منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway   شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway Emptyالجمعة 3 يناير 2014 - 3:45

Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway
sort نوع illness مرض
talented موهوب full life حياة حافلة
writer كاتب exciting مثير
guest ضيف well-known = famous معروف / مشهور
host مضيف popular محبوب
hostess مضيفة fight / fought / fought يحارب
studio استوديو (اذاعة / تليفزيون) injured = hurt مصاب / مجروح (فى حادث)
knowledgeable واسع المعرفة grandfather جد
ordinary عادى nearly تقريبا
childhood طفولة runner عداء
subject موضوع apprentice صبى (يتعلم مهنة)
outdoor خارج المنزل bait طعم (السمك)
fishing صيد السمك continue يستمر فى
camping المعيشة فى معسكر fishing line صنارة و خيط لصيد السمك
short stories قصص قصيرة skeleton هيكل عظمى
poems قصائد شعرية alone بمفرده
poetry الشعر fisherman صياد سمك
poet شاعر marlin سمك المارلين
join يلتحق بـ boat قارب
The Red Cross الصليب الأحمر sail يبحر
war حرب sharks أسماك القرش
wartime وقت الحرب attack يهاجم
The First World War الحرب العالمية الأولى remain يبقى / يظل
The Second World War الحرب العالمية الثانية glad مسرور
ambulance سيارة اسعاف promise يعد
wounded مجروح (بسلاح) crash يصدم
report يكتب تقرير skill مهارة
reporter مراسل صحفى fishing rod قصبة أو بوصة لصيد السمك
afterwards بعد ذلك strong قوى
journalist صحفى bones عظام
journalism الصحافة human بشرى
fiction أدب خيالى salmon سمك السلمون
A Farwell to Arms وداعا للسلاح escape يهرب
For Whom the Bell Tolls لمن تدق الاجراس determined مصمم / عازم
The Old Man and the Sea العجوز و البحر stamina قوة / قدرة على الاحتمال
novel رواية nature الطبيعة
successful ناجح prove يثبت / يبرهن
literature الأدب survive يبقى على قيد الحياة
will-power قوة الارادة include يشمل / يتضمن
reserves احتياطى elements عناصر
strength قوة main points النقاط الرئيسية
need حاجة / يحتاج desire رغبة
arise / arose / arisen يحدث / ينشأ / يظهر storm عاصفة
pride فخر / عزة lifeboat قارب نجاة
bring / brought / brought يحضر weight وزن
reasons أسباب hunger جوع
role model نموذج burn يحترق
alive حى / على قيد الحياة title عنوان / لقب
climb يتسلق sink يغرق / يغوص
Mount Everest جبل افريست compare يقارن
huge ضخم push يدفع
presenter مقدم activities أنشطة
imaginary خيالى dangerous خطير
summary ملخص suddenly فجأة

Idioms & Expressions

knowledgeable on (about) واسع الاطلاع بـ sail into يبحر فى
go back to يرجع الى lose weight يفقد الوزن
report on يكتب تقرير عن / يبلغ عن die of hunger يموت من الجوع
suffer from يعانى من stay alive يظل حيا
tell about يخبر عن get back home يرجع للمنزل
know about يعرف عن call on يستدعى
have an accident يحدث له حادث according to طبقا لـ / حسب
sail out to sea يبحر فى البحر in detail بالتفصيل
catch fish يصطاد سمك do a job يؤدى وظيفة
be in great pain يتألم بشدة give up يترك / يتخلى عن / يستسلم
pay for يدفع ثمن write about (on) يكتب عن
worried about قلق على hear about يسمع عن
fight against يحارب ضد talk to يتحدث الى
think of (about) يفكر فى attached to ملحق بـ
lose his job يفقد وظيفته consist of يتكون من

Confusable Words

 on / at / in:
 on: مع الأيام و التواريخ on نستخدم
on Friday on17th October 1961 on my birthday
on Christmas Day on the morning of on the first day
 at: مع أوقات اليوم و تعبيرات مثل at نستخدم
at 7 o’clock at sunset at lunch time at midnight
at night at weekends at the end of at first
at the beginning of
 in:
مع الفترات الطويلة (مثل الشهور و السنين و الفصول) و تعبيرات مثل in نستخدم
in October in 2004 in the 20th century in the past
in winter in the 1990s in the future in the end
in the morning / afternoon / evening in the middle of

 indoor / indoors:
 indoor (adj.): داخل المنزل أو مكان مغلق (صفة يليها اسم)
- Chess is an indoor game.
 indoors (adv.): داخل المنزل أو مكان مغلق (ظرف مكان)
- He spent the whole day indoors.

 outdoor / outdoors:
 outdoor (adj.): خارج المنزل (صفة يليها اسم)
- Football is an outdoor game.
 outdoors (adv.): خارج المنزل (ظرف مكان)
- He spent the whole day outdoors.

 manage to / succeed in:
 manage + to + مصدر : يتمكن من
 succeed in + v. + ing: ينجح فى
- He managed to get the driving test. (succeeded)
- He succeeded in getting the driving test.

 reason / cause:
 reason for + noun / v. + ing: سبب / مبرِّر
- I don’t know the reason for his failure.
 cause of: سبب
- What was the cause of the fire?

Language Notes

 go + v. + ing: تستخدم هذه الصيغة مع عدد من الأنشطة و بخاصة الأنشطة الرياضية
- go fishing يذهب لصيد السمك - go swimming يذهب للسباحة
- go camping يذهب للاقامة فى معسكر - go walking يذهب للنزهة

 go for + a / an + اسم :
- go for a swim يذهب للسباحة - go for a drive يذهب للنزهة بالسيارة

 spend + time + v. + ing: يقضى الوقت فى
- He spent many years studying medicine

 keep + v. + ing: يبقى / يستمر فى
- He keeps trying to deceive me.

 without + v. + ing: بدون
- He entered the house. He wasn't seen by anybody. (without)
He entered the house without being seen by anybody.

 learn يتعلم + how to + مصدر / to + مصدر :
بعد الفعل learn نستخدم (مصدر (how to + أو (مصدر (to +
- I'm learning (how) to play the piano.

 capable of + v. + ing: قادر على
- Ali can climb any tree. (capable)
Ali is capable of climbing any tree.

 most + adj. صفة = very + adj. صفة:
- The article I’ve just read was very interesting. (most)
- The article I’ve just read was most interesting.

Reading & Critical Thinking

Ernest Hemingway

 Hemingway was a very talented American writer. He had quite an ordinary childhood. He was born in Chicago in 1899, and was the second of six children. His father was a doctor and his mother was a music teacher. He really loved the outdoor life and spent a lot of time walking, camping and fishing. He started to write at the age of 16. He started writing poems and short stories for his school magazine. He usually wrote about his own life. He left school at 18 and went to Italy to join the Red Cross. It was during the First World War. He drove an ambulance. He was badly wounded there. He was the first American to be wounded in the war. After the war he returned to America and married Hadley Richardson.
 In 1922 he and his wife went back to Europe (Paris) where he worked as a journalist, reporting news stories of all kinds. He met many famous writers in Paris and soon afterwards decided to give up journalism and write fiction. He wrote his first big novel "A farewell to Arms" in 1929. It was a story of love in wartime Italy. Then he wrote a novel called "For Whom the Bell Tolls?" in 1940. It was about the war in Spain. After that he didn't write fiction for a few years because he became a journalist again and reported on the Second World War. His next well-known book was "The old Man and the Sea", which was shorter than his other novels and that was his most successful book. In 1953, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. For the rest of his life, he suffered from illness and died in 1961.

 Questions & answers:
1- What do you know about Ernest Hemingway?
- He was a very talented American writer.

2- Where and when was Ernest Hemingway born?
- He was born inn Chicago in 1899.

3- What sort of family did Hemingway come from?
- He was the second of six children. His father was a doctor and his mother was a music teacher.

4- What do you know about Hemingway's childhood?
- He had a happy childhood. He loved the outdoor life and spent a lot of time walking, camping and fishing.

5- What did Hemingway start writing at the age of 16?
- He started writing poems and short stories for his school magazine. He usually wrote about his own life.

6- Why did Hemingway leave school at the age of 18 and go to Italy?
- To join the Red Cross during the First World War.

7- What happened to Hemingway during the First World War?
- He was badly injured during the First World War. He was the first American to be wounded in the war.

8- What did Hemingway do after the war?
- After the war he returned to America and married Hadley Richardson.

9- What did Hemingway do when he went to Paris in 1922?
- He worked as a journalist, reporting news stories of all kinds.

10- What did Hemingway decide to do when he gave up journalism?
- He decided to write fiction.

11- What was Hemingway's first novel? What was it about?
- It was "A Farewell to Arms". It was a story of love in wartime Italy.

12- What was Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" about?
- It was a novel about the war in Spain.

13- Why didn't Hemingway write fiction for a few years?
- Because he became a journalist and reported on the Second World War.

14- What was Hemingway's most successful book?
- The Old Man and the Sea.

15- When did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for Literature?
- He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.

16- When did Hemingway die?
- He died in 1961.
The Old Man and the Sea

 It is a story about an old fisherman, Santiago, and his young apprentice, Manolin, who had not caught a fish for nearly 3 months. Manolin had been told by his parents to work with a more successful fisherman. But Manolin liked the old man and visited him every evening to talk to him. After 84 days with no fish, Santiago was sure he would catch something if he sailed a long way out to sea. So on the 85th day, the old man set off alone. By 12 o'clock on the first day, a big fish – marlin – had taken Santiago's bait. But because the old man was not strong enough to pull it to the boat, the marlin pulled the boat along. This continued for two days and nights. The old man was in great pain because he had the fishing line around his body. On the third day, the marlin was so tired that the old man managed to pull it to the side of the boat and kill it. He started to sail home, pulling the fish in the water behind the boat. He thought about how much money people would pay for his huge fish, but then sharks attacked the boat and tried to eat the marlin. The old man killed seven sharks, but during the night more sharks came and ate the marlin. Only its skeleton remained. When he got back home, it was very early morning.
 The old man was completely exhausted and went to bed. The other fishermen found Santiago's boat with the fish skeleton. Mandolin was worried about Santiago but was glad to find him sleeping at home. He brought him coffee and newspapers, and the two men promised they would go fishing together again one day.

 Questions & answers:
1- What was "The Old Man and the Sea" about?
- It was about an old fisherman, Santiago, and his young apprentice, Manolin, who had not caught a fish for nearly 3 months.

2- What was the old man's job in "The Old Man and the Sea"
- He was a fisherman.

3- Who was Manolin in "The Old Man and the Sea"?
- He was the old fisherman's young apprentice.

4- For how long was the old man at sea before he caught a fish?
- For nearly three months.

5- What did Manolin's parents advise him to do?
- They advised him to work with a more successful fisherman.

6- Why didn't Manolin leave the old man?
- Because he liked him.

7- Why do you think the old man was sure he would catch something if he sailed a long way?
- Because he never lost hope.

8- Why do you think the old man went fishing alone?
- To prove that he was still capable of surviving, despite his age.

9- What kind of fish took Santiago's bait?
- A big fish, marlin.

10- Why couldn't the old man pull the fish to the boat?
- Because he wasn't strong enough. / He was too old and weak.

11- What did the marlin do?
- It pulled the boat along.

12- Why was the old man in great pain?
- Because he had the fishing line around his body.

13- Why didn't the old man cut the fishing line?
- He was determined that the fish wouldn't escape.

14- Why did the old man able to kill the marline on the third day?
- Because it was so tired.

15- What did the old man do after he had killed the fish?
- He started to sail home, pulling the fish in the water behind the boat.

16- What did the old man think while he was sailing home?
- He thought about how much money people would pay for his huge fish.

17- What happened while the old man was sailing home?
- Sharks attacked the boat and tried to eat the marlin. The old man killed seven sharks, but during the night more sharks came and ate the marlin. Only its skeleton remained.

18- Why couldn't the old man sell the fish he had caught?
- Because it had been eaten by sharks.

19- Why did the old man go to bed when he got back home in the morning?
- Because he was completely exhausted.

20- What does the story of "The Old Man and the Sea" tell us?
- It tells us that Santiago had great stamina. He didn't want nature to beat him.

21- What does this story show us about people like Santiago?
- It shows us that those people have great reserves of strength and will-power which they can call on when the need arises.

22- Why do you think the young apprentice Manolin liked the old man so much? What did he learn from him?
- Manolin saw him as a great role model. He learned never to give up.

23- How do you feel about the old man at the end of the story?
- I respect his will-power and determination.
 Choose the correct answer:
1- My brother spent many years (study-studied-studying-studies) engineering.
2- My teachers are all very (knowledgeable-knowledge-know-known) about their subjects.
3- As a boy, Hemingway loved the (outdoors-indoors-inside-outdoor) life.
4- Hemingway decided to give (in-off-up-out) journalism and write fiction.
5- Novels are short stories are both kinds of (fancy-fiction-dream-science).
6- The witness told the police what had happened (at-in-for-on) detail.
7- Hemingway was a very (talented-talent-talents-tale) American writer.
8- My elder brother is worried (at-by-about-from) passing his exams.
9- When two countries fight each other, this means that they are at (peace-war-business-friendship).
10- The old man was completely (pleased-glad-refreshed-exhausted) after hard work, so he went to sleep.
11- The sharks ate the old man's fish and left only its (skeleton-meat-body-flesh).
12- The old man felt great (joy-pain-comfort-pleasure) because he had the fishing line round his body.
13- After the fish took the fisherman's (stone-ball-bell-bait), it could not escape.
14- The old fisherman (arrested-held-captured-caught) a huge fish last week.
15- My brother spent most of his time (indoor-indoors-outdoors-outdoor) walking, fishing and camping.
16- I enjoy watching (imaginary-imaginative-imagine-imagination) films.
17- Being a fisherman can be a (comfortable-dangerous-pleasing-pleasant) job.
18- (Buses-Planes-Trains-Lifeboats) are used to rescue passengers if a ship sinks.
19- You should learn how (use-to use-using-to using) the computer.
20- My sister is (able-enable-capable-ability) of driving a car.
21- When they are on holiday, they go (camping-camp-camps-to camping) outside.
22- My cat was (killed-survived-drowned-wounded) by a dog and cannot run very fast.
23- Hemingway lived a (full-filled-filling-fall) and exciting life.
24- A lot of people in Africa die (of-from-by-with) hunger every year.
25- He was furious because he (spent-wasted-missed-lost) his job.
26- An (actor-accountant-apprentice-engineer) is a young person who is learning how to do a job.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Abu-Heif managed to swim across the English Channel. (succeeded)
2- Noha can pass the driving test. (capable)
3- He answered all the questions. He didn't make any mistake. (without)
4- They went swimming last week. (a swim)
5- Mark could climb the mountain. (managed)

Language Focus

1) Adjectives الصفات

 لاحظ أن الصفات المنتهية بـ ed تصف العاقل و الصفات المنتهية بـ ing تصف غير العاقل.

-ed adjectives -ing adjectives
bored متضجر
excited منفعل / فرحان
interested مهتم
terrified مرعوب
tired متعب
surprised مندهش boring ممل
exciting مثير
interesting شيق
terrifying مرعب
tiring متعب
surprising مدهش

 Choose the correct answer:
1- We were (surprised-surprising-surprise-surprises) that he passed the exams.
2- Catherine finds music (interest-interests-interested-interesting).
3- The children are (boring-bored-bores-bore). They have nothing to do.
4- Mr Ali is always very (tires-tiring-tired-tire) when he gets home from work.
5- The book was so (excite-interest-interested-interesting) that I read it twice.
6- He was (excite-exciting-excited-excitement) when he knew he won the race.

Comparative & Superlative adjectives
صفات المقارنة و صفات التفضيل

 تستخدم صفات المقارنة مع than للمقارنة بين شخصين أو شيئين.
- I'm taller than my brother.
 تستخدم صفات التفضيل مع the للمقارنة بين أكثر شخصين أو شيئين.
- I'm the tallest student in the class.

 Short adjectives (One syllable): الصفات القصيرة (ذات مقطع واحد)

 الصفة التى تنتهى بحرفين ساكنين نضيف لها er عند المقارنة بين اثنين و نضع بعدها than و نضيف لها est عند المقارنة بين أكثر من اثنين و نضع قبلها the

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
tall طويل (للانسان)
short قصير
light خفيف
long طويل (للأشياء)
new جديد
oldقديم / كبير السن
cheap رخيص
fast سريع taller than
lighter than
longer than
newer than
older than
cheaper than
faster than the tallest
the shortest
the lightest
the longest
the newest
the oldest
the cheapest
the fastest

 الصفة التى تنتهى بحرف e نضيف لها r / st

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
nice لطيف
large كبير nicer than
larger than the tallest
the shortest

 الصفة التى تنتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك نضاعف الحرف الساكن و نضيف لها er / est

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
sad حزين
big كبير
fat بدين / سمين sadder than
bigger than
fatter than the saddest
the biggest
the fattest

 Longer adjectives (Two or more syllables):
صفات طويلة (ذات مقطعين أو أكثر)

 الصفة ذات المقطعين و تنتهى بحرف y نحول الـ y الى i نضيف لها er / est

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
heavy ثقيل
busy مشغول
noisy كثير الضوضاء
happy سعيد heavier than
busiest than
noisier than
happier than the heaviest
the busiest
the noisiest
the happiest

 بعض الصفات ذات مقطعين أو أكثر نستخدم (الصفة (more / most +

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
honest أمين / وفى
important مهم
expensive غالى
popular رائج / شعبى
successful ناجح
beautiful جميل
valuable قيم
intelligent زكى more honest than
more important than
more expensive than
more popular than
more successful than
more beautiful than
more valuable than
more intelligent than the most honest
the most important
the most expensive
the most popular
the most successful
the most beautiful
the most valuable
the most intelligent

- Hani is more honest than Ali.
- Hani is the most honest student in class.

 Irregular adjectives: صفات شاذة

Adjective الصفة Comparative مقارنة Superlative تفضيل
good جيد
bad سئ
many / much كثير
far بعيد
little قليل better than
worse than
more than
farther (further) than
less than the best
the worst
the most
the farthest (furthest)
the least
- Mark is a good student.
- Mark is better than Ali.
- Mark is the best student in the class.

 Other words and phrases used to compare:
كلمات و عبارات أخرى تستخدم للمقارنة
 لا حظ أن less / least عكس more / the most
- My car is less comfortable than yours, but Ali's is the least.
 نستخدم + as) صفة (as + عندما يتساوى الطرفان فى الصفة.
- Ali is as tall as Peter.
= They are the same height.
 نستخدم + as) صفة (not as (so) + عندما لا يتساوى الطرفان فى الصفة.
- Ali isn’t as old as Peter.
= Peter is the older of the two.


لاحظ أن + (as) اسم + as = the same + nounصفة as + adjective

Adjective صفة Noun اسم Adjective صفة Noun اسم
old age tall height
deep depth high height
expensive price heavy weight
long length wealthy wealth
wide width strong strength

- Rania is the same age as Rasha. (as old as)
Rania is as old as Rasha.
- Samy is as tall as Ramy. (the same)
Samy and Ramy are the same height.
Samy is the same height as Ramy.
 يمكن أن نحدد مقدار الصفة باستخدام a little / a bit / much / a lot of
- Going by bus is cheaper than going by plane. (a lot)
- Going by bus is a lot cheaper than going by plane.
- Going by plane is more expensive. (much)
- Going by plane is much more expensive.
 لاحظ هذه الصيغ

فاعل + فعل+ صفة تفضيل + فاعل + have / has + ever + pp
فاعل + has / have + never + pp + such a / an + صفة + اسم
فاعل + has / have + never + pp + a / an + صفة مقارنة + this one

- This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read. ( I have never / more)
I have never read such an interesting book.
I have never read a more interesting book than this one.

 Strong adjectives and adverbs of degree:
الصفات القوية و ظروف الدرجة

Ordinary عادية Strong قوية Ordinary عادية Strong قوية
tired متعب
frightening مخيف
cold بارد
unusual غير عادى exhausted مرهق
terrifying مرعب
freezing متجمد
incredible خيالى angry غاضب
hot ساخن
big كبير
bad سئ furious غضبان جدا
boiling غليان
enormous ضخم
terrible فظيع

 الصفات القوية يكون معناها أقوى بكثير من الصفات العادية
 نستخدم quite / very / rather / fairly مع الصفات العادية
- I'm very tired.
- The film was quite frightening.
 نستخدم absolutely / completely / really مع الصفات القوية
- The film was really / absolutely terrifying.

 لا حظ هذه الجمل و حلها:
- Some people laughed during the film, but I found it very frightening.(terrifying)
Some people laughed during the film, but I found it terrifying.
- After spending the night in the desert, the children were very cold. (freezing)
After spending the night in the desert, the children were freezing.
- Tarek told us a very unusual story. (incredible)
-Tarek told us an incredible story.

2) Adverbs الظروف
 الظروف هى كلمات تستخدم لوصف فعل أو صفة أو ظرف
 يتم تكوين الظرف باضافة ly للصفة

Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
quick سريع
slow بطئ
beautiful جميل quickly بسرعة
slowly ببطء
beautifully بطريقة جميلة

 بعض الكلمات تستخدم كصفات و ظروف مثل fast / hard / late
- He took a fast train. (adj. صفة )
- The train runs fast. (adv. ظرف )
 شواذ

Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
good جيد Well جيدا

 عند تحويل الصفة الى ظرف نحول الاسم الى فعل.
- He's a slow walker. (slowly)
He walks slowly.
- She's a beautiful singer. (sings)
She sings beautifully.
- He's a fast runner. (runs)
He runs fast.
- He's a bad driver. (badly)
He drives badly.
- She's a hard worker. (works)
She works hard.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- I think Paris is (more-most-the most-the least) beautiful than New York.
2- Seoul has the (high-highest-higher-highly) population in the world.
3- The pacific is the (biggest-bigger-big-tallest) ocean in the world.
4- Which is (long-longer-longest-length), the Nile or the Amazon?
5- The Nile is the (long-length-longer-longest) river in the world.
6- The warmer the weather, the (good-better-best-more good) I feel.
7- Sarah is the (young-younger-youngest-more young) of the two sisters.
8- Today is (a little-little-less-the least) hotter than yesterday.
9- Ayman is the (highest-longest-tallest-deepest) boy in our class.
10- Everest is the (high-higher-highest-highly) mountain in the world.
11- London isn’t (so-very-highly-a lot) hot as Cairo.
12- Everest is (high-higher-highest-highly) than Kilimanjaro.
13- The Old Man and the Sea is shorter (than-as-that-to) A Farewell to Arms.
14- The Nile is (most-least-less-the most) beautiful river I have ever seen.
15- He is (the best-good-better-best) football player I have ever met.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The Nile is the longest river in the world. (No other river………)
2- A very big elephant suddenly came out from behind the tree. (enormous)
3- Mark and Fady aren’t the same height. (as……as)
4- You didn’t pay as much money as I did. (more)
5- I have never met such a good friend. (the best)
6- Dalia and Mary are the same age. (as…..as)
7- He got the best marks in our class. (Nobody….)
8- My car is as expensive as yours. (the same)
9- Rania is the tallest girl in class. (taller)
10- Finland is colder than Egypt. (as hot as)
11- He is a careful driver. (carefully)
12- No city in Egypt is bigger than Cairo. (biggest)
13- Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (higher)
14- Ali plays football well. (good)
15- After the race, the athletes were very tired. (exhausted)

Language Functions

What you say Response
طلب الاذن - May I + inf……………..?
- Can I + inf……………..?
- Could I + inf……………?
- I wonder if I can + inf…….
Agreeing: موافقة
- Certainly. / Sure.
- Yes of course.
- Here you are.
Refusing: رفض
- Sorry, I need it myself.
- Congratulations!
- I congratulate you on + v. + ing / noun - Thanks a lot.
- Thank you very much.

Good Wishes
الأمنيات الطيبة - I wish you success.
- Good luck.
- I wish you a speedy recovery.
أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل - Thank you.
- Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You visit someone who is ill.
2- You meet a friend who has just passed his exams.
3- You want to use your friend's mobile.
4- Your friend congratulates you on your success.
5- Your friend wants to lend your camera.

Test 5

A) Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue between Salwa and Amina about music:
Salwa : Good morning, Amina.
Amina: Good morning, Salwa. ………………………………………………………….?
Salwa : I'm going to the music hall in the opera.
Amina: ………………………………………………………......?
Salwa : There is a lecture about folk music by Professor Qenawi Mousa.
Amina: ………………………………………………………………………..?
Salwa : He is going to talk about musical instruments all over Egypt.
Amina: You have aroused my interest. Can I come with you?
Salwa : …………………………………………………………………… .
Amina: Thank you, Salwa. Let's go now.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You visit your sick friend in hospital.
2- Your friend passed his exams.
3- You thank your friend for wishing you good luck.
4- You wonder if you can borrow your friend's camera.

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- My sister Mona is three years older ……………… me.
a) that b) than c) as d) for
2- This is ………….. film I've ever seen.
a) bad b) worse c) the worst d) worst
3- My father ……………… L.E. 3000 for the new computer.
a) cost b) paid c) owned d) bought
4- When I was on holiday, I ………….. swimming every day.
a) went b) go c) made d) had
5- If you want to learn a skill, you can become ………… and learn from your skilled employer.
a) a hero b) a trainer c) an assistant d) an apprentice
6- To many people, The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway's ……….. novel.
a) good b) best c) better d) well
7- Some people think that Dickens is the ………… important English novelist.
a) most b) more c) very d) much
8- Mona is …………….. than Noha.
a) as clever as b) cleverer c) the cleverest d) the most clever
9- Mount Everest is the …………….. mountain in the world.
a) high b) highest c) higher d) most high

10- Noha was ……………… after she cleaned the house all day. She slept for 12 hours after that.
a) absolutely exhausted b) absolutely tired c) very exhausted d) not tired

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile. (longest)
2- I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours. (exhausted)
3- No one in the family is older than Maha. (oldest)
4- When Ali heard he had lost his job, he was very angry. (furious)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Hemingway was a very talented American write. He started (1) …….. write at the age of 16. He (2)………… about his own life. He went to Italy to (3)…………… the Red Cross. It was during the First World War. He was badly (4)……………… . He wrote some novels. In 1953, he (5) ………….. the Nobel Prize for Literature. For the rest of his life, he suffered (6) ………………… illness and died in 1961.

C) Reading Comprehension & Set Books

6- Read the following passage and answer the questions:
The celebration of Mother's Day can be traced to the times of ancient Greece when tribute was paid to "Rhea" the Mother of the Gods. The next recorded tribute to Mother's was during the seventeenth century when England celebrated " Mothering Sunday” on the fourth Sunday of Lent.
In America, Julia Ward Howe, the author of " The Battle Hymn of the Republic", suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872. However, it is Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia who is credited with creating Mother's Day in 1905. She wanted to pay tribute to her Mother who had tried to establish Mother's Friendship Day to help heal the scars of the Civil War in America. In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to adopt a formal holiday to recognize Mothers. A year later, nearly every state officially marked the day of celebration. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.
Today Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world. Although they do not fall at the same time in every country, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium. Their families honor mothers by dining out, giving flowers, sending cards, giving gifts, and visits. Additionally, it is reported to be one of the busiest days of the year for telephone calls.
The celebration of Mother's Day should be every day. They are the ones who nurture us, teach us, protect us, and make us feel that we matter. Mothers are people in our lives who are most responsible for the way we grow and mature.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- When is Mother’s Day celebrated in America?
2- Who is responsible for making Mother’s Day a national holiday in America?
3- What state became the first state to adopt a formal holiday to recognize mothers?
4- Why should we celebrate Mother’s Day every day?

B) Choose the correct answer:
1- Anna Jarvis lived in …………………………. .
a) England b) Philadelphia c) Michigan d) Florida
2- Mothers are honored by their families on Mother’s Day by ………………. .
a) dining out b) cards c) flowers d) all of these
3- Who was the Mother of the gods in ancient Greece?
a) Anna b) Julia Ward Howe c) Virginia d) Rhea

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What do you know about Ernest Hemingway?
2- What was Hemingway's most successful book?
3- What kind of life did Hemingway live?
4- What was "The Old Man and the Sea" about?
5- What was the old man's job in "The Old Man and the Sea"?
6- Who was Manolin in "The Old Man and the Sea"?

D) The Novel

8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What remarkable memory did the writer have?
2- What made the writer's wife think that he ought to be a reporter for the newspapers?
3- How did the writer overcome his trouble with names?
4- Show that the stranger John was ungrateful to the writer.

B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"My memory for faces helps me a lot in business?
1- Who is the writer speaking to when he says this?
2- How does the writer use his memory for faces to help him in his business?
3- Name the two social activities which the writer mentions when he talks about being able to connect a face with a place.

E) Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"How to spend your free time"

F) Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Ernest Hemingway was a talented American writer.
2- Santiago couldn't catch a fish for a long time.

B) Translate into English:
دراجتى أغلى من دراجتك.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو vip
عضو vip

عدد المساهمات : 6816
نقاط : 6982
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2009

شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway   شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway Emptyالسبت 11 يناير 2014 - 21:09

الله يـع’ـــطــيك الع’ــاأإأفــيه ..
.. بنتظـأإأإأر ج’ـــديــــدك الممـــيز ..
.. تقــبل م’ـــروري ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح رائع للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 5 Ernest Hemingway
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع للوحدة التاسعة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 9 It's a small world
» شرح رائع للوحدة الأولى انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 1: Famous Egyptians
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثانية انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 2: Charles Dickens
» شرح رائع للوحدة الثالثة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 3 The power of the mind
» شرح رائع للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى اولى ثانوى Unit 4 People and their lives

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الأول الثانوى-
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