex. The plane is ready to take off.}مصدر7. ready to +
{Ex. Are you ready for the exam.}اسم ready for +
8. He lost his way. = He got lost.
9. The village looked the same.
- The village didn't look changed or different.
10. He managed to solve the problem.
= He was able to solve the problem.
= He succeeded in solving the problem.

1. The plane ……………………… into the sea.
a) dived b) sailed c) floated d) crashed
2. We waited at home ……………………. The rain had stopped.
a) to b) until c) towards d) for
3. Having a ……… during a journey helps us know directions.
a) radio b) compass c) watch d) clock
4. My house is close ………………… my school.
a) for b) with c) at d) to
5. "Safely" is the opposite of ……………………………
a) slowly b) quietly c) dangerously d) loudly
6. He lost his ………………. when he travelled abroad.
a) road b) street c) way d) place
7. The ship set off after all the passengers were … board.
a) on b) at c) over d) above
8. The search ship …………… to rescue some passengers.
a) able b) managed c) succeeded d) passed
9. The airport …………………. controls the movements of planes
at the airport.
a) officer b) policeman c) driver d) controller
Read and correct the underlined words :
1. A mystery is something that's easy to solve.
2. His clothes were dry when he fell into the river.
3. He's too strong to carry the box.
4. We make pictures with a camera.
5. A chemist finds out about news for a newspaper.

نتكلم هنا بقي عن حاجتين عن "المضارع التام المستمر – ضمائر الوصل"
أولا المضارع التام المستمر:-
مش هنتكلم فيه كتير هنختصر الطريق في:-
he, she, it has + been + ing
I, you, we, they have

استخداماته حاجة بدأت في الماضي ولسه مستمرة لحد دلوقت.
Ex. It has been raining for two hours.
الكلمات الدالة {for – since – recently – lately – all… - for … now}
Ex. I have been studying English since 2002.
Ex. We have been training hard recently.
Ex. They have been working all day.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول   شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول Emptyالإثنين 4 فبراير 2013 - 19:08

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جزاك الله خيراً أخى الفاضل
لك خالص ودى وتقديرى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الاول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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» شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الثانى
» شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الثالث
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» تحميل اقوى شرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الاول

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منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الثالث الإعدادى-
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