منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 14:34

match مباراة hope يأمل
health صحة enjoy يستمتع
conversation محادثة thank يشكر
phrase عبارة end × start ينهى × يبدأ
more أكثر feel – felt يشعر - شعر
possible ممكن meet – met يقابل – قابل
first time أول مرة send – sent يرسل - أرسل
better أفضل see – saw يرى – رأى
pleased مسرور later فيما بعد

ill × well مريض × بخير
receptionist موظف استقبال China الصين
university جامعة Malaysia ماليزيا
conference مؤتمر visit يزور – زيارة
leave يغادر flat شقة
call يتصل – ينادى together معاً
learn يتعلم come back يعود
medicines أدوية tourist سائح
come from ينتمى إلى company شركة
hospital مستشفى husband زوج
minute دقيقة during أثناء
Japan اليابان hotel فندق
Tokyo طوكيو stay يمكث – يبقى
Thailand تايلاند pyramids الأهرامات

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Nada was ill yesterday but she is ………… better today.
a) feeling b) filling c) failing d) falling
2- The opposite of "end " is ……….. .
a) finish b) start c) stop d) stand
3- The football ……….. we watched yesterday was exciting.
a) party b) watch c) match d) workshop
4- Ahmed ………….. me about my new computer.
a) answered b) did c) said d) asked
5- My father went to a ………….. about medicine yesterday.
a) conference b) library c) shop d) university
6- …………. come from different places to visit Egypt.
a) guides b) tourists c) pilots d) carpenters
7- China and India are ………….. in Asia.
a) cities b) continents c) countries d) oceans
8- Kamelia ……….. her trip to Luxor which was great.
a) went b) made c) walked d) enjoyed
9- Before I go to Paris, I want to …….. goodbye to my family.
a) say b) talk c) tell d) speak
10- Doctors usually work at ……………. .
a) clubs b) hospitals c) hotels d) offices

2- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- We look our friends at school. ………….……
2- The opposite of " well " is healthy. …………….....
3- I meat my friends in the club every Friday. ……………….
4- You can do this job easily. It is difficult. ……………....
5- Britain is a city in Europe. ……………….
6- Aya is a student. She teaches English and maths. …………
7- My father always lives the house at seven o'clock. ……….
8- There are four offices in our flat. ………………

- وظائف لغوية -
Reply Situation
Good morning Good morning صباح الخير
Good afternoon Good afternoonمساء الخير
Good evening Good evening مساء الخير
Hi – Hello Hi – Hello

Meeting someone for the first time:
مقابلة شخص لأول مرة
Reply Situation
How do you do? تشرفنا How do you do? تشرفنا
I'm fine, thanks بخير شوكً How are you? كيف حالك ؟
A lot better, thanksأفضل كثيرا How are things? كيف الأمور؟
Pleased to meet you, too
سررت للقائك أيضاً Pleased to meet you
سررت للقائك

Taking leave – Ending a conversation: إنهاء الحوار
Reply Situation
Goodbye – Bye bye Goodbye – Bye bye
See you later. أراك فيما بعد See you later. أراك فيما بعد
Bye for now مع السلامة الآن Bye for now مع السلامة الآن
Good night تصبح على خير Good night تصبح على خير

Asking about someone's health: السؤال عن صحة شخص
Reply Situation
I'm fine, thanks. بخير شوكً How are you? كيف حالك ؟
A lot better, thanks.
أحسن بكثير ، شوك How are things? كيف الأمور؟
How are you feeling?

Reply Situation
How do you do? Hello, I'm + اسم
Nice to meet you. This is + اسم
Pleased to meet you. I'd like you to meet + اسم


1- You greet a friend in the morning
- Good morning.
2- You meet a friend in the afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
3- You meet one of your friends in the evening.
- Good evening.
4- You meet a friend on your way to school.
- Hello. or Hi. How are you?
5- You are going to bed to sleep.
- Good night.
6- Your friend asks how you are. You reply.
- I'm fine, thanks.

7- You leave your friend to go home.
- Goodbye.
8- You meet your boss for the first time.
- How do you do? or Pleased to meet you.
9- Your friend introduces his brother to you.
- How do you do? or Pleased to meet you.
10- You visit your grandpa in hospital. You ask
about his health.
- How are you feeling? or How are things?


- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You meet your friend in the morning.
2- You meet your friend in the afternoon.
3- You meet your friend in the evening.
4- You meet someone for the first time.
5- You reply when your father asks "How are you?"
6- You leave your family to go to bed.
7- You leave your friend in the afternoon.
8- You meet your friend in the street.
9- You meet your boss for the first time.
10- Your friend Samy introduces Kamal to you.
11- You leave your teacher.
12- You meet a friend for the first time.
13- You leave your friend after finishing school.
14- You visit your grandma in hospital.
15- You meet your friend in the garden.
16- Your friend is vey ill and you ask about his health.

The Present Simple Tense

يوضع الفعل في التصريف الأول مع (I – You – We – They) و الجمع.
Ex: - I go to school by car everyday.
- We learn English at school.
إذا كان فاعل الجملة مفرد غائب مثل ( He – She – It – Ahmed …) - يضاف ( s ) للفعل .
Ex: - He drinks tea every morning.
- أو يضاف ( es ) للفعل مع الكلمات التي تنتهي بالحروف الآتية .......
( o – s – ch – sh – x )
go goes cross crosses
wash washes watch watches
Ex: - Sara goes to school by bus.
- الاستخدام:
يستخدم الفعل المضارع لكي يعبر عن حقائق ( facts ).
Ex: - The sun rises in the east.
- The earth goes round the sun.
 يعبر عن عادات و يستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية:
always دائما usually عادة every كل often غالبا
sometimes أحيانا generally عموما ever من قبل never أبدا

Ex: - I usually go to school on foot.
- He always drinks tea at 5 o'clock.
- نستخدم ( do – does ) فى السؤال و النفى و بعدهما الفعل فى المصدر .
- I / You / We / They do / don't
- He / She / it does / doesn't

- Do you like football?
Yes, I do or No, I don’t.
- Does he like tennis?
Yes, he does. or No, he doesn't.
- Where do you come from?
I come from Egypt.
- Where does she come from?
She comes from Japan.

- Choose:
1- He ( walk – walks – walked ) to school every day.
2- Salma ( visits – visit – is visiting ) us every week.
3- The moon ( go – went – goes ) round the earth.
4- Ali often ( do – does – done ) his homework at six.
5- I sometimes ( sweeps – sweep – swept ) the floor.
6- She always ( make – made – makes ) her bed.
7- He never ( go – went – goes ) to school late.
8- We always ( play – plays – played ) football at seven on
9- Every morning, Ahmed ( drink – drank – drinks ) a cup of
10- What time ( do – does – doing ) you leave for school
11- She ( write – wrote – writes ) many letters everyday.
12- In Egypt, it ( rains – rain – rained ) in winter.
13- Mr. Ahmed ( live – lives – lived ) in Mansoura.
14- Mr. Mohamed ( teaches – teach – taught ) us English .
15- They ( meet – meets – met ) in the club every week.

The Present Continuous Tense
القاعدة :
Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing.

- I …. am
- He / She / It … is
- We / You / They … are
Ex: - I am playing football now.
- She is reading a book at the moment.
- Look, they are playing basketball.
 يعبر عن حدث يحدث الآن و مستمر في الحدوث لم ينته بعد, و يأتى مع الكلمات الآتية:
Look انظر at the moment في هذه اللحظة now الآن
at the present time في الوقت الحاضر Listen استمع
Ex: - He is watching TV at the sitting room now.
- فى النفى نستخدم not بعد am – is – are
Ex: - The girl isn't singing now.
 يعبر عن حدث مخطط له في المستقبل.
Ex: - I am traveling to England next week.
- لاحظ هذه التركيبة من منهج الصف الثانى الاعدادى :
There + is / are + فاعل + v. + ing.
Ex: - There is a girl watering the flowers..
- لاحظ أن هذه الأفعال لا تأتى فى زمن المضارع المستمر، لكن فى المضارع البسيط:
- like – dislike – love – hate – want – know – prefer
understand – hear.
Ex: - Mona wants to leave now.

- come from + اسم بلد ينتمى إلى
I come from Egypt.
- by + وسيلة المواصات
She went to the conference by car.
- would like to + مصدر يريد أن
I would like to have some tea.
- hope to + مصدر يتمنى أن
I hope to see you again.
- want to + مصدر يريد أن
Do you want to play computer games with me?
- ask about يسأل عن
- do homework يعمل الواجب
- learn about يتعلم عن

- during + اسم أثناء
Samaa was so tired that she slept during the film.
- at + مكان
at a hotel at a hospital at university
- in 5 minutes بعد خمس دقائق
- send the car over يرسل السيارة إلى مكان

- country دوله city مدينة كبيرة
- the country الريف town مدينة صغيرة
- continent قارة village قرية
- capital عاصمة

1-Choose the correct answer:
1- Listen, Ali ( plays – is playing – play ) the piano.
2- Soha ( read – reads – is reading ) at the moment.
3- They ( are traveling – travels – traveled ) to Alex tomorrow.
4- I ( read – am reading – reads ) the paper now.
5- They ( watch – watched – are watching ) TV now.
2- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- I doesn’t like this film. ………………….
2- What do you wants? ………………….
3- Noha walks sometimes to school. ………………….
4- When do the lesson begin? ………………….
5- I don’t gets up early on Saturdays. ………………….
6- Mohamed not like computer games. ………………….
7- Ahmed watchs television every night. ………………….
8- They reading short stories now. …...……………..
9- Samaa is wanting to buy a new book . …………….……
10- Listen ! Aya sings very well. ……………….….
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I’m sorry. I…………… some mistakes.
a) made b) had c) did d) said
2- He was very ill. But he……………… better today.
a) fills b) feels c) falls d) fails
3- ………………do experiments in labs.
a) writers b) players c) scientists d) tourists
4- He likes working with tourists. He wants to be a ...
a) teacher b) doctor c) baker d) tour guide
5- I enjoyed my…………….. in Alexandria.
a) stay b) start c) stop d) stand
6- It's very nice ……….... you.
a) meet b) to meet c) met d) meets
7- I ………….. to see you again.
a) enjoy b) feel c) hope d) meet
Ex : 3 - SB. p : 2 -
Nawal: Good morning. I’m here to meet Mrs Mai
Receptionist: Mrs Yamada? She’s in room 412.
Nawal: 412? Thank you.
Nawal: Hello, are you Mrs Mai Yamada?
Mai : Yes, I am.
Nawal: How do you do? My name is Nawal Ahmed. I’m
from the university.
Mai : Pleased to meet you.
Nawal: I’m here to take you to the conference.
Mai : The conference? Oh yes, very good. Are we
going by bus or taxi?
Nawal: We’re going by taxi.
Mai : Is it here now?
Nawal: No, we can leave in about five minutes.
Nawal: Good afternoon, Mrs Yamada.
Mai : Hello. Please call me Mai.
Nawal: Of course. And please call me Nawal. So, are
you enjoying the conference, Mai?
Mai : Yes, I am. I’m learning a lot about new medicines
in Egypt.
Nawal: Good. And where do you come from in Japan?
Mai : I’m from Tokyo.
Nawal: And is this your first visit to Cairo?
Mai : Yes, it is. It’s very nice here …

Ex : 4 - SB. p : 2 -
Nawal: Where are you going, Sally?
Sally : To Soha’s flat, Mum. We’re doing our
homework together.
Nawal: What time are you coming back?
Sally : About seven.
Nawal: OK. Don’t be late home.
Sally : No, Mum. See you later.
Nawal: Bye for now, Sally.
Hesham: Hello. I’m Hesham Zaki. I’m from the
Egyptian Tourist Company. I’m here to help you during your stay.
Woman: Pleased to meet you, Mr Zaki. My name’s Helen Atkins, and this is my husband, John.
Man: Good afternoon …
Nawal: Well, the conference is finished now.
Mai : Yes, it was very good.
Nawal: I hope to see you again next year.
Mai : Thank you. It was very nice to meet you.
Nawal: It was nice to meet you, too. Goodbye …
Ahmed: Samy, I’m playing football this evening. Do
you want to come and play, too?
Samy: I would like to, but I can’t. I’ve got a lot of
homework, and I’ve got a test in the morning.
Ahmed: Well, maybe another time.
Samy: See you at school tomorrow. Ahmed: Bye for now.
Ex : 3 - WB. p : 2 -
Interviewer: Tamer, you are studying a language at the
moment. Which one?
Tamer : I’m having Italian lessons.
Interviewer: Italian lessons?
Tamer : Yes. My cousin lives in Italy and I’m visiting
her next month.
Interviewer: Are you learning a language at the
moment, Liam?
Liam : Yes, I am. I’m studying Turkish. I want to get
a job with a company which sells computers
in Turkey. That’s why I need to learn Turkish.
Interviewer: What are you studying at university,
Hanan : I’m studying medicine. I want to be a doctor.
Interviewer: Do you have any language lessons?
Hanan : Yes, I do. We study medicine in English so I
have lessons in English to make sure that I
understand everything.
Interviewer: You can speak four languages, Zahra. Is
that right?
Zahra : Five. I’m learning French at the moment.
Interviewer: I see. Are you going to France?
Zahra : No, it’s because I enjoy learning languages.
I learn them to have fun.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 14:37

1- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In our world today, students must go to school or university to learn. People who have jobs go to the places where they work. They meet troubles on the way, or have problems with somebody. That's the life you can't change it. Since the invention of the computer, then the discovery of the internet a new road has opened to a different future in our world. A computer at home will help everybody get the knowledge and do the work they want without going out. Nobody is going to worry about transport or bad weather outside.
However, English is now the most used language on the internet. A good knowledge of English is an important step to use the internet and communicate with people from other countries.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How has the invention of the computer changed our life?
2- Why is a computer very useful at home?
3- Why should one care for good knowledge of English?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- In our world today, transport is ……….. .
a- quite necessary b- not very useful
c- not very important d- too expensive
5- The underlined word " they " refers to …………. .
a- Students b- everybody c- computers d teacher
6- The internet is a modern ……………
a- machine b- computer
c- mobile d- way of communications
2- Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1- Do you want to learn English? ( Would )
2- Where are you from? ( do )
3- My mother is ill today. ( well )
4- It is very nice to meet you. ( pleased )

the best الأفضل understand يفهم
reason سبب great writers كتاب كبار
new language لغة جديدة easy سهل
sell × buy يبيع × يشترى become يصبح
machine آلة tour guide مرشد سياحى
different مختلف study يدرس
countries بلاد travel يسافر – سفر
interested in مهتم بـ programs برامج
important هام get a job يحصل على وظيفة
internet انترنت New Delhi نيودلهى
The Middle East الشرق الأوسط overseas خارج البلاد
English لغة انجليزية Japanese اليابانية
Arabic لغة عربية Indian الهندية
French لغة فرنسية Turkish التركية
Chinese لغة صينية Italian الايطالية
Greek لغة يونانية interviewer محاور

although بالرغم من billion مليار
international عالمى each other بعضهم البعض
satellite قمر صناعى easily بسهولة
mobile phone محمول communicate يتصل
mean يعنى afraid of خائف من
businessman رجل أعمال make mistakes يخطئ

- reason for سبب لـ
What is the best reason for learning English?
- Interested in + اسم or v. + ing. مهتم بـ
Marwa is interested in learning Spanish أسبانى.
- help + شخص + with + شئ يساعد فى
She helps me with my job.
- talk to + شخص يتحدث إلى
Ali is talking to his brother now.

- speak + لغة or speak in + لغة
She can speak Italian.
He can speak four languages.
- busy + v. + ing مشغول ب
Nada is busy doing her homework.
- afraid of خائف من
He is afraid of the dog.
- communicate with يتواصل مع He needs English to communicate with English
- communicate in English يتواصل بالأنجليزية
- go to the university يلتحق بالجامعة
- travel overseas يسافر للخارج
- That's why = so لذلك
- need to = should ينبغى أن

- to + مصدر لكى
We go to school to learn.
- to +مكان إلى
I went to the park yesterday.

- Although = Though بالرغم من
Although he is rich, he is sad.
- However مع ذلك he is rich. However, he is sad.

- enjoy + v. + ing /or اسم يستمتع بـ
Mona enjoys learning French.
- work with يعمل مع
- listen to music يستمع إلى الموسيقى
- listen for the main ideas يستمع من أجل الأفكار الرئيسية
- on the computer / internet على الكمبيوتر / الانترنت
- information معلومات ( تعامل معاملة المفرد )
The information I got was very important.

- المبنى للمجهول فى المضارع :
1- نجعل المفعول فاعلاً. 2- نأتى بـ am – is – are
3- نأتى بالتصريف الثالث للفعل.
- Most people speak English.
English is spoken by most people.
- They play football every Friday.
Football is played every Friday.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Arabic, English and Chinese are …….……… .
a) languages b) sports c) hobbies d) countries
2- Turkey, India and Italy are …………... .
a) games b) countries c) cities d) capitals
3- …………….. are made of metal.
a) clothes b) books c) machines d) shoes
4- Ali ……….. home and went to the cinema.
a) lived b) did c) stayed d) left
5- If you go to the circus, you will …………… fun.
a) have b) make c) take d) do
6- Enormous means very …………… .
a) small b) big c) fit d) tall
7- International …….. is books, stories and poems generally.
a) topic b) idea c) writing d) sport
8- We aren't free now, we are ……………… .
a) fine b) excited c) worried d) busy
2- Finish the following dialogue:
Ali and Omar are talking about the problems of learning English.
Ali : Are you doing well in learning English?
Omar: Yes but I'm still afraid ……………………………..
Ali : Good language learners shouldn't be afraid of
making mistakes.
Omar: What if I find new words?
Ali : Try to ………………………………………………..
Omar: What about listening to English?
Ali : Listen for …………………………., not every word.
3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- A tour guard helps tourists. ……………….
2- He is busy make tea. ……………….
3- She is studying history to be a doctor. ……………….

4- Read and match:
1- Tamer is a) what this new word mean.
2- Heba enjoys reading b) understand this lesson easily
3- English is c) spoke the same language.
4- I can d) learning French for fun.
5- Try to guess e) science magazine.
f ) spoken around the world.
5- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- She comes from Rome. She is French. ……………….
2- My uncle usually travels oversee. ……………….
3- Egyptian students learn English as a first language. ...……..
4- Making a job is not easy today. …...…………..
5- The most people in our village are poor. …………...…..
6- Does this your first visit to Egypt? ……………….
7- What are you busy do, Noha? …………...…..
6- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- They study hard to …….……… the final exam.
a) pass b) passes c) passing d) passed
2- Mr. Mohamed is interested ……… playing volleyball.
a) at b) in c) on d) of
3- Ali was late, so he ran fast ……. arrive at school on time.
a) because b) so c) to d) as
4- He works day and night, That's ………….. he is rich.
a) when b) what c) where d) why
5- The boys ……… some pictures to now.
a) are taking b) taking c) take d) took
6- We ………….. to learn English to get good jobs.
a) should b) need c) must d) can
7- …………. language can you speak well?
a) How b) When c) Which d) Why
8- My uncle's company ……… machines to other countries.
a) uses b) travels c) works d) sells

7- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1- Heba never comes home late. ( doesn't )
2- He speaks French well. ( French is )
3- Hany will travel tomorrow. ( travelling )
4- They are not young but they are active. ( Although )
5- People speak Arabic in many countries. ( spoken )
6- 90,000,000 is a very big number. ( enormous )
7- Though she is old, she is strong. ( However )
8- he is going to the bakery. He wants to buy bread. ( to )
9- Jana would like to buy a car, so she is saving money.( to )
8- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your father asks you why you want to study French.
2- You tell a friend why you are going to the hospital.
3- You ask your brother why he is going to the shops.
4- The teacher asks you about the reason for coming late.
9- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Chinese speak by over a billion people ……………….
2- Soha needs paper to buy clothes. ……………….
3- I'm writing the letter with English. ……………….
4- He is busy do his homework. ……………….
5- Good learners shouldn't afraid on making mistakes. ……....
10- Finish the following dialogue:
Walaa meets Maha in the street in the afternoon.
Walaa: Good afternoon Maha. Where are you going?
Maha : I'm going to my evening class.
Walaa: Evening class! ( 1 ) ……………………………………….. ?
Maha : I learn French. I want to travel to France to study.
Walaa: Great ! and ( 2 ) ………………………………………..….?
Maha : I will stay there for 3 years.
Walaa: I wish you good luck.
Maha : ( 3 ) ……………………… , Walaa. Bye.

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Hady is introducing his friend John to his father.
Hady : Hi, Dad. This is my friend John.
Father : How do you do?
John : ( 1 ) ……………………………………………………………?
Father : Where are you from?
John : I'm from America.
Father : Is this your first visit to Egypt?
John : ( 2 ) ………………… . I haven't visited Egypt before.
Father : I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
John : ( 3 ) ………………………………………………… .
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You meet your friend in the morning.
2- You meet someone for the first time.
3- You reply when a friend asks you " How are you? ".
4- You are at the hospital to visit your friend who is ill.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Egyptian students study a) carpenters.
2- She is afraid b) tourists and businessmen.
3- English is c) English at school.
4- Tamer is busy d) of making mistakes.
5- English is used by e) an international language.
f ) learning Italian.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
We learn a lot of subjects at school. Everything we study has some uses in our life. We learn Arabic to be able to tell others what we want and understand each others. We learn foreign languages to communicate with people from overseas and to know how they think and talk. Maths helps us to think.
Computers are also very important. They can do sums

quickly and store information. They can work with words and numbers. History tells us about our country and people from
all over the world. Geography tells us about plants, animals and people and where they live. Exercise helps us to be fit.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why do we learn foreign languages?
2- How are computers important for us?
3- Why do we learn our language Arabic?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Exercises and games help us to keep ……….. .
a) fat b) fit c) happy d) sad
5- The underlined word " They " refers to …………….. .
a) people b) computers c) sums d) information
6- ……………… helps us to think.
a) Arabic b) maths c) art d) music
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- She is busy ………………… her room.
a) cleaning b) cleans c) clean d) cleaned
2- Don't …………… this mistake again.
a) work b) do c) make d) meet
3- Egypt has 2 ………….. Nile Sat 101 and Nile Sat 102.
a) ships b) letters c) satellites d) banks
4- There is a boy ……………… in the street.
a) run b) ran c) is running d) running
5- Could you speak ………. English, please?
a) in b) at c) on d) of
6- The information in this magazine ……….. very important.
a) are b) is c) were d) have
7- …………. language can you speak well?
a) How b) When c) Which d) Why

8- A new company ……..…. near our school.
a) built b) build c) building d) is built
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Hany wants to ask about you. He is phoning you. ( to )
2- Aya wants to have some tea. ( would like)
3- Many people speak English. ( English is )
4- Although they are not young, they are active. ( However )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Ramy wants being an engineer. ……………….
2- Soha is at the market to buying apples. ……………….
3- Nada is learning English because get a job ……………….
4- They come from Turkey and speak Greek. ……………….

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" The importance of learning English "
- Use the following key words:
Important for many people – students – tour guides – companies – university students – computers – internet – get better job.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who was Professor Lidenbrock?
2- Who was Axel?
3- What did the Professor find in the old book?
4- Where did Professor Lidenbrock live?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Martha was the Professor's ……………… .
2- Axel live with his uncle the Professor after ………………… .

pavement رصيف I'd rather أفضل
go to the shops يتسوق Be careful كن حريصاً
request طلب expensive غالى الثمن
mind يمانع May I help ممكن أساعد
wheelchair كرسى متحرك kind طيب – عطوف
easy سهل wait for ينتظر (شخص)
difficult صعب borrow يستعير
check يفحص – يراجع lend يُسلف
sure بالتأكيد ticket تذكرة
certainly بالتأكيد match مباراة
right صحيح watch يشاهد
wrong خطأ football كرة القدم
agree يوافق at work فى العمل

politely بأدب money نقود
thirsty عطشان No Parking ممنوع وقوف السيارات
less thirsty أقل عطشاً give يعطى
sign لافتة – لوحة drink يشرب
take يأخذ come يأتى
picture صورة machine ماكينة
the country الريف water ماء
juice عصير work with يعمل مع
hot حار health صحة
Ex : 1 - SB. p : 6 -
Soha : Is it OK if I go to the shops with Ahmed, Mum?
Nadia: Yes, of course.
Soha : Thanks, Mum. Do you mind if I take my mobile
phone with me?
Nadia: I’d rather you didn’t.
Soha: Please, Mum. I’d like to phone you from the shop.
Nadia: Oh, all right then, but be careful. Your mobile
phone was expensive.
Soha : Look at that boy, Ahmed.
Ahmed: Where? Oh yes, I see.
Soha : Can we go and help him, Ahmed? He can’t
get his wheelchair onto the pavement.
Ahmed: Yes, of course.
Ahmed: Hello. May I help you up on the pavement?
Shady : Sure, if you don’t mind. That’s very kind.
Ahmed: Not at all.
Shady : I’m waiting for my brother to take me home. He’s late. Do you mind if I borrow your mobile?
Ahmed: Sorry, no. I left it at home.
Shady : Oh.
Soha : I’ve got my mobile phone.
Shady : May I borrow it please?
Soha : Certainly. Here you are.
Shady : That’s very kind of you.

feel happy يشعر بالسعادة feel ill يشعر بالتعب
feel tired يشعر بالتعب feel sad يشعر بالحزن
feel thirsty يشعر بالعطش feel cold يشعر بالبرد

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I am very ……….. , I want to drink some water.
a) tired b) happy c) hungry d) thirsty
2- We can …………… books from the library.
a) lend b) buy c) borrow d) buy
3- People should walk on the…………… of the street.
a) path b) pavement c) passage d) platform
4- You mustn't park your car here. There’s a “No parking”...…
a) sign b) signal c) drawing d) photo
5- I haven't got my mobile phone. I ………… it at home.
a) lived b) took c) let d) left
6- A …………. is used by people who can't walk.
a) chair b) table c) wheelchair d) wheel
7- You can't travel on a plane without a ………..
a) card b) ticket c) letter d) stamp
8- A …………. is a small city.
a) town b) village c) capital d) country
9- " Polite " is the opposite of ………….. .
a) sad b) lazy c) happy d) rude
2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- People usually feel cold in summer. ………………..
2- A rich man has a little money. ………………..
3- She filled happy when she got the prize. ………………..
4- I looked an exciting match on TV yesterday. ………………..
5- The opposite of wrong is write. ………………..
Polite Requests:
طلب شئ بشكل مهذب
meaning Situation
هل يمكن أن ؟ Can I / Can we + مصدر الفعل?
هل يمكن أن ؟ May I + مصدر الفعل?
هل يمكن أن ؟ Could I / we + مصدر الفعل?
هل تمانع ؟ Is it Ok if I + مصدر الفعل?
هل تمانع ؟ Do you mind if I + مصدر الفعل?
هل تمانع ؟ Do you mind + v. + ing ?

Refusing رفض Accepting قبول
Sorry, I can't. Yes, of course. / sure
Sorry, no. Certainly. Here you are. تفضل
Sorry, I'd rather you didn't. All right. Go ahead تفضل
I'm afraid you can't. No problem./ No, not at all

- لاحظ استخدام ( No, not at all ) عند القبول أو الموافقة على أسئلة مثل
- Would you mind …….. ?
- Do you mind …………..?
- Would you mind if I took your mobile?
- No, not at all. القبول
- Yes, I would. الرفض

1- You want to borrow a book from your friend.
Can I borrow your book, please?
2- A friend of yours requests you to lend him a pen.
You give it to him at once.
Here you are.
3- Your son asks permission to go out.
You’d rather not.
Sorry, I'd rather you didn't.
4- You ask your mum politely to let you watch TV.
May I watch TV please, mum?
5- You don’t agree to give a friend your dictionary.
I'm afraid you can't. or sorry, I need it myself.
6- You agree to help a friend with his / her work.
Yes, of course. or Certainly.
7- You want to take your brother’s shirt.
You ask him if he would mind.
Would you mind if I took your shirt?
8- Your sister asks if you mind giving her some
money. You agree to give her.
No, not at all.
9- You ask your father to allow you to go to the club
Can I go to the club, please?
10- You want to sit next to someone in the cinema.
Could I sit next to you?
11- You want to borrow five pounds from your sister.
Can I borrow five pounds from you?
Can you lend my five pounds?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:10

- Would you like to + مصدر الفعل ? يريد أن Would you like to visit Italy?
- Would you rather + مصدر الفعل ? هل تفضل؟
Would you rather drink tea or coffee?
- I'd rather + مصدر الفعل أفضل
I'd rather drink tea.
- Would you prefer to + مصدر الفعل هل تفضل؟
Would you prefer to live in Cairo or Mansoura?
- make + مفعول + مصدر الفعل يجعل
This poor man makes me feel sad.
- Be + صفة كن
Be careful كن حذرا Be friendly كن ودودا

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You want to sit next to someone.
2- You agree to lend a friend your book.
3- Someone agrees to help you.
4- Your mother asks you what you would rather do on Friday.
5- You can't lend your watch to someone.
6- You agree to lend someone your dictionary.
7- You want to borrow some money from a friend.
8- You politely refuse to give your sister your camera.
9- Your brother says "Would you mind opening the window?"
10- You want to use your friend's mobile phone.

2- Finish the following dialogue:
Hassan is phoning Samy to borrow his camera.
Hassan: Hello. Can I speak to Samy, please?
Samy : Hello Hassan. It's me.
Hassan: ( 1 ) ……………………………………………………... ?
Samy : My camera! Why?
Hassan: I'd like ( 2 ) …………………………………………….. .
Samy : ( 1 ) ……………………………………………………… ?
Hassan: Next Monday.
Samy : You can come and take it at any time.
3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- I'd rather swimming in the sea. ………………..
2- Do you mind if I coming with you? ………………..
3- Does it OK if I leave my bag here? ………………..
4- Are you rather live in a house or a flat? ………………..
5- Could I played a computer game? ………………..
6- His funny jokes made us laughing. ………………..
4- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- What would you like …………. at the weekend, Ahmed?
a) doing b) do c) done d) to do
2- We are waiting eagerly …………. the summer holiday.
a) from b) at c) for d) to
3- ……………. I use your pen, please?
a) Do b) May c) Did d) Should
4- Thanks for your help. It's very kind ……….. you.
a) of b) from c) on d) at
5- I didn't go out. I'm ………… home.
a) of b) on c) in d) at
6- …………. you mind if I turn on the TV?
a) Can b) Shall c) Do d) Are
7- I'd …………. have meat for lunch.
a) need b) rather c) want d) like

5- Read and match:
1- May I ask you a question? a) No, not at all.
2- Can you help me, please? b) Sure. Here you are.
3- Can we go for a walk? c) I'd rather we didn't.
4- May I have an apple? d) Yes. What do you want?
5- Do you mind if I go now? e) Yes, of course.
f ) That's very kind of you.
6- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" What you do when it is very hot "
- Use the following key words:
- light clothes - cold drinks - swimming
- park. - club
7- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Do you mind if I close the door? ( Can )
2- Hadeer is going to the shops with Sara. ( shopping )
3- I'm afraid your answers aren't right. ( wrong )
4- We want to have fish for lunch. ( would like )
5- May I open the door? ( mind )
6- Is it Ok if I ride your bike? ( May )
7- Can we buy some ice cream? ( Is it OK )
8- I'd like to use your computer. ( Could )
8- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- I'd rather you don’t smoke here. ………………..
2- I'd like to drank some orange juice. ………………..
3- Samy wants to lend my camera. ………………..
4- Do you mind to leave now? ………………..

magazine مجلة take part in يشترك فى
swimmer سباح swimming السباحة
across the sea عبر البحر metre متر
leg رجل ( ساق ) brave شجاع
arm يد die يموت
get better يتحسن hundred 100
have an
accident يحدث له حادث Paralympic
games ألعاب المعاقين
medal ميدالية teach- taught يُعلم - عَلم
fell under سقط تحت lose - lost يفقد - فقد
tram الترام win - won يفوز - فاز
terrible فظيع leave - left يغادر - غادر

story قصة hit يضرب
gorilla غوريلا head رأس
wind blew هبت الرياح downstairs الدور السفلى
cage قفص smell - smelt يشم - شَم
in front of أمام smoke دخان
climb يتسلق fire نار
catch - caught يمسك – أمسك stairs سلم
animal حيوان safe آمن
frightened of خائف من pick up يلتقط
dropped أسقط carry يحمل

neck رقبة mirror مرآة
giraffe زرافة message رسالة
restaurant مطعم race سباق
metal معدن prize جائزة
ambulance سيارة اسعاف parachuting القفز بالباراشوت

- do a brave thing يقوم بعمل شجاع
Walid did a very brave thing in 1990.
- how to swim كيف يسبح
The coach taught Walid how to swim.
- in an accident فى حادث
Walid lost his arm in an accident.
- have an accident يحدث له حادث
Ali had an accident when he fell under the bus.
- help with يساعد فى
Mona helps her mother with the housework.
- because + فاعل + فعل لأن
He went to hospital because he felt ill.
- because of + اسم / v. + ing بسبب
He went to hospital because of feeling ill.
- by car بالسيارة
- in a car فى سيارة
- catch ( someone ) by arm يمسك شخص من ذراعه

Ex : 6 - SB. p : 9 –

Story A
Eleven-year-old Dina visited a zoo last year. There was a man with a hat watching the gorillas. When the wind blew, the man’s hat fell down in front of the gorilla’s cage. The man climbed down to get it. One of the gorillas put its hand outside the cage to get his hat too. But the gorilla didn’t take the hat. It caught the man by his arm. Gorillas are big and strong animals. The man was very frightened. When Dina saw this, she climbed down to help. She was carrying a bag and she hit the gorilla on its head. When Dina did this, the gorilla dropped the man’s arm and the man was safe.

Story B
One night, nine-year-old Ali was reading a story in bed. His two sisters were sleeping in the bedroom next to his. His father was watching television downstairs. Suddenly, Ali smelled smoke. There was a fire on the stairs to the bedrooms. Ali shouted. Ali’s father couldn’t climb the stairs because of the fire, so he ran from the house and
stood under Ali’s bedroom window. Ali picked up his small sister from her bed and carefully dropped her into his father’s arms. Then he did the same thing with his baby sister. Finally, Ali jumped down and his father caught him safely.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- You mustn't ………… here. The sign says "No Parking".
a) smoke b) do c) swim d) park
2- Would you rather stay at home ….. go for a walk?
a) nor b) and c) or d) to
3- I prefer living in the country …….. living in a city.
a) for b)to c) in d) at
4- My uncle is in hospital. He ………. an accident yesterday.
a) had b) got c) met d) fell
5- Our soldiers ……. very brave things in October 1973.
a) got b) made c) took d) did
6- Our team went to Sydney to ….. part in the Olympic games.
a) make b) get c) take d) do
7- "Die" is the opposite of …………. .
a) leave b) live c) work d) like
8- …………. on the light, please. I can't see at all.
a) Turn b) Run c) Get d) Take
9- Animals and birds are kept in ……….. .
a) rooms b) boxes c) shops d) cages
10- He came first in a race and got a gold ……….. .
a) metal b) glass c) medal d) letter
2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Our squash team went a gold medal yesterday. ..…………
2- I want to eat. I'm thirsty. ………………..
3- The swimming coach learnt me to swim. ………………..
4- Maha did better and left the hospital last night. .…………..
5- " soon " means in a long time. ………………..
6- But the sentences in the correct order. ………………..
7- We touch with our noses. ………………...
8- You should do your work carelessly. ………………...
9- " Frightened " means feeling happy. ………………...
10- Gorilla is a kind of donkey. …………………

The Past Simple Tense

- يتكون من التصريف الثانى للفعل مع كل الضمائر .
- هناك أفعال منتظمة: تنتهى بـ (ed / d) مثل :
- play played - arrive arrived
- watch watched - use used
- الأفعال التى تنتهى بـ (y) و قبلها حرف ساكن نضع (ied) بدلاً من حرف : (y)
- study studied - cry cried
- و هناك أفعال شاذة: مثل :
- eat ate - go went
 يعبر عن شئ بدأ و إنتهى فى الماضى و يستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية:
Yesterday أمس In the past
فى الماضى last week
الاسبوع الماضى last month
last year
العام الماضى a week ago
منذ أسبوع a month ago
منذ شهر a year ago
منذ عام
Ex: - I went to school by car yesterday.
- I didn't walk to school yesterday.
- فى حالة الاستفهام نستخدم :
- كلمة استفهام + did + فاعل + مصدر الفعل ?

- What did you do yesterday?
- Where did you go last Friday?
- أما إذا بدأ السؤال ب Did تكون الاجابة بـ Yes / No
- Did you play football yesterday?
Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
- وأحياناً فى حالة الاستفهام نستخدم was / were :
- Where was Mohamed yesterday?
- He was at the market.

The Past Continuous Tense

- يتكون من :
- I / He / She / It + was
- You / We / They + were + v. + ing

- Rania was reading a book at three yesterday.
- للنفى نضع not بعد was / were
- They weren't playing basketball at four yesterday.
- I wasn't eating fish at two yesterday.
- يعبر عن حدث كان مستمرا فى وقت معين فى الماضى .

- What were you doing yesterday evening?
I was playing tennis.

- إذا كان هناك حدث مستمر فى الماضى و قطعه حدث قصير آخر فإن الحدث المستمر يكون ماضى مستمر والحدث القصير يكون ماضى بسيط .

- While / As + ماضى مستمر + ماضى بسيط

- While I was playing football, I fell on the ground.
- I fell on the ground while I was playing football.

- When + ماضى بسيط + ماضى مستمر

- When I fell on the ground, I was playing football.
- I was playing football when I fell on the ground.
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- He met an old friend while he ….. in the park.
a) is walking b) walk c) walks d) was walking
2- ………. you send the e-mail to your pen friend, Nada?
a) Have b) Were c) Did d) Are
3- She ……….. an accident when she was crossing the road.
a) has b) had c) have d) having
4- While he was cleaning the house, he ….. a terrible cry.
a) heard b) hear c) hears d) hearing
5- We ……… to Aswan a month ago.
a) travel b) travels c) travelling d) travelled
6- He met a lot of old friends ……. he was staying in Turkey.
a) when b) where c) while d) but
7- Turn …….. the light, please. I want to sleep.
a) on b) off c) up d) down
8- Maher ………. under a taxi and broke his leg yesterday.
a) fell b) was falling c) fallen d) fall
9- My grandpa …………. a new farm in 2006.
a) buys b) buy c) buying d) bought
10- Ali went to China to ……… part in a medical conference.
a) get b) have c) take d) play
11- your money will be …….. in a bank.
a) save b) safe c) safety d) safeguard
12- We couldn't go out yesterday …………. the heavy rain.
a) because of b) because c) while d) when
13- We usually go to school …….. Dad's car.
a) on b) by c) to d) in
14- There was a heavy traffic while I ……….. to Mansoura.
a) driving b) drove c) was driving d) drive
15- I'll go to bed ………… I feel very tired.
a) so b) because c) to d) until

2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Noha doesn't study maths yesterday. ………………..
2- He fell under a bus when he was walking home. ………….
3- We'd rather to have fish for lunch. ………………..
4- When she was reading, the light went out. .…………….....
5- Was they in Suez last week? ………………..
6- I made a terrible accident yesterday. ………………..
7- We taste with our noses. ………………..
8- They stayed at home because the rain. ………………..
9- She felt down and broke his leg. ………………..
10- They don't go to the club yesterday. ………………..

3- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- We couldn't play because of the bad weather. ( because)
2- Do you prefer to go out today or tomorrow? ( rather )
3- Dad was listening to the news when the phone rang.
( while )
4- Sally fell out of the car but she wasn't hurt. ( Although )
5- What was your reason for going there? ( Why )
6- Let's have some cake, Hala. ( How about )
7- We were reading when our father came. ( While )
8- They visited us last month. ( ago )

4- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You want to sit next to someone on a bus.
2- You don't agree to lend a friend your mobile.
3- Someone agrees to lend you his dictionary.
4- Your friend wants to use your camera.
5- You can't lend your bag to someone.
6- You agree to lend someone your book.
7- You want your brother to open the window as it is very hot
8- You want to buy a first class train ticket to Luxor.

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Maher is talking to Omar who broke his arm.
Maher: Hello Omar. How was your weekend?
Omar : Oh, it was terrible.
Maher: Why?
Omar : ( 1 ) …………………………………………………………….
Maher: Oh dear ! ( 2 ) ………………………..…………….?
Omar : While I was playing tennis I fell and broke my arm.
Maher: I hope ( 3 ) ………………………………………………… .
Omar : Thanks, Maher.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend wants to borrow your bike and you agree.
2- Ali "Do you mind if I use your pen?" .You agree.
3- Your friend wants to use your ruler but you need it.
4- You want your friend to lend you 10 pounds.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- I'd rather a) of these animals.
2- While I was sleeping, b) in a car accident.
3- Adel took part c) in the Olympic games.
4- Walid lost his leg d) the telephone rang.
5- I'm not frightened e) you went by bus.
f ) about snakes.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
We were having lunch. The food smelled good and tasted fantastic. There were also sweets to eat in the end. My four-year old sister was sitting next to Mum. Mum wanted to help her but she wanted to depend on herself. Suddenly, a small cat came into the room. We didn't know how it came in. it jumped up onto the table near my sister who was frightened and dropped the jug of water. The jug broke and the water

ran and wet our clothes. But the cat didn't care. It strangely took part in the meal. Mum stood up and gave it some food to eat. Then the cat went away and we put our things right.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What was the meal like?
2- Where did the little girl sit?
3- Why did the mother sit her daughter in this place?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word "herself " refers to the ……….. .
a) mother b) little sister c) meal d) cat
5- The cat was …………….. .
a) thirsty b) hungry c) big d) old
6- The cat ………… them from completing their meat.
a) helped b) stopped c) listened d) looked
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Hamdy ………… the smoke coming out of the house.
a) smelt b) made c) got d) drank
2- He fell in the river while he ………… the bridge.
a) crossed b) was cross c) crossing d) was crossing
3- Ramy ……… an accident yesterday.
a) had b) got c) has d) did
4- The gorilla caught the man …….. his arm.
a) on b) in c) at d) by
5- Karam Gaber ……… a gold medal in the Olympic games.
a) won b) made c) used d) did
6- Could you teach me how ………. this mobile, please?
a) use b) using c) uses d) to use
7- He picked ……… the pen from the ground.
a) up b) down c) on d) in
8- Rania Elwani was a good ………… .
a) swims b) swim c) swimming d) swimmer

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I'd prefer to have some fruit now. ( rather )
2- Salma always goes to school early. ( late )
3- Can I go for a walk? (mind )
4- He always tells me bad news. ( good news )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- We didn't at home last night. ……………….
2- He get into the train while it was moving. ……………….
3- Heba went out for buy some food. ……………….
4- You can't enter a cinema without a passport. ………………

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" A bus accident you saw "
- Use the following key words:
- When did the accident happen?
- Where did it happen?
- How did it happen?
- What happened to the people in the bus?
- Who helped them?
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the Professor find?
2- What were runes?
3- Why couldn’t the Professor understand the parchment?
4- Why did the Professor use a magnifying glass?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Axel was proud of his uncle because ……………………… .
2- Martha was worried because ………………………...……… .

dialogue حوار tell - told يخبر – أخبر
doctor طبيب know - knew يعرف - عرف
stay in bed يبقى فى الفراش write - wrote يكتب – كتب
boring ممل borrow × lend يستلف × يسلف
play chess يلعب شطرنج ill × well مريض × بخير
feel like يريد friend ×enemy صديق × عدو
suggest يقترح Great idea فكرة رائعة
world عالم – عالمى decide to يقرر أن
pen friends أصدقاء المراسلة guess يخمن
club نادى letter خطاب

suggestions يقدم اقتراح refuse يرفض
accept يقبل
How about ما رأيك؟ another اخر
What about ما رأيك؟ hungry جائع
Let's هيا – دعنا cheese جبنة
Why not لما لا go swimming يسبح
keen on راغب فى go overseas يسافر للخارج
go for a walk يتمشى take a taxi يأخذ سيارة أجرة
programmes برامج salad سلاطة
fly a kite يطير طيارة ورق somewhere مكان ما
tonight الليلة on TV فى التليفزيون

- want to + مصدر الفعل يريد أن
- decide to + مصدر الفعل يقرر أن
They decided to play computer games.
- It is good to + مصدر الفعل من المفيد أن
It is good to have lots of fruit and vegetables.
- feel like + اسم / v. + ing يريد أن
I feel like a cup of coffee.
- suggest + v. + ing يقترح

Ex : 1 - SB. p : 11 -

Ahmed: You’ve been ill for a week. How are you feeling
Samy : Not too bad. The doctor has told me to stay in bed
for two more days. It’s very boring.
Ahmed: Why don’t you read this book?
Samy : No thanks. I’ve already read it.
Ahmed: Shall we play chess then?
Samy : I don’t feel like chess. We’ve had three games since
Friday and you won them all!
Ahmed: Well, let’s play this computer game.
Samy : No, I’ve played it lots of times already.
Ahmed: We could watch one of those new films that you
Samy : No, thanks. I’ve seen both films already.
Ahmed: Well, I don’t know what to suggest.
Samy : I know! What about writing a letter to some of our
friends on World Pen Friends Club?
Ahmed: Great idea! It will be good to use our English again.

Ex : 1 - WB. p : 7 -
Ahmed: Shall we have a game of chess, Soha?
Soha : There’s nothing good on TV at the moment, so yes,
a game of chess is a good idea.
Samy: What do you want to eat, Sally? How about a pizza
or a cheese sandwich?
Sally : No, I’m not very hungry. Let’s have a salad.
Samy: A salad? OK, why not?
Nawal: Where should we go for our holiday next summer,
Hassan? Why don’t we go to Alexandria again?
Hassan: Alexandria is very nice, but I’d like to go somewhere
new. How about going overseas?
Nawal : I’m not very keen on that. What about somewhere
else in Egypt? Sinai, for example?
Hassan: Yes, great idea.
Samy : Why don’t we go swimming at the sports club,
Ahmed? It’s a hot day today.
Ahmed: I really don’t feel like swimming. We could have
a game of football.
Samy : No, thanks. It’s too hot. Let’s go for a walk in the park
Ahmed: Yes, let’s.
Soha : Sally’s been ill since Monday. Why don’t we visit her
and take her something? We could take some sweets.
Ahmed: I don’t think so. I mean, Sally likes sweets. But she’s
been ill.
Soha : OK, well shall we take her some fruit? That’s healthy.
Ahmed: Let’s take her some flowers.
Soha : No, I think she’d rather have some nice fruit.
Ahmed: OK, why not

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The students in my class are interested in..…English books.
a) seeing b) reading c) looking d) making
2- " Well " is the opposite of ………… .
a) active b)ill c) careful d) safe
3- Let's ……….. a game of chess, Mohamed.
a) play b) got c) have d) do
4- My brother loves …………… kites in the air.
a) flying b) riding c) looking d) making
5- Would you like to …….. swimming with us , Aya?
a) play b) go c) have d) do
6- Maha is ……….. on doing puzzles.
a) fond b) keen c) happy d) interested
7- We are late for school, so we will ………… a taxi.
a) take b) do c) buy d) make
8- " boring " means not …………….. .
a) interesting b) healthy c) bad d) clever
9- Noha ……… visiting the Pyramids and I agreed.
a) talked b) suggested c) told d) said
10- I ……… in bed for two weeks because I was ill.
a) said b) stayed c) sent d) saw

2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Salt consists of tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. …..…….
2- i don't fail like drinking tea now. ……………….
3- Ali did two suggestions about our holiday. ……………….
4- My mother said me to wash the dishes. .………………
5- It is bad to eat fruit and vegetables. ……………….
6- We have breakfast in the afternoon. .………………
7- I want to eat. I'm very thirsty. ……………….
8- Ahmed suggested watch a film on TV. ………………
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:11

Making suggestions:
- تقديم الاقتراحات
meaning Situation
لما لا ........ Why don't you/we + مصدر ?
ما رأيك فى ....... ؟ What/how about + v. + ing
هيا بنا ........... Let's + مصدر
هل لنا أن ....... ؟ Shall we + مصدر
يمكننا أن ........ . We could + مصدر

Responding to suggestions:
- الرد على الاقتراحات
Refusing رفض Accepting قبول
No, thanks. Good idea. فكرة جيدة
No, I don't think so. Yes, great idea.
No, I'm not very keen on that Yes, let's.
I don't feel like it OK, why not.
That's a fantastic idea.
1- You are at home. You suggest watching a film.
How about watching a film on TV?
2- Your sister suggests playing computer games. Agree.
That's a good idea.
3- You don't agree to go for a walk. You are tired.
No, thanks. I'm very tired.
4- You suggest going to the club in the evening.
Let's go to the club in the evening.

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend wants to borrow your bike and you agree.
2- You are at home. You suggest reading a story.
3- Your friend suggested playing play station. You agree.
4- You suggest going to the cinema in the evening.
5- You don't agree to travel to Aswan in the summer.
6- It's so hot. You suggest opening the window.
7- You friend suggests go swimming. You like the idea.
8- You suggest playing chess.
9- Your friend suggests going to the park. You don't agree.
10- You suggest having a meal in a restaurant.

2- Finish the following dialogue:
Heba is suggesting going for a walk with Noha.
Heba: Why don't we go for a walk in the afternoon?
Noha: ( 1 ) …………………………………………………………….
Heba: When can we go then?
Noha: ( 2 ) ………………………..…………… . It's a holiday.
Heba: ( 3 ) …………………… . We can meet at nine o'clock
Noha: Ok. See you, Heba.
3- Read and match:
1- Why don't we watch a film? a) That's healthy.
2- Let's draw a picture. b) No, I don't like videos.
3- What do you want to drink? c) That's a good idea.
4- My uncle has been ill d) Orange juice, please.
5- I'm not very keen on e) for a month.
f ) playing tennis
4- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- I've write the report. ……..…..…….
2- We don't feel as playing the piano, today. ……………….
3- They decided travel to Alex next week. ……………….
4- Maher is ill, so the doctor told him to go in bed. …………….

The Present Perfect Tense
- القاعدة :
subject + has / have + p.p التصريف الثالث

I / We / You / They …. have
He / She / It …. has

- الاستخدام: يستخدم المضارع التام ليعبر عن:-
- أحداث في الزمن الماضي و حتى الوقت الحاضر.
 بدون كلمات الزمن:
Ex: - Mona has been to Italy and France.
مع كلمات ( ever / never ) :
Ex: - Have you ever been to Paris?
No, I've never been to Paris.
 مع كلمات ( : ( just / already / yet
Ex: - We have just seen the film. حالاً - تواً
- I have already done my homework. بالفعل
- They haven't come home yet. حتى الآن
- حدث بدأ في الماضي و يستمر حدوثه في الوقت الحاضر, مع:(since /for)
Ex: - I've worked in the garden for an hour.
- She has done her homework since 5 o'clock.
- أفعال في الماضي و لها تأثير في الحاضر:
Ex:- Someone has taken my bag.
- فى حالة النفى نستخدم :
haven't / hasn't + التصريف الثالث

Ex:- he hasn't done his homework yet.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- What has Mona ………… during the weekend?
a) done b) did c) do d) does
2- I have ……….. this TV programme twice.
a) see b) seen c) saw d) sees
3- ……… Marwa washed her clothes yet?
a) Has b) Did c) Have d) Does
4- They have ………… done their homework.
a) since b) already c) ago d) yet
5- Omar hasn't finished his work …….. .
a) yet b) already c) ago d) last
6- Have you …….. been to Paris?
a) never b) ever c) just d) since
7- I've ……….. been to the Egyptian Museum.
a) never b) ever c) just d) since
8- ……….. you ever visited the Cairo Tower?
a) Has b) Have c) Had d) Did
9- I've been playing the guitar ………… last year.
a) since b) ever c) just d) for
10- She's been reading a story ………. two hours.
a) never b) for c) just d) since
11- Mr. Mohamed ………. in this school since 2003.
a) worked b) works c) has worked d) working
12- Have you ………. this exercise yet?
a) finish b) finishes c) finishing d) finished
13- I haven't ………… him since we met last month.
a) seen b) sees c) saw d) see
14- We ……….. in Cairo for 10 years.
a) will live b) have lived c) live d) living
15- I've already ………… my friend.
a) phone b) phones c) phoned d) phoning

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Samira has worked as a teacher for 10 years. (since)
2- I've been learning Italian since 2007. (for)
3- The train reached the station a short time ago. (just)
4- Let's go to the park. (Why)
5- She had a bad cold, so she went to the doctor. (because)
6- They have lived in Mansoura since 1998. (for)
7- Salma likes kitchen work like her Mum. (Keen)
8- What would you like to watch on TV? (want)
9- Dad refused my suggestion. (accept)
10- We could visit the public library tomorrow. (Why)

3- Read and match:
1- You look very ill a) to her pen friend.
2- Mona suggests b) phoned his father.
3- I don't feel c) like playing volleyball.
4- He has already d) watching a film on TV.
5- She has written an e-mail e) You should see a doctor.
f ) play tennis

4- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Hala suggested fly to Luxor in February. ...…..…..…….
2- He is in hospital since last Monday. ……………….
3- Let's go to a walk on the Nile bank tonight. ……………….
4- Do you like drink tea, Ali? ………...…….
5- What about go to the park? ……..…..……
6- Why aren't you buy a new bag? ……………….
7- Shall we flying kites. ……………….
8- Let's having a drink. ………...…….
9- We were happy when our team did 2 goals. ………………. 10- I don't feel liking having coffee. ……………….

journey رحلة sailor بحار
weather الطقس fisherman صياد
light winds رياح خفيفة rich × poor غنى × فقير
calm هادئ find - found يجد – وجد
north شمال lose - lost يفقد – فقد
money نقود pay - paid يدفع مالاً – دفع
captain قبطان take - took يأخذ - أخذ
ship سفينة sleep - slept ينام
rock صخرة blow – blew- blown تهب
library مكتبة sink – sank – sunk يغرق
terrible فظيع swim - swam – swum يسبح
go diving يذهب للغوص give – gave – given يعطى

Singapore سنغافورة children's books كتب الأطفال
latest news آخر الأخبار TV studio ستوديو تلفزيونى
customers زبائن – عملاء visit - ed يزور
change – d يغير unfortunately لسوء الحظ
work – ed يعمل classmate زميل
import يستورد - استيراد broken arm ذراع مكسور
export يصدر - تصدير active نشيط
Interesting شيق activity نشاط
for example على سبيل المثال address عنوان
exhibition معرض envelope ظرف
Ex : 1 - WB. p : 7 -

We’ve already left Alexandria and started our journey. The weather is very sunny with light winds, and the sea is calm.
The wind has blown the ship to the north. The captain doesn’t know where we are. I am worried.
Two days ago our ship hit a rock and sank. I swam to the land. I have slept on a beach for three days. I am weak and hungry.
A fisherman has found me and has taken me to his house. He has given me food and a room. He has told me this country is called England.
I have stayed with the fisherman for a week. He is a poor man and has asked me for money for my food. I haven’t paid him yet because I have lost all my money.
I have found a job with a rich man. He has given me work in his library because I can read and write.
I have just arrived in London with the rich man. The weather and the food are terrible. There is no rice!
I have found a ship to Alexandria. I have spoken to the captain and he has given me a job as a sailor. I hope I’ll be back in Egypt in two months.

- change jobs يغير وظيفة
- have a holiday يأخذ أجازة
- go on holiday يذهب فى اجازة
- ill in hospital مريض فى المستشفى
- do activities يقوم بأنشطة
- do interesting things يقوم بأشياء شيقة
- go diving يمارس الغوص
- swim to the land يسبح إلى البر
- sleep on the beach ينام على الشاطئ
- ask for يطلب ( شيئاً )
- stay with يقيم مع
- in the library فى المكتبة
- arrive in يصل إلى ( مكان كبير )
- a ship to Alex سفينة متجهة إلى الاسكندرية
- speak to يتحدث إلى
- back in Egypt يعود إلى مصر
- has been to سبق له زيارة مكان
- work for يعمل لحساب
- with a broken arm بذراع مكسورة
- thank + شخص + for + شئ يشكر على
- tell + شخص + about يخبر عن

- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- My father has changed job. ……..…..…….
2- Have you ever losing any money? ……………….
3- We should help rich people. ……………….
4- I've gone dive in the Red Sea. ……………….
5- It's a sun day today. ……..…..…….
6- My title is flat 20, 45 El Salam Street, Mansoura.……..……….

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- A century is a period of ……….. years.
a) 10000 b) 1000 c) 10 d) 100
2- …………. means without any mistakes.
a) Cross b) False c) Wrong d) Correct
3- You can carry this bag easily. It isn't ………… .
a) hot b) old c) heavy d) light
4- The opposite of " weak " is …………….. .
a) nice b) good c) strong d) old
5- A ………… works on a boat or a ship.
a) driver b) sailor c) teacher d) farmer
6- What activities do you ……….. at school, Ahmed?
a) swim b) do c) come d) did
7- We put the letter in an ………….. before we post it.
a) envelope b) ice cream c) card d) order
8- Singapore is a …………….. in Asia.
a) country b) city c) capital d) town
9- A ….... is a place where television programmes are made.
a) lab b) room c) centre d) studio
10- We write what happens to you every day in a ………. .
a) story b) poem c) note d) diary
11- I always ask my parents ………. advice.
a) on b) to c) for d) at
12- When did your uncle arrive ……….. Italy?
a) for b) to c) in d) at
13- Mum is ………… because my sister is late.
a) happy b) worried c) pleased d) lucky
14- My pen friend is ………. Steve.
a) seen b) called c) name d) known
15- Noha has listened to music …….. half an hour.
a) for b) since c) to d) in
لتحية :
- How are you? And how is your family?
- I hope you are well and they are also.
- I'm very happy to write you this letter.
- الغرض :
- I am writing this letter to + السبب
- الختام :
- I'm looking forward to hearing from you
- Best wishes

1- Write a letter to your pen friend, Sara telling her about yourself, your family, your school and your hobbies. Your name is Basant and you live at 20 Tayaran Street, Nasr City, Cairo.

2- Write a letter to your friend John , inviting him to visit Egypt next winter to enjoy its great history and fine weather.
Your name is Kamal and you live at 20, Zohor Street, Alexandria.
- Greet your friend.
- Invite him to visit Egypt.
- Tell him about the places that he will visit.
- End the letter.

3- Write a letter to your pen friend Susan , congratulating her on her wedding and wish her the best of luck. Your name is Asmaa and you live at 120, Thawra Street, Banha.
- Greet your friend.
- Congratulate her on her wedding.
- Tell her that you are very happy about her marriage.
- End the letter.

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- The doctor advises she should go to hospital now. ( her )
2- You should revise for the exam now. ( It's time )
3- We went to an exhibition for children's books. ( been )
4- I haven't been to Luxor before. ( never )
5- They have played chess for 3 hours. ( They started )
6- Magid has studied French for 3 years. ( since )
7- Why don’t we watch a film? ( Shall )
8- Do you think he passed the test? ( Did )

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Maher and Osama are talking about Mubarak Library.
Maher : ( 1 ) ……………………………………………………………?
Osama: No, I have never been to Mubarak Library.
What about going there tomorrow?
Maher : ( 2 ) ………………………..………………………………… .
Osama: ( 3 ) ……………………………………………………………?
Maher : We can go by bus or a taxi.
Osama: Ok. Let's meet at nine o'clock.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend asks you to lend him a book but you need it.
2- You suggest going to the cinema.
3- Your friend suggests going to the park but you are busy.
4- You suggest having lunch in a restaurant.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Why don't we a) school last Monday.
2- I don't really feel b) visiting the museum?
3- He hasn't visited us c) since 2005.
4- How about d) like that idea.
5- Lamia didn't come to e) go swimming today?
f ) tomorrow morning.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
I have a pen friend who lives with her family in Oxford. Her name is Jean. I know her but I have never met her. From her letters I learnt that Oxford is a big city in England. It has a great university which is also called Oxford. My letters to her are short, because it is still hard for me to write in English. Yesterday, I received a letter from jean. It made me very happy. In her letter, she told me that she is coming to stay

for two weeks in Egypt. I'll see her for the first time. I'll introduce her to my family. She will stay with us in Cairo for a week. We'll go to Alex, during the 2nd week of the holiday.

A- Answer the following questions:
1- What is Oxford?
2- Why are the writer's letters to Jean short?
3- Why was the writer happy when she received Jean's letter

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word " it " refers to ……….. .
a) Alex b) Cairo c) the letter d) Oxford
5- Jean lives in …………….. .
a) Cairo b) Oxford c) Alex d) Chester
6- Jean is going to stay in Egypt for ………. days.
a) fourteen b) forty c) four d) two
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The news which we heard ………. terrible.
a) is b) are c) were d) was
2- You should write your pen friend's ……. on the envelope.
a) address b) date c) letter d) stamp
3- Osama has been in hospital with a ………….. leg.
a) breaking b) break c) broke d) broken
4- The train has just ………… to Aswan.
a) left b) leaving c) leave d) leaves
5- A ………. works in the sea.
a) fisherman b) farmer c) assistant d) manager
6- He has asked me ………….. some money.
a) with b) for c) from d) to
7- I'll write to you about my ………. news.
a) lately b) late c) latest d) last

8- It's the ……….. interesting story I have ever read.
a) more b) many c) much d) most

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- How about going to the club? ( Let's )
2- Shahd has lived in Egypt for three years. ( since )
3- My friend left a moment ago. ( just )
4- Let's visit the Egyptian Museum. ( Shall )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Ali works about an electric company. ……………….
2- It's time to writing an e-mail. ……………….
3- All the news about the accident were bad. ……………….
4- Everyone in my family are well. . ………………

8- Write a letter to your friend Othman telling him about your midyear holiday. Tell him where you will go, how, who you will go with, and how long you will stay there. Your name is Mohamed and you live in 5 Suez Canal St., Mansoura.

D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who broke the secret code?
2- Who was going to burn the parchment? Why?
3- What was Sneffels?
4- Why was Axel against the journey?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Only one crater of Sneffels leads to ………………… .
2- The Professor jumped to his feet when ………..….... .

Ex : 1 - SB. p : 16 -
(1 )
Samy : What time does the match start, Ahmed?
Ahmed: At seven o’clock.
Samy : And where are we meeting?
Ahmed: In front of the sports club.
Samy : OK. Bye for now.
Ahmed: Yes …
( 2 )
Nadia: Bye, Sara.
Sara : Bye, Nadia.
Soha : Bye, Aunt Sara.
Sara : Goodbye, Soha.
Soha : Well Mum, it’s about two kilometres to our house.
Shall we walk?
Nadia: It’s very hot today. …
( 3 )
Nawal: Have you finished your homework, Samy?
Samy: Yes, Mum. And I’ve tidied my bedroom.
Nawal: Oh, thank you. What about the washing up?
Samy: Sally’s done the washing up already.
Nawal: Good. Now, what time does the football start?
Samy: In five minutes. …
( 4 )
Nadia: Right, that’s water for you, Sally, and some orange
juice for you, Soha.
Soha: Thanks. We’re hungry, Mum. Is it OK if we have
something to eat?
Nadia: Yes, of course. I’ll get something from the kitchen.
Soha: It’s OK, Mum. You’re tired. I’ll go. Would you like a
sandwich or cake, Sally?
Sally: …

( 5 )
Hesham: Hello, Ahmed
Ahmed : Hi, Dad.
Samy : Good evening Mr Zaki.
Hesham: Hello, Samy. You and Ahmed look busy.
Samy : Yes, we’re finishing our maths homework.
Hesham: Good luck with it. I hope it’s not difficult.
Ahmed : It’s not too bad, thanks, Dad.
Samy : Do you mind if we use the computer after we finish
our homework, Mr Zaki?
Hesham: Mind if you use the computer? …
( 6 )
Sally : What shall we do this afternoon, Samy?
Samy: How about going to the library? We could get some
new books to read.
Sally : Yes, let’s. Oh, I’d like to call Soha. I left my phone at
her house by mistake. May I borrow your mobile?
Samy: Borrow my mobile phone?

1- Read and match:
1- I stayed in bed because a) this computer game
2- The film is interesting, so b) to my pen-friend
3- Let's play c) to read it tonight.
4- I'm writing a letter d) I'm going to see it again.
5- I'd like to borrow this story e) I was ill.
f ) I was angry.
-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1- How about taking an umbrella with us? ( Why )
2- Shall we go swimming next Monday? ( Let's )
3- Let's take a day off. ( What )
4- We could watch the match tonight. ( Shall )

E-mail البريد الاليكترونى

To ……………… - البريد الاليكترونى للمرسل إليه
Subject ……………… - الموضوع
Message - الرسالة
- How are you? التحية
- What you want to say الغرض من الايميل
- Bye for now. نهاية الايميل

- Write an e-mail to your friend Mohamed asking him to help you buy an important medicine you can't find.
- Start the e-mail.
- Say what the problem is.
- Say what you have done and why you have failed.
- Say what you want your friend to do.
- Finish the e-mail.
( Your e-mail address is ahmed@yahoo.com )
( Your friend's e-mail is mohamed@yahoo.com )

To mohamed@yahoo.com

Subject I want an important medicine.
How are you? I want an important medicine. I have looked for it everywhere but I haven't found it. Please, Can you buy it for me?
Bye for now.

1- Write an e-mail to your friend, John who lives in England.
• Guiding points:
1- Start the e-mail. 2- Ask him how he is.
3- Ask about his family. 4- Invite him to come to Egypt.
5- Tell him to write back. 6- End the e-mail.
Your name is Nagi and your e-mail address is; Nagi@ahlawi.com

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
For centuries people have looked up at the moon and dreamt about visiting it. In 1959, the Russians sent a spacecraft to the moon to take photographs. In 1969, the Americans sent the first man to the moon. The moon is about 385.000 km away from the earth. A plane cannot fly to 240 km. Then there is something that can fly when there is no air. That is a rocket. A rocket is made of strong metal that is not heavy. The gas inside the rocket is made very hot. When the gas rushes out of the end of the rocket, it is pushed up in the air.
A- Answer the following questions:
4- How far is the moon from the earth?
5- When did man land on the moon for the first time.
6- What happens when the hot gas rushes out of the end of
the rocket?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- A plane cannot fly to the moon because there is ……
after 240 km.
a) hot air b) air c) no air d) cold air
5- A rocket is made of …..…..
a) hot gas b) glass c) hot air d) strong metal
6- The underlined ” it " refers to the …………
a) metal b) hot air c) gas d) rocket
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:12

car company شركة سيارات language
school مدرسة لغات
companies شركات
clinic عيادة Greek يونانى
take medicine يأخذ الدواء buy-bought يشترى - إشترى
roller-blade عجلة التزلق difficult× easy صعب × سهل
problem مشكلة guess - ed يخمن
by herself بنفسها check - ed يفحص - يراجع
driving school مدرسة القيادة use - d يستخدم
driving lessons دروس القيادة hurt - hurt يجرح - جرح

roller-blading التزلج Well done أحسنت
without بدون great عظيم
stopping توقف worry يقلق
still مازال too - also أيضاً
price سعر phone يتصل
e-mail بريد إلكترونى give - gave يعطى – أعطى
pass a test يجتاز إمتحان had a baby رُزق بطفل
happy سعيد find - found يجد – وجد
sad حزين new job وظيفة جديدة
congratulations تهانىَّ sorry آسف – حزين
first الأول good جيد
second الثانى bad سئ
third الثالث things أشياء

- He came first / second / third / last in his class
- جاء الاول / الثانى / الثالث / الاخير على فصله
- go on a boat trip يقوم برحلة بالقارب
- score a goal يسجل هدفاً
- work hard يعمل بجد
- find a new job يجد وظيفة جديدة
- revise for the exam يراجع للامتحان
- this is good news هذه أخبار جيدة
- do well in the exam. يؤدى جيدا فى الامتحان
- Don't worry لا تقلق
- I have a headache عندى صداع
- have a baby / had a baby رُزق بطفل رضيع
- for a good price بثمن جيد
- for + مبلغ من المال
- by mistake بالخطأ
- Stay with يقيم مع
- move to ينتقل إلى
- by bus بالأتوبيس
- on the bus فى الأتوبيس
- during + اسم أثناء - in bed فى الفراش
- on holiday فى اجازة
- in hospital فى المستشفى

Ex : 1 - SB. p : 18 -
( 1 )
Hesham has wanted a new car for a long time. During the last week he’s been going to car companies to look at new cars. He’s been choosing which car to buy. Next week he’s going to buy a new car.
( 2 )
Salma has been going to the park for the last two weeks to learn to roller-blade. Soha has been helping and Salma hasn’t fallen. Next week, Salma’s going to roller-blade by herself.
( 3 )
Maher has had a problem since last month. He’s been going to a clinic to see a doctor because he’s hurt his foot. He’s been taking the medicine which the doctor gave him, but his foot hasn’t stopped hurting. He’s going into hospital next week.
( 4 )
Nadia has been going to a driving school since August and she’s been having driving lessons to learn to drive. She has become a good driver and next week she’s going to take her test.
( 5 )
Soha has been going to language school for the last month to learn a new language. She’s been learning Greek. At first she found it very difficult but now she finds it easier. Next week, she’s going to get a Greek pen friend.

Ex : 1 - WB. p : 12 -
( 1 )
Boy : I’ve been working very hard at school, Mum, and
I’ve done well in my exams.
Mother: That’s good. Where did you come?
Boy : I came second.
Mother: Congratulations. That’s good news.
( 2 )
Magda : I haven’t seen you for months, Sawsan.
Sawsan: No, I’ve been staying with one of my uncles.
Magda : Oh, that’s nice. Which one? The one in Luxor or
the one in Alexandria?
Sawsan: My uncle from Alexandria has just moved to a new
job. So I’ve been staying with him in Aswan.
( 3 )
Man 1: Hello, Ali. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Have
you been on holiday?
Man 2: No, I haven’t been feeling very well.
Man 1: Oh dear. I’m very sorry about that.
Man 2: It’s OK. I’ve been in bed for a week, but I’m feeling
fine now.
Man 1: Oh, good.
Man 2: Yes, tomorrow I’m going to go on a boat trip.
Man 1: Fantastic! That’s really great.
( 4 )
Soha : You look hot, Ahmed. What have you been doing?
Ahmed: Playing football.
Soha : Did you score any goals?
Ahmed: Yes.
Soha : That’s really great.
Ahmed: Yes and no. I scored two goals for our team, and I
scored a goal for the other team by mistake!

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If you are very ill, you can go to the ……… next door.
a) library b) hotel c) clinic d) house
2- Don't forget to ………… the medicine three times a day.
a) drink b) start c) talk d) take
3- I went to buy medicine because I ……. a headache.
a) fallen b) kept c) had d) have
4- She is very clever. She ………. first in the crossword puzzle.
a) went b) did c) turned d) came
5- Hala is going to ………… her driving test next week.
a) learn b) give c) take d) do
6- My brother has ………… a new job.
a) worked b) taken c) been d) found
7- Did your aunt ………… a baby boy last week?
a) make b) take c) have d) get
8- Our team ………… four goals yesterday.
a) went b) made c) walked d) scored
9- Did you ………. well in the final exam.
a) say b) take c) do d) make
10- if you ……. a problem, ask your parents for help.
a) check b) watch c) get d) have

2- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- I'm very pleased to hear this bad news. ………….……
2- She got a new bike for a very good money. …………….…
3- That's good news. Congratulate! …………….….
4- Jana is very sad because she passed the test. …………….
5- He has just sold a car and he is driving it now. ………..……
6- She got better when she drank the medicine. …..…………
7- They were living in Aswan since 2001. ………..…….
8- I'm going to make a driving test next week. ……...............
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

- التكوين :
فاعل + have / has + been + v. + ing.

- يعبر عن حدث كان مستمرا لفترة طويلة فى الماضى و مازال مستمرا حتى الآن .
- Hesham has been going to car companies to look for a car
- Salma has been going to the park to learn to roller-blade.

- تستخدم الكلمات التالية مع هذا الزمن:

since – for – all – for – now – How long ……
- لاحظ هذا الفرق:
- How long ago did he start roller-blading? ماضى بسيط
- How long has he been roller-blading? مضارع تام مستمر

- I have been living in Mansoura since I was born.
- I have been living in Mansoura all my life.

- Ali has been preparing for the exam for the last week.
- Ali has been preparing for the exam since last week.

- just = a short time ago منذ فترة قصيرة
- She has just done her homework. مضارع تام
- She did her homework a short time ago. ماضى بسيط

- without + اسم / v.+ ing -
- بدون
- He has worked for ten hours without stopping.
- We can't travel abroad without a passport.

The future with going to

- التكوين :
فاعل + am / is / are + going to + مصدر

- يعبر عن شئ مخطط له أو تنوى أو قررت أن تفعله فى المستقبل :
- What are you going to do after school?
I'm going to play tennis after school
- لاحظ هذه الجمل :
- My father intends to buy a car.
= My father is going to buy a car.
- I have decided to build a new house.
= I am going to build a new house.

- still مازال
- I've been to the hospital but my leg still hurts.
- Mona can't get a job now. She is still at school.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Amgad is …………. play basketball after lunch.
a) go b) going c) goes d) going to
2- My uncle ……….. in Rome since last year.
a) is staying b) stayed c) stays d) has been staying
3- I'm ……….. to visit the Pyramids next Friday.
a) went b) goes c) go d) going
4- We haven't met Ahmed ………. the last two weeks.
a) to b) from c) since d) for
5- They have ……… e-mails all morning.
a) sending b) sends c) send d) been sending
6- My brother ………… in Cairo since 2005.
a) lives b) is lived c) lived d) has been living

7- Mustafa ……… two prizes for his good English since 2006.
a) will win b) has won c) wins d) won
8- My father is ………… me a new computer next week.
a) buy b) bought c) buying d) going to buy
9- The policeman has been ……… hard to catch the thieves.
a) works b) worked c) working d) work
10- I've been ………… French recently.
a) studies b) studying c) to study d) study
11- She has been sleeping …………. day.
a) all b) for c) whole d) most
12- My brother ………… for London a short time ago.
a) leaves b) is leaving c) left d) has left

2- Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1- Mum started to cook two hours ago. ( has been )
2- Ali hasn't stopped studying since he got up. (all morning)
3- Mona has been working for this school since 2003. ( for )
4- They have decided to spend the summer in Alex. ( going )
5- Do you intend to travel abroad? ( going to )
6- My father has got different things in his shop. ( There are )
7- Although he has taken the medicine, he is unwell. ( but )
8- Roller- blading isn't my favourite sport. ( enjoy )
9- They have just painted the doors. ( a short time ago )
10- I worked hard and didn't have any rest. ( without )

3- Read and match:
1- Aya came a) a watch for good price.
2- They have been b) everything will be OK soon.
3- I bought c) he has passed the test.
4- Don't worry d) learn French for fun.
5- He's happy because e) studying English for six years.
f ) first in the final exam.

Responding to good or bad news:
- الرد على الاخبار الجيدة أو السيئة
meaning Good news
يا لها من أخبار عظيمة What wonderful news !
تهانيَّ – مبروك Congratulations !
تهانىَّ على نتائجك الطيبة Congratulations on your good results.
أحسنت Well done !
خبر عظيم Great news !
ذلك عظيم حقاً That's really great.

meaning Bad news
يا لها من أخبار سيئة What bad news !
شئ مؤلم Oh dear !
أنا شديد الاسف لذلك I'm very sorry about that.
آه، لا أنا آسف جداً Oh no ! I'm so sorry.

1- Your friend tells you that his father is ill in hospital.
I'm very sorry about that.
2- Your sister tells you that she got the full mark in English.
Well done.
3- Your brother hasn't passed the exam.
What bad news.
4- One of your friends has got a gold medal in tennis.
5- Your uncle has broken his arm in a car accident.
I'm very sorry about that.

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend has lost his money on the bus.
2- Your friend told you that he has passed the final exam.
3- Your brother's wife has just had a baby.
4- You tell your friend about the hobby you have been doing
5- You congratulate your sister on being married.
6- You know your dad has bought a new car.
7- Your team won the gold medal.
8- You meet a friend who has just passed his exams.
9- You ask a new friend what his interests are.
10- Your friend tells you that his father is ill.
2- Finish the following dialogue
Hany and Emad who is taking a driving test.
Hany : Hi, Emad. Where are you going?
Emad : I'm going to a driving school.
Hany : ( 1 ) ……………………………………………………………?
Emad : I want to learn to drive.
Hany : But you haven't got a car, ( 2 ) …………………?
Emad : My father bought me one when I finished school.
Hany : ( 3 ) ………………………………………………… .
Emad : Thanks, Hany.
3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- They have stopped smoke for 2 years. ……………….
2- We're going to make an English test tomorrow. …………….
3- Nada did the housework on herself. ……………….
4- He is learning play the guitar. ……………….
5- Samaa has studied for 2 hours now. ……………….
6- I'm going to visiting my aunt next week. ……………….
7- Ali going to buy a mobile phone tomorrow. ……………….
8- Mohamed slept since two o'clock. He is still asleep. ……….

favourite مفضل do a sport يمارس رياضة
poem قصيدة do a hobby يمارس هواية
run a business يدير عمل young صغير السن
run a website يدير موقع انترنت reason سبب
run a home يدير منزلاً article مقال
children أطفال blouse بلوزة
as well = also أيضاً go shopping يتسوق
chance فرصة look after يعتنى بـ
usual ×unusual عادى × غير عادى ruler مسطرة
lab معمل happen – ed يحدث
kind نوع – طيب practise - d يمارس
story قصة welcome - d يرحب
interests إهتمامات chase – d يطارد
interested in مهتم بـ interesting شيق

project مشروع energy طاقة
engineer مهندس crop محصول
produce ينتج – يسبب used to إعتاد على
effect تأثير have to يجب أن
High Dam السد العالى grow ينمو – يزرع
cheap رخيص transport مواصلات
environment البيئة traffic مرور
substance مادة government حكومة

complex معقد science week أسبوع العلم
plan خطة experiment تجربة
in addition بالإضافة electronic إلكتروني
on the other hand من ناحية أخرى equipment معدات
fertile خصب comfortable مريح
fertilizers مخصبات - أسمدة fridge ثلاجة
roads طرق electric cooker بوتاجاز كهربى
metro lines خطوط مترو water heater سخان مياه
carry - carried يحمل – حمل roof سطح
control - led يتحكم pay money يدفع نقود
retire - d يتقاعد design يصمم
increase - d يتزايد glorious مجيد

Ex : 7 - SB. p : 20 –
Magdy: Right, the time is five thirty. You’re listening to Children’s Favourites. I’m Magdy Suleiman. In today’s programme, we’re going to talk to two children with an unusual hobby. Please welcome Soha Zaki and Sally Shukri. Hello, Soha. Hello, Sally.
Both : Hi.
Magdy: Now Soha, what’s your unusual hobby?
Soha : Sally and I have been using our computers to run a
website from our homes.
Magdy: Running a website from your homes? That is unusual. And how long have you been running this website?
Sally : Well, I haven’t been doing it as long as Soha. I’ve
been helping with the website for a year and a half.
Magdy: And what about you, Soha?
Soha : And I’ve been running it for about two and a half years. I had the idea for a website about three years ago.

Magdy: I see. And why did you start it?
Soha : Well, for three reasons. When we got the internet, there were lots of things for boys – you know about sport and football – but there weren’t many websites with interesting things for girls.
Magdy : So you started a website for girls?
Soha : To begin with, yes. My second reason for starting the website is to give students a chance to practise their English.
Magdy: So the website is in English, Sally?
Sally : Yes, that’s right. Our English has been getting better because of our website.
Magdy: Yes, I’m sure. Soha, you said there were three reasons for starting the website. What was the third reason?
Soha : Because I’ve always been interested in computers. I hope to work with computers
when I leave school.
Magdy: That’s great! So what’s your website called?
Sally : Computer Lab.
Magdy: OK. You started Computer Lab for girls. Are girls the only people who use the website?
Soha: No. We found that boys were using Computer Lab as well.
Sally: Yes. Boys have found the things on our website interesting, too.
Magdy: So what kinds of things do you put on your website?
Soha: We started with stories which we wrote and pictures which we drew. Now we have lots of different things – stories and poems, articles from the internet, letters and stories from students who use our website and photos which people send us.
Magdy: And how long do you think you will continue with Computer Lab?

- The time is five thirty = It's five thirty. – الساعة الخامسة و النصف
- talk to + شخص – يتكلم عن شئ
- talk about + شئ – يتكلم عن شئ
- with an unusual hobby – عنده هواية غير معتادة
- reason for – سبب لـ
- cause of – سبب
- I have a good idea. – عندى فكرة جيدة
- It's a good idea to + مصدر - انها فكرة جيدة
- like / enjoy + v. + ing – يحب – يستمتع
I like playing football. I enjoy reading stories.
- with -
I can see with my eyes. – بــ
He lives with his parents. – مع
The girl with long hair is my sister. – ذات
I live in a house with a swimming pool. – به
- equipment – معدات – ( تعامل معاملة المفرد )
- different from / to – مختلف عن
- important for the future – هام للمستقبل
- important to the people – هام للناس
- work as a project engineer. – يعمل كمهندس مشروع
- work for + شركة أو بلد – يعمل من أجل
- pay for – يدفع نقود
- continue with – يستمر فى
- look at – ينظر إلى
- look for – يبحث عن
- look after – يعتنى بـ
- look up – يبحث عن معنى كلمة فى القاموس
- on the website – على موقع الانترنت

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- What hobby do you ………… , Ahmed?
a) go b) do c) make d) find
2- We need ………. to grow food.
a) fans b) fats c) factories d) fertilizers
3- My father has ……… because he is sixty years now.
a) retired b) left c) came d) gone
4- My uncle has been ……… a food factory in Mansoura.
a) giving b) making c) running d) doing
5- Playing Chess is an ………….. hobby.
a) interests b) interesting c) interest d) interested
6- We do experiments in the …………. .
a) office b) library c) lake d) lab
7- New roads are built to help people ……….. easily.
a) travel b) go c) plan d) grow
8- "Chase" means run …………
a) on b) for c) after d) away
9- The High Dam helps us produce cheaper ………. .
a) water b) energy c) transport d) equipment
10- Transport has had bad ……….. on the environment.
a) parts b) sides c) lines d) effects

2- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- What's the cause for your coming late, Omar?………….…
2- Mona is sad as she has just passed the exam. ….………….
3- Volleyball is my favour sport. …………….….
4- Time is four fifteen. …….………….
5- He failed on the ground and broke his leg. …...……..……
6- He went to bed early because of he was tired. ……………
7- Let's talk to the summer holiday, Abdu? ……………….
8- She hasn't finished her work already. ……………….

3- Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1- She's a girl with an unusual hobby. ( who )
2- It's half past nine. ( The time )
3- We haven't played because of the rain. ( because )
4- Mum arrived home a short time ago. ( just )
5- I like reading short stories. ( hobby )
6- Some new projects are not simple. ( complex )
7- My uncle has a farm with modern equipment. ( which )
8- Energy from oil is more expensive than energy from the
sun. ( cheaper )
4- Finish the following dialogue:
Two fathers are discussing a small project for their sons.
A : Our sons mustn't wait longer to have jobs.
B : Right. We can help them start a small project, can't we?
A : ( 1 ) ……………………………… . I'm ready with money.
B : Great idea. ( 2 ) ………………………………………..?
A : We can start as quickly as possible. But ( 3 ) ………………?
B : A small factory to produce milk products.
A: Good.
5- Read and match:
1- Teachers retire a) cameras.
2- Petrol produces bad b) at the age of 60.
3- Cheaper energy means c) effects on our environment.
4- Transport serves d) more work and production.
5- Engineers built e) all sorts of business.
f ) The High Dam in Aswan.

6- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- They have built this factory since three years. …………….
2- The new equipment are very useful. ….……….….
3- All Egyptians should work as their country. ………………
4- He is poor because he is happy. …….………..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:13

Contrast التناقض

من ناحية أخرى - بالرغم من – لكن – بالرغم من - مع ذلك
However – Although – but – despite – on the other hand-

Although + فاعل + فعل , فاعل + فعل

- Although he is poor, he is happy.
- He is happy although he is poor.

Despite ( In spite of ) + اسم / v. + ing , فاعل + فعل

- Despite his poverty, he is happy.

من ناحية أخرى مع ذلك لكن
- لاحظ هنا استخدام but / However / On the other hand .
- He is poor but he is happy.
- He is poor. However, he is happy.
- He is poor. On the other hand, he is happy.

Addition الاضافة

-as well – in addition – and – too-

- We had some cakes and we had some fruit.
- We had some cakes. In addition we had some fruit.
- We had some cakes. We had some fruit, too.
- We had some cakes. We had some fruit as well.

1- Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1- I've just finished the report. ( a short time ago )
2- Let's play a game of chess. ( Why )
3- We went for a walk despite the cold weather. ( although )
4- She works hard although she is old. ( despite )
5- He studied hard but he got low marks. ( However )
6- She couldn't understand him although he spoke slowly.
7- Although he is strong, he can’t carry the bag. ( Despite )
8- He didn't come to school because of his illness. (because)
9- He told me why he came late. ( reason )
10- I like reading science magazines. ( interested )
11- Tamer is very clever. Hala is very clever, too. ( as well )
12- They are planning to travel abroad. ( going )
2- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" Energy "
- Use the following key words:
- Different forms of energy.
- Business and housework.
- Electronic equipment and expensive energy.
- Cheaper energy from the sun.

3- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The boy climbed the tree but it was tall. .. …………….
2- Since last month, my uncle was ill. ….………..….
3- He didn't score some goals. ………………
4- He has been waited for the bus for an hour. ..….…………
5- Without work hard, Hany won't get high marks. …………..
6- It's very hot despite he is wearing heavy clothes….……….
7- However it is raining, I'm going to work. ………………
8- He went swim despite the cold weather. …….…………

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Gamal's uncle has died.
Munir : You look sad, Gamal. What's the matter?
Gamal: (1) ……………………………………. .
Munir : Your uncle? I'm sorry to hear that bad news.
Gamal: (2) ……………………………………. .
Munir : Well, (3) ………………………………?
Gamal: No, he wasn't. He was only 52.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend has passed the English exam.
2- A friend of yours has failed the final exam.
3- Your cousin has bought a new camera.
4- Your friend told you that his grandmother has died.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- To drive a car a) school last Monday.
2- The metro doesn't b) as she passed the art test.
3- We suggested c) good reasons.
4- They do that for d) playing football at the club.
5- She was very happy e) harm the environment.
f ) first, switch on the engine.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Once, I invited some of my friends to have a light meal and some drinks. They agreed to my idea as all of us were hungry. We went into the first cafeteria on the way. Each of us had some sandwiches and a cool drink. Then the time of payment came. To my surprise, I found no money in my pockets. I had changed my trousers and forgot to take the money. My face turned red. I didn't know what to do. I asked my friends if

they had money, but the money they had wasn't enough to pay the bill. The waiter became angry and wanted to take us to the police. To our good luck, my cousin came in to have coffee. I told him about our bad situation. He smiled and paid the waiter who thought that we were thieves.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the writer and his friends get into the cafeteria?
2- How did the writer find himself without money?
3- What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The waiter wanted to call the police because they ..... the bill
a) didn't pay b) paid c) get d) take
5- The writer's cousin came into the cafeteria to have ……….. .
a) tea b) fruit salad c) milk d) coffee
6- The writer forgot his money at …………… .
a) hospital b) home c) school d) cafeteria
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Zaki's computer is different ………. mine.
a) with b) for c) from d) to
2- A lot of new projects have been ………… all over Egypt.
a) painted b) put c) planned d) planted
3- ………… his long illness, he is always cheerful.
a) Despite b) But c) Because d) Although
4- "El Sadat" film was ………… five years ago.
a) produced b) built c) taken d) made
5- Reading and fishing are my brother's …………. .
a) examples b) effects c) reasons d) favourites
6- We have built roads for people to ………….. easily.
a) fly b) come c) go d) travel
7- Ali has ……… here for an hour but no one has come yet.
a) wait b) waiting c) waited d) been waiting

8- Tamer is good at English, Ali is good at English, ………. .
a) either b) so c) and d) as well

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Although he played well he lost the match. ( However )
2- Let's buy this camera. It's good and cheap. ( Why )
3- He has been teaching in this school since 2003. ( for )
4- He didn't play the match because of his illness. (because)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- The cause for coming late was the rain. ……………….
2- Soha is so old as Mona. ……………….
3- Cairo Metro is the more important project. ……………….
4- Hala used to running a website. ………………

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
The Developments That took Place In Egypt
- Use the following ideas for guidance:
Building new cities and factories / reclaiming the desert /
building roads / developing telecommunications /
Extending metro line / improving the lives of the Egyptians.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why couldn’t the Professor understand the parchment?
2- Why did the Professor use a magnifying glass?
3- How could Axel break the secret code?
4- Why couldn't Axel burn the parchment?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Sneffels was ………………… .
2- After the Professor had known the secret he …………. .

make plans يضع خططاً nervous عصبى
future مستقبل look forward to يتطلع إلى
predict يتنبأ driver سائق
decide to يقرر أن wear يرتدى
helmet خوذه recently مؤخراً
sure متأكد walk يمشى
able to قادر على probably محتمل أن
unable to غير قادر على stick عصا

further = farther أبعد hot drinks مشروبات ساخنة
faster أسرع difference إختلاف
history تاريخ engine محرك
plane travel السفر بالطائرة design يصمم
air travel السفر جواً speed of
sound سرعة الصوت
flight رحلة جوية
fuel tank خزان الوقود Concorde طائرة الكونكورد
journey رحلة better أفضل – أحسن
side by side جنباً إلى جنب ready مستعد
entertainment ترفيه – تسلية double ضِعف
passenger مسافر The French الفرنسيين
in addition بالإضافة noisier أكثر ضجيجاً
per hour فى الساعة quieter أهدئ
modern حديث larger أكبر
Ex : 1 - SB. p : 23 -
( a )
Nadia: I’m driving Hesham to work today. I was very pleased to pass my driving test two days ago. I used to be too nervous to drive when I was younger. I’m not nervous now. I’m looking forward to driving. I think I’ll be
a good driver.
( b )
Salma: Hi! I’m roller-blading by myself. I didn’t use to be able to roller-blade on my own. I was too nervous. Soha or Ahmed used to hold my hand because I was afraid of falling. But I’m not afraid now. I’m going to be good at roller-blading. I’m going to roller-blade very fast. But I’ll be careful of other people and I’m going to wear
a helmet when I roller-blade.
( c )
Maher: Look! I’m walking with a stick today. When I was younger, I used to be able to run five kilometres in twenty minutes. I can’t do that now. Recently, my foot has hurt too much to walk on. However, it’s feeling much better now. Tomorrow, I’m going to walk without a stick. I probably won’t be able to run five kilometres again
in future, but I’m sure I’ll be able to walk it.

- walk with a stick – يمشى متكئاً على عصا
- fall over – يقع على الارض
- careful of – حذر من
- good at جيد فى - - bad at – سيئ فى
- drive + شخص + to + مكان – يوصل شخص إلى مكان
- look forward to + v. + ing – يتطلع إلى
- He is a bad driver = He drives badly.
- He is a good driver = He drives well.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- She was very ……… when her daughter was late.
a) nervous b) good c) pleased d) happy
2- We are ……….. plans to build new roads.
a) doing b) making c) riding d) running
3- My grandpa ………….. in a Concorde to Paris in 2005.
a) rode b) drove c) flew d) carried
4- The opposite of " narrow " is …………… .
a) wide b) high c) tall d) large
5- A ……… is a hard hat covers and protects your head.
a) helmet b) drop c) bin d) cap
6- A car can't move without ………… .
a) a light b) a roof c) an engine d) a door
7- Our old car can only travel at a low ………… .
a) surface b) cost c) speed d) price
8- ………… means to say that something will happen.
a) produce b) build c) prepare d) predict
9- A kilometre equals ……….. metres.
a) 100 b) 10 c) 10000 d) 1000
10- " Start " means ……………… .
a) begin b) come c) go d) travel
11- The opposite of "younger " is …………….
a) quieter b) higher c) bigger d) older
12- People usually …………. on beds.
a) study b) sleep c) play d) walk

2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- My father always rides me to school. …………….…
2- Be careless, and don't make such mistakes again. ..………
3- Ali was happy when he failed the driving test. ………...……
4- Some old people can't walk without boxes. ………………
5- Hana is able to roller-blade by himself. ………………

The future simple Tense

- التكوين :
will + مصدر الفعل
- الكلمات الدالة عليه :
- The future / tomorrow / next week ……

- يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يتم فى المستقبل أو التنبؤ ، مثال ذ لك :
- They will spend the summer in Alexandria.
- The weather will be cold tomorrow.
- عند اتخاذ قرار سريع أو عمل ترتيبات :
- We will meet at 5 o'clock.
- عند اعطاء وعد أو تقديم عرض أو التهديد أو حقيقة فى المستقبل :
- Ok. I'll send the e-mails this evening. - وعد
- I'll open the window. - عرض
- I'll tell the police if you do that again. - تهديد
- Mr. Mohamed will be 30 next February. - حقيقة
- عند النفى نستخدم :
won't + مصدر الفعل

- I won't travel to Cairo tomorrow.

The future with going to

- التكوين :
فاعل + am / is / are + going to + مصدر

- يعبر عن شئ مخطط له أو تنوى أو قررت أن تفعله فى المستقبل :
- What are you going to do after school today?
I'm going to play tennis after school.

used to

- التكوين :
used to + مصدر

- يعبر عن شئ كان يحدث فى الماضى و لكنه لا يحدث الآن :
- Grandpa used to play tennis when he was young.
I used to go to primary school three years ago.
- فى النفى نستخدم : didn't use to و بعدها الفعل فى المصدر :
- She didn't use to play basketball when she was ten.
- فى الاستفهام نستخدم Did you use to و بعدها الفعل فى المصدر :
- Did you use to ride a bike when you were seven?

too + الصفه + to + المصدر
- Esraa was too ill to go to school.
- The tea is too hot to drink.
- The lesson was too difficult to understand.

1- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- When I was nine I played football everyday. ( used to )
2- What's your expectation about his success? ( Will )
3- I intend to change jobs. ( going )
4- Have you decided to go abroad? ( Are you )
5- She sang beautifully but she doesn't now. ( used to )
6- We predict his arrival next week. ( will )
7- Mum intends to buy a new cooker. ( going to )
8- We feel happy when we go to the beach. ( look forward )
9- Hisham is too short. He can't touch the ceiling. ( too … to )
10- Soha is roller-blading without any help. ( herself )

2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I can't carry this box. It's ……….. heavy to carry.
a) so b) very c) too d) also
2- My uncle ………. to smoke in the past. Now he doesn't.
a) using b) use c) uses d) used
3- My grandma ………….. 70 next Monday.
a) will be b) is c) was d) has been
4- The High Dam ………….. us produce electricity everyday.
a) is helping b) helps c) helping d) help
5- My cousin is …………… to Athens next week.
a) travelled b) travel c) travelling d) travels
6- That plane can travel at 1000 km …………. hour.
a) on b) in c) at d) per
7- You ………. to get up early to go to school early.
a) have b) can c) must d) has
8- You can drive at 100 km an ………. on this road.
a) week b) hour c) day d) month
9- ………. you use to have a lot of toys when you were four.
a) Do b) Have c) Did d) Will
10- Our ………. to London took 4 hours.
a) fly b) flies c) fight d) flight
11- They used to ………… hard in the past.
a) work b) works c) working d) worked
12- He ………… use to smoke but now he does.
a) don't b) didn't c) hasn't d) can't
13- She didn't use to roller-blading but now she ……….. .
a) has b) can c) does d) did
14- Hala is afraid ………. seeing wild animals.
a) at b) on c) from d) of
15- We must stand side …… side to defend our country.
a) by b) with c) to d) for

3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Samir is go to give a party tonight. …………….…
2- We were afraid from dogs. ……….………
3- Basma didn't used to swim when she was six. ………...……..
4- My hand still hurt too much to write with. ………………
5- Modern planes are difference from old ones. ………………
6- You may have an accident if you drive on high speed. ….
7- In the past flights take a very long time. ..…………….
8- We have 3 foods everyday, breakfast, lunch and dinner. ..
9- Passenger planes can walk 10000 km without stopping. …
10- Concorde could fly faster than the hurry of sound. ………
4- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Someone asks you the way to the post office.
2- Your friend thanks you for giving him a pen.
3- You ask your sister to open the window.
4- Your friend suggests going to the club. You are busy.
5- A friend asks you what you are going to do next Friday.
6- Someone asks you" What did your father used to do
before he retired.
7- You tell a friend about your plans for the summer holiday.
5- Read and match:
1- We are going to a) school last Monday.
2- Jana thinks b) to visiting my uncle's farm.
3- My uncle used to c) too expensive to buy.
4- That bike is d) play basketball 5 years ago.
5- I'm looking forward e) she will pass her final exams.
f ) fly to Luxor next week.
6- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" Air Travel "
Guided points:
Air travel in the past – air travel now – air travel in the future fuel tanks – entertainment – size of planes.

land - ed تهبط airport مطار
the moon القمر spaceport ميناء فضائى
dollar دولار spaceship سفينة فضاء
intend to ينوى أن space flights رحلات فضائية
quite تماماً maybe ربما
common شائع perhaps ربما
space travel السفر للفضاء million مليون
businessman رجل أعمال go into space يسافر للفضاء
ticket تذكرة fly into يطير إلى
in 10 years time فى خلال 10 أعوام rain - ed تمطر
scientist عالم believe - d يعتقد – يصدق
port ميناء hear - d يسمع
take care of يعتنى بـ secondary ثانوى
weekend نهاية الأسبوع learn to يتعلم أن

capital عاصمة studies دراسات
Malaysia ماليزيا maths رياضيات
Kuala Lumpur كوالالمبور like my dad مثل والدى
Singapore سنغافورة sports ألعاب رياضية
pool حمام سباحة grow up ينمو – يكبر
cousin ابن العم healthy صحى
subject مادة might live ربما يعيش
history تاريخ most importantly الاكثر أهمية

- at the speed of بسر عة - an hour / per hour فى الساعة
- land on تهبط على - ready for مستعد لـ
- on page 20 فى صفحة 20 - write about يكتب عن
- play with يلعب مع / بـ - at the weekend فى عطلة نهاية الاسبوع

Ex : 6 - SB. p : 25 –
( 1 )
At the moment, engineers are designing the planes of the future. Some planes will be able to carry about 1000 passengers. Others will be able to fly at speeds of 3000 kilometres an hour.
( 2 )
Scientists also predict that ordinary people will go into space in the next 10 years. They think that space tourists will be quite common in the next 30 years.
( 3 )
Space travel for tourists has already started. In 2001, a businessman, Dennis Tito, flew into space. His ticket cost about twenty million dollars.
( 4 )
We already have ports for ships and airports for planes. Now companies intend to build “spaceports” for spaceships.
( 5 )
These companies are planning to start space flights in 10 years time. The first 100 passengers have already bought their tickets. They will go 100 kilometres into space and fly for three hours.
( 6 )
Maybe in the next fifty years we’ll hear sentences like these every day: “We’re going to land on the moon in 15 minutes.”

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- You can't travel on a train without a ………… .
a) passport b) ticket c) card d) letter
2- He's going to fly to Paris by ………….. .
a) ship b) bus c) plane d) train
3- Modern planes can ……….. about 600 passengers.
a) predict b) hold c) catch d) carry
4- Space flights will be ……………. in the future.
a) common b) cheap c) difficult d) impossible
5- planes usually ………… at airports.
a) design b) land c) carry d) build
6- Malaysia is a ………… in Asia.
a) capital b) continent c) country d) city
7- Tennis and basketball are …………… .
a) seasons b) months c) subjects d) sports
8- Rana wants to be a doctor when she ……….. up.
a) grows b) goes c) runs d) keeps
9- Abdu …….. after his little brother when his mum is away.
a) comes b) looks c) watches d) sees
10- English and maths are school ………….. .
a) games b) sports c) subjects d) labs
11- What job will you ………… in the future?
a) work b) make c) did d) do
12- Scientists …… that people will live on the moon in 2100.
a) predict b) ask c) like d) want
13- She can't read or write. ………… , she is very clever.
a) but b) However c) so d) although
14- Do you think we..... to land on other planets in the future?
a) can b) are able c) will be d) able
15- The players are ready ……… the final match.
a) by b) with c) to d) for

-Have to – has to – must + - مصدر الفعل

- You have to / must revise well to pass the exam.
- She has to / must help her aunt who is very old and poor.

- able to / can -

am / is / are + able to + مصدر الفعل
= can + مصدر الفعل
- I am able to swim well
= I can swim well
was / were + able to + مصدر الفعل
= could + مصدر الفعل

- I was able to answer the difficult questions.
= I could answer the difficult questions.
will be able to + مصدر الفعل

- Man will be able to live on the moon in the future.
- Intend to – ينوى أن
Intend to + مصدر الفعل

- We intend to build a factory next year.
- hope – يأمل
فاعل + hope + فاعل + will + مصدر الفعل

- My grandma is ill in hospital. I hope she will get better soon

make + مفعول به + مصدر الفعل

- Our parents do everything to make us happy.

1- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Despite the hot weather, he was wearing heavy clothes.
( Although )
2- We intend to visit the museum next week. ( going )
3- He is very lazy and he is also impolite. ( as well )
4- They can drive very well. ( able )
5- I went to a primary school with my sister. ( used to )
6- We intend to visit Paris in the summer. ( going to )
7- I like computer studies very much. (My favourite subject)
8- I laugh a lot when I listen to his stories. ( make )
9- He lives in a big house which has a big garden. ( with )
10- They are going to live in Cairo. ( decide )

2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- My cousin going to fly to Luxor next week. …………….…
2- Their plane has yet landed at the airport. ……………….
3- Doctors are designing the planes of the future. …………….
4- My grandpa born in Mansoura in 1940. ……………….
5- Read the article in page 30, please. ……………….
6- Ali didn't used to play tennis when he was nine. ……………
7- What is your best friend, Mona? ……………….
8- Tourist space travel has already starting. ……………….
9- Ordinarily people will be able to travel into space. ………..
10- Our new car paid 50, 000 pounds. ……………….

3- Read and match:
1- We all hope Egyptians a) is the capital of England.
2- Kuala Lumpur b) will be very happy.
3- My uncle lives in a flat c) is the capital of Malaysia.
4- Art and music are d) because they are friendly.
5- I like my neighbours e) Aya's favourite subjects.
f ) with a swimming pool.

4- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I'm busy today. I've got a lot of jobs to ………… .
a) go b) make c) take d) do
2- Mr. Kareem is going to ....................... to Europe .
a) travel b) travelled c) travels d) travelling
3- I .................. on holiday next Monday.
a) will go b) go c) have gone d) going
4- I ....................... to start my trip next week .
a) intend b) going c) will d) am
5- Some planes will ................ able to carry 1000 passengers.
a) been b) be c) have been d) to be
6- He tried hard to make us …………… .
a) laughs b) laughed c) laugh d) laughing
7- In the year 2020, people ..................... drive electric cars.
a) going to b) are c) intend d) will
8- ...................... you intend to meet this man?
a) Will b) Have c) Do d) Are
9- ………… his money, he lives an unhappy life.
a) Despite b) Although c) But d) Because
10- Here you can watch TV and listen to music ………….. .
a) neither b) as well c) and d) either
11- Planes can't fly without having ............... tanks.
a) full b) fuel c)fool d) foot
12- I can't go roller-balding ................... my own.
a) on b) with c) to d) for
13- I'm looking forward to ..................... Paris.
a) visited b) visits c) visit d) visiting
14- She is very clever ----------- being very young.
a) but b) although c) for d) despite
15- We went……………a boat trip to Safaga last week.
a) on b) with c) to d) for

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Clerk : Hello, Egypt Airways. How can I help you?
Tourist : I'd like to know if Flight CA340 from London to Cairo
has arrived yet.
Clerk : (1)…………………………………………………………… .
Tourist : (2)……………………………………………………………?
Clerk : It departed from London at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Tourist : (3) …………………………………………….…………….?
Clerk : It will arrive at 7 o'clock this evening.
Tourist : Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- A visitor starts coughing. You offer him some medicine.
2- You tell your sister about the job you want to do in future.
3- You advise a careless child who is playing with matches.
4- You tell a friend what you intend to do in the summer.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- The phone is ringing a) buy a new car next week.
2- Khalid is going to b) use to be good at maths?
3- Did you c) able to walk without a stick.
4- He will be d) do bad things 10 years ago.
5- Adham used to e) playing football at the club.
f ) I will answer it.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Long after the discovery of electricity, man found that he could use the great power of water to produce it. At first, man used waterfalls from high mountains. Later, he began to build dams across rivers to form a lake behind. The water is then allowed to fall under control through huge pipes to run turbines below and produce electricity.
This runs into wires and treated before it goes to homes

and factories. Dams have also been built along rivers in the world to make full use of the water, so it runs to the driest and least fertile to open them to farming.

A- Answer the following questions:
I- Give a suitable title for the passage.
2- Where are dams built?
3- How do dams help farming?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word “ full ” means ………………. .
a) some b) complete c) a little d) not all
5- The underlined word ‘ it ’ refers to the …………….. .
a) water b) electricity c) dam d) farm
6- ………. below dams help us produce electricity
a) Pipes b) Lakes c) Turbines d) Waterfalls
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- cars can't go ………….. fuels.
a) with b) without c) from d) to
2- Football is the most ………… game in the world.
a) nice b) fast c) good d) common
3- He apologized for ……….. the cup.
a) breaking b) break c) broke d) broken
4- Some people are afraid ………. dogs.
a) from b) on c) for d) of
5- She used to be ……… nervous to behave well.
a) such b) too c) so d) to
6- You should wear a ……………. when you roller blade.
a) glasses b) cap c) helmet d) hat
7- I'll ……….. you some money if you don't have any.
a) borrow b) lend c) owe d) take

8- Nada is going to do her homework after she …... the floor.
a) sweeping b) sweep c) sweeps d) swept
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Our teacher has planned to test us next month. ( going ¬)
2- I have decided to buy a new jacket. ( will )
3- Mr. Hany is going to buy a farm. (intends)
4- Some planes can carry 1000 passengers. (able)
7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- I intend for revise my lessons well. ……………..
2- Wafaa was going to travel to Aswan next week. …………..
3- I hope my parents must buy me a new car. ……………...
4- I like hearing to music. ………………

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
Your uncle habits when he was young and nowadays
Past habits Present habits
get up late get up early
be lazy work hard
walk for a short distance walk for long distances
watch TV everyday read in the evening
smoke exercise
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the Professor and Axel prepare for the journey?
2- Who was Hans?
3- How did they travel to Copenhagen?
4- Who did they meet in Copenhagen?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The Icelanders were kind because ………………… .
2- The professor and Axel liked Hans because ………
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:14

service خدمة – صيانة need - ed يحتاج
street شارع park - ed يركن السيارة
secretary سكرتير happen - ed يحدث
title عنوان by the time قبل
office مكتب garage جراج – ورشة
car keys مفاتيح السيارة someone شخص ما
notes مذكرات everything كل شئ
night before الليلة السابقة forget -forgot -forgotten ينسى
had to اضطر إلى steal – stole – stolen يسرق

traffic police شرطة المرور the police رجال الشرطة
near قريب thief لص
angry with غاضب من thieves لصوص
officer ضابط train قطار
juice عصير plates أطباق
carpet سجادة kitchen مطبخ
expensive غالى الثمن wash up يغسل الأوانى
lose - lost يفقـد escape - d يهرب
spill - spilt يسكب apologise-d يعتذر
spill - ed يسكب ring - rang يرن
clean - ed ينظف bring-brought يحضر
mend - ed يصلح drop-dropped يُسقط
return - ed يعود - يرجع pick up يلتقط

- need a service – يحتاج خدمة
- There's a man to see you – هناك شخص يريد مقابلتك
- write notes – يكتب مذكرات
- give + شئ + to + شخص – يعطى شئ لشخص
- park a car – يركن سيارة
- agree to – يوافق أن

Ex : 3 - SB. p : 29 –
Hesham: Hello. Yes, is that the traffic police?
Officer : Yes, sir, how can I help?
Hesham: Someone has stolen my car.
Officer : Oh, dear. I’m very sorry about that. What’s your name, please?
Hesham: Hesham Zaki.
Officer : What time was your car stolen, Mr Zaki?
Hesham: I’m not sure. I parked my car here at about eight o’clock, and when I returned after I’d finished work, the car had gone.
Officer : And where did you park the car?
Hesham: In Safwat Street, near the garage. The garage! Oh dear, officer. I’ve just remembered. I’m really very sorry. I’m
afraid I’ve made a mistake.
Officer : Sorry, sir, I don’t understand.
Hesham: I’ve just remembered. My secretary took my car to the garage. I’d forgotten about it.
Officer : So no one has stolen your car, Mr. Zaki?
Hesham: No, officer, no one has stolen my car. I’m very sorry to phone you. I must apologise.
Officer : Don’t worry about it, Mr. Zaki. It doesn’t matter. I’m happy that nothing has happened to your car.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I always ……….. at school early.
a) go b) get c) arrive d) come
2- We can get on and off the trains at the ……………….. .
a) shop b) stop c) shop d) station
3- Our car …………. a service every two months.
a) will need b) needs c) needed d) need
4- My brother is an ……….. in the police.
a) officer b) doctor c) pilot d) engineer
5- I use a …………. to open the door.
a) bin b) key c) pen d) saw
6- We use a …………… to draw a line.
a) bag b) hammer c) ruler d) drill
7- …………… is the name of a book, a lesson or article.
a) An e-mail b) A signal c) An address d) A title
8- After finishing the dinner, I went to ………….. up.
a) wash b) get c) look d) set
9- Always remember your old friends. Don't ……….. them.
a) visit b) forget c) see d) help
10- My father works in an engineering ………… in Cairo.
a) room b) clinic c) office d) desk
11- He parks his car in a ………….. .
a) flat b) shop c) lab d) garage
12- He apologised ……….... breaking the dishes.
a) on b) with c) to d) for

2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- We bought a new shirt to cover the floor. …………….…
2- We cook meals in the hall. ……………….
3- Be carful, or you'll spell the milk on the floor. ……………….
4- Dad was pleased with me when I failed the exam. .……….
5- I answer the phone when it runs. ……………….

The Past Perfect Tense
- التكوين :
had + p.p التصريف الثالث للفعل
- الاستخدام :
- إذا وقع حدثان متتاليان فى الماضى فإننا نضع الاول فى الماضى التام و الثانى فى الماضى البسيط.
- He found the pen which he had lost.
- We enjoyed the meal which she had cooked.
- روابط نستخدم معها الماضى التام :
After – as soon as – when – before – by the time

After / As soon as / When + ماضى تام + ماضى بسيط

- First, he did his homework, then he watched TV.
- After he had finished his homework, he watched TV.
- As soon as he had finished his h.w, he watched TV.

Before / By the time / When + ماضى بسيط + ماضى تام

- First she cooked, then she went out.
- Before she went out, she had cooked.

- عندما يأتى بعد when ماضى بسيط فإننا نعبر عن مواقف غير مرتب لها – غير مرغوبة
أو غير سارة :
- When he arrived at the station, the train had left.
- When the patient arrived at the hospital, he had died.

- إذا لم يأت فاعل بعد after / before نضع بعدهما v. + ing :
- After reading the lesson, he answered the questions.

- فى النفى نستخدم hadn't :
- I hadn't eaten before I came out.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- After she ……….. the washing up, she had some rest.
a) did b) had done c) was doing d) does
2- …………. he visited them before he flew to Rome?
a) Had b) Has c) Did d) Will
3- My aunt ............. before I came home.
a) will arrive b) arrives c) arrived d) had arrived
4- He paid me the money which I ........ him the week before.
a) lent b) lend c) had lent d) lending
5- As soon as he had planted the flowers, he ......... the grass.
a) had cut b) cut c) cuts d) was cutting
6- My uncle .... a reporter before he became a businessman.
a) had been b) was c) will be d) has been
7- The film had started ……….. we arrived at the cinema.
a) before b) after c) because d) as soon as
8- After ………….. my friend, I knew all the news.
a) meeting b) had met c) met d) meet
9- Adel writes …………. to remember what he has to do.
a) cards b) letters c) notes d) books
10- By the time the police arrived, the thieves ……….... .
a) escaping b) escape c) escaped d) had escaped
11- I always …………. my car in a garage near my house.
a) buy b) drive c) park d) garage
12- He has a good memory, he never ……… his old friends.
a) meets b) sees c) remembers d) forgets

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- We put on our clothes, then we went to the party. ( After ¬)
2- He had a shower, then he watched TV. ( Before )
3- After seeing the new film, she went for a walk. ( After she )
4- We played football, then we had some cola. ( Before )
5- When they had finished, the guests arrived. ( By the time )

- الإعتذار
meaning Apologising
أنا آسف ، لأنى ......... I'm very sorry, but + فاعل + فعل
أعذرنى لأنى ....... Excuse me. I'm afraid + فاعل + فعل
يجب أن أعتذر لأنى .... I must apologise, I + فعل
أنا أعتذر عن ...... I apologise for + v. + ing

Refusing رفض Accepting قبول
Well, I hope you will + v. حسناً أتمنى أن ........ That's OK. كل شئ على ما يرام
It doesn't matter. و لا يهمك
Oh dear! well, please can you (mend it) ويحى ، هل يمكنك أن تصلحها؟ Never mind. لا تشغل بالك
Don't worry about it.

1- Your friend apologises for losing your ball. You accept.
- Never mind. or - It doesn't matter.
2- You borrowed a book from your friend and lost it.
- I'm very sorry. I have lost your book.
3- Your friend apologised to you for not coming on time.
- Never mind. or Don't worry about it.
4- Someone spilt tea on your new shirt. He apologised.
- Never mind. or - It doesn't matter.
5- You apologise for your friend for losing his pen.
- I'm very sorry. I have lost your pen.
6- You apologise to your teacher for making noise in class.
- I'm very sorry. I won't make noise again.

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You lost a watch your sister had lent you.
2- You accept a friend’s apology for breaking your pen.
3- You are late for school.
4- You don’t accept a friend’s apology for losing your bag.
5- You have broken your friend's watch.
6- Your friend has lost your pen. You are angry.
7- You have forgotten your books, the teacher is angry.
8- Your little sister apologises for breaking your ruler.
9- You don't accept your friend's apology for losing your
new camera.
2- Finish the following dialogue
Parents are worried about their son who is very late.
Mother : Hussein is very late, isn’t he ?
Father : (1) ……………………………….. . It really worries me.
Mother : (2) …………………………………………………………?
Father : He said he would return home at ten after visiting
his friend, Rami.
Mother : Now let’s phone Rami. I’ve got his number.
Father : (3) ………………………………………………………. .

3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Someone has take my new notebook. …………….…
2- She returned home after finish her work. ……………….
3- Don't worry on the result of the exam, Ali. ……………….
4- I answer the phone after I had washed up. ……...……….
5- Omar fell the glass and broke it. ……………….
6- Mona apologised of not coming to the party. ……………...
7- Before he played tennis, he did his homework. ……………..
8- The traffic in Cairo is easy. ……………...
9- I took my car to the shop for the service. ………………
10- Where did you go your car? – In a garage. ……………...

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He forgot to tell me what had happened. ( remember ¬)
2- She went to her office by car. ( drove )
3- There is a woman to see you, Mr. Magdy. ( who )
4- After I had put on my clothes, I went to the park. ( before )
5- First, I had a meal. Then I took the medicine.(After/Before)
6- The train left. Then he arrived at the station. ( By the time )
7- Before the police arrived, the thieves had escaped. ( After )
8- He turned off the lights. Then he slept. ( As soon as )

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Hisham broke his arm in a car …………… .
a) park b) accident c) station d) door
2- I apologised to my teacher who accepted my ………… .
a) apology b) thanks c) visit d) news
3- The …………… in Cairo is very heavy. Cars move slowly.
a) bus b) traffic c) police d) tram
4- Salma ……………. some milk on the floor.
a) spilt b) slept c) slipped d) spelled
5- A thief stole Miss Maha's bag and ……………… .
a) played b) escaped c) came d) parked
6- I'm sorry …………… not coming on time.
a) about b) on c) of d) for
7- Mothers are always worried ………… their children.
a) about b) with c) from d) for
8- Samy apologised …………… phoning me late at night.
a) at b) for c) of d) from
9- The ……………… is typing on the computer now.
a) secretary b) mechanic c) nurse d) doctor
10- She ………… to leave the party because she was ill.
a) must b) had to c) has to d) have to

a cloth قطعة قماش Stop ! thief امسك حرامى
robbery سرقة police station قسم شرطة
owner مالك neighbour جار
guard حارس grab - grabbed يجذب بشدة
back خلف faint - ed يغمى عليه
supermarket سوبر ماركت recover - ed يتعافى
sound صوت شئ attack - ed يهاجم
glass زجاج reply - replied يرد
turn on يشغل جهاز smash - ed يحطم
turn off يطفئ جهاز rush - ed يندفع
electricity كهرباء wait - ed ينتظر
get in × get out يدخل × يخرج breathe - d يتنفس

continue -d يستمر switch on يشغل جهاز
perhaps ربما switch off يطفئ جهاز
maybe ربما Project مشروع
problem مشكلة interview مقابلة شخصية
lazy × active كسول × نشيط end نهاية
tell lies يكذب start = begin يبدأ
tell the truth يقول الصدق report about تقرير عن
call to ينادى على grandchildren أحفاد
reasons أسباب poor × rich فقير × غنى
break into يقتحم مكاناً during أثناء

- ride a bike / a horse – يركب دراجة / حصان
- drive a car / a bus – يقود سيارة / أتوبيس
- fly in a plane – يقود طائرة
- get married – يتزوج
- have children – لديه أطفال
- move to a new town – ينتقل إلى مدينة جديدة
- go to university – يلتحق بالجامعة
- The police have / are / were ….. – رجال الشرطة ( جمع )
- at the back of the shop. – خلف المحل
- angry about + شئ – غاضب من شئ
- angry with + شخص – غاضب من شخص
- knock on the door – يطرق على الباب
- find out – يكتشف
- during + اسم – أثناء
I played tennis during the holiday.
- start + to + مصدر – يبدأ
- start + v. + ing
- stop + v. + ing / اسم – يتوقف

- I think – Perhaps – Probably – Maybe – (May + v.) -
- تستخدم عند تخمين حدوث شئ ما.
- I think the thief was Osman. During the robbery he
was in the supermarket.
- Perhaps he stole the money to buy his own shop.
- He probably wanted to be rich.
Ex : 8 - SB. p : 31 –

Officer Marzouk continued to ask questions.
Marzouk: What did you do, Mr. El Masry, when the guard phoned you?
Mohab : I was very worried. I came here immediately to see what had happened.
Marzouk: What did you see?
Mohab : Osman is telling the truth. When I arrived, he showed me everything. The thieves had broken the glass door to the shop and had turned off the electricity. I saw the glass on the road outside the shop. After Osman had fainted, the thieves broke into my room and stole the money from there.
Marzouk: Thank you, Mr. El Masry. Now Osman, please show me where to switch off the electricity.
Osman : Certainly. Please come this way, officer. We switch off the electricity in my room at the back of the shop.
Narrator: But Officer Marzouk did not follow the guard. He called to the two policemen with him.
Marzouk: Osman is the thief. He stole the money from Mr. El Masry’s office.

Officer Marzouk knew that Osman was the thief for these reasons:
First, the broken glass was outside the shop, so someone had broken it from inside the shop.
Second, Osman said the thieves had turned off the electricity before he came out of his room. However, he was sitting in the room where you must go to turn off the electricity.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- ……………… protect people and buildings.
a) Owners b) Drivers c) Pilots d) Guards
2- When he heard his mother's ……… he ran towards her.
a) voice b) sound c) noise d) news
3- I can't see well. Please, turn ………. the light.
a) about b) on c) off d) for
4- The old man fainted but the doctor helped him to ………..
a) recover b) cover c) uncover d) discover
5- ………….. means to break into small pieces.
a) Smell b) Smash c) Spell d) smoke
6- A thief is someone who ………. things.
a) watches b) makes c) uses d) steals
7- You should always ………… the truth.
a) answer b) speak c) tell d) say
8- My uncle ……….. to Tanta where he works as an engineer.
a) played b) stayed c) changed d) moved
9- Government officials …………. when they are sixty.
a) go b) leave c) retire d) die
10- ……………. people want more money than they need.
a) Kind b) Good c) Deaf d) Greedy
2- Read and match:
1- The police caught a) if you have got enough time
2- Turn off the TV because b) all the food in the kitchen.
3- I came immediately c) help people in trouble.
4- The greedy boy ate d) the old man for robbery.
5- The police are ready to e) I want to sleep.
f ) when I heard the baby cry.
3- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- My grandpa has covered from his illness. …………….…
2- Samy is the own of a big shoe factory. ……………….
3- " Rash " means to move very quickly. ……………….

4- I think I've forgotten the door of my flat somewhere. ………
5- The police officer took the thief to the police house. ……...
6- The tourists arrived at Cairo at 6 am. ……………..
7- The voice of the machine was terrible. ……………..
8- They waiting for their friends at 7 yesterday. ……………..
9- I learned speak English at the age of three. ……………..
10- She drives her bike to school everyday. ……………..
11- If you want to see the film, turn off the TV. …………….
12- A thief robbed my bag and ran away. ……………..
13- Turn on this electricity. We don't want to pay more. ……..
14- Are you saying me the truth? …………….
15- She is learning making her clothes. ……………..
16- The police know that Ali is the thief of two reasons. ……....
17- Did you learnt to speak before you were one? …………...
18- My house is in the back of the hospital. …………….
19- The thief attacked Heba's necklace and ran away. ……..
20- Omar couldn't get up the office as the door was closed.

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I think it is difficult to learn Chinese. ( easy ¬)
2- A thief attacked the guard and stole the money. ( after )
3- My grandma worked as a nurse in the past. ( used to )
4- The guard has a room in the building. ( There is )
5- My uncle is the owner of a clothes shop. ( owns )
6- Noha is sitting at the back of Aya. ( front )
7- I couldn't see anything. ( able )
8- It was so dark that he turned on the light. ( because )
9- When he was young, he worked in a garage. ( used to )
10- I live in Cairo. I go to school in Giza. ( However )
11- The thieves left the shop. Then, the police came. (Before)
12- He always tells lies. ( the truth )
13- She was angry because she lost her job. ( about )

14- Perhaps she is very poor. ( may )
15- She was angry about losing her money. ( because )
16- I started swimming when I was four. ( to )
17- She didn't continue to work as she was tired. ( stopped )
18- We stayed in a café while it was raining. ( during )
19- I first played football when I was seven. ( started )
20- Perhaps Ramy forgot his book. ( probably )

5- Finish the following dialogue:
Faten: Have you heard about yesterday's robbery?
Soha: (1) …………………………………… What happened?
Faten: Two thieves broke into the supermarket next to our
house. They smashed the glass window and broke
the door.
Soha: How terrible! (2) …………………………..……………?
Faten: I called the police.
Soha: (3) …………………………………………………………?
Faten: No, by the time the police arrived, the thieves had

6- Read and match:
1- We'd rather go to the sea a) if you have got enough time
2- Nadia hasn't b) Yes, of course.
3- If I had enough money, c) playing computer games.
4- They are busy d) I'd buy a new bike.
5- May I open the door? e) done the housework yet.
f) when it's very hot.

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Hoda and Mona have just finished watching a film.
Hoda : What do you think of the film?
Mona : I liked it very much. It was interesting.
Hoda : I think ( 1 ) ............................................................................. .
Mona : But you watched it till the end.
Hoda : I didn't ( 2 ) ………………………………………………..........
Mona : Thanks for not leaving me alone. ( 3 ) .............................?
Hoda : Great! I'm very hungry.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You lost a watch your sister had lent you.
2- You accept a friend’s apology for breaking your pen.
3- You don’t accept a friend’s apology for losing your bag.
4- You are late for school. The teacher is angry.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- What is electricity? a) her children were ill.
2- I think that rich man b) I didn't find the keys.
3- Before the party was over c) able to walk without a stick.
4- She stole the money as d) we had had lots of fun.
5- When I arrived home e) is very greedy.
f ) It is a kind of energy.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
It was summer time and it was very hot in houses. Sami, who was studying for the final exam, wanted to enjoy some fresh air by the Nile. He went out of his house at a late hour at night. He had some walk, not very long because he didn’t want to waste time. On his way back home he saw a man getting out of a window. The man had put a ladder just below the window to help him climb up and down. Sami thought the man was a thief, so he acted quickly. He took

the ladder away, so the man couldn't climb down the ladder Sami shouted to wake up the people who called the police and the man was arrested.

A- Answer the following questions:
I- Why did Sami go out of his house?
2- How did the man climb into the window?
3- Why did the police come?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word “ him ” refers to ………………. .
a) Sami b) the thief c) people d) the ladder
5- I think Sami is a …………. boy.
a) rude b) lazy c) brave d) weak
6- Sami wanted to enjoy some fresh air by the …………… .
a) road b) Lake c) canal d) Nile
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Samaa felt ill and immediately stopped ……… her work.
a) does b) did c) do d) doing
2- They enjoyed themselves ………… the summer holiday.
a) during b) as c) when d) while
3- We called ………. our friends but they didn't hear us.
a) on b) too c) at d) to
4- You have made a lot of mistakes, so I'm angry ……… you.
a) with b) from c) for d) of
5- They went to the police station to report a …………. .
a) accident b) robbery c) house d) shop
6- My uncle is the ……….. of a cotton factory.
a) owner b) officer c) doctor d) teacher
7- Nora …………. as soon as she had heard the bad news.
a) got up b) fainted c) felt d) worked

8- Who is knocking ……… the door?
a) on b) in c) at d) to
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He works hard despite his old age. (Although)
2- Robbers work during the night. (sleeping)
3- The train left. Then I arrived at the station. (After)
4- He went back to Alex. He left his camera there.(because)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- He felt better means that he fainted. ……………..
2- By the time I met my father I finishing playing. ……………..
3- After they had phoned me I gone to meet them. ………….
4- Magda arrived Tanta at five yesterday. ……………..
8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
A robbery
What happened? robbery – our street – last night
Where? a big supermarket
How? two thieves smashed window – killed guard
Who told the police? owner
What did the police do? were able to catch
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- How was Hans helpful to them?
2- How did the Danish scientist help them?
3- How did they go to Iceland?
4- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful to them?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The Professor told Dr. Fridrikson that ………………… .
2- Dr. Fridrikson was ……………………………..…………..
Ex : 4 - SB. p : 34 -
( 1 )
Ayman: Hello, who’s speaking, please?
Ashraf : Hello, Ayman. It’s me, Ashraf.
Ayman: Hello, Ashraf. Why weren’t you at the shop?
Ashraf : I ran home to get my money. I’m very sorry I
wasn’t there.
Ayman: That’s OK. …
( 2 )
Ashraf : Yes, when I got to the shop, I remembered I’d left
my money at home.
Ayman : Have you got some money now?
Ashraf : No, it was in the pocket of my jacket. And I lent
my jacket to my cousin, Salim! I must phone him.
( 3 )
Ashraf : Can I speak to Mr. Salim Yousef, please?
Salim : Yes, Salim Yousef speaking. Is that you, Ashraf?
Ashraf : Yes it is. I’m phoning about my jacket.
Salim : What about it?
Ashraf : Was there any money in the pocket?
Salim : Oh. Yes, there was.
Ashraf : I need it to buy a CD!
Salim : …
( 4 )
Ashraf : Hello, Ashraf speaking.
Ayman: Hi, Ashraf. Did you speak to your cousin?
Ashraf : Yes, I did.
Ayman: What about the money?
Ashraf : Great news. …

heavy× light ثقيل × خفيف busy × free مشغول × حر
ready مستعد manage - d يدبر الامر
walk home يمشى للمنزل get – got يحصل على
more quickly أسرع looks تبدو
tonight الليلة order - ed يطلب - يأمر
today اليوم will be home سيعود للمنزل
tailor ترزى button زر – زرار

do exams يؤدى امتحانات nervous عصبى
get a present يحصل على هديه relax - ed يستريح
later فيما بعد tired متعب
think about يفكر فى ambulance اسعاف
succeed - ed ينجح get to يصل إلى
work harder يعمل باجتهاد أكثر hour ساعة
يعرف minute دقيقة

- The bag looks heavy. – تبدو الحقيبة ثقيلة
- I'll be there in a few minutes. – سأكون هناك فى خلال دقائق قليلة
- I didn't do well in the exam. – لم أحقق نتيجة طيبة فى الامتحان
- I've got something for you. – لدى شئ لك
- He gets nervous in the exams. – تتوتر أعصابه فى الامتحانات
- take the train = catch the train. – يأخذ أو بركب القطار
- succeed in + اسم / v. + ing – ينجح فى
- It's very kind of you. – هذا عطف منك

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Dad is angry because I didn't ………. well in the exam.
a) make b) do c) ask d) give
2- The opposite of " quickly " is ……….. .
a) slowly b) badly c) happily d) fast
3- At the restaurant, Ali ……….. fish and rice for dinner.
a) made b) ordered c) asked d) brought
4- We're late. Let's ………… a taxi.
a) take b) have c) drive d) ask
5- Sara can't carry this bag. It's too …………. to carry.
a) light b) heavy c) old d) cheap
6- Mum asked me to get some fruit on my ……… home.
a) way b) park c) road d) street
7- Remember to post the letters. Don't …………. , please .
a) play b) forget c) start d) manage
8- Don't ………. nervous during the exams.
a) go b) do c) get d) make
9- After taking the ……….., the patient felt better.
a) juice b) water c) tea d) medicine
10- The ………… takes injured people to hospital.
a) bus b) car c) lorry d) ambulance

2- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The flight to Aswan spent about an hour. ………………..
2- Your clothes see dirty, Maha. …………….....
3- I'll help you with shopping. ……………….
4- He asked some food from the restaurant. ………….…....
5- Let me thank about this matter, please. ……………….
6- If you are tired, try to play. …….…………
7- Help me cry this heavy bag, please. ……...…….….
8- I can drive. I am unable to drive. …………….…

3- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I've something for you. ( There is )
2- The button was old. ( new )
3- She gets nervous, so she makes mistakes. ( because )
4- Mona always walks slowly. ( quickly )
Ex : 1 - SB. p : 35 -
( 1 )
Hesham: My friend Ehab is visiting me today. Can you
get Granddad ‘s jacket from the shop on your
way home from school? If you forget, I won’t
have time to get it today.
Ahmed : Don’t worry, Dad. I won’t forget.
( 2 )
Ahmed: I’ve got lots of homework tonight: maths,
geography, history and science.
Samy : Your bag looks heavy! I’ll help you with your
books if you like.
Ahmed: It’s very kind of you, Samy, but I’ll manage.
( 3 )
Ahmed: My granddad ordered a jacket from you. Is it
ready yet?
Tailor : Yes, it is. I’ll give it to you, if you’re able to carry it
Ahmed: I think I can carry it. It’s not heavy.
( 4 )
Ahmed: Hi, Mum. I’m helping Granddad with his
Nadia : Thanks, Ahmed. Will you be home soon?
Ahmed: I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’ll manage if I walk
Nadia : Why don’t you take a taxi?
Ahmed: Granddad wants to walk!
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:14

- The First Condition :

- If you play well, you will win the match.
- If you succeed in the exams, I will buy you a computer.

- تعبر الحالة الأولى من الجمل الشرطية عن شئ محتمل الحدوث فى المستقبل probable
أو التنبؤ بشئ سيحدث فى المستقبل Prediction أو إعطاء وعد Promise
- The Second Condition :

- If I had a million pound, I would build a masjid.
- If I were you, I would go to the doctor.
- ملاحظة : يمكن استخدام could / might بدلا من would
- تعبر الحالة الثانية عن شئ غير محتمل الحدوث improbable أو افتراض غير حقيقى unreal أو خيالى imaginary

1- Read and match:
1- If I were rich, a) he will get it.
2- If it rains, b) if he found a job.
3- I'll start a new business c) I'd buy a villa.
4- I'd help you d) We will get wet.
5- He wouldn't be poor e) if I have a lot of money.
f ) if you wanted me to
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He can't run because he is very fat. ( If )
2- She can't carry the box. ( unable to )
3- I go to bed late, so I feel sleepy in the morning. ( If )

4- The questions are too difficult for me t answer. ( If )
5- My uncle may come tomorrow. We are going to wait him
at the airport. ( If )
6- You will pass the exam by working hard. ( If )
7- You might succeed if you worked hard. ( would )
8- She isn't strong. She can't carry the heavy bag. ( If )
9- He eats too much, so he is sick. ( If )
10- He isn't careful, so he makes a lot of mistakes. ( If )

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Sherin would come to the party if she ………….. .
a) can b) could c) will d) may
2- If you pass the test, I ………. bring you a present.
a) might b) could c) will d) would
3- They traveled ………… train.
a) on b) in c) with d) by
4- He ………… work early.
a) arrives b) walks c) gets to d) goes
5- If you don't listen to my advice, I ………. punish you.
a) might b) will c) could d) would
6- I asked the …………. to make me a pair of trousers.
a) tailor b) cook c) mechanic d) driver
7- He can't go with us, he is too ………. .
a) free b) busy c) slow d) empty
8- Your exams ……………. difficult.
a) sees b) works c) looks d) makes
9- I met my English teacher on my …………. home.
a) path b) street c) road d) way
10- If I see Rami, I ………. tell him your good news.
a) might b) could c) will d) would
11- He ……….. come to the party if you invited him.
a) may b) can c) will d) would

Making offers:
- عرض تقديم مساعدة أو شئ
Reply Offer
- Yes, please. Can I bring you + شئ ?
- No, thanks. Could we help with + اسم ?
- That's kind of you. Would you like to have tea?
Would you like some juice?
Will you have fish?
Shall I carry this bag for you?

1- Ali visits you at home. You want to offer him
something to drink.
- Would you like some orange juice?
2- You tell your sister what you would do if you had
a plane.
- If I had a plane, I'd travel all over the world.
3- You politely refuse a friend's offer to have a meal
in a restaurant, giving reasons.
- No, thanks. I have to go to the dentist now.
4- You accept your brother's offer to make you a
- Yes, please. or That's kind of you.
5- You refuse your sister's offer to make you some tea.
- No, thanks.

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your little brother is making a noise.
2- Your friend is driving too fast. Warn him.
3- You promise to give your brother a present if you win the
4- You expect that it will rain tomorrow, if so you'll stay at
5- Your sister has come home late.
6- One of your friends is fond of cold drinks.
7- You offer a guest something to drink.
8- You refuse your sister's offer to make you some coffee.
9- You accept your mother's offer to make you pizza.
10- You see an old woman carrying a heavy bag. Offer help.
2- Read and match:
1- If I were older, a) play chess.
2- Can you help me b) listen to your father's advice.
3- You shouldn't c) if we are late.
4- We'll take a taxi d) waste your time, Omar.
5- You should always e) answering these questions?
f ) I'd get a driving license.
3- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Soha would get the dress himself if she had time. …………
2- They would help us if we need help. …………….....
3- I'll be ready at a few minutes. ……………….
4- We are visit our aunt tonight. ………….…....
5- I usually help mum at the housework. ……………….
6- If you do this again, I'd be very angry. ……………….
7- I'll be ready in a minute but you ask me. ……………….
8- You looks tired Amira. You should rest. ……………….
9- The pupils are nerve before the exam. ……………….
10- if you played well, you will win the match. ……………….

much better أفضل كثيراً ¬in the mountains فى الجبال
get help يحصل على مساعدة gun بندقية
patient صبور officer ضابط
impatient غير صبور ask for help يطلب المساعدة
listen carefully يستمع بحرص had better من الأفضل
tell a story يحكى قصة get away يهرب
enemy عدو Get him أمسكوه
friend صديق bring help يُحضر المساعدة
soldier جندى take an exam يؤدى امتحاناً
in trouble فى متاعب hungry جائع
hear about يسمع عن fire - d يطلق النار
surprised مندهش attack - ed يهاجم

advice نصيحة often غالباً
problem مشكلة try to يحاول
healthy food طعام صحى bad for سئ لـ
feel better يشعر بتحسن library مكتبة
agree with يتفق مع suggest يقترح
until حتى worried about قلق بشأن
fizzy drinks مشروبات غازيه hobby هوايه
speak about يتحدث عن give up يقلع عن
excellent ممتاز put on weight يزيد وزنه
discuss - ed يناقش lose weight ينقص وزنه

- I'll help her. She's in trouble. – فى مشكلة أو موقف صعب
- He went to a restaurant and ordered a meal. – طلب وجبة
- She passed the exams. – نجحت فى الامتحان
- They managed to save the boy from the fire. – تمكنوا من
- E-mail for advice. – طلب النصيحة برسالة إلكترونية
- He is getting bored. – يصيبه الملل.
- do more exercise – يؤدى المزيد من التمارين
- I was top of the class – كنت الأول على الفصل
- He is interested in taking photographs. – التقاط الصور
- fire a gun at – يطلق النار على
- give up = stop / + v. + ing – يقلع عن

- فى الجمل الشرطية من الحالة الأولى يمكن استخدام الأمر بدلاًمن will فى جواب الشرط .

- If you are tired, go to bed.
- If you are in trouble, ask your parents for help.

- Had better = 'd better – من الافضل أن

'd better + مصدر الفعل
- You'd better leave now, or you will be late.

1- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- The policeman fired on the thief and hit him. …….…………
2- You shouldn't wash your hands before eating. ……………..
3- If I am a king, I'd be very kind. ……………….
4- She managed of get her diploma yesterday. ………….…...
5- We will fly to Paris if we had time. ……………….

Ex : 7 - SB. p : 38 -

1- Dalia's problem
Dalia: Good morning, Dr Latif. My name is Dalia. Until three months ago, I was always the best at everything. I was top of my class. I’m an excellent tennis player. I take great photographs and one of my photos won a prize. Now I’m very tired. I’m not doing well in school and I don’t always want to do my hobbies. How can I be the best in my class again?
2- Zeinab’s problem
Zeinab: Please can you help me, Dr Latif? I’m Zeinab. I work very hard and I usually do very well at school. When I leave school I want to be a doctor. The problem is my father. He’s in hospital at the moment. I’m very worried about him and I can’t think about school work or anything. What should I do?
3- Ziyad’s problem
Ziyad: Hello, Dr Latif. My name is Ziyad. My problem is my friend. When we go shopping, he only buys fizzy drinks and sweets. He never eats fruit or vegetables and he is often ill. What should I do? Please give some advice.
4 Hazim’s problem
Hazim: Hi, Dr Latif. I’m Hazim and I’ve got a problem with my friend Mazin. Mazin is a very nice boy and I like him a lot. But the problem with Mazin is he only likes speaking about himself and he’s not interested in listening to what I say. I want to talk to him about ¬this but I’m afraid he’ll be angry if I do.

Giving advice:
- إعطاء النصيحة
meaning Giving advice
لو كنت مكانك ، كنت فعلت ..... If I were you, I'd + مصدر
يجب عليك You should + مصدر
لا يجب عليك You shouldn't + مصدر
من الافضل أن You had better + مصدر
من الافضل ألا You had better not + مصدر

Not accepting Accepting
I'll think about it. Yes, I know I should.
I'll make my mind. You're right.
I'll see. I know I shouldn't.
Yes, I'll do it.

Expressing opinion:
- التعبير عن الرأى
Expressing opinion Asking for opinion
I think he is + صفة What do you think of + اسم?
I think she is + صفة ما رأيك فى ...... ؟
In my opinion he is …

1- A friend asks you what you would do if you were a
- If I were a teacher, I'd do my best to help the pupils.

2- Your sister is in trouble. She asks your advice.
- If you are in trouble, you should your parents for help.
3- One of your friends isn't good at English. He asks your
- If I were you, I'd read and write more.
4- Your friend asks you about your opinion on Abu Trekka.
- I think Abu Trekka is a fantastic player.
5- You ask your friend about his opinion on Arabic films.
- I think Arabic films are interesting.

- يمكن إضافة الحرفين ( im ) / ( un ) لبعض الصفات أو الظرف لنحصل على العكس.

( un )
able قادر unable غير قادر
necessary ضرورى unnecessary غير ضرورى
successful ناجح unsuccessful راسب
happy سعيد unhappy حزين
kind طيب unkind شرير
locked مغلق unlocked مفتوح
lucky سعيد الحظ unlucky سئ الحظ
important هام unimportant غير هام
fortunately لحسن الحظ unfortunately لسوء الحظ
( im )
possible ممكن impossible مستحيل
patient صبور impatient غير صبور
probable محتمل improbable غير محتمل
polite مؤدب impolite وقح

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You ask a friend about his opinion on education in Egypt.
2- Your friend isn't good at geography. Advise him.
3- A friend asks you about your opinion on Al-Ahly team.
4- You ask your friend about life in the future.
5- You advise your friend not to play in the street.
6- You advise your brother not to stay up late.
7- You want to help someone.
8- Your friend is driving too fast. You advise him.
9- You advise a friend to eat more vegetables and fruit.
10- Your friend is too tired. You advise him.
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Eating too much meat is bad ……….. you.
a) to b) with c) at d) for
2- You ……….. give up smoking at once, Maher.
a) should b) will c) won't d) shouldn't
3- My brother has stopped ………….. football in the street.
a) plays b) play c) to play d) playing
4- She is worried ……………. her ill daughter.
a) about b) on c) of d) at
5- You ………… drive too fast because it is dangerous.
a) should b) will c) won't d) shouldn't
6- Are you interested ………… painting animals?
a) in b) on c) of d) at
7- They suggested ………. for a walk in the evening.
a) go b) to go c) to going d) going
8- My sister used to be thin, now she is ………….. on weight.
a) putting b) losing c) getting d) keeping
9- I'm pleased ................. meet you.
a) in b) to c) of d) at
10- ................. Mohamed is strong, he can't carry the bag.
a) But b) Because c) However d) Although

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Samir has lost his bag.
Policeman: (1)……………………………….……………?
Samir : Samir Sabry Anwar.
Policeman: (2) ……………………………………………?
Samir : I think I lost it in the 7o'clock train to Alexandria,
this morning.
Policeman: What is it like?
Samir : It is (3) ……………………..…………………
Policeman: Write your phone number. We'll phone you when
we find it.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your little brother is making a noise.
2- One of your friends is fond of fizzy drinks.
3- You offer a guest something to drink.
4- You need advice about watching TV.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- If I were you, a) I'd buy a new car.
2- '' get away '' means b) '' unusual to happen''
3- If I had enough money c) If you study well.
4- ''improbable '' means d) ''escape''.
5- You'll pass your exam e) I'd see a doctor at once
f ) If you studied well.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
My name is Frank Davis. I'm Canadian and I'm fourteen years old. I come from a place called Yellowknife. My Dad is a farmer and our farm is just outside the town, on the bank of a lake. My Mum looks after our home. I have a brother and two sisters who are younger than me. When I'm not at school, I drive the tractor. I love that. My favourite school

subject is science and I'm good at maths. I'm not very good at foreign languages although I speak a few words of French and I understand a little Spanish. I like music very much and I can play the piano a little. I'd like to be a farmer like my dad.
A- Answer the following questions:
I- What is Frank's father's job?
2- What would Frank like to be?
3- How many children are there in that family?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word “ that ” refers to ………………. .
a) working b) science c) maths d) driving a tractor
5- Frank Davis comes from ……………
a) Egypt b) England c) Canada d) USA
6- Frank is good at …………
a) science b) maths c) French d) Spanish
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Ali is a clever student. He is always ………… of his class.
a) last b) top c) bottom d) middle
2- When she ………… school, she wants to be a doctor.
a) leaving b) leave c) leaves d) left
3- We meet once a week to ……………. our problems.
a) discuss b) talk c) suggest d) take
4- Don't have lots of …….. drinks. They are bad for you.
a) hot b) fizzy c) cold d) good
5- I asked him ………… more sweets.
a) at b) of c) for d) to
6- If I ………. you, I'd meet him at once.
a) have b) am c) was d) were
7- Israel is our ……………. .
a) enemy b) friend c) pen friend d) teacher

8- Sleeping to late is ……….. for your health.
a) better b) useful c) bad d) good

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- If I were you, I wouldn't make mistakes again. ( shouldn't )
2- She's not doing well in the exams this year. ( badly )
3- We have advice from Dr Latif. ( advises )
4- I think Magda is a polite girl. ( opinion )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- He used to playing chess but now he doesn't. ……………..
2- Maher will travel to Rome if he had enough money. ……...
3- When you get boring, go for a walk. ……………..
4- We have a problem on some neighbours. ……………..

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
Ahmed Ali
name age Character likes dislikes hopes to
Ahmed Ali fifteen nice and cheerful Reading Watching TV dentist
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Axel do to understand the parchment?
2- Why did the Professor ask Axel to bring the atlas?
3- What was the first part of their journey to Sneffels?
4- Why was the Professor seasick?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The crater of Sneffels was shaped like …….…
2- The Icelanders were helpful to them because ….
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:15

رصاصة move × stop يتحرك × يقف
calmer أكثر هدوءاً calm ×noisy هادئ × صاخب
fire a gun يطلق النار من بندقيه dead ×alive ميت × حى
brave شجاع Kill - ed يقتل
cowardly جبان shoot - shot يطلق رصاص
leg ساق – رجل feed - fed يطعم
behind خلف hide- hid- hidden يختبئ
rock صخرة hit - hit يضرب

watch a video يشاهد فيديو at the stadium فى الاستاد
The African
Nations cup كأس الأمم الإفريقية lose - lost يخسر
win - won يفوز
fantastic رائع give a penalty يعطى ضربة جزاء
nation أمة miss a penalty يُضيع ضربة جزاء
Indian هندى stop a penalty يصد ضربة جزاء
trip رحلة die - d يموت
goal مرمى escape from يهرب من
goalkeeper حارس مرمى dodo الدودو- طائر
team فريق all that كل هذا
score a goal يسجل هدفاً on the island على الجزيرة
referee حكم المباراة in the ocean فى المحيط
kick the ball يركل الكرة East of Africa شرق افريقيا
footballer لاعب كرة قدم stone حجر- بذرة
Ex : 1 - SB. p : 40 -
( 1 )
Narrator : After school, Bassam ran home.
Bassam : Can you finish the story ?
Grandma: Soon, Bassam. First, tell me about your day.
Bassam : No, please tell me about the button.
Grandma: If you had been calmer, I might have finished it
yesterday. I hope you are calmer today.
Bassam : Yes, Grandma.
( 2 )
Narrator : Later Bassam was waiting patiently, so his
grandmother continued the story.
Grandma: Salah was running to get help. An enemy soldier
fired his gun. The bullet hit Salah but he wasn’t hurt.
Bassam : Why not?
Grandma: The bullet hit a button on his shirt. If the bullet
hadn’t hit the button, it would have killed him.
( 3 )
Grandma: The bullet knocked Salah over. He stayed on the
Bassam : Why?
Grandma: He wanted the enemy to think he was dead. If he
had moved, they would have shot him again.
Bassam : What happened next?
Grandma: Our soldiers started to shoot. The enemy soldiers
hid behind rocks. When they weren’t looking, Salah
stood up and got away.
( 4 )
Bassam : How did you get the button, Grandma?
Grandma: Salah gave it to me when I was a little girl. The
button helped me to feel safe when I thought about
my brave father.
Bassam : Have you had it since you were a girl?
Grandma: Yes. If I hadn’t looked after it carefully, I would have
lost it.

Ex : 1 - SB. p : 41 -

Hesham: What are you watching, Ahmed?
Ahmed : A video of Egypt when they won the African Nations
Hesham: Yes, it was fantastic, wasn’t it?
Ahmed : I would have seen the match at the stadium if I had
got a ticket.
Hesham: I wanted to watch it but I was away.
Ahmed : Where were you?
Hesham: I was in India, remember? I would have stayed in
Egypt to watch the match if the trip to India hadn’t
been very important.
Ahmed : Why don’t you watch the match with me now?
Hesham: Yes, I would like that!

1- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- " move " is the opposite of stand. ..…..…………
2- " calm " means quite. ..…..…………
3- He had a bad accident yesterday but he wasn't heart.…..
4- Our cowardly soldiers won the October War in 1973. ….…..
5- The policeman man shouted the thief and hit him. ....…..…
6- All Egyptians fall safe in their country. ..…..…………
7- Amir broke his arm when a bus knocked him up. ..…..……..
8- We all like Sally because she is impatient. ..…..…………
9- In football, a team wins by scoring points. ..…..…………
10- This term I've made well in the exams. ..…..…………
11- They were pleased when they lost the match. ..…..………
12- We want watching the match, Dad. ..…..…………


- The third Condition :

- يعبر عن شئ مستحيل الحدوث لأن عكس هذا الشئ قد حدث .
- If you had played well, you would have won the match.
- If you had studied well, you would have passed the test.

- يمكن استخدام might بدلاً من would فى الحالة الثالثة.
- If he had played well, he might have won the match.

- لاحظ استخدام If فى الجمل الاتية :
- Rana got up late, so she missed the train.
- عند استخدام if نفترض عكس ما حدث و نستخدم الحالة الثالثة لأن زمن الجملة ماضى .
- If Rana had got up early, she wouldn't have missed the bus.

1- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Adel didn't move, so the enemy soldiers didn't shoot him.
( If )
2- Salma's grandma looked after the button carefully, so she
didn't lose it. ( If )
3- He lost his way because he didn't have a map. ( If )
4- They played too badly to win the match. ( If )
5- I couldn't get on the crowded bus. ( If )
6- He advised her, so she passed the test. ( If )
7- Our team scored a goal, so we were happy. ( If )

2- Read and match:
1- If you had come earlier a) if he had been more careful.
2- The bullet hit the thief b) brave and strong.
3- The button helped c) carefully after their children.
4- Good mothers look d) my grandma to feel safe.
5- The Egyptian soldiers are e) but he wasn't badly hurt.
f ) you'd have had a surprise.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If she ………. her friend, she'd have invited her to her party
a) had seen b) saw c) seen d) 'd have seen
2- " Alive " is the opposite of ………….. .
a) deaf b) dead c) dad d) worried
3- If the tourist had lost the map, he wouldn't ….. the temple.
a) reached b) reach c) reaches d) have reached
4- He would have come to the party ……. I had invited him.
a) so b) but c) if d) although
5- The officer fired his gun at the thief and knocked him …….
a) up b) over c) on d) out
6- Yes, this is all ……….. we need today.
a) that b) what c) this d) which
7- ………… you like to have some tea, Osama?
a) Will b) Would c) Can d) Should
8- If the teacher … that she is a liar, he'd have punished her.
a) knew b) knows c) had known d) known
9- What are you ………… for?
a) meeting b) walking c) watching d) waiting
10- His uncle was ………. in a car accident.
a) sold b) felt c) killed d) taken
11- Teachers should be …. when they teach young learners.
a) impatient b) patient c) sad d) hard
12- Could you tell me …….. your exams?
a) from b) of c) about d) on

4- Finish the following dialogue:
Magdy: Hello. My name is Magdy. I live in Port Said.
Shaker : (1)……………………………………………….………?
Magdy: Yes, I like it very much. It's a quiet city, and the
people here are friendly.
Shaker : What do you do in your spare time?
Magdy: (2) …………………………….……………………………
Shaker : Are there sports clubs in Pot Said?
Magdy: (3) ……………... . There are also nice parks, shops
and cinemas.

5- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- It’s very hot. You want your brother to open the window.
2- Your friend says," Would you mind lending me your
dictionary. You accept.
3- You ask your friends opinion about mobile phones.
4- Your friend is ill. Advise him.

6- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- If he had ask me for advice I'd have helped. …..…………
2- If you come early, you would have met your uncle. ……...
3- If you worked hard you will get a lot of money. ……………
4- The goalkeeper could stop the ball if he jumps high
enough. ……………..
5- We will like to go to the cinema tomorrow. ……………..
6- Our team won the African Nation glass in 2006. ……………
7- She is interested in looking TV every evening. …………….
8- The ocean is smaller than the sea. …………….
9- If they saw him, they would have shot him. …………….
10- Mona would answer the exam if it had been easy. ……...
11- They helped me to feel save. ……………
12- Could you introduce me at your family? ……………

present هديه I was first in .. كنت الأول فى
like مثل front door الباب الأمامى
promise - d يوعد back door الباب الخلفى
Inside × outside بالداخل × بالخارج pump up ينفخ
excited منفعل bus stop محطة أتوبيس
hurried أسرعَ everywhere فى كل مكان
smile - d يبتسم cupboard دولاب
worked hard عمل بجد finally فى النهايه
revise - d يراجع add - ed يضيف
confident واثق describe - d يصف
in surprise فى دهشه pass × fail ينجح × يفشل
succeed in ينجح فى in time
فى الوقت المناسب

information معلومات glasses نظارة
writer كاتب sharp knife سكين حاد
travel a lot يسافر كثيراً yourself نَفْسَك
my past ماضيَّ carefully بعناية
businessman رجل أعمال cut your finger تجرح إصبعك
younger أصغر سناً instructions تعليمات
last thing آخر شئ hole حفرة – فتحة
life حياة onions بصل
money مال need يحتاج
wall جدار - حائط well done أحسنت

- have to / has to + مصدر – يضطر إلى
- had to + مصدر الفعل – اضطر إلى
- study at a university. – يدرس فى جامعة
- has never been to + مكان – لم يسبق له زيارة
- missed a holiday – فاتته الاجازة
- help with – يساعد فى
- promise + to + مصدر – يَعِدْ أن
- promise + not to + مصدر – يَعِدْ ألا

- regret يندم على - نستخدم فعل regret للتعبير عن الندم :
فاعل + regret + ( that ) + فاعل + فعل
فاعل + regret + v. + ing
- He regrets that he didn't go to university.
- Mona regrets selling her old house.

1- Read and match:
1- Ali did well in the exam a) it was fantastic.
2- She promised to b) because he worked hard.
3- My father gave me c) help me in trouble.
4- You should be d) a present for my birthday.
5- The teacher was angry e) confident during the exams.
f ) When I arrived late at school
2- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- " Calm " means quite. …………………
2- " Late " is the opposite of nearly. …………………
3- Did you make well in the exam yesterday? ………………...
4- Parents should watch after their children. …………………
5- He pump up the ball as there was no air in it. ……………….

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- My father was pleased when I ……… my driving test.
a) won b) passed c) took d) got
2- Mohamed is a good driver. He drives ………… .
a) good b) well c) badly d) quickly
3- Be ……….. when you take an exam.
a) confident b) sad c) worried d) nervous
4- You should ……….. hard to get more money.
a) walk b) work c) do d) make
5- …………. is the opposite of succeed
a) fill b) fall c) fail d) feel
6- A ………. is used to store things like clothes or plates.
a) bag b) tractor c) box d) cupboard
7- If I ……. enough time, I'd have watched TV.
a) have had b) have c) had had d) had
8- if we …… time tomorrow, we'll visit our cousins.
a) will have b) have c) had had d) had
9- If I were a teacher, I ……….. give tests.
a) wouldn't b) won't c) haven't d) didn't
10- …….. tell lies again Amir. No one will believe you.
a) Didn't b) Don't c) Won't d) Not
11- Always ……… people who are in trouble.
a) don't help b) helping c) help d) helped
12- If the weather … nice yesterday, We'd have run.
a) is b) has been c) was d) had been
13- They ……….. us if they weren't so busy.
a) help b) helped c) would help d) will help
14- If I ……… beautifully, I'd join the Opera.
a) sings b) sang c) singing d) am singing
15- …….. out! There's a very fast car coming towards you.
a) Look b) Run c) Find d) Go

Ex : 4 - WB. p : 28 -

( 1 )
Ahmed: Samy, stop. Be careful. Don’t go so fast.
Samy : I’m training for football, Ahmed. I like running very
Ahmed: Look out! There’s a hole in the ground in front of you.
Samy : It’s OK. Don’t … Oh, my leg!
Ahmed: I told you to be careful. If you hadn’t run so fast..
( 2 )
Soha: Right, I’ve finished my English homework. What about
you, Sally?
Sally : I’ve finished my geography. I’m doing my 88 maths at
the moment. Then I’m going to do my English.
Soha: The maths is difficult, isn’t it?
Sally : Yes, I’ve been doing it for half an hour, but I’ve nearly
Soha: If I were you, …
( 3 )
Nadia : Ahmed, I’m home. Are you in the sitting room?
Ahmed: No Mum, I’m in my room. Can I help?
Nadia : Yes, I’m late. Can you help me with the cooking?
I need some help with the vegetables.
Ahmed: Of course I can. Here I am.
Nadia : Great.
Ahmed: Where are the onions?
Nadia : There. In the bag on the floor. Oh, and use that big
knife over there. But it’s very sharp, so be careful. If
you aren’t careful,…

Thanking :
- تقديم الشكر
Thanking Replying
Thanks It's a pleasure
Thanks a lot That’s all right
Thank you very much You're welcome
Oh, fine. Thanks a lot Don't mention it

1- You thank a friend for help.
- Thanks. or - Thanks a lot.
2- Samir thanked you for helping him.
- You're welcome. or - That's all right.
3- Amir congratulates you on getting the best mark in English
- Thanks. or - Thanks a lot.
4- Someone says to you thank you.
- You're welcome. or - That's all right.

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your uncle gives you a present on your birthday.
2- You thank a friend for helping you.
3- Omar thanked you for helping him.
4- Amira congratulates you on passing your driving test.
5- A friend of yours is always nervous during the test. You
advise him.

6- Ali apologises for breaking your camera. You accept.
7- Your brother passed the final exam and got high marks.
8- You meet your neighbour for the first time.
9- You would like to use your friend's telephone.
10- You disagree to your sister's suggestion to go to the park.
11- You ask your friend's father about his health.
12- You introduce your French friend, Michael to your friend, Ali.
13- You see your mother when you get up in. the morning.
14- You ask a tourist where he comes from.

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I was too busy to visit my aunt. ( If )
2- He is too young to drive a car. ( If )
3- You shouldn't be impolite to others. ( Don't )
4- He couldn't go to Suez because he was ill. ( If )
5- You should revise well for the exams. ( If )
6- I'm unhappy because I didn't go to the party. ( regret )
7- You got the full marks because you were confident.
( because of )
8- I think it's necessary for you to work hard. ( have to )
9- He said he would give me a new computer. (promised to)
10- They left early because of the cold weather. ( because )
11- My bike is different from yours. ( the same )
12- My house is in front of the school. ( The school )

3- Read and match:
1- Where do you come from? a) I had an accident.
2- How are you feeling now? b) In Alexandria
3- What happened to you yesterday? c) In my father's car
4- Where did you spend the holiday? d) Lebanon.
5- How do you go to school? e) Much better
f ) Football.

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Soha has passed her driving test.
Soha: I've passed my driving test, Dad.
Dad : (1)……………………………….……………?
Soha: When will you buy us a car, dear?
Dad : (2)……………………………….…………… .
Soha: Thank you very much, dad.
Dad : Look Soha. Driving too fast is very dangerous.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Someone says to you thank you.
2- Your friend gives you a present on your birthday.
3- Your sister has lost her diamond ring and she is very sad.
4- You advise a friend to eat more vegetables and fruit.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- You would have fallen a) If you run quickly.
2- If I were you b) if he had enough money.
3- If I hadn't climbed the tree c) if you don't run quickly.
4- You will miss the bus d) I wouldn't have fallen.
5- He'd buy a bike e) I'd call the police.
f ) if you hadn't been careful.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
I'm Sally I want to tell you something about myself and my family. We used to live in a nice flat in Cairo. Five years ago, Dad decided to move from Cairo, which is very overcrowded and polluted, to live in 10th Ramadan City. A lot of factories have been built in this new city and they provided work for thousands of people. My father is a doctor. He works in modern hospital that provides excellent medical services for all people. My mother is a teacher in the

same school where I learn. We're lucky because my father takes us in his car to school. I've got one brother. He's an engineer . He's very happy because he has found a job in
Toshka. Really this project will change the map of Egypt.

A- Answer the following questions:
I- Why did Sally's family move from Cairo?
2- How does Sally go to school?
3- How many persons are there in Sally's family?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word “ this ” refers to ………………. .
a) Cairo b) Toshka c) Hospital d) 10th of Ramadan
5- Sally's father decided to move from Cairo in
a) 2007 b) 2006 c) 2005 d) 2004
6- Sally's father is a …………..
a) doctor b) teacher c) manager d) engineer
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- This taxi driver is too nervous ……… drive his taxi.
a) about b) too c) for d) to
2- Samir promised not to …….. these mistakes again.
a) make b) do c) have d) take
3- Nurses look ………. sick people.
a) at b) for c) out d) after
4- My brother ……… a good job in a bank.
a) got b) took c) told d) gave
5- "I am coming with my hands up. Don't ……" the thief said.
a) kick b) shout c) hunt d) shoot
6- Here's a …… for your birthday, Samar.
a) present b) button c) bullet d) promise
7- When I came first in the exams. My friend shouted in …
a) advice b) pain c) apologise d) surprise

8- If he …………… so fat, he would have been able to run.
a) had b) had be c) hadn't be d) hadn't been

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He ate some bad food, so he felt ill. ( because )
2- You passed because you studied well. ( because of )
3- We didn't catch the bus, so we took a taxi. ( missed )
4- I suggest phoning Ali to ask about his health. (How about)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Karam is born in London. ……………..
2- Salma is making her exams now. ……………..
3- Be careful, or you will fall in the hall. ……………..
4- If I had run quickly, I'd win the race. ……………..

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
- Where does Egypt lie? - What is Egypt famous for?
- Why do tourists come to Egypt?
- Do they enjoy staying in Egypt? Why?
- Which places do they visit? - Do you help them? Why?
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the Professor wait 3 days at Sneffels?
2- Which chimney did they descend? Why?
3- How did Hans lower the supplies and tools?
4- How could they find their way in the darkness?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The rays of the sunlight made the lava walls ………….…
2- They stopped in a cave where there was ………………...
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس مريم
عضو متميز

عدد المساهمات : 78
نقاط : 186
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/12/2009

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالجمعة 12 أكتوبر 2012 - 19:15

next to بجانب daughter ابنه
lorry driver سائق لورى anywhere else أى مكان آخر
waiter جرسون reserved محجوز
the shops المحلات menu قائمة
market سوق meeting اجتماع
by the window بجانب النافذة need to يحتاج إلى
restaurant مطعم lunch time وقت الغذاء
polite مؤدب move ×stop يتحرك × يقف
impolite / rude وقح sit × stand يجلس × ينهض
many × few كثير × قليل deliver - d يوصل

request طلب airport مطار
sure بالتأكيد air هواء
problem مشكلة tyre إطار سيارة
too much كثير جداً order lunch يطلب الغذاء
shopping مشتروات much × little كثير × قليل
traffic مرور wait - ed ينتظر
policeman شرطى مرور accept - ed يوافق
borrow ×lend يستلف × يُسلف apologise - d يعتذر
in a minute فى دقيقة block - ed يسد الطريق
delicious لذيذ refuse - d يرفض

Ex : 1 - SB. p : 45 -
( 1 )
Nadia : Excuse me. Would you mind moving the lorry?
I can’t get my car out and I have to take my
daughter to school.
Lorry driver: I’m very sorry to be in your way, madam. I’m
delivering water to a market here and there isn’t
anywhere else to park. Could I ask you to wait
for another minute or two.
Nadia : Yes, that’s OK.
Lorry driver: Thank you very much, madam.
( 2 )
Hesham: Do you have a table for two, please?
Waiter : Sure. Come this way.
Hesham: Can I sit there by the window?
Waiter : No. That table is reserved.
Hesham: Oh, sorry.
Waiter : You can sit here by the kitchen door, sir.
Hesham: Thank you. Would you mind bringing us a menu
now? I’ve got a meeting in an hour and we need to
order quickly.
Waiter : I’ll be as quick as I can, but I’m very busy. It is

- Would you mind + v. + ing …….? – هل تمانع ؟
- I'm sorry to be in your way. – آسف اننى أسد عليك الطريق
- That table is reserved. – هذه المائدة محجوزة
- in an hour – فى ظرف ساعة
- as quick as I can. – بأسرع ما يمكننى
- take a long time – تأخذ وقتاً طويلاً

Ex : 3 - SB. p : 46 -
( a )
Man 1: Excuse me, could I ask you to open the door? I’ve
got a heavy box.
Man 2: I’m very sorry, but I’ve got too much shopping.
( b )
Man 1: Good morning. Sorry to trouble you. Would you mind
helping me to push this car to a garage?
Man 2: Yes. No problem at all. But would you mind waiting
while I finish my coffee?
Man 1: Sure. I’d be happy to.
( c )
Man : Excuse me, would you mind moving your car?
No one can get past.
Taxi driver: Yeah, just a minute. I’m talking to my friend.
Man : Could you park over there? Then you could talk
to your friend without blocking the road.
Taxi driver: I won’t be a minute.
Man : OK, would you mind looking over there?
Can you see the traffic policeman? I think he’s
coming to see why the traffic has stopped.

- Sorry to trouble you. – آسف لإزعاجك
- Move your car, please. – حرك سيارتك لو سمحت
- No one can get past. – لا يستطيع أحد أن يمر
- I won’t be a minute. – لن أستغرق دقيقة
- apologise for – يعـتذر عن
- want to + مصدر الفعل – يريد أن
- apologise to + شخص + for + اسم / v. + ing – يعتذر لشخص عن شئ

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Could I ………. your dictionary, please?
a) lend b) give c) find d) borrow
2- A ……….. serves food in a restaurant.
a) manager b) cook c) writer d) waiter
3- A list of food available in a restaurant is called a ………. .
a) paper b) notebook c) card d) menu
4- Traffic is slow because a lorry is ……….. the road.
a) running b) crossing c) driving d) blocking
5- The opposite of " heavy " is ………… .
a) strong b) short c) small d) light
6- Sorry to ……….. you, but I need money now.
a) help b) frighten c) promise d) trouble
7- The opposite of " rude " is ………… .
a) polite b) impolite c) happy d) busy
8- Would you ……….. closing the window, please?
a) think b) mind c) start d) stop
9- Don't refuse his request. ……….. it, please.
a) Refuse b) Answer c) Accept d) Expect
10- I can't find a place to ……….. my car.
a) put b) keep c) make d) park
11- You can ………….. a meal in a restaurant.
a) ask b) cook c) order d) keep
12- We drove ……… some hotels while we were going home
a) through b) from c) by d) past
2- Read and match:
1- Tamer has a few a) there's little traffic on roads.
2- Money can't b) in our garage.
3- I'll help you c) problems with his friend Ali.
4- At that late time at night d) always make you happy.
5- We park our car e) bring the shopping in.
f ) if I were rich.

3- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You request your father to give you some money to buy
a camera.
2- You sister asks you " Would you mind going to the club
with me? " You agree.
3- You refuse a friend's request to help him with his
homework because you are busy.
4- You request your cousin to lend you a short story.
5- You suggest going to the cinema with a friend on Friday.
6- You request politely your sister to make you a sandwich.
7- One of your friends received a prize in drawing.
8- You apologise to your teacher for coming to school late.
9- Your cousin wants to borrow your camera and you agree.
10- You meet someone for the first time.

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1-Can you close the door, Heba? ( mind )
2- It's time to have lunch. ( for )
3- Aya is sitting next to the television. ( by )
4- Could you get me a chair, please? ( mind )
5- He is never rude. ( polite )
6- Put these books on the shelf. ( Could )
7- My father always drives slowly. ( quickly )
8- There are few people in the restaurant. ( many )
9- I want to use your telephone, please. ( Can I )
10- I'm sorry. I've come late. ( apologise for )
11- We'd like to order lunch. ( want )
12- Amira lent me twenty pounds. ( I borrowed )
13- Can you buy some fruit for me, Nada? ( mind )
14- There is too much shopping in the kitchen. ( We )
15- Could you carry the heavy boxes? ( Carry )
16- I'm sorry. I've broken your glasses. ( apologise )

5- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- I don't mind fix the broken bike. ……………..
2- I'm sorry to be on your way. ……………..
3- Samaa will takes a long time to finish her work. ……………..
4- An impolite person shows respect for others. ……………..
5- We're going to shops to buy some fruit. ……………..
6- Could I ask you give me some milk? ……………..
7- Please, be as quick so you can. ……………..
8- The trip to the Giza Zoo will give two ours. ……………..
9- I'm afraid this table is reserve, madam. ……………..
10- Would you mind post these letters for me? ……………..

- ملحوظة : يمكن استخدام النوع الثانى من الجمل الشرطية عند اعطاء النصيحة.

- If I were you, I would change my mind.
= You should change you mind.
= I advise you to change your mind.

6- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If I were you, I ……… a job for this poor man.
a) 'll find b) 'd find c) find d) found
2- They apologised ……their bad behaviour during the test.
a) about b) for c) to d) on
3- I think you ………. eat fresh fruit everyday.
a) have b) should c) had d) shouldn't
4- Mum advised me …………. study well.
a) about b) for c) to d) on
5- If I ………. you, I'd keep my money in a bank.
a) am b) was c) were d) have
6- She apologised …. her mother for the mistakes she made.
a) about b) for c) to d) on

7- I think they will be home ……….. half an hour.
a) about b) for c) to d) in
8- We went to the ………. to have a meal.
a) bakery b) market c) school d) restaurant
9- He drove his car as ………. as he could.
a) quick b) quicker c) quickness d) quickly
10- Would I ask you ………. here?
a) to sit b) sitting c) sits d) sit
11- Would you mind ………. with me?
a) playing b) played c) plays d) play
12- They built a new house …….. the hospital.
a) by b) of c) in d) on
13- She couldn't come with us as she was ……….. .
a) nice b) busy c) free d) happy
14- We can ………. these goods to your door.
a) do b) deliver c) make d) believe
15- I can't find anywhere else to ………. my car.
a) bark b) park c) do d) buy
16- We'd rather ………… the vacation on the farm.
a) spent b) spends c) spending d) spend
17- Don't be ……… Ehab and behave yourself.
a) polite b) happy c) good d) rude
18- A butcher is a person who ………. meat.
a) cooks b) makes c) buys d) sells
7- Write an e-mail to your new Italian pen friend, Mario:
- Start the e-mail and ask about your friend's health.
- Tell him that you are coming to Rome with your family on
August 10th.
- Ask him to meet you at the airport.
- Tell him how long you are going to stay in Italy.
- Finish the e-mail.
- (Your e-mail address is student@finalexam.com)

politeness أدب probably محتمل
result نتيجة dish طبق
feelings مشاعر glad سعيد
modern life حياة حديثة key مفتاح
stress ضغط statue تمثال
stressful ملئ بالضغوط habit عادة
relaxed مستريح race سباق
stranger غريب annoy - ed يضايق
important هام manage to يتمكن من
disappointed خائب الامل trouble - d يسبب متاعب
really حقاً sound تبدو
Kind عطوف tidy - tidied يرتب

opinion رأى without a seat بدون مقعد
in my opinion فى رأيى interview يجرى مقابلة شخصية
litter = rubbish قمامة report تقرير
horn بوق السيارة correct يصحح
each person كل شخص do nothing لا يفعل شيئاَ
instead بدلا drop litter يرمى قمامة
noisy صاخب look the other
way ينظر إلى الناحيه الأخرى
quiet / calm هادئ
litter bin صندوق قمامة check يفحص
lazy كسول shout - ed يصيح
Ex : 3 - WB. p : 30 -
( a )
Man 1: Could I ask you to open the door?
Man 2: I’m very sorry but I haven’t got a key.
( b )
Man 2: Would you mind moving your car?
Man 1: (polite and apologetic) Yes, no problem at all.
( c )
Woman: Can you wash the dishes, John?
Boy : Yes, Mum.
( d )
Girl 1: Could I ask you to lend me a pen?
Girl 2: (polite) Yes. I’d be glad to.
( e )
Woman: Go and tidy your room, please.
Boy : (obliging) Yes, of course. I’ll do it now. Mum.
( f )
Woman: (polite) Would you mind turning that down?
Boy : Yes, of course. Sorry.

- Pass the book, please. – ناولنى الكتاب لو سمحت
- The box is blocking the door. – الصندوق يسد الباب
- Life sounds stressful. – الحياة تبدو مليئة بالضغوط
- Don't throw rubbish in the street. – لا ترمى القمامة فى الشارع
- You should put the litter in the bin. – يجب أن تضع القمامة فى صندوق القمامة
- use the horn – يستخدم بوق السيارة ( الكلاكس )
- collect students from school. – يأخذ الطلاب من المدرسة إلى منازلهم
- shout at – يصيح فى
- continue to – يستمر فى
- The referee shows a red card to the rude player.
- يخرج الحكم الكارت الاحمر للاعب الوقح
Ex : 7 - SB. p : 48 -

Salma: Hi. My name is Salma. I think people who throw rubbish on the streets are very lazy. They shouldn’t throw it on the ground. They should put the litter in litterbins instead.

Hesham: Hello, my name is Hesham. In my opinion, drivers who use their horns all the time are annoying. When some drivers come to collect students from school, they stop their car outside the building and use the horn. It is very noisy and stressful. I think they should go to the door to get the person instead.

Soha: My name is Soha. In my opinion, young people who stay in their seats on the bus, train or metro when there are older people who are standing are not very polite. I think they should stand up and give their seat to the older people instead.

Ahmed: Hi, everyone. My name is Ahmed. In my opinion, football players who shout at the referee in a football game are very rude. I think that the referee should tell the players
to stop shouting and if they continue to shout, the referee should show the players a red card.

- disappointed in + شخص – خائب الامل فى شخص
- knock on the door – يطرق على الباب
- careful about – حريص على
- kind to – عطوف على
- turn down – يخفض صوت ( راديو مثلا )
- turn up – يرفع صوت ( راديو )
- polite to – مهذب مع
- rude to – وقح مع
- in different ways – بطرق مختلفة
- speak about – يتحدث عن
- write about – يكتب عن
- pick up litter – يلتقط قمامة من على الارض
- on the ground – على الارض
- What's your opinion on / about …. ? – ما رأيك فى
- in my opinion – فى رأيى
- would rather + مصدر الفعل + than + مصدر – يفضل شئ عن شئ
- اذا كان نفس الفعل فلا داعى لتكراره

1- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- Although she was ill, she went to school. ( Despite )
2- Would you mind fixing this chair? ( Fix )
3- Life is better if we are polite. ( impolite )
4- I think we should be kind to each others. ( In my opinion )
5- Don't be rude to other people. ( polite )
6- I think Hala is a kind girl. ( opinion )
7- Work with your friends and help them. ( You should )
8- He said nothing when he saw the accident. ( anything )
9- I'd like to visit the pyramids. ( would rather )
10- Could I ask you to wash the dishes? ( Would )

2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- We'd rather ……….. our aunt in the hospital this evening.
a) visit b) visited c) to visit d) visiting
2- Wait ……… me, please. I won't be long.
a) in b) for c) of d) on
3- ……… her beauty, she is unkind.
a) Although b) Though c) Despite d) However
4- You can’t open the door without a ………… .
a) tool b) card c) Keyboard d) key
5- Good people are kind ……. animals and birds.
a) to b) for c) of d) at
6- At last, we ……… to find an answer to the problem.
a) managed b) able c) succeed d) got
7- She ……… the race and got a medal.
a) lost b) won c) took d) gave
8- Polite people never ………. others.
a) visit b) love c) annoy d) help
9- Would you mind …….. the picture on the wall?
a) hang b) hanged c) hangs d) hanging
10- Always be polite ……. others.
a) to b) for c) of d) at
11- If I sit on a bus, I …….. my seat up to an old man.
a) 'd give b) 'll give c) gave d) given
12- What …… you do if you had a lot of money?
a) will b) can c) would d) do
13- In my ………… Al Ahly is the best team in Africa.
a) idea b) song c) way d) opinion
14- I saw Mr. Mohamed ……. the bus yesterday.
a) on b) for c) in d) by
15- I told them ……….. your report.
a) to b) about c) of d) at

3- Read and match:
1- Don't throw rubbish a) in the litter bin.
2- Drivers shouldn't annoy b) on the ground.
3- The referee showed c) people by using their horns.
4- If I were a footballer d) a red card to the player.
5- Always leave your seat e) I'd like to be Abu Trekka.
f ) to older people on the bus.

4- Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on:
( Your school )
Guiding points:
- size, buildings, classes, labs, playgrounds
- subjects you learn there.
- headmaster and teachers
- different activities.

5- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Planes wasn't as fast as they are today. ………………
2- Three man were injured in the accident. ……………...
3- He is going playing tennis in the afternoon. ……………..
4- We have a test in our English lesson yesterday. ……………..
5- My father drive me to school every day. ……………..
6- Don't be rude on other people. ……………..
7- They were pleased when they lost the match. ……………..
8- Would you mind pass the salt, please? ……………..
9- If you work hard, you would get a lot of money. ……………
10- I kicked on the door but no one answered. ……………
11- He's been in primary school since four years. ……………
12- Today passenger planes have large fuel boxes. ………….
13- He'd rather play football to tennis. ……………
14- She felt disappointing after losing her money. ……………
15- Don't be polite to people. ……………

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.
Hani : Hello, Amir. I see you're in a hurry. (1)……………….….?
Amir : Hello, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : (2)……………………………………….………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir : (3)…………………….………….. That's very kind of you.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You suggest going to the cinema with a friend on Friday.
2- You predict that your team will win the match.
3- Mum asks you to help her with the cleaning. You agree.
4- You don't accept a friend's suggestion.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Nadia hasn't a) a period of 100 years
2- We'd rather go to the sea b) playing chess
3- If I had enough money c) I'd buy a villa.
4- They are busy d) when it's very hot
5- A century is e) done the housework yet.
f) 1000 years.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
South Africa is a country in the south of Africa, There are plains, mountains and deserts in it. Yet, its land is fertile and many crops are grown there. The main crops are cotton, fruits and grains. Seventy-one per cent of the people who live there are Africans. There are also Asians, mostly Indians, and Europeans living there. Well-developed industries include fishing, metals, machinery, chemicals, food processing and clothing . English and Afrikaans are the

official languages there. The main exports are metals, especially gold, fruits, sugar and textiles. More than 30 million people live in South Africa. Its area is about 1,220,000 km.
A- Answer the following questions:
I- Where does South Africa lie?
2- What are the main crops grown there?
3- How many official languages are there in South Africa?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The underlined word “ it ” refers to ………………. .
a) Africa b) mountains c) deserts d) South Africa
5- Most people living in South Africa are...................
a) Indians b) Africans c) European d) Asians
6- More than ……….. million people live in South Africa.
a) thirteen b) thirty c) three d) twenty
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- He was able to win the gold medal ............. he trained hard.
a) because b) although c) but d) because of
2- My mother bought a new electric.................... .
a) cooker b) cook c) cooking d) cooked
3- She felt …………. because she failed the test.
a) glad b) happy c) pleased d) disappointed
4- ………. language that we use with our friends and family.
a) Formal b) Kind c) Careful d) Informal
5- We're careful ………. passing our exam.
a) of b) about c) with d) at
6- He'd rather ………… to London.
a) traveled b) travel c) travels d) travelling
7- I booked two ……….. on the bus to Mansoura.
a) beds b) chairs c) seats d) cards

8- He ……….. up the litter and put them in the bin.
a) made b) gave c) picked d) looked

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I'd like to visit the Egyptian Museum. ( 'd rather )
2- Would you mind turning on the TV? ( Could I )
3- He wasn't polite to us. ( impolite )
4- I think he is very clever. ( opinion )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Mum shouted to me because I broke the glass. ……………
2- This news are very exciting. ……………
3- Could I asking you to open the window? ……………
4- He ran quick to catch the train. ……………

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
"A visit to the zoo"
1- When did you go to the zoo?
2- How did you go there?
3- With whom did you go?
4- What did you see there?
5- Did you enjoy the visit?
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Which passage did the Professor decide to follow?
2- Why did Axel think that it is the wrong passage?
3- Why did they go back to the crossroads?
4- Why did Axel want to give up this journey?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Axel was so tired and thirsty that ………………………………
2- They decided to leave the hole in the wall to ……………..
Ex : 3 - SB. p : 51 -

( 1 )
Nadia: Hi, Salma. What’s wrong?
Salma: I’m not feeling well, Mum. I’m tired and I’ve got a
Nadia: I’m sorry about that. …
( 2 )
Ahmed: What are you reading, Samy?
Samy : A book by Pele, the famous footballer. I borrowed it
from the library.
Ahmed: What’s it like?
Samy : I’m enjoying it. …
( 3 )
Sally: Hi, Soha. Is everything ok?
Soha: No, I can’t find my bag. Is it at your house?
Sally: No, it’s not.
Soha: Oh, dear.
Sally: It’s probably in your dad’s car. …
( 4 )
Nadia: Nawal, how are you?
Nawal: Fine, thanks Nadia. How’s Salma?
Nadia: She’s still in bed, but she’s feeling a lot better, thanks.
Nawal: Oh that’s good news.
Nadia: Would you mind looking after Salma while I go to get
her medicine?
Nawal: What time?
Nadia: About five.
Nawal: About five? …

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You introduce your friend Ramy to your father.
2- You suggest having lunch in a restaurant.
3- You meet your friend in the morning.
4- You want to borrow a book from your friend.
5- You suggest going to the club on Friday.
6- You want to ask your friend how he is.
7- You suggest going to the cinema.
8- You greet your mother before going to bed at night.
9- Your friend suggest going to the zoo and you accept.
10- You would you like to use your friend's mobile phone.
11- Someone says to you thank you.
12- Your uncle gives you a present on your birthday.
13- Your sister has lost her diamond ring and she is very sad.
14- Your friend is ill. Advise him.
15- Your little brother is making a noise.
16- Your friend is driving too fast. Warn him.
17- You have broken your friend's watch.
18- Your friend has lost your pen. You are angry.
19- You want to use your friend's dictionary.
20- You want your friend's bicycle.
21- Your friend wants to use your pen. You give permission.
22- Your friend wants do look at your homework. You refuse.
23- You suggest going swimming.
24- Your friend says," Let's go shopping? "
25- You suggest having lunch in a restaurant.
26- Your friend suggests going for a walk. You don't like it.
27- You tell your friend that you have decided to buy a bike.
28- You want to ask a tourist how long he is going to stay in
29- Your friend has passed the English exam.
30- Your cousin has bought a new camera
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
توفيق الدقن
عضو جديد

عدد المساهمات : 3
نقاط : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2014
العمر : 35

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالثلاثاء 29 يوليو 2014 - 2:41

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أشرف على

أشرف على

عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالسبت 16 أغسطس 2014 - 2:54

شوكً على الموضوع الرائع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أ عصام زكريا
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 134
نقاط : 155
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/10/2013
العمر : 43

 شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول    شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول Emptyالإثنين 15 سبتمبر 2014 - 8:09

شوك على المجهود الكبير
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح مميز لجميع وحدات دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» تحميل الهادى فى اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم اول
» حمل مذكرات متعددة لشرح وحدات اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الاعدادى مع اسئلة وتدريبات على الامتحانات
» تحميل نطق دروس الوحدات مع نصوص الاستماع صوت فى اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الاعدادى ترم أول
» تحميل دفتر تحضير الدروس لكل دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الثانوى خاص بالمعلمين
» شرح منهج اللغة الانجليزية كاملا الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم التانى الجزء الثالث

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الثالث الإعدادى-
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