منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:38

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014
Unit 1 : Famous Egyptians 2
Unit 2 : Charles Dickens 29
Unit 3 : The power of mind 49
Review A
Unit 4 : People and their lives 69
Unit 5 : Ernest Hemingway
Unit 6 : Tomorrow’s world
Review B
Unit 7 : Health and safety
Unit 8 : William Shakespeare
Unit 9 : It’s a small world!
Review C


lesson 1 SB page 1 fact حقيقة
person شخص leader قائد
Egyptian مصرى round حول
woman امرأة neck رقبة
high school المدرسة الثانوية finger أصبع اليد
girls’ education تعليم البنات historical تاريخى
headmistress ناظرة مدرسة shape شكل
really حقاً animal حيوان
important هام – مهم the past الماضى
archaeologist عالِم آثار metal معدن
pyramids أهرامات study يدرس
magazine مجلة building مبنى
at the moment فى الوقت الحاضر- حالياً tools أدوات
ancient things الأشياء القديمة gold ذهب
museum متحف expensive غالى
country دولة the pharaohs الفراعنة
like مِثلَ Lesson 2 SB page 2
statue تمثال irregular غير منمتظم – شاذ
jewellery مجوهرات negative
the Rosetta Stone حجر رشيد happen يحدث
discuss يناقش how often كم عدد المرات
in pairs فى ثُنائيات word كلمة
mention يذكر moon قمر
later فيما بعد remember يتذكر
another آخر partner شريك
Nobel laureate حائز على جائزة نوبل guess يُخمن
nuclear scientist عالم نووى WB page 2
WB page 1 university جامعة
contain يحتوى على finish يُنهى
mistake خطأ studies دراسات

professor أستاذ جامعى huge ضخم
California Institute of Technology معهد كاليفورنيا للتكنولوجيا quantity كمية
however ومع ذلك
Benjamin Franklin Medal
جائزة بنيامين فرانكلين collect يجمع – يتجمع
under تحت
discover يكتشف desert sand رمال الصحراء
femtosecond فمتو ثانية /أصغر وحدة لقياس الوقت need يحتاج
millionth جزء من المليون men رجال
billionth جزء من البليون remote sensing الإستشعار عن بُعد
student طالب director مدير
ceremony احتفال Boston University جامعة بوستن
receive يتسلم United State of America (USA) الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Nobel Prize جائزة نوبل
chemistry الكيمياء expert خبير
wife زوجة satellite قمر صناعى
medicines أدوية photograph صورة فوتوغرافية
Lesson 3 SB page 3 American Apollo space project مشروع الفضاء الأمريكى (أبولو)
check يفحص – يتحقق من
vocabulary مفردات land يهبط
meaning معنى educate يُعلم
astronaut رائد فضاء Ain Shams University جامعة عين شمس
geologist عالم جيولوجى Lesson 4 SB page 4
soil تربة quotation اقتباس
space فضاء article مقال
underground water مياه جوفية change يُغير
plants نباتات people’s lives حياة الناس
better أفضل predict يتنبأ
sand رمال include يشمل – يتضمن
rocks صخور internationally دولياً
large كبير squash player لاعب اسكواش
modern حديث young man شاب
city مدينة (كبيرة) surprised مُندهش
railways سكك حديدية successful ناجح
only فقط the second الثانى
rain مطر WB page 3
Western Desert الصحراء الغربية team فريق

chance فرصة weekend نهاية - عطلة الأسبوعية
goals أهداف friendly ودود
photography التصوير الفوتوغرافى funny ممتع
professional مُحترف great عظيم
real حقيقى hard working مُجتهد
correctly بطريقة صحيحة helpful مُساعِد – مُعاون
the Pan Arab Games
دورة الألعاب العربية interesting شيق
ordinary عادى
major رئيسى polite مؤدب
international دولى popular محبوب – شعبى
atmosphere الغلاف الجوى strong قوى
sports championship بطولة رياضية intelligent ذكى
footballer لاعب كرة قدم show يعرض
junior الأصغر – أحدث سناً first aid الإسعافات الأولية
quality صفة – ميزة – سمة sample نموذج
garden حديقة خاصة peace سلام
puzzle لغز pro-democracy مؤيد / مُنادِ بالديمقراطية
picture صورة activist ناشط (من الناشطين)
competition منافسة civil rights الحقوق المدنية
place مكان legendary أسطورى
outside بالخارج physics الفيزياء
the Earth الأرض independence
حركة استقلالية
Lesson 5 SB page 5
prepare يُعد – يُجهز former president رئيس سابق
alive حى – على قيد الحياة WB page 4
adjective صفة describe يصف
beautiful جميل speech خطاب / حديث / كلام
brave شجاع phrase عبارة
calm هادىء sports stars نجوم رياضية
careful حريص the same نفس الشىء
cheerful مرح – بشوش – مبتهج society مجتمع
clever ماهر hope يأمل
different مختلف appearance مظهر
enjoyable ممتع character شخصية
exciting ممتع – مثير information معلومات
fit لائق بدنياً influence تأثير
Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Present المضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
writeيكتب wrote written showيُبين/ يوضح showed shown
forget ينسى forgot forgotten fallيسقط fell fallen
comeيأتى came come grow upيكبر grew up grown up
become يُصبح became become takeيأخذ took taken
buyيشترى bought bought giveيعطى gave given
bring يُحضر brought brought leaveيغادر left left
thinkيعتقد thought thought winيفوز won won
teach يُعلم taught taught goيذهب went gone
tellيُخبر told told seeيرى saw seen
find يجد found found putيضع put put
wearيرتدى wore worn am, is, areيكون was, were been
know يعرف knew known do, doesيفعل did done

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )
ask about يسأل عن heavy rain مطر غزير
at the age of فى سن / عمر know about يعرف عن
be called يُدعى / يُسمى land men on the moon ينزل الرجال على سطح القمر
be interested in + (n. / v.+ing)مُهتم بـ lose to يخسر أمام
be made of مصنوع من make note يدون / يكتب
bring / give back يُعيد / يرد note down يدون / يكتب
do quiz يؤدى اختبار صغير / مسابقة معلومات speak on radio and TV يتحدث فى التلفزيون والراديو
expert in / on خبير فى succeed in ينجح فى
famous for مشهور بـ successful in / at ناجح فى
from all over the world من جميع انحاء العالم take a photo يلتقط صورة فوتوغرافية
from history من التاريخ take a picture يلتقط صورة
get / win / receive a prize يفوز بالجائزة talk about يتحدث عن
give advice on يُقدم النصح بشأن talk for يتحدث لمدة / من أجل
give up يتوقف عن / يستسلم teach / tell / show … (how) to …
go on holiday يذهب فى أجازة tell about يُخبر عن
good at + (n. / v.+ing) جيد فى thank for يشكر على
grow up ينضج / يكبر thanks to بفضل
grow well / better ينمو جيداً that’s right ذلك صحيح
have a chance to لديه فرصة لكى the first + (n.) + to + (inf.) أول من ...

the same as نفس الشىء مثل was educated at تعلم فى
the use of … is to + inf.يُستخدم .. فى.. what kind of مانوع
think about يفكر فى winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry الحائز على جائزة نوبل فى الكيمياء
think of يفكر فى
want to + inf. يريد أن work on يعمل على/يُحسن/يُطور
was born in وُلِدَ فى (الشهر/السنة/ المكان) write in / for يكتب لـ (جريدة/مجلة)

Derivatives المشتقات
Verb Noun Adjective
advise ينصح advice نصيحة advisable مُستحسن

…………… archaeology
archaeologist علم الأثار
عالم آثار

يجمع collection
collector مجموعة
جامع لـ
compete ينافس competition منافسة competitive تنافسى
complete يكمل complement تكملة complete كامل/متكامل
differ يختلف difference اختلاف different مختلف

يكتشف discoverer
discovery مُكْتَشِف
educate يُعلم education تعليم educational تعليمى
enjoy يستمتع enjoyment متعة enjoyable ممتع
…………… expert خبير expert خبير

…………… geologist
geology عالم جيولوجى
علم الجولوجيا

ينمو/يزرع growth
grower النمو
بالغ / راشد

…………… history
historian تاريخ

معرفة knowledgeable
known حسن الإطلاع
…………… popularity شعبية popular محبوب/شعبى
predict يتنبأ prediction تنبؤ predictable يمكن التنبؤ به

…………… science
scientist علوم
strengthen يقوى strength قوة strong قوى
succeed ينجح success نجاح successful ناجح
think يفكر thought فكر/فكرة thoughtful مراع شعورالآخرين
Definitions التعريفات

quiz a game where (in which) people answer questions
laureate a person given an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement.
headmistress is a teacher who is a woman and the leader of a school
jewellery things that people wear round their neck, finger, etc
ancient very old, historical
statue a shape, sometimes a person or animal, made of stone or metal
archaeologist a person who studies buildings and tools from the past
femtosecond a millionth of one billionth of a second
astronaut someone who travels and works in space
geologist a scientist who studies what the earth made of, how it was made and it has changed over time
soil is the layer on the earth in which plants grow
space is the area outside the earth’s atmosphere
underground under the surface of the earth
remote sensing using satellite to get pictures and information about the earth
expert is someone who knows a lot about a subject
satellite a machine sent into space and goes round the earth
photography taking pictures with a camera
professional doing something as a job or for money
junior a kind of competition or school for young people

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

سيرة is a book about a person’s life written by someone else
♠ He wrote his father’s biography after his death.
سيرة ذاتية is a book about a person’s life written by himself
♠ Taha Hussien wrote his autobiography in a book called El-Ayam.

subj. + v. to be + the first / second / last / best … + to + inf.
Nabawiya Mosa was the first (woman) to go to high school.

كاتب a person who writes books or articles to be published
♠ She is a well-known writer of children's books.
مؤلف the writer of a book, article, play, etc.
♠ Charles Dickens is the author of "Oliver Twist".

succeed in + n / v.ing
ينجح فى ♠ She succeeded in education and work.
♠ He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
manage to + inf.يتمكن من ♠ He managed to solve the problem of his classroom.
be able to + inf. قادر على ♠ I was able to get there just on time.
be capable of + v.+ing
قادر على ♠ Do you think he is capable of murder?
♠ I was capable of getting there just on time.

directorمدير a person who is in charge of a department, organization, or activity
headmasterناظر a male teacher who controls a school
headmistressناظرة a female teacher who controls a school

كلمة "another " لا تسبقها "the" ولا نضيف لها "s" و الكلمة التي تليها غالبا مفرد:
♠ This dress is too long. Show me another one, please.
♠ I will read another story.
و أحيانا نقول: [ another two – another three – another four - ….]
♠ I want another five pounds.
others بعد "other" يأتي اسم جمع . أما بعد "others" لا يأتي اسم.
♠ Some people like Al Ahly, other people like Zamalek.
♠ Some people like Abou Treka, others like Emad meteab.
كلمة "others" يمكن أن نضع قبلها ما يلي: [the – some – any – these – those]
♠ I saw Maher, but I didn't see the others.
و قبل "other" فقط يمكن أن نضع ما يلي: [ this – that – each ]
♠ We should help each other.

is called
يُدعى / يُسمى ♠ I have a friend who is called Mohammed.
♠ I have a friend called Usama.
لاحظ أن الفعل "is called" مبني للمجهول و قد حذفنا "who is" وبقي التصريف الثالث كما هو و نفس الشيء يحدث مع "which is"
♠ He writes in a magazine which is called Egypt today.
♠ He writes in a magazine called Egypt today.

mostمُعظم Most people speak English all over the world.
the mostالأكثر English is the most important language.

subj. + see / hear / watch + object + ( v.ing ) Or inf.
♠ I have seen him talking about the Pyramids on TV.

interestingشيق للأشياء ♠ The story is very interesting.
interested inمهتم بـ للأشخاص ♠ He is interesting in (reading) novels.

تاريخى 'historic' means 'having importance in history' or 'having influence on history' ; a historic place, event or moment that is important because it will be remembered as a part of history
♠ Winning in the African Cup is a historic event.
تاريخى 'historical' means 'having taken place in history', 'from the past' or 'pertaining to history' ; a historical fact, research, document happened or existed in the past
♠ Archaeologists have found many historical documents in Egypt.

job وظيفة
مُهِمة the regular work which a person does to earn money
a particular piece of work
work عمل

مكان العمل an activity, such as a job, which a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money
a place where a person goes specially to do their job
مستقبل مِهنى/ وظيفى the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money
occupation a person's job
(التدريس-الطب) any type of work which needs special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education
تجارة the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries

فى وقت لاحق/فيما بعد after the present time or at a time in the near future
I’ll discuss the matter with you later.
الأخير referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned
The latter choice is better.

the underground = the metro ♠ I go home in the metro
underground = under the earth’s surface ♠ We bury dead people underground.

photograph a picture produced using a camera
painting a picture made using paint
portrait a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or, less commonly, of a group of people
picture a drawing, painting or photograph, etc
an image seen on a television or cinema screen
image a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is

فراغ an unoccupied ground or area
♠ They stopped at an open space in the jungle.
فضاء any location outside the Earth's atmosphere
♠ The astronauts walked in outer space without a tether.حبل

give advice
يقدم النصح لـ ... " advice " كلمة مفردة لا تعد و لا تسبقها " a " ولا "an " ولا تجمع و لكن نقول:
[ some advice – a piece of advice – a bit of advice – a lot of advice]
♠ My teacher advised me. = My teacher gave me advice.
♠ My father gave me some advice on how to answer in the exam.

astronautرائد فضاء is someone who travels and works in space
عالم الفلك is a person who studies the stars and the planets scientifically
astrologerمنجم is a person who studies the stars and the planets based on the belief that they influence people’s lives
pilotطيار someone who flies a plane

تُربة the top layer of the earth in which plants grow.
♠ Cotton needs rich soil to grow.

أرض للزراعة
أو للمبانى the surface of the Earth that is not covered by water
♠ It is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea.
an area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose such as farming or building
♠ This sort of land is no good for growing potatoes.
سطح الأرض the surface of the Earth
♠ He was playing football and fell to the ground.

طابق the flat surface of a room on which you walk
♠ She was sweeping the kitchen floor.
a level of a building a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms
♠ I'm living on the second floor.
كوكب الأرض The third planet from the sun; the planet we live on
♠ The Earth moves around the sun.

bear (v.) – bore – bornتلد ♠ Sami was born in 2007.
bear (v.) – bore – borneيتحمل ♠ Your insults can’t be borne.

at the age of فى عمر/سن ♠ Ramy became famous at the age of 16.
in the age of فى عصر/عهد ♠ We live in the age of technology.

win يفوز ♠ Hany won the race last week. يفوز بـ , يكسب (جائزة مباراة, كأس, انتخابات )
beat يهزم ♠ He has never beaten me at chess. يهزم , يتغلب على (شخص أو فريق)
يكسب يحصل على شىء معنوى مثل (معرفة , معلومات , خبرة , شهرة , احترام , محبة)
♠ He gained a lot of information from the conference.
وتشير أيضاً الى زيادة فى الوزن والسرعة
♠ The plane gained speed as it prepared foe take-off.
♠ He has gained 4 kilos in weight in the last two months.
earnيكسب ♠ He worked hard to earn his living. يكسب (قوته او رزقه) , مقابل عمل

يكتشف to find something that was hidden or that people didn’t know about before
♠ Columbus discovered America in 1492.
يخترع to make, design, or produce something for the first time
♠ Graham Bell invented the telephone.
يستكشف to travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it
♠ As soon as we arrived at the island, we explored it.
find out
يكتشف to get information about something or someone
♠ We never found out her name.

يتضمن / يشتمل to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something else
♠ The bill includes tax and service.
يحتوى على to have something inside or include something as a part
♠ Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat.
consist of
يتكون من to be made of or formed from something
♠ The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.

sport (n.) رياضة ♠ He used to do/play a lot of sport when he was younger.
sports (adj.)
أنشطة / منافسات رياضية رياضى صفة تتطلب الممارسة
sports ( man / star / competition / center / facilities / pages / car race / championship )
♠ Sports stars can give back much glory to their country.
sporting (adj.)
رياضى خاص بالإهتمام الرياضي ولا تشترط الممارسة
sporting ( spirit / family / event / interest )
♠ He accepts the loss with sporting spirit.
sporty (adj.)
رياضى رياضى شخصية أو عائلة
♠ We're a very sporty family. I play squash three times a week.

made ofمصنوع من (المادة الخام تظهر فى المنتج) ♠ This window is made of glass.
made fromمصنوع من (مادة تغيرت بعد الصنع) ♠ Glass is made of sand.

ordinaryعادى ♠ In the ordinary way she isn’t a nervous person.
usualمُعتاد ♠ He came home later than usual.
normalطبيعى ♠ It’s normal to feel tired after such a long trip.

احتفال (a set of) formal acts, often fixed and traditional, performed on important social or religious occasions
feast عيد an annual religious celebration
مهرجان a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food or ceremonies

يسمع دون قصد to receive or become conscious of a sound coming into your ears
♠ While I was walking in the street, I heard someone crying.
ينصت الى بقصد to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them
♠ I always listen to the Holy Quran in the morning.

ينمو (الحجم-الجسم) to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed
♠ Prices grew high these days.
grow up
يكبر/يصبح ناضجاً to gradually become an adult
♠ When I grow up, I shall be a doctor.

a ward
جناح - عنبر one of the parts or large rooms into which a hospital is divided, usually with beds for patients
♠ Take this patient to a ward No. Four.
جائزة- منحة to give money or a prize following an official decision
♠ Dr Zewail won this award 3 weeks ago.
مكافئة something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc
♠ Mr Sayed will give Menna a reward if she gets high marks.
هدية something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you
♠ My uncle gave me a present on my birthday party.
جائزة something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work
♠ Dr Zewail got the Noble Prize for Chemistry.

a concert يقيم حفلة

a decision يأخذ قرار
a party يقيم حفلة a rest يستريح
a lecture يعطى محاضرة a test يمتحن
a permission يعطى إذن an exam يمتحن
an example يعطى مثال advice يأخذ نصيحة
a prize يعطى جائزة medicine يأخذ دواء
a hand يعطى مساعدة notes يدون ملاحظات
give a chance يعطى فرصة take photographs يلتقط صور
a present يعطى هدية pictures يلتقط صور
a lesson يعطى درس exercise يتدرب
advice يعطى نصيحة part in يشارك
medicine يعطى دواء place يحدث
speech يلقى خطاب care of يعتنى بـ
information يعطى معلومات risk يُخاطر
reasons يعطى أسباب responsibility يتولى المسئولية
points يعطى نقاط the chance يأخذ فرصة

a quiz يعمل مسابقة

a discovery يكتشف
a job يقوم بمهمة a mistake يُخطىء
a hobby يمارس هواية a journey يقوم برحلة طويلة
a project يعمل مشروع a trip يقوم برحلة قصيرة
an experiment يعمل تجربة a visit يقوم بزيارة
work يقوم بعمل a plan يخطط
something يفعل شىء ما a promise يوعد
homework يعمل الواجب a decision يقرر
housework يقوم بأعمال المنزل make the bed يرتب الفراش
do exercise يتدرب suggestion يقترح
shopping يتسوق money يكون مال
sports يمارس رياضة friends يعمل صدقات
his best يبذل قصارى جهده a choice يختار
better يتحسن a question يسأل
research يقوم ببحث علمى a trouble يُسبب متاعب
damage يدمر a phone call يقوم بإجراء مكالمة
business يقوم بعمل تجارى a goal يحرز هدف
repairs يقوم باصلاحات score a record يُسجل رقم قياسى
favour يصنع معروف points يحرز نقاط

a game يلعب لعبة

a race يفوز بالسباق
a match يلعب مباراة a game يفوز بلعبة
chess يلعب شطرنج a match يفوز بالمباراة
music يعزف موسيقى a cup يفوز بالكاس
play the guitar يعزف على الجيتار win a medal يفوز بالميدالية
the piano يعزف على البيانو a prize يفوز بالجائزة
a part / a role يلعب دوراً points يفوز بالنقاط
a trick on يخدع a competition يفوز بالمنافسة
football يلعب كرة قدم a championship يفوز بالبطولة

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) Geologists study rocks and their history.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
2) No one ever stopped on the moon before Armstrong.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
3) We all reached school before Dina.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
4) Dr Zewail discovered the femtosecond.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
5) He enjoys befriending people from other countries.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
6) The doctor advised his patient to take to his bed for a week.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
7) She is experienced in looking after children.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
8) Photography isn’t allowed in this area.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
9) Egypt beat Cameron in the final match.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
10) France lost to Italy in the final of the football competition.
 …………………………………………….……………………. studies

the first

to reach




long experience




11) In Egypt, students go to schools when they are seven years old.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
12) The make of this ring is gold.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
13) Dina cleaned the kitchen. Dina’s mother thanked her.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
14) Dr Zahi Hawaas likes archaeology very much.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
15) Nabawiya Musa was a well-known woman.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
16) These documents belong to history.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
17) Hany managed to pass the test.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
18) Dr El-Baz worked on the American Apollo space project.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
19) Dr El-Baz taught the astronauts which rocks to collect.
 …………………………………………….…………………….
20) My father was the manager of the company.
 …………………………………………….…………………….


Dina’s mother





part of


Dr Zahi Hawass is an Egyptian archaeologist and Egyptologist. He wants to get the Rossetta Stone back to Egypt.

Naguib Mahfouz was a Nobel Laureate. He was a famous author.

Dr Sameera Moussa was Egypt's first nuclear scientist. She was a pioneering researcher in atomic radiation.الإشعاع الذرى

Nabawiya Mousa was an early 20th century feminist and educationalist.

Dr Ahmed Zewail is an Egyptian American scientist who discovered the femtosecond. He got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon in 1969. He went to the moon with Buzz Aldrin.

Dr El-Baz is an Egyptian scientist who worked with NASA. He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston University.

Aung San Suu Kyi is a pro-democracy activist in Burma. She is a leader of the opposition in Burma. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

Dr Martin Luther King was the leader of the Civil Rights movement in the USA in 1950s and 1960s. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his contributions to physics. He was famous for his theory of relativity in physics.

Umm Kulthum was a legendary Egyptian singer. She was born in Dakahlia. She was known as the star of the east.

Marie Curie was a scientist who studied radioactive materials. She won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.

Nelson Mandela is a former president of South Arica. He put an end to racial discrimination التميز العنصرى there. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in1993.

Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement. He helped free the Indian people from British rule.

Form التكوين
يتكون من مصدر الفعل بإضافة ies, es, s مع ضمائر المفرد الغائب it, she, he أو الاسم المفرد, وبدون ies, es, s مع they, we, you, I أو الاسم الجمع.

carries He


carry I
1) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بـــ (( ss – sh – ch – o –x نضيف لـه (( es
cross → crosses wash →washes watch →watches
go → goes fix → fixes
2) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( y ) مسبوقاً بحرف ساكن ، نحذف( y ) ونضع ( ies )
study → studies worry → worries fly → flies
3) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( y ) مسبوقاً بحرف متحرك ( a – e – i – o – u )
نضـــع ( s ) play → plays say → says
enjoy → enjoys buy → buys obey → obeys

Usage الإستخدام
1) To express facts that are always true. يُستخدم للتعبير عن حقائق
 Geologists study rocks.
 The earth orbits the sun.
 Fruit and vegetables give us vitamins.
 The sun gives us heat and light.

2) To express a habit (a repeated action). يُستخدم للتعبير عن عادة
 I walk to school everyday.
 Dr. Zahi often speaks on radio and television.
 He sometimes writes in the magazine Egypt today.

هناك قاعدة أخرى للتعبير عن عادة فى المضارع :-
فاعل عاقل + am, is, are used to + v.+ing
 He usually gets high marks. ( is )

لاحظ أن : ( is, are used to + inf. / for + v.ing ) بمعنى يُستخدم لـ (صيغة مبنى للمجهول ) ويكون الفاعل معها غير عاقل.

فاعل غير عاقل
+ is, are used to
 A camera is used to take photos.
 Sharp knives are used for cutting beef.

3) To express a situation which is true for a long time.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن موقف يكون حقيقياً لفترة طويلة.
 He lives in Cairo.

4) To express the future after time conjunctions
يُستخدم المضارع البسيط بعد الروابط الزمنية للتعبير عن المستقبل:
( when, after, before, as soon as, if, unless, till, until )
When, After, The moment, present simple + future (will / be going to)inf.
Before, As soon as, If, Unless مستقبل + مضارع بسيط
مضارع بسيط + till, until + مستقبل (منفى)

 As soon as I return home, I’ll give you a ring.
 We are going to return home after we finish the meeting.

5) To express a calendar, timetables and programmes.
يستخدم للتعبير عن التقويم الزمنى و جداول المواعيد والبرامج .
 Tomorrow is Friday.
 Our plane arrives to London tomorrow.
 The football match starts at 8 o'clock next Friday.
Some verbs always take the present simple :
أفعال تُوضع فى المضارع البسيط (أفعال الشعور والإدراك) بدلاً من المضارع المستمر

♠ believe يعتقد ♠ forget ينسى ♠ hate يكره
♠ know يعرف ♠ like يحب ♠ mean يُعنى
♠ prefer يفضل ♠ see يرى ♠ seem يبدو
♠ understand يفهم ♠ want يريد ♠ love يحب
 He wants to leave now.
 I understand what you mean.

Tense markersالكلمات الدالة
كلمات تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى وبعد فعل v. to be

♠ always دائماً ♠ often غالباً ♠ rarely, scarcely نادراً
♠ usually عادةً ♠ frequently غالباً ♠ seldom نادراً
♠ normally عادةً ♠ sometimes أحياناً ♠ never أبداً
♠ generally عموماً ♠ occasionally من حين لآخر ♠ every كل

always = at all times
occasionally = from time to time sometimes = at times

 They usually arrive at school late.
 They are usually late for school.
يمكن أن تبدأ الجملة أو تنتهى بــ ( sometimes, usually )
 Usually I walk to school.
 I cycle to school sometimes.
تُستخدم ever فى السؤال و never فى النفى.
 Do you ever drink milk in the morning?
 He never goes to bed late.
عبارات تُستخدم فى بداية أو نهاية الجملة :
♠ On Friday, Sunday, … ♠ In summer, winter, …
♠ Every day, week, … ♠ Once a week, … / Twice a day, …
لاحظ استخدام حرف الجر on مع أيام الأسبوع , و حرف الجر in مع السنوات والشهور وفصول السنة.
 We go to the zoo on Friday.
 In summer, Ali takes exercise in the club.

Negative النفى
تُستخدم don’t اذا كان فعل الجملة بدون s و doesn’t اذا انتهى الفعل بـ s

I, You, We, They

inf. مصدر الفعل
He, She, It
 I work in a bank. - ………………………………………………………
 He comes from Japan. - ………………………………………………………
من الممكن ان نستخدم never أو hardly او rarely في النفي كالتالي : -
فاعل مفرد + never \ hardly \ rarely + s , es , ies مصدر به
 He never comes late = He doesn't come late.
فاعل جمع + never \ hardly \ rarely + s , es , ies مصدر بدون
 I never go to school on Friday = I don't go to school on Friday.

Interrogation الإستفهام
1) Yes / No questions : (1) السؤال بهل

I, you, we, they

+ inf. مصدر الفعل
he, she, it

 Do you like English?
- Yes, …………………
- No, …………………  Does he play tennis well?
- Yes, …………………
- No, ………………...

2) Wh – questions : (2) السؤال بكلمة استفهام

Question word
+ do
+ I, you, we, they
+ inf. مصدر الفعل
كلمة استفهام does he, she, it

 He always meets friends on Fridays. (When)
- When ……………………………………………………………….?
 They go to work by train. (How)
- How ……………………..………………………………………….?

Passive المبنى للمجهول
يُحول زمن المضارع البسيط الى المبنى للمجهول كالآتى:
( object مفعول + am, is, are + pp التصريف الثالث )
Active : The servant washes the car everyday.
Passive: …………………………………………………………………………

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) Hany writes letters in English every day.
 …………………………………..……….……………………….
2) It's my habit to go to bed early.
 …………………………………..……….…………….………….
3) He comes late at all times.
 …………………………………..……….……….……………….
4) He is used to playing squash. He wants to be the world champion.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
…………………………………..……….………………….……. always




5) Hany writes letters in English every day.
 …………………………………..……….……………………….
6) It's my habit to go to bed early.
 …………………………………..……….…………….………….
7) He comes late at all times.
 …………………………………..……….……….……………….
8) He is used to playing squash. He wants to be the world champion.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
9) You can't trust him. He never tells truth.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
10) She is a punctual secretary.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
11) Ali's hobby is to collect stamps in his spare time.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
12) Ali gets into the habit of watching TV every night.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
13) I go to the club now and again.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
14) We go to the club from time to time.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
15) Is it true that he usually goes to bed early?
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
16) I don’t eat fish at all.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
17) Hesham doesn’t ride a bike.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
18) He often arrives at school early.
 …………………………………..……….…………….………….
19) Nadia always comes on time.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
20) I always go to bed after midnight.
 …………………………………..……….…………….………….
21) He is always early for school.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
22) I have a car but I don’t use it very often.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
23) He never studies at night.
 …………………………………..……….…………….………….
24) He always obeys his parents.
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
25) They usually arrive at school late.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
26) Where do you come from?
 …………………..………………..……….………………………
27) He always helps people.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
28) It's her habit to speak English in class.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
29) I don’t drive a car now. used to
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
30) Ola doesn’t like staying at home alone.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
31) First, I’ll watch the film. Then, I’ll go to bed.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
32) What's your job?
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
33) He always goes to school apart from Friday.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
34) The thermometer is used to measure temperature.
 …………………………………..……….………………….…….
35) We use school fees رسوم مدرسية to build new schools.
 …………………………………..……….……………….………. always























is used to

used to

used to



On Friday



36) My car is different from that one
 …………………………………..……….……………….……….
37) He works hard.
 …………………………………..……….………………….……. differs

Form التكوين
يتكون من التصريف الثانى للفعل بإضافة ied, ed, d لمصدر الفعل المنتظم
( regular verbs ), و الأفعال الغير منتظمة (شاذة ) ( irregular verbs ) تُحفظ .
1) اذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( e ) نضــع له ( d )
like → liked live → lived arrive → arrived
2) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( y ) مسبوقاً بحرف ساكن ، نحذف( y ) ونضع ( ied )
study → studied cry → cried marry → married
3) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ( y ) مسبوقاً بحرف متحرك ( ( a – e – i – o – u
نضــع ed))
play → played enjoy → enjoyed stay → stayed
4) ﺇذا كان الفعل ينتهي بحرف ساكن مسبوقاً بحرف متحرك يُضاعَف الساكن ونضـــع (ed)
travel → travelled stop → stopped clap → clapped
5) الأفعال الشاذة تنقسم الى ثلاثة أنواع :
أفعال لا تتغير عند تصريفها مثل :

put cut

أفعال يحدث بها تغيير واحد (التصريف الثانى مثل التصريف الثالث) مثل :
sold buy

أفعال يحدث بها تغييران (التصريف الثانى غير التصريف الثالث) مثل :
gone write
Usage الإستخدام
1) To describe an action that started and finished in the past.
يُستخدم ليصف حدث بدأ وانتهى فى الماضى.
 Dr Zewail finished his studies in the USA in 1974.
 He drove into town yesterday.
 She lived in Tanta before she came here.
 He traveled abroad a week ago.

2) To describe actions which follow each other in a story.
يُستخدم ليصف أحداث تتبع بعضها فى قصة.
 He went to the sea and sat on the beach.
 He got into the car and drove down the road.
 On may way home yesterday, I saw an accident.

3) To express habits and repeated actions in the past.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن عادات وأفعال متكررة فى الماضى.
 When I was on holiday, I played football everyday.
 He drove into town everyday last week.
 I always met friends when I was young.

ويمكن استخدام ( used to + inf. ) للتعبير عن عادة فى الماضى :-
 When I was young, I played football every week. ( used to)
فى النفى : didn’t + inf.
 I didn’t use to play football.
وفى السؤال Did + sub + use to + inf.
 Did you use to smoke?

Tense markersالكلمات الدالة
يُستخدم الماضى البسيط مع الكلمات الآتية :

♠ in 2000 فى عام 2000 ♠ a long time ago مُنذ زمن بعيد
♠ yesterday أمس ♠ ages ago مُنذ عصور
♠ ago مُنذ ♠ How long ago كم طول مدة مضت
♠ last … ... الماضى ♠ once upon a time ذات مرة
♠ once ذات مرة ♠ in the ancient times فى العصور القديمة
♠ one day ذات يوم ♠ the other day أمس
♠ in the past فى الماضى ♠ formerly سابقاً
♠ from 2000 to 2008 من عام ... الى عام ...

Negative النفى
يُنفى الماضى البسيط باستخدام didn’t + inf.
I, You, We, They

didn’t + inf. مصدر الفعل
He, She, It

 It rained yesterday. - …………………………………………………
 He bought a new car. - …………………………………………………

Interrogation الإستفهام
3) Yes / No questions : (1) السؤال بهل

I, you, we, they

+ inf. مصدر الفعل
he, she, it

 Did you go to work yesterday?
- Yes, …………………
- No, …………………  Did he play tennis well?
- Yes, …………………
- No, …………………

4) Wh – questions : (2) السؤال بكلمة استفهام

Question word
+ I, you, we, they
+ inf. مصدر الفعل
كلمة استفهام he, she, it

 They left early to catch the train. (Why)
- Why ……………………………………………………………….?
 He had a lot of money. (What)
- What ……………………………………………………………….?

Passive المبنى للمجهول
يُحول زمن المضارع البسيط الى المبنى للمجهول كالآتى:
( object مفعول + was, were + pp التصريف الثالث )
Active : She cleaned my room.
Passive: …………………………………………………………………………

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) I went hiking last week.
 …………………………………..……….…...…………….……….
2) I last met Tamer in 2004.
 …………………………………..……….………...…….………….
3) The last time I caught fish was in 2007.
 …………………………………..……….…………...…….……….
4) I saw Tamer leaving the office at 10. Now it’s 12.
 …………………………………..……….………..……….……….
5) He was born in 2003.
 …………………………………..……….…………..…….……….
6) He has just come home.
 …………………………………..……….………..…….………….
7) When did you get the prize?
 …………………………………..……….………..……….……….
8) I had no idea about yesterdays meeting.
 …………………………………..……….………..…………….….
9) Hany came late last night.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
10) I was absent from work yesterday because I was ill.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
11) The money he had wasn’t enough to buy an expensive watch.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
12) He didn’t leave without saying goodbye.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
13) He was in the habit of smoking.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
14) It was his habit to play volleyball.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….……. ago






How long




He didn’t


used to

used to

15) He no longer smokes.
 …………………………………..……….………..……….……….
16) She went to school on foot everyday.
 …………………………………..……….………..……….……….
17) I never cycle my bicycle after having the accident.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
18) It wasn’t her habit o play with dolls.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
19) He used to speak English when he lived in London.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….…….
20) It was his habit to smoke, but he is no longer now.
 …………………………………..……….………..………….……. used to

used to

used to

use to



الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:42

Charles Dickens
lesson 1 SB page 6 play مسرحية
short story قصة قصيرة report يُقرر / تقرير
thriller قصة / رواية مثيرة information معلومات
detective fiction قصة بوليسية tale قصة / حكاية
science fiction خيال علمى expectation توقع / احتمال
probably على الأرجح WB page 5
language لغة wrong خطأ
novel رواية (قصة طويلة) interview يُجرى مقابلة
still مازال main رئيسى / أساسى
prison شخص borrow يستعير / يقترض
factory مصنع lesson 2 SB page 7
poor people الفقراء underline يضع خطاً تحت
ideas أفكار action حدث / فعل
character شخصية hour ساعة (60 ق)
office clerk كاتب / موظف فى مكتب enough كافِ
start يبدأ house منزل
newspaper جريدة flat شقة
journalist صحفى share يُشارك
real name اسم حقيقى room حجرة
call يسمى / يدعى crowded مُزدحم
follow يتبع thousands آلاف
century قرن parents الوالدين
describe يصف dying الموت
life / lives حياة / حيوات die يموت
child workers الأطفال العاملون street شارع
workhouse إصلاحية للأحداث للعمل والمبيت WB page 6
thief / thieves لص / لصوص nearly تقريباً / حوالى
nationality جنسية captain قبطان سفينة / طائرة
Russian روسى introduce يُقدم
British بريطانى Nile Police الشرطة النهرية

French فرنسى journey رحلة
down the Nile أسفل النيل window شباك
during أثناء / خلال discover يكتشف
passenger راكب half brother أخ غير شقيق
cow بقرة relation علاقة
nearby fields الحقول المجاورة join يلتحق
fisherman صياد repeat يكرر
sail يبحر WB page 7
lesson 3 SB page 8 daughter ابنه
adopt يتبنى group مجموعة
gang عصابة / مجموعة glasses نظارة
arrest يقبض على jacket جاكت
kidnap يخطف شخصاً unknown غير معروف
niece بنت الأخ / الأخت bold واضح
punish يُعاقب difficult صعب
through من خلال choice اختيار
hard صعب / شاق moral أخلاقى
hungry جوعان reward يُكافىء / مكافأة
man’s pocket جيب الرجل lesson 5 SB page 10
kind عطوف adult بالغ / راشد
had to go كان عليه أن يذهب village قرية
country house منزل ريفى death وفاة
rob يسرق مكان / شخص birth ميلاد
lesson 4 SB page 9 beginning بداية
right صحيح / يمين WB page 8
believe يُصدق / يؤمن notebook كراسة
invite يدعو joining words روابط

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Present المضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
come يأتى came come make يصنع made made
run يجرى ran run show يعرض showed shown
tell يُخبر told told take يأخذ took taken
catch يمسك caught caught break يكسر broke broken

teach يُعلم taught taught know يعرف knew known
lose يخسر lost lost grow ينمو grew grown
send يرسل sent sent see يرى saw seen
leave يترك/يغادر left left write يكتب wrote written
meet يقابل met met begin يبدأ began begun
keep يحفظ kept kept drink يشرب drank drunk
mean يُعنى meant meant go يذهب went gone
get يحصل على got got/gotten do يفعل did done
shoot يطلق النار shot shot read يقرأ read read
find يجد found found put يضع put put

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

arrive in يصل go on to write يستمر فى الكتابة
ask for يطلب / يسأل have a choice لديه اختيار
at the age of فى عمر / سن hear of يسمع عن
at the edge of على / عند حافة how hard life was for the poor
كيف كانت صعوبة الحياة للفقراء
at the same time فى نفس الوقت
be in trouble فى مأزق / ورطة / مشكلة in another way بطريقة أخرى
belong to تنتمى لـ / يخص in the end فى النهاية
best known for = well-known for = famous for مشهور بـ in the south of فى جنوب
instead of = in exchange for بدلاً من
break into يقتحم large numbers of أعداد كبيرة من
by the river بجوار النهر look after = take care of يعتنى بـ
come from يأتى من look for يبحث عن
crew of our boat طاقم قاربنا /مركبنا look like يشبه
crowded with مزدحم بـ look through ينظر من خلال
dark side of life الجانب المظلم من الحياة make a list of يضع قائمة لـ
earn money for يكسب مال من اجل make notes يدون
fill in = complete this form يملىء استمارة owe money to مدين بالمال لـ
find out يكتشف part of the day جزء من اليوم / النهار
get into debt = be in debt = indebted مدين بـ (مال / فضل) pay for يدفع ثمن شىء
reason for سبب / مبرر لـ
get on board a felucca يصعد على متن فلوكة run away to يهرب الى
give a chance to يعطى فرصة لـ sorry for آسف على

take … back to … يُعيد .. لـ .. was born into a good familyوُلِدَ فى عائلة جيدة
take place = happen يحدث was rewarded for كُوفىء على
take turn to + inf. يأخذ دوره لكى work as a/an … يعمل كـ
the rest of … باقى / ما تبقى من work for يعمل لحساب / لدى
wait for ينتظر work out يحسب / يتدرب / يُطوْر

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb Noun Adjective
adapt يتأقلم / يتكيف adaptation التكيف/التأقلم adaptable سهل التكيف
adopt يتبنى adoption التبنى adopted متبنى
bear تلد birth ميلاد born مولود
begin يبدأ beginning بداية ……………………..
characterize يميز/ يصف character شخصية characteristic متميز

…………………….. child
children طفل
choose يختار choice اختيار chosen مختار
describe يصف description وصف descriptive وصفى
die يموت death الموت dead ميت
…………………….. happiness سعادة happy سعيد
…………………….. illness مرض ill مريض

يسجن prison
prisoner سجن

يُجرى حوار interview
interviewer حوار
ضيف الحوار

يخطف kidnapper
kidnapping مُختَطِف
lose يخسر loss خسارة lost مفقود/تائه

يؤمم/يُجنس nation
nationality أمة
punish يعاقب punishment عقاب punishable يستحق العقاب
quicken يُسرع …………………….. quick سريع

Definitions التعريفات

Novel a long written story, usually about characters and events that that are not real
prison a building where criminals are kept as a punishment
debt money that you owe to someone
journalist someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines, television or radio
character a person in a book, play or film, etc.
grow up to develop from being a child to being an adult
adopt to let someone else's child become a part of your family
gang a group of criminals who work together
arrest to take someone away because they are believed to be guilty of a crime
kidnap to take someone away by force and keep them as your prisoner until people give you money or things you want
niece the daughter of your brother or sister
pocket a small, flat, cloth bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing, for keeping small things in
punish to do something unpleasant to someone, for example put them in prison or make them pay money, because they have done something wrong or illegal
choice when you can choose between two or more things, actions, people, etc.
rewarded gave something good to someone for something they did
moral a lesson to be learned (from the story)
adult change from being a child to an older person

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

after (person), صفة تفضيل عليا + فعل + فاعل
♠ After Shakespeare, Dickens is the most famous writer in the English language.

novelرواية a long written story, usually about characters and events that are not real
playمسرحية a story that is written to be performed by actors, especially in a theater
story قصة a description of a series of imaginary or real people and events
taleحكاية a story about imaginary events

عِقْد a period of 10 years
♠ The last two decades were full of many disputes.نزاعات
قرن a period of 100 years, used especially in giving dates
♠ He was born in the 19th century.
الألفية(الف عام) a period of 1000 years, or the time when a period of 1000 years ends
♠ How did you celebrate the millennium?

يَقترض يَستلف
يَستعير to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time
♠ He borrowed a novel from the library.
to take money from a bank or financial organization and pay it back over a period of time
♠ We could always borrow some money from the bank.
يُسلف to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back
♠ She doesn't like lending her books.
♠ If you need a coat, I can lend you one/lend one to you.
يدين بــ to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you
♠ I owe Janet ten pounds.
♠ I owe you a drink for helping me move.
♠ I think you owe me an apology.

look for يبحث عن try to find someone or something using your eyes
search يبحث عن
يُفتش to look carefully for someone or something
if the police search someone, they look in their clothes or bags for weapon, drugs etc.
search forيبحث عن to try to find an answer or explanation for a difficult problem

introduceيُقدم شخص لآخر present (someone) by name to another.
يُقدم شىء لشخص present (something) to someone so that it may be accepted, rejected, or considered.
presentيُهدى to give something to someone especially at an official occasion
يُقدم فيلم , برنامج,... to give a performance in a theater or cinema or broadcast a programme on television or radio

share يتقاسم ,يُشارك ♠ My friend shared a meal with me.
divide يقسم ♠ The teacher divided the class into groups.

يُخبر * TELL is usually followed by a personal object (the person you are taking to)
♠ Can you tell me how to get to the mall?
♠ Please don't tell the teacher that I forgot my homework.
* We use" TELL" without a personal object in some expressions like (the news, the truth, lies, the time, the difference between ... and ..., news , a joke )
* "SAY" is usually used without an object.
♠ Sami said Ali had a new job.
♠ The weather forecast says, "Tomorrow will be hot."
* If we say who is told, we use "to"
♠ He said goodbye to me.
* We use" SAY " with some words and expressions like ( hello, goodbye, please, thank you, congratulations, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday! )

look atينظر الى ♠ He is looking at the magazine.
look like يُشبه ♠ This statue looks like the Sphinx.
look afterيعتنى بـ ♠ We should look after our environment.
look for يبحث عن ♠ I've looked everywhere for my keys.
look forward to يتطلع الى ♠ I look forward to hearing from you.
look up يبحث عن كلمة فى قاموس ♠ Look up this word up in the dictionary.

يتبنى legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own
♠ They are going to adopt a child.
يتكيف - يتأقلم to change your behaviour or ideas to fit a new situation
♠ You must be able to adapt yourself to a changing world.

يخطف شخص كرهينة to take someone away by force and keep them as your prisoner until people give you money or things you want
♠ The gang kidnapped Oliver to be one of them.
hijackيخطف مركبة to use violence or threats to take control of a plane, vehicle etc.
♠ A terrorist hijacked a plane last year.

teach يُعلم + object + (how) to + inf
♠ Fagin taught the gang (how) to be thieves.

stop يمنع + object + from + v.ing
♠ Mr Brownlow stopped the police from arresting Oliver.

It's + adj. + to + inf.
♠ It's important to guess the meaning of new words.

يسرق مكان أو
شخص to take money or property illegally from a place, organization or person, often using violence
♠ The gang robbed the bank.
♠ They robbed the bank of a 100,000 pounds.
يسرق شىء to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it
♠ They stole 100,000 pounds from the bank.

reward (someone) with … يُكافىء شخص بـ
♠ Fagin rewarded the thieves with food and place to live in.

قائمة / جدول a set of names, things etc written one below the other
♠ It's Dina's shopping list.
قائمة طعام list of all the food that is available for a meal in a restaurant
♠ Could we have the menu, please?

منحة a prize or a sum of money that is given to someone following an official decision
مُكافأة -something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc
-an amount of money given to someone who helps the police or who helps to return stolen property to its owner
جائزة something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work
هدية something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you

baby a very young child who has not yet begun to walk or talk
child a boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is an adult, or a son or daughter of any age
young having lived or existed for only a short time and not old
teenager(n.) a person aged between 13 and 19 years
teenage(adj.) (only before noun) a young person between 13 and 19 years old
adult a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) He was imprisoned for not repaying his debts to the bank
 …………………………………………………...……………………
2) He died without repaying the money he owed.
 …………………………………………………...……………………
3) Thieves had broken into the tomb and stole its treasure.
 …………………………………………………...……………………
4) Mr. Brownlow made Oliver part of his family.
 …………………………………………………...……………………
5) This laptop belongs to my father.
 …………………………………………………...……………………
6) The gang entered the bank by force.
 …………………………………………………...……………………
7) When did this story happen?
 …………………………………………………...……………………
8) Mother’s take care of their children.
 …………………………………………………...…………………… prison








Form التكوين
يتكون من
I, He, She, It
+ v.+ ing
You, We, They
Tense markersالكلمات الدالة
يُستخدم الماضى المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية :While = As = Just as / When
Usage الإستخدام
1) To express an action in progress during a specific time in the past.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمراً فى وقت مُحدد فى الماضى.
 At the age of 12, Dickens was working for ten hours a day.
 We were watching the final match at 5 last night.
 Between seven and eight last night, I was doing my homework.

2) To express something in progress when an action took place.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمراً فى الماضى وقطعه حدث آخر , ويأتى مع:
While, As, Just as
ماضى مستمر( حدث طويل ) , ماضى بسيط ( حدث قصير )

ماضى بسيط ( حدث قصير ) while, as, just as ماضى مستمر( حدث طويل )

ماضى بسيط ( حدث قصير ) , ماضى مستمر( حدث طويل )

ماضى مستمر( حدث طويل ) when ماضى بسيط ( حدث قصير )

 When he arrived, I was reading.
 Sami was driving home when I saw him.
 While I was studying, the light went out.
 Rania broke the vase while she was cleaning it.

3) To express two past actions happening at the same time.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن حدثين مختلفين كانا يحدثان فى نفس الوقت فى الماضى ويأتى مع :-

While, As, Just as
ماضى مستمر , ماضى مستمر

ماضى مستمر while, as, just as ماضى مستمر

 While he was working as a journalist, Dickens was writing magazine stories about life in London.
 It was raining while we were walking in this street.
1) عندما تأتي الجملة بعد (while / as / just as) بدون فاعل (بمعنى أثناء) نستخدم (v+ ing)
 While playing tennis, I fell down.
 While doing his homework, he broke his pen.

2) تُستخدم duringبمعنى أثناء مكان whileولكن يأتي بعدها (noun /noun phrase)

اسم / عبارة اسمية , ماضى بسيط

ماضى بسيط during اسم / عبارة اسمية

 During the match, the light went out.
 My friend visited us during lunch.
 She got lost during her visit to the zoo.
 During his sleep, his money was stolen.

3) لاحظ أن ( on ) تحل محل ( when ) عند حزف الفاعل :-

 When she saw him, she got puzzled.
 On seeing him, she got puzzled.

4) تذكـر أن الحدث الذى يستغرق وقت أطول يكون في الماضي المستمر بغض النظر عن موقع
( when ) في الجملة سواء كان قبلها أم بعدها :-

 When I was studying, my father arrived.
 When my father arrived, I was studying.
 Ali heard a loud crash when he was eating pizza.
5) تُستخدم because مع زمن الماضى المستمر لتعبر عن السبب فى الماضى

ماضى بسيط because ماضى مستمر

 Rana couldn’t go to the party because she was cleaning her flat.

6) يُحول زمن الماضى المستمر الى المبنى للمجهول كالآتى:
( object + was, were + being + pp )
Active : She was changing the curtains.
Passive: The curtains were being changed by her.

7) لاحظ الفرق بين الجملتين:-
 I was watching TV at 9 o'clock yesterday.
 فى تمام الساعة التاسعة البارحة كنت أشاهد التلفزيون أى أن حدث المشاهدة كان فى منتصفة الساعة التاسعة.

 I watched TV at 9 o'clock yesterday.
 فى تمام الساعة التاسعة البارحة انتهيتُ من مشاهدة التلفزيون.

8) لا يُستخدم الماضى المستمر مع هذة الأفعال:-

أفعال الحواس see – hear – smell – notice
أفعال العاطفة like – love – hate – wish – want
أفعال التفكير think - believe - know - understand - remember - forget - expect - feel
أفعال التملك own – belong – possess
هذه الأفعال contain – consist – appear – seem – matter
Interrogation الإستفهام
1) Yes / No questions : (1) السؤال بهل

I, he, she, it

+ v.+ ing
you, we, they

 Was he working?
- Yes, …………………
- No, …………………  Were you playing chess?
- Yes, …………………
- No, ………………...

2) Wh – questions : (2) السؤال بكلمة استفهام

Question word
+ was
+ I, he, she, it
+ v.+ ing
كلمة استفهام were you, we, they

 I was watching TV when the telephone rang. (What)
- What …………………………………………..…………………….?
 He was reading a novel. (What)
- What ……………………..………………………………………….?

Negative النفى

I, He, She, It

v.+ ing
You, We, They
 I was reading. - ………………………………………………………
 They were playing. - ………………………………………………………

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) She was reading and suddenly the light went out.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
2) Hagar had an accident as she was crossing the street.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
3) While leaving the office, Mr Ali locked the windows and the door.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
4) When I saw Ali, he was running.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
5) He was playing tennis and he fell down suddenly.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
6) Working in the library, he found a good book.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
7) While sleeping, Eman had a bad dream.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
8) She fell asleep in the middle of the film.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
9) I was asleep and I heard a loud cry.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
10) During my stay in Amercia, I was working as a translator.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
11) My friend visited us during lunch.
 …………………………………….…………...…………………… when





While Eman




12) During her run, she fell down.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
13) Dickens worked as a journalist and wrote magazine stories at the same time.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
14) He saw the Eiffel Tower while he was visiting France.
15) As the minister was making his speech, he suddenly fainted.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
…………………………………….…………...…………………… As she


Form التكوين
يتكون من
I, He, She, It, You, We, They had + p.p
 After he had taken the medicine, he became better.

Usage الإستخدام
4) We use it to show which of to actions / events in the past happened first.

يدل على حدث تم فى الماضى قبل حدث آخر, ونستخدمه لكى نُظهر أى الفعلين أو الحدثين تم أولاً ,( فإن الحدث الذى تم أولاً يوضع فى زمن الماضى التام , و الحدث الذى تم ثانياً يوضع فى زمن الماضى البسيط .)

 Dickens's father went to prison because he had got into debt.
- (First: Dickens's father got into debt. Second: Dickens's father went to prison.)

 They had known each other for two years before they became friends.
يُستخدم الماضى المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية :
♠ after بعد ♠ before قبل
♠ as soon as بمجرد أن ♠ by the time قبل
♠ when عندما ♠ till / until حتى
After, As soon as
ماضى تام( الحدث الأول ) , ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى )

ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى ) after, as soon as ماضى تام( الحدث الأول )

Before, By the time
ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى ) , ماضى تام( الحدث الأول )

ماضى تام( الحدث الأول ) before, by the time ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى )

 After they had arrived the station, the train left.
 He cashed the cheque as soon as he reached the bank.
 Before he watched TV, he had done homework.
 I had left the house by the time it started to rain.

ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى ) , ماضى تام( الحدث الأول )

 When they reached the station, the train had left.
- It means that they missed it.
 When the doctor arrived, the patient had died. مات المريض قبل وصول الطبيب

ماضى تام( الحدث الأول ) , ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى )

 When they had reached the station, the train left.
- It means that they took it.
 When the doctor had arrived, the patient died. وصل الطبيب ثم مات المريض

ماضى بسيط , ماضى بسيط

 When they reached the station, the train left.
- It means that they reached when / the moment the train left.
 When the doctor arrived, the patient died.مات المريض لحظة وصول الطبيب

ماضى بسيط منفى (الحدث الثانى) till, until ماضى تام ( الحدث الأول )

 She didn’t make any notes till she had read the story.
 He wasn’t given the prize until he had come first.

يمكن استخدام ( Having + p.p.) مكان ( After )

p.p. , ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى )

 After I had finished my work, I went out for a walk.
 Having finished my work, I went out for a walk.

فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد ( After / Before ) نضع ( v. +ing )

After بدون فاعل
( v. + ing ) , ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى )

Before بدون فاعل
( v. + ing ) , ماضى تام ( الحدث الأول )

 After reading the story, I visited my friend.
 I had read the story before visiting my friend.

تُستخدم because مع زمن الماضى التام لتعبر عن السبب فى الماضى :-

ماضى بسيط ( الحدث الثانى ) because ماضى تام ( الحدث الأول )

 Oliver Twist grew up in a workhouse because his mother had died when he was born.
 I couldn’t buy a ticket because I had forgotten all my money.

يُستخدم الماضى التام مع حرف الجر (فترة زمنية فى الماضى + ( By

فترة زمنية فى الماضى , ماضى تام( الحدث الأول )

 By 1952, the Egyptian people hade made revolution.
 By last year, I had passed my preparatory certificate.

يُمكن استخدام زمن الماضى البسيط بعد After / As soon as / when / before إذا كان الفعلين ليس بينهما بُعد زمنى و وجد فى الجملة … immediately / … at once

After, As soon as
ماضى بسيط , ماضى بسيط

 The teacher asked a question and I raised my hand at once.(When)
 When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand.

يُستخدم الماضى التام مع no sooner, hardly, scarcely والمعنى : لم يكد أن تم الحدث الأول حتى وقع الحدث الثانى.

فاعل + had no sooner
+ p.p. than
ماصى بسيط +

 He arrived then the police arrested him. ( no sooner )
 He had no sooner arrived than the police arrested him.

وعندما نبدا الجملة بـ No sooner, Hardly, Scarcely نُقدم الفعل المساعد had على الفاعل

No sooner
had + فاعل
+ p.p. than
ماصى بسيط +

 He graduated then he got a job. ( Hardly )
 Hardly had he gradated when he got a job.

يُحول زمن الماضى التام الى المبنى للمجهول كالآتى:
( object + had + been + pp )
Active : She had changed the curtains.
Passive: The curtains had been changed by her.

Negative النفى

فاعل + hadn’t + p.p.

 They hadn’t visited Paris before.

Interrogation الإستفهام
3) Yes / No questions : (1) السؤال بهل

Had + فاعل + p.p. ….. ?
a. Had you visited Paris before?
- Yes, ………………… - No, …………………

4) Wh – questions : (2) السؤال بكلمة استفهام

أداة استفهام+ had + فاعل + p.p. ….. ?

 I had watched the play on TV before I slept. (What)
- What ………………………………………………………..…………………….?

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) He went for a drive but first he had his driving licence.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
2) After they had done their work, they went to the club.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
3) I phoned my friend when I had known the news.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
4) I didn't go to bed until I had switched the TV off.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
5) After I had finished my homework, I watched a DVD.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
6) Before I travelled to Beni-Suef, I had checked my car.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
7) First, I cleaned the flat. Then, I watched the film on TV.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
8) I went out after it had stopped raining.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
9) I went to the club when I had finished tidying my room.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
10) After finishing my homework, I went out.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
11) Before Sami drove to Alexandria, he had fueled the car.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
12) We went home as soon as the match ended.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
13) I had fish and suddenly I fell ill.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
14) The cars began to move when the light changed green.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
15) He studied his lessons. Then he went to bed.
 …………………………………….…………...…………………… Before







I didn’t



Sami didn’t


As soon as

As soon as

By the time

16) When I got to the bus stop, the bus had left.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
17) As soon as we had decorated the office, we moved into it.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
18) He didn’t pay the flat rent until he received his salary.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
19) I arrived in the hospital after Maged's surgery.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
20) Dickens's father got into debt, so he went to prison.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
21) We finished eating. Then we went to the kitchen to wash up.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
22) I had my hair cut and then I had a bath.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
23) My brother ate fish, but then he fell ill.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
24) After having his dinner, he watched TV.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
25) I had read the book before I gave it to a friend.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
26) I didn't buy the jacket until I had tried it on.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
27) After the customer had paid the bill, he left the shop.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
28) They didn't take the decision until they had discussed it for hours.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
29) Having had his dinner, he watched TV.
 …………………………………….…………...…………………… By the time

By the time

By the time

by the time




After eating

After he





After he

30) Asmaa finished her homework and then watched TV.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
31) Samira did the washing up. Samira's mother thanked her.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
32) We didn't stop until we had finished the work.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
33) When I heard the crash, I immediately telephoned the police.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
34) She didn’t go to bed until she had studied her lessons.
 …………………………………….…………...……………………
35) Hoda cleaned the house. Then, she prepared lunch.
 …………………………………….…………...…………………… When


No sooner

No sooner
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:45

The power of the mind
lesson 1 SB page 11 lesson 2 SB page 12
power قوة text نص
mind العقل add يضيف / يجمع
remember يتذكر head رأس
password كلمة سر / كلمة مرور address عنوان
conversation محادثة homework واجب منزلى
tomorrow غداً difficult صعب
quite easy سهل الى حد ما free time/spare time وقت الفراغ
each كل WB page 10
close يغلق tired مُتعب
three times ثلاث مرات warm دافىء
aloud بصوت عال / مسموع calculator آلة حاسبة
surprised مندهش gymnasium - gym صالة الألعاب الرياضية
photographic memory
ذاكرة فوتوغرافية pen friend صديق مراسلة
lesson 3 SB page 13
immediately فى الحال cells خلايا
finally أخيراً analyse يُحلل
human brain المخ البشرى result نتيجة
incredible لا يُصدق pain ألم
carefully بحرص patient مريض
eyesight الإبصار / النظر normal طبيعى
sound modest يبدو متواضعاً human body الجسم البشرى
WB page 9 temperature درجة الحرارة
ability قدرة relax يسترخى
impossible مستحيل breathe يتنفس
special خاص headings العناوين
distance مسافة control يتحكم
without بدون importance أهمية
painting الرسم sense حاسة
group مجموعة problem مشكلة

brain damage تلف المخ around حول
question سؤال light الضوء / خفيف
message رسالة WB page 11
phone call مكالمة هاتفية painful مؤلم
letter خطاب / حرف bright ساطع / لامع
something شىء ما lesson 5 SB page 15
complex مُعقد replay يرد / رد
powerful قوى suggestion اقتراح
computer حاسب آلى square مربع / ميدان
flower وردة disappointed مُحبط
holiday أجازة sentence جملة
favourite مفضل pronounce ينطق
singer’s voice صوت المُغنى the best way أفضل طريق
weigh يزن dictionary قاموس
experiment تجربة express يُعبر
taste يتذوق / حاسة التذوق opinion رأى
fruit فاكهة exist يوجد / يعيش
difference اختلاف attach يُرفق / يُلحق
store يخزن recent حديث
past memories الذكريات الماضية survey عرض عام / نظرة عامة
hearing السمع teenager مراهق
possible ممكن drug دواء
breathing التنفس recently حديثاً
heart القلب receptacle وعاء / اناء
digestion الهضم period فترة / مدة
lesson 4 SB page 14 reception استقبال / استعلامات
sight الرؤية / الإبصار WB page 12
touch يلمس / حاسة اللمس informal غير رسمى / عامى
smell يشم / حاسة الشم below أسفل
ringing sound صوت رنين best wishes أطيب التمنيات
continue يستمر separate منفصل
maybe ربما promise يَعد
hole حفرة / ثُقب method طريقة

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Present المضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
sayيقول said said sleepينام slept slept
holdيمسك held held spellيتهجى spelt spelt
hideيُخبىء hid hid forgetينسى forgot forgotten

smellيشم smelled
smelt smelled
smelt fallيقع fell fallen
drawيرسم drew drawn

learnيتعلم learned
learnt learned
learnt eatيأكل ate eaten
hurtيُؤذى hurt hurt
feelيشعر felt felt cutيقطع cut cut

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

a piece of قطعة من hear from يسمع عن
a replay to (the letter) رد على الخطاب hold out your hands افتح / قدم يدك
agree about / on يوافق على keep fit يحافظ على لياقته البدنية
all right حسناً / على مايرام key to مفتاح الى
answer to الرد / الإجابة على light comes downwardsالضوء ينزل لأسفل
at night فى الليل look forward to + ing يتطلع الى
at the same time فى نفس الوقت make a note of يدون ملاحظات على
be able to قادر على make sure يتأكد
be made of مصنوع من need to + inf.يحتاج لـ
by the end of فى نهاية / بنهاية on the left على اليسار
compare with يقارن بـ on the list فى القائمة
concentrate on يركز على pass the test يجتاز الإختبار
different from مختلف عن pick up يلتقط
do well / badly in the exam
يؤدى أداءً جيداً / سيئاً فى الإمتحان promise to + inf. يعد بأن
read out يقرأ بصوت عال / مسموع
fantastic at رائع / ماهر فى receive from يتلقى من
for example على سبيل المثال say … back to you يكرر ذكر .. لك
get exercise يؤدى تمارين رياضية send a message back toيرسل رسالة مرة أخرى لـ
go round يدور حول short for اختصاراً لـ
go shopping يذهب للتسوق take .. hand out of .. يُخرج/يسحب يده من
good at جيد فى terrible at learning رهيب/فظيع فى التعليم
have a good memory forيملك ذاكرة جيدة لـ the rest of the class باقى الفصل

top right corner الركن العلوى الأيمن useless at عديم الفائدة لـ
turn the picture the other way
يُحول الصورة فى الإتجاه الآخر work together العمل معاً
فاعل ask مفعول for some advice
useful for مفيد لـ فاعل help مفعول with اسم

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb Noun Adjective
add يضيف/يجمع addition اضافة additional اضافى

تحليل analytic
analyzable تحليلى
قابل للتحليل
believe يصدق/يعتقد belief تصديق/اعتقاد believable يمكن تصديقه

يحسب calculation
calculator حساب
آلة حاسبة calculable
calculated ممكن حسابه
………. care عناية careful حريص
concentrate يركز concentration تركيز concentrated مُركز/مُكثف
digest يهضم digestion هضم digestive
مساعد على الهضم

يوجد / يحيا
وجود existent

يُهذب / يُمدن human
humanity انسان
memorise يتذكر memory ذاكرة memorable يمكن تذكره


يصور photograph
photography صورة فوتوغرافية

مصور فوتوغرافى
تصوير فوتوغرافى

separate يعزل/يفصل separation انفصال separate (d) مُنعزل

دهشة surprised
surprising مُندهش
weigh يزن weight الوزن weightless عديم الوزن

Definitions التعريفات

photographic memory the ability to remember something by looking at them
class طلبة فصل دراسى a group of people who study together
tomorrow the day after today
incredible difficult or impossible to believe
password a special word you need before you can enter something or use a computer
repeat is to say something again

powerful having a lot of physical power, strength or force
pain the feeling you have when part of you body hurts
cells the smallest parts of an animal or plant that can exist on their own
analyse to examine or think about something carefully in order to understand it
breathe to take air into your lungs and then let it out again

temperature how hot or cold something is
the temperature of body, used as a sign of whether you are ill

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

brain (n.)
المُخ the organ inside your skull that is the centre of the nervous system; that controls how you think, feel, and move
♠️ Can you change your brain? - No, I can't. It's impossible.
mind (n.)
العقل the part of a person that makes it possible for a person to think, feel emotions and understand things
♠️ You should use your mind all time.
mind (v.)
يمانع to feel annoyed or upset about something
♠️ Do you think she’d mind if we didn’t come?

quiet (adj)
هادىء making little or no noise
♠️ This town is quiet.
quite (adv)
الى حد ما / تماماً a little or a lot but not completely
♠️ She is quite tall for her age.
quit (v)يُغادر
يَهْجُر leave (a place) ♠️ Amr quit his school at two o'clock.
resign from (a job) ♠️ Ali quit his job to travel abroad.
stop (doing something) ♠️ He quit smoking three years ago.

يشاهد - يراقب you watch something that moves or changes
♠️ He watches TV a lot.
look at
ينظر الى you look at something that still
♠️ She is looking at the picture.

يتحدث express in speech - use language
♠️ He doesn’t speak English.
♠️ The president is going to speak on TV.
يتكلم speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings
♠️ She talks to her mother on the phone every day.

يتذكرمن تلقاء نفسه
remember + (v. +ing)
♠️ I remember visiting him last year.

remember + to + inf.
♠️ I will remember to bring your books next time.

remember + somebody or something
♠️ He remembers telephone numbers easily.
يُذكر شخص آخر
remind + مفعول + to + inf.
♠️ My mother reminded me to do my homework.

remind + مفعول + of + (n.) or (v+ ing)
♠️ My mother reminded me of doing my homework.
♠️ I’ll remind my father of his appointment.

remind + مفعول + that + جملة
♠️ Sami reminded Ali that he should buy a birthday present for his mother.


ذكرى the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information, experiences and people
♠️ I have a bad memory for names.
something or someone that you remember from the past
♠️ I have a lot of happy memories of that summer.
هدية تذكارية something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event
♠️ I bought a lot of souvenirs from Khan el-Khalili.

خبرة فى أداء عمل a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job
♠️ We admired the expertise with which he prepared the meal.
تجربة a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true
♠️ They did experiment on rats to test the drug.
خبرة تُكتسب عن طريق الممارسة the knowledge and skill gained from doing something for a period of time or from being in different situations
♠️ You have enough experience to get the job.

help + مفعول + (to) inf. (to أو بـدون to ( المصدربـ
♠️ My father helped me (to) find a job.

make + مفعول + صفة أو اسم أو مصدر الفعل
♠️ Her success made us happy. ♠️ He made us some coffee
♠️ The policeman made the tourist pay a fine.

successful (adj.)
ناجح having the result or effect that was wanted or hoped for
♠️ He is a very successful scientist.
success (n.)
نجاح the accomplishment انجاز of an aim or purpose
♠️ His success is due to hard work.

عنوان مكان the number of the house, name of the road and town where a person lives or works and where letters can be sent
♠️ I couldn’t visit him because I didn’t have his address.
عنوان كتاب, مقال the name of a book, musical composition, or other artistic work
♠️ What is the title of his latest novel?

نفس air taken into or sent out of the lungs
♠️ He took a deep breath and dived into the water.
يتنفس take air into the lungs and send it out again
♠️ All humans breathe oxygen.
النسيم a slight gentle wind (usually refreshing)
♠️ They sat by the river to enjoy the evening breeze.

patient (adj.)
صبور waiting calmly or dealing with difficult situations without anger
♠️ He was always patient, even with the slowest students.
a patient (n.)
مريض a person who requires medical treatment
♠️ Dr Ahmed examines his patients carefully.

spell – spelt – spelt
يتهجى write or name the letters of a word in the correct order
- How do you spell your surname?
spill – spilt – spilt
يسكب – يصب allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow over the edge
of a container ♠️ I spilt coffee on my shirt.

Split – split – split
يقسم – يفصل separate or divide into parts or groups
♠️ The teacher spilt the class into four groups.
♠️ We decided to split the money between us.
Spoil – spoilt – spoilt
يُفسد to ruin something by making it less useful or enjoyable
♠️ The tall buildings have spoilt the view.
لاحظ أن الآفعال السابقة يمكن تصريفها أيضاً بإضافة (ed)

With + (n.) , you can + (inf.) = (n.) + enable + object + to + (inf.)

♠️ With the eyes, we can see. ♠️ The eyes enable us to see.

رسالة شفهية
أو مكتوية a short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to them directly
♠️ If I'm not there when you phone, leave a message.
خطاب a written message from one person to another , sent by post or messenger
♠️ I got a letter from the bank this morning.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) I advise you to prepare for the exam.
 ………….………………………………………...…………………
2) You should be sure of your answer.
 …………………………………………………...…….……………
3) It is impossible to believe this.
 …………………………………………………...…….……………
4) This machine does water analysis.
 …………………………………………………...…….……………
5) Rana differs from her mother.
 …………………………………………………...…….…………… better




Form التكوين

فاعل present simple ,
فاعل present simple
إذا – لو
مضارع بسيط
مضارع بسيط

Usage الإستخدام
1) We use it to describe actions which are always true, as with the laws of nature, physics, astronomy, etc.
نستخدم الحالة الصفرية لوصف الأفعال التى تكون دائماً حقيقية, مثل قوانين الطبيعة والفيزياء والفلك...الخ.
 If you heat ice, it melts.
 If water is heated to 100o, it boils.
 If metal are heated, they expand.
 If plants don’t get enough water, they die.
 Water turns into ice if it is frozen.

2) We use it to describe actions which are usually true.
نستخدم الحالة الصفرية لوصف الأفعال التى تكون عادةً حقيقية.
 If I feel thirty, I drink water.
 If I feel tired, I try to go to bed early.
 If I need to keep fit, I go to the gym.
 If I have a headache, I usually take medicine.
 If I see the numbers on paper, it is easier to add them.
 The students are very surprised if I get all their names right.
ملحوظة فى هذه الحالة If تساوى When

interrogative الإستفهام
What happens if + فاعل + مضارع بسيط?
What do (does) + فاعل + مصدر + if + فاعل + مضارع بسيط?

 If we don’t water plants, they fade.تذبل
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
 If I feel tired, I try to go to bed early.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
Form التكوين

فاعل present simple , فاعل
+ will/ can / may+ inf.
إذا – لو
مضارع بسيط
(inf.) أو don’t + (inf.)

Usage الإستخدام

1) We use it to describe actions that are possible in the future.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى لوصف أحداث من الممكن أن تحدث فى المستقبل.
 If I find his phone number, I’ll ring him.
 If I get a good job, I’ll help my family.
 We won't catch the bus if we don’t go now.
 We can visit Ahmed if we have enough time.

2) We use it to make predictions and promises about the future.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى لعمل توقعات ووعود فى المستقبل.
 I’ll help you with your homework if you find it difficult.
 If you get high marks, I’ll give you a reward.
 If it is fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a swim.

مع حالة If الأولى يجوز أن نستخدم جواب الشرط فى صيغة الأمر أو النهى.
 If you see Ali, give him a message for me, please.
 If you see your grandfather, don’t wake him up.

interrogative الإستفهام

What will happen if + فاعل + مضارع بسيط?
What will + فاعل + مصدر + if + فاعل + مضارع بسيط?

 If I have some free time, I’ll go to the club.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
 If I find your book, I’ll give it back to you.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
لاحـظ استخدام If فى الجمل الآتية:
1) Get up early, otherwise, you will miss the bus.
♠️ If you don't get up early, you will miss the bus.
2) Don't swim in the canal, or you'll catch a disease.
♠️ If you swim in the canal, you'll catch a disease.
3) It may rain tomorrow. In this case, I'll stay at home.
♠️ If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay at home.
4) Perhaps he will come tomorrow. If so I’ll meet him.
♠️ If he comes tomorrow, I’ll meet him.
5) It's possible Omar will buy a new car. If so, he'll give us a lift.
♠️ If Omar buys a new car, he'll give us a lift.
6) With your permission, I will go.
♠️ If you give me permission, I'll go.
7) By looking out of the window, you will see the sea.
If you look out of the window, you will see the sea.
Form التكوين

فاعل past simple ,
فاعل would + inf.
إذا – لو
ماضى بسيط
أو could / might + inf.

interrogative الإستفهام

What would happen if + فاعل + ماضى بسيط?
What would + فاعل + مصدر + if + فاعل + ماضى بسيط?

 If Ali studied harder, he would get high marks.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
 If I had enough money, I’d help the poor.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?

Usage الإستخدام

1) We use it to describe actions which will probably not happen in the future.(Unlikely situation)
نستخدم الحالة الثانية لوصف أحداث ليس من المحتمل حدوثها فى المستقبل أو المضارع.
 If I lost my friend’s CD, I’d buy him a new one.
 If I felt tired, I wouldn’t go to bed late.
 If it was my mother's birthday tomorrow, I’d cook dinner for her.
 I would visit my friends if I had more time.
 I wouldn’t be able to read if I lost my glasses.
 I’d write to my penfriend if I didn’t have any homework.

2) We use it to describe actions that are unreal.
نستخدم الحالة الثانية لوصف أحداث غير حقيقية.
 If I were rich, I’d help the poor.
 We wouldn’t love him if he weren’t modest.

3) We use it to give advice.
نستخدم الحالة الثانية لإعطاء النصيحة.
 If I were you, I’d stop smoking. = You should stop smoking.
 If I were you, I wouldn’t eat too many sweets.

قواعد unless هى نفس قواعد if ولكن فى النفى.
1) If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
♠️ Unless you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
2) If he doesn’t study hard, he won't get high marks.
♠️ Unless he studies hard, he won't get high marks.
3) If they didn’t arrive in time, they wouldn’t be admitted.
♠️ Unless they arrived in time, they wouldn’t be admitted.
لاحظ فى الأمثلة السابقة : استخدمنا unless محل if المنفية وحولنا الفعل المنفى بعد if (فعل الشرط) الى فعل مثبت, ويبقى جواب الشرط كما هو.
لاحظ استخدام unless فى المثال التالى:
4) If you hurry, you will catch the bus.
♠️ Unless you hurry, you won't catch the bus.
لاحظ فى المثال السابق : استخدمنا unless محل if المثبتة ويبقى فعل الشرط كما هو, وحولنا فعل جواب الشرط الى نفى.


1) يمكن استخدامIn case of بدلاً من If فى الإثبات و يأتى بعدها (v.+ing /n.)
1) If he arrives tomorrow, we'll meet him.
 In case of his arrival tomorrow, we'll meet him.
2) If he were clever, he would solve the problem.
 In case of being clever, he would solve the problem.

3) يمكن استخدام But for / Without محل If فى النفى أو محلUnless ويأتى بعدها (v. +ing / n.)
1) If she doesn’t get high marks, she won't join the university.
 Without getting high marks, she won't join the university.
2) If he didn’t work hard, he wouldn’t pass the exam.
 But for his hard work, he wouldn’t pass the exam.
3) Unless you helped her, she would fail.
 Without your help, she would fail.

4) يمكن استخدام If it weren't for محل But for / Without
1) Without television, people would go out more.
 If it weren't for television, people would go out more.

2) يمكن استخدام Were مكان If فى الحالة الثانية إذا كانت هى الفعل الأساسى.
1) If he were a bird, he would fly.
 Were he a bird, he would fly.
2) If he were rich, he would buy a flat.
 Were he rich, he would buy a flat.

3) يمكن استخدام + to + inf.) فاعل ( Were +مكان If فى الحالة الثانية فى حالة وجود فعل أساسى آخر.
1) If he took a taxi, he wouldn’t be late.
- If he were to take a taxi, he wouldn’t be late.
 Were he to take a taxi, he wouldn’t be late.

2) يمكن استخدام Had مكان If فى الحالة الثانية إذا كانت هى الفعل الأساسى.
1) If I had enough time, I would attend the meeting.
 Had I enough time, I would attend the meeting.

2) يمكن استخدام Should بدلاً من If فى الحالتين الأولى والثانية
1) If he passes the exam, he will join the university.
 Should he pass the exam, he will join the university.
2) If he ran fast, he would win the race.
 Should he run fast, he would win the race.

لاحـظ استخدام If فى الجمل الآتية:
1) He is poor, so he can't buy a car.
 If he weren’t poor, he would buy a car.
Or - If he were rich, he would buy a car.
2) He can't go on a journey because he doesn’t have enough time.
 If he had enough time, he would go on a journey.
3) He is not able to score goals, so he feels frustrated.مُحبَط
 If he were able to score goals, he wouldn’t feel frustrated.
4) We are sure of the facts, therefore we can give you an answer.
 If we weren’t sure of the facts, we wouldn’t give you an answer.
5) It is possible that he won't catch the morning train because he doesn’t get up early.
 If he got up early, he would catch the morning train.

مع مراعاة الآتى عند استخدام الحالة الثانية:
1) عند استخدام If فى جملة تحتوى على ( because / as )فإننا نستخدم الجملة التى تلى ( because / as ) بعد جملة If
2) عند استخدام If فى جملة تحتوى على( so / that’s why / therefore) فإننا نستخدم الجملة التى تسبق (so / that’s why / therefore ) بعد جملة If
3) تحويل النفى إلى إثبات, والإثبات إلى نفى عند الربط بـ If

متى نستخدم حالات If

1) استخدم الحالة الصفرية اذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن أفعال دائماً حقيقية أو عادةً حقيقية.
2) استخدم الحالة الأولى اذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن أحداث من الممكن أن تحدث فى المستقبل او لعمل توقعات ووعود فى المستقبل.
3) استخدم الحالة الثانية اذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن أفعال ليس من المحتمل حدوثها فى المستقبل أو المضارع, لوصف أحداث غير حقيقية, لإعطاء النصيحة
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1) When water boils, it turns into vapour.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
2) Heating water causes it to vapourize.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
3) Cooling water to 0 °C turns it into ice.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
4) Plants don’t grow without light.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
5) Please , wait a moment, I'll fetch you a glass of water.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
6) Hurry up, or you'll miss the train.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
7) Practise well so as to win the match.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
8) You won't have a certain goal, so you won't do your best to achieve it.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
9) I promise to buy you a present on condition that you succeed.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
10) It is necessary to study hard otherwise you won't pass the exam.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
11) Amal will take part in the reading competition, so she will borrow some books from me.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………

12) Perhaps Tom will come to Egypt. If so, he'll enjoy his visit.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
13) It is possible that I'll see him. In that case I'll give him a lift.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
14) Hany may come today. If so, I won't go out.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…………… if

15) You must be careful or you will make mistake.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
16) Taking exercise makes you healthy and strong.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
17) Maybe he'll be free tomorrow and then he'll pay us a visit.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
18) You mustn't make any more mistakes or you will be punished.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
19) Tourists come to Egypt as it has a fine weather.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
20) I can't visit you because I'm busy.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
21) She can't translate the leaflet as she doesn't know English.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
22) I can't buy a car because I'm poor.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
23) I'm not rich, I can't spend my holidays abroad.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
24) There are too many cars that’s why there is so much pollution.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
25) She doesn't study hard therefore she fails her exam.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
26) I'd like to visit my old friend's but the problem is that I have no free time.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
27) With your help, she would do the experiment.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
28) They won't come unless you invite them.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……………
29) Unless they practised well, they wouldn't win the match.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…………… If

30) You had better finish your work before going home.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…...……
31) To become a doctor, you should join the Faculty of Medicine.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……..…
32) You ought to stop smoking.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……..…
33) In case of his advice, she will win the medal.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……..…
34) Without television, people wouldn’t go out more.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
35) Without his apology, I wouldn’t forgive him.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
36) Without having enough money, the project won't be done easily.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……

37) I'll be very angry if he doesn't study.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
38) If I didn't know a word, I'd look it up.
 ……………………………………………...…………...………………
39) If we respect the traffic signals, we'll have fewer accidents.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
40) You must have a ticket or you will not enter the cinema.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
41) She must study hard, if she does this, she will pass.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……..…
42) Without patience, you couldn't be responsible for your business.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….…..……
43) If you take this road, you will arrive soon.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…..….……… If














44) They don't play well, so they can't win the cup.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
45) My friend doesn't have enough experience to solve the problem.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
46) He will stay in bed if he is sick.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
47) If you got up late, you wouldn't be at school on time.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
48) If I were rich, I would buy a villa.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
49) If he took some exercises regularly, he would be fit.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
50) I'm not going to buy that book because it's too expensive.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
51) I am not a lawyer so I can't defend you.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……...
52) I can't meet you because I have no time.
 ……………………………………………...…………...…….……... Without


In case of

In case of





الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:48

People and their lives
lesson 1 SB page 21 mountain جبل
British بريطانى several عديد / عِدَّة
Australia استراليا WB page 17
wife زوجة Mandarin
اللغة الرسمية فى الصين و تايوان
biology علم الأحياء spoken words الكلام
daughter ابنه successfully بنجاح
medicine دواء / طب married متزوج
sporty family عائلة رياضية lesson 2 SB page 22
squash الاسكواش event حدث
a children's charity جمعية خيرية لمساعدة الأطفال follow يتبع
disability إعاقة جسدية Russia روسيا (أكبر دولة فى العالم)
Chinese صينى / اللغة الصينية Turkey تركيا
architecture هندسة معمارية England انجلترا
design يصمم recently حديثاً / مؤخراً
government حكومة historical place مكان تاريخى
secondary school مدرسة ثانوية conversation محادثة / حوار
interpreter مترجم فورى WB page 18
Italian ايطالى restaurant مطعم
student طالب tonight الليلة
northern Italy شمال ايطاليا Why don’t لما لا
geography الجغرافيا hospital مستشفى
Swedish سويدى / اللغة السويدية crocodile تمساح
hotel manager مدير فندق lesson 3 SB page 23
capital العاصمة athlete لاعب رياضى (ألعاب قوى)
Beijing /beɪˈdʒɪŋ/ بيجين (عاصمة الصين) Anfoushi area منطقة الانفوشى
still مازال Alexandria الأسكندرية
apartment شقة primary school مدرسة ابتدائية
first language اللغة الأولى championship بطولة
common شائع train يتدرب
giant panda حيوان الباندا الضخم internationally عالمياً / دولياَ

the English Channel القناة الإنجليزية postpone يؤجل
welcome يُرحب / ترحيب / مرحباً achievement إنجازات
national hero بطل قومى king ملك
a professional trainer
مُدرب محترف ability قدرة
incredible لا يُصدق
Toronto تورونتو (عاصمة كندا) powerful قوى
exhausted مُرهق / مُنهمك WB page 19
world-famous مشهور عالمياً relaxation استرخاء
president الرئيس disagreement خلاف فى الرأى
generosity الكرم disagreeable كريه / سىء الطبع
drown يغرق drowning غرق
injure يُصيب lesson 5 SB page 25
back ظهر report تقرير / يقرر
heroic بطولى nickname اسم الشهرة / لقب
fame شهرة narrow ضيق
pride فخور details تفاصيل
generous كريم sportsman رجل رياضى
lesson 4 SB page 24 sportswomen امرأه رياضية
quality صفة شخصية WB page 20
determination العزم / الإصرار World Cup Final نهائى كأس العالم
national pride العزة الوطنية against ضد
loyalty to الوفاء لـ / الولاء لـ reader قارىء

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Present المضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
ride يركب rode ridden swim يسبح swam swum
break يكسر broke broken give يُعطى gave given
fly يطير flew flown beat يهزم beat beaten

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

all over the world فى جميع أنحاء العالم break the record for swimming
يُحطم الرقم القياسى فى السباحة
at al-Ahli Club فى نادى الأهلى
at the age of فى سن / عمر change into يُغير الى
at the moment فى هذه اللحظة children with disabilities الأطفال المعاقون

continue to + inf. يستمر فى make sure يتأكد
decide to + inf. يقرر أن Montreal swimming race
سباق مونتريال فى السباحة (ميناء فى كيبيك فى كندا)
different from مُختلف عن
do architecture يدرس الهندسة المعمارية move to ينتقل الى
for the first 18 years of his life
على مدى الثمانية عشر سنة الأولى من حياته proud of فخور بـ
retire from يتقاعد من / يعتزل من
give a prize for (swimming) to …
يُعطى جائزة (السباحة) لـ swim across يسبح عبر
the tenth of twelve sons
العاشر لإثنى عشر ابناً
give his name to …يُطلق اسمه على
give up يتوقف عن / يستسلم three times a week ثلاث مرات أسبوعياً
go on trips يذهب فى رحلات without a break بدون راحة
graduate from يتخرج من work as a / an … يعمل كـ
have a weak heart لديه قلب ضعيف work for يعمل لدى
live in يعيش فى (مكان كبير/مدينة) work in television يعمل فى التلفزيون
live with يعيش مع work on a news programme
يعمل فى برنامج إخبارى
long-distance races سباق مسافات طويلة

Derivatives المشتقات
Verb Noun Adjective
achieve يُنجز achievement إنجاز achievable ممكن إنجازه

………. athlete
athletics لاعب رياضى
ألعاب القوى
continue يستمر continuity استمرارية continuous مستمر
exhaust يُرهق exhaustion ارهاق exhausted مُرهق

يتخرج graduate
graduation خريج

………. hero
heroism بطل
interpret يُترجم interpretation ترجمة فورية interpretative تفسيرى

يُدير management
manager إدارة
manageable يمكن التعامل معه بسهولة
postpone يؤجل postponement تأجيل postponable قابل للتأجبل
pride يفخر بـ pride فخر proud فخور
repeat يُكرر repetition تكرار repeated مُكرر
retire يتقاعد retirement تقاعد retired مُتقاعد

يُدرب trainer
training مُدرب
weaken يُضعف weakness ضعف weak ضعيف

Definitions التعريفات

language words, phrases and grammar that we use to speak and write
an interpreter is someone who changes the spoken words of one language to another
graduate finish studies at university successfully
busy working very hard, having no free time
wife a woman who is married to a man
Billion is one thousand million ( 1000 000 000)
biology is the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals
charity is an organization for helping people in need
disability is a physical or a mental condition that means you cant use a part of body completely or easily
architecture is the art and study of designing buildings
geography is the scientific study of the earths surface, physical features , population, etc
Mandarin is the most common language in the world, with nearly a billion speakers
athlete someone who is good at sports
championship a competition to find which player or team is the best in a particular sport
break a record to do something better or faster than it has ever been done before
hero someone who is admired for doing something very brave or good
beat to be more successful than other people in a game or competition,etc
exhausted extremely tired
proud feeling pleased with your achievement, possessions, family, etc because you think they are very good
generosity when you are happy to give money, time, etc to help someone, or something you do that shows this
retire to stop work at the end of your working life
athletics sport such as running and jumping

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

work for يعمل لحساب (شركة أو مؤسسة)
♠️ As a teacher, I work for the ministry of education.
work with يعمل تحت إشراف (شخص محترف)
♠️ Abu-Hief worked with a professional trainer at Al-Ahly club.

مؤسسة خيرية an institution set up to provide help to the needy
♠️ They work for a children's charity.
دار الأيتام a public institution for the care of orphans
♠️ She was brought up in an orphanage.
إصلاحيات للأحداث a public institution in which poor people received board and lodging in return for work
♠️ Oliver Twist grew up in a workhouse.

عدم القدرة على فعل شىء lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something
♠️ His inability to make friends is the result of his nervousness.
إعاقة /
عاهة جسدية a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities
♠️ People with disabilities in the legs move on wheelchair.
عائق / مانع the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
♠️ Overpopulation is one of the disablements that hinder development.

مُترجم فورى شفهى is someone who changes the spoken words of one language to another
♠️ The president spoke through an interpreter.
مُترجم تحريرى is someone who changes writing or speech into a different language
♠️ You need a translator to know what this book is about.

everyone كل شخص ( تأخذ فعل مفرد ، والضمير العائد عليها يكون دائماً جمع )
♠️ Everyone in my family speaks English.
♠️ Everyone cares for their children.

without + (n.) Or (v. +ing)
♠️ He swam for thirty hours without a break.
♠️ He left without saying goodbye.

ذو إعاقة جسدية having a physical or mental disability
♠️ Disabled persons can't use part of their bodies normally.
ذو إعاقة عقلية less developed mentally than is usual for one's age
♠️ Retarded children go to special school where they get special care.
مُتخلف عن النمو الطبيعى having made less progress or success than is normal or expected
♠️ Backward children need to learn more slowly than others.

spend + a period of time + (v. +ing)
He spent a lot of his time swimming in the sea.

بطل رواية ... a person who is admired for their courage or outstanding achievements
♠️ El-Sadat is one of the heroes of the Sixth of October War.
the chief male character in a book, play, or film
♠️ Oliver is the hero of Dickens's "Oliver Twist"
الفائز فى سباق

نَصير/ مُدافع عن person who has won a sporting contest or other competition
♠️ Pelè was a football champion known all over the world.
a person who argues or fights for a cause or another person
♠️ She was a champion of the poor all her time.

شاطىء / بلاچ is a flat area of sand or stones at the edge of the sea and is the place where people often go to enjoy themselves
♠️ Alexandria is famous for its beautiful beaches.
ساحل البحر/ شاطىء is the usual word for the land on the edge of a sea or a lake
♠️ We walked along the rocky shore.
ساحل / شاطىء is the edge of an area of land where it meets the sea. Use coast especially to talk about the position of a place on a map.
♠️ Egypt is on the north coast of Africa.
مَصيف is a word used in British English meaning a place near the sea, especially one that has hotels, shops, restaurants etc
ضفة / شاطىء النهر the land along the side of a river or a lake
♠️ He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank.

decide to + inf.
يُقرر to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities
♠️ They decided to travel abroad.
decide on + n.
يُحدد / يختار make a choice from a number of alternatives
♠️ You should decide on your goal in life.

continue / start + ( to + inf. ) Or ( v. +ing )
♠️ Sami continued / started to learn (or learning) English.

يتقاعد عن العمل leave one's job and stop working, especially because one has reached a particular age
♠️ When he reached 60, he retired.
يستقيل voluntarily عن طِيبِ خاطِر leave a job
♠️ He didn’t like his work so he resigned.

يغرق (شخص) to die by being under water too long
♠️ The boy fell into the sea and drowned.
يغوص (شىء) to go down or to make something go down below the surface of liquid
♠️ A piece of wood floats but a piece of metal sinks.
حوض مطبخ a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that has taps to supply water and in which you wash dishes or your hands, etc.
♠️ You shouldn’t leave lots of dirty dishes in the sink.

quality الجودة

ذو امتياز
صفة مميزة the standard of how good something is as measured against other similar things
♠️ Good quality shoes last longer.
general excellence
a distinctive feature
♠️ Honesty and generosity are good personal qualities.
characteristic a quality or feature typical of a person or thing
♠️ My uncle has the characteristics of a good manager.

married to مُتزوج من ♠️ She is married to a doctor.
married with مُتزوج ويعول ♠️ She is married with three children.

Form التكوين
يتكون المضارع التام البسيط من
I, You, We, They
+ p.p
He, She, It

Usage الإستخدام
1) To describe actions which began in the past and which may be continuing in the present and future.
يصف أحداث بدأت فى الماضى وربما تستمر فى المضارع أو المستقبل.

 I've written three letters this morning. (It's still morning.)
 I've lived in Cairo since 1999/ for 12 years. (I'm still living here.)

2) To express something happened in the past and is finished but which have results in the present.

يعبر عن شىء حدث فى الماضى وانتهى ولكن ظهرت نتائجه الآن

 Where is your key? – I don't know. I've lost it.
 I can't find my bag. Have you seen it?

3) To refer to actions in the past which have recently happened.
يُشير الى أحداث حدثت منذ فترة قصيرة (تمت مؤخراً) , ويُستخدم مع
yet / still / lately / recently /already / just
 I've already done my homework.
 He has recently / lately arrived home.
 I still have not received my passport.
 Have you finished yet?

4) To refer to things which have not happened yet.
يُشير الى أشياء لم تحدث حتى الآن ويُستخدم مع yet / never
 She's never played tennis.
 She hasn’t played tennis yet.

5) To ask questions about someone's experience .
للسؤال عن خبرات شخص ما
 Have you ever been to the USA?
 Have you ever met anyone famous?

Tense markersالكلمات الدالة
يُستخدم المضارع التام البسيط مع الكلمات الآتية :

ever من قبل - فى أى وقت lately مؤخراً
never أبداً recently حديثاً
just حالاً so far حتى الآن
already بالفعل up till now حتى الآن
since منذ in the last few days
for لمدة today - this (year / week)
yet حتى الآن It is the (first …) time


تُستخدم فى حالة السؤال (من قبل), والإثبات (حتى الآن) فى حالة المقارنة القصوى, وتأتى قبل pp

 Have you ever seen the pyramids?
 It is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen.


"أبـداً" تُستخدم في حالة النفي, وتأتى قبل pp
 I've never seen such a beautiful picture.

just = a short time ago

"حــالاً" تُستخدم في حالة الإثبات والسؤال, وتأتى قبل pp
 She has just done her homework.
 Hello. Have you just arrived?

already ; something happened sooner than expected

"بالفعل" تُستخدم في حالة الإثبات والسؤال, وتأتى قبل pp
 I've already sent the letter.
 Have you already seen this film?


"حتى الآن" تُستخدم فى حالة السؤال والنفي وتأتى فى نهاية الجملة.
 Has it stopped raining yet?
 I've written the letter, but I haven’t sent it yet.

recently / lately

يمكن استخدامهم في حالة الإثبات والنفى والسؤال ويكونوا فى نهاية الجملة, ولكن غالباً ما نستخدم lately فى النفى
 He has sent me a letter lately / recently.
 Have you heard from Tom lately / recently?
 I haven’t seen him lately.

so far / up till now / in the last few days

يمكن استخدامهم في حالة الإثبات والنفى ويكونوا فى نهاية الجملة

 I've sent him three letters so far.
 Everything is going well. We haven’t had any problems so far.
 I've met a lot of people in the last few days.

today / this year …..

نستخدم المضارع التام مع الفترات أو التعبيرات الزمنية المستمرة حتى الآن (لم تنتهى حتى وقت الكلام)
 Have you seen Ali this morning? (It is still morning.)
 I've drunk two cups of coffee today.
 Sami hasn’t studied hard this term.

It is the (first …) time

نستخدم المضارع التام مع صفات التفضيل ومع بعض التعبيرات مثل
It is the only / first / second …
 This is the most expensive suit I've ever bought.
 It is the first time he has driven a car.
Or - He has never driven a car before.
 That is the third time he's phoned me this evening.

يأتى بعدها وقت مُحدد بدأ منهُ الحدث ومازال مستمر
إذا جاء مع since فعل واحد يوضع فى زمن المضارع التام البسيط أو المستمر
 I haven’t seen him since last week.
 Since yesterday, it has been raining.
إذا جاء مع since فعلين (أى ربطت جملتين) يأتى بعدها ماضى بسيط مُثبت, وقبلها مضارع تام بسيط أو مستمر
 She has been in bed since she arrived home.
 I haven’t swum in the see since I was in Alexandria.
 He has been playing tennis since he was young.

يأتى بعدها مُدة زمنية أو تعبير زمنى وقع خلالها الحدث ومازال مستمر
 Salem has worked in Egypt Air Company for two years.
that time
7 o'clock
last night
this morning
the age of …
19th century
his childhood
He was a child.
his birth
his retirement
his departure

a moment – moments
a second – seconds
a minute – minutes
an hour – half an hour
a day – days
a night – nights
a week – weeks
a month – months
a season – seasons
a year – several years
a decade – decades
a century – centuries
an age – ages
a while
the last week
a long / short time
over a year
more than …

Interrogation الإستفهام
1) Yes / No questions : (1) السؤال بهل

I, you, we, they

+ p.p.
he, she, it

 Have you watched that movie yet?
- Yes, ………………………………….……
- No, ………………………………….……  Has he sent me an e-mail?
- Yes, ………………..…………
- No, …………………..………

2) Wh – questions : (2) السؤال بكلمة استفهام

Question word
+ have
+ I, you, we, they
+ p.p.
كلمة استفهام he, she, it

 I have sent him a letter today. (What)
- What ………………………………………….…………………….?
 He has read three books. (How many)
- How many ………………………………………………………….?

Negative النفى
يُنفى المضارع التام البسيط باستخدامhaven't / hasn’t + p.p

I, You, We, They
haven’t + p.p
hasn’t + p.p
He, She, It

 We have watched the film. - ………………………………………………
 He has sent me a letter. - ………………………………………………

Passive المبنى للمجهول
يُحول زمن المضارع التام البسيط الى المبنى للمجهول كالآتى:
( object مفعول + have, has + been + pp التصريف الثالث )
Active : She has cleaned my room.
Passive: …………………………………………………………………………

لاحظ الفرق بين الجمل الآتية:

1 have has been to + place ذهب الى مكان ما ثم عاد
have has gone to + place ذهب الى مكان ما ومازال هناك
 He has been to Cairo. (He went there and came back.)
 She has gone to Pairs. (She is in Pairs now.)
 He has been in Aswan for a week. (He is in Aswan now.)
2  He worked there for ten years. (He's not working there now.)
 He's worked there for ten years. (He's still working there.)
3  I'm studying Chinese. (I'm studying it now.)
 I've studied Chinese. (I've studied it in the past.)
4  I've visited Russia. (I went to Russia at some point in the past; I don't say when.)
 I visited Russia in 2011. (It tells us the time of the visit to Russia.)

لاحظ التحويلات الآتية
1) Ali went to Alexandria last Friday.(been)
 Ali has been to Alexandria last Friday.
2) My uncle travelled to Jordan and didn’t return.(gone)
 My uncle has gone to Jordan
3) I have been to England recently.(just)
 I have just come back from England.

4) Hala did her homework a moment / a short time ago.(just now / just)
 Hala did her homework just now.
 Hala has just done her homework.
5) I've worked here since 2007.(for)
 I've worked here for (four) years.
6) Sami last went to the cinema in 2008.(since / for)
 Sami hasn’t gone to Aswan since 2008.
 Sami hasn’t gone to Aswan for (three) years.
7) Nora last cooked fish five days ago.(since / for)
 Nora hasn’t cooked fish since last (Monday).
 Nora hasn’t cooked fish for five days.
8) I last played football when I was at the club.(since / I haven’t)
 I haven’t played football since I was at the club.
9) The last time I travelled abroad was in 2000.(since / for)
 It's (eleven) years since I last travelled abroad.
 I haven’t travelled abroad since 2000.
 I haven’t travelled abroad for (eleven) years.
10) The last time I visited Aswan was two years ago.(since / for)
 It's (two) years since I last visited Aswan.
 I haven’t visited Aswan since (2009).
 I haven’t visited Aswan for two years.
11) I haven’t seen him for two weeks.(since / I last / The last time)
 It’s two weeks since I last saw Ali.
 I haven’t seen him since last two weeks
 I last saw him two weeks ago.
 The last time I saw him was two weeks ago.

12) I haven’t visited my friend for a long time.(since)
 It’s a long time since I last visited my friend.
13) I have never met such a tall man.(ever)
 He is the tallest man I have ever met.
14) I have never read a novel more interesting than "Oliver Twist".(ever)
 "Oliver Twist" is the most interesting novel I have ever read.
15) I have never watched a match as exciting as this one.(ever)
 This is the most exciting match I have ever seen.
 This match is the most exciting one I have ever seen.
16) He has never travelled abroad before.(ever)
 It's the first time he has ever travelled abroad.
17) Hatem has never driven a car.(It's)
 It's the first time Hatem has ever driven a car.
18) Ahmed is still working.(yet)
 Ahmed hasn’t finished his work yet.
19) I haven’t seen Ahmed since 2000.(ago)
 I last saw Ahmed (eleven) years ago.

20) He has played the piano for two hours.(ago)
 He began / started to play the piano two hours ago.
21) How long have you been studying maths?(ago)
 How long ago did you begin to study maths.
22) She has been cooking cabbage and meat for two hours.(ago)
 She began cooking cabbage and meat two hours ago.
23) My parents have lived in Cairo since their marriage.(married)
 My parents have lived in Cairo since they got married.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) They haven't visited Cairo since 2005.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
2) He has lived in Paris since last year.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
3) Sami plays football. He started it four years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
4) They moved to the new house 3 years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
5) Mr. Ahmed came to teach in our school five years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
6) She last visited the pyramids two years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
7) I was last paid four months ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
8) Hossam bought a computer two years ago and he has been
using it ever since.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
9) Amira and her family lived here from 2000 to 2005.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
10) It's a month since I last went shopping.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
11) It's five years since I had a car.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
12) Manal hasn't driven a car for two years.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
13) I've been learning English for seven years.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
14) Soha has been playing tennis since childhood.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….…………… for

15) I am studying Russian now. I started in April.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
16) We last visited our neighbour when he was sick.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
17) I last saw him three years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
18) The last time I saw Ali was on his graduation day.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
19) The last time we went to Paris was in 2000.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
20) The last time I visited the zoo was last week.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
21) The last time I phoned him was two years ago.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
22) I haven't ridden a horse for a long time.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
23) I have finished my homework for 2 hours.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
24) It's three months since I last met my uncle.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
25) I have just finished my work.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
26) We haven't met for a long time.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
27) I haven't visited my uncle for two months.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
28) They haven't visited Luxor before.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
29) I've never carried such a heavy bag.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……………
30) I haven't played chess since I was 26.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….…………… since

31) We haven't spoken English since we were in London.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
32) Hazem hasn't attended the meeting for six months.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
33) I haven't e-mailed my friend since May.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
34) She hasn't eaten shrimps since 2000.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
35) I have never bought such a cheap book.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
36) Did you visit Italy before now?
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
37) I have never played tennis before.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
38) Emad has just gone for a swim.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
39) We wrote these letters a short time ago.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
40) He came here a moment ago.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
41) I finished my first year a few days ago.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
42) It began to rain at 5 o'clock. It's still raining.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
43) I met my uncle two years ago.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
44) It's months since he wrote to me.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
45) It's ages since I last went to London.
 ………………………………...……………...…….……………
46) I last saw Hind in 2005.
 ………………………………...……………...…….…………… We last

The last time

The last time

The last time




just now




It hasn’t


He hasn’t

I haven’t

I haven’t

47) We last ate fish when we were in Aswan.
 ……………………………...…..…….………...…….……………
48) No body has discovered a cure for cancer until now.
 ……………………………...…..…….………...…….……………
49) He is still answering the test.
 ……………………………….…..…….………...…….……………
50) You lent me that book a week ago and I'm still reading it.
 ……………………………….....…….………...…….……………
51) It's the first time Ramez has ever gone diving.
 ……………………………….....…….………...…….……………
52) This is the most wonderful film I have ever watched.
 ………………………………....…….………...…….……………
53) They went to Tanta and returned last night.
 ………………………………....…….………...…….……………
54) My mother has just come back from the shops.
 ………………………………...……….………...…….……………
55) Mona never went to Luxor.
 ………………………………...……….………...…….……………
56) Mr. Ali came just now?
 …………………………………...…….………...…….……………
57) I was born in Tanta and still live there.
 ………………………………...……….………...…….……………
58) It's been four years since I went on a holiday.
 ………………………………....…….………...…….……………
59) It began to rain in the morning and it is still raining.
 ………………………………...…..….………...…….……………
60) How about taking a taxi to school.
 ……………………………...…..…….………...…….……………
61) He said "We could do our homework together.
 ……………………………...…..…….………...…….…………… haven’t


yet /



have been






all day


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:51

Ernest Hemingway
lesson 1 SB page 26 the Second World War
الحرب العالمية الثانية
tent خيمة
mention يذكُر well-known معروف / مشهور
presenter مُقدم برنامج The Old Man and the Sea العجوز والبحر
(اسم رواية)
talented موهوب
American writer كاتب أمريكى successful ناجح
guest ضيف illness مرض
studio استوديو full ملىء
extremely للغاية exciting مُثير
early life الحياة المبكرة WB page 21
quite الى حد ما popular محبوب / شعبى
music teacher معلم موسيقى true حقيقى
camping الإقامة فى مُعسكر inside داخل
poem قصيدة activities أنشطة
school magazine مجلة مدرسية lesson 2 SB page 27
own adj adjective صفة
join يلتحق بـ adverb ظرف
the Red Cross الصليب الأحمر degree درجة
the First World War الحرب العالمية الأولى compare يُقارن
ambulance سيارة إسعاف heavy ثقيل
journalist صحفى WB page 22
news stories قصص إخبارية nearly تقريباً
kind نوع accident حادثة
journalism الصحافة superlative المقارنة بين اكثر من اثنين
fiction خيال light خفيف
A Farewell to Arms وداعاً للسلاح (اسم رواية) a slow walker
wartime وقت الحرب a beautiful singer مُغنى جميل
For Whom the Bell Tolls لمن تدق الجرس
(اسم رواية) a fast runner عداء سريع
a hard worker عامل مُجتهد
few قليل (للعدد) lesson 3 SB page 28

fisherman صياد nature الطبيعة
young صغير السن determined مُصمم / عازم
apprentice صبى (يتدرب على حرفة) stamina قوة / قدرة على الإحتمال
parents الوالدين prove يُثبت / يُبرهن
sure مُتأكد reserve احتياطى
alone بمفرده – وحيداً strength قوة
marlin المارلين (سمكة ضخمة) will-power قوة الإرادة
bait طُعم لصيد السمك WB page 23
angry غضبان enormous ضخم / هائل
furious غضبان جداً freezing مُتجمد / مُثلَّج
tired مُتعَب terrible فظيع / سىء
exhausted مُنهمك athlete لاعب رياضى
frightening مُخيف suddenly فجأة
terrifying مُرعب bones عِظام
absolutely قطعاً - مُطلقاً - بالتأكيد - تماماً escape يهرب
lesson 4 SB page 29 lesson 5 SB page 30
pull يسحب - يجذب - يَجُر summary مُلخص
along بطول / على امتداد Egyptian مصرى
continue يستمر climb يتسلق
fishing line صنارة لصيد السمك Mount Everest جبل افرست
round حول desire رغبة
side جانب raise يرفع
kill يقتل - يذبح push يدفع
promise (n./v.) يَعِد / وعد WB page 24
shark سمكة القرش lifeboat قارب نجاة
attack يُهاجم later فيما بعد
only فقط storm عاصفة
skeleton هيكل عظمى litre لتر
remain يتبقى / يظل weight وزن
completely تماماً hunger جوع
glad مسرور burn يحترق / يحرق
coffee قهوة alive حى / على قيد الحياة
newspapers الجرائد / الصُحف rescue يُنقذ
survive يبقى على قيد الحياة middle مُنتصف

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Present المضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
ariseينشأ/يظهرللوجود arose arisen catch يمسك caught caught
drive يقود drove driven think يعتقد/يفكر thought thought
write يكتب wrote written leaveيغادر/يترك left left
speak يتحدث spoke spoken sleep ينام slept slept
steal يسرق stole stolen feelيشعر felt felt
take يأخذ took taken buildيبنى built built
sink يغوص sank sunk loseيخسر lost lost
become يُصبح became become tell يُخبر told told
give upيتوقف عن gave up given up make يصنع made made
fight يتشاجر fought fought find يجد found found
bring يُحضر brought brought set offيبدأ الرحلة set off set off

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )
according to طِبقاً لـ laugh at يسخر من
at the end of فى نهاية .. lost for a week in the desert
فُقِدَ لمدة اسبوع فى الصحراء
badly wounded مجروح بشدة
be in great pain يتألم بشدة make a list of يضع قائمة من
by 12 o'clock بحلول الساعة الثانية عشر manage to ينجح فى / يتمكن من
be capable of surviving قادر على البقاء حياً not strong enough toليس قوى بدرجة تكفى لـ
come from يأتى من on the third day فى اليوم الثالث
come out from يخرج من / يظهر outdoor life حياة الإنطلاق (خارج المنزل)
decide to يقرر pay for يدفع ثمن
die of يموت بسبب pride of فخور بـ
fight against يُحارب ضد / يقاوم return to يعود / يرجع الى
for the rest of his life لبقية حياته sail a long way out to sea
يُبحر لمسافة طويلة فى البحر
get back home يعود للبيت
give up يتوقف عن / يستسلم set off يبدأ الرحلة
go back to يعود الى so tired that … مُتعَب جداً لدرجة أن ...
had an ordinary childhoodقضى طفولة عادية soon afterwards وعقب ذلك مباشرة
hear about يسمع عن sort ofنوع من
in detail بالتفصيل start by + v.+ing يبدأ بـ
knowledgeable on /about the subject
لديه معرفة تامة بالموضوع start to + inf. / v. +ing يبدأ
suffer from يُعانى من

talk to يتحدث الى win the Nobel Prize for literature
يفوز بجائزة نوبل فى الأدب
the second of six children
الابن الثانى بين ستة أبناء
worried about قلق على
try to يُحاول (يبذل مجهود لكى يفعل شىء ما) write for يكتب لـ (مجلة)

Derivatives المشتقات
Verb Noun Adjective
compare يقارن comparison مقارنة comparable قابل للمقارنة
decide يقرر decision قرار decisive حاسم

إثارة excited
exciting مُثار
frighten يُخيف fright خوف frightening مُخيف

......... journal
journalist جريدة
wound يجرح wound جرح wounded مجروح

Definitions التعريفات
knowledgeable knowing a lot about something
fiction books and stories that are not true
outdoor things you do that are not inside
war when two countries fight each other
well-known famous, everyone knows you
wounded hurt when you are fighting
camping staying / sleeping in a tent
journalism writing reports for newspapers and magazines or preparing news or features to be broadcast on radio or television.
novelist a person who writes novels and stories
apprentice someone who works for an employer for an agreed amount of time in order to learn a skill
bait food used to attract fish so that you can catch them
continue keep doing something without stopping
fishing line strong string for catching fish, attached to a fishing rod
skeleton structure consisting of all the bones in a human or animal body
remain stay in the same place or condition
pain a strongly unpleasant feeling caused by illness or injury
furious extremely angry

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

موهوب to have a natural ability to do something well
♠ Ernest Hemingway was a very talented American writer.
ماهر having or showing knowledge and skill
♠ My friend is a skilful driver.

spend + a period of time + (v. +ing)
♠ He has spent many years studying Hemingway.

outdoor (adj.) خارجى - خارج أى مبنى (يأتى بعدها اسم) ♠ I prefer outdoor activities.

outdoors (adv.) ♠ It was warm enough to eat outdoors. فى الخارج - خارج أى مبنى/بالخارج

indoor (adj.) ♠ Girls usually like indoor games. داخلى-داخل مبنى (يأتى بعدها اسم)

indoors (adv.) ♠ He stayed indoors all morning. فى الداخل – داخل أى مبنى

when a part of the body is damaged by a weapon
♠ He was the first American to be wounded in the war.
when someone has been hurt in an accident or in an event such as an explosion
♠ One passenger was killed and four were injured.
to say that a part of your body feels pain
♠ Sami hurt his back when he fell off his horse.

think about
to have someone or something in your mind
♠ I was just thinking about you when you phoned.

think of
to consider a plan in your mind
♠ We are thinking of going to Greece on holiday.
to have an opinion about something
♠ What do you think of the government’s plans to increase taxes?

♠ "Think of" means to create something that doesn't already exist in your mind. (takes a minute or even longer)
♠ "Think about" means getting ideas about something that already exists. (takes a few seconds)

give up
يُقلع عن / يستسلم stop doing or having something
♠ You should give up smoking.
give off
يُخْرِجْ - تطلق to produce a smell, light, heat, etc
♠ The old car gives off toxic fumes.

adj. Or adv. + enough + to + inf.
♠ The man was not strong enough to pull the marlin to the boat.
♠ I can't walk fast enough to keep up with you.
enough + n.
♠ I don’t have enough money to buy a car.
♠ Do we have enough money for the tickets?

متضايق to make someone feel a little angry
♠ He was beginning to get very annoyed with me.
غاضب if you are angry, you feel a strong emotion because someone has behaved badly to you or a situation is wrong or unfair
♠ She was angry with him because he had lied to her.
مضطرب / قلق unhappy because something unpleasant has happened so that you feel shocked or want to cry
♠ He was so upset that he had left without saying goodbye.
♠ Ann is upset about not being invited to the party.
غاضب جداً extremely angry
♠ When Ali heard he had lost his job, he was absolutely furious.

سبب معنوى the fact that explains why something happens or exists
♠ He learns English for many reasons.
♠ Did he give any reason for leaving?
♠ We have reason to celebrate.
reason with
يحاول إقناع to talk to someone in order to persuade them to be more sensible
♠ I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen.
reason out
يُقنع بالمنطق to find an answer to a problem by considering possible options
♠ She was growing too sleepy to reason it out
سبب مادى a person, event, or thing that makes something happen
♠ What was the cause of the accident?

خيالى غير موجود فى الواقع not based on fact; unreal or existing only in the imagination
♠ Many children have fears of imaginary dangers.
خيالى - شخص واسع الخيال using the imagination in a creative or inventive way
♠ Naguib Mahfouz was an imaginative writer.

would prefer to + inf. ♠ He would prefer to be a pilot.
prefer (something) to (something) ♠ I prefer volleyball to tennis.
prefer (v. ing) + to + (v. ing) ♠ I prefer reading stories to watching TV.

arise - arose -
arisen ينشأ-يظهر للوجود come into being or come to notice
♠ We told them about the changes that had arisen.
arouse - aroused -
aroused يُثير- يستحث to make someone have a particular feeling
♠ His behaviour aroused the suspicions of the police.
raise - raised -
raised يرفع إلى أعلى
يزيد lift or move upwards or into an upright position
♠ He raised the led of the box.
increase the amount, level, or strength of
♠ They raised their offer to L.E. 2000.
rise-rose-risen يرتفع


يزداد come or go up ♠ Smoke rose from the chimney.
if the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky
♠ The sun rises at around 6 am.
get up from lying, sitting, or kneeling
♠ She used to rise early.
increase in number, size, strength, or quality.
♠ The population has risen steadily since the 1950s.

+ too (adj. Or adv.) to + inf. فعل + فاعل
1) The test is very difficult. I can't answer it.
- The test is too difficult to answer.
- The test is too difficult for me to answer.
2) He wrote badly. He didn’t get a good result.
- He wrote too badly to get a good result.

فعل + فاعل+ so (adj. Or adv.) that + فعل + فاعل
1) The story was very interesting. I read it twice.
- The story was so interesting that I read it twice.
2) Ali ran very fast. He won the race.
- Ali ran so fast that he won the race.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) Santiago was able to catch a marlin.
 ………….………………………………...………...…………….
2) At the age of 35, he won the Nobel Prize.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
3) What about For Whom the Bell Tolls?
 ………….……………………………………….....…………….
 ………….……………………………………….....…………….
4) By 12 o'clock on the first day, a big fish had taken his bait.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
5) We managed to pull the boat to the shore.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
6) If the weather's good, we'll go for an outdoor meal.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
7) It took him two hours to do his homework.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
8) The marlin was so tired that the fisherman could pull it to the boat.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
9) The cut was so nasty that he couldn't bear the pain.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
10) He can't go swimming because of the bad weather.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…………. of









so ...that

 An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It has the same form in the singular and plural. Adjectives can be used before nouns and after some verbs:
 الصفة هى كلمة تصف اسماً , ولها نفس الشكل (التكوين) فى المفرد والجمع , والصفات يمكن أن تسبق الاسم أو تأتى بعد بعض الأفعال مثل :-

1) تأتى هذه الأفعال بمعنى يصبح (be – get – become – go – grow – turn)

 She is nice.
 He will be sad.
 They have been happy.  The food went bad.
 He grows angry.
 The sea turned rough.

ولكن إذا جاءت (get – become – go – grow – turn) بمعناها الحقيقى يأتى بعدها ظرف
 He went there quickly.
2) إذا جاءت بمعنى يبدو يأتى بعدها صفة (look – seem – appear – sound)
 He looks happy.
 He looks at me angrily. وإذا جاءت بمعنى ينظر، يأتى بعدها ظرف

3) إذا جاءت بمعنى يعطى (ملمس – مذاق – رائحة) يأتى بعدها صفة (feel – taste – smell)

 The cloth feels smooth.  The food tastes nice.

ولكن إذا جاءت بمعنى (يلمس – يتذوق – يشم) , يأتى بعدها ظرف
 I have flu I can't smell well.

 لاحظ أن الصفات المنتهية بـ ed تصف العاقل و الصفات المنتهية بـ ing تصف غير العاقل.

-ed adjectives -ing adjectives
bored متضجر – شاعر بالملل boring مُمِل
excited منفعل / فرحان exciting مُثير
interested مهتم interesting شيق
terrified مرعوب terrifying مُرع
tired مُتعَب tiring مُتعب
surprised مندهش surprising مدهش
amused مُسل amusing شىء مُسل

 The match was exciting.
 When I saw the match, I was excited.

 و هناك نوعان من الصفات كالآتي :
1) Short adjectives (one syllable) صفات قصيرة
[ short , long , big , tall , cheap , near , old , young ]

2) Longer adjectives (with two or more syllables) صفات طويلة
[ expensive , generous , interesting , beautiful , wonderful ]

 بعض الصفات تستخدم كصفات قصيرة أو طويلة فى نفس الوقت
common – narrow – pleasant – simple – quiet – stupid – clever – polite

 الصفات التالية ذات مقطع واحد وتعامل معاملة ذات المقطعين:(real / wrong / true / right)
 This is the most real situation I've ever witnessed.

Similarity درجة التساوى as … (adj.) … as

 عند مقارنة التساوى نستخدم (as … as) وتعنى مثل ولابد أن تكون الصفة أصلية (طويلة أم قصيرة) ويأتى بعد as

1- مفعول عبارة عن (n.) أو ضمير مفعول : (me, him, her, it, you, us, them)
 She is as young as him.

2- ضمير فاعل :(I, he, she, it, you, we, they) بشرط أن يكون بعده (فعل) كالآتي :
 She is as young as he is.

 Sami is as tall as Ali. = Sami is the same height as Ali.
 My car is as expensive as yours. = They are (of) the same price.

 عند نفى صفة التساوى نستخدم (not as /so … as) أو than) صفة (less وتكون الصفة أصلية

 Dina is not as /so old as Heba.=  They are not (of) the same age.
 Heba is older than Dina.
 Heba is the older of the two.

Short adjectives (one syllable) صفات قصيرة

Adjective type comparative degree superlative degree
اذا انتهت الصفة بحرفان ساكنان نضيف est, er
taller than not as tall as
less tall than the tallest
the least tall
اذا انتهت الصفة بـ e نضيف st, r
larger than not as large as
less large than the nicest
the least nice
اذا كانت الصفة تنتهى بحرف ساكن يسبقه حرف متحرك واحد يُضاعف الحرف الساكن
hotter than not as hot as
less hot than the biggest
the least big

Longer adjectives (with two or more syllables)صفات طويلة

Adjective type Comparative degree Superlative degree
اذا انتهت الصفة ذات المقطعين بـ y تُقلب الى i عند اضافة est, er

heavier than
not as heavy as
less heavy than
the heaviest
the least heavy
صفات ذات مقطعين أو أكثر
more honest than less honest than
not as honest as the most
the least

Irregular adjectives صفات شاذة

Adjective Comparative degree Superlative degree
good / well better than the best
bad / ill worse than the worst
little less than the least
many / much more than the most
late later than
latter than the latest
the last

far مسافة - زمن - أكثر farther than مكان
further than شىء معنوى the farthest
the furthest

 من الجداول السابقة يتبين لنا أن هناك ثلاث درجات للصفة

1) positive degree لا يوجد بها مقارنة
 Ali is tall.

2) Marks of comparative degree علامات الدرجة الثانية
 No boy is faster than Ali. No بمعنى لا يوجد
 All languages are more difficult than English. All بمعنى كُل
 Cairo is more beautiful than any city. any تأتى قبل الاسم نهاية الجملة
 Is your mother any better today? any قبل صفة من الدرجة الثانية
 Your cooking is even worse than Heba's. even قبل صفة من الدرجة الثانية

3) Marks of superlative degree علامات الدرجة الثالثة
 Ali is the tallest boy in class.
 The Nile is the longest river in the world. in مع الأماكن
 Mai is the tallest of the four girls.
 It was the hottest day of the year. of مع غير الأماكن
 Ali is the strongest man I have ever met.
 It was the best meal I have ever had. have ever + pp


1- يأتي بعد (than) ضمير مفعول أو اسم كالآتى :
 She is shorter than me.  I'm taller than Ali.
2- يأتى بعد (than) ضمير فاعل بشرط أن يأتي بعده فعل كالآتي :
 She is shorter than I am.
3- كلمة ( most ) تُعنى ( very ) على ألاّ يوضع قبلها ( the ) كما في المقارنة كالآتي :
 The book you lent me was most (very) interesting.

4- أحياناَ نستخدم best /most بدون the في نهاية الجملة فيكون معناها الأكثر مثل:
 Of all sports, I like tennis best (most).

old older than
elder the oldest
the eldest 5- لاحظ صيغة المقارنة لكلمة old

تُستخدم elder و eldest مع أفراد الأسرة ولا تُستخدم than بعد elder
 Ali is my elder brother.  He is the eldest in our family.
 My elder brother is two years younger than my eldest brother.
 Ali is older than his sister. (Not: ….. elder)

The……. the better الـ ......... الأفضل 6- لاحظ التركيب الآتي : -

 When shall we leave? – The sooner the better. (as soon as possible)
 What sort of box do you want?–The bigger the better.(as big as possible)
7- لاحظ التركيب الآتي : -
The + صفة) +er)

فاعل +
فعل +
, The + صفة) +er)

فاعل +
فعل +
The more The more
The less The less
 The warmer the weather, the better I feel.(If the weather is warmer, I'll feel better.)
 The higher we go, the colder we feel.
 The more you study, the more marks you get.
 The more you talk, the less you work.
 The more expensive the hotel (is), the better the service (is).
8- يمكن وضع ( much = a lot = far) والتي تعنى (جداًً) أو ( a bit = a little = slightly ) والتي تعنى ( إلى حد ما – قليلاً ) قبل صفات الدرجة الثانية ( comparative ) كالآتي :
 Her illness was far more serious than we expected.
 Going by bus is cheaper than going by plane. (a lot)
- Going by bus is a lot cheaper than going by plane.
 Going by plane is more expensive. (much)
- Going by plane is much more expensive.
9- يمكن وضع (by far – easily – nearly) قبل صفات الدرجة الثالثة (superlative) كالآتى :
 Alrahma is by far the best channel in Egypt.
 I'm nearly the oldest in the class.

ملاحظات على Rewrite

1- عند التحويل من ( مقارنة ) إلى ( صفة ) أو العكس ، نتبع الآتى:
- إذا كانت الصفة الموجودة بين الأقواس هى نفس الصفة الموجودة فى الجملة ، نعكس طرفى المقارنة ونحول النفي إلي إثبات والإثبات إلي نفي .
 Ali is taller than Nadia. ( tall )
- Nadia isn’t as tall as Ali.
- إذا كانت الصفة الموجودة بين الأقواس عكس الموجودة فى الجملة ، لا نعكس طرفى المقارنة ، ولكن نحول الإثبات إلي نفي والعكس صحيح.
 The Nile is longer than the Amazon. (short )
- The Nile is not as short as the Amazon.
- تحويل من (صفة) إلى (مقارنة)
 Germany isn’t as useful as English. (more)
- English is more useful than Germany.

2-إذا كان المطلوب استخدام the same مكان as .. asنحول الصفة إلي اسم:-

 Samy is as tall as Ramy. (the same)
- Samy and Ramy are the same height.
- Samy is the same height as Ramy.

 The Amazon isn't as long as the Nile. (the same)
- The Amazon isn't the same length as the Nile.

Adjective صفة Noun اسم Adjective صفة Noun اسم
old / young age difficult difficulty
expensive /cheap price important importance
tall / high height courageous courage
fat / heavy / thin / light weight deep depth
big / small / large / tiny size wealthy wealth
ill / patient illness wide width
short shortage long length
weak weakness strong strength
beautiful beauty ugly ugliness

3- عند التحويل من ( تفضيل ) إلى ( صفة ):-
No+الإسم الموجود بعد صيغة التفضيل+v. to be +as / so+ الصفة + as +باقى الجملة + الفاعل

 Nader is the funniest person in the office.
- No person is as funny as Nader in the office.

 “The Spiders” is the most interesting story in the library.
- No story is as interesting as “The Spiders” in the library.

4- عند التحويل من ( تفضيل ) إلى ( مقارنة ) :-
No+الإسم الموجود بعد صيغة التفضيل+v. to be + صيغة المقارنة + than +باقى الجملة + الفاعل

 Nader is the funniest person in the office.
- No person is funnier than Nader in the office.

 “The Spiders” is the most interesting story in the library.
- No story is more interesting than “The Spiders” in the library.

5- عند استخدام (No other) فى بداية جملة المقارنة , إما نستخدم صفة التساوى أو صيغة المقارنة
 The Nile is the longest river in the world.
- No other river is as long as the Nile.
- No other river is longer than the Nile.

 I have never read such an interesting book. (more / most)
- This book is more interesting than any other book
- I have never read a more interesting book than this one.
- This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read.
- This book is the most interesting one I’ve ever read.

 This is the most exciting film I've ever seen. (more / as / never)
- I have never seen a more exciting film than this one.
- This film is more exciting than any other film.
- No other film is as (so) exciting as this one.
- I have never seen such an exciting film.

 Adverbs are words which describe a verb, an adjectives or another adverb.
الظروف أو الأحوال هى عبارة عن كلمات تصف فعلاً أو صفة أو حالاً آخر.
 Ahmed walks slowly. (v. + adv.)
 She is incredibly clever. (adv. + adj.)
 Hany speaks very angrily. (adv. + adv.)

Form التكوين

1) Many adverbs, especially adverbs of manner, are formed by adding (ly) to an adjective:
الكثير من الظروف وخاصة ظروف الطريقة تتكون بإضافة (ly) للصفة:

adjective adverb adjective adverb
quiet quietly kind kindly
quick quickly loud loudly
slow slowly difficult difficultly
bad badly serious seriously

2) Adjectives ending in (y) remove the (y) and : add (ily):
إذا كانت الصفة تنتهى بـ (y) تُحذف الـ (y) ويضاف (ily)
adjective adverb adjective adverb
lucky luckily funny funnily
happy happily busy busily
easy easily greedy greedily

3) Adjectives ending (e) : add (ly), but (true – truly)
إذا كانت الصفة تنتهى بـ (e) يُضاف (ly) ولكن يُستثنى من هذه القاعدة كلمة (true – truly)
adjective adverb adjective adverb
polite politely rude rudely
nice nicely sure surely
extreme extremely sincere sincerely

4) Adjectives ending (le) remove the (e) : and add (y)
إذا كانت الصفة تنتهى بـ (le) تُحذف الـ (e) ويضاف (y)
adjective adverb adjective adverb
terrible terribly probable probably
horrible horribly possible possibly
incredible incredibly comfortable comfortably

5) Adjectives ending in (l) : add (ly)
إذا كانت الصفة تنتهى بـ (l) تُضاف (ly)
adjective adverb adjective adverb
usual usually careful carefully
useful usefully historical historically
beautiful beautifully local locally

6) some adverbs have the same form as adjectives and they are similar in meaning
بعض الظروف لها نفس شكل (تكوين) الصفة وهى متشابهة فى المعنى

late early hard fast
high low free enough
right wrong daily weekly
straight near monthly yearly
 The lake is deep. adj.
 They went deep into the forest. adv.
 There is enough food in the fridge. adj.
 He isn’t tall enough to play basketball. adv.

7) Some adverbs are not formed from adjectives
هناك بعض الظروف لا تتكون من صفات
here then often
there however perhaps
very quite rather

Adverbs of degree
extremely (100%)للغاية very (90%) جـداً rather (70%)الى حد كبير
quite (50%)الى حد ما fairly (30%)بنسبة قليلة slightly(10%)بنسبة ضئيلة جداً
 Adverbs of degree are used to modify adjectives, adverbs or verbs.
تُستخدم ظروف الدرجة لكى تصف صفة أو ظرف أو فعل
absolutely مطلقاً / كُلياً / من غير ريب rather الى حد ما
completely تماماً / كلياً pretty الى حد ما
totally تماماً / كلياً quite على نحو تام / تماماً
extremely جداً / الى أبعد الحدود fairly الى حد ما / الى آخر حد
very جداً / الى حد بعيد slightly قليلاً / نوعأ ما
تأتى ظروف الدرجة قبل ( الصفة – الظرف – فعل أساسى ) ولكن تأتى بعد الفعل المساعد
 He is totally unacceptable.
 They arrived rather early.
 I don’t quite understand what you mean.

adjectives and adverbs of degree الصفات القوية و ظروف الدرجة

Ordinary عادية Strong قوية Ordinary عادية Strong قوية
tired متعب exhausted مرهق angry غاضب furious غضبان جدا
frightening مخيف terrifying مرعب hot ساخن boiling غليان
cold بارد freezing متجمد bad سئ terrible فظيع
unusual غير عادى incredible خيالى big كبير enormous/huge
interesting شيق amazing مُذهل good جيد fantastic / wonderful

لاحظ أن exhausted = very tired freezing = very cold …etc

 نستخدم extremely / quite / rather / really / very / fairlyمع الصفات العادية
 I'm very tired.  The film was quite frightening.

 نستخدم totally / absolutely / completely / really مع الصفات القوية
 The film was really terrifying.
 لا حظ هذه الجمل :
 After spending the night in the desert, the children were very cold.
- After spending the night in the desert, the children were freezing.
 Tarek told us a very unusual story. (incredible)
- Tarek told us an incredible story.
لاحظ أن (good) تتحول الى (well) عندما تُستخدم كظرف.
 He is a good teacher. (well)
- He teaches well.
يمكن أن يكون الظرف كلمة مفردة أو عبارة.
 He went to bed late.
- She is drinking coffee in the sitting room.
هناك بعض الصفات التى تنتهى بـ (ly)
friendly lovely lonely silly
fatherly lively elderly ugly
brotherly likely cowardly deadly
ولإستخدام هذه الصفات كظروف نستخدم الصيغة التالية:
in + a / an + adj. + way / manner
 His speech to me was fatherly. (spoke)
- He spoke to me in a fatherly way / manner.

هناك بعض الظروف لها شكلين ولكن المعنى مختلف
deep = a long way down deeply = very
free = without payment freely = without limit or restriction
high = at / to a high level highly = very much
late = not early lately = recently
most = superlative of much mostly = mainly
near = close nearly = almost
hard = with a lot of effort hardly = very little, almost not
pretty = rather prettily = in a pretty way
 The kite flew high in the sky.
 He is a highly respected doctor.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) The Nile is the longest river in the world.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
2) Amir is the fastest one of the team.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
3) August is the hottest month of the year.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
4) It is the best picture in the museum.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
5) She's the best teacher in the school.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
6) He is the worst pupil in our class.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
7) The first question is the most difficult of all.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
8) No metal is as expensive as diamond.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
9) He isn't as intelligent as his brother.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
10) Football is the most popular game in Egypt.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
11) He is the most intelligent boy I've ever seen.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
12) Yesterday was colder than today.
 ………….………………………………………...…..………….
13) Dina is more attractive than her sister.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…………. No river/long

No one/faster

No other month is

No other



No question





as ... as

as ... as

14) Noha is a better cook than Mona.
 ………….………………………………………...……...………….
15) I'm better at sport than my brother.
 ………….………………………………………...……...………….
16) You are luckier than me.
 ………….………………………………………...……...………….
17) Hamdy is shorter than his brother.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…….……….
18) Ahmed and Omar are of the same age.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…….……….
19) The table and the chair are the same price.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…….……….
20) Both of them and their parents are talented musicians.
 ………….………………………………………...…..…….……….
21) No one in the family is wiser than Ibrahim.
 ………….………………………………………...……...………….
22) Hala is as tall as Randa.
 ………….……………………………………….......…..………….
23) A car is faster than a bicycle.
 ………….……………………………………….......…..………….
24) This story is more interesting than the last one I read.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
25) Russian is a harder language to learn than English is.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
26) There is no other cleverer pupil than Mona.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
27) No swimmer in the world was faster than Abu-Heif.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
28) There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile.
 ………….……………………………………….......…..………….
29) There is not a better place in the world than one's homeland.
 ………….………………………………………...……...…………. Mona isn’t

My brother



as … as

as … as

as … as

as … as









30) No one in the family is older than Maha.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
31) No other player is better than Abu-Treika in Egypt now.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
32) I haven't read a more interesting book than this.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
33) I have never read such an interesting story.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
34) No other metal is as useful as Iron.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
35) It is the worst program I've ever watched.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
36) He is the most generous person I have ever seen.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
37) It's a long time since I saw an animal as strange as that.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
38) I have never seen such a bad person in my life.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
39) I haven't seen such an interesting film.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..…………. oldest


the most

the most

the most




He is

This film is
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) Amani is tired to some extent.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
2) The weather is terrible today.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
3) This cup of tea is hot to a great extent.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
4) The town was destroyed to a great extent.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
5) My friend is nearly 2 m tall.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
6) Young elephants weighs more than 200 KG.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
7) My sister can speak five languages.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
8) Ann is a hard worker.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
9) He is fluent in English.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
10) Kareem is a good pianist.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
11) There is a strong sun today.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
12) Ali is as good at driving as Sami.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
13) The elephant has a very poor eyesight.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
14) Our teacher is careful.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
15) He is a bad writer.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..…………. very













prepares lessons


16) The teacher of English gives us a kind treatment.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
17) The child was happy when he played with his toys.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
18) He had a curious look at the new boss.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
19) They are polite.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
20) It is probable he will be the director.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
21) His English is good.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
22) Maher is a good player of the piano.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
23) I think that his behaviour was very rude.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
24) There was heavy rain yesterday.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
25) Ahmed drives his car carefully.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
26) He smokes heavily.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
27) The old man pained greatly because he had the fishing line round his body.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..………….
28) The metro runs fast.
 ………….…………………………………………....…..…………. kindly











It's a …
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:53

Tomorrow s world
lesson 1 SB page 31 personal شخصى
modern حديث WB page 26
control يتحكم country دولة
engine مُحرك / موتور own يمتلك
report تقرير ordinary عادى
problem مشكلة special battery بطارية خاصة
satellite navigation system
نظام الملاحة الفضائية explain يشرح / يوضح
thirsty عطشان
airbag وسادة هوائية(تحمى السائق من الصدمات) direction اتجاة
route طريق lesson 3 SB page 33
traffic jam ازدحام المرور cars without oil سيارات بدون بترول
fantastic news أخبار رائعة air pollution تلوث الهواء
husband زوج environment بيئة
daughter ابنة lung رئه
hope يأمل exhaust fumes عوادم / أدخنة السيارات
inspector مُفتش lorry سيارة نقل كبيرة
student طالب damage يتلف
office مكتب as well as بالإضافة الى
classroom حجرة الدراسة scientist عالِم
expect يتوقع produce يُنتج
sky سماء farther/further أبعد
really dark مظلمة حقاً burn petrol يحرق البنزين
rain مطر efficiently بكفاءة
umbrella شمسية design يصمم
lesson 2 SB page 32 natural gas الغاز الطبيعى
fact حقيقة engineer مهندس
plan خطة electric cars سيارات تسير بالكهرباء
intention نية / قصد store يخزن
quick decision قرار سريع fuel وقود
evidence دليل petrol vehicle مركبات تسير بالبنزين

electricity كهرباء wind power طاقة الرياح
empty فارغ natural energy الطاقة الطبيعية
recharge يُعيد شحن include يتضمن
discover يكتشف wave power طاقة الأمواج
vegetable oil وقود حيوى / زيت نباتى water power الطاقة المائية
field حقل geothermal power الطاقة الحرارية لباطن الأرض
hydrogen هيدروجين solar power الطاقة الشمسية
oxygen أكسجين lesson 5 SB page 35
expert خبير composition إنشاء(مقال)
believe يُصدق / يؤمن different مختلف
compound nouns أسماء مُركبة price ثمن / سعر
lesson 4 SB page 34 suggestion اقتراح
solve يحل (مشكلة) WB page 28
affect يُؤثر على increase يزيد / زيادة
consequence نتائج / عواقب firstly أولاً
industry صناعة secondly ثانياً
WB page 27 thirdly ثالثاً
breathe يتنفس lastly أخيراً

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
burn يحرق burned - burnt burned - burnt run يجرى ran run
mean يعنى meant meant forgetينسى forgot forgotten
leadيقود الى led led grow ينمو grew grown
sit يجلس sat sat drive يقود drove driven

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

agree with يتفق مع شخص bring in يُقدم / يُحضر
amount of كمية من come from يأتى من
as soon as possible بأسرع ما يمكن excited about مُثار بـ
at ten o'clock فى تمام الساعة العاشرة fill with يملىء بـ
be able to قادر على get wet يُصبح مُبتلاً
be made of / from مصنوع من have a baby تُرزق بمولود
blame somebody for يلوم شخص ما على important for هام لـ

instead of بدلاً من protect from / against يحمى من
lead to يؤدى الى replacement for = substitute for = alternative to بديل لـ
make arrangement for يقوم بعمل ترتيبات لـ
make energy out of.. يصنع طاقة من .. result from ينتج عن
make offers يُقدم عروضاً run on (petrol) تُدار بـ / تسير بالبنزين
make prediction about يقدم تنبؤ عن stay for dinner ينتظر حتى وجبة العشاء
need to + inf. يحتاج لـ take over يتولى مسئولية
no oil left لا يوجد بترول take time تستغرق وقت
on the internet على الإنترنت tell about يُخبر عن
on the way to فى الطريق الى turn on x turn off يقفل x يشغل
on Thursday فى يوم الخميس type of نوع من
pleased about مسرور بـ work on the problemيبذل ُهد لحل مُشكلة

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb Noun Adjective
darken يُظلم darkness ظلام dark مُظلم
.......... efficiency كفاءة efficient كُفء
expect يتوقع expectation توقع expectant مُتوقَع/مُرتَقَب
forget ينسى forgetfulness النسيان forgetful كثير النسيان
increase يزداد increase زيادة increasing متزايد
intend ينوى intention نية / قصد ..........

يُلوث pollutants
pollution مُلوثات
protect يحمى protection حماية protective واقى
replace يستبدل replacement بديل replaceable قابل للإستبدال
suggest يقترح suggestion اقتراح suggestive مُثير للتفكير

Definitions التعريفات

navigation the act of directing a ship, aircraft, etc. from one place to another
or the science of finding a way from one place to another
inspector an official who makes sure that regulations are obeyed
fantastic news information we are pleased about
really excited very happy
stay for dinner eat dinner at someone's house
really dark not at all bright
the quickest route the way which take the least time

traffic jam vehicles which are not moving or moving slowly
umbrella something to protect you from rain
environment the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants exit and live
battery the thing stores electricity for a car, radio, etc
pollution damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste
lungs parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe
fumes a gas or smoke that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in
exhaust pollution from a car
design plan and draw something new, like a house or engine
recharge put more electricity into a battery
oxygen gas in the air that we need to live
farther a longer way

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

excited about ♠ She is excited about her dress.
happy about ♠ We're all happy about the good news.
worried about ♠ The mother is worried about her children because they are late.

route a particular way or direction between places
♠ I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work.
road a wide way between places, with a hard surface for vehicles to travel on
♠ Most road accidents are caused by people driving too fast.
street a public road in a city, town or village which has buildings that are usually close together along one or both sides
♠ Be sure to look both ways when you cross the street.

البنزين refined petroleum used as fuel in motor vehicles
♠ He filled his car up with petrol.
البترول الخام an oil found in layers of rock and refined to produce petrol, paraffin, and diesel oil
♠ There are many fields of petroleum under the water of the Red Sea.

حديث designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods
♠ Pollution is one of the major problems in the modern world.
جديد recently created or having started to exist recently
♠ She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas.

Compound nouns الأسماء المركبة
هى أسماء تتكون من إضافة اسمين أو أكثر، وهناك ثلاث أنواع للأسماء المركبة:
كلمتين متصلتين ليكونا كلمة واحدة دون فاصل The closed form
♠ matchbox ♠ newspaper ♠ headache ♠ football
♠ birthday ♠ keyboard ♠ policeman ♠ teapot

كلمتين أو أكثر بينهما شَرطَة (فاصل) The hyphenated form
♠ part-timeجزء من الوقت ♠ horse-ridingركوب الخيل ♠ daughter-in-lawزوجة الابن

كلمتين منفصلتين دون وجود شرطة (فاصل) بينهما The open form
♠ vegetable oil
♠ traffic jam
♠ air pollution
♠ satellite navigation system oil made from vegetables
a jam of traffic
pollution of the air
a system which uses satellite for navigation
♠ school inspector ♠ city center ♠ birthday card ♠ car park

think of
يفكر فى
to consider a plan in your mind
♠ We are thinking of going to Greece on holiday.
to have an opinion about something
♠ What do you think of the government’s plans to increase taxes?

think up
يبتكر / يخترع devise or invent produce a new idea, plan, explanation etc
♠ It’s a great idea. I wonder who first though it up.
think over
يُفكر ملياً consider carefully; think deeply about a subject or question over a period of time
♠ Take a few days to think over your offer.

blame for
يلوم شخص على feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong
♠ Ali blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
blame on
يوقع مسئولية شىء على assign the responsibility for a bad or unfortunate situation or phenomenon to (someone or something)
♠ They blame youth crime on unemployment.

كهربى(شىء يعمل بالكهرباء) using, providing, producing, transmitting or operated by electricity an electric (car – motor – kettle – light – chair – guitar – fan - clock)
♠ Don’t touch that electric wire.
كهربائى(يتعامل مع الكهرباء) related to electricity; connected with electricity
an electrical (energy – equipment – device – company – fuse – fault)
♠ My cousin is an electrical engineer.

lead to
يؤدى إلى if an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist
♠ This remark led to further arguments among the guests.
result in
يُسبب to cause a particular situation to happen; have (a specified outcome)
♠ The fire resulted in damage to their property.
result from
ينتج عن if a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is caused by it
♠ His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.

It’s + adj. + for + somebody + to + inf.
♠ It's important for you to learn foreign language.

sit – sat – sat يجلس ♠ I sat next to him at dinner.
set – set – set تغرب ♠ The sun was setting and a warm red glow filled the sky.

The best + way to + inf. + is to + inf.
♠ The best way to be healthy is to get a lot of exercise.

stop + object + (v.+ing)
♠ We should stop people driving lorries in big cities.

يؤثرعلى قد تتبع بحرف جر (by) to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change
♠ I was deeply affected by the film.(= It caused strong feelings in me).
♠ It's a disease which affects mainly older people.
تأثير قد تتبع بحرف جر (on – of) the result of a particular influence
♠ The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
♠ I think I'm suffering from the effects of too little sleep.
♠ I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect.

يُتْعِب - يُجهد
يستنفد - يستهلك to make someone extremely tired
♠ The long journey exhausted the children.
to use something completely
♠ How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are exhausted?
العادم the waste gas from an engine, especially a car's, or the pipe the gas flows through
♠ Car exhaust is the main reason for the city's pollution.

wet مُبَلل covered in water or another liquid
♠ My bike got wet in the rain.
damp رَطِب slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable
♠ The grass is still damp.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) He has arranged for an appointment with the dentist.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
2) Nowadays, scientists are developing the problem of exhaust pollution.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
3) Bird Flu caused the death of three hundred people by 2009.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
4) Scientists think of producing cars powered by electricity.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
5) In the future, there will be no oil in the world.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
6) A lot of cars are changed into gas powered ones.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
7) It's very difficult to move in traffic jams.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
8) We may be able to buy cars using batteries in the next ten years.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
9) We will be able to replace petrol in the future.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
10) Pollution affects the environment badly.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
11) Car fumes badly affect our health.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….………
12) People every where are badly affected by air pollution.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….……… made



run on

run out








التكوين Negative
النفي Interrogative
الإستفهام Key words
الكلمات الدالة
They I
They I
Will it
they I
will it
they - tomorrow
- soon
- in the future
- next week
- in a week
"will" is used لـ will وتُستخدم
1) to express a future prediction based on what we think or imagine
للتعبير عن تنبؤ فى المستقبل بُناءً على ما نعتقده أو نتخيله
وعادة نستخدم will بعد أفعال وظروف وتعبيرات مثل:
think, believe, expect, wonder, hope, promise أفعال
probably, perhaps, certainly ظروف
It's probable, It's certain, be sure, be afraid تعبيرات
 I expect Lucy and Paul will stay for dinner.

2) to talk about a future fact للحديث عن حقيقة فى المستقبل
 It's my birthday next Tuesday. I'll be seventeen.

3) to make a quick decision at the moment of speaking
عند اتخاذ قرار سريع فى لحظة التحدث
 Oh, I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it.
 ‘What would you like to drink?’ - ‘I'll have an orange juice, please.’

4) to offer to do something عندما تعرض أن تفعل شىء
 I'll make dinner tonight.

5) to ask someone to do something لكى نطلب من شخص ما أن يفعل شىء ما
 Will you type this letter for me, please?

6) to make arrangements عمل ترتيبات
 I'll see you on Friday.

7) to make a threat and warning لعمل تهديد و تحذيرات
 I'll tell his parents if he does this again.

التكوين Negative
النفي Interrogative
I am

She is

We are
I am not

She isn’t

We aren’t
They Am I

Is she

Are we

استفهام am I

is she

are we
"be going to" is used لــ be going to وتُستخدم

1) to express an intention that was planed or decided before the moment of speaking
للتعبير عن وجود نية تم التخطيط لها أو اتخاذ قرار بشأنها قبل لحظة التحدث
 Next month, I'm going to buy a new car.
 I'm going to read an English newspaper every day.

2) to express a future prediction based on what you can see or what you know; (which there is some evidence now)
للتعبير عن التنبؤ في المستقبل بُناءً على ما تراهُ أو ما تعرفه ؛ (يوجود له دليل الآن)
 I think it is going to rain. The sky is cloudy.
 I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.

التكوين Negative
النفي Interrogative
I am

She is

We are
They I am not

She isn’t

We aren’t
They Am I

Is she

Are we

استفهام am I

is she

are we

1) It is used to talk about plans which are already decided and arranged (prearranged event) and which is definite
يُستخدم للتعبير عن خُطط تم الترتيب أو الإعداد له وهى مُحددة (الوقت والمكان) , (خطط مكتملة وليس مجرد نية أو قرار)
 He's travelling to Assiut tomorrow. (He's got his ticket.)
 The school inspector is coming on Thursday. He's arriving at 10 o'clock. (He's arranged this with the headmaster.)

1) It is used to express a future event which is certain because of a timetable or a calendar.
يُستخدم للتعبير عن حدث مُؤكد فى المستقبل بسبب جدول مواعيد ( مكاتب الحجز والسفر , ودور العرض كالسينما والمسرح , وكذلك فى برامج التليفزيون وجداول الإمتحانات
 Our train leaves at 10 o'clock.
 The film starts at 7.30.
 The exam takes place on 11th June.

ملاحظات على Rewrite
will + inf. = have decided now / quickly
decided to + inf. ……… at once
offered / promised to + inf.

be going to + inf. = have decided to + inf.
have planed to + inf.
intent to + inf.

be + (v.+ing) = have arranged to + inf.
have made arrangement to + inf.

The difference between ‘I'm doing’ and ‘I'm going to do’
I'm doing I have already decided and arranged to do it
I'm going to do I have already decided to do it, but perhaps not arranged. I intend to do it.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1) I have decided to get up early tomorrow.
 ………………………………..……………………….........…………
2) It's a nice day. You've decided to sit in the garden.
 ………………………………..……………………...……….….……
3) Have you arranged to watch the match at the stadium?
 ………………………………..……………………...………......……
4) I plan to make a journey to Aswan in winter.
 ………………………………..……………………...…………..……
5) She has planned to clean her house.
 ………………………………..……………………...……..…………
6) Our plan is to spend the weekend in Alexandria.
 ………………………………..……………………...……….....……
7) The inspector of English intends to visit my class next week.
 ………………………………..……………………...…………..……
8) It's my intention to buy a modern car.
 ………………………………..……………………...……..…………
9) I don't intend to do this work again.
 ………………………………..…………………….........……………
10) Do you intend to learn typing?
 ………………………………..…………………….........……………
11) When do you intend to go out?
 ………………………………..……………………...…….…….……
12) It's cloudy and dark. We expect rain.
 ………………………………..……………………...…….…….……
13) They predict that it will be fine tomorrow.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..………

14) Will you see the match?
 ………………………………..……………………...………..………

15) Everything is arranged for holding our meeting next week.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……… going to

going to



She is






going to



Are you


16) We have decided to make a journey to Luxor next week. Everything is arranged.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...

17) I haven't arranged to visit my uncle's farm.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
18) Sorry! I can't meet you tomorrow. I have made arrangements to play tennis.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
19) I've got my plane ticket to leave for Aswan tomorrow.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
20) They prepared everything for travelling to Riyadh next week.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
21) I have saved up money to buy a new mobile.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
22) He's got a ticket to Alexandria.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
23) I have decided quickly to switch on the fan because of the hot weather.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
24) I have decided now to get you an aspirin for your headache.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
25) It's a bit cold and I decided to close the window at once.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
26) The referee threatens to dismiss me if I make a foul.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
27) I predict a win for Al-Ahly in the next match.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……...
28) I offer to help him with his heavy bag.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……. making












29) He expects to win the race.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
30) He has promised to take part in the race.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
31) I promise not to forget my books.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
32) The car refuses to start. I wonder what's wrong with it.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
33) I have tried to advise her but she refuses to join us.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
34) I have arranged to play tennis today but I changed my opinion.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
35) I’m going to build a house.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
36) Are you going to share him in the project?
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
37) I’ll decorate my flat next week.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
38) We are going to visit our grandparents.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
39) I expect that Ali and Amr will stay for dinner.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
40) I don't want it to rain tomorrow.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
41) They will call the police if you don't stop bothering them.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
42) He is expected to finish the computer course in two week's time.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..…….
43) He says “Let me help you with your luggage”.
 ………………………………..……………………...………..……. will






I don’t think



tend to



I hope


We expect that

He offers that

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:55

Health and safety
lesson 1 SB page 41 sense حاسة
health صحة finger اصبع اليد
safety الأمان / السلامة lesson 2 SB page 42
presenter مُقدم (برنامج) rule قاعدة
caller مُتصل (شخص) law قانون
bird flu انفلونزا الطيور suggestion اقتراح
studio استوديو smoke يُدخن
humans البشر motorway طريق سريع
unusual غير مُعتاد practice يُمارس
infected birds الطيور المُصابة بعدوى gymnasium/gym صالة ألعاب رياضية
recent حديث sweets حلوى
outbreak انتشار مرض/اندلاع حرب neighbour جار
believe يُصدق / يؤمن WB page 34
the Middle East الشرق الوسط grandfather جد
disappear يختفى chocolate شكولاتة
afraid خائف sign اشارة / لافتة
under control تحت السيطرة / التحكم climb يتسلق
wild برى / وحشى cycle يركب دراجة
domestic منزلى / أليف pick يقطف / يلتقط
farm birds طيور المزرعة lesson 3 SB page 43
as well as avoid يتجنب
chicken دجاج cleanliness نظافة
touch يلمس infection عدوى
wash يغسل hygiene نظافة شخصية
poster ملصق اعلانى own يمتلك / خاص
possible مُمكن sanitation نظافة عامة
WB page 33 public عام
illness مرض germs جراثيم
cut جرح meal وجبة
dirty قذر / مُتسخ bathe يستحم

more often بشكل أكثر multiply يتكاثر
fly (n.) ذبابة fresh طازج / نقى
insect حشرة cause يُسبب
dirt قذارة stomach upsets اضرابات المعدة
pieces قِطَعْ virus ڤيروسات
attract يجذب recover يُشفى
boil يغلى improve يُحسِّن
tap water ماء الصنبور staff هيئة / مجموعة العاملين
poisonous سام frequently باستمرار
tin علبة صفيح ward جناح / عنبر فى مستشفى
damaged تالف WB page 35
probably من المحتمل restaurant مطعم
common شائع kettle غلاية
contain يحتوى على electrical items مُعدات / أجهزة كهربائية
lesson 4 SB page 44 lesson 5 SB page 45
patient مريض compare يُقارن
equip يُعِدْ / يُجهز seriously بجدية
properly بشكل لائق / كما ينبغى / بدقة advertisement إعلان
invite يدعو WB page 36
inspect يُفتش / يفحص notice ملحوظة
pleased مسرور seat belt حزام الأمان
out-of-date مُنتهى الصلاحية / قديم even if على الرغم من
up-to-date جديد useful مُفيد

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة

Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
swim يسبح swam swum catch يمسك caught caught
begin يبدأ began begun hit يضرب hit hit
spreadينتشر spread spread set يضع set set

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

at the side of (the road) على جانب الطريق catch a disease/bird fluيُصاب بمرض/انفلونزا الطيور
be in a hurry مُسرعاً / فى عُجالة cover with يُغطى بـ
careful about حريص على decide on يُحدد / يختار(من بين عدة اختيارات)

die of يموت (بسبب) land on يهبط على
disappointed by مُحبط بـ late for مُتأخر عن
do the right thing يفعل الصواب lie around (about) تترك فى مكان مكشوف
essential for ضرورى لـ limit the amount ofيحد من كمية
expert on / in خبير فى look after يعتنى بـ
fill in يُكمل / يملئ استمارة make a noise يُصدر ضوضاء
first of allأولاً / قبل كل شىء make sure يتأكد
get fit يُصبح لائقاً بدنياً make things better يُحسن الأشياء
give advice يُعطى نصيحة / ينصح near to بالقرب من
go wrong يُفسد / يُخطىء / يُحدث مشاكل pass (diseases) on (to you) ينقل المرض لك
have a bath يستحم pass from .. to .. ينتقل من .. الى ..
have an accident prevent from يمنع / يقى من
in fact فى الواقع / الحقيقة protect … from يحمى (شخصاً)من
in hot weather فى الطقس الحار put on weight = gain weightيزداد وزناً
keep away from يبتعد عن set a good example ofيعطى مثال جيد لـ
keep safe on the road يأمن على الطريق stop from يتوقف عن
kind of نوع من the rules of قواعد لـ

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb Noun Adjective
attract يجذب attraction جَذب attractive جذاب / فاتن
avoid يتجنب avoidance تجنب avoidable يمكن تجنبه
believe يعتقد belief إعتقاد believable ممكن تصديقه
disappear يختفى disappearance إختفاء disappeared مُختفى
equip يُجهز equipment مُعدات equipped مُجَهَّز
……… hygiene نظافة شخصية hygienic صحى/نظيف
improve يُحسن improvement تحسين improved مُحسَّن

infect يُعدى
infection عدوى
إصابة infected
infectious مُصاب بعدوى
inspect يُفتش inspection تفتيش inspected مُفتش عنه
poison يُسمم poison سم poisonous سام
prevent يقى / يمنع prevention وقاية preventive وقائى
protect يحمى protection حماية protective وقائى
specialize يتخصص specialist مُتخصص special خاص

Definitions التعريفات
disease an illness or serious medical condition
flu a common disease which is like a bad cold but is more serious
infected containing harmful bacteria, virus, dirt or other things that can cause disease or which prevent a wound from getting better
outbreak when something bad like a serious disease or war starts
wild describes plants or animals that live or grow independently of people in natural conditions and with natural characteristics
dirty not clean; covered or marked with an unclean substance
touch an act of touching someone or something by using your fingers
attract if something attracts people or thing it makes them move towards it
germ a very small living thing that can make you ill
public relating to all the ordinary people in a country or area
stomach the part of your body where food is digested
a fly a common kind of insect with two wings
poisonous containing something that kill you or make you ill
cleanliness the practice of being clean or keeping things clean
hygiene the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent disease; (your own cleanliness)
sanitation the protection of people's health by removing and treating waste products, dirty water etc; (public cleanliness)

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية
disease (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident
♠ Starvation and disease have killed thousands of refugees.
something that is considered very bad in people or society
♠ The real disease affecting the country is inflation.تضخم مالى
illness a disease of the body or mind
♠ He died at home after a long illness.
when you are ill
♠ She had five days off work due to illness.
sickness the condition of being ill
♠ There's a lot of sickness around this winter.

It is + adj. + for + object + to + inf.
♠ It's possible for humans to catch bird flu.

die of / from
يموت بسبب to stop living
♠ He was about to die of bird flu.
die away
يضمحل - يزول If something, especially a sound, dies away, it gradually becomes reduced until it stops existing or disappears
♠ The sound of his footsteps gradually died away.
die out
ينقرض to disappear completely or no longer exist
♠ Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

strong having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
♠ It took strong men to carry the picture of President Mubarak.
powerful having a lot of power to control and influence people and events
♠ The President is more powerful than the Prime Minister.

يسترد - يستعيد to get back something lost, especially ability, possessions, etc
♠ It took a long time for the economy to recover after the slump.
recover from
يُشفى من مرض to get back something lost, especially health
♠ My uncle is recovering from heart operation.

ملوث – مُصاب containing bacteria, dirt or other things that can cause disease
♠ After the operation the wound became infected.
مُعدى able to pass a disease from one person, animal or plant to another
♠ Malaria is an infectious disease.

good at مفيد لـ / نافع لـ ♠ He is good at maths.
good to ماهر فى ♠ You should good to other people.

lie – lied – lied يكذب ♠ I would never lie to you.
lie – lay – lain يستلقى – ينبطح ♠ We lay on the beach all morning.
lay – laid – laid يضع – تبيض ♠ He laid his hand on his shoulder.
♠ A hen lays an egg a day.

should / shouldn’t + inf.

• We use should to give advice and to make suggestion. It's also used to say what we think is the right and best thing to do.
تُستخدم should لتقديم النصيحة أو لعمل اقترحات , وهى تُستخدم لكى نقول ما هو صحيح وعن أفضل شىء يجب أن نفعله.
 You should play tennis. You'd Enjoy it.
 You should take more exercise.
 Do you think I should apply for this job?
 You should be careful about the food you eat.
 You should boil tap water before you drink it.
 You shouldn't eat crisps.
 You shouldn’t cross the road without looking. suggestion

asking for advice
giving advice

ought to / ought not to+inf.
• We can use (ought to / ought not to) instead of (should / shouldn’t) to give advice. The negative form (ought not to) is not very common.
يمكن استخدام (ought to / ought not to) بدلاً من(should / shouldn’t) لإعطاء النصيحة , ولكن (ought not to) غير شائعة الإستخدام.
 You ought to bathe more often in hot weather.
 You ought not to stay up late at night.

should + inf. shouldn’t + inf.
It's better to
It’s good for you to
It’s a good idea to
It's desirable to
It's advisable (for + object) to
I advise you to
You had better
It will be a good idea to
It would be sensible to
The best thing to do…is to
If I were you, I'd

inf. It's better not to
It’s not good for you to
It's not a good idea to
It's undesirable to
It's inadvisable to
I advise you not to
You had better not
It won't be a good idea to
It would be unsensible to
The best thing not to do…is to
If I were you, I wouldn’t
It would be better if +ماضى بسيط + فاعل
I suggest + v.+ing It wouldn’t be better if + ماضى بسيط + فاعل
I suggest not + v.+ing
(be supposed to) + inf. = (should / ought to) + inf. لاحظ أن

must / mustn’t + inf.
We use must to
1. Talk about strong internal feelings of obligation; (when the speaker decides that something is necessary)
 للحديث عن مشاعر داخلية قوية ضرورية , عندما يقرر المتحدث بأن شىء ما ضرورى
 I must finish this report by tomorrow. (The speakers decides)
 We must tell the truth.

2. Talk about a rule or law  للحديث عن الإلتزام بقاعدة أو قانون.
 You mustn’t smoke in hospitals.
 Drivers and passengers of motorcycles must wear helmets.

3. Give strong advice  لإعطاء نصيحة قوية.
 You must wash your hands before you eat.
 You mustn’t be late or dad will be angry.

4. Show sincere feelings or invitations  لإظهار مشاعر ودعوات صادقة.
 You must come and see us at the weekend.
 You must try a piece of my cake.

must + inf. mustn't + inf.
It's necessary to
It’s obligatory to
فاعل + be obliged to

inf. It’s not necessary to غير ضرورى
It's against the law to ضد القانون
It's illegal to غير قانونى
It's prohibited to مُحرم inf.
It's banned ممنوع/محظور
It's forbidden to ممنوع
It's not allowed غير مسموح
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:57

William Shakespeare
lesson 1 SB page 46 realise يُدرك
definitely بكل تأكيد - بشكل واضح damage (v. /n.) يُتلف - يُدمر
theater مسرح decision قرار
globe نموذج كرة أرضية lesson 4 SB page 49
glove maker صانع قفازات discover يكتشف
financial problems مشاكل مالية terrible mistake خطأ فظيع / سىء
daughter ابنه soldier جُندى
actor مُمثل save يُنقذ
poem قصيدة capture يأسر
patron كفيل - راعى prison سجن
well-known معروف believe يُصدق / يؤمن
perform يُؤدى - يُمثل risk يُخاطر
group مجموعة ashamed خجول
probably من المحتمل guilty مُذنب
part-own يُشارك فى ملكية - يملك جزء university جامعة
artist فنان wind رياح
musician موسيقار library مكتبة
king ملك luckily لُحسن الحظ
owner مالك - صاحب lesson 5 SB page 50
large كبير - ضخم modern حديث
WB page 38 programme برنامج
airport مطار Shakespearean خاصة بشكسبير
injured مجروح - مُصاب turning point نُقطة تحول
road accident حادثة طريق feelings مشاعر
address عنوان quality سمة / مِيزة / خاصية
diary مُفكرة يومية WB page 40
lesson 3 SB page 48 include يتضمن / يشمل
country دولة several مُتعدد / عديد
obvious واضح effect تأثير
wander يتجول opposite مُقابل - مُضاد

Conjugation of irregular verbs تصريف الأفعال الشاذة
Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P. Presentالمضارع Pastالماضى P.P.
leave يترك left left wear يرتدى wore worn
dream يحلم dreamt dreamt beat يهزم beat beaten
understand understood understood steal يسرق stole stolen

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

a piece of information جزء من المعلومات It's obvious to him + جملة من الواضح له
angry with غضبان من شخص know how to + inf. يعرف كيف ...
ask …. to + inf. يطلب من ...ان ... leave for يُغادر الى
come back يعود / يرجع live on money from يعيش على مال من
do quiz يؤدى اختبار قصير/ مسابقة معلومات make a mistake يُخطىء / يرتكب خطأً
find out يكتشف make money يكون مال
give his country to يُعطى مُلكه لـ put someone into prisonيسجن شخص ما
go into يدخل refer to يُشير الى
go on holiday يذهب فى أجازة send away ينفى - يستبعد
go out يخرج start by + v.+ing يبدأ بـ
good at جيد فى take…back from.. يسترجع / يُعيد.. من..
hear from يسمع عن tell the truth يُخبر الصدق
I'd like to + inf. أحب أن wander around يتجول فى/ حول

Derivatives المشتقات
Verb Noun Adjective

................ art
artist عمل فني / فن
decide يُقرر decision قرار decisive حاسم / قاطع
effect يؤثر affect تأثير effective مُؤثر / فعال

يُمول finance
financier تمويل/إدارة الأموال
مالى / مادى

................ globe
globalization الأرض / العالم
injure يُصيب injury إصابة injured مُصاب
marry يتزوج marriage زواج married مُتزوج
mistake يُخطىء mistake خطأ mistaken مُخطىء
perform يُمثل performance تمثيل performable
realize يُدرك realization ادراك realizable مُمكن إدراكه

Definitions التعريفات

actor someone who performs in a play or film
patron someone who supports or gives money to an organization, artist, musical performer, etc.
perform to do something to entertain people, especially in public
theater a building with a stage where plays are performed
financial relating to money or how money is managed
obvious clear; easy to see, recognize or understand
wander to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction (aimlessly)
beat win a fight against someone

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية

مسرحية a story that is written to be performed by actors in a theater
♠ Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's greatest plays.
قصة a description of a series of real or imaginary events which is told or written to entertain people
♠ She read the story of Cinderella several times.
رواية a long printed story about imaginary characters and events
♠ The stories of Charles Dickens are very great.

مسرح a building with a stage where plays are performed
♠ King Lear will be performed in this theatre.
سينما a building where people go and pay to see films
♠ I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
خشبة المسرح the area in a theatre which is often raised above ground level and on which actors or entertainers perform
♠ The actor was on the stage for hours.

the number of the house, name of the road and town where a person lives or works and where letters can be sent
♠ I forgot to give Sami my address.
يخاطب - يوجه to speak or write to someone
♠ You should address your question to the chairman.
يوجه الإهتمام بـ to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
♠ The issue of funding مسألة التمويل has yet to be addressed.

يتجول to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction (aimlessly)
♠ I spent the night wandering around the village.
يتساءل to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something
♠ I sometimes wonder why I trust him.

يُدرك to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
♠ They didn't realize the danger they were in.
يُحقق to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort
♠ He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work harder.

reachيصل الى يتبعها مفعول ♠ They finally reached the coast after five weeks sailing.
يصل الى ولا يتبعها مفعول ♠ It was dark by the time we arrived at the station.
♠ We arrived in Cairo later that day.

يأسر to take someone as a prisoner, or to take something into your possession, especially by force
♠ Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.
يقبضر على If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime which they might have committed
♠ He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

راعى a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money
♠ Coca Cola is a well-known patron of several matches.
عائل الأسرة the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs
♠ Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family.

مسابقة a game where (in which) people answer questions
♠ There is a very interesting quiz show on TV.
امتحان an official test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject
♠ How many pupils are taking the geography exam this term?

يتقاعد to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
♠ People usually retire at the age of 60.
give up
يستلم to stop trying to guess
♠ You'll never guess the answer - do you give up?

angry with
يغضب من شخص
angry about
يغضب من شىء a strong feeling because someone has behaved badly to you or a situation is wrong or unfair
♠ King Lear was angry with his daughter Cordelia.
♠ The boy was angry about the way his father treats him with.

Form التكوين


past perfect
, فاعل + would, could, might have + p.p
إذا – لو ماضى تام

Usage الإستخدام
1. It is used to express situations happened in the past and it is impossible to change them or situations that are impossible because they didn’t happen in the past; (imaginary situations.)
تُستخدم للتعبير عن مواقف تمت فى الماضى ويستحيل تغييرها, أو مواقف مستحيلة لأنها لم تحدث فى الماضى(مواقف خيالية).
 If you hadn’t gone to Italy, you wouldn’t have met Mario.
(You went to Italy and you met Mario.)
 If I had run faster, I would have won the race.
(I didn’t run faster, so I didn’t win the race.)
 If we had bought a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.
(We didn’t buy a map and we are lost)

2. It is also used to express regrets.
تُستخدم للتعبير عن الندم
 If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have made such a big mistake.

interrogative الإستفهام

What would have happened if + فاعل + ماضى تام?
What would + فاعل + have + p.p + if + فاعل + ماضى تام?

 If Shakespeare hadn’t gone to school, he wouldn’t have learned to read and write well.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?
 If Shakespeare hadn’t found a patron, he wouldn’t have become a famous writer.
 What………………………………………………………………………………………?

4. يمكن استخدام In case of بدلاً من If فى الإثبات و يأتى بعدها(v.+ing/n.)
If he had studied hard, he would have come first.
In case of his hard study / studying, he would have come first.

5. يمكن استخدام (Unless) بدلاً من (النفى + (If مع بقاء جواب الشرط كما هو دون تغيير.
If he hadn’t come early, he wouldn’t have entered. (Unless)
Unless he had come early, he wouldn’t have entered.

6. يمكن استخدام (Without / But for) بدلاً من (النفى + (If أو (Unless) مع مراعاة أن (Without / But for) يأتى بعدهم ( اسم أو (v.+ing.
 If Shakespeare hadn’t gone to school, he wouldn’t have learned to read and write well.
- Without going to school, Shakespeare wouldn’t have learned to read and write
 Unless I had advised him, he wouldn't have achieved his goal.
- But for my advice, he wouldn't have achieved his goal.

5. يمكن استخدام Had مكان If فى الحالة الثالثة كفعل مساعد.
 If he arrived early, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
- Had he arrived early, he wouldn’t have missed the train

6. يمكن استخدام (Had …… not) لتحل محل (Unless) فى الحالة الثالثة.
 Unless he had worked hard, he wouldn’t have reached his goal.
- Had he not worked hard, he wouldn’t have reached his goal.

7. نستخدم الحالة الثالثة إذا كانت الجملتان ماضى بسيط (افتراض مستحيل/عكسه تم فى الماضى أو ندم) مع تحويل النفى الى اثبات والعكس.
 He didn’t get high marks because he didn’t study hard. (If)
- If he had studied hard, he would have got high marks.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 4:59

It s a small world!
lesson 1 SB page 51 patient مريض
expensive غالى الثمن immediately على الفور - فى الحال
cost يتكلف - تكلفة swimming pool حمام سباحة
price ثمن - سعر politely بأدب
sky high غالِ جداً refuse يرفض
public transport مواصلات عامة lesson 3 SB page 53
overcrowded مُزدحم the capital العاصمة
foreign tourist سائح أجنبى important هام - مهم
historic تاريخى business centres مراكز تجارية
museum متحف busy port ميناء مُزدحم
theatre مسرح harbour ميناء
beautiful جميل symbol رمز
advantages مزايا freedom حرية
disadvantages عيوب welcome يُرحب بـ - يستقبل
Londers سكان لندن skyscraper ناطحة سحاب
positive إيجابى popular محبوب
cross يعبر the Eiffel Tower بج إيفل
architecture فن العمارة structure بناء - تركيب
entertainment تسلية - ترفيه population سكان
safety الأمان wide roads طُرق واسعة
WB page 41 the worst pollution أسوء تلوث
sightseeing مشاهدة المعالم السياحية emperor إمبراطور
criticise ينتقد palace قصر
try best empty يُفرغ - فارغ
lesson 2 SB page 52 proud فخور
follow يتبع dangerous خطير
difference اختلاف safe آمن
imply يَدُلّ - يَعْني ضِمناً narrow ضيق
WB page 42 well-known معروف - مشهور
scientist عالِم lesson 4 SB page 54

the Arab world العالم العربى area منطقة
the Ancient Egyptian المصريين القدماء quiet هادىء
especially خاصةً lesson 5 SB page 55
identify يُعين - يُحدد exactly بالضبط / تماماً
represent تُمثل - ترمز الى imagine يتخيل
tourist agencies وكلات سياحية Opera House دار الأوبرا
advertising إعلان National Assembly الجمعية الوطنية
monuments آثار Louvre اللوفر (متحف فى فرنسا)
employment توظيف WB page 44
range of shops سلسلة من الجبال poster مُلصق إعلانى
facilities تسهيلات low prices أسعار منخفضة
benefits فوائد the River Thames نهر التايمز (أطول نهر فى انجلترا)
WB page 43 London Eye عين لندن(مكان مشهور فى لندن)
modest مُتواضع article مقال

Phrases, expressions, idioms and prepositions
عبارات وتعبيرات ومصطلحات وحروف جر ( بترتيب أبجدى )

agree to يوافق على القيام شىء from all over the worldمن جميع انحاء العالم
agree with يتفق مع شخص get for
apologise for يعتزر على get to يصل الى
around the world in ten minutes
حول العالم فى عشر دقائق go up يصعد
in the middle of فى منتصف
at the entrance of فى مدخل on the underground فى مترو الأنفاق
be afraid of خائف من seven percent of سبعة فى المائة من
be ashamed of + (n. / v.ing)خجلان من stand in = lie in = be located / situated in يقع فى
be ashamed to + inf. خجلان من
be pleased to مسرور من the Chrysler Buildingمبنى كرايسلر(نيويورك)
come on أسرع the Empire State Building
مبنى الإمباير ستيت (نيويورك)
Don’t miss a visit to .. لاتفوتك زيارة لـ
drive through يقود من خلال the home of بيت - موطن لـ
fill with يملىء بـ the Statue of Liberty تمثال الحرية
four-year-old ذو أربع سنوات the whole of Paris

Derivatives المشتقات
Verb Noun Adjective

ينتقد critic
criticism ناقد
express يعبر عن expression تعبير expressive مُعبر
free يُطلق سراح freedom حرية free حُر
hate يكره hatred كراهية hateful مكروه
identify يُحدد identification تحديد identifiable يمكن تحديده
liberate يُحرر liberty حرية liberated حُر
modernise يُحدث modernization تحديث modern حديث
refuse يرفض refusal رفض …..…..
symbolise يرمز symbol رمز symbolic رمزى

Definitions التعريفات
public provided or available for anyone to use
ashamed feeling guilty or embarrassed خَجَلْ about something you have done or a quality in your character
criticise to express disapproval استنكار of someone or something
foreign (adj.) belonging or connected to a country which is not your own
foreigner (n.) a person who comes from another country
overcrowded containing or filled with too many people or things
population the number of people living in an area, country, etc.
freedom the right to live your life the way you want to, make your own decisions, express your own opinion, etc. without being prevented or controlled
harbour an area of water next to the land where ships can stay safely
structure something that has been built
symbol a picture, object, etc., that is the sign of a particular quality, idea or organization
emperor a kind of king; a male ruler of an empire امبراطورية
palace a large house for a king or queen or other person of high social rank
skyscraper a very tall modern building, usually in a city

Language notes ملاحظات لغوية
put on يرتدى to put clothes on your body ♠ Put on your coat and go home.
put off يؤجل to delay doing something ♠ It rained so they put off the picnic.
put out يُطفىء to put a fire from burning ♠ The rain put out the fire.

ashamed of +(v.+ing) (n.) ♠ She is ashamed of making this silly mistake.
♠ The boy felt ashamed of his bad behaviour.
ashamed to + inf. ♠ I'm ashamed to see the underground very dirty.
ashamed that + جملة ♠ Ali is ashamed that he forgot his book.
shyخجول / حَييّ ♠ She is too shy to answer questions in class.
♠ Children are often shy of/with people they don't know.

agree with+شخص يتفق مع شخص فى الرأى ♠ You are right. I agree with you.
agree to يوافق على خطة/فكرة/نظام شىء+ ♠ We all agreed to his plan.
agree to + inf. يوافق على عمل شىء ♠ Sami agreed to lend me his book.

hope + to + inf. ♠ I hope to be a doctor.
hope + مفعول + to + inf. ♠ We hoped him to pass the test.
hope (that) + فاعل + will + inf. ♠ I hope that the presidential election will go well.
hoped (that) +فاعل +would +inf. ♠ They hoped that he would win the race.

follow يتبع to obey or to act as ordered by someone
♠ Muslims follow the teachings of the Koran.
fellow رفيق a man, used especially in the past by people in a higher social class
♠ What a strange fellow he is!

مرسى تلجأ الية السفن للرسو an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter
♠ Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour of Alex.
ميناء لشحن وتفريغ السفن a town by the sea or by a river which has a harbour, or the harbour itself
♠ Alexandria is a major port.

الحرية فى الحياة بالطريقة التى تريدها the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited
♠ Freedom of speech and freedom of thought were both denied during Mubarak's rule.
حرية (تساوى الناس فى الحقوق الإجتماعية) when people have the same political and social rights as others for example the right to vote or criticise the government
♠ The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all.

fill in = complete the space يملىء فراغ(فى استمارة..) ♠ He asked me to fill in a tax form.
fill with يملىء إناء (مع ذكر المادة) ♠ I filled the bottle with water.

فائدة a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help
♠ The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town.
يستفيد / يُفيد to be helped by something or to help someone
♠ I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom.
♠ How can we benefit those who most need our help?
فائدة مالية money which is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money
♠ The money was repaid with interest.

مشغول / كثير الحركة / مزدحم working hard, or giving your attention to a particular thing
♠ The kids are busy with their homework.
a busy place is full of activity or people
♠ Their house is near a very busy road.
مشغول / مُحْتَل للأماكن describes a place that is being controlled by an army or group of people that has moved into it
♠ Is this seat occupied?
♠ She spent two years in occupied Paris during the war.

طويل of more than average height, or of a particular height
a tall girl – a tall building
مرتفع (especially of things that are not living) being a large distance from top to bottom or a long way above the ground, or having the stated distance from top to bottom
a high building – a high mountain – high ceilings
طويل being a distance between two points which is more than average or usual (long hair – long legs – a long dress)

centre (n.)
a place or building, especially one where a particular activity happens (a sports – leisure – health – shopping) centre
the middle point or part
♠ There was a large table in the centre of the room.
middle (n.)
the central point, position or part
♠ He was standing in the middle of the road.
in a central position
Jane sits at the middle desk, between Sue and Karen.

مدخل (مكان الدخول) a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place
♠ The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance of the harbour.
دخول when you enter a place or join a particular society or organization
♠ I can't go down that street. There's a 'No entry' sign.

Verbs followed by (to + inf.)

أفعال يأتى بعدها ( ( to + inf.

agree يوافق threaten يُهدد pretend يتظاهر
arrange يرتب want يريد deserve يستحق
decide يقرر wish يتمنى demand يطلب
expect يتوقع refuse يرفض dare يجرؤ
hope يأمل manage يتمكن claim يزعم / يدعى
learn يتعلم afford يتحمل appear يظهر
offer يُقدم forget ينسى seem يبدو
plan يُخطط fail يرسب attempt يحاول
promise يَعِدْ mean ينوى tend يميل الى
 We are planning to live in Cairo.
 I don’t want to buy a new house.

Verbs + object + (to + inf.)

أفعال يأتى بعدها مفعول ثم ( ( to + inf.

expect يتوقع teach يُعلم remind يُذكر
want يريد tell يُخبر warn يُحذر
order يطلب help يساعد inform يُخبر / يُبلِّغ
ask يسأل / يطلب train يُدرب force يُجبر
invite يدعو enable يُمكن instruct يُعطى تعليمات
cause يُسبب persuade يُقنع take تستغرق
advise ينصح forbid يمنع encourage يُشجع
permit يسمح / يأذن allow يسمح / يأذن recommend يوصى بـ
 My teacher advised us to study harder.
 Do you think Dad will allow you to go to Jamie's party?
 He didn't allow us enough time to finish the test.

Verbs + object + ( inf. )

let يسمح make يجعل see يرى
help يساعد would rather يُفضل had better يُفضل
 The teacher let me leave early.
 Yesterday, I saw Ali walk along the street.

Verbs followed by (v.+ing)

أفعال يأتى بعدها ( ( v.+ing

enjoy يستمتع miss يفقد fancy يتخيل / يتصور
mind يُمانع risk يخاطر involve يتضمن/ يستلزم
finish ينتهى prevent يمنع admit يعترف بـ
come يأتى practise يمارس delay يؤجل
go يذهب give up يتوقف عن postpone يؤجل
suggest يقترح keep (on) يستمر put off يؤجل
deny يُُنكر avoid يتجنب recommend يوصى بـ
advise ينصح encourage يُشجع permit يسمح
 You should avoid going out at night.
 I don’t mind helping you.
 I'd advise waiting until tomorrow.

Verbs + object + (v.+ing)

أفعال يأتى بعدها مفعول ثم ((v.+ ing

stop يتوقف waste يُبدد keep يحفظ
spend يقضى loss يفقد imagine يتخيل
find يجد smell يشم mind يمانع
 I can smell something burning.
 I can't imagine Sami riding a motorbike.
 Sorry to keep you waiting so long.
 Do you mind me smoking?

Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing)

أفعال يأتى بعدها (to+ inf.)أو (v.+ing) بدون فرق فى المعنى أو وجود فرق بسيط
يُستخدمGerund اذا كان الكلام بصفة عامة و يستخدم to + inf. في المواقف المحددة

prefer يفضل hate يكره start يبدأ
like يحب dislike يكره begin يبدأ
love يحب intend ينوى continue يستمر
 I like swimming. = (a general statement)
 I like to swim. It’s fine now. = ( a particular occasion)

Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing)

أفعال يأتى بعدها (to+ inf.)أو (v.+ing)
مع وجود إختلاف فى المعنى

remember يتذكر forget ينسى regret يندم
stop يتوقف try يحول go on يستمر

هذه الأفعال إذا جاء بعدها (Gerund)تدل على ان الحدث قد انتهى أما اذا جاء بعدها (to +inf.) فتدل على ان الحدث لم يتم بعد

remember + (to + inf.) يتذكر أن يفعل شيئاً ما ثم يفعله
remember + (v. + ing) يتذكر أنه قد فعل شيئاً ما فى الماضى
He remembered to see the man. = He remembered and then saw the man.
He remembered seeing the man. = He saw the man and later remembered.

stop + (to + inf.) يتوقف لغرض (لكى يفعل شىء ما)
stop + (v. + ing) يتوقف عن فعل شىء لفترة قصيرة أو بصفة دائمة
 He stopped to listen to music. = He stopped what he was doing to listen to music.
 He stopped listening to music. = He didn’t listen to music any more.

forget + (to + inf.) ينسى أن يفعل شىء ما (أى لم يفعل الشىء)
forget + (v. + ing) ينسى أنه فعل شىء ما (أى أنه فعل الشىء)
 He forgot to lock the door. = He didn’t lock it.
 He forgot locking the door. = He locked it but couldn’t remember.

try + (to + inf.) يُحاول (يبذل مجهود لكى يفعل شىء ما)
try + (v. + ing) يُجرب شىء ما , وسيرى ما سوف يحدث
 Try to open the door. = See if you can open the door.
 Try opening the door. = What happens if you open the door?

regret + (to + inf.) يأسف أنه مضطر أن يفعل شىء ما
regret + (v. + ing) يندم على شىء فعله فى الماضى
 He regretted to tell you the bad news. = He was sorry that it was necessary to tell you the bad news.
 He regretted selling his car. = He was sorry that he had to sell it.

go on + (to + inf.) يستمر فى القيام بنفس الشىء
go on + (v. + ing) يستمر فى فعل أو قول شىء جديد
 We need to change. We can't go on living like this.
 After checking the homework, the teacher went on to explain the lesson.

بعض التعبيرات التى تُتبع بـ (v.+ing)

What / How about ما رأيك فى؟ feel like يرغب فى
Would / Do you mind ما رأيك فى؟ it's no use / good لا فائدة من
look forward to يتطلع الى be afraid of خائف من
prefer … to … يفضل ... عن ... be busy مشغول
be used-accustomed to مُعتاد على I can't help ليس بوسعى سوى
Thanks to بفضل I can't stand لا اتحمل
In addition to بالإضافة الى have difficulty in لديه صعوبة فى
 He is used to getting up early.
 It's no use hurrying, we have already missed the bus.
بعض التعبيرات التى تُتبع بـ (to + inf.)

would like would love would prefer
would hate be allowed be ashamed
 I'd like to read this story.
 He'd like to learn English.
 You aren’t allowed to park here.

It + be + adj. + to + inf.
 It is difficult to find a job nowadays.
 It was hard for him to recognize the criminal.

لاحظ الإختلاف بين الجُمل الآتية:
 He likes living in Cairo. (He lives in Cairo now.)
 He'd like to live in Cairo. (He doesn’t live in Cairo now.)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو vip
عضو vip

عدد المساهمات : 6816
نقاط : 6982
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2009

شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014   شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014 Emptyالسبت 11 يناير 2014 - 21:05

الله يـع’ـــطــيك الع’ــاأإأفــيه ..
.. بنتظـأإأإأر ج’ـــديــــدك الممـــيز ..
.. تقــبل م’ـــروري ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح مميز وجديد لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى ترم اول منهج جديد 2014
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح مميز لمنهج القراءة الترم الثانى الصف الاول الثانوى منهج 2014
» تحميل المراجعة الشاملة لمنهج اللغة العربية الصف الأول الثانوى ترم أول منهج جديد 2014
» شرح مميز للوحدتين 11-12 لغة انجليزية الصف الاول الثانوى الترم الثانى منهج 2014
» المحذوف من منهج اللغة الانجليزية الترم الثانى من الصف الاول الابتدائى الى الثالث الثانوى لعام 2014 فقط
» تحميل الكتاب المدرسى لمنهج اللغة العربية الصف الاول الثانوى 2014

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الأول الثانوى-
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