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 امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر محمد شهاب
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 58
نقاط : 164
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول   امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول Emptyالسبت 28 يوليو 2012 - 10:48

Unit 3
Practice Test 2

A.  Language Functions
1. Finish the following dialogue with these words:
like - eating - going - go

Sherif: Today’s Friday!
Karim: Let's ___________ to Kamal's farm.
Sherif: OK, I ____________ going there.
Karim: I also like going there.
Sherif: I like ___________ fresh fruits and vegetables.
2. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. A: What did you see in Giza?
  B: ___________________________.
a) I can see the lion.
b) I saw the pyramids.
c) Yes, I like going there.
2. A: __________________________?
   B: No, he doesn’t likes playing volleyball.
a) Does he like playing volleyball?
b) Does he like eating vegetables?
c) Does he like reading books?
B. Reading Comprehension
3. Read and match:
1. We write e-mail on a a. forget.
2. Remember is the opposite of b. late.
3. The opposite of early is c. left.
4. The opposite of must is d. mustn’t.
e. computer.
4. Read the following then answer the questions:
Tamer and Ashraf are friends. They like swimming and playing basketball. Today was Tamer’s birthday. He turned eleven. First, Tamer and Ashraf went to the swimming pool. Then they had a rest and ate cake and ice cream. Tamer got a present from Ashraf. It was a new basketball!
Answer the following questions:
1. What was today?

2. What does Tamer like doing?

Choose the correct answer:
3. Tamer and Ashraf _______________.
a) played on the computer
b) scored goals
c) ate cake and ice cream
4. It means _______________.
a) Tamer’s present
b) Tamer and Ashraf
c) Ashraf
C. Usage and Writing
5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. You are tired. You can ____________ a rest.
a) have   b) give c) cross
2. The school is ____________ twenty-five kilometres from my house.
a) at b)  from c) about
3. ___________ do you like doing?
a) When b) What c) How
4. We should have ____________ water.
a) pure   b) quiet c) safely
5. ___________ eat ice cream.
a) Let's   b) Does c) Can
6. She doesn’t like ____________ football.
a) playing b) play c) plays
6. Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. No, he doesn’t like visiting new cities. (Does)

2. I went back to school last month. (When)

3. I use the computer in the school room. (Where)

7. Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
D. Punctuation and Handwriting
8. Punctuate the following sentence:
did you send an e-mail to mr atef

9. Copy the following sentence:
I like swimming in the swimming pool every Saturday.

Unit 3
Practice Test 2
A. Language Functions

Sherif:        Today’s Friday!
Karim:          Let's go to Kamal's farm.
Sherif:        OK, I like going there.
Karim:          I also like going there.
Sherif:        I like eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
1. B:  b) I saw the pyramids.
2. A: a) Does he like playing volleyball?
B. Reading Comprehension

1 - e  We write e-mail on a computer.
2 - a   Remember is the opposite of forget.
3 - b  The opposite of early is late.
4 - d  The opposite of must is mustn’t.
1.Today / It was Tamer’s birthday.
2.Tamer / He likes swimming and playing basketball.
3. Tamer and Ashraf c) ate cake and ice cream.
4. It means a) Tamer’s present.
C. Usage and Writing

1. You are tired. You can a) have a rest.
2. The school is c) about twenty-five kilometres from my house.
3. b) What do you like doing?
4. We should have a) pure water.
5. a) Let's eat ice cream.
6. She doesn’t like a) playing football.
1. Does he like visiting new cities?
2. When did you go back to school?      
3. Where do you use the computer?
Answers may vary. Suggested answers:
1.  He’s sending an e-mail./ He sent an e-mail.
2. She likes apples. / She likes eating apples./ She likes healthy food.
3. We saw a donkey cart / donkey carts in Siwa.
D. Punctuation and Handwriting

Did you send an e-mail to Mr Atef?
I like swimming in the swimming pool every Saturday.
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امتحان انجليزى رقم14 باجابة نموذجية الصف السادس الابتدائى فصل دراسى أول
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