منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر خالد منصور
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 151
نقاط : 445
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009

مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى   مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Emptyالسبت 5 مايو 2012 - 10:10

visitor زائر answer - ed يجيب news أخبار
World pen
friends club نادى أصدقاء المراسلة العالمى questions أسئلة parents والدين
No problem لا توجد مشكلة holiday أجازة
phone - d يتصل sound - ed يبدو certainly بالتأكيد
tourist industry صناعة السياحة send - sent يرسل – أرسل sure متأكد
be able to قادر على e-mail the
information يرسل المعلومات بالبريد الاليكترونى fantastic رائع
look forward to يتطلع إلى arrange - d يرتب

request طلب repair = fix يصلح oil زيت
instructions تعليمات – أوامر add - ed يضيف weather طقس
wait - ed ينتظر mechanic ميكانيكى order - ed يطلب
person شخص clean - ed ينظف check - ed يفحص
first أول light خفيف – ضوء tourist سائح
change - d يغير floor أرضية engine محرك
move - d يتحرك – ينتقل cost - cost يتكلف train station محطة قطار
trip رحلة paint - ed يرسم بالزيت noise ضوضاء
- It has been great talking to you. لقد كان شيئاًعظيماً أن أتحدث إليك.
- I want to talk to you. أنا اريد أن أن أتحدث إليك
- stay in + بلد يقيم فى بلد
- She sounds nice تبدو لطيفة
- I hope we will meet again أتمنى أن نتقابل مرة ثانية
- look forward to + v. + ing يتطلع إلى
- move back يتحرك للوراء
- e-mail information
يرسل معلومات بالبريد الإلكترونى
- wait for the busينتظر الأتوبيس
- wait for a personينتظر شخصاً
- make noiseيحدث ضوضاء
- What's your father's job?ما هى وظيفة والدك
= What does your father do?
- Have you ever been to + مكان ?هل سبق لك زيارة مكان
- during + اسم أثناء
- How much + فعل مساعد +شئ + cost ? كم ثمن شئ؟
How much does your dress cost?
- come to + مكان يأتى إلى مكان
- come with + شخص يأتى مع
- information about معلومات عن

1- Ahmed : Hello.
Tom : Hello. Is that Ahmed Zaki?
Ahmed : Yes, it is. Who’s speaking?
Tom : It’s Tom Green. From World Pen Friends Club. I’m phoning to tell you my
news. My parents and I are coming to Egypt for a holiday.
2- Ahmed : To Egypt! When are you coming?
Tom : Next month.
Ahmed : Great! And how long are you staying?
Tom : Two weeks. We’re coming to Cairo for three days and then we’re going to
Luxor and Aswan.
3- Tom : Listen, Ahmed, can you help me?
Ahmed : Certainly, Tom.
Tom : Your dad works in the tourist industry, doesn’t he?
Ahmed : Yes.
Tom : Well, he’ll be able to answer questions about Egypt, won’t he?
Ahmed : Of course. That’s his job.
4- Salma : Who are you talking to, Ahmed?
Ahmed : Just a minute, please, Tom. I’m talking to my pen friend, Salma.
5- Ahmed : Sorry, Tom.
Tom : No problem. Who’s that?
Ahmed : My little sister, Salma.
Tom : She sounds nice. I hope we’ll meet.
Ahmed : I’m sure you will!
6- Ahmed : Listen, Tom. Phone me again, when you’re in Egypt.
7- Tom : OK, but I’ll send you some questions. Can your dad answer them?
Ahmed : No problem at all. I’ll ask Dad and then I’ll e-mail the information.
8- Tom : Fantastic. Well, it’s been great talking to you.
Ahmed : And I’m really looking forward to meeting you.
Tom : Me too. OK, bye for now …

الكلام المباشر والغير مباشر Direct and indirect speech:-

* الكلام المباشر "Direct Speech" هو ما قاله شخص ما. ويكون الكلام موضوعاً بين أقواس مقلوبه مثل:
"Don't come late, Tamer."
* الكلام الغير مباشر "Indirect Speech" هو كلام منقول عن شخص ما قاله وأخر ينقله. مع ملاحظة حذف الأقواس فى الكلام الغير مباشر مثل:
The teacher asked Tamer not to come late.
1- الجمل الخبرية :

للتحويل من مباشر الى غير مباشر يلزم الأتى:-
1- نحذف الأقواس المقلوبة.

2- نحول فعل القول كالأتي:-
say \ says says say to tell
said said said to told
- اذا كانت الجمله خبريه نربط ب (that)، و(to) اذا كانت الجمله أمر أو طلب، و(not to) اذا كانت الجمله أمر منفى. أما اذا كان سؤال نربط بنفس علامة الإستفهام الموجوده فى السؤال المراد تحويله، ولكن اذا كان السؤال مبدوء بفعل مساعد / ناقص نربط ب (if).

3- نغير الظروف والضمائر حسب المتحدث والمخاطب فى أول الجملة المراد تحويلها كالأتي:-

I he-she
We they
Our their

You I- he-she
My his-her
Your my-his-her

Me him-her
Mine his-hers
Your his-her-mine

4- يمكن تغيير الروابط الزمنية كالآتي:

الكلمة تحويلها الكلمة تحويلها
Tomorrow The next day Yesterday The day before
Next (week) The (week) after Last (week) The (week) before
Here There Now Then
Today That day This (week) That (week)
5-نغير الأزمنه الى الأبعد مثل:-

المضارع البسيط يتحول إلى ماضى بسيط و الماضى البسيط إلى ماضى تام (had + p.p)
الكلام المبلغ للغير Reported Speech
(كلام شخص ما مبلغا للغير)
Had to
الماضى البسيط past simple
Past simple / past perfect الماضي البسيط أو الماضي التا م
(saw / had seen ) الكلام المباشر Direct Speech
(الكلام الذى نطق بة شخص ما )
Am / is
Has / have
Must / have to / has to
المضارع البسيط present simple
الماضى البسيط past simple saw

Past Simple:
He said that he liked fish. Present Simple:
He said " I like fish. "
Past Continuous:
Marwa said that she was talking to Sara. Present Continuous:
Marwa said" I'm talking to Sara."
Past Perfect:
Ali said that he had arrived late. Past Simple:
Ali said" I arrived late."
Past Perfect:
Sara said that she had ironed the shirt. Present Perfect:
" I've ironed the shirt." said Sara.
He said that he would see me later. Future with will:
" I'll see you later." He said.
Past Continuous of going to:
She said that she was going to learn French Future with going to:
"I'm going to learn French." she said
Past Continuous:
Salma said that she was leaving soon. Future with Present Continuous:
Salma said " I'm leaving soon."
He said that he could swim. Can:
He said " I can swim."
العبارات عن الأشياء التي لا تتغير أو الحقائق تظل في زمن المضارع.
EX:- " The Earth goes round the sun." said the teacher to the students.
- The teacher said that the Earth goes round the sun.

2-جمل الأمر:
- نحول "said to" إلى" told ".
- نحذف الأقواس و نربط ب " to ". ثم نضع بعدها فعل الأمر كما هو ثم نحول الضمائر .
EX: " Clean the car, Ayman. " said Mohamed.
- Mohamed told Ayman to clean the car.

3- الأمر المنفى:
تحول " don't " إلى " not to "ونحذف " please " إن وجدت.
EX: " Don't talk in class' Mona." the teacher said.
- The teacher told Mona not to talk in class.

4- السؤال ب... هل:Yes/ No question: نستخدم wanted to know " or ” asked""
نربط ب... " if " or " whether " بعد حذف الأقواس بدلا من الفعل المساعد.
...... فعل + فاعل + if + مفعول +asked + المتحدث
EX: " Do you like fish, Mona? " said uncle Mohamed.
- Uncle Mohamed asked Mona if she liked fish.
“ Can you repair the window , Hesham?”
- I asked Hesham if he could repair the window .

Wh- Question: 5- السؤال بكلمة استفهام :
نستخدم نفس كلمة الاستفهام كأداة ربط.
......... فعل + فاعل + كلمة الاستفهام + مفعول / لا مفعول +asked + المتحدث
EX: " How old are you, Salma?" asked Ali.
- Ali asked Salma how old she was
“ Where do you spend the weekend, Hala? “ Mona asked.
- Mona asked Hala where she spent the weekend .
Team work: (Reported speech)
1- “ Who is speaking? “ Ahmed asked.
2- “ When are you coming, Tom? “ asked Ahmed.
3- “ Can you help me? “ Tom asked Ahmed.
4- “ Who are you talking to? “ Salma asked Ahmed.
5- “ Can your dad answer them? ” Tom asked Ahmed.
6- “ Who is that? “Tom asked Ahmed.
7- “ Phone me again. “ Tom asked Ahmed.
8- He said to the teacher "I don't understand the lesson ."
9- "Please lend me your dictionary, Hoda" said Soha.
10- My brother said to me "I'm writing a letter."

1- Finish the following dialogue:
Ali : Pleased to meet you .
Ahmed : Pleased to meet you too .
Ali : (1) ……….?
Ahmed : I am going to the Book Fair .
Ali : (2) …………..?
Ahmed : Because I want to buy some books .
Ali : (3) ………..?
Ahmed : Of course, you can come .

2- Choose the correct answer:
1- Soha e-mailed her friend. It means Soha ( lifted – received – sent – carried ) her friend
an e-mail.
2- A ( bank – pharmacy – club – bakery ) is a place where people practice activities.
3- He looks forward to ( seeing – see – saw – seen ) his old friends.
4- At last they were ( worried – sad – able – lazy ) to solve the problem.
5- I ( said – asked – told – talked ) Ali the news yesterday.
6- I've got too ( few – lots – much – many ) money.
7- How much did your new bag ( spend - cost – pay – save )? – Sixty pounds.
8- There were too ( few – little – many – much ) easy questions in the test, so I got high
9- The teacher punished the boys who ( did – kept – made – had ) noise.
10- A car cannot move without ( door – engine – window – light ).

3- Correct the underlined word:
1- Ali asked Adel if he wants to come the party. …..……………….
2- I'm looking forward to relax this weekend . …..……………….
3- Rehab said her father when he would come back . …..……………….
4- " Have you ever been to England, Samia? " Bell said to. …..……………….
5- He enjoyed himself a lot while the summer . …..……………….
6- How much pupils are there in your class ? …..……………….
7- Cairo is a big city with many noise . …..……………….
8- There is many pollution in our country . …..……………….
9- She said to me where I had gone the day before. …..……………….
10- She asked me what was I doing. …..……………….
11- He has got a good work in a company. …..……………….
12- A car machine moves it. …..……………….
13- The train arrived at the station in time. …..……………….
14- He asked him do not use the camera. …..……………….
15- The carpenter repaired the car. …..……………….

4- Rewrite using the words in brackets :
1- "What did your father bring you on your birthday, Sally?" (Nora asked)
2- "Did you find your lost watch?" Sara said to me. (If)
3- "Please, don't make noise ." said Azza. (Azza asked Mona)
4- "Repair the light but don't wash the car." (He asked the mechanic)
5- "Did you buy any bread ?" asked mother. (Mother asked)

5- Choose the correct answer :
1- I'll send some letters to my ( book – pen – phone – TV ) friend.
2- It was raining .Ali didn't want to get ( dry – wet – fit – tired ).
3- She was really ( interested – tired – disappointed – hungry) that Nadia couldn't come.
4- She failed the test because there were too many (easy – good – fit – difficult)
5- He ( said to – told – says – asks ) me that he had gone home early .
6- He asked ( if – to – that – not to ) he would go to the cinema .
7- Mother asked Sami ( buy – bought – to buy – buying ) fruit .
8- Father asked me ( what – if – that – whether ) I had done the day before.
9- My teacher told me ( don't make – not make – not to make – had not made )
any noise.
10- He spent an hour ( washing – waiting – visiting – drinking ) the car
11- My office is on the third ( sky – area – place – floor ).
12- Hesham told the mechanic to ( think – drink – eat – change ) the oil
13- The engineer ( worked – put – made – did ) a mistake when he built the building.
14- He asked ( where she went – where did she go – where she go – where she gone ).
15- The teacher asked (do you do – did you do – if you had done – have you done) your homework.
16- The teacher ( told – said to – says to – did say to ) me to do my homework.
17- Rania and Dalia made a ( voyage – journey – trip – flight ) across The Atlantic.

magazine مجلة kitchen مطبخ such as مثل
Old Cairo القاهرة القديمة equipment معدات gold ذهب
notes مذكرات souvenirs هدايا تذكارية carpets سجاد
near قريب capital عاصمة spices توابل
University الجامعة الاســـــــلامية relax - ed يستريح famous مشهور
artists فنانين ancient قديم
shopping area منطقة تسوق crowded مزدحم tomb مقبرة
historic place مكان تاريخى talk - ed يتكلم engineer مهندس
buy - bought يشترى writer كاتب change - d يتغير
different مختلف pyramids أهرامات direction اتجاه
things أشياء realise - d يدرك

party حفلة dentist طبيب أسنان invite - d يدعو
accept - ed يوافق computer lab معمل كمبيوتر meeting اجتماع
paint - ed يرسم بالزيت necklace عُقد customer زبون
draw-drew يرسم secretary سكرتير receive - d يستلم

Words and opposites الكلمات و عكسها
old × new قديم × جديد the worst ×the best الأسوأ × الأفضل
old × young عجوز × صغير السن inside × outside بالداخل × بالخارج
near × far قريب × بعيد large ×small كبير × صغير
able ×unable قادر × غير قادر send×receive يرسل × يستلم
buy ×sell يشترى × يبيع direct × indirect مباشر × غير مباشر
next ×last القادم × السابق ancient × modern قديم × حديث

- The best place to shop أفضل مكان للشراء
- make mistakes يرتكب أخطاء
- look strange يبدو غريباً
- equipment معدات ( تعامل معاملة المفرد )
- write back يرد على خطاب
- PS = postscript حاشية لرسالة ( فى نهاية الريالة بعد التوقيع لاضافة معلومات )
- تستخدم بعض الأسماء كأفعال مثل:
مصدر الفعل V / اسم noun + to + مفعول + يدعو invite + الفاعل
- Maher invited me to a party .
Noun + wish + مفعول + help + الفاعل
- I always help my mother with the housework
يشكر على V ing / noun + for + مفعول + Thank
- Thank you very much for your invitation .
Noun + مفعول + wish + الفاعل
- I wish you good luck .
مصدر الفعل V + to + wish + الفاعل
- I wish to leave now .
مصدر الفعل V + I wish I could
- I wish I could buy a new car .
مصدر الفعل V + Must = مصدر الفعل V + have to
- I have to \ must go to the dentist because I've got a bad tooth .
Get to ( a place ) = arrive at ( a place ) = reach ( a place ) يصل الى مكان
- He reached the station early .
يصل الى البيت - get home
- arrive in (city – country).
- arrive at (the school – the station.n)
- تستخدم بعض الأسماء كأفعال مثل:
رسالة البريد الأليكترونى / يرسل بالبريد e-mail الحب / يحب love
مساعده / يساعد help أمنيه / يتمنى wish
- تستخدم بعض الأسماء كصفات مثل:
ذهب / مصنوع من الذهب gold جميل / معرضfair
- تستخدم بعض الصفات كظروف مثل:
سريع / بسرعه fast مبكر / مبكراً early متأخر / متأخراًlate

Hesham : If you want to buy something in Egypt, then Khan el-Khalili is the best place to go. It is in Old Cairo, near the famous Islamic University of Al Azhar. Khan el-Khalili was built in 1382 and it has been Cairo’s most important shopping area for six hundred years. It is a historic place where you can buy different things such as gold, chairs, tables, carpets, glass, spices, kitchen equipment and tourist souvenirs. In this crowded place there is a famous café where you can sit and relax. Sometimes you may meet Egyptian artists and writers who come to talk and drink tea, coffee or fruit juice.
Invitation دعوة
- Do you want to come to ( a party next Friday )
- Can you come to …. ?
- I'd like to invite you to …. .
- Would you like to come to …. ?
Accepting قبول
- I'd love to come.
- I'd be pleased to come
Refusing politelyرفض بطريقة مهذبة
- I'm very sorry. I can't come.
- I wish I could but ( I have to + سبب )
نموذج لخطاب الدعوة
m work:
1-Write a paragraph of five sentences on “ Places of interest in Egypt “
Use the following key words:
Tourists – visiting – Egypt – weather – fine / Pyramids – Egyptian Museum – Citadel / go – Khan el-Khalili – souvenirs / Luxor , Aswan – temples / Red Sea – diving – swimming.

2- Write a letter to your friend Mohamed inviting him to spend a nice time on your father’s farm. Ask him if he likes the country. Tell him how he will enjoy it.
Your name is Kamal and you live at 20 Ali Mubarak St., Mansoura.

3- Choose the correct answer :.
1- The famous Islamic University is (Cairo – Ain Shams – Alexandria – Al Azhar).
2- Khan el Khalili is the best place to ( buy – play – run – race ) souvenirs .
3- Snefru was a great ( queen – king – teacher – engineer ) in ancient Egypt .
4- He chose Dahshur as a ( place – square – home – room ) for his tomb .
5- After secondary education , he joined the ( farm – school – university – k.g).
6- If you add some ( plant – coffee – sand – spices ) to the food, it’ll be delicious.
7- Have you ever met any Egyptian ( teacher – artist – doctor – boss ) such as an actor,
singer, etc?
8- Cairo is one of the most ( crowd – crowded – crowds – clouds ) cities in the world.
9- He asked his friend how tall ( is he – will he – was he – he was ).
10- I asked Hany “ Why ( you are – are you – he is – he was ) angry ?

4- Rewrite using the words in brackets :
1- “ Did you write everything on the board” The teacher asked Ali. (The teacher asked..)
2- “ Don’t take my book, Noha “ said Mona. ( Mona told Noha )
3- “ Keep your room clean and tidy, Soha ” ( Mother told Soha )
4- Do you want to drink orange juice? ( Would )

1- Finish the following dialogue between a tourist and a bookseller :.
Tourist : Good morning . Do you speak English ?
Bookseller : Yes , I do ( 1 ) ...........................................................................?
Tourist : I want a book about the Egyptian Museum .
Bookseller : Here you are .
Tourist : ( 2 ) ... ?
Bookseller : Five pounds .
Tourist : ( 3 )

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations :.
1- You invite your friend to go with you on a picnic.
2- Your friend invites you to have pizza with him. You accept.
3- You ask your sister to go with you to the cinema.
4- Your friend invites you to the club. You refuse.
5- You invite your friend to have dinner in a restaurant.
6- You invite your uncle to come to your birthday party.
3- Choose the correct answer :.
1- The museum is the place (whose – which – when – where) you can see old things.
2- You look very tired and worried. Go and (run – relax – work – jump) please.
3- (Wood – Glad – Goal – Gold) is an expensive metal.
4- Hanaa took her sister's scarf by (mistake – eye – head – right).
5- Tourists who visit Khan el Khalili buy (prizes – compasses – souvenirs – computers)
to remind them of their visit.
6- Primary school (lasts – last – lasted – lasting) for six years.
7- A (baker – nurse – dentist – chemist) treats people's bad teeth.
8- I (wash – watch – wish – win) I could buy new car.
9- I sent my pen friend a letter and asked him to (run – go – write – send) back soon
10- In cities, there (is – are – were – to be) too much pollution.
11- I haven't (replied – asked – told – written) to his letter yet.
12- The manager told the secretary to send an e-mail to one of his (customers – animals
– babies – dresses).
13- Ahmed told Ali not to (write – wear – lose – put) old clothes.
14- Mervat invited Gamal to her birthday (meeting – time –party – part).
15- I went to the (doctor's – dentist's – engineer's – mechanic's) to have my bad tooth
pulled out.
16- The tourist went to Khan el Khalili to buy a (necklace – TV – fax – paper).
17- After the football match, the player felt hot and (cold – thirsty – mad – fat).
18- She (ate – drew – went – wrote) a nice picture of a horse.
19- Waseem (invited – helped – told – answered) Sherin to his birthday party.
20- I sent my friend (a book – an e-mail – a phone – a computer) and waited for him to
write me back.
21- I (agreed – accepted – asked – told) Nadia's invitation for lunch.
22- Naguib Mahfouz is a famous Egyptian (scientist – writer – singer – dancer).
23- Khan el –Khalili is a (history – historical – historian – historic) place .
24- People go to the café to relax and (teach – wash – talk – work) .
25- I don’t like to live in a (busy – calm – crowded – clean) city . I like to be quiet.
26- Khan el Khalili is the best place ( to shop – shopping – shopper – ship )

4- Read and correct the underlined word(s) :.
1- Thank you for help me. ………………………
2- He ran quick. ………………………
3- I wish I can visit Luxor. ………………………
4- He agreed his friend's invitation. ………………………
5- The tourist asked where is Dahshour. ………………………
6- He asked me where you spent your last summer holiday. ………………………
7- Ahmed told Tom not to wearing new clothes. ………………………
8- Thank you very much for invite me. ………………………
9- The boy asked Heba what is her name. ………………………
10- They told me take care of their clothes. ………………………

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Maha is busy sending an e-mail.
Noha : 1)………….……… ?
Maha : I'm sending an e-mail to my pen friend Lora.
Noha : 2) ................. ?
Maha : She lives in London.
Noha : 3) .……………… ?
Maha : I've been writing to her for three years.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You invite your cousin to your birthday party.
2- You accept your friend’s invitation to the circus.
3- You politely refuse a friend’s invitation to the cinema giving a reason.
4- You accept your friend's invitation to have a drink with him.

B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Khan el-Khalili is a) if I had ever been to Paris.
2- Soha told me that b) to check the oil of the engine.
3- I wish c) have a lot of problems.
4- I asked the mechanic d) I could be a famous footballer.
5- Ali wanted to know e) she had bought nice shoes.
F ) a nice place to shop.
4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hany is giving a party at home. He has invited some of his friends. The party will be at five o’clock in the afternoon. Hany is giving this party because of his success. He has got high marks and his parents are very happy. His father will give him a present. His relatives and friends will also bring him some presents. His mother has made some cakes for them. He says that it will be a good party. They will enjoy listening to music and songs. They will have sandwiches, cakes and juice. Hany has finished his preparatory school and he will go to secondary school net year.

a- Answer the following questions:
1- Why is Hany giving a party?
2- What will his friends and relatives offer him?
3- How does the mother take part in the party?

b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Hany is giving his party -----------------------------.
a- at school b- at restaurant c- at home d- on the farm
5- His relatives and friends are going to listen to ----------------------.
a- the news on the radio b- the parents
c- friends and relatives d- music and songs
6- The underlined word “them” refers to ----------------------.
a- Hany’s family only b- Hany’s sisters and guests
c- Hany’s relatives and friends d- Hany’s brothers only.

C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- My mother asked me why …………………………….. .
a) I laughed b) do I laugh c) did I laugh d) have I laughed
2- My father told me …………………….. play in the street.
a) to b) not to c) don’t d) didn’t
3- He studies art to become an …………………….. .
a) artist b) artful c) engineer d) pilot
4- The accident happened in a very ………………… street.
a) heavy b) crowded c) light d) rushed
5- My mother asked me ……………… the floor.
a) cleans b) cleaning c) to clean d) clean
6- ………………. Are things you buy to remember a place.
a) presents b) maps c) necklaces d) souvenirs
7- The game …………. for 90 minutes.
a) lasted b) last c) lasting d) the last
8- ………………. is an expensive metal.
a) wool b) gold c) iron d) glass

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- “Keep your room clean, Heba.” ( Mother told ….. )
2- Do you want to have some tea? ( Would )
3- What does your uncle do? ( job )
4- Aya asked me “ Did you find your watch?” ( if )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- The boy asked Heba what is her name. ……………….
2- They wanted know who was coming. ……………….
3- The opposite of first is lest. ……………….
4- A baker is someone who buys goods from a shop. ……………….

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" My birthday party "
- Use the following key words:
invite – friends / cakes – drinks / listen – music – play – games / take – photographs /
receive – presents.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What awoke Axel after he fainted?
2- What words did Axel hear when he came to himself?
3- Where was Professor Lidenbrock?
4- How far was Axel from his uncle and Hans?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The Professor asked Axel to call again to ………………………………………………………
2- Axel fainted again when …………

أسئلة من الأعوام السابقة
1- Finish the following dialogue: You meet a tourist in the city centre. (القليوبية2003)
You : Good morning, sir. 1) ………………………………………………………….. ?
Tourist: I’m from Canada.
You : 2) ………………… ?
Tourist: Yes, this is my first visit to Egypt.
You : Are you enjoying your visit?
Tourist: Yes, of course. I’ve already visited many interesting places. Egypt is worth visiting.
You : Have a nice stay in our country.
Tourist: 3)

1- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your friend invites you to a computer game but you have a lot of homework. (دمياط2009)
2- You accept your friend’s invitation for lunch. (الفيوم 2009)
3- You invite your friend to come to your birthday party. (حلوان 2009)
4- You invite your friend to spend a day with you in the country. (كفر الشيخ2007)
5- You refuse politely to go to Huda’s birthday party next Tuesday. (المنيا2008)
6- Your friend invites you to a computer game and you like the idea. (البحر الاحمر2004)
7- You invite your friend to your sister’s wedding party. (القليوبية2002)
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- I have got too ………… money. I can’t buy anything. (القاهرة2008)
a) few b) little c) much d) many
2- There were too ………… easy questions in the test, so I got high marks. (الغربية2008)
a) few b) little c) much d) many
3- Sally doesn’t have to do ………………….. homework. (البحر الاحمر2009)
a) few b) a few c) much d) many
4- The museum is the place …………… you can see old things. (الشرقية2009)
a) whose b) which c) when d) where
5- …………… is an expensive metal. (دمياط2008)
a) iron b) gold c) glad d) goal
6- Hanaa took her sister’s scarf by ………………. . (القليوبية2009)
a) mistake b) eye c) head d) right
7- Tourists who visit khan El khalili buy ……….. to remind them of their visit. (البحيرة2008)
a) prizes b) computers c) souvenirs d) compasses
8- My teacher asked me ………… talk in class. (أسيوط2009)
a) to b) not to c) don’t d) won’t
9- Samy ………… me that he won a prize. (القليوبية2005)
a) said b) asked c) told d) spoke
10- Our teacher always asks us ………….. be nervous during the test. (البحيرة2009)
a) to b) not to c) don’t d) won’t
11- Primary school ………… for six years. (السويس2009)
a) lasts b) last c) lasted d) lasting
12- In cities, there ………… too much pollution. (بورسعيد2009)
a) is b) are c) were d) to be
13- The doctor advised me …………. eat between meals.(المنوفية2008)
a) to b) not to c) don’t d) won’t
14- The policeman asked the boy if he …………. Anything. (سوهاج2008)
a) have lost b) had lost c) lose d) has lost
4- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Ali asked if he wants to come to the party. (مطروح2009) ……………………..
2- I’m looking forward to relax this weekend. (القاهرة2009) ……………………..
3- Rehab said her father when he would come back. (كفر الشيخ2009) ……………………..
4- “Have you ever been to England, Samia?” Bill said to. (قنا2009) ……………………..
5- There is many pollution in our country. (القليوبية2009) ……………………..
6- How much pupils are there in your class? (بنى سويف2008) ……………………..
7- Cairo is a big city with too many noise. (أسيوط2008) ……………………..
8-The children missed there school bus. (حلوان2009) ……………………..
9- I am so busy yesterday. (كفر الشيخ2008) ……………………..

5- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- “What did your father bring you on your birthday, Sally” (Nura asked) (الغربية2009)
2- Sara said to me “ Did you find your lost watch?” ( if ) (الفيوم2008)
3- “ Please, don’t make noise Mona.” Said Azza. (Azza asked Mona) (الغربية2005)
4- “ Did you buy any bread, Ali?” (Mother asked Ali) (المنوفية2004) 5- Maher said to me “I’ve just bought a new car.” (told) (الاقصر 2009)
6- “Clean the floor when you finish the cooking.” (Mother asked Enas) (القاهرة2009)
7- “Have you ever been to Paris?” (Ali asked Maged) (الجيزة2009)
8- There isn’t enough sugar in the tea. (too little) (الفيوم2009)
9- While he was watching the film, he felt tired. (during) (الاسماعيلية2009)
10- Tom said to Noha “ How old are you?” (Tom asked Noha) (بنى سويف2009
11- “Have you ever been to Aswan, Mona ?” (Heba asked Mona) (حلوان2009)
12- Maher said to me “I’ve just bought a new car.” (told)(الاقصر2009)
13- She said to the children”Where did you find the keys?” (She asked ..) (الفيوم2001)

6- Write a paragraph of 5 sentences on:
Khan El-Khalili
- Guiding words and phrases:
best place – buy / old Cairo – near – Al-Azhar / important – shopping area / historic place / famous café.

7- Finish the following dialogue: John comes from England. He is travelling to Egypt. He is phoning his Egyptian pen friend Ahmed.

John : Hello. I am John Bill. I am phoning to tell you my parents and I are coming to
Egypt for a holiday.
Ahmed : Great news! 1) ……… .
John : Next month. You know school ends in August.
Ahmed : 2) ……………………… ?
John : Two or three weeks.
Ahmed : You are welcome to Egypt. 3) ……………………………. ?
John : Ok. I’ll e-mail my flight number.

sleepwalk-ed يمشى وهو نائم get home يذهب للمنزل understand يفهم
everyone كل واحد do homework يعمل الواجب mysteries أسرار غامضة
sitting room حجرة الجلوس sleep - slept ينام say - said يقول
tired× relaxed متعب×مستريح wake - woke يستيقظ tell - told يخبر

sailor بحار blood دم climb - ed يتسلق
wife زوجة on board على ظهر السفينة reach - ed يصل
husband زوج warm دافئ carry-carried يحمل
later فيما بعد breakfast افطار find - found يجد
ship سفينة ready مستعد Know - knew يعرف
need help يحتاج مساعدة return - ed يعود – يرجع take - took يأخذ
set off يبدأ رحلة disappear-ed يختفى think-thought يفكر
wrong خطأ Kill - ed يقتل strange غريب
captain قبطان check - ed يراجع – يفحص idea فكرة
small boat مركب صغير die - d يموت reporter مراسل

- have to + مصدر الفعل. يضطر إلى.
- reach + مكان. يصل إلى مكان
- arrive in + دولة – أو مدينة كبيرة يصل إلى بلد
- arrive at + قرية– أو مكان صغير يصل إلى مكان صغير
- get to + مكان يصل إلى
- I have a good idea عندى فكرة جيدة
- There is no one on the ship. لا يوجد احد على السفينة
- There is something wrong with the ship يوجد خطأ فى السفينة
- know the answer to the mystery يعرف حلاً للغز
- on board على ظهر السفينة أو الطائرة
- In November 1872.فى نوفمبر 1872
- send toيرسل إلى
- return to يعود إلى
- from + مكان to + مكان .من مكان إلى آخر
- Words and opposites: الكلمات و عكسها
wrong × right خطأ × صحيح sleep ×wake ينام × يستيقظ
find × lose يجد × يفقد sit ×stand يجلس × يقف
appear × disappear يظهر × يختفى understand × misunderstand يفهم × يسئ الفهم
different ×the same مختلف × نفس الشئ die × live يموت × يعيش

a- Nadia: I’m coming home at six.
Nadia said that she was coming home at six.
b- Ahmed: I’m doing my homework.
Ahmed said that he was doing his homework.
c- Salma: I’m very tired.
Salma told Soha that she was very tired.
d- Soha: I don’t understand.
Soha told Hesham that she didn’t understand.
e- Hesham: Salma has been sleepwalking.
Hesham said that Salma had been sleepwalking.

In November 1872, a sailor told his wife that his ship, the Mary Celeste, was setting off to Italy. A month later, the captain of another ship, the Dei Gratia, saw the Mary Celeste. He said to his sailors that he thought there was something wrong with that ship. He told them to go and see if the sailors needed help. The captain sent a small boat to the Mary Celeste. When the sailors climbed on board, one said that it was very strange. There was no one on board. Everyone had disappeared. When the sailors returned to the Dei Gratia, they told the captain what they saw. They said the tea was warm and breakfast was ready. There was money on the ship, but there was no one there. When news of the Mary Celeste reached London, reporters had different ideas about the mystery. One wrote that sailors from another ship had killed everyone. Another reporter wrote that he didn’t think that anyone had died because there hadn’t been blood on the ship. No one ever found the sailors from the Mary Celeste. A third reporter wrote that they would probably never know the answer to the mystery of the Mary Celeste.

Team work: (Reported speech)
1- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets :
1-"Where did you go ?", he said . (had gone)

2- She told me that she had done her homework. (said to me)

3- He asked me who I had met. (did you)

4- He told me that he was doing his homework. (said to)

5- She said to me, "Can you call me at 3:30 ?" ( if )

6- Mum told me to do my homework. (said to)

7- Dad told me not to go out. (said to)

2- Write a paragraph of five sentences on "A place you would like to visit "
- Which place would you like to visit?
- Where is it located ?
- How can you go there ?
- What is the weather like there ?
- What can you see in this place?

3- Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1- She asked me clean the desk.
2- He said me he had done the homework.
3- Ali asked me when I go there.
4- She told me not shout.
5- He reached at Alexandria in the evening.
6- He told his mother, "I'm hungry."
1- Finish the following dialogue :
Waiter : What can I get you, sir?
Amr : (1)
Waiter : Coffee ? (2)
Amr : With little sugar, please.
Waiter : (3)
………………………. ?
Amr : No, thanks.

2- Read and match:
1- We’d better a) set off before night.
2- “ Warm “ means b) a little hot.
3- A captain is someone c) who repairs cars.
4- I’ve lost my watch and d) who is in charge of a ship or a plane.
5- The engineer thinks e) I can’t find it at all.
F ) there’s something wrong with the ship.
3- Choose the correct answer
1- Mum asked Sally how much (did she pay – she paid – had she paid – would she pay)
for her new bag.
2- Soha(told – said – asked – advised) me that she had finished her work an hour before
3- I (wait – am waiting – was waiting – have been waiting) for the bus since nine o'clock and it hasn't come yet.
4- She (told – said – say – asked me) that her father had been abroad.
5- The secretary (is writing – has been writing – has been written – write) reports all day.
6- "I found the keys in my room." He said that he (would find – has found – had found – finds) the keys in his room.
7- The teacher told me that (I had written – had I written – did I write – have I written) a good composition.
8- Maher (played – is playing – plays – has been playing) computer games for two hours now.
9- The boy (repaired – appeared – disappeared – prepared) and his parents couldn't find him.
10- A (manager – chemist – reporter – baker) is someone who writes about news.
11- The (pilot – driver – sailor – tailor) is the person who works on a boat or a ship.
12- When El-Ahly team (arrived – got – went – reached) Cairo Airport, all the people there cheered and were very happy.
13- Flight 19 suddenly (appeared – discovered – disappointed – disappeared) and no one could find it.
14- The police tried to solve the (answer – reply – invitation – mystery) of the crime.
15- She got out of her bed and (sleepwalked – watched – saw – played) while she was asleep.
16- Passengers should (examine – see – check – find) in before departure.
17- Mary lived in London until her (death – birth – breath – fish).
18- His e-mail was (arrived – sent – got – went) yesterday.
19- Amer gave his friend a (cold – warm – hot – cool) welcome.
20- The ship will (set off – take off – turn off – stand up) to help another ship.
21- Mum told me (help – helping – helped – to help) my brother with his homework.
22- He asked me when (I come – I came – did I come – do I come) back
23- He asked me if I (go – went – will go – have gone) to the cinema.
4- Read and correct the underlined words :
1-She said how much my new shoes were. ………………………
2- Ali has been worked in this factory for ten years now. ………………………
3- She couldn't finish her work because she was tiring. ………………………
4- Sally has been making her homework for seven o'clock. ………………………
5- My father is a teacher who works on a big shop. ………………………
6- We are working hard to find an answer for our problem. ………………………
7- We must hurry. we have few time left. ………………………
8- “ leave “ is the opposite of “die”. ………………………
1- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets :
1- The sun never appears at night. ( disappear )
2- We are going to start our journey to Luxor next week. ( set off )
3- The tourists reached the pyramids yesterday morning. ( arrived )
4- Maher said to Ahmed “ I wanted to go abroad “ ( told )
5- Amir and Ali are brothers but they don’t go to the same school. ( different )

disappearing اختفاء consist of يتكون من radio - ed يرسل رسالة لاسلكية
aeroplanes طائرات compass بوصلة controller ضابط مراقبة
take off تُقلع الطائرة was lost ضل الطريق group مجموعة
airport مطار message رسالة leader قائد
what happened ماذا حدث weaker أضعف chemist صيدلي
search planes طائرات البحث continue - d يستمر solve -d حل مشكلة
terrible فظيع flight رحلة smash -ed يحطم
student pilot طالب طيار hear - d يسمع follow - ed
area منطقة crash -ed يصطدم diver غواص
Triangle مثلث برمودا bedroom حجرة النوم take care of يعتنى بـ
kitchen مطبخ island جزيرة
treasure كنز North America أمريكا الشمالية sail back يبحر عائدا
missing مفقود hope -d يأمل ring خاتم – يرن
search ship سفينة بحث century قرن sink يغوص - يغرق
discover -ed يكتشف village قرية

- consist of يتكون من
- search for يبحث عن
- succeed in ينجح فى
- return to يعود إلى
- fly over يُحلق فوق
- set off يبدأ رحلة
- in addition to بالإضافة إلى
- go on a journey يقوم برحلة
- at 4 pm. فى الساعة الرابعة عصرا
- ready to + مصدر الفعل مستعد لـ
- ready for + اسم مستعد لـ
- tell a story. يحكى قصة
- take pictures with a camera. يلتقط صور بالكاميرا
- crashed into يصطدم بـ
- lost his way يضل طريقه
- manage to + مصدر الفعل ينجح فى
- speak to / with يتحدث مع شخص
- speak about يتحدث عن شئ
- get in touch with يبقى على اتصال بـ
- wash up يغسل الأواني

العبارات الموصولة Relative Clauses

Who – which – that- whose – where- when
الذى – التى – الذين – اللاتى ( تحل محل الفاعل أو المفعول العاقل ) 1- who = that
* Yesterday , we visited our neighbour . He is a famous doctor .
= Yesterday , we visited our neighbour who (that) is a famous doctor .

الذى – التى – الذين – اللاتى (تحل محل الفاعل أو المفعول غير العاقل) 2- which = that
* Please, give me the story . You borrowed it from me last week .
= Please, give me story which (that) you borrowed from me last week .

للملكية 3- whose
- تستخدم whose للتعبير عن الملكية بدلا من s','s الدالة على الملكية وبدلا من صفات الملكية ...... his – her – their
ويتبعها اسم الشئ الذي يمتلك .
* I helped the woman . The woman's car had broken down .
= I helped the woman whose car had broken down .
* We felt sorry for Hani . His father had died in an accident .
= We felt sorry for Hani whose father had died in an accident .

حيث – المكان الذى فيه (تدل على المكان) 4- where
* My father has got a big office in Cairo . He meets lots of businessmen there.
= My father has got a big office in Cairo where he meets of businessmen .
استخدام that أو which بدلا من where :
* That's the hospital where my aunt works .
= That's the hospital in which my aunt works .
= That's the hospital which my aunt works in .
= That's the hospital that my aunt works in .

5- When عندما- هو الوقت الذى
* August is a month . We go to the seaside in that month .
= August is the month when we go to the seaside .
لاحظ أن ضمير الوصل وعبارته يوضعان بعد الكلمة أو الكلمات التى يصفها .

Team work
Choose the correct answer :
1- Graham Bell was the man (which – whose – where- who) invented the telephone.
2- This is the book (where – who – which – whose) I bought yesterday.
3- He traveled to Luxor (where – whose – when – which) he was born.
4- That's the man (who – whose – that – which) car is outside my house.
5- The first of January is the day (which – where – when – that) we celebrate the new year.
6- This is the policeman (who – whose – when – which) rescued my life.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- Mr. Samy is an English teacher. He taught us English last year. (who)
2- We met the man. His car was damaged. (whose)
3- Magdy bought the dress. She saw dress yesterday. (which)
4- Ahmed went to the club. He spent his free time there. (where)
5- June is a month. We take our holiday in it. (when)
hoose the correct answer:
1- One hundred years is a (day – century – month – week).
2- Peter is a great (dancer – artist – teacher – doctor). He painted nice pictures.
3- The airport (engineer – controller – customer – player) sent a message to Flight 22.
4- The pilot was ready to (turn off – drive – go to – take off).
5- The plane (set off – took care of – searched – succeeded) on time.
6- She found the boy who (appeared – disappeared– climbed – disappear) in the wood.
7- The pilot (spoke – walked – radioed – fought) the controller of the airport.
8- What is the next (train – bus – car – flight) to London? When will the plane take off?
9- After the passenger had arrived at the airport, his (voyage – trip – flight – travel) took off.
10- Because Magdy (lost – caught – won – missed) the train to Aswan, he took the bus.
11- Divers enjoy different kinds of fish in the (top – land – earth – bottom) of the sea.
12- The captain uses the (compass – company – computer – television) to know the
direction of the ship.
13- All the passengers were killed in the plane (crash – damage – accident – loss).
14- The football team (has – consists – contains – plays) of eleven players.
15- The sailors were looking for (treasure – a house – a room – a book) near Bermuda.
16- The pilot said that he was ready to (take – put – turn – switch) off.
17- My father told me (don’t – can't – didn't – not to) play in the street.
18- I think it is time to get ready (to – for – on – with) the trip.
19- Pilots usually get in touch with the airport (sailor – diver – controller – reporter) during
their flights.
20- He is searching (for – of – at – after) his little brother.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1. I have been studying English for 8 years. (since)
2. Dalia won the competition. She is my sister. (who)
3. Mohamed is my cousin. His eyes are blue. (whose)
4. This is Luxor. I spend my vacation here. (where)

Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
1- It has been raining for 2:30. ……………….
2- It has been raining since two hours. ……………….
3- He is the one which came first. ……………….
4- This is the place when I was born. ……………….
5- He searched to his pen, but he didn't find it. ……………….
6- He went to the station as he flew to Paris. ……………….
7- The drawer consists pens and books. ……………….
8- The pilot took up at 7:00 o'clock. ……………….
9- Ali is in Damietta . He's been their for a week now . ……………….
10- Hala always gives care of her little sister when her mother is away. ……………….
11- Our flat contains of three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom . ……………….
12- A baker can prepare medicine for sale . ……………….
13- An ocean is a piece of land completely surrounded by water. ……………….
14- E-mails are an easy way to get in touch of friends and family. ……………….
15- The weather is very dry and cold in London in winter . ……………….
16- The ship sailed but a lot of passengers were rescued . ……………….

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Eman : What’s your favourite school subject, Aya?
Aya : 1)

Eman : 2)
………….. ?
Aya : I have been studying it for 5 years now.
Eman : Are you good at speaking it?
Aya : 3)
………………………………… . I always practise it with my family and friends.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You ask about the price of a camera.
2- You politely give a reason why you can’t accept an invitation.
3- You friend asks you to lend him your CD, but you don’t agree.
4- You advice the taxi driver not to drive too fast.

B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1. Rescue ships hurried to
2. The boy whose pencil
3. Set off means
4. Mona and Mai watched a film which
5. How many planes • they both enjoyed a lot .
• the place where the boat sank .
• Salma borrowed is very nice .
• took off from the airport ?
• to begin a journey .
• by car .

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Over 20 million people work in the coffee industry. Coffee is worth more money than any other industry in the world except oil. In Brazil about 30,000,000 coffee plants are looked after every year. Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. A man called Khalid who was looking after his goats noticed that his goats were very energetic after eating a certain kind of plants. He decided to try this himself and found that they gave him a lot of energy. The coffee drink was first made in Turkey in 1555. By the 18th century, coffee became an important part of European life. In England, the coffee houses of London became important meeting places for writers and men working in the government.
a- Answer the following questions:
1- How many people work in the coffee industry?
2- Name a country that grows a lot of coffee.
3- Why were the coffee houses important in London in the past?
b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Coffee was first discovered in -----------------------------.
a- Turkey b- Brazil c- Ethiopia d- England
5- Khalid looked after goats because he was a ----------------------.
a- pilot b- driver c- mechanic d- shepherd
6- The underlined word “energetic” means ----------------------.
a- active b- lazy c- fat d- weak
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- My brother is looking forward to ………………… to Rome next week.
a) travel b) travelling c) travels d) travelled
2- Ramadan is the month …………… we fast.
a) who b) where c) when d) which
3- We take ……….. our shoes when we enter the mosque.
a) out b) in c) up d) off
4- I am grateful to you for ………….. in touch with me during my illness.
a) getting b) gathering c) giving d) growing
5- The writer …………… story has been made into a film is very happy.
a) who b) whose c) when d) which
6- Mona …………. English for five years now.
a) learns b) is learning c) was learning d) has been learning
7- The art exhibition in our school ………… of 60 drawings and paintings.
a) contains b) covers c) consists d) brings
8- When the plane ………………. , the passengers fasten their seat belts.
a) sees off b) takes off c) makes off d) runs

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He moved away years ago, but I still get in touch with him. (Although….. )
2- Ali told me that he had lost his car. ( Ali said to me )
3- He failed in his last exam. ( succeed )
4- The plane had 200 people on board. ( There )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- where are everyone? ……………….
2- I can see a few drop of water on the floor. ……………….
3- We are looking forward to meet our cousins. ……………….
4- The information who the captain radioed was strange. ……………….

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" A trip you made to Paris "
- Use the following key words:
When you travelled / how and why you went / who you
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر خالد منصور
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد المساهمات : 151
نقاط : 445
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2009

مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى   مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Emptyالسبت 5 مايو 2012 - 10:19

الوحدة 11
b- Ahmed: I’m doing my homework.
Ahmed said that he was doing his homework.
c- Salma: I’m very tired.
Salma told Soha that she was very tired.
d- Soha: I don’t understand.
Soha told Hesham that she didn’t understand.
e- Hesham: Salma has been sleepwalking.
Hesham said that Salma had been sleepwalking.

In November 1872, a sailor told his wife that his ship, the Mary Celeste, was setting off to Italy. A month later, the captain of another ship, the Dei Gratia, saw the Mary Celeste. He said to his sailors that he thought there was something wrong with that ship. He told them to go and see if the sailors needed help. The captain sent a small boat to the Mary Celeste. When the sailors climbed on board, one said that it was very strange. There was no one on board. Everyone had disappeared. When the sailors returned to the Dei Gratia, they told the captain what they saw. They said the tea was warm and breakfast was ready. There was money on the ship, but there was no one there. When news of the Mary Celeste reached London, reporters had different ideas about the mystery. One wrote that sailors from another ship had killed everyone. Another reporter wrote that he didn’t think that anyone had died because there hadn’t been blood on the ship. No one ever found the sailors from the Mary Celeste. A third reporter wrote that they would probably never know the answer to the mystery of the Mary Celeste.

Team work: (Reported speech)
1- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets :
1-"Where did you go ?", he said . (had gone)
2- She told me that she had done her homework. (said to me)
3- He asked me who I had met. (did you)
4- He told me that he was doing his homework. (said to)
5- She said to me, "Can you call me at 3:30 ?" ( if )
6- Mum told me to do my homework. (said to)
7- Dad told me not to go out. (said to)

2- Write a paragraph of five sentences on "A place you would like to visit "
- Which place would you like to visit?
- Where is it located ?
- How can you go there ?
- What is the weather like there ?
- What can you see in this place?

3- Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1- She asked me clean the desk.
2- He said me he had done the homework.
3- Ali asked me when I go there.
4- She told me not shout.
5- He reached at Alexandria in the evening.
6- He told his mother, "I'm hungry."

1- Finish the following dialogue :
Waiter : What can I get you, sir?
Amr : (1) …………………………………………………………………………….………… .
Waiter : Coffee ? (2) …………………………………………………………………………… .
Amr : With little sugar, please.
Waiter : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Amr : No, thanks.

2- Read and match:
1- We’d better a) set off before night.
2- “ Warm “ means b) a little hot.
3- A captain is someone c) who repairs cars.
4- I’ve lost my watch and d) who is in charge of a ship or a plane.
5- The engineer thinks e) I can’t find it at all.
F ) there’s something wrong with the ship.
3- Choose the correct answer
1- Mum asked Sally how much (did she pay – she paid – had she paid – would she pay)
for her new bag.
2- Soha(told – said – asked – advised) me that she had finished her work an hour before
3- I (wait – am waiting – was waiting – have been waiting) for the bus since nine o'clock and it hasn't come yet.
4- She (told – said – say – asked me) that her father had been abroad.
5- The secretary (is writing – has been writing – has been written – write) reports all day.
6- "I found the keys in my room." He said that he (would find – has found – had found – finds) the keys in his room.
7- The teacher told me that (I had written – had I written – did I write – have I written) a good composition.
8- Maher (played – is playing – plays – has been playing) computer games for two hours now.
9- The boy (repaired – appeared – disappeared – prepared) and his parents couldn't find him.
10- A (manager – chemist – reporter – baker) is someone who writes about news.
11- The (pilot – driver – sailor – tailor) is the person who works on a boat or a ship.
12- When El-Ahly team (arrived – got – went – reached) Cairo Airport, all the people there cheered and were very happy.
13- Flight 19 suddenly (appeared – discovered – disappointed – disappeared) and no one could find it.
14- The police tried to solve the (answer – reply – invitation – mystery) of the crime.
15- She got out of her bed and (sleepwalked – watched – saw – played) while she was asleep.
16- Passengers should (examine – see – check – find) in before departure.
17- Mary lived in London until her (death – birth – breath – fish).
18- His e-mail was (arrived – sent – got – went) yesterday.
19- Amer gave his friend a (cold – warm – hot – cool) welcome.
20- The ship will (set off – take off – turn off – stand up) to help another ship.
21- Mum told me (help – helping – helped – to help) my brother with his homework.
22- He asked me when (I come – I came – did I come – do I come) back
23- He asked me if I (go – went – will go – have gone) to the cinema.
4- Read and correct the underlined words :
1-She said how much my new shoes were. ………………………
2- Ali has been worked in this factory for ten years now. ………………………
3- She couldn't finish her work because she was tiring. ………………………
4- Sally has been making her homework for seven o'clock. ………………………
5- My father is a teacher who works on a big shop. ………………………
6- We are working hard to find an answer for our problem. ………………………
7- We must hurry. we have few time left. ………………………
8- “ leave “ is the opposite of “die”. ………………………
1- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets :
1- The sun never appears at night. ( disappear )
2- We are going to start our journey to Luxor next week. ( set off )
3- The tourists reached the pyramids yesterday morning. ( arrived )
4- Maher said to Ahmed “ I wanted to go abroad “ ( told )
5- Amir and Ali are brothers but they don’t go to the same school. ( different )

disappearing اختفاء consist of يتكون من radio - ed يرسل رسالة لاسلكية
aeroplanes طائرات compass بوصلة controller ضابط مراقبة
take off تُقلع الطائرة was lost ضل الطريق group مجموعة
airport مطار message رسالة leader قائد
what happened ماذا حدث weaker أضعف chemist صيدلي
search planes طائرات البحث continue - d يستمر solve -d حل مشكلة
terrible فظيع flight رحلة smash -ed يحطم
student pilot طالب طيار hear - d يسمع follow - ed

area منطقة crash -ed يصطدم diver غواص
Triangle مثلث برمودا bedroom حجرة النوم take care of يعتنى بـ
kitchen مطبخ island جزيرة
treasure كنز North America أمريكا الشمالية sail back يبحر عائدا
missing مفقود hope -d يأمل ring خاتم – يرن
search ship سفينة بحث century قرن sink يغوص - يغرق
discover -ed يكتشف village قرية

- consist of يتكون من
- search for يبحث عن
- succeed in ينجح فى
- return to يعود إلى
- fly over يُحلق فوق
- set off يبدأ رحلة
- in addition to بالإضافة إلى
- go on a journey يقوم برحلة
- at 4 pm. فى الساعة الرابعة عصرا
- ready to + مصدر الفعل مستعد لـ
- ready for + اسم مستعد لـ
- tell a story. يحكى قصة
- take pictures with a camera. يلتقط صور بالكاميرا
- crashed into يصطدم بـ
- lost his way يضل طريقه
- manage to + مصدر الفعل ينجح فى
- speak to / with يتحدث مع شخص
- speak about يتحدث عن شئ
- get in touch with يبقى على اتصال بـ
- wash up يغسل الأواني

العبارات الموصولة Relative Clauses

Who – which – that- whose – where- when
الذى – التى – الذين – اللاتى ( تحل محل الفاعل أو المفعول العاقل ) 1- who = that
* Yesterday , we visited our neighbour . He is a famous doctor .
= Yesterday , we visited our neighbour who (that) is a famous doctor .

الذى – التى – الذين – اللاتى (تحل محل الفاعل أو المفعول غير العاقل) 2- which = that
* Please, give me the story . You borrowed it from me last week .
= Please, give me story which (that) you borrowed from me last week .

للملكية 3- whose
- تستخدم whose للتعبير عن الملكية بدلا من s','s الدالة على الملكية وبدلا من صفات الملكية ...... his – her – their
ويتبعها اسم الشئ الذي يمتلك .
* I helped the woman . The woman's car had broken down .
= I helped the woman whose car had broken down .
* We felt sorry for Hani . His father had died in an accident .
= We felt sorry for Hani whose father had died in an accident .

حيث – المكان الذى فيه (تدل على المكان) 4- where
* My father has got a big office in Cairo . He meets lots of businessmen there.
= My father has got a big office in Cairo where he meets of businessmen .
استخدام that أو which بدلا من where :
* That's the hospital where my aunt works .
= That's the hospital in which my aunt works .
= That's the hospital which my aunt works in .
= That's the hospital that my aunt works in .

5- When عندما- هو الوقت الذى
* August is a month . We go to the seaside in that month .
= August is the month when we go to the seaside .
لاحظ أن ضمير الوصل وعبارته يوضعان بعد الكلمة أو الكلمات التى يصفها .

Team work
Choose the correct answer :
1- Graham Bell was the man (which – whose – where- who) invented the telephone.
2- This is the book (where – who – which – whose) I bought yesterday.
3- He traveled to Luxor (where – whose – when – which) he was born.
4- That's the man (who – whose – that – which) car is outside my house.
5- The first of January is the day (which – where – when – that) we celebrate the new year.
6- This is the policeman (who – whose – when – which) rescued my life.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- Mr. Samy is an English teacher. He taught us English last year. (who)
2- We met the man. His car was damaged. (whose)
3- Magdy bought the dress. She saw dress yesterday. (which)
4- Ahmed went to the club. He spent his free time there. (where)
5- June is a month. We take our holiday in it. (when)
1- Choose the correct answer:
1- One hundred years is a (day – century – month – week).
2- Peter is a great (dancer – artist – teacher – doctor). He painted nice pictures.
3- The airport (engineer – controller – customer – player) sent a message to Flight 22.
4- The pilot was ready to (turn off – drive – go to – take off).
5- The plane (set off – took care of – searched – succeeded) on time.
6- She found the boy who (appeared – disappeared– climbed – disappear) in the wood.
7- The pilot (spoke – walked – radioed – fought) the controller of the airport.
8- What is the next (train – bus – car – flight) to London? When will the plane take off?
9- After the passenger had arrived at the airport, his (voyage – trip – flight – travel) took off.
10- Because Magdy (lost – caught – won – missed) the train to Aswan, he took the bus.
11- Divers enjoy different kinds of fish in the (top – land – earth – bottom) of the sea.
12- The captain uses the (compass – company – computer – television) to know the
direction of the ship.
13- All the passengers were killed in the plane (crash – damage – accident – loss).
14- The football team (has – consists – contains – plays) of eleven players.
15- The sailors were looking for (treasure – a house – a room – a book) near Bermuda.
16- The pilot said that he was ready to (take – put – turn – switch) off.
17- My father told me (don’t – can't – didn't – not to) play in the street.
18- I think it is time to get ready (to – for – on – with) the trip.
19- Pilots usually get in touch with the airport (sailor – diver – controller – reporter) during
their flights.
20- He is searching (for – of – at – after) his little brother.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1. I have been studying English for 8 years. (since)
2. Dalia won the competition. She is my sister. (who)
3. Mohamed is my cousin. His eyes are blue. (whose)
4. This is Luxor. I spend my vacation here. (where)

Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
1- It has been raining for 2:30. ……………….
2- It has been raining since two hours. ……………….
3- He is the one which came first. ……………….
4- This is the place when I was born. ……………….
5- He searched to his pen, but he didn't find it. ……………….
6- He went to the station as he flew to Paris. ……………….
7- The drawer consists pens and books. ……………….
8- The pilot took up at 7:00 o'clock. ……………….
9- Ali is in Damietta . He's been their for a week now . ……………….
10- Hala always gives care of her little sister when her mother is away. ……………….
11- Our flat contains of three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom . ……………….
12- A baker can prepare medicine for sale . ……………….
13- An ocean is a piece of land completely surrounded by water. ……………….
14- E-mails are an easy way to get in touch of friends and family. ……………….
15- The weather is very dry and cold in London in winter . ……………….
16- The ship sailed but a lot of passengers were rescued . ……………….

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Eman : What’s your favourite school subject, Aya?
Aya : 1) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
Eman : 2) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Aya : I have been studying it for 5 years now.
Eman : Are you good at speaking it?
Aya : 3) ………………………………… . I always practise it with my family and friends.

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- You ask about the price of a camera.
2- You politely give a reason why you can’t accept an invitation.
3- You friend asks you to lend him your CD, but you don’t agree.
4- You advice the taxi driver not to drive too fast.

B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1. Rescue ships hurried to
2. The boy whose pencil
3. Set off means
4. Mona and Mai watched a film which
5. How many planes • they both enjoyed a lot .
• the place where the boat sank .
• Salma borrowed is very nice .
• took off from the airport ?
• to begin a journey .
• by car .

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Over 20 million people work in the coffee industry. Coffee is worth more money than any other industry in the world except oil. In Brazil about 30,000,000 coffee plants are looked after every year. Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. A man called Khalid who was looking after his goats noticed that his goats were very energetic after eating a certain kind of plants. He decided to try this himself and found that they gave him a lot of energy. The coffee drink was first made in Turkey in 1555. By the 18th century, coffee became an important part of European life. In England, the coffee houses of London became important meeting places for writers and men working in the government.
a- Answer the following questions:
1- How many people work in the coffee industry?
2- Name a country that grows a lot of coffee.
3- Why were the coffee houses important in London in the past?
b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Coffee was first discovered in -----------------------------.
a- Turkey b- Brazil c- Ethiopia d- England
5- Khalid looked after goats because he was a ----------------------.
a- pilot b- driver c- mechanic d- shepherd
6- The underlined word “energetic” means ----------------------.
a- active b- lazy c- fat d- weak
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- My brother is looking forward to ………………… to Rome next week.
a) travel b) travelling c) travels d) travelled
2- Ramadan is the month …………… we fast.
a) who b) where c) when d) which
3- We take ……….. our shoes when we enter the mosque.
a) out b) in c) up d) off
4- I am grateful to you for ………….. in touch with me during my illness.
a) getting b) gathering c) giving d) growing
5- The writer …………… story has been made into a film is very happy.
a) who b) whose c) when d) which
6- Mona …………. English for five years now.
a) learns b) is learning c) was learning d) has been learning
7- The art exhibition in our school ………… of 60 drawings and paintings.
a) contains b) covers c) consists d) brings
8- When the plane ………………. , the passengers fasten their seat belts.
a) sees off b) takes off c) makes off d) runs

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He moved away years ago, but I still get in touch with him. (Although….. )
2- Ali told me that he had lost his car. ( Ali said to me )
3- He failed in his last exam. ( succeed )
4- The plane had 200 people on board. ( There )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- where are everyone? ……………….
2- I can see a few drop of water on the floor. ……………….
3- We are looking forward to meet our cousins. ……………….
4- The information who the captain radioed was strange. ……………….

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
" A trip you made to Paris "
- Use the following key words:
When you travelled / how and why you went / who you went with / how long you stayed there / what places you visited there.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Axel slide down the passage?
2- Why did the Professor give a cry of joy?
3- What did Axel see when he awoke?
4- How was the light in the huge cave different?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The Professor gave a name to the sea which was ……………………………………………
2- The trees in on the shore looked like …………………………….………………………………

أسئلة من الأعوام السابقة
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- It was a …………, so no one knew the reason why the plane disappeared. (قليوبية2009)
a) mystery b) master c) mistress d) mister
2- Mum asked Sally how much …………….. for her bag. (المنيا2009)
a) she paid b) had she paid c) did she pay d) would she pay
3- She ……… her father had been abroad. (بورسعيد2009)
a) told b) said c) told me d) asked me
4- Maher ………… computer games for two hours now. (الفيوم2009)
a) played b) is playing c) plays d) has been playing
5- The ………. is the person who works on a boat or a ship. (القليوبية2008)
a) pilot b) driver c) sailor d) tailor
6- flight 19 suddenly ………… and no one could find it. (الاسكندرية2008)
a) disappointed b) discovered c) appeared d) disappeared
7- The pilot said that he was ready to ……….. off.(القليوبية2009)
a) take b) put c) turn d) switch
8- My father told me ………. Play in the street.(دمياط2009)
a) don’t b) can’t c) didn’t d) not to
10- The diver ………… for the lost ship, but they didn’t find it. (الجيزة2008)
a) searched b) set c) apologized d) consisted
11- The new flat consists …………. three big rooms. (البحيرة2008)
a) off b) at c) on d) of
12- This is the book ………….. I bought yesterday.(المنيا2008)
a) who b) which c) where d) whose
13- That’s the man ………. car is outside my house.(القاهرة2005)
a) who b) which c) where d) whose
14- This is the policeman ………. rescued my life.(البحيرة2009)
a) who b) which c) where d) whose
15- The museum is the place ……….. you can see old things.(الشرقية2009)
a) who b) which c) where d) whose
2. The plane ……… at 4,00. (الجيزة2010)
a) turned off b)took of c) set off d) put off
2- Ahmed asked Heba if she ………. To England. (الجيزة2010)
a) travel b) travelled c) will travel d) has travelled

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- She read a story and it was very interesting. ( which )
2- What is the meaning of this word? ( does )
3- He likes Alexandria. He was born there. ( where )
4- Leila has got a new friend. Her name’s Huda. ( whose )
5- Magda bought the dress. She saw the dress yesterday. ( which )
6- June is a month. We take our holiday in it. ( when )
7- Mr. Samy is an English teacher. He taught us English last year. ( who )
8- I dropped a pen. This was in the English lesson. ( during )
9- The tourist arrived at the pyramids in the early morning. ( reached )
10- “ How do you feel, Ali? ” Nadia asked. (Nadia asked Ali )
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى   مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى Emptyالإثنين 4 فبراير 2013 - 19:06

شوكً على الموضوع القيم
جزاك الله خيراً أخى الفاضل
لك خالص ودى وتقديرى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مراجعة شاملة على الوحدتين 10-11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
»  مراجعة قبل الامتحان بساعات على الفصل الثالث حاسب آلى الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى
» مراجعة على دروس القراءة للصف الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى
» مراجعة قبل الامتحان بساعات على الفصل الأول حاسب آلى الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى
» مراجعة قبل الامتحان بساعات على الفصل الثانى حاسب آلى الثالث الإعدادى تيرم ثانى
» مراجعة عامة وأسئلة شاملة لمنهج النصوص الثالث الإعدادى فصل دراسى ثانى

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الثالث الإعدادى-
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