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 Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى   Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 6:00

Review E

invention اختراع passengers ركاب
invent يخترع shop assistant بائع فى محل
situation موقف serve يخدم
sorts أنواع customer زبون
programme maker معد البرنامج café owner صاحب مقهى
definitely بالتأكيد tourist سائح
educational programmes برامج تعليمية hug يحضن
sound صوت society مجتمع
choice اختيار traditionally تقليديا
communication اتصال multinational متعدد الجنسيات
communicate يتواصل trading post محطة تجارية
imagine يتخيل experience خبرة
a good point نقطة جيدة lifestyle أسلوب حياة
dizzy دائخ / يشعر بدوار culture ثقافة
astronaut رائد فضاء zebra حمار وحشى
space الفضاء parks حدائق عامة / منتزهات
key مفتاح grass عشب
the woods الغابة crocodiles تماسيح
phobia خوف مرضى cool مائل للبرودة
wake / woke / woken يستيقظ describe يصف
location موقع overlook يطل على
trade centre مركز تجارى crowded مزدحم
financial centre مركز مالى overpopulation الزيادة السكانية
coast ساحل polluted ملوث
Territories أقاليم generous كريم / جواد
busy port ميناء مزدحم area منطقة
exports صادرات footballer لاعب كرة قدم
imports واردات island جزيرة
shopping centre مركز للتسوق surprised مندهش
market سوق sound يبدو
population السكان Upper Egypt الوجه القبلى
square مربع The Valley of the Kings وادى الملوك
spare time وقت فراغ beach البلاج
criminal مجرم countryside الريف
arrest يقبض على serious خطير
Language Study

 listen to: ينصت الى
- If you have a radio, you can listen to all sorts of thinks in your home.

 invent:
- Marconi invented the radio.

 in my opinion: فى رأيى
- In my opinion, he is the best doctor in Assiut.

 by radio: باللاسلكى
- People on ships and planes communicate by radio.

 as well as: بالاضافة الى
- Television gives us pictures as well as sound.

 let + مفعول + مصدر : يدع
- Father let me drive his car during the weekend.

 allow + مفعول + to + مصدر : يسمح
- Father allowed me to drive his car during the weekend.

 buy / bought / bought: يشترى
- He went to the market to buy some things.

 cost / cost / cost: يكلف
- How much does it cost you to send a text message?

 pay / paid / paid: يدفع
- How much money do you have to pay when do you go to the cinema?
- How much should football matches pay their top players?

 spend / spent / spent: ينفق
- What would you spend your money on if you went to Hong Kong?

 pick up: يذهب و يحضر
- It's father's turn to pick up the children after school.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- I listen (at-with-on-to) the radio for news, music and educational programmes.
2- The trip will (cost-pay-spend-but) him $ 1000.
3- It is Marconi who (found-invented-discovered-explored) the radio.
4- The radio is a very important (invention-discovery-exploration-founding).
5- People on ships and planes can communicate (on-with-by-in) radio.
6- She (pays-buys-costs-spends) a lot of money on clothes.
7- The radio lets us (making-makes-to make-make) pictures in our own minds.
8- Television gives us pictures (as well-well as-as well as-well) sound.
9- How much did you (buy-pay-spend-cost) for the tickets?
10- We can now (communicate-contact-touch-connect) with people on the other side of the world.
11- Do you think Dad will allow you (go-to go-going-went) to Jamie's party?
12- (In-On-With-At) my opinion, he is a big liar.
13- The police (arranged-arrested-sent-stayed) him for drinking and driving.
14- The café owner (survived-served-dealt-provided) the customers.
15- Hong Kong is in the North China Sea near to the south east (shore-beach-coast-lake) of China.
16- Hong Kong is an important financial and (trade-trades-trader-tradesman) centre.

Nadia: Azza, who invented the telephone?
Azza : I think it was Marconi.
Nadia: I don't think that's right. Wasn't it John Logie Baird?
Azza : Oh, yes, Nadia, you're right. Marconi invented the radio.
Nadia: Which do you think is the most important invention?
Azza : Oh, radio, definitely.
Nadia: Do you really think so?
Azza : Yes, I do. If we have a radio, we can listen to all sorts of things in our homes: the news, music, educational programmes – and, of course, a kind of radio is used for communication by people on ships and on aeroplanes.
Nadia :In my opinion, television is more important. Radio only gives us sound. With television, we get pictures as well. When we watch the news on television, we can see what's happening. That makes television much more important.
Azza : I don't really agree. It's true that television gives us pictures as well as sound, but I think that makes things too easy. If we watch a programme on television, we see what the programme-maker wants us to see, but when we listen to the radio, we can make our own pictures in our minds. Radio gives us that choice.
Nadia :That's a good point! I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps radio is more important.


Hong Kong – a wonder of the modern world

 Hong Kong is in the South China Sea near to the south east coast of China. It consists of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and 260 other small islands. In the past, only fishermen and farmers lived and worked in Hong Kong, but today it is a busy port and an important financial and trade centre. Many of China's exports to other countries pass through Hong Kong. It is also well known as a shopping centre and for its markets.
 It has a population of 6.9 million people in a land area of 1098 sq km. This means that people live very close to each other. There are 6300 people in every square kilometer. Despite this, Hong Kong is a good environment to live in – it has quiet parks, beaches and mountains to climb. Ninety-eight per cent of the people of Hong Kong are Chinese; the others are Europeans, Americans and Japanese.
 From 1842 to 1997, Hong Kong was British, but in 1997 it became part of China. The two most important languages are Chinese and English. It has its own television, radio programmes and newspapers, and its own money, the Hong Kong dollar.
 To many people, Hong Kong is a wonderful of the modern world because it is such a successful financial and trade centre.

Questions & answers
1- Where does Hong Kong lie?
-It lies in the South China Sea.

2- How big is Hong Kong?
-It is 1098 sq. km.

3- What does Hong Kong consist of?
-It consists of four main islands and 260 other small islands.

4- What is Hong Kong best known for?
-It is well known for as a shopping centre and for its markets.
-It has good environment, quiet parks, beaches and mountains.
-It is a successful financial and trade centre.

5-How was Hong Kong from 1842 to 1997?
-It was a British colony.

6-What are the two most important languages?
- Chinese and English.
7- Why do you think Europeans and Japanese people live in Hong Kong?
- Because it is a successful financial and trade centre.

8- What are the advantages of living in a society with many different nationalities living together?
- You learn about different styles, food, cultures and languages.

9- What kind of buildings do you think most people live in Hong Kong?
- I think they live in skyscrapers as it is overcrowded.

10- Why is it surprising that Hong Kong has quiet parks?
- Because there are so many people living in such a small area, you would think it would be too noisy to have quiet parks.

12- How is Hong Kong important to China as the Suez Canal in Egypt?
- As many of China's exports to other countries pass through it.

Grammar Review


The Indefinite Articles أدوات النكرة

? تأتىa قبل الاسم المفرد النكرة المبدوء بحرف ساكن أو حرف u الذى ينطق (يو).
a book – a house – a stamp – a uniform زى – a university
? تأتى an قبل الاسم المفرد النكرة المبدوء بحرف متحرك ((a-e-I-o-u أو حرف h صامت.
an apple – an egg – an idea – an orange – an umbrella
? نستخدم a/an قبل الاسم المفرد النكرة الذى يذكر لأول مرة و قبل أسماء المهن و للاشارة الى شئ واحد من عدة أشياء.
- I have a house and a garden.
- He's a doctor. - He's an engineer.
- We've got a car.

The Definite Article أداة المعرفة

? نستخدمthe فى الحالات الآتية:
1- قبل الاسم النكرة الذى سبق ذكره.
- I have a house and a garden. The house is small, but the garden is huge.
2- قبل الأسماء المشهورة أو المعروفة أو الفريدة فى نوعها .
the sun – the moon – the sky – the sea – the land – the world
the Pyramids – the sphinx أبو الهول– the Cairo Tower – the High Dam
3- قبل أسماء الاختراعات و الاكتشافات .
the telephone - the television - the radio - the internet - the plane
- The plane has made travel very fast.
4- عندما نتحدث عن فصيلة أو اسم مفرد يصف مجموعة .
- The tiger is a member of the cat family.
5- مع جمل المقارنة وصفات التفضيل القصوى (أكثر من إثنين) :
- The more you practise, the better you get.
- The computer is the most important modern invention
6- قبل أسماء البحار والأنهار والمحيطات والصحارى والسلاسل الجبلية والقنوات.
The Red Sea البحر الأحمر – The Mediterranean Sea البحر المتوسط
The Nile نهر النيل – The Amazon نهر الأمازون
The Atlantic ocean المحيط الأطلنطي - The Sahara الصحراء الكبري
The Himalayas جبال الهمالايا - The Suez Canal قناة السويس

? لا نستخدم the فى الحالات الآتية :
1- مع الأسماء الجمع عندما نعبر عن أفكار عامة مثل الناس و الطعام والوظائف والنباتات.
women – men - beans - scientists - trees
2-مع الأسماء التى لا تعد مثل الطعام و الشراب و المواد الخام و الأسماء المجردة و المواد الدراسية و اللغات
milk – oil - beauty الجمال - happiness السعادة - English – Chemistry – wood

Relative Pronouns ضمائر الوصل

1- who / that : تحل محل فاعل أو مفعول عاقل فى الجملة الثانية
- John Logie Baird invented the television. John Logie Baird was Scottish. (who)
John Logie Baird, who was Scottish, invented the television.
John Logie Baird, who invented the television, was Scottish.

2- Whom / that: تحل محل مفعول به عاقل فى الجملة الثانية
- This is Ali. I met him yesterday. (whom)
This is Ali whom I met yesterday.

3- which / that: تحل محل فاعل أو مفعول غير عاقل
- I listened to a radio programme last night. It was about space travel. (which)
I listened to a radio programme which was about space travel last night.
The radio programme which I listened to last night was about space travel.

4- whose:
فى الجملة الثانية my/his/her/its/our/your/their أو محل ‘s تحل محل اسم متبوع بـ
- This is Tom. You met his sister last week. (whose)
This is Tom whose sister you met last week.

5- where: تحل محل ظرف مكان فى الجملى الثانية
- He studied in Germany. He got his Ph.D. from Germany. (where)
He studied in Germany where he got his Ph.D.

6- when: تحل محل ظرف زمان فى الجملة الثانية
- June is the month. I go on holiday in this month. (when)
June is the month when I go on holiday.

Modals of possibility
الأفعال الناقصة الدالة على الاحتمال

Present Past
Certain متأكد must / can’t + inf. must / can’t + have + pp
Uncertain غير متأكد may / might + inf. may / might + have + pp

1- I’m sure that he is at home. (must)
He must be at home.
2- I’m sure he isn’t at home. (can’t)
He can’t be at home
3- I’m sure he was ill. (must)
He must have been ill.
4- I’m sure he didn’t rob the bank. (can’t)
He can’t have robbed the bank.
5- Perhaps he will buy a car. (may)
He may buy a car.
6- I’m not sure that he bought a car. (might)
He might have bought a car.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- John Logie Baird invented (a-an-the-any) television in 1935.
2- In Britain, most families did not have (a-an-the-some) television until the 1960s.
3- A: Can I watch (a-an-the-any) film on TV tonight?
B: OK. What's (an-an-the-any) film called?
4- A: Would you like to be (a-an-the-any) astronaut and travel in space?
B: No, but I'd like to have been (a-an-the-any) first man to walk on the moon.
5- I don't like people (who-whom-whose-which) lose their temper easily.
6- The car (who-whose-when-which) I hired broke down after five kilometers.
7- Finland (who-when-where-which) he spends his holidays has lots of lakes.
8- The girl with (whom-that-who-whose) he fell in love left him after a few weeks.
9- I don't understand how the accident happened. The driver (can't have seen-might have seen-may see-must see) the red light.

10- He has three houses, six cars and a yacht and a helicopter. He (may be-might be-must be-can't be) very rich.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Marconi invented the radio. He was born in 1874. (who)
2- We spent a pleasant day by the lake. We had a picnic by the lake. (where)
3- A man answered the phone. He told me you were out. (who)
4- Ali helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of a company.
5- George works for a company. It makes computers. (which)
6- It is possible that he is doing his homework now. (might)
7- I'm sure that he is in his office. (must)
8- I'm certain that he missed the train. (must)
9- He was almost certainly injured in the car accident. (must)
10- I'm sure the he doesn't have a mobile. (can't)
11- I'm sure that he didn't steal the camera. (can't)
12- I'm sure that he didn't pass the exam. (can't)
13- Perhaps he was attracted by her smiling eyes. (may)
14- I think that Shakespeare is the best playwright. (opinion)
15- Alexandria is the birthplace of Sayed Darwich. (Alexandria ………..)

Test (units 13, 14, 15)

A-Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue:
Nadia: …………………?
Azza : Around the world in Eighty days? It was by Jules Verne, wasn't it?
Nadia: …?
Azza : In 1872, I think.
Nadia: ……………….?
Azza : A man who tries to travel round the world to win some money.
Nadia: I will! I'm going to start reading it this weekend.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend says she thinks mobile phones are the most important invention of the twentieth century. You have a different opinion. You think it is the TV.
2- Someone asks you what makes someone good at writing novels.
3- Someone asks you what job you want to do when you are older.
4- You have a phobia of spiders. A friend asks you when it began.

B-Vocabulary and structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If you have a radio, you can listen ……………….. all kinds of programmes.
a) at b) to c) in d) on
2- The Old Man and the Sea, ………………. was written by Jules Verne is about an old fisherman.
a) who b) whose c) where d) which
3- This is the bedroom ……… I sleep, use my computer and do my homework.
a) where b) which c) when d) there
4- When he looks down from a high building, he feels …………………….
a) dizzy b) irrational c) virtual d) luxury
5- I'm sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you get ……………… it soon.
a) better b) over c) on d) off
6- If we …………….. the bus at 2.30, we can get the next one at 3 o'clock.
a) catch b) leave c) miss d) lose
7- You have to ……….. more if you fly business class.
a) pay b) cost c) buy d) price
8- You shouldn't look at ……………… sun. You may hurt your eyes.
a) a b) an c) the d) any
9- Mount Everest is the …………………… mountain in the world.
a) high b) highest c) higher d) most high
10- When she was young, she had a ………………… of the dark.
a) session b) panic c) frightened d) fear

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1- I borrowed a CD from my friend last week. (lent)
2- Unfortunately, we missed our bus because we were late. (catch)
3- Tarek's really hungry. He probably didn't have enough breakfast. (can't)
4- How much did you pay for your phone? (cost)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
It was not a good week for Charlie. On Monday, he caught (1) ………….. . It must have started after he left school in the (2) ……………………. When he arrived (3) ……………….., he was very wet and cold. On Tuesday, he (4) ………..
up with a headache, but went to school because he had an important maths (5) …………………… . Unfortunately, Charlie did not pass. On Wednesday, he forgot to (6) his homework to the teacher.

C-Reading comprehension and Set Book

6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Dear Hany,
We arrived in Nairobi yesterday and we've already seen lots of animals. We even saw a zebra by the side of the road as we drove from the airport! This morning, we left Nairobi and drove to Masai Mara Park. We are staying at the edge of the park near a river. It's a very beautiful place with lots of trees and flowers. It's dark now and I can hear lions and other animals outside. It's really exciting. I'm looking forward to driving through the park tomorrow to see all the animals. We are going to drive to the Mara River.
At this time of year, it is very hot here and the grass is dry. You can see zebras swim across the river and go south where the grass is greener. There are a lot of lions in the park, so I expect we will see some tomorrow. And I hope we'll see crocodiles when we're at the river. We are staying here for three nights, and then we're going to Mont Kenya. I'll be back home next week.
Best wishes,

A) Answer these questions:
1-Where was Munir surprised to see an animal?
2-Do you think Munir is enjoying his holiday? Why?
3-How long is Munir staying in the Masai Mara Park?
4-What is the weather like at this time of the year?

B- Choose the correct answer:
5- How did Munir get to Nairobi?
a) He went by train. b) He flew there.
c) He went in a car. d) He sailed there.
6- Why do zebras swim across the river?
a) Because the water is cool and it feels nice
b) Because it is too hot in the park at this time of year.
c) Because they are escaping from lions.
d) Because they are looking for better food.
7- Why does Munir expect to see lions tomorrow?
a) Because there are many of them in the park.
b) Because he is going to Mont Kenya.
c) Because he will be near the river.
d) Because they are very noisy.

7- Answer only four (4) of the following questions:
1- Name two wonders of the ancient world?
2- How much will Fogg win if he succeeds?

3- How is a phobia different from a fear?
4- What do you think makes space travel a wonder of the modern world?
5- Why do you think Fogg's friend does not believe that Fogg can finish the journey in 80 days?
6- Why do you think it takes a few sessions for patients to realize they do not need to be afraid?

D-The Novel

8- A) Answer the following questions :( Quick Thinking)
1-Why was Van going to New York?
2-Why did he employ Benting?
3-How did Van meet his end?
4-What quick decision did Benting take when he saw the box of diamonds disappear into the sea?

B- Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"But I must admit that I have rarely had to make any sudden decision myself"
1-Who said this to whom?
2-Why did the speaker rarely make sudden decision?
3-What about the others' decisions?

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"Something you were afraid of when you were a child"

10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Naguib Mahfouz is one of the most famous writers in the world.
2- Overpopulation is one of the most serious problems in our country.
3- He is the best footballer I have ever met.
4- The countryside is the least polluted area in Egypt.

B) Translate into English:
1- كان أبو هيف رجلا كريما.
2- أحمد أطول من سامى.
3- سلوى فى عمر هالة.
4- دراجتى أغلى من دراجتك.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى
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» الوحدة 10-11 اولى ثانوى لغة انجليزية ترم ثانى
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» Review D اولى ثانوى تيرم2
»  UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى
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