منتدى شنواى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمجلة شنواىأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 6:26

wild بري ـ متوحش rainfall سقوط أمطار webbed legs أرجل مكففة
wildlife الحياة البرية forest غابة mammal من الثدييات
backbone العمود الفقري rainforests غابات مطيرة leopard نمر
scales قشر السمك أو الزواحف grasslands مرعى ـ أرض عشبية cheetah فهد
a fin زعنفة (السمك) jungles غابات ـ أدغال beak منقار - أنف
fur فرو ـ فروة polar bear الدب القطبي platypus خلد الماء (حيوان استرالي )
feathers ريش الطيور layers طبقات orangutan إنسان الغاب
crocodile تمساح the extreme cold البرد القارس towering mountains جبال شاهقة
lay eggs يضع بيض ـ يبيض live off يعيش على hunt يصطاد
contestant متسابق seal عجل البحر hunter صياد
adapt to يتكيف ـ يتلائم sense of smell حاسة الشم hunting صيد
moisture الرطوبة attack هجمة – يهاجم enormous هائل ـ ضخم
domestic animal حيوان أليف nest عش طائر أو حيوان hold يمسك
shiver يرتعد – يرتعش branch فرع well – suited to مناسب ـ متناسب
prey فريسة leaf ورقة (الشجر – النبات ) suit يناسب
sand dunes كثبان رملية lioness أنثي الأسد create يخلق
insects حشرات cub شبل(صغير الأسد) creator خالق
polar قطبي grown up ناضج creation خلق
north pole القطب الشمالي brother- in– law صهر creatures مخلوقات
in extremes في أقصي ظروف الحياة blame يلوم – يعاتب– عتاب creativity الإبداع
towering شاهق الارتفاع growl يزمجر – يهبهب underneath أسفل
massive = huge هائل – ضخم reef shark سمك القشر الصخرى physical جسمانى
shifting متنقلة nasty sting قرصة فظيعة strange غريب
glaciers أنهار جليدية hump سنام الجمل strangely بغرابة
freezing متجمدة descendant من نسل hard currency العملة الصعبة
constant دائم ancestors أسلاف – أجداد efforts جهود
in common بصفة عامه environment بيئة exert effort يبذل جهد
Language notes
usual occasional
usual معتـاد
He was late as usual.
occasional مـن حيـن لآخـر
We get the occasional visitor here.

Live off ( someone ) live off ( something )
live off (someone) يعيـش على حسـاب شخـص
He has finished education, but he still lives off his father.
live off (something) يعيـش على شـئ ( يقتات على )
A lion lives off meat.
hunt catch
hunt يصطـاد ( حيوانـات ) , يبحـث عن شخـص أو شـئ.
The cats are hunting rats. The police are hunting for the robbers.
catch يطـارد عـن قـرب
Our cat is good at catching mice.

Catch caught caught
catch يمسـك The cat caught the fish with its mouth.
catch يصطـاد حيـوان Cats like to catch mice. The police caught the thief.
catch يلحـق بـ We have to get up early to catch the first bus.
catch يصـاب بـ It's easy to catch Bird Flu if you are not careful.
catch يعـلق بـ يشبـك في I caught my new T-shirt in a nail.
catch يجـذب I'd like another drink. B: Try to catch the waiter's eyes.
catch يلتقط النار The wood caught fire.
catch sight of يلمـح I caught sight of my friend in the street today.
catch يسمـع و يفهـم I didn't catch what you said, could you say it again, please?

weather climate atmosphere
Weather الطـقس :ـ حالـة الجـو مـن مطـر و ريـاح و ثلـوج في فتـرة معينــة
What will the weather be like tomorrow ? What was the weather yesterday?
What is the weather today?
climate المنـاخ :ـ حالـة الطقـس في مكـان محـدد.
The climate of Egypt is fine all the year round.

atmosphere الغـلاف الجـوي :ـ مـا يحيـط الأرض أو المكـان.

feed feed on feed .. into fed up with
feed يطعــم
She can't feed her baby.
feed on يتغــذى علـى
Lions feed on meat.
feed some thing into يضـع فـى
They fed the wet fibers into the paper- making machine.
fed up with يمـل مـن
I'm fed up with such songs.

stay with يقيــم مـع شخــص
He stayed with his relatives.
stay ( at - in ) يقيـم فى مكــان
They will stay at / in a hotel.

across – all over – around the world علـى مستـوى العـالـم
Chinese products are well known across (all over) the world.

adapt adopt
adapt يتكيــف مــع
Old people find it difficult to adapt to life in a foreighn country
adopt يتبــنى
The police are adopting more merciful methods.



Become adjusted to new conditions
glacier A slowly moving mass of ice down a mountain or near the pole
Wildlife It refers to all non- domesticated plants, animals and other organisms
forests A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
grasslands Area of land mainlly covered with grasses
Jungles Area of land with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in the tropics
sand dunes ridges of sand formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in the desert
domestic Tame animal able to live in a home invironment
environment surroundings

Questions and answers

1- What kind of animals can survive in the hot, dry conditions of a desert ?
snakes .

2- What kind of animals can survive in the cold and ice of the Arctic \ North pole \ South pole ?
Seals, Penguins, Polar bears .

3- What kind of animals can survive in the heat, humidity and heavy rain of jungle\ rainforest ?
Gorillas, Crocodils .

4- where does a sand cat live ?
in the desert .

5- where does an orangutan live ?
In the rainforest.

6- where does a polar bear live ?
In the Arctic \ at the North pol .

7- what is special about snakes, seals, penguins, polar bears, gorillas, crocodiles and
orangutan ?
They have adapted to extreme environments .

8- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian desert ?
The mountains are sometimes covered in snow, the desert is very hot .

9- Why don't sand cats need to find water ?
They get moisture from their prey .

10- How do polar bears keep warm ?
Their thick skin and fur keep them warm .

11- How do polar bears catch their prey ?
They catch it through holes in the ice .

12- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat and extreme cold ?
Sand cats have adapted to the heat in Egypt. Polar bears have adapted to the extreme cold of the North polar area .

13- How do you think these animals have adapted to their conditions ?
Evolution. They have adapted their bodies and lifestyles to help with extreme conditions. for example, the sand cats live underground during the day and can live without water, polar bears have thick fur.

14- What kind of environment do lion, crocoile and goat live in ?
Lions live in African grassland ( in hot, dry conditions ). Crocodiles live in rainforest, jungle, rivers
( in hot, wet conditions ). Mountain goats live in the mountains ( often in cold conditions ) .

15- How have lions, crocodiles, and goats adapted to hese enviroments ?
Lions use the open space to catch their prey.They have sharp teeth and are very fast.
Crocodiles use the shallow water to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth to bite their prey . Mountain goats have thick fur to keep warm and strong legs to walk on steep slopes .

16- How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its envioment ?
It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the trees to make nests .

17- How have humans adapted to extreme enviroments ?
Think about cities in deserts, up mountains and in the Arctic. They have air conditioning to keep cool in desert. they have built ( traditional ) cities with thick walls and small windows to keep cool . They have special clothes to keep them warm, etc .

18- How do ordinary people adapt to changes to their lives ?
Think about new homes, new schools, different jobs or illness. We learn new ways to live our lives, new rounites, new skills, etc….. .

19- To be successful, you must adapt. Do you agree ? Why ? Why not ?
Yes, because man should keep up with new development , progress and new circumstances .

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :

1. Most bears are hunted for their ( feathers – hair – fur – scales )
Sand ( banks – lands – dunes – grounds ) are piled up by the wind in the desert.
2. A lion lives ( at – on – off – of ) meat.
3. We ( feed – eat – keep – give ) dogs with bones.
4. The ( climate – weather – forecast – outlook) of the desert is dry and hot.
5. The tiger is hungry and is hunting its ( prey – kid – handler – trainer) .
6. They are sitting on the shore ( hunting – catching – arresting – looking) fish.
7. We have two things in (general- common- public– special) we are Egyptians and have black hair.
8. The desert is full of ( insects – humans - pests –wildlife ) snakes, sand cats and foxes.
9. The ( a- backbone - wings - scales – tails ) of a fish are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that
cover its body.
10. This duck has green ( hair - feathers - scales – hats ) On its head.
11. People hunt foxes for their ( fur - feathers - scales – tails )
12. Camels have( made - adapted - adopted – matched ) to living in the desert.
13. Babies are ( drunk – eaten – fed – slept ) on milk.
14. They are sitting on the shore ( hunting - arrested - looking – catching ) fish.
15. The platypus builds a nest and ( lays - lies - lain – makes ) eggs like a bird.
16. We were ( shivering - waving - shaking - cheating ) because the weather was very cold.
17. He could trace his (descendants- ancestors- followers- grandchildren) back two hundred years.
18. Cows ( eat - feed- stay – produce ) on grass.
19. A ( headmaster - quizmaster - trainer – teacher ) is a person who asks the questions in
a competition about sports, news,etc…
20. Desert animals get ( moisture - ice - sand – dryness ) from their food.
21. A (duner - stream– glacier – river) is a mass of ice which moves very slowly down a mountain.
22. The platypus is not adapted (with -to -for –at ) life in the desert.
23. The desert is full of ( insects -humans -pests –wildlife ) snakes, sand cats and foxes.
24. ( Domestic-Wild-Strange– Odd) animals like cats and dogs live with people at home or on farms.
25. The ( oweather -climate -sky –cloud ) in Alexandria is cold this morning and it may rain this
26. The bird’s body is ( disappeared -covered -appeared –known ) with feathers.
27. Oil is found in a ( floor -ceiling -layer –ground ) of rock under the surface of the land.
28. He had to live ( off-out -in –down ) 200 pounds a month.
29. He stays ( with – in – at – for ) his family in Cairo.
30. Ali ( adapted – adopted – adaptable – adaptation ) himself quickly to the new climate.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 6:29

Rewrite the following sentences:
1- My father took a train to Luxor. ( taken )
2- She has three sisters . ( not )
3- The telephone rang while Rania was sleeping. ( When )
4- If he studies hard, he will come first. ( Unless)
5- When I was a child, I made sand castles on the beach. ( used)
6- France lost to Italy ; the final football competition ( beat )
7- First Huda went shopping, then athief broke into the house. ( After )
8- The doctor advised me to have rest. (advice )
9- His sweet words influenced me . ( an influence )
10-He hasn't been in this country for the last two years. ( ago )
A) Translate into Arabic:
Toshka is one of the greatest projects in Egypt nowadays . it is done for the welfare of the Egyptians, especially the coming generations . It has provided several job opportunities for the youth .
b) Translate into English :
لقد وهب الله مصر كثيرا من المصادر الطبيعية التي لو أحسن استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغني الدول.
Questions with short Answers
 الســؤال نـوعـان : ـ
 النــوع الأول : و هــو المبـدوء بفعـل مسـاعـد و يجـاب عنـه إمــا بــ Yes أو No والأفعـال المسـاعدة هى :

الأفعـال الناقصـة V. to Have V. to Do V. to Be

 وفى هـذه الحـالـة نقـدم الفعـل المسـاعـد على الفاعـل و نضــع علامــة الإستفهــام .

They are at school. He will help me.
Are they at school? Will he help me?
 أمـا إذا لـم يكـن بالجمـلة أى مـن الأفعـــال المسـاعـدة نستخـدم V. to Do حسـب زمـن الفعـل .

Does s مضــارع بــ Does he play well? He plays well.
Do s مضـارع بــدون Do they study hard ? They study hard.
Did ماضـى بسيــط Did he play well ? He played well.
 لاحــظ أن : الفعـل بعــد Do , Does يأتى دائمــاً فـى المصــدر .
Make questions:
1- Yes, she drinks her tea in bed.
3- No, he didn’t buy four books.
5- No, I don’t need two bottles of ink.
7- Yes, she will play the final match tomorrow.
9- No, he can't speak English.
11- No, elephants don't eat meat.
13- Yes, he is the best student in the class.
15- Yes, Ola is taller than Marwa.
17- No, She hasn't done her homework.
19- No, I didn't meetAhmed yesterday. 2- Yes, I can ride a bike.
4- No, they don't play well.
6- Yes crocodile has got sharp teeth.
8- Yes, lions run fast.
10- Yes, rabbits have fur.
12- Yes ducks have feathers.
14- No, ducks aren't wild.
16- Yes, crocodile can swim.
18- No, she won't come tomorrow.
20- Yes, he helped me.

Compound nouns الأسمــاء المركبـــة
قـد تكـون الأسمـاء المركبــة :-
bedroom – football – notebook . 1- كلمـة واحـدة مثـل
police station – bus stop –. pen frien. 2- كلمتـان مثـل
horse-riding. 3- كلمتـان بينهمـا واصـلة مثـل
father-in-law. 4- كلمـات بينهمـا واصـلات مثـل
جمــع الإسـم المركــب :-
film star film stars / classroom classrooms إذا كان الاسم الأخير قابل للعد فيجمع الاسم الأخير
father-in-law fathers-in-law إذا كان الاسم الأخير غير قابل للعد فيجمع الاسم الاول.
كيفيـة تكـوين الأسمـاء المركبـة :-
blackboard / madman / old age 1 - اسـم + صفـة
pen friend / classroom 2 - اسـم + اسـم
drinking water 3 - اسـم فاعـل + اسـم
sightseeing / horse -riding 4 - اسـم + اسـم فاعـل
headache / heartbeat / rainfall 5 - اسـم + فعـل
Test 10

A- Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between you and Ahmed who is going to the USA:

Ali :You know, Shady, my birthday is next Sunday.
Shady : Really! ........(1).......?
Ali : 18. I'll be giving a birthday party. Are you free?
Shady : Anyway,.........(2).........
Ali : m be glad you can come.
Shady : .........(3).........?
Ali : Only some of my closest friends.
Shady : ..........(4).........?
Ali :Thank you. Everything is arranged.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1-Your friend introduces a stranger to you.
2-Your friend apologized for losing the book he had borrowed from you. You accept his apology.
3-Your brother got a job as an accountant in a big company.
4-You offer Ramy a valuable present on the occasion of his marriage.

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The…………in Alexandria is cold this morning and it may rain this afternoon.
a- weather b- climate c- sky d- cloud
2. He………………....goes out in the evening; he usually stays at home.
a- rarely b- often c- sometimes d- always
3. He had to live………………….…..200 pounds a month.
a- off b- out c- in d- down
4. The platypus is not adapted………life in the desert.
a- with b- to c- for d- at
5. The bird’s body is………….with feathers.
a- disappeared b- covered c- appeared d- known
6. It was cold that we were ……………………… .
a- shivering b– breaking c – moving d – blowing
7. ………animals like cats and dogs, live with people at home or on farms.
a- Domestic b- Wild c- Strange d- Odd
8. No, not all students ………………. present today
a- are b- aren't c- do d- don't
9. No, they ……………. At the party yesterday.
a- are b- aren't c- were d- weren't
10. Even extreme ……………………… are home to many animals.
a- environments b- deserts c- palaces d- castles

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- Hany is a better goalkeeper than Ali. ( good )
2- Nobody helped him to solve his problem. ( He )
3- Without your advice, I'd have lost the job. ( If )
4- No, I wasn't in Cairo yesterday. ( Were )

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

The camel is the largest animal in the desert. Its thick fur protects it ...(1)... the hot sun and the cold night. Its big foot means that it can ...(2)... on the loose sand of the desert. It is 180-200 cm ...(3)... at the shoulder and ...(4)... between 250 and 690 kg. Camels drink up to 52 liters ...(5)... a time and can ...(6)... many kilometres without water.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

There are similarities between animals living in wide-open spaces. In open land some times there are many trees and some times few trees.
Depending on the water in the air and in the earth.
Lion is an animal that lives in the open land .it lives in Africa .a grown lion measures three metres from the tip of the nose to the tail. It weighs 230 kilograms. When angry or irritated by flies, the lion whips the tail around. If you have a cat at home, you may have seen the same thing happen. The favourite food of the lion is raw meat. It gets its food from the animals it kills everyday. It hunts at night but during the day it lies in the shade of a tree .the lion kills only for food and never for the sport of killing. The male always eat first. When he finishes the rest of the family, the lions and the cubs, have their turn.
The zebra also lives in the wide-open spaces. Its enemy is the lion because lions like zebra’s meat. Both zebras and lions like to live in open areas where they can run and play. Water is very important for the zebra. Almost every time he goes to to the waterhole, his enemy the lion is sitting there waiting for him.
ِِA. Answer the following questions:
1- Why does the lion go out at night?
2- In what way are lions and zebras similar?
3- What does the lion wait for at the waterhole?
4- What does the underlined word there “refer to “?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The lion likes ------------------------------
a- eating cooked meat b- the sport of killing c- Eating raw meat d- to kill for killing

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What kind of animals can survive in the hot, dry conditions of a desert ?
2- What kind of animals can survive in the cold and ice of the Arctic \ North pole \ South pole ?
3- What kind of animals can survive in the heat, humidity and heavy rain of jungle\ rainforest ?
4- How have humans adapted to extreme enviroments ?
5- How do ordinary people adapt to changes to their lives ?
6- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian desert ?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions: ( The face on the wall )

1-How did the face on the wall control the storyteller?
2-When did the face on the wall become faint?
3-What made Mr Ormand Wall give his card to the stranger?
4-How did the storyteller get information about Mr Ormond Wall?

B- Read the following quotation. then answer the questions
"It was now or never, I felt."
1- Who said this statement?
2- When did he say it? 3- What do you conclude about it?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- When the storyteller read Ormand's card, he ....................................
2- The storyteller went to Boulogne in order to .....................................
E- Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:

"How to spend your leisure time"
You may use these guiding points:
- watching good TV programmes - reading books
- taking exercise at the club - visiting friends.

Write a paragraph of seven lines about: للفائقين
"The importance of animals m our life"
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
We are interested in travel and would like to see much of the world around us. Travel helps us to gain knowledge and experience in life.
B- Translate into English:
أصبـح الصيـد رياضـة بعـد أن كـان للحصـول علـى الطعـام فقـط.

axe فأس ـ بلطة shipwrecked حطام السفينة guns مسدسات
coat معطف ـ بلطو shipwreck تحطم السفينة useful مفيد
clock ساعة sail يبحر useless غير مفيد
first aid box صندوق اسعافات أولية sailor بحار sink يغرق
hammer جاكوش ـ مطرقة sailing ابحار float يطفو
knife سكينة biology أحياء hunt يصطاد
cooking pot اناء طهى biological حيوى hunting صيد
mirror مرآة biologist عالم أحياء hunter صياد
rope حبل act يمثل ـ يتصرف surprise مفاجئة ـ يفاجئ
torch كشاف ـ بطارية actor ممثل surprised مفاجئ ـ مدهش
describe يصف actress ممثلة human بشرى
description وصف play يلعب ـ مسرحية humanity بشرية
partener شريك playwright كاتب مسرحى footprint آثار أقدام
guess يخمن archaeology علم الآثار fingerprint بصمات
desert صحراء archaeologist عالم آثار discover يكتشف
island جزيرة archaeological أثرى discovery اكتشاف
agree يوافق science علوم escape يهرب
agreement موافقة scientist عالم business عمل ـ شغل
disagree يرفض scientific علمى buisenessman رجل أعمال
disagreement رفض save ينقذ ـ يوفر buisenessmen رجال أعمال
discuss يناقش saving ادخار buisenesswoman سيدة أعمال
discussion مناقشة savings مدخرات succeed ينجح ـ يخلف
differ يختلف design يصمم successor خليفة
different مختلف designer مصمم successful ناجح
difference اختلاف inspect يفتش success نجاح
hurt يضر ـ يجرح inspector مفتش die يموت
busy مشغول inspection تفتيش dead ميت
check يفحص geology جيولوجيا death موت
adventure مغامرة geologist عالم جيولوجى moral أخلاقى
lonely وحيدا art فن morality أخلاق
alone بمفرده artist فنان reward يكافئ ـ مكافأة
mainland اليابسة terrible مرعب ـ فظيع patient صبور ـ مريض
prison سجن storm عاصفة patience صبر
prisoner سجين tools أدوات exactly تماما
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 14:15

arrive reach get to

arrive ( in – at )
He arrived in Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
He arrived at the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر
When did they arrive ?
بـدون حـرف جـر
reach + object يصـل بـدون حـرف جـر
He reached the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر They reached Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
get to يصــل إلى ( بصعــوبة )
They get to Cairo. They got to Cairo airport

award reward present a ward
award ( يمنـح ــ منحـة ــ جائـزة ( مقابـل عمـل شـئ باجـادة
She was awarded her PHD in 1985. He won the academy award this year.
reward يكافـئ ــ مكـافـأة ( مقابـل سلـوك حسـن أو عمـل جيـد ) أو تقديـم خدمـة للمجتمع
He used to give us pens as a reward when we were good.
present هدية بدون مقابل
My uncle gave me a present on my birthday Party.
a ward جنـاح / عنبر فى مستشفى
Take this patient to a ward No. Four.

hike trip picnic journey voyage flight tour
hike رحلـة طويلـة سيـرا على الأقـدام
We went for a long hike in the country.
go for ( a hike ) يذهـب فى رحلـة طويلـة سيـرا علـى الأقـدام
He went for a hike in the country.
trip رحلـة قصيـرة
He is in a business trip in London.
Picnic نزهـه خلويـه فى الهـواء الطلـق
We had a picnic by the sea.
Journey رحلـة طويلـة
How long is the journey to the coast ?
voyage رحلـة بحريـة
We went on a voyage by ship.
flight رحلـة جويـة
The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.
tour جـولة سياحيـة
We went on a tour to the city.

alone lonely
alone بمفرده ( شـئ مـادى )
He carried the stone alone.
lonely وحيدا ( يشعـر بالوحـدة ) ( شـئ معنـوى )
Despite his friens, he feels lonely.

only نضع only قبل الكلمه المقصودة
Only Ahmed played squash. ( no one else played squash ) أحمد الوحيد الذي لعب الاسكواش
Ahmed Only played squash. ( Adel did nothing except playing ) أحمد لم يقم بأي شيء الا لعب الاسكواش
Ahmed played Only squash. ( He didn't play football) الرياضه الوحيده التي لعبها أحمد هي الاسكواش

agree accept
agree to + inf. / N يوافــق
He agreed to sign the papers. He agreed to our plan.
agree with someone يتفــق مــع
I'm afraid I don't agree with you.
agree on ( something ) مجمـوعة تتفـق علي شـيء
We agreed on a price for the car.
agree that ( sentence )
It was agreed that he was the thief.
accept ( invitation / apology / condolences / bribes ) يقبــل ( دعوة / اعتذار/ تعازي / رشوة )
He didn't accept her apology.
die of يموت بسبب مرض أو جوع أو عطش
He died of cancer.
die out ينقرض
Some dangerous animals died ouy.

cause reason
cause يسبـب
What caused the fire?
cause of سبـب
What was the cause of the fire?
reason يحاول إقـناع ـ يتجـادل مـع
I reasoned with him for hours, but I couldn't make him change his mind.
reason for داع ـ مبـرر ـ سبب
Can you give the reason for leaving ?
The reason why + جمــلة كامــلة
Is there a reason why you can't come?


An exciting experience in which a dangerous or unusual things happen.
Island A piece of land completely surrounded by water.
Mainland The main part of an area of land not the islands.
Prison A building where criminals are kept as a punishment.
Shipwrecked An accident in which a ship is destroyed at sea.
Biology The scientific study of living things.
Archaelogy The study of ancient societies by digging up and examining their remains.
Design The way that something has been planned or made.
Geology The study of materials such as rocks, soil and minerals.
lonely Unhappy because you are alone

Questions and answers

1. How did robinson leave England ? When ?
On a ship in 1651.

2. What did Robinson crusoe's parents object to ?
To become a sailor .

3. How did Robinson crusoe arrive on the island ?
There was a strom and he was shipwrecked .

4. What was the result of the terrible storm ?
Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island 70 km from America and all the other sailors died .

5. How did Robinson Crusoe know there was another person on the island ?
He saw a footprint in the island .

6. How do you think Crusoe felt when he first arrived on the island ?
lonely, fear, unknownالمجهول and ambiguity الغموض.

7. What was Crusoe able to save before sinking of the ship ?
He saved tools, guns and other useful things from the ship before it sank .

8. How did crusoe do for getting food ?
He hunted animals and grew crops for food .

9. Who were Crusoe's only friend on the island ?
A bird and some cats were his only friends .

10. Why was Cruso lonely on the lsland ?
Because he was the onl human on the island .

11. Why was Crusoe vry surprised after twelve years ?
He found a human footprint in the Island .

12. What did Crusoe discover concerning footprints ?
He discovered that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island and killed their proners
there .

13. Who escaped and stayed with Crusoe on the island ?

14. What did Crusoe teach Friday ?
A few words of English .

15. How did Crusoe and Friday save some prisoners ?
By killing some of people who came from the mainland .

16. How was Friday's father killed ?
He was one of the people whom Crusoe and Friday killed .

17. What happened in December 1686 ?
An English ship arrived and took Crusoe and Riday off the island .

18. Why did Crusoe become a rich man ?
Because a business he had started years ago had been very succssful .

19. What did Crusoe do after the death of his wife ?
He had sailed back to the island for the last time .

20. What did Crusoe find when he returned back to the island ?
That the islanders were living happy successful lives .

21. When Robirson arrived in England, what do you think he missed about his life on the island ?
Peace of mind, clean enviroment, quietness and the simple life .

22. Why do you think Crusoe went back to the island after his wife's death ?
to relieve his pains and seek relief .

23. You are going to a desert island write what you will take with you ?
a- an axe b- a radio c- a bottle of water d- some clothes
e- a knife f- a box of matches g- some food h- a gun
i- a pair of glasses j- some medicine


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- They arrived ( in – on – at – to ) London (in – on – at – to ) June 1687.
2- ( In – On – At – From ) 1651, Robinson Crusoe left England ( on – in – at – from ) a ship.
3- He was shipwrecked (in– on– at– to) an island which was not far (in– from– at– to) South Africa.
4- ( At – For – To – Of ) food, he grew crops and hunted animals.
5- When Crusoe visited the island (for – at –to with) the last time, he found the islanders were happy.
6- Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island. He lived ( their – there – then – here ) for 27 years.
7-We use ( knife – axe – saw - scissors ) to cut meat.
8- ( A knife – An axe – Scissors – A hammer ) is used to cut wood.
9 - Your exams are finished, so now you ( must – needn’t – didn’t have to – had to )work so hard.
10- ( archaeologist – geologist – scientist – biologist ) is the person who studies rocks.
11- In Africa a lot of people die ( of – out – at – in ) hunger.
12- Some huge animals no longer live on earth, they died ( on – at – out – of ).
13- All my friends agreed ( on – at – with – to )my suggestion to go to the cinema.
14- I agreed ( to – with – on – at ) my friend that Alex. Is the most beautiful resort.
15- It was raining heavily, but I could finally ( get to – reach – arrive – get ) my house.
16- Although she lives in a big family, she always feels ( alone – lonely – strange ).
17- My little son could finish his homework ( alone – lonely – only ).
18- The old king died and his eldest son ( succeed- succeeded – succeeding – succeeds ) him.
19- My ( flight – journey – voyage – tour ) America was successful.
20- She made a short business ( trip – flight – journey – picnic ).
21- I was annoyed, so I decided to go out for a ( picnic – a journey – trip – a flight ).
22- One of the prisoners escaped and stayed ( at – to – with – in ) Crusoe on the island.
23. Did you sweep the floor ? - No, I (can’t have – shouldn’t have – didn’t have to – won’t have)
it was quite clean.
24. He ( has to – had to – mustn’t – needn’t ) work harder if he wants to pass that examination.
25. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you yesterday. I (must – had to – should – would) work late.
26. The customs officer ( inspected – inspired – installed – insert ) my passport suspiciously.
27. He died in a ( shipwreck – shipping – shine – shopping ) off the south coast.
28. The tax increase have ( effect – affect – affected – effective ) us all.
29. only three people were ( saved – said – scaled – sawed ) from the fire.
30. I'm really looking forward to ( go – going – went – goes ) to Japan.
31- I live alone but I never feel ( lonely – loneliness – logo – long )
32- ( Zoology – Biology – Archaeology – Geology ) is the study of ancient civilizations by scientific
analysis of physical remains found in the ground .
33- The police found muddy ……….. on the kitchen floor . ( footprint – foothold – football – foonote )
34- A\ An ( axe – awl – awe – owel ) Is a tool with a handle and a havy meal blade used for chopping
wood, cutting down trees , etc .
35- The ta incrases have ( effect – effective – affected – effectively ) Us all .

Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:

1- He died when he was seventy . ( age )
2- Doctor advised me to stay at home for a week . ( advice )
3- Dr Zewail discovered the femto second . ( a discovery )
4- They planned to rob the bank . ( a plan )
5- He can answer the test in a very short time . ( able )
6- Could you open the door for me ? ( mind )
7- I bought a leather bag . ( made)
8- When i see him , he reminds me of his father . ( remember )
9- What's the time ? ( could )
10-They provided him with money . ( was )

A- Translate into Arabic:
There is a branch of tourism known as eco architecture tourism. Tourists live in special resorts built in a primitive way, depending on using natural materials and avoiding all environment pollutants. This kind of tourism is available in Siwa, an Egyptian oasis in the Western desert.
A- Translate into Arabic:
1- إن أفضل دعوة لتحقيق الاستقرار للوطن, ولحل مشكلة الإسكان في مصر هو بناء المدن الجديدة.
Eco architecture tourism السياحة البيئية ــ Resorts منتجعات ــ Natural materials مواد طبيعية
Modal verbs

Necessity and lack of Necessity الضـــرورة ونقـــص الضــــرورة
with Present المضــــارع

It is necessary
Necessity الضـــرورة
must – have to – has to + مصـــــدر

You must study hard. الإلـزام مـن جـانـب المتكلـم
You have to study hard. الإلـزام مـن الظـروف الخارجيـة
He has to study hard.

It is necessary to pay the money.
You must ( have to ) pay the money.

It is not necessary
lack of Necessity نقـــص الضـــرورة

needn't - don't have to - doesn't have to + مصــدر
You needn't study hard. must لنـفـى
You don't have to study hard.
He doesn't have to study hard.

It is not necessary to buy meat.
You needn't ( don't have to ) buy meat.

with Past الماضــى
It was necessary
Necessity الضـــرورة
had to + مصـــدر
You had to study hard.
He had to study hard.

It was necessary for her to take a taxi.
She had to take a taxi.

It was not necessary lack of Necessity نقــص الضـــرورة
didn't have to + inf شئ لـم يكـن مهـم ولذلـك لـم أفعلـه

needn't have + pp شئ لـم يكـن مهـم ولكـن فعـلتـه
I didn't have to take a taxi. ( I didn't take a taxi )
I needn't have taken a taxi. ( I took a taxi )

It was not necessary for her to buy bread as I bought.
She didn't have to buy bread.

It was not necessary for me to buy milk but I bought.
I needn't have bought milk.
with Future المسـتقبـــل

It will be necessary
Necessity الضــــرورة

will have to + مصــدر

You will have to study hard.

It will be necessary to bring your car.
You will have to bring your car.

It will not be necessary
lack of Necessity نقـــص الضـــرورة

won't have to + مصــدر

You won't have to study hard.

It will not be necessary to buy food tomorrow.
You won't have to buy food tomorrow.

Should - Ought to + inf & Shouldn’t - Ought not to + inf

+ المصـــــدر It is advisable to

Should =
It is desirable to
I advise you to
If I were you, I would
It would be a good idea to
it is a good thing to
You had better
You would rather

 تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أنـه مـن الأفضـل أن نفعـل الشـئ فـى المضـارع .
You should / ought to see that film if you get the chance.
= It would be a good idea to see that film.
 تستخـدم Should عنـدما نطـلب أو نعـطى رأيـا عـن شـئ مـا .
A. Do you think we should / ought to ask before we borrow the car ?
B. I think you should / ought to look for another job.
 تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أن الشـئ غيـر صحيـح وليس ما نتـوقعـه .
Why are those students playing in the yard?
They should / ought to be inside the classroom.
 تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أن الشـئ محتمـل حـدوثـه .
I should be late at work this afternoon I have a lot of work to do.

Shouldn't + المصــــدر

 ليـس مـن الصـواب أو المنصـوح بـه أن تفعـل الشـئ .

+ المصـــــدر It is not advisable to

Shouldn't =
It is not desirable to
I advise you not to
If I were you, I wouldn't
It would not be a good idea to
It is not a good thing to
You had better not
You would rather not

You shouldn’t stay up late.

= It is not advisable ( inadvisable ) to stay up late.
= I advise you not to stay up late.

Should + have + pp Shouldn’t have + pp

Should + have + pp

 تلـوم شخـص على عـدم فعـل شـئ كـان مـن المفـروض أن يفعـله .
You should have told me you were coming. I didn’t expect you.
He should have helped his friend but he didn’t.

Shouldn’t have + pp

 تلـوم شخـص على فعـل شـئ خطـأ كـان مـن المفـروض أن لا يفعـله .
He shouldn’t have parked his car in a no parking place..
He shouldn’t have driven on the wrong side of the street.
 ملحوظــة :ـ يمكـن استخـدام ought to بـدلا مـن should ولكـن ought to لا تستخدم كثيراً فى النفى لذلك تستخـدم
Shouldn’t بـدلا منهـا .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 14:19

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1. It was necessary for him to take a taxi as he was late. ( He )
2. Is it necessary for him to attend the party ? ( Does he )
3. You mustn’t park here. There is a “No parking” sign. ( allow )
4. It’s necessary for us to take a taxi to get there on time. ( must )
5. You mustn’t smoke here. ( smoking )
6. Samira bought some eggs. At home she found plenty of eggs. ( needn’t )
7. It is not necessary to do your homework tonight. ( needn’t )
8. I advise you to work hard to succeed. ( should )
9. It wasn’t necessary for him to accept her invitation to dinner. ( needn’t )
10. Turn off the lights before going to bed . ( should )
11. Why did you come late ? ( should have )
12. You shouldn’t waste your time. ( advise )
13. Why did you smoke here? ( shouldn’t have )
14. I didn’t know the time of the meeting and you didn’t tell me. ( should have )
15. Why did you leave your bike here? ( shouldn’t have)
16. It is advisable to read a lot in your spare time. ( should )
17. Why didn’t you tell me the fact? ( should have )
18. It is inadvisable to waste your time in doing silly things. ( shouldn’t )
19. Rubbish mustn't be thrown in the street . ( Do not )
20. Don't put hot cups on this table . ( shouldn't be )
21. It’s very cold. He was walking along road without a coat. ( shouldn’t have )
22. It is not necessary that parcel yourself. The shop will send it. ( you don't )
23. It is not necessary to write the report today. ( have )
24. He took a taxi. It wasn't necessary to do so. ( have )
25. It is necessary for him to drive us to the cinema. ( had to )
26. It will be necessary for us to get up early. ( We )
27. It was not necessary to walk. He took us in his taxi. ( We )

Test 11
A- Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between you and Ahmed who is going to the USA:

Kamal wants his brother Nagy to lend him some money to buy a present for his friend Ali.
Kamal : .........(1).........?
Nagy : Why do you need it?
Kamal : .........(2).........
Nagy : .........(3).........
Kamal : If possible 40 pounds,
Nngy : I hope ......(4).......
Kamal : Be sure of that.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your sister has lost her gold ring. You sympathize with her.
2- Your friend congratulates you on your recovery from your illness.
3- Your friend suggests spending the weekend in the country but you have a lot of work to do.
4- Your visitor spilt his tea on the carpet. You are angry.

B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- I invited my cosin to spend a week in Cairo and he …………… my invitation.
a) accept b) agreed c) accepted d) agree )
2- My father gave me a watch as a ……………………….. on my birthday.
a) present b) reward c) award d) ward
3- After ……………………. the hotel, we asked for lunch.
a) reaching b) arriving c) getting d) landing
4- When he reached the island, he found himself ………………………………..
a) alone b) lonely c) a lonly d) a lone
5- Crusoe was shipwrecked ……………………… the island
a) on b) in c) at d) of
6. You mustn’t smoke here. You are not ………………... to smoke here.
a) forbidden b) prevented c) allowed d) prohibited
7- He threw the old books away by mistake. He …………. have thrown them.
a) can’t b) shouldn’t c) mustn’t d) may not
8- You ……..………. to go to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse.
a) must b) should c) ought d) needn’t
9- He ……………………. work harder if he wants to pass that examination.
a) has to b) had to c) mustn’t d) needn’t
10. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you yesterday. I …………………… work late.
a) must b) had to c) should d) would

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- It’s advisable for you to give up smoking. ( should )
2 - It is necessary for him to help his younger brother. ( must )
3 - You mustn’t wait here. ( allow )
4 - It wasn’t necessary for you to go sailing with him. ( needn’t )

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Some friends of mine decided to go ...(!)... holiday to France. They asked me ...(2)... I wanted to go too, but I had already ...(3)... to go to Italy. 1 told them that I had ...(4)... France before, so they ...(5)... me to give them some ideas. I advised them to ...(6)... warm clothes and raincoats.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6-Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air. And although the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the airhostess appeared. She looked very pale, but she was very calm. Speaking quickly, but almost in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines, or at least how to drive a car. After a moment’s hesitation, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.
Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close to the ground, but to everyone’s relief, it soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. But the danger hadn’t yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land. Following instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground, but after a long run, it stopped safely. Outside, a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously, rushed forward to congratulate “the pilot” on a perfect landing.
A- Answer the following questions:
1. What made the plane move unsteadily through the air?
2. How did the hostess try to solve the problem?
3. Why did the man have to circle the airport several times?
4. Find words in the passage which mean:
a) to become unconscious b) told
Choose the correct answer:
5. The passengers had fastened their seat belts --------------they were suddenly thrown forward.
a) because b) so c) but d) although

6. The terrible moment came when he had to ----------------
a) land b) stop c) drive d) listen
7. The underlined word “it” refers to -----------------
a) the airport b) the car c) the seat d) the plane
7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- When was Defoe born? What did his father do?
2- How many children did Defoe have?
3- How old was Defoe when he died?
4- What did Crusoe save from the ship?
5- How did Crusoe become a rich man?
6- Why do you think Crusoe's parents didn't want him to be a sailor?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- What were the extraordinary things in the story?
2- What made the police suspect the storyteller?
3- Why was the storyteller sad when the face on the wall grew faint?
4- What happened to the face on the wall at the same time Mr Ormond Wall died?
B- Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"I found myself searching the streets for one like it."
1- Who did the speaker search for?
2- Where did he search for him?
3- What did he discover about him?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- At the end if the story, the storyteller surprised us by .........
2- The storyteller began to think about the face on the wall as his fellow- lodger because .........
E- Writing
9) A) Read the following letter and write a reply to it:
Your name is Khalid. You sent the following letter to your English friend Alan Harris who lives at pw 17, 89 Oxford Street, London. Write Alan's reply.

Dear Alan,
It gives me much pleasure to invite you to pass two weeks in Egypt. You will be pleased to see the ancient remains of the Pharaohs. I'm sure you'll enjoy the weather.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in Egypt.

B) Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"The importance of reading"
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
Optimism and pessimism determine our success or failure. Optimism stimulate self-confidence and good relationships and opens the way to success. Pessimism makes us uncertain of abilities, our personal relationships or ourselves and blocks the way to success.
B- Translate into English:
من الأفضل أن تخـطط لمستقبلك من الآن.
الشباب دائما مغرم بالمغامرات.
l agency مكتب سفريات colleague زميل (عمل – دراسة) satisfaction رضا – قناعة
e– mail بريد إلكتروني customer زبون – عميل satisfy يشبع
telephone answering machine آلة استقبال مكالمات وتسجيلها تليفونياً satisfied راضى – قانع
request طلب apply for يتقدم بطلب satisfactory مرضى
caller متصل ( شخص ) – داعي practice (n) ممارسة of my own ملكي
note down بدون practical عملي – تطبيقي office skills مهارات مكتبية
address يخاطب - عنوان instructions تعليمات – إرشادات interpret يترجم شفوى
confirm يؤكد instruct يرشد ـ يعلم translate يترجم تحريرى
booking حجز contact number الرقم المتصل به translator مترجم
culture ثقافة laboratory (lab) معمل translation ترجمة
oasis واحة method of payment طريقة الدفع side by side جنبا إلى جنب
sightseeing مشاهده المعالم السياحية journalist صحفي topics موضوعات
secretary سكرتير journalism الصحافة excitement اثارة ـ متعة
training تدريب the press الصحافة exciting مثير ـ ممتع
duties واجبات rugged mountains جبال وعرة excited مثار ـ منفعل
ambitions طموحات reasonable price سعر معقول note down يدون ـ يلاحظ
continent قارة investment استثمار surgery جراحة
train (in) يدرب على uniform زي موحد surgeon جراح
certificate شهادة downtown وسط المدينة (البلد) airlines الخطوط الجوية
typing course دورة آلة كاتبة invest يستثمر airline pilot طيار جوي
boss رئيس العمل investor مستثمر hostess مضيفة طيران
documents وثائق investment استثمار attendant مضيفة طيران
do experiments يجرى تجارب encourage investment يشجع الاستثمار fly يطير
qualification مؤهل foreign investment استثمار أجنبي flight رحلة جوية
qualified مؤُهل waiter جرسون – نادل explore يستكشف
qualify يؤهل serve food يقدم طعام explorer مستكشف
qualifier الشخص المؤهل restaurant مطعم exploration استكشاف
teach يعلم fireman رجل إطفاء dentist طبيب أسنان
teacher معلم ـ مدرس fire حريق tooth - teeth سنة ـ أسنان
teaching تدريس on fire مشتعل cleaner منظف ـ عامل نظافة
educate يعلم set fire يشعل نار carpenter نجار
educator معلم bake يخبز furniture أثاث
education تعليم baker خباز policeman شرطى
educational تعليمى bakery مخبز thief لص
educational programes برامـــــج تعليميـــة robber لص
General secondary education الثــانـــوية العــامــة robbery سرقة
Language notes
learn – teach know – show
learn ــ teach + ( to + inf ) أو ( how to + inf ) يتعـلم ـ يعـلم
She learns to cook. She learns how to cook.
know ــ show + ( how to + inf ) يعـرف ـ يوضـح
She knows how to cook.

work job career profession
work ( عمـل ـ مكـان العمـل ( إسـم لايعـد
I have got a lot of work to do. Mr Ahmed leaves work at two o'clock.
job ( وظيفـه ـ مهنـه ( إسـم يعـد

He has got a job as a teacher. I have got a lot of jobs to do.
career مهنـه الحيـاه العمـليـه للفـرد
He started his career five years ago.
profession ( مهنـه ( تحتـاج إلى مؤهـلات وتـدريـب
Teaching is a profession Job.

steal rob
steal يسـرق شـئ
A thief stole my bag. The thief stole my money.
rob يسـرق مكـان
A gang robbed the bank yesterday.
rob somebody of something يسلـب شـئ مـن شخـص
They robbed him of his money.

interpreter Translator
interpreter مترجـم فـورى ـ شفهـى
I want to work as an interpreter.
translator مترجـم نصـوص
My uncle is a translator; he translates documents, and official paper

apply for يتقـدم بطلـب للحصـول علـى وظيفـة
She applied for a job as a secretary.
apply to يقـدم طـلب لشـركـة أو لشخـص
He applied to three universities and was accepted by all of them.
advise recommend

عـاقـل to + المصـدر
يوصـى بـ ـ يرشـح
advise عـاقـل not to + المصـدر recommend شــئ to شخـص
about future شخـص for شــئ
شخـص to شـــئ
The doctors advised me to have complete rest.
The doctor advised me not to smoke. The headmaster advised us about future.
She can always recommend the right person for the job.
He recommended me a good book to read.

( Make / made / made )
make a discovery يكتشف make a decision يقرر make a mistake يخطئ
make a trouble يسبب متاعب make the beds يرتب السراير make friends يعمل صداقات
make a choice يختار make a trip يقوم برحلة make a suggestion يقترح
make a question يسأل make a plan يخطط make a promise يوعد
make a journey يقوم برحلة make a phone call يعمل مكالمة
( do / did / done )
do research يقوم ببحث علمى do a favour يصنع معروفا do repairs يقوم باصلاحات
do homework يعمل الواجب do shopping يتسوق do business يقوم بعمل تجارى
do PhD يعمل دكتوراة do better يتحسن do his best يبذل قصارى جهده
do work يقوم بعمل do a report on يعد تقرير عن do a quiz يقوم بعمل مسابقة
do a hobby يقوم بهواية do exercise يقوم بتدريب
do damage يدمر do the housework يقوم بالأعمال المنزلية
work that you do regularly to earn money.
improve to become better or to make something better.
qualifications an examination that you have passed at school or university.
attendant someone who takes care of public place and deal with customers.
advertisement a set of words or pictures in a newspaper, a magazine etc ….

Questions and answers

1- How many hours a week does Leila work ?
48 hours .

2- Why did Leila apply for this job ?
Because Leila wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies .

3- Does Leila have to work on 6th october ?
No, because it's a public holiday .

4- What did Leila do when she started this job ?
She found out what other people in the company did .

5- What does Leila have to do now ?
She writes letters and e-mails , answers phone calls and sometimes translates letters .

6- Why is it important for someone in a travel company to speak English well ?
Enlish is an international language spoken by many people as a second language. A person in a
travel company would need to speak to people from many countries .

7- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking , listening , reading or writing English ? She will probably need all four language skills : listening and speaking ( for phone calls and meetings ), reading and writin ( for etters, e-mails, reading brochures etc… ) .

8- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabc ?
There will be documents \ letters, etc, which need to be read by people who know only Arabc and
others by people who don't know any Arabic .

9- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work ?
To book flights and other travel reservations, to check times, to find accomodation, to research
holiday destinations and tourist attractions etc…… .

10- What are the advantages of speaking to people in their languages ?
It is easier to communicate, but also easier to understand possible cultural differences. It also
leads to respect and multual understanding .

11- How can the internet be used to improve peopl's lives ?
To learn language. It can help people with their education, research and various skills such as
spelling. It can give the access to up– to– date information from anywhere in the world. It can
provide access to an increasing range of services, saving travel, money and time .

12- Do you think being able to use the internet will become more or less important in the future? why ?
It will be more imporatant because it can provides us with a lot of information about any branchs
of science and fields.It can facilitates our work and help us to perform any task easily and accurately

13- Which job would you like to do ?
A tour guide : to research information about places o interests. To deal with foreighners and
acquire useful experience .

14- What qualities would you need to get this job ?
A good command of forieghn languages , having a pleasant character, knowledgeable .

15- Why do you think each job needs someone who can speak English ?
because it is an international language and to be able to communicate with others easily .


Choose the correct answer:

1. I (recommend– deal– collect– keep) that you get a holiday after working for such a long time.
2. I (connected– joined– contracted– contacted) him by telephone and told him the new structions.
3. ( Nurses– Teachers– Workmen– Engineers) wear white uniform at work.
4. The teacher (recommended- consulted- noted- directed) this book for me to read.
5. The travel (work- service- force- agency) organized trips all over the world.
6. A (manager- travel agent- seller- guard) works in an office and arranges holidays for customers.
7. (A scientist- An engineer- An inspector- A journalist) works in a laboratory.
8. Ahmed paid for the goods (with- in- by- from) credit card.
9. What are your (causes- results- effects- reasons) for taking this jobs.
10. All pupils stood side (to- with- by- on) side.
11. I (recommend- ask- tell- offer) that you inquire about the job.
12. A waiter (serves- grows- makes- cooks) food to customers at a restaurant.
13. I telephoned the hotel to (form- confirm- preserve- book) my reservation.
14. Scientists (do- take- make carry) experiments in laboratories.
15. Your birth (certificate- paper- sheet- place) tells people when you were born.
16. We work eight hours (at- in- on- a) day.
17. (An occulist- A physician- a doctor- A dentist) takes care of peoples's teeth.
18. My brother (mailed- connected- contacted) me by telephone when he arrived at work.
19. Who do you work (for- off- by- from) Mahmoud?
20. The booking clerk asked me to (complete- fill- fall- feel) in the form.
21. The (flight attendant – nurse- doctor- usher) asked the passengers to fasten belts.
22. We bought some bread that is made by the (baker- bakery- carpenter- nurse).
23. A ( Doctor- carpenter- baker- pilot) is a person who makes furniture.
24. Ahmed is good at (translating- interpreting- making- doing) books from English into Arabic.
25. She got ( a job- work- a career- a position) as a secretary.
26. A \ An( doctor – engineer – baker – butcher ) Is someone whose job is to make bread, cakes etc .
27. Aida's applied ( to – in – for – with ) a management job in cairo .
28. ( Meat – Bread – Jam – Fruit ) is a common food made from flour , water , and yeast .
29. Did he give any reason ( for – with – in – of ) learning.
30. I got a part-time ( job – join – jet – jew ) as a writer.
31. The ( rent – pay – hire – fees ) in her job isn't good.
32. Staff are ( tried – trained – transferred – transported ) in how to deal with difficult customers.
33. Swimming can ( imprison – impress – improve – import ) your muscle tone.
34. Karnak temple is a major tourist ( attract – attraction – attractive – attractively ).
35. All she is ( worried – interested – keen – bored ) in is her kids.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مستر ايهاب
عضو vip
عضو vip
مستر ايهاب

عدد المساهمات : 2220
نقاط : 3148
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/10/2009

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالأحد 8 أبريل 2012 - 14:25

Re-write the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1- But for my advice, he would fail. ( Unless )
2- Alaa was going to the chub. I met him. ( when )
3- He is no longer poor. ( used to )
4- He didn't buy a car till he had got a driving license. ( Having )
5- Having received his salary, he repaid me. ( until )
6- He went to bed immediately after having dinner, ( as soon as )
7- He had to apologize for his awful mistake. ( because )
8- He had read the story before seeing the film. (reading)
9- It was only when he had taken the medicine that he recovered. ( He didn't..)
10- Ahmed shouts again and again. ( usually )
A- Translate into Arabic:
To seek peace requires a lot of hard work, patience and compromises. It must be worked out in face to face talks between warring parties. Moreover, it is not until an end is put to the cold war between conflicting groups that it is possible to iron out differences.
B- Translate into English:
ـ الصحبة الجيدة تقى الفرد ضد الانحراف.
ـ علينا جميعا مساعده اليتامى والفقراء.
To seek peace السعي للسلم Patience الصبر Talks محادثات
Compromises تسويات Conflicting groups الأحزاب المتصارعة
Direct & Indirect speech المبـاـشر و غيـر المباشـر
الجمــلة الخبـريــة
 عنـد تحـويـل جمـلة مـن مباشـر إلى غيـر مباشـر نتبع الآتـى :ـ
 تغييرات خـارج الأقـواس :ـ
said said tell say to say say
told said to tells says to says says

 تحــذف الأقــواس ونـربــط بــ that أو بـدونهــا .
 يتغير الزمن داخل الأقـواس إذا كان الفعـل خـارج الأقـواس ماضى كالآتـى .

ماضى تـام مضــارع تــام مـاضى بسيـط مضـارع بسيـط
ماضى تـام ماضى بسيــط ماضى مستمـر مضـارع مستمر
ماضيهـا الأفعـال الناقصة must have + pp must الاستنتاج
wasn't to mustn't didn't have to needn't
must - have to - has to had to

 تحـــول الظـروف الزمنية والمكانية كـالآتى :
yesterday the day before - the previous day
tomorrow the next ( following ) day
that day today then now
before ago, last that night tonight
there here the following next
those these that this

He said to me “I will travel to Port Said tomorrow”
He told me that he would travel to port said the next day.

She said to her brother, “I phoned you yesterday”
She told her brother that she had phoned him the day before.

Ahmed said to me, " I have won the prize last week."
Ahmed told me that he had won the prize the week before.

 لاحــظ :ـ إذا كـان داخـل الأقـواس أكثـر مـن جمـلة نربـط الأولـى بـ that والثانية نربطهـا بـ and added that

She said “I didn’t attend the party. I must apologize.”
She said that she hadn't attended the party and added that she had to apologize.
الجمــلة الأمـــريـة
 يتحـول فعــل القـول إلى :ـ ordered – asked – told – advised
 فى الأمــر المثبـت نستخــدم ( المصـدر + to )
He said to his son “study hard.”
He advised his son to study hard.
 فى الأمــر المنفـى نستخـدم ( المصـدر + not to )
He said to me “don’t waste your time.”
He advised ( told ) me not to waste my time.

He said tome " Open the door and don't close the window."
He ordered me to open the door and not to close the window.
ملاحـظــات عـامـة
 لا يتـم تغييـر ما بداخـل الأقـواس فى هـذه الجمـل لأن ما بداخـل الأقواس حقيقـة علميـة.
Ali said to Ramy, “ The earth is round.”
Al told Ramy that the earth is round.
 لأن فعـل القول مضـارع بسيـط .
Rania says, “ I will travel to London.”
Rania says that she will travel to London.
 لأن الحـدث قيـل فى الحـال أو قبـل فتـرة بسيطـة.
He said just now, “ No one is allowed to leave.”
He said just now that no one is allowed to leave.
 لأن الجمـل شرطيـة لــ if الحالـة الثانيـة أو الثالثـة وبعـد wish / If only .
She said, “ If I had met him, I would have known the news.”
She said that if she had met him, she would have known the news.
He said, “ If I had the money, I would buy a car.”
He said that if he had the money, he would buy a car.
He said,” I wish I got the prize.”
He said he wished he got the prize.

 فى جمـل العـرض .
He said, “Can I help you ?"
He offered to help me.
 فى جمــل التمنـى .

He said to me, “Have a nice holiday."
She wished me a nice holiday.
 فى جمــل الاتهــام .

He said to the servant, “You stole my wallet."
He accused the servant of stealing his wallet.
 فى جمـل الاقتـراح .

He said, “Let’s swim"
He suggested swimming. He suggested that they should swim.
 الوعــد .

His father said, “If you get high mark, I’ll buy you a bike
His father promised to buy him a bike if he got high marks.
 الإنكــار .

The thief said, “I didn’t steal the money
The thief denied stealing the money.
that he had stolen the money.
 الإعتــذار .

He said, “I’m sorry I didn’t attend your party
He apologized for not attending my party.
 التهـديـد .

She said to me, “Don’t make noise or I’ll punish you."
She threatened to punish me if I made noise.
 التحـذيـر .
He said to his son, “Don’t play with match or you'll get burnt
He warned his son against playing with match or he’d get burnt.
not to play with match or he’d get burnt.

 فى جمــل الـوداع مثـل good bye – farewell يحــول فعــل القـول إلى bade .
He said to her, "good bye."
He bade her good bye.
 فى جمـل الشكـر يحـول فعــل القــول إلى thanked .
He said to me, "Thank you very much."
He thanked me very much.
 إذا جــاءت كلمـة yes تحــذف ويتحــول فعــل القــول إلى agree .
He said to me, "yes, I shall go with you."
He agreed to go with me.
 إذا جــاءت كلمـة no تحـذف ويتحــول فعــل القــول إلى refuse .
She said to me, "No, I won't obey your orders."
She refused to obey my orders.
 لا تتغيـر بعـض التعبيـرات مثـل would like – would rather – had better .
I said to my friend, " Would you like to go with me to the cinema?"
I asked my friend if he would like to go to the cinema.
 يتحــول الفعـل come إلى go إذا جـاء مــع here التى تتحـول إلى there .
He said to me, "come here."
He ordered me to go there.
 إذا وجـد بالجمـلة سؤالين أحدهما بأداة استفهـام والآخر بفعـل مساعد نستعمل أداة الاستفهام كأداة ربط ونستعمـل if فى الجملة الثانية .
She said to me, "Where did you go yesterday ? Can you answer this question ?"
She asked me where I had gone the day before and if I could answer that question.

 إذا وجـد بالجملـة سؤال وجملـة خبريـة يوضـع قبل السؤال asked وقبل الجملـة الخبريـة said – told .
He said, "You can solve your problems. Will you follow my advice?
He said that I could solve my problems and asked if I would follow his advice.

 إذا بـدأت الجمـلة داخـل الأقـواس بــ If الإفتـراضيـة تحـول كـالآتى :
advise + مـفعـول + to + المصــدر مـن جــواب الشــرط

He said, " If I were you, I would buy a car."
He advised me to buy a car.
 تحــول must إلى had to فى المـاضـى .
He said, " I must study hard."
He said that he had to study hard.
 لا تتحـول must إذا كـانـت تـدل على وجـوب دائـم .
She said, "Children must obey their parents."
She said that children must obey their parents.
 تحــول must إلى would have to فى المستقبــل .
He said, " I must go to Cairo tomorrow.
He said that he would have to go to Cairo tomorrow.
 إذا كانـت الجمــلة داخـل الأقـواس تعبـر عــن دعـوة تتحـول كالآتـى :ـ + فـاعــل offer مفعــول +
He said to me, "would you like to have a drink ?"
He offered me a drink. Or He asked me if I would like to have a drink.
 تحــول couldn't إلى wasn't allowed to .
He said to me, "I couldn't interrupt my parents."
He said to me that he wasn't allowed to interrupt his parents.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :

1. He says , " I'm pleased to get the prize " ( He says that )
2. He said , " I shall meet him at six o'clock . " ( He said that )
3. He said to me , " stop when the light is red . " ( He told me )
4. She said to her sister, " Don't play in the street " ( not to )
5. He asked me when I arrived . ( He said to me )
6. He advised me not to work for a late hour . ( don't )
7. The teacher said , " Don't write the questions . " ( not to )
8. Mother said to me, " Don't be late . " ( not to )
9. " Leave me a lone, " said Mona to her friends . ( to leave )
10. He said to the pupils, " Don't leave before you finish " ( He told the pupils )
11. She said to me , " Don't write your name on the box . " ( She told me )
12. " I'm going to travel to ِAmerica . " ( He told me )
13. He said, " I went to the cinema last Monday . " ( He told me )
14. She said to me, " I'll buy a new car next month." ( She told me )
15. Ahmed said to Ali, " I have won the prize last week." ( Ahmed told Ali )
Change into indirect:

16. Noha said I am doing my job.
17. I said to her, “ You are an active girl.”
18. Mansour said to his sister, “I intend to run away from home.”
19. Hanan said, “I have no patience with ill- mannered people.”
20. Shaima said to Amal, “ I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready.”
21. Hasan said to Amal, “I shall always respect you.”
22. My sister said to me, “I have something to show you.”
23. His sister said to him, “I don’t know why you waste your time.”
24. He repeated, “I am asking you to believe me.”
25. The man said, “I booked a double room on the first floor.”
26. Walid said to Rehab, “I tried to phone you twice.”
27. His mother said to him, “I was expecting news from you.”
28. He said, “If I find the book, I’ll give it to you.”
29. She said, “If I was offered the job, I would take it.”
30. The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”

Test 12
A- Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between you and Ahmed who is going to the USA:

Hany : What is the matter?
Omar : I forgot my wallet?
Hany : ………….….(1)……………..
Omar : I have to go back to get it.
Hany : …………….(2)……………..…
Omar : Of course. I'm sure it is at home.
Hany : I think there is no problem, …………….(3)…………….. ?
Omar : Thanks, I don't like borrowing.
Hany : …………….(4)…………...for the show.
Omar : I can go and return quickly.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your friend has a cut in his hand
2- You don't know how to drive a car, you ask someone.
3- You offer a visitor something to drink.
4- Your friend has passed his exams.
B- Vocabulary and Structutre
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The doctor ……………….. me to stay in bed for a week.
a) advised b) said c) spoke d) recommended
2. He taught me ………………. drive a car.
a) to b) for c) on d) about
3. She is learning how to translate English ……………….. Arabic.
a) to b) for c) into d) about
4. She likes the people she works ………………………….. .
a) to b) for c) with d) about
5. The thief ………………….. the house and killed the woman.
a) robbed b) stole c) rubbed d) stealing
6. The ……………….. asked the passenger to fasten the belts.
a) attendant b) pilot c) manager d) secretary
7. she always goes to her ……………………….. early in the morning.
a) work b) job c) career d) profession
8. I coldn't understand the tourist, so Ali …………….. for me.
a) translated b) called c) translate d) interpretted
9. …………………… takes care of peoples's teeth.
a) An occulist b) A dentist c) a doctor d) A physician
10. He applied …………………….. a job as a driver in a big company.
a) to b) for c) on d) of

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- I have seen the film before. " ( She told me )
2- I don't like going to parties." ( He told me )
3- Ali said to me " I have to go to the dentist tomorrow." ( Ali told )
4- The doctor said to me "You have to stay in bed for a week." ( The doctor told the patient)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Breakfast is one of those meals that ...(!)... from person to person, and country to country. For many school children breakfast is a ...(2)... of milk at home, and a long wait ...(3)... the first break of the morning, when they eat sandwiches or a chocolate bar. Some families ...(4)... down and eat together in the morning, and ...(5)... to the news on the radio or ...(6)... early morning television.
(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Mr. Ibrahem has been driving a car for several years and he had always been a very careful driver. He often drove into town and he had to pass traffic lights on the way. One day the first traffic lights were just changing from green to red when he passed them. Almost at once, a policeman ordered him to stop. And asked him why he hadn't stopped at the red light. He answered that he was afraid to stop suddenly because if a car had been just behind him, it might have his.
The policeman answered angrily that there was no excuse and only foolish drivers who were driving close behind him would do so. The policeman warned him to be more careful but he didn't fin him and let him pass.
Mr. Ibrhem thanked the policeman and drove very careful to the next traffic lights where he had to stop suddenly when he the light changed. At the same moment something hit his back of his car. When he looked around he saw the same policeman. The front tyre of his car was pressed against the back of Ibrahem's car.
Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the policeman stop Mr. Ibrahem?
2- Who hit Mr. Ibrahim's car? Why?
3- Show that the policeman was kind-hearted man.
4- What does the black typed word refer to?
Choose the correct answer:
5- The policeman was ---------------------- driver.
a- careful b- careless c- carefree d- modest
6- Mr. Ibrahem was ---------------------- when he saw the same policeman hit his car.
a- happy b- worried c- pleased d- surprise
7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- Which job would you like to do ?
2- What qualities would you need to get this job ?
3- What are the advantages of speaking to people in their languages ?
4- How can the internet be used to improve peopl's lives ?
5- How can you improve your English?
6- Why do you think each job needs someone who can speak English?
D- The Novel
8- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why were there patches of dampness on the walls of the storyteller room?
2- What did the storyteller say about 'truth'?
3- Why did the storyteller go to places where people collected together in large numbers?
4- What did the storyteller do after reading about Mr Ormond Wall's accident?

B- Read the following quotation. Then answer the questions:
"One of these was exactly like a human face."
1- Who said this statement?
2- What was he talking about?
3- Why do you think he felt sure it was like a human face?
C- Complete the following sentences:
1- Patches on the wall changed except.........
2- When the storyteller saw the real man in a taxi,.........
E- Writing
8) Read the following letter and-write reply to it:
Your name is Hassan and you live at 19 El-Galaa Street, Mansura.
Dear Hassan,
I can't express my happiness at finding a post in a bank in Cairo. I suffered much from
unemployment. It has always been my desire to get such a job. It is a golden chance to realize my dream. I'll do my best to gain experience and to be a success. Love from,
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
The problems that youth face nowadays
F- Translation
10- A- Translate into Arabic:
Money is the source of all evil. It encourages some young men to do bad habits. Moreover, it urges some people to commit crimes such as theft, violence, forgery and murder.
B- Translate into English:
يجب أن تأخـذ قسطـا من الراحـة لكـى تجـدد نشاطـك وتكـون قادرا على الإنتـاج.

wonder يتعجب – عجيبة medical reports تقارير طبية wasteful مسرف - مبذر
seven wonders العجائب السبعة century قرن (مائة عام) over use استخدام زائد
article مقالة invent يخترع desire يرغب – رغبة
starvation = hunger مجاعة invention اختراع regret يندم – ندم
starve يموت جوعا X-ray أشعة إكس insect حشرة
spray يرش – رشاش diagnose يشخص insecticide مبيد حشرى
fertilize يخصب – يسمد diagnosis تشخيص promise يوعد – وعد
fertilizer سماد – مخصب injury إصابة suggest يقترح
environment البيئة surgeon جراح aero plane = plane طائرة
partner = classmate زميل فصل replace يستبدل advantages =merits مزايا
reflect يعكس – يتأمل reflection انعكاس disadvantages عيوب
average معدل – متوسط disagree لا يوافق bell جرس
list قائمة life expectancy توقع طول العمر international calls مكالمة دولية
menu قائمة أطعمة cloning الاستنساخ communicate with يتخاطب مع
communication اتصال advance = progress تقدم increase يزيد – زيادة
economic problem مشكلة اقتصادية Lighthouse at Alex منارة الإسكندرية means of ommunication وسائل اتصال
imagination خيال decrease ينقص locate (on) يضع – تقع على
connected (to - with) مرتبط بـ comfort rest راحة consist of contain يتكون من
bill فاتورة mankind = flesh الجنس البشرى remainder الباقى
damaged organ عضو جسم تالفة economic activities أنشطة اقتصادية detailed maps خرائط تفصيلية
affect يؤثر على economical مقتصد in details بالتفصيل
effect (on) تأثير economy الاقتصاد details تفاصيل
imagine = fancy يتخيل - يتصور economic siege حصار اقتصادى crossword كلمات متاقطعة
medical revolution ثورة طبية economic crisis أزمة اقتصادية satellite أجهزة استشعار
revolution ثورة consume يستهلك involve يشتمل – يتضمن
Language notes
invent discover explore

invent يخترع شىء جديد لم يكن موجود من قبل
Edison invented the electrical lamb.
discover يكتشف شىء كان موجـود ولكنة غير معروف
Newten discovered gravity.
explore يستكشف شىء غريب و يعرف شىء عنه
It is said that Columbus landed on America and explored it .

Reflect - reflect on

Reflect يعكس
Mirrors reflect lights.
reflect on يفكر بشدة
I reflected on this problem to solve it but I couldn’t.
Surgeon - physician
surgeon جـراح
A doctor who performs operation is a surgeon.

physician طبيـب معالـج
A doctor who treats diseases is a physician.

list – menu
list قائمـة ( أسمـاء – أسعـار التسـوق)
There is a list of names in alphabetical order.
menu قائمـة طعـام فـى مطعم
The waiter brought us the menu.

affect = have an effect on
affect يؤثـر علـى
Smoking affects health badly.
effect تأثيـر
Smoking has a bad effect on health.

coast shore beach bank
coast ســاحل
Alex. is located on the north coast of Egypt.
shore البحـيرة ) ) شـاطئ البحـر
I saw some boats on the shore of the sea.
beach البـلاج ( الجـزء الرملـى عنـد حافـة البحـر )
We sat on the beach and ate ice cream.
bank ضفـة النهــر أو القنــاة
Trees grow along the bank of rivers.

made in made of made from
made in صنـع فـى
This car is made in Japan .
made of صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها ما زالت موجـودة )
The bag is made of leather .
made from ( صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها لم تعـد موجـودة
The cake is made from flou
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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عدد المساهمات : 27639
نقاط : 60776
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
الموقع : http://elawa2l.com/vb


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالخميس 19 أبريل 2012 - 5:03

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Sunna.362ffac404

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى 91990
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو جديد

عدد المساهمات : 13
نقاط : 17
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/05/2013
العمر : 55

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالخميس 9 مايو 2013 - 11:15

شوك علي هالمجهود

يعطيك الله العافية

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Sunna.362ffac404

مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى 00qb0510

اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت ، خلقتني وأنا عبدك ، وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت ، أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت ، أبوء لك بنعمتك علي وأبوء لك بذنبي فاغفر لي ، فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت . قال : ومن قالها من النهار موقنا بها ، فمات من يومه قبل أن يمسي ، فهو من أهل الجنة ، ومن قالها من الليل وهو موقن بها ، فمات قبل أن يصبح ، فهو من أهل الجنة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمةموضوع: who do you need to protect rain forests?why?   مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى Emptyالإثنين 23 نوفمبر 2015 - 5:22

يا ريت تبعثولي يا هسا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مقرر التيرم التانى كامل لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثالث
» مقرر التيرم الثانى لغة انجليزية الاول الثانوى الجزء الثانى
» شرح التيرم الثانى للغة الفرنسية اولى ثانوى
» Review E لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى
» الوحدة 10-11 اولى ثانوى لغة انجليزية ترم ثانى

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