منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  الوحدة الاولى انجليزى ثانية ثانوى Unit 1: The World of Work

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

 الوحدة الاولى انجليزى ثانية ثانوى Unit 1: The World of Work Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الوحدة الاولى انجليزى ثانية ثانوى Unit 1: The World of Work    الوحدة الاولى انجليزى ثانية ثانوى Unit 1: The World of Work Emptyالإثنين 9 أبريل 2012 - 16:51

Unit 1: The World of Work

Key Vocabulary

air conditioning تكييف الهواء treat يعالج / يعامل
civil engineer مهندس مدنى train يدرب / قطار
delegation وفد count يعد
trade delegation وفد تجارى heart transplant زراعة القلب
grandchildren أحفاد heart surgery جراحة القلب
research أبحاث / retire يتقاعد عن العمل
uniform زى رسمى retirement age سن التقاعد
operation عملية marital status الحالة الاجتماعية
qualify يتأهل surname اللقب / اسم العائلة
qualifications مؤهلات education التعليم
surgeon طبيب جراح application form استمارة طلب وظيفة
heart surgeon جراح قلب nationality الجنسية
treatment علاج / معاملة address العنوان


hotel receptionist موظف استقبال بفندق relative أحد الأقارب
news reporter مراسل اخبارى fireman رجل الاطفاء
computer programmer مبرمج كمبيوتر police officer ضابط شرطة
programs برامج install يركب (تكييف مثلا)
company = firm شركة world-famous مشهور عالميا
training تدريب / تمرين situations مواقف
smart أنيق / ذكى heart problems مشاكل فى القلب
comfortable مريح healthy heart قلب سليم
friendly ودود / ودى human cells خلايا بشرية
efficient كفء charity مؤسسة خيرية
bridges كبارى / جسور head رئيس
dams سدود team فريق
roads طرق qualities صفات
leader قائد / زعيم save = rescue ينقذ
report تقرير / يبلغ عن society مجتمع
headline news خبر يتصدر عناوين الصحف patient مريض
interview مقابلة / يجرى مقابلة charitable organisation منظمة خيرية
magic سحر knowledge معرفة
national وطنى / قومى diseases أمراض
international عالمى / دولى food shortage نقص الغذاء
identify يتعرف على full-time job وظيفة دائمة
proud فخور part-time job وظيفة مؤقتة
junior شاب project مشروع
architect مهندس معمارى transplant centre مركز زراعة الاعضاء
design يصمم divorced مطلق
accountant محاسب date of birth تاريخ الميلاد
accounting محاسبة advertise يعلن عن (سلعة)
experience خبرة advertisement اعلان
job application طلب تقدم لوظيفة medicine طب / دواء
details تفاصيل contributions اسهامات
title لقب value قيمة
machines آلات / معدات mention يذكر
well-known معروف / مشهور article مقالة
provide يمد / يزود grandmother جدة

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

interested in مهتم بـ adapt to يتكيف مع / يتأقلم على
apply for يتقدم بطلب للحصول على apply to يتقدم بطلب لـ (لكى)
from all over the world من كل أنحاء العالم work with يعمل مع
good for مفيد لـ under the leadership of تحت قيادة
report on يقدم تقرير عن find out يكتشف
at the weekend فى نهاية الاسبوع benefit from يستفيد من
work for يعمل لدى (من أجل) look for يبحث عن (شئ)
look up يبحث عن (معلومة) play a part (role) in يلعب دورا فى
fall asleep يغلبه النوم at the age of فى سن
speak for يتحدث نيابة عن good at + v. + ing ماهر فى
die of يموت من have experience in لديه خبرة فى
fill in a form يملأ استمارة study at يدرس فى
apply in writing يتقدم بالطلب كتابة apply in person يتقدم بالطلب شخصيا
apply online يتقدم بطلب على الانترنت for this reason لهذا السبب

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word Antonym
historic / ancient تاريخى modern حديث
inside داخل outside / exterior خارج
special خاص / مميز ordinary / usual / normal عادى
continue يستمر فى stop / finish / complete يتوقف / ينتهى
leader قائد / زعيم follower تابع
friendly ودود / ودى unfriendly غير ودود / غير ودى
healthy صحى unhealthy غير صحى
dead ميت alive على قيد الحياة
married متزوج unmarried / single غير متزوج / أعزب
Make or Do

Make Do
make parts of cars يصنع أجزاء السيارات do an operation يجرى عملية جراحية
make a difference يحدث اختلاف فى do work يقوم بالعمل
make a decision يتخذ قرار do a job يؤدى وظيفة
make a mistake يخطئ do things يفعل أشياء
make money / a fortune يكون ثروة do a project يقوم بعمل بحث أو دراسة
make a profit يحقق ربح do research on / into يعمل أبحاث على
make a choice يختار do the shopping يتسوق
make friends يتخذ أصدقاء do the homework يحل الواجب
make a suggestion يقدم اقتراح do the cleaning يقوم بالتنظيف
make a promise يقدم وعدا do the washing up يقوم بغسل الأطباق
make the beds يرتب الفراش do the cooking يقوم بعملية الطهى
make a noise يثير ضوضاء do a favour يقدم خدمة أو معروف

Word Family

Verb Noun Adjective
يقوم بأبحاث research بحث
researcher باحث
operate يشغل /
يجرى عملية جراحية operation عملية
operator عامل تليفون operational جاهز للعمل
qualify يتأهل لـ qualification مؤهل qualified مؤهل
treat يعالج / يعامل treatment علاج / معاملة treatable ممكن علاجه
apply يتقدم بطلب application طلب (وظيفة)
applicant متقدم لوظيفة applicable ممكن تطبيقه
lead يقود leader زعيم / قائد
leadership قيادة / زعامة leading هام
retire يتقاعد عن العمل retirement التقاعد عن العمل retired متقاعد عن العمل

Confusable Words

 arrive / reach:
 arrive: يصل ( لا يليه مفعول به)
- The plane has just arrived.
 arrive at (an airport / school / station): يصل إلى (مكان صغير محدود)
- The plane arrived at Cairo Airport on time.
 arrive in (Cairo / London / France): يصل إلى (دولة / عاصمة / مدينة كبيرة)
- The plane arrived in Cairo on time.
 reach: get toيصل إلى / يتوصل الى (يليه مفعول به و لا يليه حرف جر)
- I won't reach the office till noon today.
- We will inform you when we reach a decision.

 do an operation / have an operation
 do / carry out / perform an operation: يقوم باجراء عملية جراحية
- Surgeons do operations on people in hospitals.
 have an operation: تجرى له عملية جراحية
- She is having an operation on her heart.

 qualify as / qualify in / qualify to:
 qualify as: يتأهل كى (يأتى بعدها الوظيفة)
- He studied medicine and qualified as a doctor.
 qualify in: يحصل على مؤهل فى (تخصص معين)
- He qualified in medicine.
 be qualified to + inf.: يكون مؤهل لكى
- He is qualified to teach.

 historic / historical:
 historic: ذو أهمية تاريخية
historic building مبنى / place مكان / event حدث / / day يوم/ date تاريخ
 historical: مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ
historical research بحث / papers أبحاث / studies دراسات / plays مسرحيات /
films أفلام / novels روايات

 die of / die from:
 die of (a disease / hunger / thirst): يموت من (مرض / جوع / عطش)
 die from (a wound / an injury): يموت من (جرح / اصابة)

Language Study

 help to + inf. / help + inf. / help with + noun : يساعد
- Rain helps plants grow. Rain helps plants grow
- He helped me with my homework.

 enjoy يستمتع بـ / like يحب / stop يتوقف عن + v. + ing:
- He enjoys / like working in a big hotel.
- He stopped smoking.

 with heart problems: who suffer from heart diseaseيعانى من مشاكل فى القلب
- Top surgeons and medical teams treat children with heart disease.

 make + object + inf. / adj: يجعل
- The film made me cry.
- The good news made me happy.

 continue to + inf.: يستمر فى
- Although he retired, he continued to research new treatments.

 reason for + noun / v. + ing: سبب / مبرِّر
 reason + why + جملة : سبب / مبرر
- I don’t know the reason for his failure.
- I don't know the reason why he failed.

Communication Skills

Giving reasons why you like your job
تقديم أسباب لماذا تحب وظيفتك
 The reason I like / enjoy … is that …
The best thing about … is … افضل في ... هو أن
 The main reason is that … السبب الرئيسي هو أن
 I enjoy / love + V+ing …

 Examples:
 The reason I like my job is that I meet all kinds of people.
 The best thing about working here is the friendly people
 I love / enjoy working here because every day is different.
 The main reason is I'm proud to be helping to make Egypt a better place.

Expressing opinion with reasons
التعبير عن الأراء مع تقديم الأسباب
 I think / believe …… because …… أنا أعتقد .......... لأن
 In my opinion / view ………… as ……….. فى رأيى .......... لأن
 If you ask me ……… so that …….. لو طلبت رأيى .......... حتى
 Examples:
 I think / believe charities are important because they help poor people.
 In my opinion / view charitable organizations do an excellent job as they work all over the world.
 If you ask me, people should give money to charity so that they can help more people.

Asking for information
طلب معلومات

Situation Question Answer
للسؤال عن الجنسية - Where do you come from?
-Which country do you come from?
- What's your nationality? - I come from England.

- I'm English.
للسؤال عن المهنة - What's your job?
- What do you do?
- What do you do for a living? - I'm a doctor.
للسؤال عن العنوان - Where do you live?
- What's your address? - 20 Riad Street, Assiut.
للسؤال عن تاريخ الميلاد - When were you born?
- What's your date of birth? - I was born on Oct. 17, 1961.
للسؤال عن الحالة الاجتماعية - What's your marital status?
- Are you single or married? - I'm single.
للسؤال عن لقب العائلة - What's your surname?
- What's your family name? - Farid.

 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The ………… status of a person shows whether he / she is married.
a) social b) financial c) marital d) mental
2- Graduates who apply ………… the job must be fluent in English.
a) on b) about c) for d) with
3- When the employee reaches the age of 60, he / she ……………….. .
a) recycles b) retired c) starves d) survives
4- He studied medicine at Cairo university and ……………… as a doctor.
a) applied b) supplied c) qualified d) tried
5- My sister who works for a charitable organization believes that her work ……………… a difference in people's lives.
a) takes b) works c) has d) makes
6- Ahmed worked ………………… his project all day.
a) out b) against c) up d) on
7- A …………….. is the person who writes for newspapers and magazines.
a) news reporter b) surgeon c) receptionist d) lawyer
8- My sister got ………… before she was accepted for the job.
a) a meeting b) a conference c) a visit d) an interview
9- Tourists are always seen in front of famous museums and ………… buildings.
a) history b) historian c) historic d) historical
10- The reason …………… his failure in the exam was that he didn't study hard.
a) on b) of c) for d) from
11- There's a factory in our town which ……………… parts for cars and buses.
a) does b) takes c) works d) makes
12- A company sends a ……… when it needs people to speak for it at a meeting.
a) group b) delegation c) car d) worker
13- Although he retired as a surgeon, he continued to ……….. new treatments.
a) research b) search c) look d) see
14- Everyone ……………… mistakes when they're learning something new.
a) does b) takes c) works d) makes
15- We can benefit …………… old newspapers by recycling.
a) from b) by c) of d) with
16- Our ……………… are the children of our children.
a) parents b) ancestors c) grandparents d) grandchildren
17- He became interested ……………… computers at school.
a) at b) on c) by d) in
18- She is a news reporter. She enjoys ……………… different people.
a) meet b) meeting c) to meet d) with meeting
19- It's been more than 20 years since surgeons …………… the first heart transplant operation in Britain.
a) made b) worked c) took d) did
20- He works ………………… a company that writes computer programs.
a) for b) on c) at d) out
21- He had to move every few years, so he learnt to ……………… to different situations.
a) adopt b) adapt c) apply d) use
22- He decided to be a heart surgeon when his aunt died ……… a heart problem.
a) by b) from c) with d) of
23- A ……………… is a doctor who does operations in a hospital.
a) surgeon b) receptionist c) reporter d) teacher
24- He was highly qualified. ………… this reason, he was accepted for the job.
a) At b) With c) For d) To
25- He ………………… a lot of important work in his life.
a) made b) did c) took d) worked
26- Professor Magdi Yacoub ……………… many heart transplant operations.
a) make b) do c) take d) work
27- Professor Magdi Yacoub was part of a team which ………… new heart parts from human cells.
a) make b) do c) take d) work
28- A surgeon is a person who……………… operations.
a) makes b) carries c) performs d) works
29- I like ……………… as a hotel receptionist because every day is different.
a) work b) to work c) worked d) working
30- We can install ……………… in a modern building if it is too hot.
a) air conditioning b) heater c) lights d) parts
31- A trade ……………… from Europe arrived in Egypt two weeks ago.
a) team b) band c) delegation d) gang
32- He hasn't filled in the ……………….. form for his passport yet.
a) application b) complication c) completion d) appliance
33- If you ………………. me, people should go on a training course before they become parents.
a) say b) tell c) talk d) ask
34- They are ………….. some fascinating research on the language of dolphins.
a) carrying b) doing c) making d) working
35- What is the normal …………………. age for people in Egypt?
a) retirement b) retreat c) retiring d) retired
36- I want to travel because I enjoy ……………….. new places.
a) see b) saw c) seen d) seeing
37- Professor Magdi Yacoub did a lot of heart ………………… operations.
a) transport b) transplant c) transfusion d) transfer
38- Surgeons do ………………… on people in hospitals.
a) applications b) operations c) research d) business

 Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- He had the qualifications and experience to make great things.
2- He traveled in small planes to find health hearts for transplants.
3- Whatever career he chooses, he wants to do a difference in people's lives.
4- He doesn't know what job he would like to make.
5- He does a lot of mistakes in mathematics.
6- He enjoys helping his brothers and sisters to make their homework.
7- I have been working at a new project since February.
8- She worked as a surgeon before she made research on new treatments.
9- My brother has a very difficult decision to do next week.
10- He saved people's lives by making heart transplants.
11- What are people's main reasons of continuing to work when they are older?
12- On my opinion, computers are magic.



Present simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون المضارع البسيط من التصريف الأول للفعل أى الفعل فى المصدر بدون to ونضيف للفعل حرف sإذا كان الفاعل مفرد غائب أو ( It , she , He )
- They work for a well-know Egyptian company.
- He lives in Cairo.

 Usage: الاستخدام

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن حقائق تكون دائما
- Doctors help ill people.

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادة habit أو حدث متكرر repeated action
- I go swimming every week.
 يعبر المضارع البسيط عن حالة أو موقف حقيقى دائم true situation
- He lives in Luxor.
 يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع الظروف الزمنية الآتية وتأتى فى نهاية الجملة أو أولها
every day/ week / year - twice a week / a month - on Sundays / Fridays
- Mark goes to the club every Monday.
- Every Monday Mark goes to the club.
 يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع ظروف التكرار و تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى فى الجملة أو بعد verb to be (am / is / are)
always دائماً - usually عادةً - often غالباً - sometimes أحياناً - not often
rarely / seldom نادراً - never أبداً – ever – frequently - occasionally
- I always try to save energy.
- I never drive into town.
- I rarely watch television.

Present Continuous Tense
زمن المضارع المستمر

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون المضارع المستمر من am / is / are + v. + ing
- I am cooking lunch for my family.
- They are listening to music on their MP3 players.
- He is running fast.

 Usage: الاستخدام
 يعبر المضارع المستمر عن فعل يحدث الآن أو لحظة الكلام.
- I can't see you now. I'm revising for the exams.
- Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.
 يعبر المضارع المستمر عن حدث يحدث و لكن ليس بالضرورة فى لحظة الكلام.
- My sister is studying English at university.
 يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية:
now - at the moment فى هذه اللحظة - look - listen - at present فى الوقت الحاضر
- Look! A car is coming.
- They are playing tennis now.
- I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.

Past Simple Tense زمن الماضى البسيط

@ Form: التكوين
? يتكون الماضى البسيط من التصريف الثانى للفعل.
play à played eat à ate

? الأفعال المنتظمة يضاف لها ed أو d اذا كان الفعل ينتهى بحرف e أو ied اذا كان الفعل ينتهى بحرف y مسبوق بحرف ساكن مثل:
visit à visited arrive à arrived study à studied
- I / You / He / She / It / We / They arrived at 7 o'clock.
? أما الأفعال التى فتحفظ جيدا مثل:
go à went break à broke build à built

@ Usage: الاستخدام
?يعبر الماضى البسيط عن حدث بدأ و انتهى فى الماضى.
- She cooked a delicious lunch yesterday.
? يستخدم الماضى البسيط لوصف أحداث تتبع بعضها فى قصة
- He got into his car and drove into town.
?يعبر الماضى البسيط عن عادات و أفعال متكررة فى الماضى.
- She cooked lunch every day last week.
? غالبا يستخدم الماضى البسيط للتعبير عن عادة أو موقف فى الماضى.
- When I was young, we lived by the sea.
?يستخدم الماضى البسيط مع الكلمات الآتية:
yesterday أمس -ago منذ - last…. ... الماضى - in the past فى الماضى
once ذات مرة - once upon a time ذات مرة - one day فى يوم من الأيام
the other day(week-month-year) منذ أيام (أسابيع / شهور / سنوات) قليلة
in 2007 – from + سنة + to + سنة – When I was… - How long ago - for

Past Continuous Tense الماضى المستمر

 Form:التكوين
يتكون الماضى المستمر من was / were + v. + ing
- He was flying.
- They were talking.

 Usage:الاستخدام
 يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدث مستمر أثناء وقت معين فى الماضى.
- Between six and half past six this morning, I was having breakfast.
يعبر الماضى المستمر عن موقف أو قصة فى الماضى.
- I was studying chemistry when I met Rami.
 يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدث كان مستمرا عندما قطعه حدث آخر فى الماضى.
- I was having a shower when the phone rang.
 يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدثين كانا يحدثان فى نفس الوقت.
- While father was watching TV, mother was cooking in the kitchen.
 يستخدم الماضى المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية:
while بينما - as بينما- just as فى اللحظة التى- when عندما
all day yesterday طوال اليوم أمس - all the time طوال الوقت

 يأتى الماضى المستمر بعد while / as / just as بينما يكون الحدث الأخر ماضى بسيط أو ماضى مستمر حسب المعنى

- While (As / Just as) he was leaving the house, the phone rang.
- The phone rang while (as-just as) he was leaving the house.
 يمكن أن يأتى بعد when ماضى بسيط ثم ماضى مستمر أو العكس حسب المعنى.
- I was studying English when the lights went out.
- The lights went out when I was studying English.
 يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when في الماضي البسيط :
- When he arrived, he found the door locked.
 يمكن أن يأتى بعد because ماضى مستمر و الفعل الأخر ماضى بسيط.
- Magdy couldn’t hear the phone because he was having a shower.

يمكن استخدام On بدلا من when و يأتي يعدها v. + ing أو noun :
- When the thief saw the police, he ran away. (On)
On seeing the police, the thief ran away.
 يمكن استخدام During بدلا من while و يأتي يعدها noun / v.+ ing :
- While I was having lunch, the phone rang. (During)
During having lunch, the phone rang.
During my lunchtime, the phone rang.
 الفعل بعد and يأخذ نفس شكل الفعل الذي يسبقها:
- He was writing a letter and listening to some music.

Present perfect tense
زمن المضارع التام

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون المضارع التام البسيط من has / have + p.p.
- They have played that game.
- She has finished that book.

 Usage: الاستخدام
 حدث تم في الماضي ولا يزال له تأثير في الحاضر :
- My car has broken down. = I have to go to work by bus.
 يعبر المضارع التام عن حدث بدأ فى الماضى و مازال مستمرا.
- I've written three letters this morning. (It is still morning.)
- I've been at this school since 1997 / for ten years.
 يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث تمت حديثا.
- I've just finished reading this book.
 يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث لم تحدث بعد.
- She's never played tennis.
 يستخدم المضارع التام للسؤال عن خبرات سابقة دون تحديد وقت حدوثها .
- Have you ever met anyone famous?
She's never met anyone famous yet, but she hopes to one day.
 يستخدم المضارع التام مع الكلمات الآتية:
already / just / ever / never / yet / since / for / so far / lately / recently
up till now
- He has typed five letters so far.
 كما يستخدم إذا بدأت الجملة بمـا يلـي :
It’s/This is the first (second…) time... It’s (This) is the only…
In the last few years/months In recent years
Over the ages / over the years علي مر العصور/ السنين
- It’s the first time I have been to this place.
- This is the only play I have seen.
- Egypt has changed a lot in the last few years.

 لاحظ أن ever/never/just/ already تأتي بينhave/has والتصريف الثالث : PP.
- I have just written the letter.
- He has never done karate.
 يأتى بعد since زمن يحدد بداية الحدث أما for يأتى بعدها مدة هذا الحدث.
 Since 1998 / last week (year / month) / October / Sunday / this morning
yesterday – lunch – then – 5 o’clock
 for a day ( week / moth / year ) – an hour – ages – a long time - 3 days
(weeks / months / years) - the last week (year / month)
 إذا جاء مع since فعل واحد يكون فى زمن المضارع التام أما إذا جاء مع sinceفعلين
فالفعل الذى يلى since يكون ماضي بسيط و الآخر مضارع تام.
- I haven’t seen him since last week.
- I haven’t seen him since he left for Cairo.
 نستخدم ever فى الأسئلة و الجمل التى تبدأ بـ Nobody / Nothing / No one.
- Have you ever been to the zoo?
- Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
 يمكن استخدام ever فى الجمل التى تتضمن صيغة مقارنة بين أكثر من اثنين.
- This is the most exciting film I have ever seen.
 نستخدم never فى الجمل المنفية.
- No, I have never been to the zoo.
 تستخدم yet فى نهاية الأسئلة و الجمل المنفية.
- Has he arrived yet?
- They haven't eaten yet.
 نستخدم already فى الأسئلة و الجمل المثبتة.
- Have you already written to John?
- He has already had dinner.
 فى حالة استخدام ever فى جمله بها never / before نبدأ بــ This is the first time
- I have never seen a lion before. (ever)
This is the first time I have ever seen a lion.
 عند استخدام since / for بدلا من the last time / last / when / ago نحول الماضى
البسيط إلى مضارع تام منفى.
- I last ate fish when I was in Alex. (since)
I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Alex.
 إذا كانت الجملة مضارع تام منفى و بدأنا بــ It’s نستخدم التركيب التالى
It’s + مدة زمنية + since + فاعل + last + ماضى بسيط مثبت
- I haven’t seen him for ages. (It’s……)
It’s ages since I last saw him.
 إذا استخدمنا just بدلا من a moment ago / a short time ago نحول الماضى البسيط إلى مضارع تام مثبت.
- The train left a moment ago. (just)
The train has just left.
 عند استخدام ago بدلا من since / for نحول المضارع التام المثبت الى
began / started + to + inf.
- It has rained for two hours. (ago)
It began to rain two hours ago.
 لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام ago مـع since :
- I haven't seen him since three years ago.
في حالة استخدام yet بدلا من still نستخدم مضارع تام منفى بدلا من المضارع المستمر:
- He is still writing the report. (yet)
He hasn’t finished writing the report yet.

 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- A long time has passed …………… I saw him.
a) as long as b) because c) since d) until
2- I ……………….. a book when somebody knocked on the door.
a) read b) has read c) am reading d) was reading
3- We ……………… our old friends for a year. They are too busy.
a) haven't been met b) hadn't met c) didn't meet d) haven't met
4- ………………… people should work in their 70s or 80s?
a) Are you thinking b) You are thinking c) Do you thinking d) Do you think
5- At the moment, I ………… research on a computer program for an Australian company.
a) do b) am doing c) have done d) was doing.
6- I ………………… to be a doctor since I was ten.
a) wanted b) was wanting c) have wanted d) want
7- When I was eight, I …………….. a program about a famous Egyptian doctor on television.
a) saw b) have seen c) was seeing d) was seen
8- We ……………… a card for my brother. Do you want to help?
a) make b) are making c) were making d) had made
9- We ……………… a meeting at work this morning when suddenly all the lights went out.
a) having b) had had c) have had d) were having
10- At the moment she ……………….. to be a primary school teacher.
a) trains b) was training c) is training d) has trained
11- Since I started the job two years ago, I ……………… important people from all over the world.
a) have wanted b) had wanted c) wanted d) wanting
12- Heba ……………… at a large tour company as an accountant.
a) work b) works c) working d) to work
13- I ………………. my homework while my brother was watching television.
a) doing b) have done c) was doing d) had done
14- It …………………… often rain in Egypt.
a) doesn't b) isn't c) won't d) wasn't
15- I first …………… my best friend when we were both about 3 years old.
a) meet b) have met c) met d) meeting
16- What …………………… at 3 o'clock yesterday?
a) were you done b) were you doing c) you were doing d) do you do
17- My mother was cooking dinner when I …………….. home.
a) had arrived b) was arriving c) have arrived d) arrived
18- My uncle …………….. to Germany lately.
a) is b) will be c) has been d) is being
19- You look pale. ………………………… to you?
a) Has anything happened b) Will anything happen
c) Had anything happened d) Was anything happening
20- I said "Hello" to my uncle, but he couldn't hear me because he ………….. to the radio.
a) has listened b) was listening c) is listening d) would listen

1- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- I only buy my new camera last week.
2- I've already taking 300 photos with my new camera.
3- My father work in a bank in the city centre.
4- He has worked in a bank since 15 years.
5- My company has an important meeting last month.
6- I fell asleep while I watched a film on television.
7- At the moment we are done a history project at school.
8- It usually is hot and sunny in Egypt.
9- When did you first met your friend?
10- What have you do since the weekend?
11- I have worked in a bank ever for I left school.
12- I haven't saw him since last Tuesday.
13- She have had a number of jobs since leaving university.
14- I was play tennis at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.
15- I start to learn English when I was 4 years old.
16- Have you never met my brother?
17- He have not yet decided what to study at university.
18- He has studied accountancy since five years.
19- It's three weeks since I last visiting my grandfather.
20- He hasn't been in this country since the last two years.

Test 1 (Unit 1 + Chapter 1)

A) Language Functions

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1- A friend wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school.
2- A friend asks you why you'd like to be a doctor.
3- Your teacher asks you why you enjoy learning English.
4- A relative wants to know the best thing about your school.

2- Say where each of the following two mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: How long have you been feeling unwell? Place:
B: Since Sunday. Speaker A:
A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets Speaker B:
three times a day and rest for three days.

2- A: Can I help you? Place:
B: Yes, I’d like to book a single room for two days. Speaker A:
A: It's 80 pounds per night. Speaker B:
B: Ok, thank you.

B) Vocabulary & Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- Our company is planning to send …………… to the next international meeting.
a) a group b) a worker c) a delegation d) a car
2- Mrs Smith was very happy to become ………….… when her daughter had a baby son.
a) a surgeon b) a grandmother c) a father d) a cousin
3- The old doctor is looking forward to his ……………… at 65 years because he will no longer have to work.
a) retirement b) holiday c) year d) society
4- The boy needs ……………. because his heart is not working properly and without a new heart he will die.
a) a doctor b) a charity c) a transplant d) a hospital
5- It’s terribly hot in here. Please can you turn on the …………………..?
a) heater b) air conditioning c) lights d) parts
6- That boy loves to draw buildings! I believe that he will become …………… when he grows up.
a) an engineer b) a businessman c) an architect d) an artist
7- ……………………….. are important because they work on many things, from bridges and waterways to road systems.
a) Civil engineers b) Architects c) Designers d) Managers

8- When I was at school I liked my …………….. . It was red and grey and I loved wearing it.
a) teachers b) uniform c) classroom d) shoes
9- What exams …………………… you passed?
a) are b) did c) have d) might
10- After I finished school, I …………….. tourism at university.
a) study b) am studying c) have studied d) studied
11- Has Sara ……………….. for any jobs yet?
a) applied b) applying c) application d) apply
12- Mona ………………… at Ain Shams Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays.
a) is working b) works c) have worked d) has worked
13- The university is ……………………. for a qualified doctor at the moment.
a) advertisement b) advertised c) advertises d) advertising
14- While I …………….. for work I saw an advertisement for my dream job.
a) was looking b) looked c) have looked d) looks
15- People ………………… work when they are older for many reasons.
a) continued b) have continued to c) continuing to d) continue to
16- I …………… working with my company but now I want to look for another job.
a) enjoyed b) enjoying c) have enjoyed d) enjoyed to

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- Since she tired from the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.
2- I'm not blaming you. We all do mistakes.
3- You will never get a good job if you don't have any qualifies.
4- He was been a police officer since his twenty first birthday.
5- While she was read a magazine, someone knocked at the door.
6- I didn't finish the report yet.

C) Reading Comprehension

5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sir Magdi Yacoub has performed more transplants than any other surgeon in the world and, as a scientist; his interest in the basic mechanisms of heart structure and function in health and disease has improved transplant surgery and patient care. He was born and raised in Cairo where he qualified as a doctor in
1957. He came to Britain in 1962 and since then has made great achievements in heart surgery. He specialized in working with children with heart problems and performed complex operations on the tiny hearts of babies in their first days of life.
He has always combined ربك surgical work with scientific research, which he sees as the key to improving patient care and eliminating يقضى على heart disease. He has conducted research looking into organ rejection رفض العضو after transplantation زراعة العضو and is working to produce a tissue-engineered aortic heart valve.
Sir Magdi Yacoub's work is all about helping people live longer and more fulfilling lives. His strong sense إحساس of social responsibility مسئولية اجتماعية led him to establish the Chain of Hope charity, which sends medical teams to the developing world to treat children suffering from heart disease free of charge. The charity is called a Chain of Hope, because of the chain of people involved in the work - people donating money, people acting as host families for children and people donating their medical expertise.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did transplant surgery and patient care improve?
2- In which field did Sir Magdi Yacoub specialize?
3- What does the Chain of Hope charity do?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Sir Magdi Yacoub sees …………………… as the key to improving patient care.
a) surgical work b) heart problems
c) scientific research d) heart disease
5- The underlined word "which" refers to …………………………. .
a) medical teams b) developing world
c) social responsibility d) the Chain of Hope charity

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Samer lived with his parents until he was twenty four years old, and then he got a job in an office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He found a little flat and lived there on his own. At first he cleaned it himself, but after a few weeks he asked Mrs Leila to help him. She promised to come to clean his flat for an hour every morning. After she had been working for two weeks, one evening, he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought, "That mirror looks very dusty. Mrs Leila had forgotten to clean it. I can write on the dust with my finger!"
Before he left for work in the morning he wrote this message on the dust "I cough whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty!" When he got home that evening, he looked at the mirror and wondered why she hadn't cleaned it. Then he bent down and saw a bottle in front of the mirror. He picked the bottle up and looked at it carefully. Mrs Leila had written some words on it. He read the words "Cough Medicine" and he couldn't make head nor tail.

A) Answer these questions:
1- Why did Samer leave his parents' home?
2- What caused Samer to cough?
3- What do you think of Mrs Leila? Why?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4- To ask Mrs Leila to clean the mirror, Samer ……………………….. .
a) wrote a letter b) telephoned her
c) wrote what he though on the mirror d) spoke to her

5- The underlined word "it" refers to ………………….. .
a) the mirror b) the bottle c) the dust d) the room

D) The Novel

7- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was found in the two underground rooms?
2- Do you think the black and yellow spiders are a known species? Say why or why not?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"If there are more rooms here, this machine will find them in minutes."
1- Who said these words to whom?
2- Why did the speaker want to find more rooms?

C) Complete the following:
1- The four robbers switched the car lights off because …………………...........
2- Archaeologists don't use GPR very often because ............…………………….

E) Writing

8- Write a paragraph about 100 words about:
Charity societies give hope as well as help
Guiding points:
- Who establishes these societies?
- Their role in the society.
- Who do they benefit and how?

F) Translation

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
In some poor countries, over twenty percent of the children die in their first year of life. The reason for this is the lack of medical care and medicine. Another cause is food and water shortage. (August 2007)

B) Translate into English:
1- لقد تقدمت جراحة زراعة القلب فى مصر تقدما ملحوظا. (August 2005)
2- تلعب المؤسسات الخيرية دورا هاما فى المجتمع.
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الوحدة الاولى انجليزى ثانية ثانوى Unit 1: The World of Work
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 مواضيع مماثلة
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» شرح رائع للوحدة التاسعة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 9 It's a small world
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» اختبار على الوحدة الاولى الثانى الثانوى Test on unit 1

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