منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

 UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى    UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:22

UNI T 11

 Definitions

* Axe : فأس
- a tool used for cutting wood, with a wooden handle and metal blade.

* First-aid box : صندوق الإسعافات الأولية
- a container filled with simple medical treatments that you give to an
injured person before the doctor arrives.

* Hammer : شاكوش
- A tool used for hitting nails into wood.

* knife :سكينة
- a tool used for cutting or as a weapon.

* Cooking pot : إناء للطبخ ( للقلى )
- a round container used for cooking.

* mirror :مرآة
- A piece of special glass made so that when you look at it you see
yourself or what is behind you.

* Mobile phone : تليفون محمول
- A telephone that you can carry with you and use anywhere.

* money :نقود
- Coins, paper notes etc. That have a fixed value and are used for buying
and selling things.

* radio :راديو
- A piece of electronic equipment that you use to listen to music or programmes that are broadcast.

* rope :حبل
- Very strong, thick string, made by twisting together many threads.

* torch :مصباح – كشاف
- a small electric light that you carry in your hand.

* adventure :مغامرة
- An exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen.

* island :جزيرة
- Apiece of land completely surrounded by water.

* lonely :وحيدا
- Unhappy because you are alone.

* mainland :
- the main part of an area of land, not the islands that are near it.

* prisoner :سجين
- Someone who is forced to stay somewhere.

* shipwrecked : حطام السفينة
- When the ship you are traveling in is destroyed in an accident at sea.
Vocabulary :

* adventure (n) :مغامرة
* ( leave (v) – left – left ):
* ( become (v) – became – become ) :يصبح
* sailor (n) :بحار
* sail (v) :يبحر
* sail back (v) :يبحر عائدا
* exciting (adj) :مثير
* dangerous (adj) :خطير
* danger (n) :خطر
* terrible (adj) :فظيع
* storm (n) :عاصفة
* shipwrecked (adj) :
غارق – محطم
* a shipwreck (n) :
غرق السفينة
* tools (n) :معدات
* guns (n) :مسدسات * useful :مفيد
≠ useless :غير مفيد
* safe (adj) :آمن
* safety (n) :أمن
* ( hunt (v) – ed – ed ) :
* crops (n) :محاصيل
* human (n) :إنسان
* humanity (n) :
إنسانية – بشرية
* surprised (adj) :مندهش
* surprise (n) :دهشة
* footprint (n) :أثر الأقدام
* prisoner (n) :سجين
* escape = run away:يهرب
* ( rescue (v) – d – d ):ينقذ
* rocks (n) :صخور * mainland :
الأرض كبيرة المساحة
* island (n) :جزيرة
* islanders (n) :
سكان الجزيرة الأصليين
* ( call (v) – ed – ed ) :
يسمى - ينادى
* call (n) :مكالمة تليفونية
* ( help (v) – ed – ed ) :
* help (n) :مساعدة
* ( find (v) – found – found ) :يجد
* finally :فى النهاية
* ( die (v) – d – d ) :يموت
* death (n) :موت
* ( choose (v) – chose – chosen ) :يختار
* choice :إختيار

* successful (adj) :ناجح
* (succeed (v) – ed – ed) :
* successor (n) :
الوريث - الخليفة
* ( recharge (v) – d – d ) :
يعيد شحن
* (hurt (v)– hurt – hurt):
يؤذى – يؤلم
* ( shine (v) – shone - shone ):يشرق
* protect (v) – ed – ed ) :
* protection (n) :حماية
* protective (adj) :
محمى - واقى
* partner (n) :شريك
* guess (v) :يخمن
* author (n) :مؤلف
* briefly (adv) :بإختصار
* tourist (n) :سائح
* ( save (v) – d – d ) :يوفر
* savings (n) :مدخرات
* biology :علم الأحياء
* biologist :عالم الأحياء
* chemist :صيدلى
* science (n) :علوم
* camp (n) :معسكر
* ( camp (v) – ed – ed ) :
* referee (n) :حكم
* butcher (n) :جزار
* parents (n) :الأباء
* perform (v) :يؤدى
* performance (n) :أداء
* plays (n) :مسرحيات
* pollution (n) :تلوث
* cause (n) :سبب
* (cause (v) – d – d) :يسبب
* extra :إضافى
* inhabited (adj) :مسكون
≠ uninhabited :غير مسكون
* treatments :أدوية
* nail (n) :مسمار
* weapon (n) :سلاح
* container (n) :وعاء
* later :فيما بعد – لاحقا
* unusual :غير عادى
≠ usual :عادى
* brave (adj) :شجاع
≠ coward :جبان
* wild animals :
حيوانات متوحشة
* geologist (n) :
عالم جيولوجى * broadcast (v) :يذيع
* string (n) :خيط
* thread (n) :خيط
* twist (v) – ed – ed ):يلوى
* twisted (adj) :ملوى
* light (n) :ضؤ
* light (adj) :فاتح اللون
* disputes (n) :نزاعات
* handle (n) :مقبض – يد
* metal (n) :معدن
* own = possess :يملك
* get up (v) : يستيقظ
* fix (v) :يثبت
* equipments (n) :
أجهزة - معدات
* electronic (adj):إلكترونى
* ( decide (v)-d-d ) :يقرر
* (recharge(v)-d-d) :يشحن
* specially :خصوصا
* morals :الأخلاق
* careful (adj) :حريص
* full (adj) :ممتلئ
* suit (n) :بدلة
* own (v) :يمتلك
* footballer :
لاعب كرة محترف
* wet (adj) :مبلل

What is the difference between ….. ?
* discover = find out : يكتشف ( شئ كان موجودا من قبل )
* invent : يخترع ( شئ لم يكن موجودا من قبل )
* explore : يستكشف ( خاص بالأماكن )
• Zewail discovered the femto second.
• Gerham Bell invented the telephone.
• Chrisopher Colombus explored America.

* die out = extinct :ينقرض
* die of :يموت بسبب
• Some species of animals will die out in the future.
• Ali died of a heart attack.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

 UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى    UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:36

* stay with :يقيم مع ( شخص – عائلة )
* stay in :يقيم فى ( مكان )
• Ali will stay with my family for a short time.
• We will stay in Alexandria in summer.
* arrive : يصل إلى مكان ( ويأتى بعدها حرف جر )
- arrive in : يصل إلى مكان كبير - arrive at :يصل إلى مكان صغير
* reach : يصل إلى مكان ( ولا يأتى بعدها حرف جر )
• I reached Cairo yesterday.
• I arrived in Cairo yesterday.
• I arrived at Cairo airport yesterday.
* made of :مصنوع من ( المادة الخام لم تتغير )
* made from :مصنوع من ( المادة الخام تغيرت )
* made in : مصنوع فى
* made by : مصنوع بواسطة
• The bag is made of leather.
• Electricity is made from water.
• This suit is made in Egypt.
• This shoe is made by Ali, the best shoemaker in our city.
* other + ( اسم جمع )
* another + ( اسم مفرد ) أو ( رقم )
* others :تشير إلى اسم جمع
• I will buy other countries.
• I will read another story.
• I will buy another two books.
• We prefer El-Ahly team, others prefer El-Zamalek.
* drown (v) – ed – ed ) : يغرق ( مع الأشخاص )
* sink (v) – sank – sunk : يغطس – يغرق ( مع الأشياء )
• The ship sank in the sea.
• Ali downed in the sea.

* lonely (adj) :وحيدا ( يشعر بالوحدة شئ معنوى )
* alone (adj ) (adv) :بمفرده ( شئ مادى )
• He carried the stone alone.
• Despite his friends, he feels lonely.
* inspect (v) :يفتش
* supervise (v) :يوجه – يشرف
• Mr. Ahmed inspects our school twice a month.
• His job is to supervise school children at lunch time.
* island (n) :جزيرة
* peninsula :شبه جزيرة
• Taking the boat is the only way to reach this island.
• Sinai is a peninsula. You can go there by car.
* soil (n) :تربة زراعية
* land (n) :الأرض اليابسة
* floor (n) :أرضية المنزل
* hike :نزهة سيرا على الاقدام * tour :رحلة سياحية
* trip : رحلة قصيرة * picnic : رحلة خلوية ( فى الهواء الطلق )
* Journey :رحلة طويلة * voyage :رحلة بحرية
* flight : رحلة طيران
* award :جائزة
* reward : مكافأة
* present :هدية
* a ward :جناح – عنبر فى مستشفى
* effect (n) :تأثير * affect (v) :يؤثر

( الفاعل ) + ( v. to have ) + ( a / an ) + ( الصفة ) + effect + on + ( الشئ – الشخص )
( الفاعل ) + ( affect / affects / affected ) + ( الشئ – الشخص ) + ( الحال )

* Smoking affects our health badly. ( effect )
 Smoking has a bad effect on our health.

Note The Following
* plane crash :تصادم طائرة
* fixed value :قيمة ثابتة
* At night :ليلا
* cut down trees : يقطع الأشجار
* take off :
يخلع ( ملابس ) – تقلع ( الطائرة )
* call for help :يطلب المساعدة
* wear a hat :يرتدى قبعة
* grow crops :يزرع المحاصيل
* take turns to :يتبادل الأدوار لــ
* light a fire :يشعل المدفأة – يشعل نارا
* get dark :يظلم * go camping :يعسكر
* get dark :تظلم
* do wrong = make mistake :يخطئ
* have a child :لديه طفلا
* perform plays :يؤدى مسرحيات
* sail back to :يبحر عائدا إلى
* tell the time :يقول الوقت
* smart clothes :ملابس أنيقة
* safe home :موطن آمن
* look smart :يبدوا أنيقا
* stay friends :يظلوا أصدقاء
* go camping : يخيم – يعسكر
* succeed in :ينجح فى
* for food :من أجل الطعام
* escape from :يهرب من
* used for :يستخدم لــ
* disagree with :
لا يتفق مع
* late for :متأخر على
* build a boat from :
يبنى قارب من
* on the island :
فوق الجزيرة
* travel on the sea :
يسافرون بحرا
* take + ( شخص ) + off :
يبعد شخص بعيدا عن * protect from :يحمى من
* far from :بعيدا عن
* look forward to + ( v + ing ) :
يتطلع إلى
* call for :ينادى بــ
* listen to :يستمع إلى
* on the way to :فى الطريق إلى
* stand on the bus :
يقف فى الاوتوبيس
* grow crops for food :
يزرع محاصيل للطعام
* with more help :
بمزيد من المساعدة
* return to :يعود إلى
* reason for :سبب لــ * signal to :إشارة لــ
* near to :قريب لــ
* refer to :يشير إلى
* compare with :
يقارن بــ
* filled with :مملؤ بــ
* think about :
يفكر فى
* at the week end :
فى عطلة نهاية الاسبوع
* cut down :
يقطع ( شجرة )
* take …. away :

* They will use a knife to + ( المصدر ) :سيستخدموا السكين لكى
* They will use rope if + ( فاعل ) + ( مضارع بسيط ) :سيستخدموا الحبل إذا
* They will use a mirror to signal to : سيستخدموا المرآة لإعطاء إشارة
* There is no signal :لا يوجد تغطية
* shipwrecked on an island : تحطمت سفينته
* He found footprints in the sand :وجد آثار أقدام فى الرمال
* Take him off the island : يأخذه بعيدا عن الجزيرة
* For the last time :للمرة الأخيرة
* left England on a ship :يترك إنجلترا بالسفينة
* on the way to school :فى الطريق للمدرسة

 Tape script
* Choose six things to help you to live on a desert island or escape from it :
1- A knife : To cut things like food and plants. And to protect ourselves from wild animals.
2- A first-aid box : To use it if we hurt ourselves.
3- A rope : To build a boat to escape from the island.
4- An axe : To cut down trees for our boat.
5- A mirror : To signal to ships for rescuing.
6- A pot : To cook the food.
* There are other useless things such as :
1- A mobile phone : To call for help.
( There wouldn’t be signal on the island and nowhere to recharge the phone )

2- A torch : To use it at night as there is no light on the island.
But: ( We’ll get up with the sun and go to sleep when it gets dark )

3- A clock :
( We don’t have to get up early as we don’t have school or work on the island )

4- A radio : To listen to programmes that are broadcast.
But: ( There is nowhere to recharge its batteries )

5- Money : To buy things. But:( There is nothing to be bought )
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe was one of the first writers of novels in England. Defoe was born in London in 1660. His father was a butcher. Defoe married Mary Tuffley in1684. They had two sons and five daughters. Defoe started his own newspaper, The Review in 1704. He wrote his most famous book Robinson Crusoe in 1719. It’s about the adventures of a man who was shipwrecked alone on a desert island. Defoe died at the age of 71 in 1731.

 Reading Material
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe left England on a ship in 1651, even though his parents did not want him to become a sailor. Eight years later, after many exciting but dangerous adventures, there was a terrible storm. Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island about 70 km from South America.
All the other sailors died, but Crusoe saved tools, guns and other useful things from the ship before it sank. He built a safe home, hunted animals and grew crops for food. A bird and some cats were his only friends, but he was lonely because he was the only human on the island.

After twelve years, Crusoe was very surprised when he found a human footprint in the sand. He discovered that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island and killed their prisoners there. One of these people escaped and stayed with Crusoe on the island. Crusoe called him Friday and taught him a few words of English. Later, another group of people from the mainland came to the island. Crusoe and Friday killed some of them and saved some more prisoners. Friday’s father was one of these. With more help, Crusoe could now grow more food. In December 1686, an English ship arrived and took Crusoe and Friday off the island. Crusoe and Friday then travelled to England, and finally arrived in London in June 1687. Crusoe found that a business he had started years ago had been very successful, so he was now a rich man. He married and had three children. After his wife died, he sailed back to the island for the last time. He found the islanders were living happy, successful lives there.
Questions & Answers
1- What do you know about Daniel Defoe?
 Daniel Defoe was one of the first writers of novels in England.
2- Where was he born?
 Defoe was born in London.
3- What did Defoe's father do?
 His father was a butcher.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

 UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى    UNI T  11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 5:39

4- Who did he marry?
 Defoe married Mary Tuffley.
5- How many children did he have?
 He had two sons and five daughters.
6- What is the name of his own newspaper?
 The Review.
7- What is the most famous book he wrote?
 Robinson Crusoe.
8- What is this book about?
 About the adventures of a man who was shipwrecked alone on a desert island
9- How old was Defoe when he died?
 He was 71 years old.
1- How did Robinson leave England ? When ?
 On a ship in 1651.
2- What did Robinson Crusoe 's parents object to ? Why ?
 To become a sailor . They must be afraid that they might lose him .
3- What happened after being a sailor?
 He had many exciting but dangerous adventures.
4- What was the result of the terrible storm ?
 Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island 70 km from America and all the other sailors died .
5- How did Robinson Crusoe arrive on the island ?
 There was a storm and he was shipwrecked .
6- For how long was Robinson Crusoe a sailor before he was shipwrecked ?
 Eight years.
7- What happened when he was shipwrecked on an island?
 All the other sailors died, except Crusoe.
8- How do you think Crusoe felt when he first arrived on the island ?
 lonely, fear, and ambiguity.
9- What did Crusoe save from the ship?
** What was Crusoe able to save before sinking of the ship ?
 Crusoe saved tools, guns and other useful things from the ship.
10- In what ways was Crusoe able to adapt to life on the island?
 He built a safe home, hunted animals and grew crops for food.
11- Why was Crusoe lonely on the island ?
 Because he was the only human on the island .
12- Why was Crusoe surprised after twelve years?
** How did Robinson Crusoe know there was another person on the island ?
 Because he found a human footprint in the sand.
13- What did Crusoe discover after twelve years?
 He discovered that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island and killed their prisoners there.
14- What did Crusoe called the prisoner escaped?
** Who escaped and stayed with Crusoe on the island ?
 He called him Friday.
15- What did Crusoe teach Friday ?
 A few words of English .
16- How did he save more prisoners?
 By killing some people from the mainland and saved some more prisoners there.
17- Who was among the prisoners?
 Friday's father was one of these prisoners.
18- How did he go back to London?
 An English ship arrived and took Crusoe and Friday off the island.
19- What did he do in London?
 Crusoe married .
20- How did Crusoe become a rich man?
 Crusoe started a business which was successful.

21- How many children did he have?
 He had three children.
22- When did he sail back to the island?
 After his wife died, he sailed back to the island
23- What did Crusoe find when he returned back to the island ?
 That the islanders were living happy successful lives .
24- When Robinson arrived in England, what do you think he missed about his life on the island ?
 Peace of mind, clean environment, quietness and the simple life .

25- Why do you think Crusoe went back to the island after his wife's death ?
 To relieve his pains and seek relief .
26- How did he find the Islanders?
 He found the islanders were living happy, successful lives there.
Necessity : الضرورة
( 1 ) Obligation & Necessity :

Present Past Future
* must + ( المصدر )
* has to + ( المصدر )
* have to + ( المصدر ) * had to + ( المصدر ) * will have to + ( المصدر )
- Ali must attend the party.
- He has to play the match.
- I have to sleep early. Ex:
- I had to revise my lessons. Ex:
- I will have to study hard.

must + ( المصدر )
has to + ( المصدر ) = It is necessary for + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر )
have to + ( المصدر ) = ( الفاعل ) + ( am / is / are ) + obliged to + ( المصدر )
* It is necessary for her to attend the lecture. ( obliged / has to )
 She has to attend the lecture.
 She is obliged to attend the lecture.

had to + ( المصدر ) = It was necessary for + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر )
= ( الفاعل ) + ( was / were ) + obliged to + ( المصدر )
* She had to answer the questions. ( necessary / obliged )
 It was necessary for her to answer the questions.
 She was obliged to answer the questions.

will have to + ( المصدر ) = It will be necessary for + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر )
= ( الفاعل ) + will be + obliged to + ( المصدر )
* I will be obliged to play the match tomorrow. ( have to / necessary )
 It will be necessary for me to play the match tomorrow.
 I have to play the match tomorrow.
( 2 ) Lack of Necessity :

Present Past Future
* needn't + ( المصدر )
*(don't/doesn't) + have to +
( المصدر )
*( don't / doesn't ) need to+
( المصدر ) * didn't have to +
* didn't need to +
* needn't have +( p.p.) * won’t have to +
- She needn’t play the match.
- I don’t have to buy a car.
- she doesn’t need to have a taxi. Exs:
- I didn’t have to buy anew dress.
- She needn’t have bought a new dress. Ex:
- She won’t have to go to work.

needn't + ( المصدر )
(don't/doesn't) + have to + ( المصدر )
( don't / doesn't ) need to + ( المصدر )

= It is not necessary for + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر )
= It is unnecessary for + ( شخص )+ to + ( المصدر )
* It isn’t necessary for Ali to study English today. ( needn’t / need to )
 Ali needn’t study English today.
 Ali doesn’t need to study English today.

didn't have to + (المصدر)
didn't need to + (المصدر)
needn't have + ( p.p.)

= It was not necessary + for + ( شخص ) + to + ( المصدر )
= It was unnecessary + for + ( شخص )+ to + ( المصدر )
* You didn't have to attend the meeting. ( It was )
 It was unnecessary for you to attend the meeting.
* It wasn't necessary to play the match. ( needn't )
 You needn't have played the match.
What is the difference between

* She didn’t have to buy a new dress.
( It wasn’t necessary and she didn’t buy a new dress )
* She needn’t have bought a new dress.
( It wasn’t necessary , but she bought a new dress )
( 3 ) Prohibition :التحريم
= It is not allowed to + ( المصدر )
mustn’t + (المصدر) = It is forbidden to + ( المصدر )
= It is banned to + ( المصدر )
= It is against the law to + ( المصدر )
* It isn’t allowed to park your car here. ( mustn’t / forbidden )
 You mustn’t park your car here.
 It is forbidden to park your car here.
( 4 ) Advice : النصيحة
= I advise you to + ( المصدر )
should + ( المصدر ) = If I were you, I would + ( المصدر )
ought to + ( المصدر ) = It is advisable + for +( شخص )+ to + ( المصدر )
had better + ( المصدر ) = It is desirable + for +( شخص )+to + ( المصدر )
= It would be a good idea to + ( المصدر )
= You would rather + ( المصدر )
= It is a good thing to + ( المصدر )

Ex: * It is advisable for you to take a rest. ( should )
 You should take a rest.

= I advise you not to + ( المصدر )
shouldn’t + ( المصدر ) = It is inadvisable + for +( شخص )+ to + ( المصدر )
had better not + (المصدر) = It is undesirable + for +( شخص )+ to + (المصدر)
= If I were you, I wouldn't + ( المصدر )
= It would not be a good idea to + ( المصدر )
Exs: = You would rather not + ( المصدر )
* It is undesirable to watch TV a lot. ( shouldn’t )
 You shouldn’t watch TV a lot.

shouldn't have + ( p.p. ) = It was wrong of +( شخص )+ to + (المصدر)
* It was wrong of you to play with fire. ( shouldn't )
 You shouldn't have played with fire.
* Write a paragraph of seven sentences on :
“ A story you read ”
* Use the following :
1- The name of the story & its age.
2- The main characters & describing them.
3- The beginning of the story.
4- The middle of the story.
5- The end of the story.
6- The moral theme of the story.
* Translate into Arabic :
1- Egypt is a peace-loving country.
2- Children need freedom and change to be able to walk.
3- Tourists today need good and friendly service.
4- We; as Egyptians, wish, we could stop our bad food habits.
* Translate into English :
1- معظم الحيوانات لها عمود فقرى عدا الحشرات .
2- يعتمد النجاح فى الحياة على الصبر والعمل الجاد .
3- تهتم وزارة التربية والتعليم بتطوير التعليم فى كافة المراحل .
4- يجب تحسين وسائل النقل العام حتى نتغلب على مشكلة الازدحام .
5- إننى متفائل بأن إقتصادنا سوف يزدهر ويرتفع مستوى المعيشة .
6- القراءة توسع الأفق وتجدد الفكر .

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
UNI T 11 اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Quick Thinking اولى ثانوى تيرم ثانى
» unit 12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
» Revision 10-11-12 اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
» Unit 11 Daniel Defoe اولى ثانوى تيرم 2
» Short Stories The Face on The Wall اولى ثانوى تيرم 2

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