منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 14:36


A tower with bright light that tells ships about danger at sea .
connected to Joined
bill Paper which says how much you owe for something you have bought .
treatment What doctors and nurses do to patients to make them better .
x- ray A photograph of part of the inside of someone's body .
Questions and answers
1- What were the seven wonders of the world ?
The great pyramids of Giza, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Colossus of Rhodes, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Maussollos at Halicarnassus .

2- What are some of the wonders of the modern world ?
The wonders of the modern world are cloning, space travel, electricity, computer, internet, solar energy, x-rays, test tube babies, nuclear power, genetic engineering, radio and television, the plane, new ways of farming , the telephone and the mobile, etc…… .

3- How was the computer in the past ?
Computers were huge, expensive machines which filled rooms .
4- What about the computer's price in the past ?
They cost so much so hardly anyone could buy them .

5- What about personal computer nowdays ?
Nowdays computers are cheap, many ordinary people have bought one or more computer, which are connected by the internet to shops, banks and offices .

6- How could people benefit from computers ?
People are shopping, paying their bills, studying and doing many other things by computers .

7- Which science has done the best to increase our health and happiness ?
Medicine, their have been also enormous advances in medical treatment .

8- What is the best example to show advances in medical treatment ?
X-rays, make it possible to see what is happening inside our bodies. Doctors can also replace damaged hearts and lungs .

9- What are the egyption pyramids ?
The Egyption pyramids are the tombs of the pharaos .

10- How many pyramids are there in GIZA ?
They are more than 90 pyramids at all .

11- Were the pyramids built without machines ?
They wre built without the kind of machines we use today .

12- During what months were the pyramids built ? why ?
Btween July and November. because those are the months when the land was under water so the farmers could not work in the fields .

13- How did they get the huge pieces of stone up the pyramids ?
They put huge pieces of stone on top each other to make steps .To get the stones as heigh as they needed .

14- Why the pyramids' sides shone brightly on finishing the pyramids ?
They filled in the steps with smaller pieces of white stones .

15- Why did they want the pyramids to shine brightly ?
To attract the attention.

16- What qualities were needed by the people who built the pyramids ?
Patience, intelligence, strong will and strong bodies .

17- What can we learn from people in the past , like the ancient Egyptions?
Working hard leads to success.

18- What do you think makes space a wonder of modern world ?
It enables people to explore the universe beyond their own world .

19- How can space travel help ordinary people ?
The science and technology related to space travel have been used in everyday life the desgin of small light weight equipments the development of new materials which can be used for a range of everyday things such as medical equipment, use of solar power etc… .

20- What new ways of farming are there that help produce better food ?
Disease-resistant crops– more intensive use of land– better irregation– better understanding of nature.

21- What do you think will be the wonders of the future world ?
Space stations – robots etc …… .

22- Do you think ordinary people will travel into or live in space ?
Humans may need to clonise space. On the other hand, it will always be very expensive, so not available to the majority of the world's populations .

23- What do you think people in the future may learn from us today ?
I think they will realise that we can adapt to changes in climate and population
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d .

1- The telephone enabled people to communicate ……. Each other .
a- with b- by c- in d- for
2- The television was …………. To bring people news and information .
a- done b- discovered c- invented d- invent
3- The telephone and the television have ……………. Happiness and problems .
a- bring b- brings c- bringing d- brought
4- the telephone can make people ………….. .
a- lazy b- busy c- easy d- active
5- People may telephone friends instead of ………….. them .
a- visit b- visits c- visiting d- visited
6- Air travel has made the world a ………………… place.
a- big b- huge c- small d- tiny
7- You can fly from Cairo to London in about …………. Hours .
a- ten b- twenty c- twenty four d- four
8- You can send people text messages if you don't have much ………… .
a- time b- credit c- money d- food
9- Unfortantely, planes cause air and ……………….. pollution .
a- nose b- noise c- toys d- water
10- It can be expensive to make ………………. Phone calls .
a- local b- national c- international d- global
11- Hussein often listens to radio programmes in ……………. .
a- the café b- cinema c- English d- England
12- Sometimes it can be difficult to ………………. A radio station .
a- find b- mind c- kind d- kite
43- People invent things for many ………….. .
a- seasons b- reasons c- causes d- purposes
14- The lighthouse and the great pyramid of Giza were ……… them .
a- between b- among c- in d- with
15- The other wonders were …………….. of large stone .
a- buildings b- projects c- objects d- subjects
16- What are the wonders of …………….. world?
a- new b- news c- mode d- modern
17- Let's look at two of …………….. most important wonders which are not buildings .
a- a b- an c- the d- no article
18- Thirty years ago ………….. were huge , expensive machines which filled rooms .
a- printers b- keyboard c- computers d- scanners
19- Hardly anyone could buy them because they ………….. so much .
a- cast b- costs c- costing d- cuts
20- Today, there are millions of ……………… computers in offices and homes .
a- sheep b- ship c- cheap d- chip
21- In some countries, many …………….. people have bought computers .
a- usual b- ordinary c- normal d- unusual
22- Computers are connected ……….. the internet to shops and banks .
a- with b- by c- for d- of
23- People are shopping and doing many ……………… things by computer .
a- another b- other c- others d- the other
24- There have been enormous advances in ………………….. treatment .
a- medicine b- physical c- chemical d- medical
25- X-ray make it possible to see what is happening …………… our bodies .
a- inside b- outside c- internal d- external
26- Doctors can also ………….. damaged hearts and lungs .
a- place b- replace c- space d- case
27- Medicine has done more to increase our …………. And happiness .
a- wealth b- health c- wealthy d- healthy
28- New ways of farming …………………. Better food .
a- introduce b- introduction c- production d- produce
29- People can travel …………… other countries in a very short time .
a- from b- in c- into d- to
30- We can travel through the internet …………….. no time .
a- from b- in c- into d- to
31- I can get …………… a plane .
a- from b- on c- into d- to
42- When the pyramids were finished , their sides shone ………….. .
a- brightly b- bright c- sight d- might
33-The Egyptian pyramids are the ……….. …. Of the ancient kings .
a- tombs b- bombs c- temples d- temps
34- The four sides of each pyramid point …………. The direction north, south, east, west .
a- for b- to c- on d- in
35- We do not know …………… how the pyramids were built .
a- exact b- exactly c- accurate d- inaccurate
36- We know that the pyramids were built …………. The machines used today .
a- without b- with c- by d- using
37- In the old days, between July and November the land was under…………. .
a- attack b- fire c- wire d- water
38- The stone was ………… and then taken by boat , or pulled on pieces of wood .
a- shut b- but c- cut d- hut
39- They put more huge pieces of ………….. on top of each other to make steps .
a- stone b- lemon c- rock d- hock
40- To get the stones as high as they needed , they pulled them up ……….. .
a- ropes b- hopes c- ramps d- lamps

Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:

1. I finished my homework and then I watched a DVD. ( After )
2. I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours. ( exhausted )
3. Leila can't find her school bag. ( lost )
4. There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile. ( longest )
5. My alarm clock stopped, so I didn't wake up at 6 o'clock. ( If )
6. France lost to Italy in the final of the football competition. ( beat )
7. It's his habit to help the orphans. ( usually )
8. We've met before, but I can't remember your name. ( although )
9. My uncle owns a very famous bookshop. ( owner )
10. Samy and Hany are the same age. ( as .......as )
A- Translate into Arabic:
Health is a splendid treasure that completes our happiness. It's worth saying that we can't really enjoy our life if we are unhealthy, however wealthy we may be. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard work. For an unhealthy person life is no more than pain and suffering.
B- Translate into English:
1- إن مشكلة الانفجار السكاني هي أخطر مشكلة تواجه العلماء في الوقت الحالي.
2- تعتبر الطاقة الذرية مصدر خير للإنسان إذا أحسن استغلالها.
It's worth saying انه جدير بالذكر Suffering المعاناة Pain الألم

A – An – The
A  تستخـدم قبـل الاسـم المفـرد الذى يعـد المبـدوء بحـرف سـاكـن .
a boy – a girl – a man – a woman – a hand – a lamp - a car - a farm .

a university – a uniform.
 قبـل الاسـم المفـرد المبـدوء بحـرف U تنطـق Y أو O تنطـق W .
An  تستخـدم قبـل الاسـم المفـرد الذى يعـد المبـدوء بحـرف متحـرك .
an apple – an egg – an inkpot – an orange – an elephant.
 قبـل الاسـم المفـرد المبـدوء بحـرف H السـاكنـة المتبـوعـة بحـرف متحـرك .
an hour – an honest man.
 لا تستخـدم A – An قبـل الأسمـاء التـى لا تعـد .
water – milk – oil – freedom – honesty – money ……………..

The  تستخـــدم فــى الحــالات الآتيـة :ـ

The little girl in blue is Fatma  عنـد التعـريف بغـرض التحـديد .

the Sun – the Moon – the Sky  مـع الأسمـاء الفـريـدة فـى الكـون .

the cinema – the theatre – the library  مـع الأمـاكـن والمحـلات .

the tallest – the shortest – the oldest  مـع الصفـه فى الدرجـة الثالثـة .

republic – state – union – kingdom أو the Sudan - the Congo  مع أسمـاء البلاد إذا كانـت تحتـوى على .
the Arab republic of Egypt – the United states of America . …

the River Nile – the Red sea – the Alps  مـع المعـالـم الجغـرافيـة الرئيسية .
 مـع العبـارات التـى تشيـر للزمـن والإتجـاه وأجـزاء الجسـم .
the present – the past – the back – the front – the body – the brain…..
 مـع أسمـاء الهيئـات والمنظمـات والألقـاب والمنـاخ .
the government – the police – the army – the United Nations – the climate - the weather – the press ………
 عنـدمـا نتحـدث عـن اكتشـاف أو اختـراع .
the telephone – the computer – the television – the plane ………..

the more you eat, the fatter you become.  مـع جمـل المقـارنـة .
 مـع الأسمـاء السـابق ذكـرهـا فـى الجمـلة.
He gave me a book, the book is very important.
listen – play – learn – teach
He plays the piano.
 قبـل الآلات المـوسيقيـه بعـد افعـال مثـل .

the rich – the poor – the young – the old – the dead – the living…..  قبل الصفة لتشير إلى الجنس كله .

first – second – third – morning – evening – afternoon …….
Ahmed is the first one to arrive.  قبـل كلمـات مثـل .

 ولا تستخـدم فى الحـالات الآتيـة :ـ
 مـع الأسمـاء التـى تعـد فـى حـاله الجمـع بوجـه عـام .
men – children – vitamins – doctors – flowers – trees ……..
 مـع الأسمـاء التى لا تعـد وتشمـل :

milk – tea – coffee – bread ….  أسمـاء الطعـام والشـراب .

glass – wood – gold  المـواد عندمـا تستخـدم بوجـه عـام .

Basketball is not as popular as football.  الألعـاب الرياضية مثـل :

beauty – freedom, love, sadness, happiness …….  الأسمـاء المجـردة مثـل .

Science, History, English, Arabic ……  المـواد الدراسيـه .

Arabic , English , French, Spanish ……………  أسمـاء اللغـات .

breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper ……….  قبـل الوجبـات .

I invited my friend to the dinner.  إلا فـى حـالـة دعـوه .
 قبـل الأماكـن الآتيـة إذا كـان الذهـاب إليها أو استخدامهـا للغـرض الـذى أنشئـت من أجـله .
school, bed, hospital, prison, court, church, mosque, college.
 ولكـن تستخـدم إذا كـان الذهـاب إليهـا لأغـراض أخـرى .
He went to the school to meet the headmaster.

He arrives at work at eight o'clock.  قبـل كلمـة work بمعنـى مكـان العمـل .
 قبـل كلمـة home بعـد أفعـال go – come - return .
I went home at six yesterday.

king Fahd - president Mubarak  قبـل الكلمـات المتبـوعة باسـم علـم .

Summer, Autumn, winter, Spring  قبـل أسمـاء فصـول السنـة .

mountain, cape, lake  قبـل كلمـات .

Choose the correct answer
1. He lives in ( a – an – the - no article ) London.
2. For this job you need ( a – an – the - no article) experience with computer.
3. It's (a – an - the - no article ) most expensive car I've ever seen .
4. Did you come by ( a – an – the – no article ) air ?
5. I had a cup of tea and some coffee ( a – an – the - no article ) tea was hot .
6. I couldn't hear because of (a – an – the - no article ) noise of the train .
7. The Earth moves round ( a – an – the - no article) Sun .
8. I asked ( a – an – the - no article ) professor Ahmed about his childhood .
9. She gave me ( a – an – the - no article ) encouraging reply.
10- ( A – An - The – No article ) Sun went down ( a – an – the - no article ) horizon.
11- Sara went to ( a – an – the - no article ) library to borrow ( a – an – the - no article ) book.
12- His father was not ( a – an – the - no article ) educated man.
13- ( A – An - The – No article ) man band entertained the crowed.
14- Fear is ( a – an – the - no article ) universal weakness.
15. I dislike ( the – a – no article ) towns , but I love ( a – the – an ) countryside .
16. Where is ( a – an – the ) hat that I bought yesterday .
17. Nagi , ( a – the – an ) man you met yesterday is ( a – an – the ) honest man .
18. He crossed ( a – the – an ) Atlantic in ( a – an – the ) record time .
19. It's ( an – a – the ) shame ! There won't be another train for at least ( an – a – the ) hour .
20. Take ( a – an – no article ) little tea . It will do you ( an – a – the ) lot of good .
21. What ( a – an – no article ) nonsense !
22. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
23. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
24. (an – a – the) small dark man in (an – a – the) check overcoat and (an – a – the) soft hat .

Test 13

A- Language Functions

1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Guide : Hello, Sir. You are welcome to Egypt.
Tourist : Thank you. ................... (1) …………... ?
Guide : I think the Sheraton Hotel is the best thing for you.
Tourist : That is right. ………..... (2).................... ?
Guide : Oh, our pyramids and Sphinx.
Tourist : Oh! They are famous. They're in Giza, I think.
Guide : Certainly. You'll…….....(3).......................
Tourist : I've heard that your country has changed much in the last ten years.
Guide : Oh……………………...(4)……………......
Tourist : I have observed these changes in the buildings I see everywhere.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your brother bought a new shirt. He asks your opinion.
2- You ask your friend about his opinion about your new computer.
3- Your friend thinks that smoking should be banned in public places. And you agree strongly.
4- Someone thinks that women should stay at home. You disagree, but politely.
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Tourists can get on a plane in Tokyo and be in Luxor ………… a few hours .
a- in b- from c- into d- to
2- We can get news …………… different languages .
a- in b- from c- into d- to
3- Ahmed went to …………………….. hospital to visit his uncle.
a- a b- an c- the d- no article
4- The telephone was …………. To enable people to connect .
a- done b- discovered c- invented d- invent
5- He lives in ……………………. London.
a- a b- an c- the d- no article
6- The computer is one of the modern …………………………...
a- discoveries b- inventions c- findings d- discovery
7- Many people in the poor countries ………………… to death because of food shortage.
a- starve b- die c- cause d- reason
8- My cousin lived …………………… for ten years.
a- abroad b- board c- aboard d- broad
9- Some people in Africa ………………… of starvation.
a- live b- stay c- die d- spend
10- Alex. is situated on the north ………………….. of Egypt.
a- coast b- shore c- beach d- bank

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- Pressure affects everyone in society. ( effect )
2- I can't tell you the truth because 1 don't know it. ( If )
3- Rich people should help poor people. ( The )
4- Ahmed is younger than any other boy in the class. ( The )
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Dear Richard,
Thank you very much ...(1)... the happy time l spent ...(2)... you in London. It pleases me to ...(3)... you to Cairo to see our country. l only want to know ...(4) exact time of your ...(5) so that l will be ...(6)... to wait for you at Cairo airport. With my best wishes.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

One day two friends were travelling through a forest on foot when a bear ran after them . One of them rushed to the nearest tree and climbed it as fast as he could .He forgot his friend . He thought only of himself .
His friend threw himself to the ground and pretended that he was dead . When the bear came close to him he lay very " still "and didn't move . The bear smelt him and touched his ear ,then it went away .
The boy who was under the tree waited for a little time then he called the friend who was still in the tree "It's all right now .The bear had gone. You can come down.
" His frightened friend came down and said " The
bear put his nose very close to your ear . What did it say ? " His friend laughed a lot and said " It told me to look for another friend because a friend who runs away when there is danger is not a real friend .
A- Answer the following questions :-
1- What happened when the friends were walking ?
2- Why wasn't the second friend a real one ?
3- What is the real friend according to the passage ?
4- When did the second friend leave the tree ?
B- Choose the correct answer (s) from a , b ,c or d :-
5- A friend who …………….… others in time of danger is a bad one .
d- leaves c-helps b-hits a-disturbs
6- The underlined word " still " means……………..….. .
d- asleep b-alive c-moving a-without moving
7- A bear is a ………………… animal .
d-friendly b-thick c-frightening a-kind

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What are some of the wonders of the modern world ?
2- What is the best example to show advances in medical treatment ?
3- What can we learn from people in the past , like the ancient Egyptians?
4- What do you think makes space a wonder of modern world ?
5- What new ways of farming are there that help produce better food ?
6- What do you think will be the wonders the future world ?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the officer know about the man who had jumped into the sea?
2- Why did the ship officer not reported the incident to the captain?
3- Why didn't the writer like Semarang?
4- What did the officer do when he saw the passenger jump into the water?
B- Read the following quotation. then answer the questions:
"He didn't see me although he passed quite close to where I was standing"
5- Who is the speaker talking about?
6- Why did the man not see him?
7- What did the man do after he had jumped into the sea?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- The ship 'plancius' waited out of the harbour at Semarang because.....................
2- The appearance of Semarang didn't attract the writer as ...............................
E- Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
Your hopes and plans for the future you may use these guiding points:
- college or university you want join.
- What you want to study.
- Kind of work you would like to do.
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
Our world has become a small village due to rapid means of communication By means of the radio and television we can communicate with people wherever they are in no time.
B- Translate into English:
تقـع مصـر علـى الساحـل الشرقـى مـن أفريقيـا.

explore يستكشف crime جريمة across عبر
exploration استكشاف criminal مجرم late متأخر
ballon منطاد commit يرتكب miss يفقد
law قانون serve يخدم fuel وقود
lawyer محامى servant خادم final نهائى
realise يدرك service خدمة finally أخيرا
realization إدراك agreement اتفاق ـ قبول list قائمة أسماء
realist واقعى disagreement اختلاف ـ رفض menu قائمة طعام
realism واقعية fog ضباب go round يدور ـ يلف
science fiction خيال علمى foggy غائم ـ ضبابى world العالم
story قصة kidnap يخطف شخص ship سفينة
novel قصة rescue ينقذ boat مركب
novelist روائى rescuer منقذ horseback صهوة الحصان
playwright كاتب مسرحى weigh يزن notes ملاحظات
writer كاتب weight وزن find out يكتشف
article مقال race سباق sample عينة
poem قصيدة human race جنس بشرى return يعود
poet شاعر fortune حظ end نهاية
poetry شعر fortunately لحسن الحظ at the end أخيرا
rocket صاروخ unfortunately لسوء الحظ in the end فى نهاية
submarine غواصة save يوفر ـ يدخر describe يصف
compare يقارن saving ادخار descriptive وصفى
idea فكرة savings مدخرات description وصف
a partner شريك die يموت journey رحلة طويلة
argument جدل ـ نقاش dead ميت expedition رحلة استكشافية
arrest يقبض على ـ يأسر death موت picnic نزهة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 14:40

Language notes
poetry prose
poetry فـن الشعـر الذي يقـدر الجمـال و المشـاعر
Farouk Gowaida writes poetry.
prose نثـر
Newspaper articles are written in prose.

agree accept
agree to + inf. / N يوافق
He agreed to sign the papers. He agreed to our plan.
agree with someone يتفق مع
I'm afraid, I don't agree with you.
agree on ( something ) مجموعة تتفق علي شيء
We agreed on a price for the car.
agree that ( sentence )
It was agreed that he was the thief.
Accept ( invitation / apology / condolences / bribes ) يقبــل ( دعوة / اعتذار/ تعازي / رشوة )
He didn't accept her apology.

take notes on ينتبـه make notes of يـدون
We must take notes on the teacher's explanation. Wait ! I'll make notes of your comment.

fortune a fortune
fortune = luck حــظ
It was her good fortune to win such a great amount of money.
a fortune = wealth ثـروة
She must have spent a fortune on her wedding dress.

across – all over – around the world علـى مستـوى العـالـم
Chinese products are well known across (all over) the world.

by on in مـع وسائـل المواصـلات
by مـع كـل وسـائـل المـواصـلات بـدون فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـة)
by ( plane – train – ship – boat – car – taxi ………. )
I travelled abroad by plane. He went to work by car.
مـا عـدا كلمـة foot التـى تـأخـذ معهـا on

on مـع كـل وسـائـل المـواصـلات مـع وجـود فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـه (
on a ( ship – plane – bus – train ……. ) ( foot )
مـا عـدا كلمتـى ( car – taxi )
I went to Alex. on a train. I go to school on foot.

in تأتـى مـع كلمتـى( car – taxi ) مـع وجـود فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـه )
I go to school in my car. She goes to Mansoura in a taxi.

At the end in the end
At the end فى نهـاية شـئ
At the end of the month, I'll travel. At the end of the book, you will find the answer.
in the end = finally
In the end my friend arrived.

compare to يقـارن بـ ( و تستخـدم غالبـا مـع مقارنـة شـيء بشـيء )
London is large, compared to Cairo.
compare with يقـارن بـ ( و تستخـدم غالبـا مـع مقـارنـة الأشخـاص و الأشيـاء )
Living in a town can't compare with living in the country.
His parents always compare him with him friends.
compared to (with) = in comparison with مقــارنة بـ
Compared to your car, mine is expensive.
In comparison with your car, mine is expensive. ( comparison)

kidnap hi- jack
kidnap يختطف شخص
The thief kidnapped the the woman and killed her.
hijack يختطف طائرة
The gang hijacked the plane to get a lot of money.
lose miss
lose يخسـر / يفقـد شـئ
Our national team lost the last match.
miss يفتقـد شخـص / يفـوته مواصـلات
I missed my uncle very much. He missed the train as he got up late.


Travelling through an unfamiliar area to find out what it is like.
Fiction Books and stories about imaginary people and events.
Argument Disagreement, especially one in which people talk loudly.
Criminal Someone who is proved guilty of a crime.
Agreement An arrangement to do something made by two or more people, etc….
Servant Someone whose job is to live in someone's house to serve him.

Questions and answers

1- When does the story begin ?
In London club on October 2, 1872 .

2- Why does phileas Fogg's friend think that he can't travel around the world in eighty days ?
Because he thinks it is too far to go in eighty days. It will take longer than eighty days .

3- Why do you think Fogg decided to try to go round the world in eighty days ?
He wanted the challenge and excitement . He was already a rich man so he probably wasn't doing it for the money, he wouldn't. Perhaps he needed something to fill his free time .

4- Why do you think he has the time to spend travelling like this ?
As he is rich .

5- If you had the chance to travel round the world , which route would you choose ?
Land route.

6- What would you most look forward to seeing on this journey ?
Sights, parks, musuems and historical places .

7- Many people use journeys like these to collect money for charity . Which charity would you
collect money for ? why ?
Building hospitals to cure chronic disease like cancer, caring of orphans and homeless to relieve their
pains and suffering to help them lead a normal life.

8- Would you like to travel around the world as fast as possible ? How would you travel ?
Yes, by air .

9- How much will Fogg win if he succeeds ?
He will win $ 20,000 .

10- Why did Fogg and his servant have to travel by elephant in India ?
because the railway line wasn't finished .

11- What did Fix think of Fogg ?
The criminal that he was looking for .

12- What did Fogg and Passpartout lose in Britain ?
They lost a day and so lost the money .

13- Why did Passpartout discover that it was December 20, not Decmber 21 ?
Because they had travelled east. They had crossed the international Date line and saved a day .

14- When did Aouda go with Fogg and Passpartout on their journey ?
After they saved her from death.

16- What do you think Fogg's friend says to him when he arrives back in London after 80 days ?
At first he can't believe he finishes the journey in 80 days, but he congratulates him and gives him
the mony ( $20,000 ) .


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. He was crossed ( at – with – on – of ) the child who broke the window
2. Three men tried to ( disappear – rob – kidnap – hijack ) the boy.
3. I was ( shocked – amused – joyful – pleased ) by his sudden death.
4. I thought it would rain, but the clouds have ( seen – appeared – vanished ).
5. This is a ( priceless – worthless – trivial ) collection of paintings. They are valuable.
6. The new hospital has a good ( situation – location – stop – vacation ).
7. I was furious ( at – with – for – on ) him when he crashed my car.
8. The writer of the article approves ( of - at – on - from )what he is writing about.
9. He is an expert ( on - to - for - about ) the care of animals.
10. He traveled abroad and raised a great ( fortune – a fortune – fortunately – unfortunately ).
11. A ( boat – ship – submarine - plane ) is a machine that can travel under water.
12. He ( did – made – played – devised ) a new discovery in medical science in 1977 .
13. He was imprisoned although he didn't ( commit – make – do – bring ) the crime .
14. He ( discussed – told - spoke - talked ) The matter with his son .
15. The (exploration – invention – discovery – detection) of X-rays caused a revolution in medicine.
16. He was the first one ( arrives – arrived - to arrive - would arrive ) at work .
17. He went to Alex ( by – on – at – in ) his car ).
18. ( At – In – On – Of ) the end of this year I will buy a car.
19. ( compare – Comparing – Compared – Compares ) to your shirt, mine is cheap.
20. Ahmed Shawki's ( poetry – poet – prose – articles ) was fantastic.
21. She ( agree – agreed – accept – accepted ) to help her friend.
22. Science ( fiction – imagination – fictional – fictious ) books are about life in the future.
23. As I was late, I ( caught – missed – lost – held ) the train.
24. Now our products are exported ( all – each – whole – at ) over the world.
25. What she said is not true. It is ( fiction – fictional – fictious – illusion ).
Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets: -
1. Dr Zewail discovered the femto second. ( discovery )
2. He tried not to drive along crowded streets. ( avoid )
3. He is clever so he can answer any question. ( If - Were)
4. During my study, the light went out. ( While )
5. She helps her mother in the kitchen regularly ( always )
6. He was happy when he accepted my invitation. ( happily )
7. Soha is the most intelligent girl I've ever met. ( than ) ( as ..as )
8. Having won the race, I received the gold medal. ( After )
9. He went to a language school 5 years ago. ( used to )
10. He hasn’t visited us for two weeks. ( It’s / The last time )

Translate into Arabic:
Using new technology in agriculture will help to reclaim our deserts and increase production.
Translate into English:
ان تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه ضروري لاستخدام الكمبيوتر والانترنت.
Relative Pronouns
Who – whom – which – that – whose – where - when
 تستخـدم لربـط الجمـل ببعضهـا وتحـل محـل الإسـم أو الضمير المكـرر فى الجملـه الثانيـة .

Who = that

 تحـل محـل فاعـل عاقـل وتوضـع بعـد الفاعـل الذى تصفـه ويمكن استخـدام that بدلا منهـا .
Ahmed is my friend. He won the prize. ( who )
Ahmed who ( that ) won the prize is my friend.
 لاحــظ :ـ
That is the man. He helped me
That is the man who ( that ) helped me.

Who = whom = that

 تحـلا محـل مفعـول عاقـل و يأتـى بعـدهـا الفاعـل ويمكـن استخـدام that بـدلا منهمـا .
Ahmed is my brother. You met him yesterday. ( whom )
Ahmed whom ( who - that ) you met yesterday is my brother.
 لاحــظ :ـ يمكـن حـذف ضمـير الوصـل إذا كان يحـل محـل مفعـول .
Ahmed, you met yesterday is my brother.

That's the man. You are talking about.
That's the man whom / who / that you are talking about.
That's the man you are talking about.
 لاحــظ :ـ يبقـى حـرف الجـر كما هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يوضـع قبـل ضميـر الوصـل whom فقـط وليـس who – that .
That's the man about whom you are talking.

which = that

 تحـل محـل الفاعـل أو المفعـول غير العاقـل وتوضـع قبل أو بعد الاسم الذى تصفه ويمكن استخدام that بدلا منها .
The books are all mine. They are on the shelf.
The books which ( that ) are on the shelf are all mine.

I opened the window. It overlooks the garden. ( which )
I opened the window which ( that ) overlooks the garden.

The dog is mad. You killed it.
The dog which ( that ) you killed is mad.
The dog, you killed is mad.
 لاحــظ :ـ حلـت which محـل المفعـول لذلـك يمكـن حذفـها .
He bought a new car. He made an accident with it.
He bought a new car which ( that ) he made an accident with.
He bought a new car with which he made an accident.
 يبقـى حـرف الجـر كمـا هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يستخـدم قبـل ( which ) وليس that .


 تستخـدم للملكيـة عاقـل وغيـر عاقـل وتحـل محـل ( 's ) أو صفـة الملكيـة ( .( my , his , her , its , your , their , our
That's the man. His son succeeded. ( whose )
That's the man whose son succeeded.

My uncle travelled abroad. We live in his house. ( whose )
My uncle in whose house we live travelled abroad.
 لاحــظ :ـ يمكـن إستخـدام حـرف الجـر قبلهـا ولا تستخـدم that بـدلا منهـا .

 تستخـدم مـع المكـان .
This is the house. We live in it now. ( Where )
This is the house where we live.


 تستخـدم مـع الزمـن ( الوقـت ) .
It is the month July. We go on holiday. ( when )
It's the month July when we go on holiday.

 ملحوظة :ـ يمكن حذف who , which عندما تحل محل الفاعل إذا جاء بعدهما v. to be أو مبنى للمجهول ويحذف v.to be .
They boy who was punished yesterday got the worst marks.
The boy, punished yesterday got the worst marks.

The food which was left in the dirty container, has turned bad.
The food left in the dirty container, has turned bad.

Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets:-
1. I shouted at a man but he didn't come back again. ( the man who )
2. My uncle is very kind with me. I'm living with him. ( with whom )
3. That's the boy. His brother sits next to me. ( whose )
4. He saw the thieves. They robbed the bank. ( The thieves who )
5. Ahmed didn't do his homework. This was silly of him. ( which )
6. Ahmed will come on Saturday. I'll be at home on that day. ( when )
7. Seven o'clock is when I usually have breakfast. ( which )
8. The office is where I spend most of my time. ( which )
9. Only clever students can do this exercise. ( who )
10. A lot of people spend their summer holiday in Alexandria . ( where )
11. I never saw much bad work . Ali has done it . ( which )
12. The person who met us was the ambassador . ( it )
13. I'm writing a letter to my aunt . She lives in France . ( who )
14. The computer is a useful machine . it stores a lot of information . ( that )
15. That is the factory . I've worked in it for ten years . ( where / which )
16. I like Cairo . I live in it . ( which )
17. My sister studied in France . She got her PHD from France . ( where )
18. A girl in blue jeans is asking for help . ( who )
19. This is my study . I spend most of my time reading in it . ( where )
20. The flat overlooks the Nile . I want to buy it . ( which )
21. My sons were honoured for bravery . I'm proud of them . ( who )
22. There is a woman living next door . she is a doctor . ( The woman )
23. I went to the hospital . My father was treated in it . ( where )
24. Hala goes to school . Her school is modern . ( which )
25. The girl with a black hand-bag was punished yesterday . ( whose )
26. Laszlo invented the ball-point pen . ( It was )
27. My uncle is very kind to me . I'm living with him . ( with whom )
28. That's the boy . his bicycle was stolen yesterday . ( whose )
29. The Roman went to Britain . They brought a tin . ( where )
30. The man is the pilot of the plane . I was talking with him . ( whom )
31. Ali is a nice fellow . He lives next door to us . ( who )
32. This is the school . I was educated in it . ( where )
33. The doctors are very good . They work in this hospital . ( who )
34. He gave me what he had . ( all )
35. The man was annoyed because his flat was robbed . ( whose )
Test 14
A- Language Functions
1- Supply the missing words in the following dialogue :
Nour has just finished decorating his flat.
Saad : Have you finished decorating your flat?
Nour : Yes, I have.
Saad : ………………(1)………………………...?
Nour : I chose Light blue and white.
Saad : …………….. (2)………………………….?
Nour : Yes, It looks very nice.
Saad : ……………….(3)………………………….?
Nour : Next, I'll put up some shelves for my books.
Saad : Will you put them up yourself as well?
Nour : …………….. (4) ………. To cut down one's expenses.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- An old man needs help. You offer him help.
2- What would you say about the disadvantages of TV?
3- Ola says that the exam is difficult. You disagree.
4- Your friend offers you a present on your birthday.
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- He was my --------- at Cairo university.
a- friend b- colleague c- companion d- fellow
2- The youth --------traveled abroad could make a lot of money.
a- whom b- that c- which d- whose
3- He is the Egyptian -------- has won the gold medal.
a- which b- whose c- where d- who
4- There is a hairdresser nearby -------- I have my hair cut.
a- where b- when c- which d- whom
5- The man -------leg was broken was taken to hospital.
a- who b- whom c- whose d- which
6-I doesn't know the man -------- I met yesterday.
a- who b- whom c- which d- whose
7- This is the company in ---------- he works.
a- that b- where c- which d- whose
8- She traveled to Cairo ……………………………… train
a- in b- on c- by d- with
9- The great project, …….….. out all over Egypt, will help to increase the standard of living.
a- are carried b- which carried c- carried d- carrying
10- ………………….. the end, he could carry the stone.
a- In b- On c- by d- At

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- I can't buy the car because it is too expensive. ( which )
2- He saw the thieves. They robbed the bank. ( The thieves who )
3- My uncle is very kind with me. I'm living with him. ( with whom )
4- This is the man and his car was lost yesterday. ( whose )

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
I recently learned ...(1)... to use a computer, and I have many friends ...(2)... play computer games at home. Once people ...(3)... to write and think using their brains, but now many people have become ...(4)... accustomed to using machine that they can't do anything ...(5)... them. There are many people who ...(6)...on electronic gadgets completely.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
One of the results of technology and pollution grown is the increase of water pollution throughout the world. According to a United Nations report the future of all life on earth will be endangered if man does not control contamination of the environment. It is time we realized the full extent of the dangers that face mankind.
For instance, here in Egypt, look at our River Nile. It is strange to see how everything is thrown into it as if it were our litter basket. Instead of keeping it clean and pure, we pollute it. We ourselves, not our enemies, dirty it with our own hands. Some farmers wash themselves, their clothes, their animals, their pots and pans in its water. They even throw away their dead animals, and birds into it. Some people living in cities and towns throw their old tyres and broken bottles and rusty tins into it. Factories throw their waste chemicals and garbage. In this way the Nile water gets poisoned, kills fish, poisons land, weakens crops and destroys health.
So it would be foolish to shut our eyes to the dangers of the pollution that man causes to the very thing on which his life depends. Please keep our Nile clean.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- In what way has technology led to the increase of water pollution?
2- How do people in the countryside dirty the Nile?
3- Why does the writer describe the people who pollute the Nile as “enemies”?
4- What are main ideas in this passage?
B)choose the correct answer from a,b,c,d:
5. contamination mean ………… .
a- full extent` b- realize c- pollution d- environment
6. Technology led to ………… of the Nile.
a- pollution b- dangers c- poison d- growth of population
7. Pollution makes our crops ………… .
a- Weakens b- destroyed c- weak d- poisoned

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- Why does phileas Fogg's friend think that he can't travel around the world in eighty days ?
2- Why do you think Fogg decided to try to go round the world in eighty days ?
3- Why do you think he has the time to spend travelling like this ?
4- If you had the chance to travel round the world , which route would you choose ?
5- What would you most look forward to seeing on this journey ?
7- Would you like to travel around the world as fast as possible ? How would you travel ?
6- What did Fix think of Fogg ?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the man do after he got back out of the water?
2- What made Semarang the hottest town in the whole of islands?
3- Why didn't the officer ask passenger about the cause of jumping into the sea?
4- What did the passenger do after jumping to the water?

B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions:
"Nothing, I was very surprised. I didn't know what to say."
1- Who said this statement ? To whom ?
2- On what occasion did he say it ?
3- What made him surprised ?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- The writer felt sorry for the people who had to live in Semarang because ……………........
2- The harbour at Semarang was not deep enough ……………………..........
E- Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"The role of youth in the progress of the country"
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
Our children are the pleasure of our eyes and the treasure of our life .We have to bring them up well and teach them good manners . We should prepare them to be good people .
B) Translate into Arabic :
يؤثر تلوث الهواء عتي صحتنا بدرجة كبيرة .
يجب أن نحافظ علي مدينتنا وحسن مظهرها.

phobia فوبيا ـ هلع ـ خوف من شئ aim هدف criminal مجرم
fear خوف ground أرض crime جريمة
dizzy مصاب بالدوار dry يجفف customer زبون
get over يتغلب على drought جفاف extreme زائد ـ إضافى
panic خوف ـ رعب dryness تجفيف extremist متطرف
avoid يتجنب rain تمطر ـ مطر extremism تطرف
avoidance تجنب dust تراب frightened خائف
spider عنكبوت dusty مترب bridge كوبرى
spider web شبكة عنكبوت duster بشورة ـ أستيكة remains آثار ـ بقايا
spider man الجل العنكبوت hundred مائة relax يستريح ـ يستجم
buildings مبانى own خاص ـ يمتلك pick يقطف ـ يلتقط
doll دمية rope حبل hard صعب ـ شاق
overcrowded مزدحم جدا affect يؤثر expert خبير
space فضاء effect تأثير percent بالمائة
open space فضاء مفتوح rational عقلى ـ منطقى suffer يعانى
sharks سمك القرش irrational غير منطقى suffering معاناة
dark ظلام session جلسة remember يتذكر
light نور situation موقف remind يذكر
lighten ينير situate يقع fail يفشل
ancient قديم therapist خبير بالمعالجة failure فشل
love يحب virtue فضيلة disappoint يخيب أمل
hate يكره virtual واقعى ـ عملى disappointed محبط ـ مخيب
hatred كراهية high عالى disappointment خيبة أمل
lift مصعد height ارتفاع inform يخبر
large كبير ـ واسع reason سبب information معلومات
born وٌلد cause سبب questionnaire استبيان ـ استفتاء
birth ميلاد treat يعالج nervious عصبى
stone حجر treatment علاج nerve عصب
rock صخرة patient مريض ـ صبور take off يقلع
injued جريح patience صبر land يهبط
injury جرح ـ إصابة hurt يجلرح ـ يؤذى cloud سحاب
hole فتحة ـ ثقب harm ضرر cloudy غائم ـ به سحب
score يحرز ـ يسجل harmful ضار make notes يدون ملاحظات
goal هدف assistant بائع ـ مساعد exchange يتبادل
aim هدف assist يساعد change يحول ـ يغير
target هدف assert يؤكد convert يغير ـ يحول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 16:54

Language notes
virtual visual
virtual فعـلى - واقـعى
The patient is put into a virtual situation with the things he fears.
visual بصـرى - مـرئى
The movie has a strong visual impact.

remind remember
remind ( to + lnf ) or ( noun ) يــُذكر ـ يتذكـر بواسطـة شخـص
Remind me to post the letter. He reminds me of his father.
remember يتـذكر من تلقاء نفسـه
She remembered to take medicine.
remembering التذكر
He is good at remembering names. Your brain stores past, memories.
hard هـذه الكلمة تستخـدم كصفـة وظـرف

كصفــه The question is hard. صـعـب
The bed is hard . خشــن
He is a hard worker. نشــيط ـ حمــاسـى
hard ظـرف He studied hard. She works hard. بجــد

aim to + مصـــدر يهـدف إلى
I aim to join the university.
aim at + ( v + ing ) يهـدف إلى
I aim at joining the university.
with the aim of + ( v + ing ) بهـدف
Research is being done with the aim of extracting a new drug.

be situated = be located = lie يقــع
The hotel is (situated) located on the lake side. The house lies on the lake side.

hundred – thousand – million
هذه الكلمات إذا جاء قبلها عدد محدد تكون مفردا أما إذا لم يسبقها عدد محدد وتشير لكميات كبيرة تكون جمعا.
His salary is 500 hundred pounds a month.
Thousands of people wathed the match on TV yesterday.
Expert in ( on )
He is an expert in ( on ) the field of technology.
Do a questionaire يجرى استبيان - استفتاء
The government did a questionnaire to choose the president.

exchange ( n, v ) إستبـدال أو تبـادل ـ يستبـدل بـ ـ يتبـادل
I'd like to exchange this shirt.
exchange …. For يستبـدل ( شيئـا بشـئ أو شخصـا بشخـص آخـر
She exchanged a blouse for a skirt .
exchange…. with يتبـادل .... مـع شخـص
He exchanged things with his friends .
in exchange for = in return with فى مقـابـل , على سبيـل المبـادلـة
She gave her friend a skirt in exchange for a blouse.

affect = have an effect on
affect يؤثـر علـى
Smoking affects health badly.
effect تأثيـر
Smoking has a bad effect on health.

pick up يلتقط ـ يأخذ شخص فى سيارة
My bag fell down, so I picked it up. I picked up my friend with me to the club.
pick out يختـار
I can't pick out my clothes my self.
pick at يضـايق ـ يغيـظ
My son always picks up his sister.

take part in = share in = participate in يشـارك
Did you take part in the poetry competition ?
take place = happen = occur يحـدث
When did the accident take place ?
take the place of = replace يحـل محـل
He resigned and I took his place.
take up much of يستنـزف كثيـر مـن
He took much of his money.
take off يخلـع – تقلـع
When I returned home, I took off my coat. The plane took off at ten.
take over يتـولى مهمـة
After his father's death he took over his work.
take after يشبـه
She took her mother completely.


A strong unreasonable fear of something.
panic A feeling of fear that makes you unable to think clearly.
doll A small toy in the shape of a child or a person.
space Amount of an area that's empty or available to be used.
irrational Not reasonable.
session A period of time used for a particular purpose.
therapist Someone whose job is to do a particular type of therapy.
virtual Used to say that something is almost true.
treatment A cure for an illness or injury.
patient A sick person.
disappoint To make someone unhappy as something good that is hoped didn't happen.
questionnaire A set of written questions answered by a number of people to provide information.

Questions and answers
1- What are phobias ?
Phobias are not just extreme fears - they are irrational fears .

2- How can phobias affect peopl's lives ?
They can affect peopl's lives and make them frightend to do things .

3- What wouldn't the person with a fear of height do ?
He wouldn't climb a tall tree or a mountain .

4- What is a phobia different from fear ?
Phobia is stronger than fear and is irrational .

5- What kinds of things are people commonly afraid of ?
Heights, spiders, insects, mice, snakes, flying, the dark and etc .

6- Why is it important for the patients with phobias to relax ?
The treatment will not work if patients are panic .

7- Why do you think it takes a few sessions or patints to realize they do not need to be afraid?
It takes time to build up their confidence in the therapist and the methods .

8- What treatment can you suggest for people with these phobias ?
Speaking in public : speaking to one person, then two then four etc .
Choosing a subject you are very familiar with .
Flying: being in flight simulator of some kind, to mimic the sensation of flying without any real danger. Small spaces : spending time in increasingly small spaces, from an ordinary room to a small room,
for example in easy stage .
The dark: spend time in an increasingly darkened space – indoors without venturing outside .

9- Imagine you were afraid of spiders, which treatment would be best for you to be near a real
spider or to see on a computer screen ?
I would try to help myself because depending on myslf helps me a lot to overcome any hardships.
10- Many people with fear of flying still travel on planes . Why do you think this ?
Because they have to for their work, or because they are able to overcome their fears for the conveniences of air travel .

11- Should you make peole do something , even if they are frightened of it ?
No, we should respect that some people are unable to overcome their fears. We should never force people to do something they do not want, though you could suggest ways of helping them .

12- How can a computer programe used in treating some phobias ?
The patient is put into a virtual situation with the thing they fear .

13- Why do some phobias need medicine ?
To help them relax before treatment .

14- What do some phobias are realize after some session ?
They realize that the thing they are afraid of can't hurt them .

15- What is the usual treamnt for phobias ? How ?
It is to slowly show the person who has the phobia what they fear. for example , a person with a spider phobia first thinks about a spider, then looks at photographs of spiders, and finally looks at a real spider .
Exam phobia
1- How many students suffer from exam phobia ?
50 percent \ half.

2- How can a student's future change if he fails in an exam ?
He will not get in a good university or find a good job .

3- Why is it important to sleep well bfore a exam ?
If you are tired, you will probably feel more worried .

4- What sort of information do you think students forget easily ?
The important information especially which depends on memory .

5- Why do not some students lik the exam room ?
Bcause they can't remember important information when they are in the exam room as they are afraid of th exam .

6- What kind of food and drink must students have before an exam ?
Food and drink which are rich in sugary substances,vitamins to provide thm with energy an liveliness.

Choose the right word from a, b, c, or d:
1- We went on ( a tour – an expedition – a voyage – flight ) into the Amazon forest.
2- When I heared the news, I ( appointed – disappointed – appointment – disappointment ).
3- We watched a ( scary – frightened – afraid – terrified ) film last night.
4- ( I'd prefer – I'd rather – I'd like – I'd love ) have some tea.
5- I ( excepted – expect – accepted – agree ) his invitation to dinner and I was happy to go.
6- My friend was hurt in a car ( event – accident – incident – happening ).
7- They will arrive in Cairo in two ( hour – hours – hours' hour's ) time.
8- The government works so (hard – hardly – lately – hardness) to raise the standard of living.
9- He is the world's greatest expert ( in - on - at - from ) remote sensing
10- Dr EI-Baz was( bear – borne – bore – born ) in Zagazig in 1938
11- ( pace – place – face - Space ) is the place outside the Earth's atmosphere .
12- The plane took ( up – off – after – in ) at seven in the morning.
13- Students should take part ( in – on – at – up ) school activities.
14- She ( picked – took – gave – lent ) a flower from the garden.
15- He is an expert ( in – to – at – of ) the field of agriculture.
16- ( Hundreds – Hundred – Lot – Much ) of people attended the conference.
17- I don't like traveling on trains or buses full ( of – in – at – with ) people.
18- My brother was born ( with – of – from – at ) a fear of cats.
19- She felt ( dizzy – terrifying – frightening – ill ) in dark places.
20- She exchanged flowers ( in – with – for – at ) her friends.
21- Ahmed aimed ( to – at – in – for ) achieve his goal.
22- Silence, the court is in ( session – season – hold – attend ).
23- She ( remembered – reminded – witness – watched ) to pay the bill.
24- He ( reminds – remembers – asked – helps ) me of his father.
25 - They ( made – did – had – arranged ) a questionnaire to choose their leader.

Rewrite using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- In my opinion he is lazy. ( think )
2- I'll return the book I borrowed from you. ( get )
3- He recovered from his illness and become better. ( get )
4- Can you do this sum? ( work )
5- He removed his coat and sat down. ( take )
6- I have no money. ( run )
7- Dinosaurs disappeared completely. ( die out )
8- We walked for a long time in the country. ( hike )
9- I'd like to have some juice. ( I'd rather )
10-Tickets can be bought at the office. ( We can )
A- Translate into Arabic:
Man should do his best to avoid illness. Cleanliness is very important to achieve
this aim. Healthy food is necessary in this aspect as well.
B) Translate into Arabic :
ـ يجب على كل فرد أن يرشد استهلاكه من الماء والطاقة والغذاء .
Certainty – Deduction التـأكـد ـ الاستنتـاج
with Present Past

I'm sure
I'm certain
I think
I believe
I imagine
certainly must + مصـدر شبــــه تــأكـــد
must have + pp
He must be a teacher.

I'm sure he is a doctor.
He must be a teacher. He must have been a teacher.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 16:55

I think he recorded the song.
He must have recorded the song.
can't + مصـدر للنـفــى can't have + pp
He can't be a teacher.

I'm sure, he isn't the killer.
He can't be the killer. He can't have been a teacher.

I think he didn't go to the country.
He can't have gone to the country.

not sure
not certain
likely may + مصـدر احتمالية
عـــــدم تــأكـــد may have + pp
He may be a teacher.

It's probable he arrives early.
He may arrive early. He may have been a teacher.

Perhaps she phoned me.
She may have phoned me.

very not sure
very not certain
it is possible
I don't think so
I don't believe might + مصـدر عـــــدم تــأكـــد
might have + pp
He might be a teacher.

It's possible he will come.
He might come. He might have been a teacher.

I don't think they went out.
They might have gone out.

Mustn’t + المصــــدر

 ليست نفـى must وتستخدم للتعبيـر عـن التحـريــم أو الحظـر وتعنى أنـه لن يسمح لك بفعـل الشئ .

be forbidden

Mustn’t =

be not allowed to
be prohibited
be against the law

You mustn’t park hare. It’s forbidden. = You are not allowed to park here.

It is against the law to steal money. ( mustn't )
You mustn't steal money.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- Perhaps he will arrive tomorrow. ( may )
2- It is possible that the child broke the window. ( may )
3- They were late. Perhaps they missed the nine o’clock train. ( may )
4- Perhaps he was ill yesterday. ( may )
5- It is impossible that the computer made this mistake. ( The computer )
6- I'm sure that Ahmed isn't over forty. ( can't )
7- I think he is definitely a doctor. ( must )
8- Perhaps the missing boy has run away from home. ( may )
9- I think he was ill. ( must )
10- I don't think he will come back. ( might )
11- It's possible that the driver didn't see the warning sign. ( couldn't )
12- I suppose it's possible the thief had a key. ( might )
13- It was impossible that he didn't hear the news. ( He )
14- I'm sure that Ahmed won the match yesterday. ( Ahmed )
15- We don't allow smoking in this restaurant . ( Smoking isn't )
16- There is a chance that the police will catch the thief if he tries to escape. ( The thief might )
17- Don't eat bad food or you'll get ill . (mustn't)
18- It isn’t good for you to smoke at this age. (mustn’t)
19- Don’t play with matches. (mustn’t)
20- It is forbidden to smoke here. (mustn’t)

Test 15

A- Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between Ali and the hotel receptionist:

Ali : Have you any vacancies ?
Receptionist : Yes, I can offer you room 20 on the first floor.
Ali : ..........................(1)................................?
Receptionist : The second floor is full.
Ali : ..........................(2)…………………......?
Receptionist : All the rooms overlook the sea.
Ali : ..........................(3)………………….....?
Receptionist : Of course, I'll show it to you. Take a seat for a moment.
Ali : ..........................(4)..............................?
Receptionist : Dinner is served in the restaurant.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your friend tells you a bout his father's death.
2- Sameh suggests playing football but you don't agree.
3- You ask Hany's opinion a bout your new camera.
4- You ask a policeman the way to the post office.

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. She always picks …………………… her husband's clothes.
a- at b- out c- up d- in
2. He wors ……………………….. to get high marks
a- hard b- hardly c- hardy d- good
3. I have always been afraid ………………………… snakes.
a- about b- from c- of d- with
4. When he was young, she had a ……………………. Of the dark.
a- session b- panic c- fear d- frightened
5. I'm sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you get …………………… it soon.
a- better b- over c- on d- of
6. When he lookd down from a high building, he feels ……………………. .
a- dizzy b- irrational c- virtual d- luxury
7. He ……………. have known about your illness. Nobody told him about it.
a- must b– can’t c– needn’t d– mustn’t
8. The policeman told her to turn right and she turned left. She ……….. have understood him.
a- must b– may c– can’t d– could
9. It …………………… be a bird. You must be mistaken.
a- may b– might c– can’t d– must
10. When he worked up he didn’t find his watch. Someone …………have stolen it.
a- must b- can’t c– should d– mustn’t
4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- It's possible the thief stole the money. ( might )
2- I'm sure that Ali isn't teacher. ( can't )
3- The house was certainly built before 1990. ( must )
4- I phoned Hassan but he didn’t answer, I think he wasn’t at home. ( can't have )
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
There is no doubt that tourism is an important ...(1)... of income for Egypt. We can ... (2) ... tourists to visit Egypt by building more modern hotels and good roads, and providing fast... (3)... of transport. We should behave towards tourists in a civilized ... (4) ... and welcome them to our country. We shouldn't ... (5) ... home tourism and encourage it... (6)... all possible means.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Most countries in the world now welcome tourists because of the money they bring in. Many countries make great efforts to encourage tourism, and many also depend on what they earn from it to keep their economies going.

People who like adventure will even try to visit countries. Companies regularly arrange trips through the Sahara desert or to Himalayan mountains for whoever enjoys such trips, but the numbers of visitors are small. Most tourists try to choose whichever places have fairly comfortable, cheap hotels, quite good food, reasonable safety, sunny weather or unusual things to see. Their choice of a place for a holiday also depends on when they can get away, it is not very pleasant to go to a place when it is having its worst weather.
One big problem for a nation wishing to attract tourists is the cost of building hotels for them.
Building good hotels swallow up a lot of money, and many of the countries that need the tourists are poor. What they spend on building has to be borrowed from foreign banks. Another problem is that more and more big international companies are building hotels all over the world, so that the profits from a hotel often do not stay in the country in which it has been built.
And there is also the question of training staff, teaching them foreign languages, how to cook the kind of food that foreign tourists expect. In Egypt special colleges have been set up for this purpose.

Tourists often feel shocked by the different customs and habits that they see around them. They refuse the local food and insist on having only what they eat at home.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What would happen to some countries if tourism stopped?
2. Where do the profits from some hotels unfortunately go?
3. Which places do tourists prefer?
4. Mention two problems which face countries wishing to attract tourists.
B. Choose the correct answer:
5. The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refers to ---------------
a) the country b) tourism c) economy d) hotel
6. Some people don’t go to a place for a holiday although they like it ---------
a) because it is not very pleasant b) because of bad weather
c) because it is fairly comfortable d) because they are badly treated
7. The underlined word staff probably means -----------------
a) employees b) businessmen c) investors d) tourists
7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What are phobias ?
2- How can phobias affect peopl's lives ?
3- What kinds of things are people commonly afraid of ?
4- Many people with fear of flying still travel on planes . Why do you think this ?
5- How can a computer programe used in treating some phobias ?
6- What is the usual treamnt for phobias ? How ?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was the writer's feeling when he left Semarang?
2- When and how did the passenger jump into the sea?
3- Why did the officer on the ship like to speak English?
4- Why do you think the passenger tried to drown himself?
B- Read the following quotation. then answer the questions:
"I suppose you talked about it then"
1- Who said this statement ?
2- What was he referring to when he said it ?
3- Did the officer say anything about the incident? How do you know that ?

C- Complete the following sentences:
1- The writer didn't want to see Semarang again because ……………….........
2- As soon as the man jumped into the sea ..................................
E- Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
A visit you have made to a tourist sight in your country.
You may use these points:
- Where you went and who you went with.
- What you did.
- What you saw.
Write a paragraph of seven sentences aboutللفائقين
"How to increase our food production"
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
The Ancient Egyptians gave much thought and attention to their tombs. They called their tombs the houses of eternity and provided them with all the necessities of comfort and happiness on earth.
B) Translate into English:
لقـد ساعـد التقـدم التكنولوجـى الإنسـان علـى إشبـاع كـل احتياجاتـه.

globe الكرة الأرضية mirror مرآة opinion رأى
global كونى accurately بدقة bring يحضر ـ يجلب
globalization العولمة floods فيضانات poor quality جودة رديئة
multinational متعدد الجنسيات equipment معدات on the internet على النت
international دولى predict يتنبأ concentrate يركز
companies شركات transmit ينقل ـ يرسل concentrarion تركيز
satellites أقمار صناعية up- to- date حديثا worry about يقلق
communication اتصال electronic اليكترونى understand يفهم
toys لعب include يشمل other آخر
members أفراد ـ أعضاء telephone calls مكالمات تليفونية interested in مهتم بـ
chess شطرنج navigation ملاحة interests إهتمامات
relate يتصل بـ avoid يتجنب accrate دقيق
quality جودة forest fires حرائق الغابات accurately بدقة
education تعليم increase يزيد ـ زيادة accuracy دقة
tv channel قنوات تليفزيون entertainment تسلية weather الطقس
favourite مفضل trafiic jam زحمة المرور short for إختصار
plan خطة lazy كسول belong to ينتمى إلى
temple معبد space الفضاء belonging إنتماء
decide يقرر relax يسترخى agree يقبل
device جهاز introduce يقدم disagree يرفض
forecast يتنبأ بحالة الجو article مقال agreement قبول
orbit = go round يدور magazine مجلة disagreement رفض
send out يرسل compare يقارن accept يقبل
warn يحذر advantages مميزات acceptance قبول
main رئيسى disadvantages عيوب hear يسمع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 16:56

Language notes
other another one of
other صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع
I will visit other countries .
another صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد
I will read another story .
one of ما يقـع بعـدها اسم جمع والفعل مفـرد
One of my friends is adoctor .

listen hear
listen to ينصت إلي ( سماع بقصد )
I always listen to the holy Quran in the morning .
hear يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ بدون قصد )
When I was walking in the street I heard someone crying .
Hear from يتلقى رسالة من
Have you heard from Ahmed?
Hear of يسمع أخبار عن ـ يعرف بوجود شخص أو شئ
She disappeared and was never heard of again.
Hear abut يسمع ـ يتلقى معلومات عن
You will hear about this later.

Favour favourable in favour of favourite
do a Favour معـروف – جميـل
He did me a favour I won’t forget.
favourable مؤيـد – مشجـع - فى صالـح
The reviews on his films are favourable.
in favour of مؤيـد لـ
Some people are in favour of old cars.
Favourite مفضـل – محبـوب
What’s your favourite subject ?

street road
street شـارع داخـل مدينـه أو قريـه توجـد علـى جانبيـه المحـلات والمسـاكـن
I live in a wide and clean street.
road طريـق ( يربـط بين المـدن والقـرى ببعـضه )
The road between Cairo and Banha is crowded

See watch
See يـرى ـ يبصــر
I can't see without my glasses. It was too dark to see anything.
See = understand يفهــم
Do you see how it works ?
See = think يفكــر
Let me see fo a while.
watch يشاهــد ـ يراقـب
We watch TV every day.
watch يحــرس
He felt that God was watching over him.

the earth the ground the floor the soil
the earth الكـرة الأرضيـة
The Earth is round.
the ground أرض الفنـاء
The ground of our school is clean.
the floor أرضيـة حجـره
She always sweeps the floor.
the soil تربـة زراعيـة
Plants get water from the soil.

Macine, a piece of equipment
Forecast Predict
Orbit Go round
Transmit Send out ( TV and radio programmes )
Up- to- date Modern – new
Warn Tell about something bad or dangerous

Questions and routeanswers
1- What are satellites?
Satellites are devices which orbit the earth.

2- Wht are the most common uses of satellites ?
To control TV pictures , phone calls, for navigation, to forecast the weather, warn people about possible dangers- forest fires, etc.

3- What are the advantages of satellites being very high in the sky ?
They can transmit to anywhere on earth.

4- What can satellites see that might help farmers ?
They can warn of forest fires and floods. By using remote sensing, they can find water under the ground

5- How do satellites make it easier to forecast the weather ?
They can see earth from adistance and see weather as it approaches particular places .

6- Which groups of people need accurate weather forecasts ?
Anyone working outside, e.g farmers, the police and other emergncy services,airlines and airports, sailors, fishermen .

7- What can people do when they are warned about forest fires and floods ?
They can leave the affected areas or protect their property .

8- What does navigation in your car mean ?
It means I can relax and concentrate on my driving and not worry about where I am .

9- What are the disadvantages of satellite navigation in cars ?
It makes people lazy , Everyone should know how to use a real map .

10- Does technology always make things better , or does it have disadvantages too ?
It is a mixed blessing, it is a blessing as it helps man to lead an easy and comfortabl life. it is a curse as it sometimes causes a lot of serious diseases and makes people lazy and inactive .

11- Do you think everyone can benefit from satellite technology ? Give reasons ?
Everyone can benefit from better weather forecasts , warning of fires and better communications .

12- Can you think of uses for satellite technology which will hlp everyone in the future ?
Think of these areas of people's lives : health \ education \ work \ entertainment ?
Health :
People may able to consult specialists in other countries by means of satellite TV .
Doctors may be able to use satellites to instruct colleagues doing specialist opertation
Education :
Satellites TV can be used to broadcast education programmes across continents and to link schools and children in different parts in the world .
Satellites communications may reduce the need for so much travel if colleagues can take part in online conferences, etc, .
There are more satellites TV channels for people to watch including live music, sports, news, etc .

13- How many satellites are orbiting the earth ?
Thousands .

14- What is sat-nav short for ?
Satellite navigation .

15- What is satellite navigation ?
It is an electronic device which can help car drivers and pilots to know exactly where they are .

16- What can sat-nav tell car drivers ?
It can tell them their best route and help them to avoid traffic jams .

17- Why do you think some people want to watch TV programmes from other countries ?
To know some information about other people's customs and traditions and to keep up what is happening all over the world .

18- Do you think there may be problem If everyone has satellite navigation in their cars ?
Yes, because people will depend on it entirely and if there is a break – down there will be accidents .

19- How do you think satellites can help farmers to plan for the future ?
They can help them to decide what kind of crops they will grow and how to avoid floods .

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Radio and TV are vital means of (communication– communicate– communion- communicative)
2- Warm weather has been ( forget – forecast – forced – forbid ) for the weekend .
3- We already use( planes – satellites – rockets – comets ) In space for communications and the
remote sensing of underground oil and water .
4- Every planet in the solar system has its own ( way – pathway – road – orbit ) around the sun .
5- We ( washed – walked – warned – worshipped ) him that he might be killed if he stayed in Beiru.
6- Good ( quantity – qualitative – quality – qualify ) shoes last longer .
7- Are you a (member – membership – mercy – menu ) of the tennis club ?
8- What is on Dream ( change – chance – champion – channel )?
9- Her computer training gave her an ( adventure – adverb – advantage – advertisement ) over
the other students .
10- Your main ( disadvantage – adventure – advertisment – merit ) is lack of experience .
11- Regulare exercise ( decrase – reduce – increase – lessen ) Your chances of living longer .
12- The river ( floats – flows – floods – flocks ) the valley every spring .
13- Try to( consist – contain – inclue – decine ) Ahmed more in your game .
14- Smoking can damage your ( healthy – headline – health – healthful ) .
15- ( Fitness – Fire – File – Fine ) destroyed part of the building .
16- You can't fully ( appear – approach – approv – appreciate ) foreign litearture in translation .
17- Some people believe that the ( multinationals – multiplication – multitude – multiplicity )
have too much power .
18- Drunk drivers should ( lose – win – gain – get ) Their licence .
19- The Egyption army ( win – gained – got – earned ) A great victory .
20- There were a lot of ( interested – interesting – bored – excited ) People on the tour .
21- Spain ( won – gained – beat – earned ) Italy 3-1 .
22- They serve the most ( incredibly – incredible – increasing – increase ) food .
23- Are you ( in – at – on – with ) the internet yet ?
24- I was thinking ( of – in – on – at ) all the happy times we'd spent togather .
25- They had worked hard to give their son a good ( educational – education – educated – educate ).
26- I definitely walk ( less – much – more – few ) Since I've had a car .
27- In my ( opponent – opinion – opportunity – operation ) He made the right decition .
28- It is ( dangerously – dangerous – endanger – danger ) to walk alone at the night around here .
29- We need to have ( out- of- date – upgrade – up- to- date – uphold ) files.
30- She is busy making ( plans – planes – plains – plates ) for her wedding.

Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1. It's possible that Ali will arrive late, so he'll be punished. ( If )
2. The protection of food from flies and germs is important. ( should )
3. I've arranged to visit Luxor in the mid year holiday. ( going )
4. I finished my homework, then I watched TV. ( As soon as )
5. I want you to book a ticket for me. ( Would you mind )
6. I completed the letter, then I posted it. ( By the time / After )
7. During his sleep, his money was stolen. ( As )
8. It’s important to wash your hands before eating. ( should )
9. It’s necessary for all students to know how to use the computers. ( must )
10. It's two weeks since I met Usama. ( ago ) ( for )

A- Translate into Arabic:
Rain forests are being destroyed at an incredible rate. Much of the damage is being done by poor farmers, but they are not to blame. They have to clear rainforest land to grow food for their families.
B) Translate into English:
تعانى الكثير من الدول الأفريقية والآسيوية من الحروب الأهلية والجفاف والمجاعات.

Question Tag الســؤال المذيـــل

 يتكـون السـؤال المذيــل مــن الفعـل المسـاعــد أو الناقـص وضميـر الفاعــل .

ضميـر الفاعـل + فعـل مساعـد أو ناقـص منفى جمـلة مثبتة
ضميـر الفاعـل + فعـل مساعـد أو ناقـص مثبت جمـلة منفية
 السـؤال المـذيـل يضـاف لنهـايـة الجملـة بهـدف التـأكيـد علـي الكـلام السابـق .
 الجملـة المثبتـة يضـاف لهـا سـؤال مـذيـل منفـي والإجابـة المتوقعـة هـى yes .
 الجملـة المنفيـة يضـاف لهـا سـؤال مـذيـل مثبـت والإجابـة المتوقعـة هـى No .
 الأفعـال المنفيـة فـي السـؤال المـذيل لا بـد أن تكـون دائمـاً مختصـرة .
 الفـاعـل فـي السـؤال المـذيل لا بـد أن يكـون ضميـر .
It’s hot today, isn't it ? Yes, it is.
The manager arrived late, didn’t he ? Yes, he did.

Ragab won’t come to the party, will he ? No, he won’t.
Salah hasn’t bought a car, has he ? No, he hasn't.

مـلاحظــات عــامـة
 الجملـة التـي تحتـوي علـي never – rarely – hardly – seldom – nor – neither تعتبر جمل منفية ولا بد
أن يكـون السـؤال المـذيل مثبـت .
He never smokes, does he ?
 إذا جـاءت It’s وبعـدها تصـريف ثالث نستخـدم has في السـؤال المـذيل .
It’s gone bad, hasn’t it ?
 إذا جـاءت It’s وبعـدها أي جـزء من أجـزاء الكلام غيـر التصريف الثالث نستخـدم is .
It’s fine today, isn’t it ?
 إذا جـاءت I’d وبعـدها مصـدر يكـون السـؤال المـذيل wouldn’t I .
I’d go alone, wouldn’t I ?
 إذا جـاءت I’d وبعـدها تصـريف ثالث يكـون السـؤال المـذيل hadn’t .
I’d sent the letter, hadn’t I ?
 إذا جـاءت I’m يكـون السـؤال المـذيـل aren’t I .
I’m a teacher, aren’t I ?
 إذا جـاءت I’m not يكـون السـؤال am I .
I’m not a doctor, am I ?
 إذا بـدأت الجملـة بـ Let’s يكـون السـؤال المـذيل shall we - shan’t we .
Let’s go swimming , shall we / shan’t we ?
 إذا بـدأت الجملـة بـ Let us يكـون السـؤال المـذيـل will you - won’t you .
Let us go swimming, will you / won’t you ?
 إذا كـان الفاعـل This or That يكـون الضميـر في السـؤال المـذيـل it .
This is my car, isn’t it ?
 إذا كـان الفاعـل These or Those يكـون الضميـر في السـؤال المذيـل they .
These are mine, aren’t they ?
 إذا كـان الفاعـل There نضعهـا نفسهـا بـدلاً من الضميـر في السـؤال المـذيـل .
There is a car over there, isn’t there ?
 إذا كان الفاعـل Everything, Something, Nothing يكـون الضميـر it .
Nothing was there, was it ?
 إذا كان الفاعـل Everyone, body - Someone, body - No one, body يكـون الضميـر they .
Everyone watched the match, didn’t they ?
 إذا جـاء v. to Have فعـلاً أساسياً نستخـدم do or does في المضـارع و did في الماضي .
Everyone had a special uniform, didn’t they ?
 إذا كانـت الجملـة أمـريـة يكـون السـؤال المـذيل will you – won't you .
Shut the door, will you / won't you ?
 إذا جـاء الفعـل need فـي الإثبـات يكـون السـؤال المـذيـل don’t .
We need your help badly, don’t we ?
 إذا جـاء الفعـل needn’t نستخـدم need فـي السـؤال المـذيـل .
They needn’t take a taxi, need they ?
 إذا جـاء الفعـل dare فـي الإثبـات نستخـدم don’t فـي السـؤال المـذيـل .
They dare to go without guns, don’t they ?
 إذا جـاء الفعـل daren’t نستخـدم dare فـي السـؤال المـذيل .
They daren’t tell the truth, dare they ?
 إذا جـاءت used to بمعنـى اعتـاد أن نستخـدم didn’t فـي السـؤال المذيـل .
I used to play football, didn’t I ?
 إذا جـاءت must have + pp نستخـدم didn’t فـي السـؤال المذيـل .
He must have sent a letter, didn't he ?
 إذا جـاءت a few يكـون السـؤال المذيـل منفـى .
He bought a few books, didn't he ?
 إذا جـاءت few يكـون السـؤال المذيـل مثبـت .
He bought few books, did he ?
 إذا جـاءت I don't think يكـون السـؤال المذيـل مثبـت .
I don't think he is bad, is he ?
 إذا جـاءت I think يكـون السـؤال المذيـل منفـى .
I think he is bad, isn't he ?
 إذا جاءت الصفة منفردة نستخدم isn't it
Funny, isn't it ?

Add question tags to the following sentences :
1- It's cold ,………………………...? 2- They want to come ,………………?
3- He hasn't seen it ,…………..…? 4- You don't know ,…………………..?
5- I am invited,………………….…? 6- Let's go for a walk,…………….….?
7- Open the window,………….….? 8- She'll help us later,…………….….?
9- She used to live there,……….? 10- She is a student,…………….…...?
11- They won't like it,………..…..? 12- Let's read aloud,…………….…...?
13- There aren't any problems,……………...? 14- He doesn't understand you,……?
15- It was very cold and wet night,………….? 16- Those aren't my books,…………?
17- Nobody cheated in the exam,…………...? 18- We can't cross the street,………?
19- Let's pretend were not here,…………….? 20- I am older than you ,…………….?
21- Don't play near the river bank,………….? 22- You needn't stay a long,…….….?
23- She can't write,………………..? 24- I am reading a paper,………...….?
25- He didn't go to work yesterday,…………? 25- Nagi has a car,……………………?
27- I may take it,………………….? 28- You can't come ,…………………?
29- He should drive slowly,……? 30- You eat apples,……………….….?
31- They'll have time,……………? 32- He knew that,…………………….?
33- He plays well,……………..…? 34- She used to live here,……..…….?
35- I was right,……………………? 36- He likes it,………………………….?
37- You won't be long,………….? 38- She didn't find it,………………….?
39- They needn't pay,……..…….? 40- They aren't allowed to play,…….?
Test 16

A- Language Functions
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Shop assistant : Welcome sir,....................(1)………..…….... ?
Customer : Yes, please. I'd like a pair of shoes.
Shop assistant : Sit down here,....................(2)..................... ?
Customer : Size 40
Shop assistant : ………………...(3)…………………..……
Customer : Black.
Shop assistant : Please try this
Customer : ...................... (4) ................ I need a larger size.
Shop assistant : This is your size.
Customer : Yes, This is much better.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- You receive a wrong telephone number.
2- You heard that your cousin had been injured in an accident.
3- You apologize for arriving too late at school.
4- Someone wants to borrow your book and you agree.
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Farmers can ………….. in advance that they will have a good harvest.
a- predict b- pretend c- prefer d- produce
2- How many satellites have been put in ………………. Round the earth.
a- moon b- orbit c- p;anets d- universe
3- They selected a suitable ………………… for a new project.
a- destination b- floor c- location d- roof
4- They can't help me with this, ……………. They?
a- can't b- can c- don't d- do
5- I think he has gone on holiday, ……………… he?
a- has b- did c- hasn't d- doesn't
6- There has been an increase in ……………….. through the Suez Canal.
a- negative b- negotiation c- neighbour d- navigation
7- I'm not a teacher, ………………I ?
a- am b- am not c- are d- aren't
8- He could hardly walk, ………….. he?
a- could b- did c- couldn't d- doesn't
9- Parents …………… some of their characteries to their children.
a- transmit b- transparent c- transplant d- transport
10- This isn't the last packet of coffee, ………………… it ?
a- isn't b- is c- does d- doesn't
4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- We are going to agree, aren't we? ( disagree )
2- He is stupid, isn't he? ( intelligent )
3- She doesn't come early, does she? ( late )
4- He could hardly walk, ………………? ( Add a question tag )

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 16:57

I always forget where I put things. Last week a friend of …(1)… gave me a match as a birthday …(2)… . I put it on and then forgot where I put the match. I looked ...(3)... it everywhere but could not find it. The search took ...(4)... a long time that I …(5)... my temper. In a half an hour's ...(6)... I found out that I had put the watch in the most obvious place.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Humans, unlike many other animals eat everything. We require both vegetable and meat to be fully healthy; though some humans manage to survive reasonably healthily whilst consuming no animal products at all, finding their protein mainly in nuts and seeds. To carry out its many complicated functions, the human body requires different chemicals and substances. All of the nutrition we take in can be put in 1 of 7 categories. These are; proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, minerals, vitamins, fats and water. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy. Proteins allow the body to repair itself and grow. Fibre aids the digestive system. Minerals and vitamins are required for many reasons; lack in any vitamin or mineral can lead to illnesses. Vitamins are essential for normal growth and development. Fats are often unnecessary, and many are bad for you. The body doesn't need to take in most fats, but the fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. The body is around 70% water. If water isn't consumed, the body will dehydrate. The body loses water in excretion, sweating and breathing. It is advised you should have a balanced diet, taking in food from each of the food groups, in proportion.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What does the human body need to carry out its functions?
2- What does the underlined word "These" refer to?
3- Why does the human body need different chemicals and substances?
4- Find the meanings in the passage meaning (a) very important (b)shortage
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- Our body loses water in …………………..
a) excretion and sweating only. b) sweating and breathing only.
c) excretion, sweating and breathing. d) none of the previous
6- …………….provide the body with energy.
a) Proteins b) Carbohydrates c) Minerals d) Fibre
7- The passage is about …………...
a) fibres b) acids c) transport d) Nutrition

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- what are satellites?
2- what are the advantages of satellites being very high in the sky ?
3- what cn satellites see that might help farmers ?
4- How do satellites make it easier to forecast the weather ?
5- How many satellites are orbiting the earth ?
6- What can sat-nav tell car drivers ?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions: (Quick thinking)
1- What was Benting doing while Van Lutjens was looking with joy at his diamond?
2- What happened to Van Lutjens when the ship gave a sudden and violent roll?
3- Show that Van Lutjens admired his two diamonds so much.
4- Why was Mr Benting worried when Van Lutjens took the diamonds out of the safe?
B- Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
" Yes, he actually called this lifeless stones his children"
1- Who was the speaker talking about?
2- How did he get the stones?
3- Why did he call them his children?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- Van Lutjens had handled diamonds since ....................................
2- The colour of the Rozelles diamonds were…………………….......
E- Writing
9- Read the following letter and reply to it.
Your name is Wagdy and you live at 13 Sadat street. Benha.
Dear Wagdy,
I'm writing this letter to know if you would join us in our trip to the Red Sea. I intend to spend a week there with some friends. If you have a diving suit, it will be a good chance to see the wonders of the sea life. Please let me know about your future plan for the summer holiday.
Write a paragraph of seven sentences about: للفائقين
Great projects in Egypt

F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
The computer is a fairly new invention, but it has already become very important in the modern world, especially in government offices, science, banks and education. Since computers are very efficient, schools, banks, and other organizations use them for many kinds of work where speed is essential.
B- Translate into English:
يعتبر انتشار استخدام الطلاب أجهزة الكمبيوتر في المدارس والمنازل والمصالح الحكومية سيكون له أثره العظيم في تقدم مصر.

base اقامة ـ أساس hound كلب صيد explain يشرح
decorate يزين inherit يرث explanation شرح
landlady صاحبة عقار inheritance ميراث explanatory
solve يحل heir وريث puzzle لغز
description وصف believe يؤمن puzzled متحير
museum متحف belief إيمان exchange يستبدل
stealing سرقة wild متوحش take place يحدث
fictional خيالى hungery جوعان situation موقف
physical مادى ـ جسدى hunger جوع surprised مندهش
expression تعبير drown يغرق surprise مفاجئة ـ دهشة
characters footprints آثار أقدام base …. on يبنى على أساس
detective مخبر سرى fingerprints بصمات go up like يشبه
scene مشهد ordinary عادى takr after يشبه
crime جريمة investigate يبحث ـ يحقق فى look like يشبه
protect يحمى investigation بحث ـ تحرى pay for يدفع
protection حماية investigator باحث ـ محقق payment دفع
study دراسة legend خرافة ـ أسطورة solve a crime يحل لغز الجريمة
criminal مجرم frightened خائف ask for يطلب
mystery لغز ـ غموض worried قلق advice نصيحة
mysterious غامض terrified مرعوب advise ينصح
injury إصابة realize يدرك in the wast of فى غرب
injured مصاب damage تلف ـ خسارة break يكسر
commit يرتكب جريمة enormous ضخم ـ هائل blame يلوم
fan مشجع ـ مروحة guess يخمن care عناية
favourite مفضل feed يطعم careless مهمل
favour معروف ـ جميل train يتدرب fault خطأ
floor طابق bored شاعر بالملل promise يعد
company شركة boring ممل expect يتوقع
action فعل ـ حدث boredom ملل wait ينتظر
Language notes
Adjectives ending in (ed) & (ing)
الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـر عن أشخـاص أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـرعـن أشيـاء
I'm very tired today. Shopping is very tiring.
I'm interested in reading books. I watched a very interesting film yesterday.
ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذى يسبب هذه الصفة.
He is boring. ( It means that he causes boredom )

care for = look after يرعي/ يعتني بـ ( بشخص )
Who will care for me when I am old?
Care for = want يريد
you care for a cup of tea?
care about something يهتم
He doesn't care about his studies.

train … in يـدرب علي
Children should be trained in good manners.
train as + وظيفة يتـدرب كـ
She trained as a pilot.
train for يتـدرب لـ ( سباق )
He spends two hours training for the race.

based in مقـره فـى
His work is based in Egypt.
based on قائـم علـى
It is a revision based on unit 18

view scenery scene sight sights site
view منظـر مـن مكـان محـدد
There was a beautiful view of the Ka'ba from our hotel.
scenery منظـر طبيعـى ( لاتعـد )
Lebanon is famous for its wonderful scenery.
scene مشهـد ـ مكـان حـدوث شـئ ( حـادثـة ـ جـريمـة ( ….
The police reached the scene of the crime at once.
sight رؤيـة ـ منظـر عابـر
I can't understand his sight. A man carrying a goat is a sight
sights معـالـم سيـاحيـة
Tourists come to Egypt to see our sights.
site موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء
Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan.

wait for expect
wait for ينتظـر ( لا يفعـل شـئ سـوى الانتظـار )
Wait for me. I’ll be back in a minute.
expect يتوقـع فعـل أشيـاء أثنـاء الانتظـار
We’re expecting guests this evening.

lie lay
lie lied lied يكـذب يليهـا حـرف جـر to
Don’t lie to me.
lie lay lain ينـام ـ يرقـد
He has lain on the floor.
lay laid laid تضـع البيـض يليهـا مفعـول بدون حـرف جـر
Hens lay eggs.

laugh laugh at
laugh يضحـك ( بـدون مفعــول )
He laughed loudly.
laugh at يسخـر مـن شخـص أو شــئ
It is rude to laugh at people. No one ever laughed at my jokes.

Based Used particular information or facts as a point to develop an idea, planetc…..
Crime An illegal action that can be punished by law.
Decorate To put new paint or paper on the walls of a room or including.
Detective A police officer whose job is to discover the person who is responsible for a crime.
Lsndlady A woman that you rent a room or a house from.
Scene A short part of a play or a film, when the events happen in one place.
Solve To find an answer to a problem.
Questions and answers

1- Who lives in the west of England ?
Sir Henry Baskerville.

2- What does the Hound of the Baskervilles look like ?
It is enormous and black.

3- Who is Stapleton ?
He is a criminal and a cousin of the Baskervilles .

4- What is Sir Henry going to inherit ?
The family house.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 16:58

5- Do people still believe in legends like The Hound of the Bskervilles ?
Not at all .

6- Are there any Egyptian legends like this ?
Curse of the pharos .

7- Why do people like these strories ?
Because they are interesting and arouse their interest .

8- What does the legend about the wild dog ( The Hound of the Baskervilles ) ?
The legend says that this dog will kill anyone called Baskerville .

9- How did sir Charles Baskerville die ?
He had no physical injuries , but he had died with a terrified expression on his face .

10- How did Holmes and Watson solve the crime of sir Charles Baskerville's murder ?
They discovered that the criminal is called Stapleton, a cousin of the Baskervilles who wnts to inherit the family home .

11- How did Stepleton plan to kill sir Henry Baskerville ?
He trained a black dog to kill the first person it sees, he didn't feed the dog because he wanted to make it very hungry .

12- How did Holmes and Waston save sir Henry Baskerville from being killed ?
When Stapleton sent the dog to kill him, Holmes and Waston were waiting and shot the dog .

13- What did people know about The Hound of the Baskervilles at the end ?
Everyone realised that the hound was just an ordinary dog .

14- What did they find near the body of Sir Charles Baskerville ?
…… near the body there were the footprints of enormous dog .

15- Why do you think Dr Mortimer choose to ask Sherlock Holmes for help ?
As he was famous as the cleverest detective in the wold .

16- Do you think Dr Mortimer is a good friend to Sir Henry ? why ? why not ?
He is a good friend because he paid a visit to Holmes and Waston to ask for advice before going to see Sir Henry as he was worried about him .

17- Do you think Staplerton's plan was a good one ? why ? why not ?
It wasn't a good plan as he depended on an old legend about a wild dog and not all people believe in old legends, so Holmes and Walston were able to discover him and shot the dog before killing Sir Henry .

18- Why do you think Canon wanted to be a doctor ?
May be his father was a doctor . May be he had seen many sick people and wanted to help them . May be he wanted to help people in poor countries where there were no\ few doctors .

19- Why do you think Canon went to work in Africa and other countries instead of being a
doctor in Britain ?
It is likely that there was a greater need for doctors in Africa than in Britain .

20- How can doctors help people in poor countries ?
People in poor countries often don't have even basic health care. A few trained people can make a big difference and save many lives .

21- What other kinds of work can help people in poor countries ?
Engineers, scientists, teachers .

22- If you want to help people in poor countries , what kind of work you choose to do ?
Medicine because a lot of people in poor countries suffer from some serious and chronic diseases which need more care and to relieve their pains ?

23- Do you think the rich countries should give poor countries money, or is it better to teach
them to help theselves ? Give your reasons ?
It is better to teach them to help themselves to be able to solve problems which face them and to depend on themselves using their own resources .

Choose the correct answer:
1- The play was ( based – base – basis – basic ) on peopl's struggle for better life .
2- There was a little ( criminal – criticism – critical – crime ) when we moved here .
3- I spent the weekend ( decorating – declining – deciding – decayin ) the flat .
4- A\ An (detective – solider – agent – inspector ) is a police officer whose job is to discover the
person who is responsible .
5- The tax may be the only way to ( solution – solve – increase – beat ) the city's buget crisis .
6- A\ An ( landly – landlord – tennant – winner ) Is a woman that you rent a room or house from .
7- There is a very serious ide to her ( chapter – charge – character – charity ) .
8- A\ An ( fox – pig – cow – hound ) is a dog used for hunting .
9- He ( indebted – inherited – awarded – left ) A good fortune from his father .
10- A\ An ( play – legen – novel – poetry ) is an old well known story , often about brave people
and their actions and adventures .
11- Try not to eat ( inside – ouside – betwee – bove ) Meals .
12- ( fictional – fierce – filthy – final ) are people or events from a book or story , and are not real.
13- The report ( shortens – shoots – shouts – shows ) a rise in employment .
14- A\ An ( professional – fa – athletes – amateur ) is someone who likes a particulare sport ,
kind of music very mch, or who admires a famous person .
15- New laws have been issued to (provide– protes– provoke– potect) children from being exploited .
16- You'll have a bad ( invite – invent – injection – involve ) A better axcuse than that .
17- He had a bad (inhibition – injury – injecton – inhumanity ) in the accident .
18- I send these flowers as an ( exportation – explosion – expression – xplanation ) of my gratitude .
19- My office is in the third ( flour – flood – float – floor )
20- I'm ( excited – worried – bored – happy ) With this book . I think I'll read another one .
21- He isn't ( dead – death – dying – living ) he is alive .
22- He is in jail for ( praising – punishing – killing – arresting ) a pliceman .
23- Yesterday, he spent 10 hours ( lying – lie – laying – lies ) In bed .
24- He lived in cairo until his ( birth – punishment – arrival – death )
25- Are you ( happy – anxious – sad – worried ) With their decition ?
26- Someone ( robbed – stole – steamed – strewed ) my passport .
27- She was ( surprised – happy – intrested – keen ) at how much it cost .
28- Th police are ( investing – investigating invading – involving ) th murder .
29- It was too late to ( struggle – sink – save slute ) th sick woman , an she died .
30- The location of the stolen money remains a ( myth – mystery – legend – mystenous ).
Rewrite using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. If you cut your hand, put a bandage on it. ( should )
2. She always arrived late. ( used to ) ( no longer )
3. The film didn’t attract us. ( attractive )
4. You should take some rest. ( If )
5. I last went shopping two months ago. ( for )
6. Please put the vase by the phone. ( next to )
7. She did her homework. Then, she went to bed. ( After )
8. If Hany doesn’t get up early, he won’t catch his school bus ( Unless )
9. If he had been a plumber, he could have mended the car. ( because )
10. Are you going to finish off your studies? ( intend…..? )
A- Translate into Arabic:
Communication has become easier and the chance for individuals to obtain mass information at a great speed has become available. This has resulted in a feverish race among nations to obtain advanced technology.
Translate into English:
إن زيادة الإنتاج أصبح واجب وطني حتى يمكننا مواجهة مشكلة تزايد السكان والبطالة في مصر.

Active & Passive المعلـوم و المجهــــول
المفعـــول + V. to be التصريف الثالث + + by + الفـاعـل
Tense Passive
Present simple المضـارع البسيـط ( am – is – are ) + pp
Past simple الماضى البسيـط ( was – were ) + pp
Present continuous المضــارع المستمـر ( am – is – are ) + being + pp
Past continuous المستمـر الماضى ( was – were ) + being + pp
Present perfect المضــارع التـام ( have – has ) + been + pp
Past perfect الماضى التـام had been + pp
Future simple المستقبـل البسيـط will be + pp
Future perfect المستقبـل التـام will have been + pp
Present perfect continuous المضـارع التام المستمر ( have – has) + been + pp

Active : The servant keeps the house clean. ( present simple )
Passive : The house is kept clean by the servant.

Active : She cleaned the room. ( past simple )
Passive : The room was cleaned by her.

Active : They are playing football. ( present continuous )
Passive : Football is being played by them.

Active : The gardener was picking the flowers. ( past continuous )
Passive : The flowers were being picked by the gardener.

Active : We have built a new house. ( present perfect )
Passive : A new house has been built by us.

Active : The teacher had explained the lesson. ( past perfect )
Passive : The lesson had been explained by the teacher.

Active : I'll visit Ahmed next week. ( future simple )
Passive : Ahmed will be visited by me next week.

Active : By next week I will have finished the report. ( future perfect )
Passive : By next week the report will have been finished.

Active : I have been reading this story. ( present perfect continuous )
Passive : This story has been read by me.

ملاحـظـات عـامـة

 إذا كانت الجملـة منفيـة بـ do not - does not احذفهمـا واستخدم am - is - are + not + pp .
Active : They don’t speak English.
Passive : English is not spoken.
 إذا كانـت الجملـة منفيـة بـ did not احــذفهـا واستخـدم was - were + not + pp .
Active : He didn’t pay the bill.
Passive : The bill was not paid.
 إذا كـان الفاعـل nobody , no one لا يستخـدم بعـد by ويحـول الفعـل إلى النفـى .
Active : Nobody has helped them.
Passive : They were not helped.
 الأفعـال التى يليها المصـدر بـدون to فى للمجهــول يأتى بعــدها ( المصـدر + to ) مثــل make - see - hear - do .
Active : He made us leave.
Passive : We were made to leave.
 إذا وجـــد بالجمــلـة الفعـــل let يحـــول إلـى allow to .
Active : I let Ahmed go out .
Passive : Ahmed was allowed to go out.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى   مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 5:02

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى Sunna.362ffac404

مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى 91990
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثالث
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» المراجعة النهائية لغة انجليزية الصف الثانى الثانوى الجزء الثالث

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