منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح كامل للوحدة 7 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح كامل للوحدة 7 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل للوحدة 7 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية   شرح كامل للوحدة 7 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية Emptyالأربعاء 18 أبريل 2012 - 1:47

Unit 7: Building and Engineering

Key Vocabulary

commuter شخص يسافر الى و من العمل carve ينحت
diameter قطر cliff جرف: منحدر صخرى شاهق
engineering الهندسة illuminate ينير / يضئ
investment استثمار monument اثر
invest بستثمر be positioned يوضع فى مكان معين
investor مستثمر raise يرفع / يربى
massive ضخم / هائل rays أشعة
base قاعدة unthinkable غير وارد التفكير فيه / مستحيل


regularly بانتظام lift يرفع
underground مترو الانفاق beams أشعة
engineer مهندس temples معابد
railway system نظام السكة الحديد site موقع
The Middle East الشرق الأوسط rising sun شمس مشرقة
metro line خط المترو statues تماثيل
carry ينقل flood يفيض / فيضان
save يوفر rescue ينقذ / انقاذ
improve يحسن weigh يزن
tunnel نفق / يشق نفق weight وزن
tunneling شق الانفاق concrete خرسانة
drilling machine ماكينة الحفر storm عاصفة
dig / dug / dug يحفر The Nile Valley وادى النيل
engineering project مشروع هندسى re-open يعيد افتتاح
consider يعتبر combination خليط / مزيج
branch فرع (شجرة / شركة) enemies أعداء
deduce يستنتج attack يهجم على / هجوم
deduction استنتاج attacker مهاجم
shut يغلق emperor امبراطور
gate بوابة empire امبراطورية
obvious واضح eventually فى النهاية
crane ونش / رافعة The Great Wall of China سور الصين العظيم
steep منحدر iron bridge جسر حديدى
structure بناء design يصمم (شئ)
palace قصر homeland الوطن
sculpture تمثال settlements مستوطنات
sculptor نحات / مثال natural disasters كوارث طبيعية
pharaoh فرعون maintain يصون / يحافظ على
pharonic فرعونى laws قوانين
threaten يهدد cable car عربة قطار هوائية
threat تهديد spectacular views مناظر رائعة
process عملية slaves عبيد
historical buildings مبانى تاريخية manually يدويا
convince يقنع plan خطة
construction تشييد / بناء steel الصلب
table mountain جبل الطاولة (من أهم معالم كيب تاون في جنوب أفريقيا)

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

on the underground بالمترو draw a plan يرسم خطة
proud of فخور بـ be cut into pieces يقطع الى قطع
take the underground يركب المترو be attached to متصل بـ
a centre for مركز لـ keep … out يبعد ......
get to يصل الى ride on a horse يركب حصان
covered in مغطى بـ be made out of مصنوع من
miss the train يفوته القطار escape from يهرب من
reason for سبب لـ have effects on له تأثير على
fall off the bike يسقط من على الدراجة prevent … from يمنع ... من
take a test يمتحن provide … for يوفر ... لـ
cut into rock يحفر فى الصخر come to an agreement on يصل الى اتفاق على
remind … of يذكر ... بـ accessible to متاح لـ
connect … with يوصل ... بـ reach a length of يصل طوله الى
be carved into a cliff منحوت فى الجرف attractive to جذاب لـ
make plans يعد خطط related to مرتبط بـ

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
save يوفر waste يبدد
modern حديث ancient قديم
remember يتذكر forget ينسى
massive هائل / ضخم tiny ضئيل الحجم
the same نفس الشئ different مختلف

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة
engineer يهندس / يرتب engineer مهندس
engineering هندسة
mass يتكتل mass كتلة massive ضخم / هائل
يسافر الى و من العمل commuter
مسافر الى و من العمل
invest يستثمر investment استثمار
investor مستثمر


مسافر الى مكان العمل و منه someone who regularly travels to work, especially a long distance
Diameter قطر a line that goes from one side of a circle to the other and passes through the centre
Engineering هندسة the work of designing the way roads, bridges, machines, etc. are built
Investment استثمار something that you buy because it will be valuable or useful later
Massive ضخم / هائل Very big
Base قاعدة a low hard surface on which other things can be built/the lowest part or surface of something
Carve ينحت to cut something, especially stone or wood, into a particular shape
Cliff جرف:منحدر صخرى a high steep rock or piece of land
Illuminate ينير to make light shine on something
Monument أثر a large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous person
Position يضع فى مكان معين put something or someone in a place
Raise يرفع to move or lift something to a higher position
Rays أشعة narrow beams شعاع of light or energy from the sun
Unthinkable مستحيل
غير وارد التفكير فيه impossible to imagine or accept

Confusable Words

commuter مسافر يوميا الى مكان العمل و منه باشتراك موسمى
traveler المسافر عموما
Ex: The train was packed with commuters.
This hotel is for serious travellers, rather than tourists.

cost يكلف pay يدفع
Ex: It costs a lot to buy a house in this part of London.
How much did you pay for the tickets?

save يوفر waste يبدد
spend ينفق (المال) / يقضى (الوقت) keep يحتفظ فى
Ex: people can save money by traveling on the underground.
You'll save time if you take the car.
He wasted a lot of money on that car.
She spends a lot of money on clothes.
He keeps his money in the bank.

take the train يركب القطار catch the train يلحق القطار
miss the train يفوته القطار miss someone / a place يفتقد (شخص / مكان)
Ex: I always take the train - it's less hassle than a car.
She was worried that she'd arrive too late to catch the last train home.
You'll miss your train if you don't hurry up.
I miss my old friends very much.
He missed the 9:30 train.

work عمل / مكان العمل ( اسم لا يعد و لا يسبقها أداة )
a work of عمل (فنى / أدبى / هندسى)
works أعمال فنية أو أدبية
Ex: It takes a lot of work to build a house.
Mr Mark leaves work at two o’clock every day.
Abu Simbel is an amazing work of engineering عمل هندسى رائع
Egypt has many amazing works of engineering أعمال هندسية رائعة

rise (rose / risen) تشرق / يزداد / يستيقظ / يقف / يتصاعد (لا يليه مفعول)
arise (arose / arisen) يحدث (لا يليه مفعول) / يظهر
Ex: The sun rises in the east.
Prices have risen by 10%.
She rises at 6 every day.
He rose from his chair to greet me.
Smoke rose from the burning factory.
A lot of problems often arise in this factory.
raise (raised / raised) يزيد (يليه مفعول) /يربى /يجمع /يرفع / يثير
arouse (aroused/aroused) يثير (يجعل الشخص يحس بشعور ما) (يليه مفعول)
Ex: The manager raised my salary.
Raise hopes آمال / fears مخاوف/ suspicionsشكوك / interest اهتمام
Parents do their best to raise their children.
They are raising money for the blind.
Raise your hand if you know the answer.
Raise your voice, please.
arouse feelings مشاعر / interest اهتمام/ fearsمخاوف / suspicions (doubts)شكوك

compare … to …. يشبه ... بـ compared to / with بالمقارنة بـ
compare … with … يقارن ... بـ in comparison with / to بالمقارنة بـ
Ex: Poets often compare sleep to death.
He compared the Cairo underground with those in London and Paris.
Compared to our car, their car is rather expensive.
In comparison to / with the French, the British eat far less fish.

historic (famous or important in history) ذو أهمية تاريخية
historical (connected with the study of history) مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ
Ex: historic building مبنى / place مكان / event حدث / moment لحظة / day يوم/
date تاريخ / site موقع / occasion مناسبة / monuments آثار
historical research بحث / papers أبحاث / studies دراسات / plays مسرحيات /
films أفلام / novels روايات / events أحداث / records سجلات /sites مواقع /
character شخصية / monuments آثار

Language Notes

have difficulty in + v. + ing لديه صعوبة فى
Ex: People with asthma الربو have difficulty in breathing.

لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجر in فيما يلي
3 metres in height 5 inches in length 5 metres in width
وفي حالة عدم وجود حرف جر نستخدم الصفة
3 metres high 5 inches long 5 metres wide
Ex: The top of the wall is five metres wide.
The top of the wall is five metres in width.

Ever + PP. = that have (has) ever been + PP
Ex: The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built.
= It is the longest structure that has ever been built.

stop…..from + v. + ing يمنع ......... من
Ex: They wanted to stop enemies from attacking their country.
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- My father studied (engineer-engineering-agriculture-medicine) at university and has designed many important bridges.
2- Education is (an investment-a wish-a desire-a company) in the future of a country and its young people.
3- Nearly four million (travellers-competitors-commuters-contractors) travel to and from London every day.
4- The Great Wall of China was (a mass-a massively-an investment-a massive) project which took hundreds of years to complete.
5- That tunnel has a (size-diameter-weight-price) of 7 metres.
6- I'm trying to (engineering-engine-engineer-design) a meeting between them.
7- It's exhausting (commuting-counting-connecting-compeering) from Cairo to Alexandria every day.
8- The forest is a (mass-massive-pass-lass) of colour in autumn.
9- The company will (invent-invite-invest-pass) 5 million in the new project.
10- The quickest way to get to the city centre is to (come-take-get-miss) an underground train.
11- A journey on the underground (costs-pays-gives-makes) one pound.
12- People can (keep-waste-save-develop) money by travelling on the underground.
13- The first line of the Paris Metro system (started-opened-destroyed-made) in 1900.
14- The height of the (street – stiff – staff – cliff) is 25 metres.
15- The artist (harvested-carved-curved-starved) the sculpture from a massive piece of stone.
16- At night, bright lights always (disappear-catch-illuminate-form) the front of the palace.
17- If you want to ask the teacher a question, you should (rise-arouse-rise-raise) your hand.
18- The Sphinx is (postponed-possessed-preceded-positioned) near the Pyramids at Giza.
19- The statue of the pharaoh is a famous ancient (moment-memory-monument-mount).
20- The statue is built on a hard (basic-base-bottom-face) made of concrete.
21- The statue of Ramses II was (curved-caused-carved-come) out of stone.
22- Egypt is full of examples of amazing (works-jobs-tasks-professions) of ancient and modern engineering and building skills.
23- Abu Simbel is the (site-sight-cite-sit) of two temples south of Aswan.
24- The Egyptians feel very proud (at-with-about-of) the underground system.
25- The temples in Aswan were carved (out-at-of-into) a sandstone cliff.
26- The Great Wall of China (reached-arrived-came-went) a length of 6,400 km.
27- The Great Wall of China is the longest (obstruction-structure-instruction-congestion) ever built.
28- The Cairo Metro is a wonderful (job-work-task-doing) of engineering.
29- The Cairo Metro is the only underground railway (tidy-discipline-arrangement-system) in Africa or the Middle East.
30- The Chinese built the Great Wall to keep the attackers (out-up-over-down).
31- The decision has not yet been made whether to (tunnel-funnel-channel-canal) under the river or build a bridge over it.
32- My spirits (raise-rise-arise-arouse) whenever I think of my friends.
33- My father (rises-arises-raises-arouses) at 5 every morning to do his exercises.
34- Her answers (rose-arose-risen-aroused) suspicions in my mind.
35- The man stood on the top of a steep (tower-hill-wall-cliff) and looked out to sea.
36- He compared the Cairo underground (by-in-with-of) those in London and Paris.
37- The Cairo underground system will make Cairo more (attractive-attracted-attract-attraction) to business people and tourists.
38- It was (advisable-justifiable-unthinkable-unsafe) that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments.
39- Plans were (done-taken-made-given) to rescue the temples.
40- The Great Wall of China is 6,400 kilometres in (wide-width-widen-wider).
41- The Great Pyramid is about 150 metres (height-high-highly-highest).
42- The government does its best to provide social services (with-for-at-on) poorer families.
43- You'll (miss-lose-waste-spend) your train if you don't hurry up.
44- The Cairo underground line is 44 kilometres (length-long-lengthen-longest).
45- The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever (built-build-building-builds).
46- He was (attracted-attended-attempted-attacked) and seriously injured by a gang of youths.
47- Huge engineering projects have (effective-affects-effects-affections) on the people who live in the area.
48- (Historical-History-Historian-Prehistory) monuments are sometimes threated by new engineering projects.
49- He (contacted-telephoned-rang-connected) a printer to the computer.
50- Our washing machine broke down yesterday and (floated-flooded-fought-fled) the kitchen.

@ Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- The funnel which goes under the Nile has a diameter of over eight metres.
2- Abu Simbel is the sight of two temples south of Aswan.
3- In 1954, the government decided to build the Aswan High Temple.
4- They used a mass drilling machine to dig a tunnel.
5- The top of the wall is five metres width.
6- At night, bright lights always eliminate the front of the palace.
7- The Sphinx is posted near the Pyramids at Giza.
8- The Great Wall of China was built to keep the attackers down.
9- Egypt is full of a lot of historian monuments.
10- A journey on the underground pays one pound.
11- The tunnel has a barometer of 7.6 metres.
12- The artist craved the sculpture from a massive piece of stone.
13- Rise your hand if you know the answer.
14- A transporter is someone who travels a long distance to work every day.
15- The statue is built on a hard basic made of concrete.
16- They have done plans to protect our monuments.
17- You can't imagine what it would be like to have your child die - it's quite unthinking.
18- He studied engineer at Cairo University.
19- He's not certain whether to invent in the property market.
20- The man stood on the top of a steep clip and looked out to sea.

@ Translate into English:
1- The Giza Pyramids are the oldest and best preserved of the Seven Wonders of the World. Ancient Egyptian kings had them built as their tombs. The Great Pyramid and two other pyramids, built from about 2600 to 2500 BC, are the best remaining examples of this Egyptian architectural feat.
2- The ancient city of Alexandria was once home to several libraries, inspired by Alexander the Great, making the city a cultural centre to rival Athens. This glass-and-steel state-of-the-art library is an important modern landmark of today and has some interesting architectural features. The library also contains museums, a children's library and a library for the blind.

@ Translate into English:
1- .لقد أذهلت أهرامات مصر الزوار لأنها موقع تاريخى بنى يدويا بدون استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة.
2- تشتهر مصر بفنها المعمارى الأثرى الرائع المتمثل فى الأهرامات.

Language Focus

Deduction الاستنتاج

 يمكن استخدام بعض الأفعال الناقصة لعمل استنتاج سواء فى المضارع أو الماضى
1- فى المضارع نستخدم must / can't + inf. للتعبير عن التأكد.
- You must be Fahmy. I met you at a language conference in Cairo years ago.
(I’m sure you are Fahmy.)
- You must speak good Arabic if you've lived here for 10 years.
(I’m sure you speak good Arabic.)
- That can't be Kamal. He looks too old.
(I’m sure you are not Kamal.)
2- فى الماضى نستخدم must / can't + have + pp للتعبير عن التأكد.
- Passing his driving test must have made Ahmed very happy.
(I’m sure passing his driving test made Ahmed very happy.)
- My father must have walked to work this morning.
(I’m sure he walked to school this morning.)
- Ali was not at the meeting. He can’t have read my e-mail.
(I’m sure he didn’t read my e-mail.)
- You can’t have finished that book already.
(I’m sure you didn’t finish it.)
3- للتعبير عن عدم التأكد فى المضارع نستخدم may / might + inf.
- He might / may be at home. I’m not sure.
4- للتعبير عن عدم التأكد فى الماضى نستخدم may / might + have + pp
- He might have rung yesterday evening. (It is possible but I am not sure.)
- Going by car might have taken longer than going by train. (But it might not.)
5- نستخدم couldn't + have + pp للتعبير عن استحالة حدوث شئ فى الماضى.
- Emad didn't take his keys with him. He couldn't have seen them on the table.

@ Choose the correct answer:
1- A: I don't know where my school bag is, Mum?
B: It's not here. You (mustn't-can't-might-won't) have left it on the train.
2- A: Look, Hesham's keys are on the table.
B: He (must-can't-might-may) have seen them when he left this morning.
3- A: I rang you this morning, but you didn't answer.
B: Sorry, I (can't-might not-may not-must) have been asleep.
4- A: He's only been in the laboratory for ten minutes.
B: Surely he (must-can't-might-may) have finished the experiment already.
5- A: Ali fell off his bike this morning. Do you know if he's OK?
B: His mother says he (might-will-can-didn't) have broken his arm.
6- Everyone is putting their umbrella up. It (must-might-may-can’t) have started raining.
7- Leila looks very unhappy. She (may-might-can’t-must) have passed her driving test.
8- The goats are all in the road. He (mustn’t-can’t-might-may) have shut the gate to the field.
9- The telephone rang, but I didn't hear it. I (can't have been-would have been-must have been-might have been) asleep.
10- You've only been in the laboratory for half an hour. You (can't have finished-must have finished-would have finished-finished) your experiment already.
11- Emad didn't take his keys with him. He (could have seen-could see-might see-couldn't have seen) them on the table.
12- This (may-can't-must-could) be his car. He's too poor to afford such an expensive car.
13- David isn't here. He (must-can-ought-should) have gone home to study for the test tomorrow.
14- Ahmed is a professor of Chemistry. He must (be-have been-have-had been) very clever at school.
15- He (must have-can't have-might-can) have missed his train. He's usually late.
16- His watch (must-might-can-can’t) have cost a lot of money. It’s made of plastic.
17- It (can’t have-will have-must have-didn’t have) been very windy during the night. There are branches all over the ground.
18- Tunnelling under the Nile (must have-may have-can’t have-might have) been easy. I’m sure it was difficult.
19- My father (didn’t have-won’t have-shall have-must have) walked to work this morning. His car is still in the garage.
20- He can’t walk. He (must-mustn’t-shouldn’t-won’t) be ill.
21- He spends so much money. He (can’t-shouldn’t-must-won’t) be rich.
22- You (can’t have-must have-should have-will have) finished that book already. You bought it only yesterday and it is very long.
23- He (can’t have-mustn’t have-must have-should have) been injured. There was blood on his face.
24- The streets are wet. It (must rain-can’t rain-must have rained-should have rained) last night.
25- I can’t find the theatre tickets. They (must have fallen-can’t have fallen-had to fall-mustn’t have fallen) out of my pocket.

@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He must have failed the exam. He looks very happy.
2- That house must have been build a few years ago.
3- He couldn’t have catch the bus.
4- Samy must have been at school. He was in Alexandria.
5- You’ve just had lunch. You mustn’t be hungry already.
6- I didn’t hear the phone. I can’t have been asleep.
7- Ali hasn’t contacted me. He must have got my message.
8- A: I can’t find my bag anywhere.
B: You might have leave it in the shop.
9- There can’t have been a sandstorm. The streets are covered in sand.
10- She might have ring me early this morning.
11- He has three cars and a villa. He must be very poor.
12- You can’t be joking. I can’t possibly lend you that sum of money.
13- Emad didn’t take his keys with him. He must have seen them on the table.
14- You can’t be Fahmy. I met you at a language conference in Cairo years ago.
15- Ali was not at the meeting. He must have read my e-mail.
Language Functions

Language to deduce information

Why do you think they built the Suez Canal? I think they must have built it to make travelling by sea easier.
How do you think they built the Suez Canal? Well, they might have used thousands of workers.
What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building..)? I'm sure it can't have been easy.
Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.

@ Respond to each of the following situations:
1- Someone asks you “Why do you think the Great Wall of China was built?”
2- You ask a friend about how he thinks they built the Pyramids.
3- Someone asks you “What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building the Pyramids?”
4- You ask a friend why he thinks the Pyramids were built.
Test 7 (Unit 7 & Chapters 4)

A) Language Functions

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1- Your friend phoned you several times, but you didn't answer.
2- Your brother asks you how they built the Great Wall of China.
3- Someone asks you why the Pyramids were built.
4- You suddenly find out that there is no money in your pocket. You make a deduction.

2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: I’d like to send this letter to London, please? Place:
B: You have to pay L.E. 20. Speaker B:
A: No problem. Here’s the money. Speaker B:

2- A: Why are you late? Place:
B: The metro has broken down. Speaker A:
A: But you are always late for the first lesson. Speaker B:
B: I’m sorry, sir. I won’t be late again. Function:

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to ……………… a train
a) go b) bring c) come d) take
2- That plant has been …………… so that it gets lots of light.
a) explored b) raised c) positioned d) put
3- The statue of Ramses II was ………………… out of stone.
a) covered b) carved c) uncovered d) discovered
4- The Great Wall of China was built to keep ……………… enemies.
a) up b) in c) down d) out
5- It was ……………… that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments.
a) advisable b) justifiable c) unthinkable d) unsafe
6- The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to ………… a train.
a) go b) bring c) come d) take
7- Egypt has many amazing works of ………………… .
a) engineering b) engineer c) engine d) engineered
8- Part of the Cairo Metro runs in a ……………… under the Nile.
a) tunnel b) channel c) hole d) canal

9- He ……………… received my telegram. I’m not sure.
a) might b) must c) can’t d) can
10- Ola was at home all day yesterday. She …………… at work.
a) can’t have been b) must have been c) must be d) can’t
11- The telephone rang, but I didn’t hear it. I ……………… asleep.
a) must have been b) can have been c) must be d) can’t
12- He doesn’t look very happy. He …………….. failed the exam.
a) could b) must have c) can’t have d) had
13- He left his glasses at school yesterday. I’m hoping someone ………… found them.
a) must have b) might have c) can’t have d) can have
14- She didn’t see her brother this morning. He ……………… the flat very early.
a) must have left b) can’t have left c) must leave d) can’t leave
15- No one is sure where Ali is, but we think he ………… gone to see his uncle.
a) might have b) must have c) can’t have d) must
16- They left two hours ago, so they …………… arrived by now. It is not far.
a) must b) can’t have c) must have d) can’t

4-Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1- The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet.
2- People can waste lots of money by using the underground.
3- Abu Simbel is the site of two canals carved into a cliff.
4- You mustn’t have finished that book already.
5- Let’s try to find them. They can’t have went very far.
6- He can have rung yesterday. I’m not sure.

C) Reading

5-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Ancient China was ruled by emperors who kept order and maintained حافظ على harmony انسجام as China prospered ازدهرت and Chinese culture flourished ازدهرت. The nomadic tribes such as the Mongols traded horses to their Chinese neighbors for things they could not produce themselves such as grain, silk and iron. The great differences between the two cultures often led to أدى الى conflict صراع. When the nomads could not get what they wanted by trading, they would steal and plunder يسلب from the Chinese. Different emperors throughout the ages had different ways of dealing with the nomads. Some tried making peace treaties, some sent soldiers to fight the nomads بدو and some tried to encourage rules and
regulations نظم for trading between the two cultures. Other emperors built walls to keep the nomadic invaders غزاة out of China.
Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China, created a unified موحد China by conquering the Warring متحاربة States. In order to defend his new unified country

against invading nomads, he built the first long wall in China. More than 800,000 soldiers, peasants فلاحين and prisoners worked for 10 years to build it. Over the years, the wall fell into ruins and other walls were built by other emperors to keep out invaders. In 1449, the Mongols attacked China. The Chinese decided to build a wall to keep invaders out. The routes that the Mongols used to reach China were blocked تم سدها with walls. Those walls were then connected with other sections of wall, thus creating the Great Wall of China.

A) Answer the following Questions:
1- What did the Mongols trade with the Chinese people?
2- How did different emperors throughout the ages deal with the nomads?
3- How did Qin Shi Huangdi defend China against invading nomads?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4- Qin Shi Huangdi created a unified China by…………………………………………….
a) making peace treaties b) trading
c) conquering the Warring States d) encouraging rules for trading
5- The underlined pronoun “it” refers to ………………… .
a) China b) the first long wall in China
c) unified China d) the emperor

6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Many people believe that the legend that there is a curse on the tomb of Tutankhamon. The tomb of Tutankhamon was discovered by lord carnarvon in 1920. He died from blood poisoning three months after opening the tomb. No one would have thought his death had anything to do with the tomb if it had not been for a letter from the writer Marie Corelli to the New York World newspaper. In this letter, she said that she owned a book which told the story of the curse. Not long after the death of lord carnarvon, an American, who had caught a cold while visiting the tom, also died.
As time passed, the list of people who had been punished by the curse grew and for many people there is too much evidence for the story to be ignored. However, a number of facts have been forgotten. In 1982, an American policeman who had a heart attack claimed it was because he had spent time looking after the Tutankhamon Exhibition in San Francisco. He was not believed when it was discovered that another man who had actually slept in the tomb while guarding it for seven years was not only alive but in a good health. Thus the idea of the curse was proved to be a fallacy.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- What made people think that lord carnarvon’s death was caused by the curse of Tutankhamon?
2- Why did the man sleep in the tomb of Tutankhamon for seven years?
3- Who does the underlined word refer to?

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
5- Lord carnarvon died of ………………………………….
a) the curse of the tomb b) blood pressure
c) an accident d) The ginkgo seeds
6- The New York World is a ……………….
a) city b) skyscraper
c) newspaper d) network

The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Dr Hafez have to keep good relations with the UNESCO people?
2- What would happen if the excavation team did not find something important in Peru?

B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
“Yes, we think so. But we won’t know until we make a whole in the wall and see what lies behind it.”
1- Who said these words?
2- What did he / she expect to find behind the wall?

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- Dr Hafez hoped the local UNESCO representative ……………………………..
2- Peruvians are proud of their Inca heritage. They have to be very careful because ………………………………………….…………………………………..

D) Writing

8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:
The importance of historical monuments

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
The government is trying to solve traffic problems by constructing new roads and flyovers. The number of vehicles is increasing every day. Roads are becoming too crowded for drivers to use.

B) Translate into English:
1- يعتبر مترو الأنفاق واحدا من أعظم الانجازات الهندسية. و هو يساهم مساهمة عظيمة فى حل مشكلة المواصلات فى القاهرة الكبرى.
2- بدأت الحكومة المصرية حملة لاستعادة آثارها من الدول الأجنبية.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل للوحدة 7 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية
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» شرح كامل للوحدة 6 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية
» شرح كامل للوحدة 5 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية
» شرح كامل للوحدة 17 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية
» شرح كامل للوحدة 4 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية
» شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية

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