منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:43

 Definitions

* Apply : يتقدم بطلب
- To officially ask to be considered for a job, place at a college etc., especially by writing a letter.

* Course : كورس . دورة تدريبية
- A series of lessons about a subject.

* Improve: يحسن
- To become better, or to make something better.

* Qualifications : مؤهلات
- Examinations that you have passed at school or university.

* Translate : يترجم
- To change speech or writing from one language to another.

* design :يصمم
- draw or plan something will be made, done or built.

* workshop : ورشة
- a room or building where tools and machines are used to make or repair things.

* rescue :ينقذ
- save someone from harm or danger.

* customer : زبون
- someone who buys things from a shop or a company.

* temperature : درجة الحرارة
- how hot or cold something is.
* Vocabulary :
* architect (n) :
مهندس معمارى
* cleaner (n) :عامل نظافة
* fireman (n) :رجل إطفاء
* flight attendant (n) :
مضيفة جوية
* oven (n) :فرن
* (mix (v) – ed – ed) :يخلط
* mixture (n) :خليط
* mixed (adj) :مختلط
* loaf (n) :رغيف خبز
* loaves (plural):أرغفة خبز
* ( empty (v) – emptied – emptied ) :يفرغ
* empty (adj) :فارغ
* vehicles (n) :
مركبات – وسائل نقل
* mainly (adv) :أساسا
* neatly (adv) :
بطريقة منتظمة
* ( repair (v) – ed – ed ) :
* passengers (n) :
مسافرين - ركاب
* taste (v) :يتذوق
* furniture (n) :أثاث
* ( frighten(v)– ed – ed ):
* fright (n) :خوف – رعب
* frightening (adj) :مخيف
* tidy :منظم
≠ untidy :غير منظم
* tiring (adj) :مٌتعب
≠ restful (adj) :مٌريح
* far = remote :بعيد
≠ near :قريب
* possible :ممكن
≠ impossible :مستحيل
* international :دولى
≠ local :محلى
* road accidents :
حوادث الطرق * speaker (n) :متحدث
* snack (n) :وجبة خفيفة
* ( leave (v) – left – left ):
يترك – يغادر
* leave (n) :إذن لمغادرة العمل
* ( injure (v) – d – d ) :
يجرح – يصيب
* injury (n) :جرح – إصابة
* injured (adj) :
مجروح - مصاب
* travel company :
شركة سفريات
* ( train (v) – ed – ed ) :
* training (n) :تدريب
* trainer (n) :مٌدرب
* trainer (adj) :مٌدَرَب
* national holidays :
العطلات الرسمية
* interviewer (n) :
محاور تليفزيونى
* interview (n) :
حوار تليفزيونى
* foreign (adj) :أجنبى
≠ local (adj) :محلى
* modern (adj) :حديث
≠ ancient (adj) :قديم
* qualify (v) :
يؤهل ( لمنصب أو عمل )
* qualified (adj) :مٌؤهل
* qualifications(n):مؤهلات
* apply (v) :يتقدم لوظيفة
* application (n) :
طلب التقدم للوظيفة
* applicant (n) :
المتقدم للوظيفة
* (modernize(v) – d – d):
* modernization (n) :
* modern (adj) :حديث
* apprentice (n) :صبى
* secondary education certificate (n):
شهادة الثانوية
* sales assistant (n) :
بائع فى محل
* job advertisements (n):
إعلانات الوظائف
* tourist guide (n) :
مرشد سياحى
* pay (n) :أجر – راتب
* life-guard (n) :سباح منقذ
* brochure (n) :كتيب دعاية
* documents (n) :وثائق
* reservation (n) :حجز
* ( reserve (v) – d – d ) :
* reserved (adj) :محجوز
* accommodation (n) :
إقامة – سكن
* research (v) :
يقوم بعمل بحث عملى
* attractions (n) :
أماكن الجذب
* ( attract (v) – ed – ed ):
* attractive (adj) :جذاب
* the Middle East :
الشرق الأوسط
* description (n) :وصف
* ( describe (v) – d – d ) :
* prepare (v):يجهز – يحضر
* preparation (n) :تحضير
* tin (n) :علبة صفيح
* office workers (n) :
عمال المكاتب
* a block of flats (n) :
عمارة سكنية
* national flights (n) :
رحلات داخلية
* saw (n) :منشار
* toilet (n) :حمام

What is the difference between ….. ?
* work :عمل – مكان العمل ( اسم لا يعد ) * career :الحياة المهنية أو العملية للفرد
* job :وظيفة – مهنة ( اسم يعد ) * profession : مهنة تحتاج إلى مؤهلات أو تدريب
- I have got a lot of work to do.
- Mr. Ahmed leaves work at two o'clock.
- He has got a job as a teacher.
- He started his career five years ago.
- Teaching is a profession .

* like + ( وظيفة غير حقيقية ) : مثل – على سبيل المثال
* as + ( وظيفة حقيقية ) : فى وظيفة
- Ali works as a teacher.
- Ali works like a donkey.

* steal + ( شئ ) :يسرق شئ
* rob + ( مكان ) :يسرق مكان
* rob + ( شخص ) + of + ( شئ ) :يسرق شئ من شخص
- They robbed him of his money.
- A gang robbed the bank yesterday.
- The thief stole my money.

* Interpreter (n) :مترجم فورى
* Translator (n) :مترجم نصوص
- I want to work as an interpreter.
- My uncle is a translator; he translates documents, and official paper.

* apply for : يتقدم بطلب للحصول على وظيفة
* apply to : يطبق – يستعمل
- Ali applied for a new job.
- The new technology was applied to farming.

* destination (n) :المكان المقصود – جهة الوصول
* location (n) :موقع
- After 3 hours, we reached our destination.
- What is the exact location of the town on the map ?

* reserve (v) = book :يحجز
* serve (v) :يخدم
* preserve (v) :يحفظ – يصون
- I’d like to reserve a room in this hotel.
- Dinner will be served at 10 p.m.
- Wax polish preserves wood and leather.

* historic (adj) :تاريخى ( أحداث – أماكن – لحظات تاريخية )
* historical (adj) : تاريخى ( متعلق بدراسة التاريخ )
* historian (n) :مؤرخ
* history (n) :تاريخ
- Tourists like visiting our historic places in Cairo.
- The novel blends historical fact with fiction.
- Many historians wrote about the ancient Egyptian civilization.
- The Civil War was a turning point in the American history.

* At the end of + ( مكان – قصة – حدث – خطاب ) : فى نهاية
* In the end = finally = at last : وأخيرا
- Our house is at the end of this street.
- In the end, we could solve the problem.

* colleague :زميل
* mate :رفيق
- Samy is my colleague.
- Menna is my classmate.

* recommend : يوصى بــ - يرشح
recommend + ( شئ ) + to + ( شخص )
recommend + ( شخص ) + for + ( شئ )
recommend + ( شخص ) + to + ( شئ )
- She can always recommend the right person for the job.
- He recommended a good book to me.

* teach + ( شخص ) + how to + ( المصدر ) :يعلم
* teach + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر ) :يعلم
- He taught me how to use the mobile.
- He taught me to use the mobile.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:45

* full of :مملؤ بــ
* apprentice for :صبى لـــ
* help + ( شخص ) + to :
يساعد ....... على ......
* get up :يستيقظ
* change … into :
يغير ..... إلى
* listen to :يستمع إلى
* fly to :يطير إلى * ready for :جاهز لـــ
* near to :قريب من
* translate from …. (into / to) …. :
يترجم من لغة لأخرى
* turn on :يشغل جهاز
* put + (شئ) + into :
يضع .... داخل
* frightened of :خائف من * cut out of :يفصل عن
* work for :يعمل لحساب
* work with :يعمل مع
* work on :يعمل فى شئ محدد
* interested in :مهتم بــ
* think about :يفكر فى
* talk to :يتحدث لــ
* reason for :سبب لـــ

Note The Following
* take a long time to :يستغرق وقت طويل لـ
* busy + ( v + ing ) :مشغول بــ
* the rest of the day :بقية اليوم
* touch things on desks :
يضع الأشياء على المكاتب
* show foreign tourists round the city :
يأخذ السائحين الأجانب حول المدينة
* answer telephone calls :
يرد على المكالمات التليفونية * serve food :يقدم طعاما
* spend + all the time + in + (v + ing):
يقضى وقتا فى
* make up ( a story / a question ) :يؤلف
* change jobs :يغير وظائف
* 8 hours a day :ثمانية ساعات يوميا
* 8 hours per day : ثمانية ساعات يوميا
* badly injured :مجروح بشدة
* play squash :يلعب الاسكواش
* Make :
( bread / cakes / tables / chairs / mistakes / furniture / money )
* Do :
( job / his best / better / well / badly / duties / without )
 Tape script
Job : الوظيفة What does he do ?
1- A baker :خباز makes loaves, bread and cakes.
2- A cleaner : عامل نظافة cleans the floors, the toilets and empties all the bins.
3- A fireman :رجل إطفاء puts out fires and rescues people in danger.
4- A flight attendant :
مضيفة جوية gets passengers drinks and serves food.
5- A carpenter :نجار repairs things such as doors and windows.
6- An architect :
مهندس معمارى designs buildings.
7- A dentist :طبيب أسنان treats people’s teeth.
8- A designer :مصمم draws, plans something that be made, done or built.
9- A tourist guide :
مرشد سياحى shows tourists historic sites.
10- A life-guard :
منقذ (سباح) helps swimmers who are in danger at the beach or a swimming pool.

Samira : Who do you work for?
Leila : One World Travel. It's one of the biggest travel companies in the country.
Samira : Why did you apply for the job?
Leila : I applied for the job there because I wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies. The company also said they would train me.
Samira : What qualifications did you need?
Leila : I had to have the Secondary Education Certificate. I also had to speak and write English.
Samira: What training did you do?
Leila : Before I started, the company sent me on a language course to improve my English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic. I was also taught to use the internet.
Samira : How many hours do you work?
Leila : I work eight hours a day, six days a week, starting on Saturday and finishing on Thursday.
Samira : How much holiday do you have / get?
Leila : I have three weeks' holiday a year, and I have all the national holidays.
Samira : What work did you do at first?
Leila : When I started, I spent a week finding out what other people in the company did.
Samira : What work do you do now?
Leila : Now I write letters and e-mails and I answer telephone calls from other countries. Sometimes I also translate letters from English into Arabic.
Samira : Do you Like your job ?
Leila : Yes, I really enjoy my job. I enjoy meeting and talking to customers from all over the world.

Questions & Answers
1- How many hours a week does Leila work ?
 48 hours .

2- Why did Leila apply for this job ?
 Because Leila wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies .
3- Does Leila have to work on 6th October ?
 No, because it's a public holiday .
4- What did Leila do when she started this job ?
 She found out what other people in the company did .
5- What does Leila have to do now ?
 She writes letters and e-mails , answers phone calls and sometimes translates letters .

6- Why is it important for someone in a travel company to speak English well ?
 English is an international language spoken by many people as a second language. A person in a travel company would need to speak to people from many countries .

7- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking , listening , reading or writing English ?
 She will probably need all four language skills : listening and speaking ( for phone calls and meetings ), reading and writing ( for letters, e-mails, reading brochures etc… ) .

8- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabic ?
 There will be documents, letters, etc, which need to be read by people who know only Arabic and others by people who don't know any Arabic .

9- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work ?
 To book flights and other travel reservations, to check times, to find accommodation, to research holiday destinations and tourist attractions etc… .

10- What are the advantages of speaking to people in their languages ?
 It is easier to communicate, but also easier to understand possible cultural differences. It also leads to respect and mutual understanding .

11- Which job would you like to do ?
 A tour guide : to research information about places o interests. To deal with foreighners and acquire useful experience .

12- What qualities would you need to get this job ?
 A good command of foreign languages , having a pleasant character, knowledgeable .

13- Do you think being able to use the internet will become more or less important in the future? Why ?
 It will be more important because it can provides us with a lot of information about any branches of science and fields. It can facilitates our work and help us to perform any task easily and accurately .

14- Why do you think each job needs someone who can speak English ?
 Because it is an international language and to be able to communicate with others easily.

15- How can the internet be used to improve people’s lives ?
 To learn a language. It can help people with their education, research and various skills such as spelling. It can give the access to up– to– date information from anywhere in the world. It can provide access to an increasing range of services,
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:46

Direct & Indirect Speech
الكلام المباشر وغير المباشر

( 1 ) Statement :الجملة الخبرية
* لتحويل الجملة الخبرية من المباشر إلى غير المباشر ... نتبع الآتى :
1- تحويل فعل القول .

say -----›› say says -----›› says said -----›› said
say to -----›› tell says to -----›› tells said to -----›› told

2- نحذف الأقواس ونضع that أو من الممكن الاستغناء عنها .
3- تحويل الضمائر داخل الأقواس ... ويتم تحويلها كالآتى :-

( I & We ) -----›› تعود على ( المتكلم ) ( you ) -----›› تعود على ( المخاطب )
( He & She & It & They ) -----›› لا تتغير

لاحظ :
• إذا وجدت فى الجملة ( you ) ولم تجد مخاطب فالكلام موجه لك ويحول الضمير إلى ( I ) .
4- تحويل زمن الجملة ... ويتم كالاتى :-

Direct Speech : الكلام المباشر Indirect Speech :الكلام الغير مباشر
Present Simple : مضارع بسيط
( التصريف الأول للفعل ) Past Simple : ماضى بسيط
( التصريف الثانى للفعل )
Present Continuous : مضارع مستمر
( am / is / are ) + ( v + ing ) Past Continuous :ماضى مستمر
( was / were ) + ( v + ing )
Present Perfect :مضارع تام
( has / have ) + ( p.p. ) Past Perfect :ماضى تام
( had ) + ( p.p. )
Past Simple : ماضى بسيط
( التصريف الثانى للفعل ) Past Perfect :ماضى تام
( had ) + ( p.p. )
( can / will / shall / may ) + المصدر ( could / would / should / might ) + المصدر
( must / have to / has to ) + المصدر ( had to ) + المصدر

5- تحويل ظروف المكان والزمان .

Direct Speech
الكلام المباشر Indirect Speech
الكلام الغير مباشر
this that
these those
here there
now then
today that day
tonight that night
yesterday the day before / the previous day
tomorrow the next day / the following day
next ( week ) the following ( week ) / the ( week ) after
last ( week ) the ( week ) before
ago before
thus so
the day after tomorrow in two days' time
the day before yesterday two days before
Note The Following
1- للربط بين جملتين خبريتين نستخدم -----›› ( and that ) OR ( and added that ) للربط بينهم .
* He said " I have sold my car. I will buy a new one next week. " ( He said that )
----» He said that he had sold his car and that he would buy a new one the week after.
2- للربط بين جملتين خبريتين الفاعلان بهما مختلفان نستخدم -----›› ( and ) للربط بينهما .
* Hany said "I lost my pen" "I found it" said Ali.
----» Hany said that he had lost his pen and Ali said that he had found it.
3- إذا جاء المتكلم و فعل القول فى نهاية الجملة أو وسطها يوضع فى أولها .
* " I visited the zoo last week. " said Ali. ( Ali said that )
----» Ali said that she had visited the zoo the week before.
4- إذا كان المخاطب داخل الأقواس يوضع خارجها بعد فعل القول .
* Samir said " I want to work with you, Nabil. " ( Samir told Nabil )
----» Samir told Nabil that he wanted to work with him.
5- اذا كانت الجملة فى المباشر هى الحالة الأولى لــ ( If ) -----›› تحول إلى الحالة الثانية لــ ( If ) .
* Ali said " If I study hard, I will pass the test easily. "
----» Ali said that if he studied hard, he would pass the test easily.
6- اذا كانت الجملة فى المباشر هى الحالة الثانية أو الثالثة لــ ( If ) -----›› تظل كما هى بدون تغيير .
* Ali said to me " If you played the match, you would score a goal. "
----» Ali told me that if I played the match, I would score a goal.

Note The Following
* هناك بعض الحالات التى لا يتغير فيها زمن الجملة عند تحويلها للكلام الغير مباشر :
1- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع أو مستقبل لا تتغير الأزمنة أو ظروف الزمان و المكان .
* He says " I will travel abroad next week. " ( He says that )
----» He says that he will travel next week.
2- إذا كانت الجملة داخل الأقواس تعبر عن حقيقة لا تتغير الأزمنة أو ظروف الزمان و المكان .
( أى يظل زمن الجملة مضارع بسيط كما هو )
* Ali said " The sun rises in the east. " ( Ali said that )
----» Ali said that the sun rises in the east.
3- إذا كان فعل القول ماضى والكلام قد انتهى منذ فترة قصيرة ( حالا أو توا ) لا تتغير الأزمنة أو ظروف الزمان أو المكان.
مع التعبيرات التالية :
( now / just now / a moment ago / a minute ago / a short time ago / recently )
* He said just now " I will visit the zoo tomorrow. " ( He said just now that )
----» He said just now that he will visit the zoo tomorrow.
4- إذا كانت الجملة تدل على عادة متكررة لا تتغير الأزمنة أو ظروف المكان أو الزمان .
* He said " I go to school everyday at 7 o'clock. "
----» He said that he goes to school every day at 7 o'clock.
Note The Following
* لاحظ التحويلات التالية لفعل القول :
1- إذا وجد فى الجملة ( It is a good idea / you should / you ought to ) تحول said to إلى advised .. ثم نحذف الأقواس ونضع ( المصدر + to ) أو ( المصدر + not to ) .
* " You should take a rest " ( the doctor said to me )
----» The doctor advised me to take a rest.
2- إذا وجدت عبارة ( I'm sorry ) يتحول فعل القول إلى :
apologized to + someone + for + Gerund
* " I'm sorry for breaking the window. ", said Ali to his mother
( Ali apologized )
----» Ali apologized to his mother for breaking the window.
3- إذا كانت الجملة منفية وبها إنكار يحول فعل القول إلى ( denied + Gerund ) .
* " It wasn't Nadia who killed the child. " ( Nadia denied )
----» Nadia denied killing the child.

4- إذا بدأت الجملة بــ ( Don't forget ) يحول فعل القول إلى :
reminded + someone + to + inf.
* " Don't forget to close the window. ", said Ali to Soha.
----» Ali reminded Soha to close the window.

5- إذا بدأت الجملة بــ ( yes ) يحول فعل القول إلى :
( agreed to + inf. ) أو ( admitted + Gerund )
إذا بدأت الجملة بــ ( No ) يحول فعل القول إلى ( refused to + inf. ) .
* The boy said, " Yes, I ate the food. " ( The boy admitted )( The boy agreed )
----» The boy admitted eating the food.
----» The boy agreed to eat the food.
* The boy said “ No, I won’t play the match.”
----» The boy refused to play the match.

6- إذا بدأت الجملة بــ ( must + inf. ) .... يحول فعل القول إلى ( insisted on + Gerund ) .
* " I must attend the party. " ( Ali insisted )
----» Ali insisted on attending the party.
7- إذا كانت الجملة تحمل معنى الشكر .... يحول فعل القول إلى :
thank + شخص + for + ( v + ing )
* " It’s kind of you to help me. " ( He thanked )
----» He thanked me for helping him.
8- إذا كانت الجملة تحمل معنى الوعد .... يحول فعل القول إلى :
promised + to + inf.
* " I will visit you next week. " ( Sameh promised )
----» Sameh promised to help me.

9- إذا كانت الجملة تدل على إقتراح .... يحول فعل القول إلى :
suggested + ( v + ing )
* “ Let’s go for a swim. ” ( Ali suggested )
----» Ali suggested going for a swim.
* Write a paragraph of seven sentences on:
“ A job would you like to do ”
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2   unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 5:12

unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 Sunna.362ffac404

unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2 91990
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Unit 11 Daniel Defoe اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
» Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
»  UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى
» Quick Thinking اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى
» Short Stories The Face on The Wall اولى ثانوى تيرم 2

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شنواى  :: أرشيف المنتدى :: أرشيف المناهج الدراسية :: الأول الثانوى-
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